
Class hour and its characteristic features. "What is the world?" Class hour What is class hour

Today, one of the most important forms of organizing educational work with students is the classroom hour. It is held once a week, on a certain day and time. During the lesson, the teacher conducts conversations with students, educates them, broadens their horizons, and determines the tasks and goals of the class team.

Basic information

Class time is between the teacher and students. Today it is carried out in every school. The lesson is included in the curriculum and is held, as mentioned above, once a week. Its duration is 40 - 45 minutes.

In general, this policy is not entirely correct. may take less time, since its main task is to complete the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be held both in a classroom and in an assembly hall, library, museum, even on the street.

Main goals and objectives

A classroom hour at school has several goals.

First of all, this educational, which is to expand the range of knowledge of students in various areas of life.

Followed by guide. It influences the practical side of schoolchildren’s lives, their behavior and attitude towards life. It is implemented through a conversation about a particular life situation, supported by examples.

The last goal is orienting. With its help, a certain attitude towards the objects of the surrounding reality, spiritual and material values ​​is formed.

The main class hours include:

Creating conditions for the manifestation of students’ individuality;

Enriching their knowledge about the world around them;

Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere;

Formation of a great team.

Forms of conducting

A class hour is an activity that can be conducted not only in the form of a lecture, but also:





Preparation for class

When starting to prepare a class lesson, you need to decide on the topic of the lesson. This can be done in advance by conducting a conversation with students or a survey. When choosing a topic for a class hour, you need to identify the age characteristics of the student and their interests.

Before you write a classroom script, you need to sit down and ask yourself a few key questions:

1. How to get children to participate in class?

2. How and when to carry out the preparatory work?

3. In what tasks will children be able to express themselves most fully?

4. Which of the students can help in conducting the class hour?

5. How to properly summarize the lesson?

The answers to these questions should be written down on paper and periodically returned to them as you write your lesson notes.

After this, it is necessary to begin drawing up a script and carrying out preparatory work. In some situations, you can use ready-made classroom developments taken from specialized magazines for teachers and various Internet resources. But it is important to remember that most of them require amendments. Thus, certain tasks may seem too difficult to children or may not interest them. Such tasks should be replaced with easier or more interesting ones.

In general, preparation consists of the following points:

  1. Defining the topic and objectives.
  2. Determining the place and time of the event.
  3. Identifying key points.
  4. Preparation of plan and script.
  5. Selection of material.
  6. Room decoration.
  7. Determining class participants.

After the lesson, it is necessary to carry out its analysis.

Lesson structure

When preparing a lesson, it is necessary to take into account that the class hour has its own structure. In general, it is the same as the structure of any lesson:

  1. Introduction, the main task of which is to activate the attention of students and identify the problem.
  2. The main part, the content of which is determined by the objectives of the class hour.
  3. The final part, which stimulates the students' needs for self-education.

Social hour

One of the forms in which a class hour can be held is an hour of communication. It is defined as a joint creative process between a child and an adult. Children take part in organizing an hour of communication along with adults, and together with the teacher they determine the topic and range of interests.

The hour of communication has one important rule - to create a favorable environment in which each of the students can express their opinion without fear.

The main forms of communication hour include:


Role-playing game;

Oral journal;

Social and cultural project.

Information class hour

Classroom hours can also be carried out in the form of defense and implementation of information projects, political minutes.

The main goal of such an activity is to develop an understanding of one’s own importance and the need to participate in the socio-political life of the country and the world as a whole. During the information class hour, children learn to understand complex modern problems and react correctly to what is happening around them.

The main forms of work in such lessons:

Newspaper reports;

Retelling an event using quotes;

Working with a dictionary;

Working with a political map;

Commenting on information;

Formulation of problematic questions and search for answers to them;

Viewing and discussion of video materials.


A few words about what the theme of class hours might be. Classes may be devoted to:

  1. Moral and ethical problems.
  2. Issues in the field of science.
  3. Aesthetic problems
  4. Issues of state and law.
  5. Psychological issues.
  6. Features of physiology and hygiene.
  7. Healthy lifestyle issues.
  8. Environmental problems.
  9. General school problems.

Within the framework of a particular topic, you can conduct a whole series of classroom hours, united by one goal and having similar tasks.

Sample Topics

Based on the interests of the students and their age, the topics of class hours can be as follows:

For 5th grade students:

  1. "How do I see myself in... years?"
  2. "What am I?"
  3. "Books around us."
  4. "What I can?"

For 6th grade students:

  1. "My hobbies".
  2. "I'm at school and at home."
  3. "Your own opinion. Is it important?"
  4. "My strengths and weaknesses."
  5. "Learning to listen and hear."

In 7th grade you can spend educational hours on the following topics:

  1. "I want and I can."
  2. "Learning to manage ourselves."
  3. "Attention and attentiveness."
  4. "Tell me who your friend is."

In 8th grade you can spend class hours on the following topics:

  1. "What is genius and talent?"
  2. "Training your memory."
  3. "Responsibility and safety."
  4. "The country of my dreams."

9th grade students will be interested in the following conversations:

  1. "Man and Creativity".
  2. "My rights".
  3. "My future profession".
  4. "Beauty in our lives."

For 10th grade, it is advisable to prepare the following classroom hours:

  1. "Me and my surroundings."
  2. "Adulthood - what is it?"
  3. "Human shortcomings: causes and consequences."
  4. "Learning to control ourselves."

In 11th grade you can spend hours on the topic:

  1. “Will the school remember me?”
  2. "My professional choice."
  3. "My purpose."
  4. "Humor in human life."

During the winter period, you can conduct a class hour “Flu Prevention”, as well as “Injury Prevention”, “Rules of Conduct on Ice”, “How to Behave in Winter”, “Holidays without Violations” and others.

An interesting move that a teacher can make to determine the topics of classes is to announce class plans at the beginning of the year or semester and give the children the opportunity to independently propose certain topics, supplement the existing plan, and offer to participate in their preparation.

