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Biryukov Vyacheslav. Vibration therapy. Vibrations replace all pills! Stones, minerals and crystals

The therapeutic use of mechanical vibrations of various frequencies - shocks (vibration therapy, or seismic therapy) is represented by vibration and vibration-vacuum massage, as well as ultrasound therapy.

Vibration massage involves exposure to mechanical vibrations of low frequency, usually within the range of 8-100 Hz. They improve hemodynamics, normalize the excitability of the autonomic ganglia and the transmission of nerve impulses, and have a positive effect on the reduced hormonal function of the ovaries. Various options for vibration massage are used: direct impact of sound frequency vibrations (50 and 100 Hz) on any area of ​​the body (nipple, mammary gland, paravertebral zones, anterior abdominal wall); vibration baths - the combined effect of a general bath and vibrations of water waves created by a special apparatus, directed at the lower half of the anterior abdominal wall and the lumbosacral region of the patient; pulsed endovaginal vibration hydromassage - multi-jet vaginal irrigation carried out under pressure and in a pulsed mode created using mechanical vibrations of infrasonic frequency (8-16 Hz), which are resonant with the natural vibrations of the woman’s pelvic organs; hydrotubation in an intermittent mode provided by infrasonic frequency fluctuations.

Vibration-vacuum massage involves applying a wave of air to the anterior abdominal wall and the walls of the vagina or the cervix with alternating increases and decreases in negative local pressure, i.e., pulsating rarefaction. It is a variant of decompression therapy.

Ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound (US), used for therapeutic purposes, is mechanical vibrations propagating in the form of elastic longitudinal waves in the frequency range 800 kHz - 3 MHz. Ultrasound effects carry out a kind of micromassage of cells and tissues, accompanied by the appearance of heat, and provide analgesic, desensitizing and fibrolytic effects, increased metabolic processes and tissue trophism, the formation of arterial and venous collaterals in the sonification zone. Low-intensity ultrasound (up to 1 W/cm2) stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex and increases the hormonal activity of the ovaries.

There are 2 modes of generation of ultrasonic oscillations: continuous and pulsed. With the latter, the heat-generating ability of the ultrasonic factor is reduced, which reduces the load on the patient’s cardiovascular system. The therapeutic effect of pulsed ultrasound radiation, as a rule, lasts longer than continuous one, and can be further extended by preliminary single exposure in continuous mode.

Devices for vibration therapy

Vibration has been used in medicine for a very long time. A number of works are devoted to the study of the physiological mechanism of the action of vibrations on the human body.

The effect of mechanical vibrations on the body is carried out through finely differentiated exteroceptors, as well as through deep-lying proprioceptors. In mechanoreceptors, of which the corpuscles are the most studied, when exposed to vibration, the capsule is deformed, its permeability to Na + ions increases, and ionic currents are formed. The smooth muscles of some internal organs contain their own vibration receptors. They are also found in the wall of the gallbladder. Synchronous excitation of a certain number of mechanoreceptors, impulses from which propagate along a reflex arc to the spinal cord and then to the cortical representation, forms a response in the organ.

From the periphery, vibration-conducting fibers enter the posterior columns of the spinal cord. Ebert K. (1957) believes that the fibers of temperature, pain and vibration sensitivity come from the periphery together and enter the spinal cord as part of the lateral cords. The cortical representation of vibration sensitivity is the parietal lobes, from which signals are transmitted to the necessary organ.

The nature of the body's response depends on the location of application of the active factor, frequency and duration of exposure.

K.Ya. Shishlovskaya (1968) believes that it is advisable to carry out vibration therapy not only on the projection of the corresponding organ, but also on its segmental zone of innervation. Vibration therapy, at its core, is gymnastics for smooth muscles and blood vessels.

In response to vibration exposure, protective and adaptive mechanisms are stimulated, the tone of the autonomic nervous and hypothalamic-pituitary systems is normalized, blood and lymph circulation in tissues exposed to vibration is enhanced due to non-functioning, previously collapsed capillaries, blood is redistributed from the periphery to the center, and swelling is eliminated .

