
Intestinal infections at sea in children: what parents need to know about. Prevention of intestinal infections in children at sea Probiotics for the prevention of intestinal infections at sea

Every summer, many families go to the sea to relax and improve their health. Some people have a wonderful time, while others have their vacation spoiled by various unexpected illnesses. Sea resorts are mainly characterized by intestinal infections of viral, bacterial or fungal origin.

One of the serious problems can be becoming familiar with rotavirus infection. Most often, children catch it, so it is very important to know how to help yourself and your child when faced with this disease.

To prevent your long-awaited vacation at sea from being ruined, you need to know how to prevent rotavirus and intestinal infections

Meet rotavirus

Rotavirus infection, or intestinal flu, affects the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, causing the development of gastritis or gastroenteritis. A feature of the symptoms of the disease is general intoxication of the body and signs of a cold, so rotavirus is difficult to diagnose.

Intestinal infection poses the greatest danger to infants and children under 5 years of age, as it causes dehydration. This is followed by impaired brain activity and kidney failure, so the children are hospitalized.

For the emergence of rotavirus and its spread, favorable factors will be the warm season and large crowds of people. It is precisely these suitable conditions that are created in hot countries and at sea in the summer.

Routes and methods of infection, period of development of intestinal infection

Rotavirus infection is extremely contagious and is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. The mode of transmission is the fecal-oral route - it is through the mouth that the virus enters the body. The incubation period after infection ranges from several hours to a week. In addition, a sick person is a carrier of infection until he or she fully recovers – i.e. for another 5-7 days after the disappearance of clinical symptoms.

While exploring the world, young children quite often taste everything, so it is extremely difficult to protect them from the disease. The most common ways of infection for them at sea may be:

  • contaminated water;
  • contaminated food;a
  • milk from an infected cow;
  • poorly washed fruits and vegetables;
  • dirty hands;
  • toys and household items.

Rotaviruses can live in the external environment for a long time. Their life span is:

  • on household items – 10-45 days;
  • on food products – up to 30 days;
  • in water supply and reservoirs - about 60 days.

In addition to contaminated water, rotaviruses can be found in food products - for example, you should not buy homemade milk on vacation

How to recognize rotavirus infection in a child?

Weak children's immunity is not able to cope with the virus. This leads to the fact that some children suffer from the disease several times during a period. Parents of children are simply obliged to know the enemy by sight in order to prevent the development of the disease and promptly treat the child if infected.

The main symptoms of rotavirus, which develop acutely and rapidly in children, are:

  • frequent vomiting with short periods of improvement;
  • repeated diarrhea (watery);
  • spasm and abdominal pain (we recommend reading:);
  • high body temperature;
  • weakness, drowsiness and lethargy;
  • eye redness and tearing;
  • sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion.

If these symptoms appear, you must urgently call an ambulance. With the acute development of the disease at home, it is difficult to cope with all the symptoms, so in order to avoid complications, it is better to hospitalize the child.

Treatment of rotavirus in children

Treatment of rotavirus infection should be comprehensive. It includes the use of medications and, additionally, traditional medicine. If symptoms appear suddenly, parents should take emergency measures before the ambulance arrives.

Emergency help

Emergency care is aimed at rehydrating the body - combating dehydration. After vomiting stops, it is necessary to restore the body’s water-salt balance by increasing the child’s drinking regimen. It is mandatory to take rehydration medications, including:

  • Regidron;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • Hydrovit.


To remove toxins from the body and alleviate the general condition, the baby is prescribed one of the following medications:

  1. Smecta. Available in powder form in sachets. Effectively copes with gastrointestinal cramps, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea. It is used in the treatment of children under one year of age.
  2. Enterosgel (more details in the article:). A paste-like product that envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, absorbing toxins and eliminating signs of intoxication. Approved for use in pediatrics.
  3. Polysorb. Sorbent that relieves signs of intoxication. Given to children from birth.
  4. Stopdiar. Can be given from two months of age. The product copes well with attacks of diarrhea.

In the absence of profuse and watery bowel movements, you can use probiotics - Linex, Lacidofil, Bifiform. They will restore the intestinal microflora and normalize stool.

Antidiarrheals and intestinal antiseptics

Treatment of patients who have contracted rotavirus infection, according to the doctor's indications, is accompanied by the use of antidiarrheal drugs and intestinal antiseptics (if there is a risk of bacterial infection). Independent use of such drugs is not recommended, since stopping diarrhea, which helps cleanse the body, can only worsen the patient’s condition.

If necessary, the pediatrician may prescribe:

  1. Enterofuril (more details in the article:). The medicine has a powerful antimicrobial effect. Copes with diarrhea of ​​bacterial origin. In children's practice it is used from the age of 3. May cause adverse reactions in the body such as allergic rashes and nausea.
  2. Enterol. An antimicrobial drug used in the treatment of diarrhea. It has no contraindications, but can cause minor allergic reactions and mild stomach pain.
  3. Furazolidone (we recommend reading:). An antibacterial drug used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract. Not allowed for use in the treatment of children under 1 month, as well as persons with chronic renal failure and disorders of the central nervous system.

Folk remedies at home

Saline solution will help with dehydration. For 1 liter of water add 1 teaspoon of salt and 5 teaspoons of sugar. This solution is good because the salt will retain water in the body, and the sugar will replenish the level of glucose in the blood. Thus, the water-salt balance will be maintained.

To reduce body temperature, use 9% vinegar, which is diluted in half with water. It is necessary to wipe the child’s limbs with this solution and place a moistened compress on the patient’s head. These measures will quickly relieve fever and will become indispensable in cases where it is impossible to use antipyretic drugs due to constant attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Wormwood decoction is a proven folk remedy for the treatment of diarrhea.

Wormwood herb will be an effective remedy in the fight against diarrhea, but this tincture can cause an allergic reaction. Pour 1 spoon of the plant into a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and brought to 250 ml with boiling water. After one year of age, babies can be given 1 tsp, adding to a bottle of water. Older children should also dilute 1-2 tbsp. spoons in half a glass of boiled water.