Don’t forget to hold KVN games, during which students can test their knowledge and skills. The form of the event should also be changed occasionally. For example, today there was a lecture, which means next time it could be an excursion or conversation.

To conduct a class more effectively, you must adhere to the following tips:

1. The room in which the lesson is held must be clean and ventilated.

2. It is advisable to decorate the office with flowers. You can use both real and artificial ones.

3. The topic of the class hour must be written on the board. It would also be appropriate to use an aphorism.

4. Don’t forget about multimedia projectors and presentations, they will significantly increase students’ interest in the material.

5. When conducting surveys and tests, use forms. Do not forget about visual materials - brochures, booklets.

6. Pay special attention to preparing for the lesson if it is a class hour in elementary school. The peculiarities of the development and perception of children are such that educational hours are best spent in the form of games and travel. This way you can interest students much faster and attract their attention.

7. Do not forget about the comfort of students. Let them sit however they like. You can also arrange the desks in a circle, or move two desks into one if group work is expected.

8. Don’t be afraid to invite specialists to the class - doctors, psychologists, historians, librarians. Of course, if they understand the topic of your class better than you and can tell you a lot of useful information.


Class hour is one of the most important. It is held once a week. During the lesson, the teacher raises the cultural level of students, shapes their life attitudes and values, and organizes the team. The form can be any, depending on the topic of the lesson and the goals set by the teacher.

Functions of the classroom.

Forms of conducting classroom hours.

Preparation of class hour.

Conducting a class hour.

The concept of "classroom hour".

One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work has been and remains the classroom hour. Class hour is a form of educational work in which schoolchildren, under the guidance of a teacher, are involved in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relationships to the world around them. V.P.Sergeeva

Class hour is a form of frontal educational work that is flexible in composition, which is a specially organized communication between the class teacher and students during extracurricular hours in order to facilitate the formation of the class team and the development of its members E. N. Stepanov

Based on the above definitions of the classroom, certain features can be identified:

· this is a flexible form of educational interaction in its composition and structure;

· this is a form of communication between the class teacher and his students, the priority role in the organization of which is played by the teacher.

The experience of successfully working class teachers testifies to the great pedagogical potential of this form of educational work. In the process of preparing and conducting classroom hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical tasks:

1. Creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of the student’s individuality and creative abilities.

2. Enriching the consciousness of students with knowledge about nature, society, and man.

3. Formation of the emotional-sensory sphere and value relations of the child’s personality.

4. Children’s acquisition of knowledge, skills, cognitive and practical-creative activities.

5. Formation of the classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

2. Classroom functions:

Class hour performs a number of educational functions: (N.E. Shchurkova)

· educational(classroom allows you to expand the range of knowledge of students that is not reflected in the curriculum. This is information about events in the country and abroad, interesting people and problems. Maybe information from different fields of knowledge, phenomena of social life, psychological problems of children, in a word , about everything that worries the guys). Sample topics: “How etiquette appeared,” “Our Constitution,” “Problems of modern society.”

· orienting(discussion of moral problems and values, i.e. the formation in students of certain attitudes towards objects of the surrounding world on the basis of moral and spiritual values, in the development of a moral assessment of events and phenomena). Sample topics: “Who to be?”, “What to be?”

· guide(this function of the classroom involves organizing the activities of students, influencing their behavior so that knowledge turns into beliefs). Sample topics: “The International Year of the Child” may end with a collective decision to collect books for children from the Children’s Home.

· formative(the function is manifested in students’ development of skills to think about and evaluate their actions and themselves, in the ability to conduct dialogue, negotiate, and defend their opinions with reason).

Most often, a classroom hour simultaneously performs all four of these functions: it educates, orients, guides, and shapes students. These functions, if possible, should be reflected when formulating the goals of the educational event.

There are the following types of class hours:

1.Moral classroom hours, the goals of which are:

Ø Educating students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, and assessments;

Ø Study, comprehension and analysis of the moral experience of generations;

Ø Critical understanding and analysis of one’s own moral actions, the actions of peers and classmates;

Ø Development of moral personal qualities (kindness, desire to help people, ability to admit mistakes, defend one’s point of view and respect other people’s opinions)

2. Intellectual and educational classroom hours, whose goals:

Ø Development of cognitive interests

Ø Development of skills and abilities to realize one’s individual capabilities, the desire for self-improvement.

3.Themed classroom clock are aimed at:

Ø Development of students' horizons

Ø Spiritual development and formation of interests and spiritual needs in children

4.Informative classroom hours are aimed at:

Ø Formation in students of involvement in the events and phenomena of the socio-political life of their country, their city, region

Ø Application of knowledge gained in lessons (for example, Moscow studies, natural history)

Ø Formation of a personal attitude to what is happening in the classroom, school, neighborhood, city, country

Ø Development of research skills

3. Forms of conducting class hours:

A class hour can be held in the form of a class meeting, a conversation (moral, ethical), a debate, a meeting with interesting people, a quiz on various areas of knowledge, KVN, a travel game, it can be an excursion or a thematic lecture. Maybe an emergency class meeting or replacing one form of class with another for one reason or another.

Classroom forms can be very different. Their choice depends on the level of development of the team, the characteristics of the class, the age differences of the children, the professionalism of the teacher, etc.

Article "Class hour "Let's talk about dignity""

to form a concept in children - not only who to be in life, but also what to be!

continue the formation of character, its positive traits: what kind of person is a worthy person, a person with a high sense of duty.

Form: Class hour - debate (grade 5)

Food for thought:

The strong are not the best, but the honest ones. Honor and

Your own dignity is the strongest.

F. M. Dostoevsky.

Immense pride and conceit

Not a sign of self-esteem


F. M. Dostoevsky.


Teacher's opening remarks:

My friends, there is such a concept in the world: human dignity, which, in fact, determines what a person is worth, what is he like?

What does it mean to be a worthy person? How does Dahl's old dictionary interpret this concept?

The children had homework: they would go on a scientific trip to the library to work with Dahl's explanatory dictionary.