Vibration therapy, carried out on the projection of the liver and biliary tract, activates redox processes in hepatocytes, enhances tissue respiration of biliary tract myocytes by increasing the level of succinate dehydrogenase and reducing cytochrome oxidase. Thus, the spasm of the smooth muscles of the biliary tract is relieved, its tone and contractility are normalized, bile secretion is enhanced, and conditions are created for better absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract. These processes are enhanced when vibration therapy is combined with drinking mineral water.

The hardware vibration began with the “trembling” chair of Abbot Pierre, about whose miraculous properties Voltaire wrote in the 18th century. Unfortunately, the technical characteristics of this device have not been preserved in the literature, and now we cannot judge what mechanisms powered it.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, vibration devices driven by electricity, a clock mechanism, a tuning fork with a resonating box, an electric tuning fork, etc. were proposed.

Today, all vibration installations intended for therapeutic purposes can be divided into two groups: devices for general and local vibration.

For general vibration therapy, devices are used in the form of a chair (Sanitas company), a bicycle (Goff bike), a bed (Hertz bed), a platform, etc. These devices have a number of significant disadvantages: they are expensive, heavy, and bulky. In addition, they have a number of contraindications, such as the presence of stones in the kidneys or gall bladder, a tendency to form blood clots, etc.

In clinical practice, devices for local vibration are most widely used, which, in turn, can be divided into manual ones; body-worn devices; stationary and devices for vibration therapy in water.

Manual vibration devices are diverse and widespread: VMP - 1, VMP - 2, VP - 1, VM - 1, thermal vibration massager "Sorcerer", EMA - 1, EMA - 2M, Kulazhenko apparatus, "Sport", etc. They are based on a device that produces vibrations and a vibrator, with the help of which they are transmitted to the patient. Carrying out the procedure without medical staff is impossible, because... The nurse should press the vibrator tightly against the patient’s body, and when performing the labile technique, move the vibrator.

These devices make it possible to conduct vibration therapy on a separate, limited area of ​​the human body, to carry out abdominal manipulations and influence on acupuncture points, thereby expanding the indications for the procedures performed. In addition, using the latest innovations in electronics, devices with varying degrees of automation have been created to provide vibration therapy to disabled people in rehabilitation centers.

Technical parameters (frequency, amplitude of oscillations), number and type of vibrator (rubber, plastic, metal; in the form of balls, rollers, platforms) in these devices can be varied depending on the therapeutic task.

Stationary (rack-mount) vibration massage devices (Tonus, PEM - 1, vibration scanner VSM - 202, etc.) somewhat simplify the procedure without the use of medical personnel, allow you to vary a large number of parameters, and have a pulsed operating mode.

Recent years have been marked by the appearance of devices (FEST - 1, “Firm”), in which, along with the vibration base, there are also other active factors; magnetic field, weak electric field, microwaves.

Despite this, local vibromassage devices have a number of significant disadvantages; impossibility of strict adherence to specified dosages, poor tolerance, limited area of ​​influence, uneven transmission of vibrations, negative impact on the hands of the massage therapist.

Graupner W. (1960) in his experimental studies showed that when using any manual vibration massagers, the original parameters of the technique are distorted, because Not a single massage therapist can maintain the required amplitude of vibrations throughout the entire procedure, focusing only on their own sensations.

Often, local vibration devices create a large shock wave, which causes pain and damage to the skin, which is completely unacceptable in pediatric practice.

A limited area of ​​influence of these devices, due to the small area of ​​contact between the vibrator and the human body, is often undesirable, because we cause pronounced changes in metabolism and hemodynamics in a very small area, without affecting the body as a whole. At the same time, only the most protruding parts of the grasped surface are subject to oscillatory action, so the use of such devices on the limbs is difficult. Finally, these devices have a negative effect on the massage therapist’s hands (especially when working for a long time on old devices), causing irreversible changes, including the development of vibration disease.