How to alleviate a child’s condition during and after treatment?

Providing first aid and relieving symptoms is not everything. In order for the body to return to normal after bouts of diarrhea and dehydration, the child needs special care. We will give recommendations for parents regarding a gentle diet and lifestyle for the child during the recovery period.

Nutritional Features

On the first day, especially with severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to refrain from eating food. During this period, it is necessary to preserve fluid in the body, so the child is given saline solutions or mineral water without gas. The next day after vomiting stops, you can introduce the following into your diet:

  • unwashed rice porridge;
  • rice water in the form of a drink;
  • crackers, dried or dry biscuits;
  • strong tea.

Porridge and rice broth have astringent properties and are effective for indigestion.

After some time, the child can be given oatmeal, semolina with water, soup with light broth, and dried fruit compote. Dairy and fermented milk products are contraindicated for intestinal diseases, as they can lead to a deterioration in the child’s condition. You should also avoid eating fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet must be followed for about a month or until the body is completely restored.

Features of care

At first, a child who has contracted an infection is prescribed bed rest. In addition, you should pay attention to how often you urinate. It should not be less than 5 times a day, otherwise dehydration is possible. If there is heat or chills, the baby can be covered with a warm blanket. Since there is a high probability of transmitting the virus, it is worth setting aside separate dishes for the patient.

Prevention: how to protect children from rotavirus?

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is especially important to keep your hands clean. They must be washed after using the toilet, walking, and before eating.

Short-cropped nails can also protect your baby. In addition, the following rules will help avoid infection:

  • It is not allowed to eat protein and cream confectionery products in hot weather;
  • You should not purchase products at spontaneous markets or from street vendors;
  • it is necessary to monitor the timing of purchased products;
  • Do not drink raw water;
  • in the summer, you need to remove dairy and perishable foods from your diet;
  • It is necessary to thoroughly wash the dishes immediately before use, and boil them once a week;
  • Children's toys should be treated with soap and care that children do not put their hands in their mouths.

For the purpose of prevention, it is important to teach children to cleanliness and personal hygiene not only during rest, since this is a labor-intensive process that requires the investment of effort and time. These efforts will pay off in the future and protect you from many problems.

A accustomed child, of course, will need a little supervision, but during a summer holiday at sea the likelihood of infection with rotavirus will be significantly reduced. Such prevention will save the baby’s health, and parents’ nerves and finances.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

In certain situations, the use of Enterofuril helps both adults and children.

When the gastrointestinal tract is infected by rotavirus, it is necessary to take appropriate medication.

For emergency treatment and prevention, you can use folk remedies. However, it is much more effective to take Enterofuril - its validity has been proven by medical practice.

Features of intestinal diseases

Long-term clinical practice shows that intestinal infections occur with equal frequency in both adults and children.

The normal functioning of the digestive system is determined by the general state of health. Immunity does not allow rotavirus and other types of infections to develop in the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, we must be aware that the intestines accumulate various types of microorganisms and periodically remove them out.

Those microbes that are outside the human body live for a long time and remain active.

The presence of E. coli is detected in the soil, on fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.

Carriers of intestinal infections enter the body with food. If a person does not have the habit of washing their hands before eating, the risk of disease increases significantly.

This primarily applies to young children.

To prevent poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders, it is necessary to instill in them the right habits: be sure to wash your hands before sitting down at the dinner table, and do not bite your nails.

Carriers of infection are often found in products that have already expired. Diarrhea is often caused by stale sausage. At the first signs of disorder, you can take Enterofuril.

Currently, not only Enterofuril is used for the prevention and treatment of intestinal infections.

Pharmacy stands display a wide range of drugs for children and adults. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It is very important for parents to notice the first symptoms of the disorder and give the baby the appropriate tablets or syrup.

The presence of E. coli in the body is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • unexpected diarrhea;
  • nausea and even vomiting.

It should be noted that the listed signs are not specific. But when diarrhea reaches an intense stage, there should be no doubt.

Observant parents always notice symptoms of intestinal infection in children, which may appear after attending entertainment events or feasts.

If the baby begins to complain of discomfort in the abdomen, then he must be given some kind of medicine, preferably Enterofuril.

This drug can also be taken to prevent gastrointestinal disorders.

Dysentery and other intestinal infections are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. In case of infection, the body becomes dehydrated in the shortest possible time.

To avoid consequences of this kind, you need to drink boiled water.

Medicinal properties of Enterofuril

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in many cases arise unexpectedly and develop very quickly.

It takes some time to make an accurate diagnosis of the pathology. Many years of practice show that it is not at all necessary to wait for the results of the analysis.

Enterofuril or remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine can be taken immediately. This rule applies to both children and adults.

Regular prevention reduces the likelihood of infectious diseases, but does not provide a complete guarantee.

For this reason, every adequate person should know how to behave during an intestinal infection.

When choosing a medicine against intestinal infections, specialists most often opt for Enterofuril. This drug has a fairly wide range of action.

Enterofuril is prescribed without any fear for infections in children, because it does not affect beneficial bacteria that are involved in the digestion process.

At the same time, the drug has a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The result of this effect is the restoration of healthy intestinal microflora.

Syrup based on Enterofuril can be drunk to prevent infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

According to studies conducted before the introduction of Enterofuril into clinical practice, pathogenic bacteria do not adapt to the action of the drug.

It is important to add to this the fact that the drug is not absorbed and therefore does not affect the condition of other organs.

Enterofuril is prescribed to a person for the following reasons:

  • intestinal disorder in children and adults;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea.

Diarrhea often develops as a result of uncontrolled use of medications. The patient strives to “quickly” recover from pneumonia and takes pills in “packs.”

Enterofuril can be taken for prophylaxis if necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Disorders in the functioning of the gastric tract occur for the most unexpected and sometimes trivial reasons.