Word to the student:

Worthy, says Dahl’s old dictionary, is worthwhile, deserving, proper, due, decent, consistent with the requirements of truth and honor. In other words, “worthy of respect”, “worthy of trust”, “worthy of attention”, “proper - what a Man with a capital M should be”, “due - having a high sense of duty, meeting the requirements of his time”, “decent in behavior ”, “ consistent with the requirements of truth and honor”, ​​not deviating from the rules of truth and honor under any circumstances.

You see, guys, how much meaning there is in one single word, which we sometimes don’t often remember. Meanwhile, our whole life consists of worthy and unworthy actions, corresponding to the laws by which our society lives, and not only in the laws adopted by the state and written down in the chapters of our constitution, but also in the so-called unwritten laws of human relations.

After all, it’s impossible to write in the constitution that German Filippov should not tell Seryozha Sadovnikov in class or that Dasha Lomovtseva, having accidentally heard someone else’s secret, should not tell it to everyone she knows. This is not written down anywhere, but we know that it is indecent to do this. And a person with self-esteem will not allow this to happen, because he respects the dignity of others.

Think, guys, and give examples from life, from stories, books you’ve read, where you encountered actions worthy of respect.

The student gives an example from the life of the Irkutsk writer Mark Sergeev, which happened to him during the war:

During the war, children from families evacuated to Irkutsk appeared at the school in Irkutsk, as in many others. One of them, a Muscovite, was named Vitya. He was very knowledgeable, told a lot of interesting things, none of the guys were in the V.I. Mausoleum at that time. Lenin, did not see the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy, its amazing pavilions filled with literally miracles, no one walked along Red Square, no one listened to opera at the Bolshoi Theater. And Victor knew all this, and how! And he was a good storyteller! The girls all fell in love with him, the boys all wanted to be friends with him.

And suddenly everything turned upside down: the girls were perplexed, the boys despised the newcomer. What's the matter? But the fact is that he, knowing mathematics and the Russian language perfectly, never let anyone, not even his closest friend, copy off his completed homework. He used to say: “I respect you, so let me help you, you come to me or I’ll come to you, we’ll decide together.” And the kids laughed: “Wow - “I respect you, I respect you”, but he won’t let me write them off.”

And the girls grew cold towards Victor, and the boys shunned him, and his stories no longer seemed so interesting.

But if you think about it, Victor was right. He had undoubted talents: even in Moscow he was the first student at school, and the homework completed by him could be immediately distinguished, especially with a teacher’s glance. But the guys didn’t know, or rather, didn’t understand, that he wasn’t being greedy, but was taking care of their human dignity. Of course, it’s a shame to stand at the blackboard and say: “Sorry, Maria Vasilievna, I didn’t solve the problem.” And then from the level of honesty: one will tell the truth that he forgot, got carried away by playing hockey (back then they used to kick homemade rag balls with crooked sticks), another will come up with excuses for himself, weave a hundred boxes, just to make it seem like the truth. Yes, it’s embarrassing to stand at the blackboard like that. But it’s a thousand times more shameful when a teacher accuses you of taking advantage of someone else’s work. He will say “wrote off”, but in the subtext of this word one hears “stole”. What kind of theft is this? After all, you don’t tear out a page from a notebook, you just copy it?! But what to do, things must be called by their proper names. You copied someone else's work. Just imagine that this is not homework, but, say, poetry written by your friend. And you submitted them to the editor under your name. The truth will come out sooner or later. And for such an act a person will not be patted on the head, he will be brought to justice. What if it’s not poetry, but a drawing of an invention? You see how far discussions have taken us about whether it is worthy or unworthy for a person to copy someone else’s HOMEWORK. Victor understood all this and even tried to explain it to the guys, but not everyone understood him. Each of us does not immediately develop this very sense of human dignity; we have it, but we do not yet know what it is.

The guys show a dramatization of the French ballad “White Shawl”:


Host: The ballad tells about a young revolutionary who was in a detachment of rebels fighting for the freedom of the people. He was caught by his enemies, the royal soldiers, he was sentenced to death, almost a boy, and in the morning in the large square where the scaffold was set up, his head was to be cut off.

At night, his mother comes to his cell, bribing the guards.

Mother: Early in the morning I will be received by the king, on my knees I will beg him to have mercy on you, because you are just a boy. If my request is heard by the king, and you are forgiven, in the morning you see me in the crowd - I will be in a white shawl. If the king refuses, the shawl will be black.

Presenter: And now - the morning of the execution, the crowd is raging at the scaffold, they are indignant that such a young boy is being executed. And everyone sympathizes with him. And he goes out to the scaffold with a smile and calmly lays his head down: words of forgiveness are about to sound, because his mother is standing in the crowd in a white shawl.

The executioner raises the ax, the execution is completed. A woman in a white shawl is sobbing in the crowd. She was afraid that her son would become cowardly when he saw the block and the ax and the executioner dressed in red, that her boy would begin to ask for forgiveness, humiliating his dignity, the dignity of a revolutionary.

And so he died calmly and with dignity.

Teacher: During the war, how many young men worthily, as befits soldiers and patriots, went through fire and death, saving the Motherland from the brown fascist evil spirits, how many boys and girls who fell into the hands of enemies had to endure torment more terrible than the hero of “The White Shawl” - interrogations, torture. And how many mothers, suffering from unbearable grief, thought that their long-suffering children would retain their human dignity and not show weakness to their enemies.

A student reads a poem by S. Mikhalkov

There lived three friends - comrades

In the small town of En

There were three friends - comrades

Captured by the Nazis.

They began to interrogate the first one,

They tortured him for a long time -

A tortured comrade died

And he didn't say anything.

They began to interrogate the second one,

The second one could not bear the torture -

He died without saying a word,

Like a real hero.

The third comrade could not stand it,

The third tongue was loosened.

There's nothing for us to talk about! –

He said before he died.

They were buried outside the city,

Near the destroyed walls.