But still, this installation does not meet all the requirements of pediatric practice: it is cumbersome, during the procedure the child must remain motionless for 10 - 15 minutes, which is difficult for children of preschool and primary school age, and it does not allow delivery to the patient’s skin any medicinal solution, herbal decoction, etc.

Vyacheslav Biryukov

Vibration therapy


Thunder won't strike, the man won't cross himself

A person constantly talks a lot about health, but does very little to have it.

V. I. Ivanov. The healing power of hands

The proverb, widely known in Rus', included in the title of the section, characterizes the attitude of the majority of our compatriots to various troubles in life. Thunder struck - illness came. The man crossed himself (took painkillers) and calmed down - everything was over. The peals of Thunder did not teach the man anything. He did not change his lifestyle, which was the cause of the disease, and thereby created the basis for new, more serious diseases.

A person rarely thinks about the cause of the disease: “Why did Thunder strike?” Even less often does he think about how to prevent the development of the disease in the future.

My own way of life was no exception to this rule until the strong peals of Thunder thundered above me. In early 1990, for the first time in my life, they put me in a hospital bed for a long time. A blood vessel in my brain burst and hemorrhage occurred in the central nervous system (brain and spine). The situation was further complicated by the fact that the doctors made a mistake in the diagnosis - they decided that I had a blood clot in one of the vessels of the brain, and they administered vasodilators to me. I fainted. Fortunately, the doctors quickly realized their mistake. During the time spent in a hospital bed, my musculoskeletal system atrophied. Like a little child I learned again:

Walk along the bed;

Walk from the bed to the door of the room;

Go down and up stairs, etc.

When I was discharged from the hospital, the attending physician said: “We did everything we knew and could do, the rest is up to you.” He advised me to increase my walking time every day to restore my musculoskeletal system. He issued me a sick leave certificate for six months and a dozen medications.

For the first time I had a lot of free time. During my daily forced walks, I began to think about the cause of the illness. Why did such a strong clap of Thunder occur and how to avoid similar clap of Thunder in the future? And I decided for myself to move from “talking about health” to the position of “gaining health.”

I remembered the words of the attending physician and realized that I had to find a solution to the problem of restoring the health of the body myself. And he started looking. In the early 1990s, a variety of literature about self-medication appeared: “Heal yourself”, “Threads of fate”, “Biofield and health”, “Heal you Nadezhda”, “Heal yourself by knowing yourself”, “Home doctor”, “Help yourself himself”, “School of Bioenergy”, “Chinese Medicine”, “World of Subtle Energies”, “Improvement of the Soul”, “On the Threshold of the Subtle World”, “Doctrine of Life”, “Vibrational Medicine of the 21st Century”, etc.

I started reading everything I could get my hands on. Such literature spoke about the human energy structure, bioenergetics, numerous acupuncture points on the human body, by acting on which one can influence the heartbeat, blood composition, hormone production, increase resistance to diseases and stimulate healing processes in the body. But the information that was given in the books did not allow applying this knowledge in practice. Their practical application remains inaccessible to this day, and gurus (teachers) are in no hurry to share their skills.

Therefore, I began to think about creating my own health management system, a system for improving the body’s health, based on everything that I had read, realized and tested on myself. To be able to control anything, three conditions, three pillars must be present:

1) management programs (treatment methods);

2) the ability to measure the management goal (a way to measure health status);

3) impact leading to a change in goal (restoration of health).

The first thing I chose for the new technique was the ancient method by which herbalists and homeopaths select remedies. This is the so-called radiaesthetic effect (which can be translated as “I feel a wave, vibration”), or the “willow rod” method. It was known to the priests of Egypt back in the 8th millennium BC. e.

Working with the radiesthesia effect has made it possible to understand some of the properties of energy. Today, science does not know exactly what energy is, especially bioenergy. But I was able to experience some of its properties myself. Any energy has at least the following properties:

Vibration frequency;

Impact on the object;

The ability to accumulate (that is, characterized by quantity);

The ability to interact with other energies, forming complexes.

Using the radiesthesia method, I learned to measure the vibration frequency of various objects:

Stones, minerals, crystals;

Trees, flowers;

Organs of the human body (heart, lungs, liver, etc.).