In any situation, Enterofuril capsules or syrup should be available in your home medicine cabinet. Patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases are recommended to take this medicine regularly.

In some cases, it is even used in the treatment of infants.

Rules of application

At a time when a person suffers from an intestinal infection, he wants to get rid of this disease as soon as possible. And therefore the patient is ready to take any medicine that will help him.

As a rule, the attending physician prescribes medications and clearly instructs the patient about when and how many tablets or drops to take.

One of the positive qualities of Enterofuril is that its therapeutic effect does not depend on food intake.

You can swallow the capsule and drink it with water before or after meals. It is not forbidden to do this during meals. Enterofuril is sold in the form of syrup and capsules.

Enterofuril syrup is called a suspension in medical slang. When treating an intestinal infection, the syrup must be drunk for 3 to 5 days.

The dosage regimen is determined by the severity of the disease. The medicine is taken two to four times a day. It is important to observe the selected interval between taking the drug.

Single dose doses are different for children and adults. When the doctor prescribed Smecta or Polyphepan in parallel with Enterofuril, they must be taken at different times with an interval of two hours.

Features of the drug

Enterofuril, like any medicine, has its own advantages and disadvantages that you need to know about.

How many capsules you can swallow at one time is indicated in the instructions for use.

The list of contraindications includes only one feature of the body - a tendency to an allergic reaction to certain substances.

To prevent intestinal infections, you can drink syrup.

It is best suited for small children. However, pregnant women are not recommended to drink it.

You should also know that alcohol-based medications cannot be combined with Enterofuril.

To prevent the occurrence of intestinal infections, it is necessary to observe basic rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness in the kitchen - this is the best prevention.

Enterofuril should always be available in your home medicine cabinet. It is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator, because if it is severely frozen, the medicine loses its properties.

Capsules can be stored for up to five years. Once opened, the bottle of syrup should be used within two weeks.

The prevention of intestinal infections must be constantly remembered, especially in the summer.

For the vast majority of our country's population, the cold lasts more than six months, so we want to make the most of the summer months. Many parents note that the tradition of taking their children to the seaside significantly reduces the number of forced sick days in the subsequent autumn-winter season.

Preserving and increasing the health of the entire family is a good goal. But a trip to the “south” is not only about bright sun, azure waves, vitamin D and a sea of ​​positivity. Unfortunately, on vacation mothers with children face a serious danger - intestinal infections. What’s even sadder is that epidemiological outbreaks of the disease are occurring more and more often and have a wide coverage from the domestic Black Sea coast to popular foreign resorts.

The site will tell you how to prevent infection during the summer holidays and avoid the most common mistakes.

Intestinal infections: children at risk

Enteroviruses, rotaviruses, noroviruses- causative agents of dangerous gastrointestinal diseases, to which children and the elderly are more susceptible. In the heat and when changing climate zones, the risk of contracting an intestinal infection increases - the body’s internal reserves are spent on adapting to new conditions, and protective barriers are weakened.

Places where holidaymakers gather, as well as transport hubs with large passenger traffic, become breeding grounds for invisible infection. The incubation period of diseases varies from several hours to several days, the severity of symptoms depends on the concentration of the pathogen and the state of the body’s own defenses. Even after the symptoms disappear, the person who has recovered from the disease can pose a danger to others.

Viruses are viable in the external environment, so it’s not at all difficult to “grab” an infection as a travel companion. To do this, just touch the infected object and then take your baby’s hand. That is, a child does not have to lick the handle in a public restroom - a couple of touches of his lips with unwashed fingers is enough. By licking his lips, the child transfers the pathogen further to the oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract, where the saboteur will act out his performance.

Symptoms of a viral intestinal disorder:

  • Lethargy and loss of appetite;
  • Pain in the navel area;
  • Frequent loose stools, repeated vomiting and, as a result, severe dehydration;
  • Temperature rise above 38°C.
  • Some types of gastrointestinal infections are characterized by catarrhal symptoms - runny nose, sneezing and even coughing.

If signs of an intestinal infection occur, you should immediately call a doctor, who will prescribe treatment and decide on the advisability of hospitalization. For children under three years of age, seeing a doctor is mandatory.

During a holiday abroad, the issue of providing medical care can be a little more complicated. However, the standard insurance package provided by tour operators includes emergency medical care, transportation services, specialist consultation and inpatient treatment on the territory of the host country.

How dangerous are intestinal infections for a child?

A particular danger to children is dehydration, which can develop within a few hours after the first symptoms of the disease. In one spasmodic attack, along with vomit, the body of a seven-year-old child loses one glass of fluid (250 ml). In the acute period of the disease, the number of attacks of vomiting and diarrhea can be ten episodes during the day.

The following signs indicate dehydration:
  • Dry tongue and lips with increased thirst;
  • “Bluishness” of the skin and pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • Rare urination, dark color of urine and its pungent odor.

Dehydration causes thickening of physiological fluids - the total blood volume decreases, the heart begins to work “for wear and tear”. Therefore, moisture loss must be actively replenished. The child should be given isotonic drinks that will compensate for the loss of electrolytes. You can make such a solution yourself; just mix one teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of sugar in a liter of boiled water at room temperature. You can also buy ready-made rehydration powder at the pharmacy.

A sick baby needs to be given water frequently - one or two tablespoons every ten minutes. And through “I don’t want.” But there is no need to force-feed the child. Milk is especially contraindicated!

Diarrhea and vomiting- This is the body’s natural reaction to a harmful invasion, so it tries to get rid of the virus. Therefore, antiemetics and anti-diarrhea medications should not be used. Sorbents that need to be taken as early as possible can help the body. When the acute phase of the disease passes, it will be necessary to begin restorative therapy, including dietary nutrition and medications to normalize the intestinal microflora.

Prevention of intestinal disorders at sea

Intestinal infections are dangerous and insidious, but there is no need to panic. You just need to, if possible, follow certain rules of conduct on vacation.