This is how comrades died

In the small town of En.

Do you have to be a hero to be a worthy person?

Not every worthy person will necessarily become a hero. But not a single hero can be a person without a high feeling: it is dignity that underlies true pride, honor, and faith in a just cause.

Let's listen to what happened to Vitya, the hero of the story, evacuated from Moscow?

One day, returning from school in the evening, Vitya saw that in the twilight three rather strong “foreheads”, as they said then about big guys who prove to everyone that they are “right” with their fists, were beating a boy, he did not see who it was, as it turned out later - it was him classmates who had left school a couple of minutes earlier. Seeing the obvious injustice - three against one, he shouted to the guys to stop the meanness, they just chuckled, and then Vitya, thin, not very adapted, it seemed, for a fight, rushed into battle. Where did he get the strength from, apparently from this, his inherent sense of self-esteem and justice. After all, only the one who truly has a sense of self-worth is the one who values ​​the property of others. The most curious thing in this story is that Vitya beat up quite noticeably a boy whom everyone was afraid of and with whom everyone walked away from a fight, and he loved to show off his strength, to hit someone on the forehead or the back of the head. And then, beaten, with a heavy bruise, he came to school... with his mother. She, seeing signs of a fight on the face of her “baby,” was indignant, and, ignoring his request not to go to school, came to the director, and even caused him a scandal.

During the lesson, the principal and the victim's mother entered the classroom.

The director ordered him to get up, I don’t know who, but I felt the irony in the director’s voice. Of course, it was disgraceful that a student beat a student, but the director clearly did not sympathize with the victim. After all, that’s why he’s the director, to know everything in the world about the students.

So, said the director, whose job is this?

“Mine,” Victor stood up.

We imagined anyone in the role of a fighter, but not Victor. And in our opinion, he was not suitable for a fight, so at first we didn’t even believe it. But Victor didn’t even make excuses, but simply said:

He got the job done. Let him tell himself...

But the victim did not have enough courage. He remained stubbornly silent, staring at the floor, then began to squeeze something out of himself. And his mother kept repeating: “You see, you see!” And this is called education?”

But then two boys taking part in the fight stood up and told everything themselves. And the victim’s mother blushed and began to apologize.

And it turned out that the one for whom Victor stood up did not stand up because he acted dishonestly towards his comrades, and for this they decided to “teach him a lesson.”

And all the same,” said Victor, “three against one is mean.”

And everyone agreed with him.

This is a difficult and ambiguous story.

But the girls all fell in love with Victor again, and the boys wanted to be friends with him, despite the fact that he still wouldn’t let them cheat.

Children, please remember the wonderful words of the great teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “Spiritual wealth is unthinkable without self-esteem... Without self-respect there is no moral purity and spiritual wealth of the individual. Self-respect, a sense of honor, pride, dignity - this is the stone on which the subtlety of feelings is honed.”

“The sense of humanity is insulted,” writes Vissarion Belinsky, “when people do not respect the human dignity of others, and it is even more insulted and suffers when a person does not respect his own dignity.”

And finally, Nikolai Ostrovsky:

“If the discord between the higher and inner worlds is very great, then you need to think and ask yourself: what kind of person are you if you are ashamed even to admit something to yourself?”

Three different people, three different eras, three heroic - each in its own way, unique and wonderful destinies, three masters who left us their eternal creations, so different from each other. And how equally they speak about the enormous role that plays in the fate of every person, and in your fate, my friend, a feeling that cannot be bought or borrowed, but only cultivated in oneself, grown in one’s heart - A FEELING OF OWN DIGNITY, making a person truly human.

I offer the guys questions for discussion.

1. What does it mean to be worthy? Is it necessary to be a hero?

2. Where can you show dignity in our time? To whom should we behave with dignity?

3. Is it worthy to give advice?

4. Is it worthy to refuse to write off or to ask to write off?

5. What else, in your opinion, should be included in the concept of dignity?

6. How do you understand the words: “At the heart of human existence, human existence, human life is kindness.”

7. Do you agree with me:

Living with dignity means living according to the commandments. I think how appropriate the commandments of Jesus Christ are anywhere (there are 10 of them). Here are some of them that correspond to our topic today:

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Honor your father and mother.

Thou shalt not kill.

Don't steal.

Do not bear false witness (i.e., tell the truth).

Thou shalt not covet from thy neighbor (i.e., do not ask).

Honor Sunday.

So, the basis of human existence is kindness, a kind attitude towards each other, which is why I would like to end our class hour with a poem by Gulchekhra Juraeva (I read it by heart).

They say I'm proud.

Well, I’ll answer: yes

Proud before baseness,

I'm proud of vulgarity,

I always.

If petty revenge

I want to get into my soul,

If they weigh it with gold -

They want to drown out conscience -

Before that I'm proud

I answer: “Never.”

But kindness is with you,

I'm trustingly simple

Pride melts like snow

On a fine spring day...

How I search, how I wait

Beauty and kindness!

So I want you to carry these best qualities through life: kindness, mercy towards people, and then they will say about you: this person has self-esteem and respects the dignity of others.

Class hour "Offence, crime and teenagers"

Social educator: The topic “Offence, crime and teenagers” is relevant today, since, unfortunately, not every teenager is aware of the illegal acts he commits, which lead to serious and difficult to correct consequences. Every year, teenagers commit more than 145 thousand crimes, almost every fifth of them is sent to serve a sentence of imprisonment in educational colonies (EC).

Inspector ODN: What types of responsibility do you know?

Children's answers

ODN inspector: There are 4 types of legal liability for violations:

1. Criminal liability – liability for violation of laws provided for by the Criminal Code. A crime provided for by criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social order, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order. (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

occurs at the age of 14.

2. Administrative liability is applied for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Administrative violations include: violation of traffic rules, violation of fire safety. People can be held accountable for administrative offenses from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

Social educator: Guys, you were told about the crimes that are committed by teenagers in our city, as well as about the types of legal liability for violations. Now you will be given tasks, and you try to answer correctly.