This led me to the realization of a universal, unified language of communication in nature: the language of energy vibrations. It is in this language that information is exchanged in the Universe. The words that a person pronounces are also vibrations of energies of certain frequencies. Obviously, these vibrations constitute the unity of the world. Consequently, a person must contain energies with certain vibrations. Such thoughts prompted me to reconsider ancient and modern teachings about human structure.

In my understanding, a person is an energetic entity that is allowed to attach a material body to itself.

The phrase “it is allowed to attach a material body” means that not every entity is allowed to do this. The primary thing in a person is the essence, the secondary thing is the body. The first gives life to the second. Therefore it is eternal. The material body is mortal today. The essence is a complex of energies with a wide range of vibrations. It contains the source of life of the material body. In essence, in energy form there is knowledge about everything that was and will be on Earth and in the Universe.

I reviewed many traditional and non-traditional knowledge about man and developed my own theory of human structure, which is based on the concept of “essence”. A new look made it possible to formulate the first condition, a management system, - to find an unconventional source for the formation of a program for improving the health of the body. Such a source is the knowledge possessed by human energy essences.

As the second condition, the second pillar of control, the radiesthesia method was chosen.

The third condition was natural sources of vibration influence on biologically active points of the material body. All three pillars of the created system for improving the body’s health are shown in Figure 1.

The peculiarity of the developed healing method is that a person, in principle, does not need to know how his body works, what organs and physiological systems it consists of. It takes faith that:

Everyone has their own energetic essence;

With the help of a dowsing indicator, you can learn to communicate with your energetic essence;

The entity knows how to heal its body and increase its resistance to disease.

Vyacheslav Biryukov

Vibration therapy


Thunder won't strike, the man won't cross himself

A person constantly talks a lot about health, but does very little to have it.

V. I. Ivanov. The healing power of hands

The proverb, widely known in Rus', included in the title of the section, characterizes the attitude of the majority of our compatriots to various troubles in life. Thunder struck - illness came. The man crossed himself (took painkillers) and calmed down - everything was over. The peals of Thunder did not teach the man anything. He did not change his lifestyle, which was the cause of the disease, and thereby created the basis for new, more serious diseases.

A person rarely thinks about the cause of the disease: “Why did Thunder strike?” Even less often does he think about how to prevent the development of the disease in the future.

My own way of life was no exception to this rule until the strong peals of Thunder thundered above me. In early 1990, for the first time in my life, they put me in a hospital bed for a long time. A blood vessel in my brain burst and hemorrhage occurred in the central nervous system (brain and spine). The situation was further complicated by the fact that the doctors made a mistake in the diagnosis - they decided that I had a blood clot in one of the vessels of the brain, and they administered vasodilators to me. I fainted. Fortunately, the doctors quickly realized their mistake. During the time spent in a hospital bed, my musculoskeletal system atrophied. Like a little child I learned again:

Walk along the bed;

Walk from the bed to the door of the room;

Go down and up stairs, etc.

When I was discharged from the hospital, the attending physician said: “We did everything we knew and could do, the rest is up to you.” He advised me to increase my walking time every day to restore my musculoskeletal system. He issued me a sick leave certificate for six months and a dozen medications.

For the first time I had a lot of free time. During my daily forced walks, I began to think about the cause of the illness. Why did such a strong clap of Thunder occur and how to avoid similar clap of Thunder in the future? And I decided for myself to move from “talking about health” to the position of “gaining health.”

I remembered the words of the attending physician and realized that I had to find a solution to the problem of restoring the health of the body myself. And he started looking. In the early 1990s, a variety of literature about self-medication appeared: “Heal yourself”, “Threads of fate”, “Biofield and health”, “Heal you Nadezhda”, “Heal yourself by knowing yourself”, “Home doctor”, “Help yourself himself”, “School of Bioenergy”, “Chinese Medicine”, “World of Subtle Energies”, “Improvement of the Soul”, “On the Threshold of the Subtle World”, “Doctrine of Life”, “Vibrational Medicine of the 21st Century”, etc.