Rule No. 1: Only tested drinking water

To prevent infections, the baby should drink only clean bottled or boiled water. The shelf life of drinking water is no more than 6 hours. Don't drink it yourself or let your child drink iced drinks - you can't vouch for the quality of frozen water.

Rule #2: Fresh food, only washed vegetables

In the heat, food spoils quickly, every mother knows this. Often this happens even before it becomes noticeable to the eye. Therefore, perishable products must be purchased in close proximity to your place of residence.

Do not buy ready-made meals from open shelves. In other words, such food that the seller could “don’t give a damn” about (rotaviruses can be transmitted by airborne droplets!). Make sure that your child does not put unwashed fruits in his mouth, no matter how tempting they may seem to him. Pour boiling water over fruits and vegetables before eating. Don't buy food on the beach! Think about your snack in advance and get a travel cooler bag in which you will store food during your vacation on the coast.

Rule #3: Clean hands

Explain to your child how to wash their hands correctly - the procedure should take at least 20 seconds (the same amount of time it will take to sing the phrase “Happy Birthday to you” twice). Let hand washing acquire the status of a sacred ritual in your family, which is performed every time after coming from the street, from the toilet, and also before eating. Important! Keeping your hands clean means not only regular washing with soap, but also timely cutting of overgrown nails. And biting your nails is generally unacceptable!

Rule #4: Clean living space
Mom is also a person and sometimes she vitally needs a break from purely everyday duties. But in the “mom” profession there are no days off, so you need to maintain the hygiene of your living space, even while living in a hotel. You understand - cleaning the toys traveling with you to the beach is beyond the competence of the hotel cleaning staff. You shouldn’t be overzealous with disinfectant solutions, but from time to time it’s worth treating the surface of the toilet bowl and the children’s potty with them.

Rule #5: Salt water should not be swallowed

Dangerous viruses are transmitted through the fecal-oral route, so set a clear ban on swallowing sea water! If sea water gets into your child's mouth, ask him to rinse his mouth with clean water, stored in advance. If the child dived and seriously swallowed, it would be a good idea to give him an absorbent drug to prevent intestinal disorders.

the site recommends making such preventive measures your daily habit while on vacation at sea, then the risk of contracting an intestinal disease will be minimal. Remember, viral infections pose an increased danger to young children! It is worth mentioning separately such a preventive measure against “stomach flu” as vaccine prevention. It is believed that vaccination against rotavirus helps prevent the disease in 70-80% of cases and protects against severe disease in 95-100% of cases.

A seaside holiday with a child can be the highlight of the summer. But parents are not always able to predict all the situations that a trip to the sunny south prepares. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and let unforeseen difficulties pass you by!

In the current holiday season, an unprecedented surge in intestinal infections was observed on the Black Sea coast of Russia - this was due to the large number of vacationers (and in some areas there were problems with water supply, for example, in Taman).

Of course, no one wants to ruin their vacation by ending up in an infectious diseases hospital or by vomiting and fever tolerated at home, so it is important to take preventive measures.

How not to get sick at sea

Important: the infection also occurs in the sea itself, although sanitary and epidemiological officials stubbornly deny this, this factor is especially aggravated in August, therefore, you can significantly reduce the risk of health problems by planning a vacation for June-July.

What else to do:

Remove house in the private sector with normal water supply and its own kitchen. Buy produce (fruits and vegetables) from local markets, wash them thoroughly, and only then consume them. It is better to buy meat, dairy and other products that are dangerous from the point of view of the development of pathogenic microflora in supermarkets and cook them yourself.

If you go out to a public place, such as an amusement park, carry special antiseptics (alcohol-containing gels) with you. Treat your hands with it if you decide to drink tea, eat ice cream, or just for prevention.

Avoid eating at coastal cafes , restaurants, and also refuse to purchase products from “porters”. Do you want some corn? – get up early, buy fresh cobs at the market, wash, cook and eat to your heart’s content.

If go to the sea in the morning When the water is still clean, the risk of infection can also be significantly reduced. The closer the night, the more mud there is in the sea. In any case, it is better not to swallow water.

Do you know that you'll inevitably want to grab a snack on the beach? Stock up on plastic containers that are convenient for storing sandwiches, fruit, cookies or other food. Also bring a bottle of clean water with you to rinse your hands before eating.

Important: remember that the holiday season is short and 95% of local residents are trying to make money from this period. Don’t let your guard down - you are vacationing in Russia, where it is quite difficult to prove that you are right, so you will have to take care of your own health on your own.

Prevention of intestinal infections in children at sea - this topic worries all parents in the summer.

Of course, the prospect of sitting on the toilet for the entire long-awaited vacation will not please anyone. Is there any way to prevent an intestinal infection?

Causes of intestinal disorder

Summer, sun and water - what could be better? But not always only good impressions remain after a vacation.

It also happens that a change in climate zone and heat weaken the child’s already weak immunity. Among the hundreds of people on the beach, there is more than one carrier of acute intestinal infections.

The main causes of traveler's diarrhea are:

  • viruses;
  • poisoning;
  • overheat.

Large crowds of people gather in resort areas, which is why the chances of contracting enterovirus or rotavirus increase rapidly.

The child’s body is already weakened by stress due to the trip, so it will become easy prey for viruses.

There are many viruses that cause intestinal infections, but the most common ones when holidaying at sea are rotavirus and enterovirus infections.

Symptoms of acute viral infections are vomiting, diarrhea, and high fever.

But the most common cause of intestinal upset at sea in children, and in adults too, is banal poisoning.

An abundance of exotic fruits that are still unfamiliar to the child’s stomach may well cause an eating disorder.

The cuisine of different countries can differ significantly from the usual food; in addition, getting familiar, familiar products abroad is sometimes very problematic.

We should not forget that in a hot climate any food, even the most ordinary, quickly deteriorates.

All this can cause food poisoning, the symptoms of which are diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.