Inspector ODN: Assignments for students.

1 Analysis of the situation:

No. 3. 7th grade students were in the locker room before a physical education lesson. After the bell rang, everyone went to the gym, but Dima lingered and stole a mobile phone from his classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age does responsibility for this offense begin?

No. 5 Consider the following life situation, which I believe you can easily figure out now.

In every school there are lazy people who don’t want to study. Call the police “There’s a bomb in the school!” Later it turned out that it was a joke to disrupt the test. How would you rate this action? Is this a crime or a joke? (the guys speak out).

Of course, a “planted bomb” is terrorism! This means it poses a serious problem for both law enforcement agencies and citizens. Diverts the forces and resources of law enforcement agencies. They create nervousness and panic in society.

What do you think, at what age is a person responsible for such “jokes” to the fullest extent of the law? (the guys answer).

That's right, from the age of 14. In addition, parents will be forced to compensate for all material damage in connection with the costs of services that went to the scene of the incident. And the city prosecutor's office can hold parents accountable for failure to fulfill their obligations to support and raise children.

And the article of the Criminal Code provides for punishment for knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism: a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles or correctional labor for a term of one to 2 years, or arrest for a term of 3 to 6 months, or imprisonment for a term up to 3 years. (Graduates of our school I.B. and V.E. allowed themselves a similar joke and one of them received a 2-year suspended sentence. He was kidding!)

So, remember, the law is not to be trifled with!

2. Identify the types of legal liability when dealing with various violations. Match.

Types of responsibility:

G – civil – legal.

U - criminal.

D - disciplinary

Types of violations:

3. Beat up a classmate (U)

7. Broke a window with a ball. (G)

Inspector ODN: Guys, what do you think, does a representative of the law have the right to detain you on the street at a late time? And why? (The guys speak out and give examples).

Of course, they are worried about your health, about your life.

How should you behave in this case: break free, scream, run away? (the guys speak).

Firstly, answer the policeman’s questions calmly, do not be afraid, and do not tell lies. For example: you and your friends are returning late from training...

Secondly, you can give the law representatives your parents' phone number or call them yourself.

Now consider the following situation:

“Guys came up to me on the street and took away my favorite phone. What should I do?"

What would you do in this case? (guys answer)

First of all, this is a crime! Do you agree?

Solving this crime also depends on your correct actions.

1. Call “02” quickly

2. Explain clearly where and when the crime was committed

3. Tell me the signs of hooligans

4. Notify parents.

For what offenses can you be taken to the police?


1. Violation of traffic rules

2. Drinking alcoholic beverages and beer in public places (i.e. any place outside your apartment) and appearing drunk.

3. Petty hooliganism (fighting, slander, etc.).

4.Illegal sale.

5. Malicious disobedience.

Now let's talk about your rights.

1. If you are not detained, but simply asked to go in for a chat. Your actions? (the guys answer).

2.You are right. Don't be rude, but politely but firmly refuse.

But you may be invited as an eyewitness to the incident. What do you do in this case? (the guys answer).

Yes. In this case, you can go to the police station only of your own free will. At the same time, you should know that you cannot be invited as a witness: such an invitation must be issued in the form of a summons, which is handed by the postman, you have the right to refuse to testify - you will not face liability for this if you are under 16 years old.

What is the difference between an “eyewitness” and a “witness”? How do you think? (the guys answer).

An eyewitness is not responsible for his words, he says what he saw or what he thinks about the incident. Therefore, he may tell a lie.

A witness is a person identified by the suspect or victim. He is criminally liable for making false statements.

Suppose you were brought to the police station. Please know that the officer on duty must immediately inform your parents about your detention. If you have committed a minor offense, then after drawing up a report you must be immediately released or wait for your parents to take you home.

If you have committed a more serious offense, then you may be detained administratively - no more than 3 hours (time after drawing up the protocol).

You have no right to be placed in a pre-trial detention cell (CPC) if there are already adults there!

You may be detained if you are suspected of committing a serious crime. This decision is made only by the court.

The interrogation of a minor must take place in the presence of a teacher and a lawyer. Parents may be present, but their presence is not required. Remember, you can appeal any actions of police officers!

Social teacher: Guys, I really want to believe that after our class hour, we will do only good deeds. Good luck to you!

Crime and the teenager.

Goal: Prevention of crimes and delinquency among minors, education of legal consciousness of students

Teacher: The topic “crime and teenagers” is relevant today, since, unfortunately, not every teenager is aware of the illegal acts they commit, which lead to serious and difficult-to-correct consequences. Every year, teenagers commit more than 145 thousand crimes, almost every fifth of them is sent to serve a sentence of imprisonment in educational colonies (EC).

There are 4 types of legal liability for violations:

1. Criminal liability – liability for violation of laws provided for by the Criminal Code. A crime provided for by criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social order, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order. (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

For malicious hooliganism, theft, rape, criminal liability

occurs at the age of 14.

2. Administrative liability is applied for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Administrative violations include: violation of traffic rules, violation of fire safety. People can be held accountable for administrative offenses from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

3. Disciplinary liability is a violation of labor duties, i.e. violation of labor laws, for example: being late for work, absenteeism without a good reason.

4. Civil liability regulates property relations. Punishments for the offender: compensation for harm, payment of damages.

Speech by a juvenile affairs inspector. The children were told about the crimes that are committed by teenagers in our city and the existing punishment.

Assignments for students.

1. Analysis of the situation:

No. 1. Seryozha and Sasha were playing ball in the yard. The guys broke a window in a neighbor's house with a ball. What crime did the teenagers commit?

No. 2. The teenager was detained on the street at 23:40, unaccompanied by adults. What punishment does he face?

No. 3. Students in grade 7b were in the locker room before physical education class. After the bell rang, everyone went to the gym, but Dima lingered and stole a mobile phone from his classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age does responsibility for this offense begin?

No. 4. Roma and Petya were traveling on the bus, talking loudly, laughing, using obscene language, and reacting aggressively to the comments of others.