There is another reason that causes similar symptoms during a holiday at sea - sunstroke. If a child spends a significant amount of time in the sun, he may overheat.

Symptoms of heat stroke: weakness, high fever, vomiting. But diarrhea does not happen with overheating, this is what makes sunstroke different from the infections described above.

What to do if a child swallows sea water while swimming? Will there be an intestinal infection? No, it is impossible to be poisoned by sea water itself, unlike water in rivers and lakes.

If a child swallows water while swimming in the sea, then nothing bad will happen. Due to the high content of salt and iodine in sea water, bacteria do not live in it.

The maximum that a drunk swimmer can expect is irritation of the gastric mucosa.

It may also be accompanied by vomiting and nausea, but there can be no diarrhea or fever.

Irritation of the mucous membrane goes away in the evening, without requiring any treatment. Is it possible to let children drink more regular water?

However, unauthorized discharge of sewage, technical and chemical liquids into the sea is possible. Environmental disasters and fish deaths due to heat occur.

After a storm, the remains of animals wash ashore. Therefore, remember that you need to swim only in designated and equipped areas.

Warning signs are not just meaningless signs, they are a way to warn vacationers and protect their life and health.

Prevention of intestinal infections

How to protect yourself from acute intestinal infections and ruined vacations? It’s quite simple - for prevention you need to follow basic hygiene rules.

In order not to put your body and the bodies of your children at risk of infection, even on vacation at sea you cannot relax and forget about the following precautions:

  • do not be in the sun in the midday heat;
  • cover your head and shoulders from the sun;
  • drink only bottled water;
  • wash your hands more often;
  • ensure that fruits and vegetables are washed thoroughly;
  • do not buy salads and meat dishes during hot times of the day;
  • do not eat in questionable establishments;
  • do not buy food “from hand” on beaches and train stations.

This measure will not only avoid sunstroke, but will also give the child time to rest, perhaps sleep. Remember that overwork weakens the immune system.

To prevent sunburn and to avoid overheating, make sure that the child is not in the open sun for more than 15 to 20 minutes.

After this, cover his shoulders and other areas exposed to direct sunlight. For this purpose, you can use a towel or light clothing.

A hat should be worn at all times when in the sun. Use a sun umbrella whenever possible.

Drinking water in coastal regions may differ in quality and taste from the usual one. In order not to provoke the stomach and intestines, you should drink store-bought bottled water. If this is not possible, then the water should be boiled.

To prevent intestinal infections, it is not enough to wash your hands only before eating and after using the toilet.

You need to wash your hands very often after your child has touched something, played with sand, or stroked an animal.

If it is not possible to wash your hands, you can use antiseptic sprays or wipes.

Sea water is also suitable, as it has a weak antiseptic effect.

You should not give children on vacation to the sea foods that they have not yet tried, no matter how tempting they may look.

For preventive purposes, you should not irritate the intestines with unfamiliar fruits and berries. It is better to get by with the usual apples and pears, which should be thoroughly washed.

You should take a responsible approach to choosing a dining room. Unsanitary conditions - dirty tables, the presence of flies and cockroaches, pets - should be an important incentive to abandon this establishment.

It is worth considering if the establishment does not have enough employees, workers do not wear gloves, or do not tidy up their hair. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes. It's better if it's disposable.

Even in a good canteen you shouldn’t take meat dishes or salads with various dressings in the heat. These products deteriorate very quickly, which is not immediately noticeable from the outside. But the intestines definitely won’t like it.

You should not buy any food from private traders who distribute “homemade” dishes along the beaches or offer them at train stops.

As a rule, no one is responsible for the quality of such food, and the buyer acts at his own peril and risk.

There is a preventive childhood vaccination. Of course, it does not act against all pathogens of acute intestinal infections in children, but only for the prevention of rotavirus infection.

But it's better than nothing. The vaccine is administered in the form of drops on the tongue. Revaccination is carried out three times.

The first vaccination to prevent rotavirus infection should be given before the child reaches three months of age.

Traveler's first aid kit

When going on a trip to the sea with children, you must take essential medications with you.

The first aid kit should include the following items:

  • antipyretics;
  • sorbents;
  • antiseptics;
  • antihistamines;
  • pain reliever;
  • antiviral agents;
  • cold medicines.

If the child does get sick, symptomatic treatment is recommended. To prevent dehydration of the body, you need to give the drugs Regidron, Gidrovit or similar solutions.

If they are not at hand, you can replace them with mineral water without gas. Be sure to give your child something to drink every 10 to 15 minutes.

If the child vomits all the time and cannot be given something to drink in the usual way, then you should try feeding him with a spoon or using a disposable syringe without a needle.

If the child does not like the taste of medicine or mineral water, then you can offer tea, compote, or plain water.

Dehydration is the most dangerous consequence of an intestinal infection, which can lead to serious complications and even death of the child.

Therefore, you need to try to give him at least something to drink. Only juices, dairy products and sparkling water should not be given. If the child is breastfed, then he can be given breastfeeding.

Sorbents are suitable to combat intoxication of the body. These are Smecta, activated carbon, Enterosgel.

For a child under one year old, one sachet of Smecta per day is enough; the medicine must be given in three doses.

To eliminate some symptoms of poisoning, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and to alleviate the general condition of children, it is recommended to give antihistamines - Suprastin or Loratadine.

Antipyretics are given only when the temperature exceeds 38.5°; for children under one year old – 38°. Children are given Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or their hybrid - Ibuklin.

Aspirin should not be given to a child! You should not resort to antibiotics, at least not without a doctor’s prescription. If you have an intestinal infection, they will do more harm than good.

It is good to start taking antiviral drugs for prevention while still preparing for a trip to the sea, and continue taking them until you return home.

But if the child is already sick, then you should not refuse them, because the drugs can significantly alleviate the child’s condition.

To prevent and treat intestinal infections, children can be given the drug Cytovir.

Despite all preventive measures and treatment, it is not always possible to cope with acute intestinal infections in children on their own.

You should go to hospital immediately if:

  • the sick child is less than three years old;
  • vomiting or diarrhea lasts more than a day and does not subside;
  • it is not possible to get the child to drink or he refuses to drink;
  • at high temperatures the child has cold extremities;
  • convulsions appeared;
  • the child is weak and inactive;
  • mucous membranes are dry;
  • the child has not written for more than 5 hours.

It should be remembered that any infection is easier to prevent than to treat.

Take preventive measures, then your impressions of your seaside vacation will remain only positive!

Prevention of intestinal infections before going to the sea - what needs to be done?

Prevention of intestinal infections is very important. Infections, like many other diseases, can be difficult to treat, but can be easily prevented using a simple set of hygiene rules.

These preventive measures are familiar to everyone since childhood. Before going to the sea, it’s worth remembering them again.

Causes of intestinal infections in travelers

A trip to the sea is not only a long-awaited vacation from work and household chores. This is an opportunity to replenish energy and strengthen the immune system.

In the summer you need to pick up vitamins for the whole next year. This is not difficult, because in tropical latitudes your eyes run wide from all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

But in this abundance lies a catch. Fruits, vegetables, and greens contain microbes and toxins.

It is not for nothing that in most cases, infection with intestinal infections occurs in the summer - after all, in winter no one would think of eating unwashed store-bought fruit.

But apples, apricots and grapes hanging on a tree seem so juicy, appetizing and clean - in appearance.

But only in appearance! In fact, an army of harmful bacteria has accumulated on their surface, just waiting for the chance to enter the intestines of a careless person.

When it's hot, I really want to get drunk. But what to do if you don’t have bottled water at hand, and if you did, it had long since warmed up under the rays of the southern sun, making it unpleasant to drink?

Maybe you can drink from this spring? The water is cold, crystal clear and... teeming with bacteria.

In hot weather, many products quickly deteriorate, although they seem quite suitable for consumption.

In addition, everywhere is full of flies, which are carriers of terrible intestinal infections.

Intestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting are, of course, very unpleasant misfortunes, but it is doubly worse if they catch a person at the most inopportune time - on a trip or at sea.

Instead of a pleasant rest and pastime, you will have to spend precious vacation days on intestinal treatment.

But acute intestinal infections are not at all harmless, leaving behind a lot of problems.

The most dangerous consequence is dehydration, which is fraught with irreversible changes in the body and can even lead to death.

Of course, with proper treatment, modern medications will help overcome an intestinal infection in a few days and prevent complications.

But preventing acute intestinal infections is much easier and more enjoyable.

The means of preventing intestinal infections at sea are known to everyone, but, unfortunately, few people treat them with due attention:

  • You should not buy food and drinks secondhand from private traders;
  • if it is not possible to wash your hands, then use antiseptics;
  • Do not eat meat dishes, salads, or pastries with cream in hot weather;
  • It is imperative to pay attention to the expiration date and recommended storage temperature of products;
  • You should drink only boiled or bottled water;
  • You can start taking probiotics in advance to prevent acute intestinal infections.

The virus is the reason for a ruined vacation

Intestinal flu or rotavirus infection is in vain considered a childhood disease, because people of any age can become infected with this viral intestinal infection.

Large crowds of people on beaches by the sea contribute to the rapid spread of the disease. From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, it can take from several hours to five days.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection are similar to those of food poisoning:

  1. heat;
  2. vomit;
  3. diarrhea.

The intestinal infection lasts about a week, after which immunity is developed. Repeated infections with rotavirus are rare, but they do occur.

The second time, the disease is much easier, the patient may feel slightly nauseous, and there may be no fever or diarrhea.

But a person who does not even understand that he is sick is a carrier of the virus all this time.

Treatment of rotavirus infection is symptomatic. The patient should be given medicine to reduce the temperature when the threshold of 38.5 degrees is exceeded, drinking frequently but little by little.

To replenish the water-salt balance of the body and prevent dehydration, you can use the drug Regidron.

If you don’t have this medicine on hand, you can drink ordinary mineral water without gas.

To relieve abdominal pain, you can take antispasmodic drugs: No-shpa, Spazmolgon.

You should not take medications to eliminate vomiting and diarrhea, since in these ways the body gets rid of toxins that accumulate as a result of the disease.

To quickly rid the intestines of viruses and the results of their vital activity, you need to take adsorbent agents, for example, the drugs Smecta, Enterosgel.

To prevent the transition of a viral infection to a bacterial one, the medicine Enterofuril will help. This completely safe antimicrobial agent is also suitable for treating children.

As a result of uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting, the body becomes weak, so to save energy, the patient must sleep more.

To prevent children from contracting intestinal infections at sea and not only from a very young age, you should explain to them how important it is to wash their hands every time before eating, after a walk and after using the toilet.

It is necessary for the child to learn that putting fingers and foreign objects in his mouth is as unacceptable as drinking from someone else’s glass or trying someone else’s ice cream.

You cannot give your personal belongings (such as a towel, comb, toothbrush) to anyone.

Preventive actions

Prevention of acute intestinal infections involves the following measures:

  • drink only water intended for drinking;
  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly;
  • Do not consume milk, meat, eggs raw;
  • eat only freshly prepared dishes;
  • comply with the terms and conditions of storage of products;
  • reheat prepared foods before use;
  • store prepared and raw foods separately;
  • wash your hands frequently;
  • the place for eating and preparing food must be sterilely clean;
  • Insects or animals are not allowed in the kitchen.

Following these simple rules for the prevention of intestinal infections will help maintain health both during a vacation at sea and in any other conditions.

Before going on vacation to the sea or going on a hike, stock up on clean drinking water. To keep water cool longer, you can store it in a cooler bag.

For prevention purposes, drinking water should also be used for cooking, washing dishes and hands. If the quality of the water is questionable, then to prevent intestinal infections it should be boiled.

Fruits, berries, vegetables, and herbs should be thoroughly washed under running water immediately before use, and then dried with a paper towel.