What crime did the teenagers commit? At what age does responsibility for this offense begin? What punishment can you expect?

2. Determine the types of legal liability when considering various violations. Match.

Types of responsibility:

A - administrative responsibility.

G – civil – legal.

U - criminal.

D - disciplinary

Types of violations:

1. Torn a classmate’s textbook (D)

2. A teenager appears on the street while drunk (A)

3. Beat up a classmate (U)

4. Stole a mobile phone. (U)

5. I skipped school (D)

6. Crossed the road in the wrong place. (A)

7. Broke a window with a ball. (G)

8. Used obscene language in a public place. (A)

Speech by a school psychologist.

Training is conducted on crime prevention among students.

Teacher: Guys, I really want to believe that after our class hour, we will do only good deeds. Good luck to you.

8th grade

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Adolescent delinquency and responsibility for them. "Crime and Punishment".

The purpose of the class hour:

Organize children’s knowledge about offenses, familiarize them with the types of violations and punishments for them;

Develop ideas about the consequences of illegal acts;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility for your actions.

Progress of the class hour:

1. Indicate the motto of the class hour: “Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility.”

2.Introduce the concept of offense, crime and misdemeanor.

An offense is an action that is contrary to the rules of law. The illegality of an offense is expressed in the fact that a citizen or other person violates any applicable rule of law or acts contrary to its requirements.

Offenses are classified on different grounds: depending on the nature of the offenses, the degree of their harmfulness and danger to public relations, as well as the nature of the sanctions applied for their commission. According to this criterion, all offenses are divided into crimes and misdemeanors.

Crimes are socially dangerous, guilty acts prohibited by criminal law that cause significant harm to public relations and the established order in society.

Misdemeanors are guilty, illegal acts that are characterized by a lower degree compared to crimes.

The Code of Administrative Offenses is responsible for misdemeanors, and the Criminal Code is responsible for crimes. Today we will focus specifically on administrative offenses.

3.What offenses are classified as administrative?

In the field of labor protection and public health (For example, the manager of hazardous production did not provide workers with protective clothing, consumption of narcotic substances without a doctor’s prescription, prostitution);

Encroaching on property (for example, unauthorized use of water from a river for industrial purposes, unauthorized occupation of a land plot; destruction of special signs, petty theft);

In the field of nature protection, historical and cultural monuments (illegal cutting of trees, fire safety rules, destruction of rare species of plants and animals);

In transport, in the field of road infrastructure and communications (travel without a ticket; crossing the street incorrectly; placing objects on the railway tracks that may interfere with traffic, exceeding the established speed, etc.);

In the field of entrepreneurial activity (carrying out entrepreneurial activities without special permission (license); violation of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods);

In the field of trade and finance (rude attitude of the seller towards the buyer; violation of the rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages);

Violating public order (petty hooliganism; appearing drunk in public places; using profanity);

Encroaching on the established order of management (malicious disobedience to a police officer; arbitrariness; smuggling, etc.)

Class hour "Crime and Punishment"

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Industry: Education

Specializations: Deputy Director, Class Teacher, Head of Education Department

Magazine: Magazine "Class Teacher's Handbook"

Magazine number: Class Teacher's Handbook No. 1, 2011

Topic: Education

Teenagers are becoming increasingly involved in crimes. In educational institutions it is necessary to carry out work to prevent juvenile delinquency. The class hour "Crime and Punishment" is designed for students in grades 8-11.

The purpose of the class hour:

develop the skills of independent decision-making;

develop skills in critical analysis of complex situations;

develop the ability to work in a group, express your views, and lead a discussion.

Preparatory work:

preparation of an electronic presentation;

invitation from a local police officer;

preparation of handouts.

Event scenario

Class teacher: Good afternoon, dear participants of our event! Today we have gathered to talk about one important issue - the offenses that teenagers commit and their consequences. The theme of our class hour is “Crime and Punishment.”

We took the following words as the epigraph for our event: “Almost all people are slaves, and this is explained by the same reason that the Spartans explained the humiliation of the Persians: they are unable to utter the word “No”.” (Nicola Chamfort.)

Why do people commit crimes? Each person is able to make his own choice in life: to follow an honest path, earning the necessary money, denying himself many pleasures and desires, or to take the path of crime in search of easy money. Everyone knows that stealing, robbing, insulting, and fighting are bad. And yet the number of juvenile delinquents is growing. Why? How do you think?

Teenagers are increasingly becoming involved in drug trafficking, illegal weapons trafficking, pornography, and criminal trafficking. The number and severity of crimes are growing:

violent and selfishly violent;

committed in groups, under the guidance of adults;

committed by girls.

The actions of teenagers are characterized by extreme cruelty, insolence, and aggressiveness. In recent years, the number of intentional homicides has increased by 103%, robberies by 108%, grievous bodily harm by 80%, and robberies by 37%.

Crime is getting younger. Reasons for this:

a sharp drop in the standard of living of most of the population;

social vulnerability;

uncertainty about the future.

According to criminological studies, about 80% of children delivered to reception centers for minors are under the age of 14, all from dysfunctional families, many suffer from addiction to alcohol, drugs and toxic substances.

The teacher offers the students a game. Two or three people walk out the door. Five of those who remained in the class receive cards with one of the words of the proverb “Measure seven times - cut once.” When the exited students return to the office, those who received the cards pronounce their words in unison. The task of those entering is to understand what their classmates said. (After several attempts to guess the proverb, the teacher explains the meaning of the game: one speaks - everyone listens.)

The class teacher tells the students the beginning of a story and then discusses it with them.

Sergei and Alyosha are in ninth grade. They became friends in the sixth grade, when Sergei first appeared at the school where Alyosha studied. The boys live close to each other. They have many common interests. Lately they have been obsessed with the idea of ​​buying skateboards, which are very expensive. All friends already have them.

A guy they knew from a nearby street, who was four years older than them, offered the guys to buy boards from him, each for half the price. The boys guessed that the skateboards were stolen, but they were still happy, believing that they had a lucky chance. And they decided that they would try at any cost to find the required amount of money.

Students are divided into groups:

1st group - those who believe that it is worth making such a purchase;

2nd group - those who are against the purchase;

3rd group - those who doubt. The guys take turns justifying their opinion.

Question to the class: Think about it, if boys buy stolen skateboards from a guy they know, could this be regarded as complicity in a crime? What awaits young people in this case?

A crime is an act that poses a danger to a person, society or the state, committed by a person whose guilt has been proven by a court.

Crimes can be intentional or committed through negligence. Group crimes - jointly committed by two or more perpetrators with or without prior agreement.

Complicity is a group crime committed intentionally.

After this, the teacher reads out the continuation of the story.

The problem that clouded the good mood was where to find the necessary money.

Sergei had small savings - money that his grandparents gave him for his birthday. But this was clearly not enough to buy the board. True, there was a faint hope of begging the missing money from my father. But Sergei was not sure that he would agree to give him the required amount.

Alexey didn’t even have hope. He lived with his mother, who earned money only to feed them and buy the basic necessities. And again, their acquaintance came to the rescue of the friends, saying that he could help the guys with money, which they could later earn by providing him with some services.

The boys decided to think about it and give an answer in a couple of days.

Students are divided into pairs, distribute roles among themselves: who will be Sergei and who will be Alexey, and answer questions from the position of their heroes:

What dangers might await them if they agree to work with this acquaintance?

What is the likelihood that the guys will be drawn into crime?

Is it possible to give examples from literature, films, and television programs where a similar situation arose? What did it entail?

The class teacher sums up the discussion and reminds schoolchildren that the age at which criminal liability begins is 14 years. Then he reads out the continuation of the story.

Arriving home, Sergei decided to ask his father for money. The father replied that the family did not have free funds to buy a board. He invited his son to earn money in his friend’s workshop, doing feasible work. Sergei decided that this might even be interesting for him, and agreed with his father’s proposal.

Alexey, realizing that he had no way to get money, the next day gave his acquaintance his consent.

A few days later, an acquaintance called and said that he was expecting Alexey in the evening; there was work for him. When Alyosha came to the meeting, it turned out that together with another boy they had to go into an empty apartment and take some things from there.

How would each of you feel if you were in a similar situation?

Is there a way out for Alexey in this situation?

What led Alexei to the point that he was forced to commit a crime?

If he suddenly refuses this, what awaits him?

Should Alexey report his acquaintance to the police or inform one of the adults?

After the discussion, the children are invited to listen to the continuation of the story.

Alexey and the boy, whose name was Vladik, came to the specified address. When they opened the door and entered the apartment, they heard some movement in one of the rooms. Looking there, they saw an elderly woman who, moving with difficulty, walked towards them. Noticing the teenagers, she got scared and screamed. Vladik pushed the old woman away, grabbed the wallet that was lying on the nightstand in the hallway, and started to run. Alexei was confused at first, but then ran after him. At the corner of the house they were detained by police officers who were called by neighbors.

The class teacher introduces students to the list of crimes for which teenagers aged 14-16 are convicted; types of punishments for minors who have committed a crime, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Crimes for which teenagers aged 14-16 are convicted:

committing murder;

intentional harm to health, kidnapping, rape;

robbery, robbery, theft, extortion;

theft and rendering of vehicles unusable;

vandalism, hooliganism under aggravating circumstances;

intentional destruction and theft of someone else's property;

theft of weapons, drugs, explosives;

terrorism, hostage taking.

Types of punishments for minors, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

compulsory work;

imprisonment for a certain period of time;

correctional work;

deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities.

For teenagers who have committed a crime for the first time, educational measures are applied: warning, transfer to supervision, restriction of leisure time and establishment of requirements for behavior, imposition of obligations to make amends for the harm caused.

In relation to minors Vladik and Alexey, after their detention by police officers, a decision must be made to initiate a criminal case under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (robbery).

According to Art. 14 and part 2 of Art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), criminal liability of children for robbery begins at the age of 14 if they are guilty. If one of the children has not reached the age of 14, a criminal case will not be initiated against him, and accordingly there will be no liability.

We assume that children are 14 years or older. In this case, a criminal case is initiated under paragraph “c” of Part 2 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - robbery with illegal entry into a home.

Unlike theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), during robbery, someone else's property is stolen openly, that is, in our case, in the presence of a person (the victim) who understands the nature of what is happening. And despite the fact that the initial plan was to commit theft, robbery will be charged.

Vladik will bear criminal liability in accordance with paragraph “c” of Part 2 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (he initially knew that a crime would be committed, wanted it and foresaw the consequences).

An acquaintance of the boys will be prosecuted as the organizer of the crime.

Alexey may be released from criminal liability if during the preliminary investigation and (or) in court it is established that he did not know about the need to commit a crime (there is no guilt). For example, an acquaintance could tell Alexey that the things belong to him, Vladik or their relatives, acquaintances and they only need help moving them, transporting them, etc. Consequently, in the absence of guilt (did not understand, did not realize and did not foresee the criminal consequences of his act) Alexey does not bear any responsibility.

Another option is this. Alexey wanted to commit a theft, but a robbery occurred. In this case, Art. 36 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - excesses of the perpetrator of a crime. Since Alexey did not foresee, did not know and did not want Vladik to commit robbery, he is not liable under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Alexey will be punished for committing theft.

Students are divided into two groups. The first group needs to finish the story, think, using various sources of information, about what will happen next. The second group must come up with a different scenario for this story, in which Alexey would not find himself in such a tragic situation.

After discussing the options proposed by the students, the class teacher sums up the meeting. If possible, it is advisable to invite a local police officer for the final word.