It is unsafe to drink raw milk; before drinking it, you must boil it for prevention or buy pasteurized milk.

Meat, fish, poultry, eggs must undergo heat treatment. It is unacceptable to eat undercooked meat with blood.

The longer prepared food is stored at room temperature, the more germs it will contain.

For prevention, to avoid poisoning, food should be consumed immediately after preparation or stored in the refrigerator.

You should put food in the refrigerator as soon as it has cooled to room temperature.

When heating ready-made food from the refrigerator, it is necessary to warm it thoroughly to prevent intestinal infections. In the cold, microbes cannot reproduce, but they do not die.

In order for the germs to die, the food must be heated to at least 70 degrees.

Ready-to-eat foods should not be stored together with raw foods. In the refrigerator they should be stored on different shelves, under closed lids.

If both raw and ready-made products, such as bread, are purchased in a store, they should be packaged in individual plastic bags.

You need to use different knives, cutting boards and other utensils for these products. By avoiding contact between foods of different degrees of readiness, many health problems can be avoided.

After any contact with the outside world, you should wash your hands. If it is not possible to wash your hands right now, then antiseptics in the form of sprays or wet wipes with an antimicrobial effect will come to the rescue in the prevention of intestinal infections.

The kitchen must be perfectly clean. To prevent intestinal infections, you should immediately throw away all crumbs and leftover food.

Dishes must be clean and towels must be sterile. When at sea or on a trip, it is ideal to use disposable plastic tableware and paper towels.

Insects or animals, even domestic and healthy ones, should not be allowed to appear in the kitchen, as they often become carriers of bacteria dangerous to humans.

For prevention, food should be stored in plastic bags or in containers with a tightly closed lid.

Be attentive to your health, take care of the prevention of intestinal infections, then your trip to the sea will leave behind only pleasant memories.

Be healthy!

Prevention of intestinal infection at sea

When going on vacation, the last thing you want to do is encounter infections at sea. But in fact, the probability of this is very high, especially when it comes to Russian resorts.

At sea you can get sick with any infectious diseases - colds, flu, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever... in general, everything that you risk getting sick at home. But the bulk of diseases at sea are intestinal infections. When they talk about infections at sea, this is what they mean.

Prevention of intestinal infections at sea

Sea and sun are the most effective means for preventing rhinitis, acute respiratory infections and other colds and a great way to have a great time and relax before hard work. If a child needs to go to kindergarten for the first time, prevention of infections at sea is necessary. This way you can strengthen his immunity, thereby facilitating adaptation.

After all, when kids just start attending a childcare center, they often get sick and can’t get used to it. But all the wonderful plans for getting healthier may not come true due to an intestinal infection (CI).

If you do not prepare for your vacation in advance, then instead of a pleasant pastime, the following may happen:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • discomfort in the stomach.

Sometimes these symptoms appear due to heat or sunstroke. But most often they indicate an intestinal infection. Infection is promoted by:

  • weakened immunity due to change of place;
  • poor quality food;
  • the presence of infection in the water due to sewage drainage, and other troubles (pay attention to the inscription: “Swimming is strictly prohibited!”);
  • dysbiosis.

If you take certain measures and eliminate the causes of intestinal infection, then a trip to the sea will be pleasant and useful.

What infections should you be wary of?

Intestinal infections are a group of diseases caused by:

  • bacteria (causative agents of botulism, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, cholera, etc.);
  • viruses (for example, enteroviruses, rotaviruses);
  • protozoa (for example, dysenteric amoeba, Giardia).

The main mechanism of transmission of these diseases is fecal-oral. You can become infected with botulism by eating salted or smoked fish or canned food, and this disease is very dangerous, coma develops instantly. Cholera, dysentery - even just by swimming in seemingly clean water, ignoring the warning of the regional epidemiological surveillance.

Best Prevention Measures

To prevent intestinal infections, it is necessary to observe basic hygiene rules.

Do not buy products of unknown origin, no matter how tasty they look, especially fish, meat, sweets with cream, etc. Remember, in the summer, near water, all conditions for the reproduction and spread of intestinal infections are met (warmth and high humidity).

Do not swim in the sea if it is prohibited. Very often, in the summer, some beaches are closed if an excess of pathogenic microorganisms is found in the water. Reduced immunity contributes to the development of intestinal infections. And it worsens due to climate change and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Even if the move was not a significant distance, the maritime climate is somewhat different, and its change is stressful for the body. Hotter, higher humidity are quite serious changes, due to which immunity always decreases.

Although physiotherapy with UV rays is recommended to improve health, this does not happen instantly. By affecting the skin, ultraviolet radiation causes a stress reaction - cellular immunity decreases. And only after some time (up to 2 months) it intensifies significantly. Therefore, before going to the sea, it is recommended to take drugs that increase immunity. You can also increase it with folk remedies (dried apricots, raisins, honey, walnuts, lemon).

Contributes to infection - dysbacteriosis. When the amount of beneficial microflora in the intestines decreases (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria), favorable conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) in the intestines. Before going to the sea, especially if you have been taking antibiotics for a long time, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist; most likely he will prescribe medications with beneficial bacteria, for example Linex or Lactrofiltrum. You can also improve the condition of your intestinal microflora with fermented milk products.

Compliance with the simplest rules of hygiene, taking care of your own health (do not buy food in dubious places), strengthening your immune system is the main prevention of intestinal infections at sea.

Intestinal infection in children at sea: treatment, what to do?

Often parents have to deal with the problem of intestinal infection in children at sea.

Unfortunately, modern resorts, in addition to convenient recreation areas, have suitable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

As a result, not only children, but also adults, in the midst of vacation, can get an intestinal infection.

Therefore, in order not to spoil your and your children’s summer vacation, before going to the resort you should not only stock up on the necessary medications, but also familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will prevent your child from ending up in a hospital bed.

What poisons children's bodies at sea?