Class hour "Crime and Punishment"

Edeleva Lada Nikolaevna, mathematics teacher

The article belongs to the section: Classroom management, Social pedagogy

legal education;

crime prevention;

acquaintance with the basic rights and responsibilities of a citizen of the Russian Federation through the game;

bring students to an awareness of the regulatory, preventive and punitive functions of legal norms.

promote the formation of communication skills in the process of acquiring knowledge through a game situation;

have an emotional impact on the participants in the game;

stimulate students' creative activity.

Progress of the event

Teacher's opening speech

The life of any person can be imagined as a ball of thread, and any twist or knot can lead to serious consequences. Let us now discuss the question “What are the causes of crime?” (Students name various reasons.)

All these reasons can be combined into two groups – social and economic.

– What factors do you think can influence the commission of a crime? (Influence of the company, media, etc.)

– Is it society’s fault that crime in our country is steadily growing?

– What types of crime do you know? (Slide 2. Appendix 1).

-What is punishment? (This is a measure of state coercion provided for by the Criminal Code and applied to a person found guilty of committing a crime.)

– What types of punishments do you know? (Slide 3)

Some statistics

At the beginning of 2003, there were 19 thousand juvenile prisoners in Russia. Our country remains one of the leaders in the relative number of juvenile prisoners - 13 per 100 thousand people.

Every tenth VK pupil is an orphan or a child left without parental care.

Every fifth person has deviations in mental development, confirmed by documents.

5-6% of pupils are former students of auxiliary schools.

About half had not studied or worked before their arrest.

A quarter of the pupils have primary education.

More than 7% suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction.

Pupils over 18 years of age (up to 21 years of age) make up from 25 to 40%.

Legal game “Do you know the law?”

The class is divided into 3 teams.

1 competition “Do you know the law?”

The teams are given the names of the situations in order and need to determine what types of legal liability arise (criminal or administrative). One point is awarded for each correct answer. (Slide 4)

2 competition. "Morality or Law?"

Determine in which cases moral responsibility arises, and in which legal responsibility. For each correct answer 1 point. (Slide 5)

3rd competition “Crime and Punishment”.

Teams are given cards with tasks (2 pieces each) (Appendix 2); within 5 minutes, participants must choose the correct answer to the task from those proposed and justify it. (Slide 6) For each correct answer - 5 points.

Summing up the game

Speech by assistant judge Natalya Gennadievna Boyko in the form of a press conference.

Questions asked at the press conference:

Name one of the most common reasons why teenagers commit crimes.

What is the age of criminal responsibility?

What is the difference between criminal and administrative liability?

Is it easy to judge teenagers?

Tell us about probation for minors.

Do all types of punishment apply to minors?

The educational function is that the class hour expands the range of knowledge of students in ethics, aesthetics, psychology, physics, mathematics, literary criticism and other sciences. The subject of the class hour can be knowledge from the field of technology, national economy, as well as information about events taking place in a village, city, country, world, i.e. any phenomenon of social life can become the object of consideration. Sample topics: “How etiquette appeared,” “Our Constitution,” “Problems of modern society,” etc.

Orienting function The orienting function consists in forming in schoolchildren a certain attitude towards the objects of the surrounding reality, in developing in them a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the educational function presupposes acquaintance with the world, then it is an orienting assessment of it. The above functions are inextricably linked. Thus, it is difficult or even impossible to instill in children a love of classical music that they have never heard. Often, classroom hours help students navigate social values. The topics of such class hours are: “How to become happy?”, “Who to be?”, “What to be?”, “About masculinity and femininity”, etc.

Directing function The directing function of the classroom involves transferring the conversation about life into the area of ​​​​real practice of students, directing their activities. This function acts as a real influence on the practical side of schoolchildren’s lives, their behavior, their choice of life path, setting life goals and their implementation. If there is no specific direction in the process of conducting a class hour, then the effectiveness of its impact on students is significantly reduced, and knowledge does not turn into beliefs. For example, a class hour on the topic “International Year of the Child” may end with the adoption of a collective decision that involves collecting books for children from the Children's Home.

Class hours are held for various educational purposes: Creating conditions for the development and manifestation of the student’s individuality and creative abilities. Enriching the student with knowledge about nature, society, and man. Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere and value relations of the child’s personality. Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Class hour occupies an important place in the educational process of the school. The classroom is the main structural unit in the school. Here the emergence and development of relationships between students take place, their worldview is formed through the cognitive activities that are offered to them in lessons.

Class hour- one of the forms of direct communication between the teacher and students, during which the social and ethical education of students, the development of each student as an individual, and the formation of a class team take place. Thus, organizing a class hour for a teacher is not an easy and very responsible task.

The class teacher is responsible for the main educational and organizational work in the classroom. His responsibilities include not only creating favorable conditions for the personal development of the student, but also effectively helping in solving psychological problems that arise in the child when communicating with other students, parents and teachers.

The class teacher is, as it were, an intermediary between the student and society, helping to build relationships in the team through a variety of activities that contribute to the self-expression of each student and his development as an individual.

By participating in the formation of the primary children's team in the class, the class teacher must take on the role of leader, mentor, guardian and friend of his students. He must be able to inspire children, understand their needs, be an assistant, and not only organize, but also actively participate in the collective creative activities of his class.

Extracurricular communication between the class teacher and students occupies a very important place in educational work. At the same time, the classroom is one of the most common ways to organize such communication. Despite the fact that a certain time is allocated for it in the school schedule, a class hour is not inherently a lesson. And communication on it can easily be classified as extracurricular.

Class hour represents time spent by the teacher with the students of the class and organized in such a way that the children have the opportunity to take part in certain activities that contribute to the development of social relations and the formation of moral values.

Class hour usually takes place every week. It can last as long as a regular lesson, but this is not a requirement. Sometimes 15-20 minutes are enough to cover a topic. Other topics require longer communication.

Thematic class hour differs in that it is dedicated to a specific topic. Such communication is more holistic and complete; it helps to concentrate students’ attention on specific things, without being scattered over trifles. A class session on a specific topic is more effective than just an informal meeting. He is knowledgeable. The topic itself is very convenient to use to achieve certain pedagogical goals during communication.