People, hoping to recover, take their illnesses with them to resorts; unfortunately, viral and infectious diseases are no exception.

And if the body of an adult healthy person can still overcome bacteria, then the immunity of children cannot cope with this task.

Climate change, constant heat and cool water weaken the child’s body, after which it begins to be attacked by pathogenic bacteria.

There is an opinion that it is sea water that poisons children. On the contrary, sea water is safe due to its high salt content.

Moreover, it has antiseptic properties, because, in addition to salt, it contains iodine and useful minerals. In addition, in the sea, intestinal infections quickly die out, which cannot be said about fresh water bodies.

Using sea water, they cure sore throat and laryngitis, heal purulent wounds on the skin, and wash out a stuffy nose.

The fact that children can be poisoned by sea water has nothing to do with an intestinal infection. Usually such poisoning goes away within a day.

In this case, the baby has no appetite, diarrhea and nausea appear, but the body temperature does not rise, as with an intestinal infection.

There is no escape from this condition, because a lot of salt water has entered the stomach, and salt, as is known, provokes cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

To overcome the problem of nausea and dehydration, doctors recommend drinking as much fresh water as possible.

Herbal tea will help soothe the stomach lining. Other causes of child poisoning at sea can have more serious consequences.

The most common infection that can occur in children at sea is rotavirus. Rotovirus is a disease of unwashed hands.

In addition, such an intestinal ailment appears after eating unwashed fruits and poor-quality food. The virus is transmitted after communicating with an unhealthy person (kissing, sneezing, coughing).

This is why you shouldn’t allow your children to exchange toys with other people’s children, and you shouldn’t feed them store-bought food from the beach.

After all, you cannot be sure that someone else’s child is healthy, and that the food purchased was prepared under normal sanitary conditions.

When infected with rotavirus intestinal infection, diarrhea appears and body temperature rises. This condition requires consultation with a doctor and urgent treatment.

Sometimes children at sea suddenly develop a fever, nausea and vomiting.

Poor health and symptoms similar to those of an intestinal infection make adults think that the baby has this particular disease.

But you need to know that if this condition is not accompanied by diarrhea, then the child is most likely overheated in the sun.

Signs: a child caught OCI at sea

An intestinal infection that children can pick up at sea can have different symptoms, this factor depends on the cause of infection.

As a result, the treatment of an infectious disease will have different schemes.

If children suddenly begin vomiting and diarrhea at sea, this indicates one thing: an infection has entered the child’s intestines.

First, parents should think about what the child might have eaten that made him feel sick.

Then you need to visually examine the baby, evaluate his activity and skin color. You definitely need to take your temperature.

If an exacerbation of the detected symptoms of poisoning is not observed, frequent diarrhea has disappeared, and the temperature has dropped, then, most likely, the body was able to neutralize toxic substances itself.

If children experience diarrhea and vomiting at sea, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is the condition of the stool.

In dysentery, it is secreted with bloody mucus. Any intestinal infection is accompanied by an increase in temperature; with dysentery in children, the body temperature rises to 30 - 40 degrees.

In addition, the child loses appetite and develops weakness; in some cases, pain may occur in the left iliac region of the body.

When children are infected with salmonellosis, symptoms appear similar to those of gastritis: the first stage of the disease is subacute, then the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, nausea and vomiting appear, and loss of strength is observed.

The stool is liquid, marsh-colored, mixed with blood and mucus.

The symptoms of a child contracting a rotavirus infection are similar to those of acute gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and small intestine caused by bacteria or viruses).

The latent period of disease development is 1–3 days. Symptoms appear within 24 hours; the pathology affects not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

In this regard, children experience rhinitis, a tickling in the throat, after which a cough appears. This condition is accompanied by vomiting and frequent bowel movements, approximately 10–15 times a day.

Another common illness that children can pick up at sea is staphylococcal infection.

Infection of the body occurs after eating food contaminated with staphylococcus. In this case, the intestinal infection has symptoms similar to rotavirus infection and salmonellosis.

A sick person has watery, swamp-colored diarrhea, diluted with mucus and blood. The frequency of bowel movements reaches 15 times a day. Severe toxicosis and frequent vomiting occur.

How to help children at sea with an intestinal infection?

Regardless of what infection has settled in the baby’s body, the primary task of parents is to prevent dehydration of the little body.

For this purpose, the baby should be given drinks as often as possible, but not with ordinary water, but with special saline solutions.

To do this, you can buy Regidron at the pharmacy, which is treated instead of a dropper.

You can also prepare a similar anti-dehydration solution at home: 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 tsp. table salt should be diluted in 1 liter of warm boiled water.

The prepared home solution, like the pharmacy Regidron, should be drunk within 24 hours. The next day, prepare a new solution.

Simultaneously with the use of saline solution, you can give children non-carbonated plain mineral water, a decoction made from dried fruits or rose hips.

The liquid is slightly warmed before use, since when warm it will be absorbed faster by the walls of the stomach.

To prevent your baby from feeling sick after drinking warm drinks, you need to give him something to drink often, in small sips, and little by little.

Treatment of intestinal infections in children and adults is always accompanied by adherence to a strict diet.

Therefore, on the first day, a sick child should not be given any solid food or dairy products.

There is no need to worry about the fact that the baby has not eaten anything yet; there is no need to try to feed him “super healthy” yogurt - other than increasing vomiting, such feeding will do nothing.

There is also no need to rush to stop diarrhea and vomiting by giving your child pharmaceutical medications.

Treatment of intestinal infection will be much more effective if you allow the body to cleanse itself of toxins in the first hours of illness.

In addition, if the baby has frequent loose stools and there is no vomiting, then you need to induce it yourself by giving him plenty of warm water, which will flush the stomach.

An enema made from boiled cool water (19 degrees) helps to quickly cleanse the intestines. The baby must be given activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

All of the above manipulations for the treatment of intestinal infection will be effective only in case of minor poisoning.

In more complex cases and if improvement does not occur after 24 hours, you should urgently seek medical help.