I started reading everything I could get my hands on. Such literature spoke about the human energy structure, bioenergetics, numerous acupuncture points on the human body, by acting on which one can influence the heartbeat, blood composition, hormone production, increase resistance to diseases and stimulate healing processes in the body. But the information that was given in the books did not allow applying this knowledge in practice. Their practical application remains inaccessible to this day, and gurus (teachers) are in no hurry to share their skills.

Therefore, I began to think about creating my own health management system, a system for improving the body’s health, based on everything that I had read, realized and tested on myself. To be able to control anything, three conditions, three pillars must be present:

1) management programs (treatment methods);

2) the ability to measure the management goal (a way to measure health status);

3) impact leading to a change in goal (restoration of health).

The first thing I chose for the new technique was the ancient method by which herbalists and homeopaths select remedies. This is the so-called radiaesthesia effect(which can be translated as “I feel a wave, a vibration”), or the “willow rod” method. It was known to the priests of Egypt back in the 8th millennium BC. e.

Working with the radiesthesia effect has made it possible to understand some of the properties of energy. Today, science does not know exactly what energy is, especially bioenergy. But I was able to experience some of its properties myself. Any energy has at least the following properties:

Vibration frequency;

Impact on the object;

The ability to accumulate (that is, characterized by quantity);

The ability to interact with other energies, forming complexes.

Using the radiesthesia method, I learned to measure the vibration frequency of various objects:

Stones, minerals, crystals;

Trees, flowers;

Organs of the human body (heart, lungs, liver, etc.).

This led me to the realization of a universal, unified language of communication in nature: energy vibration language. It is in this language that information is exchanged in the Universe. The words that a person pronounces are also vibrations of energies of certain frequencies. Obviously, these vibrations constitute the unity of the world. Consequently, a person must contain energies with certain vibrations. Such thoughts prompted me to reconsider ancient and modern teachings about human structure.

In my mind a person is an energetic entity that is allowed to attach a material body to itself.

The phrase “it is allowed to attach a material body” means that not every entity is allowed to do this. The primary thing in a person is the essence, the secondary thing is the body. The first gives life to the second. Therefore it is eternal. The material body is mortal today. The essence is a complex of energies with a wide range of vibrations. It contains the source of life of the material body. In essence, in energy form there is knowledge about everything that was and will be on Earth and in the Universe.

I reviewed many traditional and non-traditional knowledge about man and developed my own theory of human structure, which is based on the concept of “essence”. A new look made it possible to formulate the first condition, control systems, - to find an unconventional source for the formation of a health improvement program for the body. Such a source is the knowledge possessed by human energy essences.

As the second condition, the second pillar of control, the method was chosen radiesthesia.

The third condition was natural sources of vibration influence on biologically active points of the material body. All three pillars of the created system for improving the body’s health are shown in Figure 1.

The peculiarity of the developed healing method is that a person, in principle, does not need to know how his body works, what organs and physiological systems it consists of. Need faith that:

Everyone has their own energetic essence;

With the help of a dowsing indicator, you can learn to communicate with your energetic essence;

The entity knows how to heal its body and increase its resistance to disease.

My method can be classified as meditation is a training of consciousness, patience and attention to your body. On the other hand, if a person wishes, he can get to know his body and methods of healing it.

The author of this book, professor, doctor of technical sciences V. M. Biryukov, for eight years, conducted experiments on healing the body using vibrations of stones, plants, fingers, palms and three-dimensional models of geometric shapes. As a result of these experiments, a system for healing the body was created by turning to one’s own energetic essence, as well as through the use of biologically active points on the body and external sources of energy vibrations. The developed system allows you to restore the body’s functioning without drugs, at the cellular level.

The book provides a detailed description of practical techniques for working with a dowsing indicator, practical techniques for finding the source of vibrations and biologically active points on the body, and practical techniques for conducting a therapy session.

A person constantly talks a lot about health, but does very little to have it. V. I. Ivanov. The healing power of hands


Thunder won't strike, the man won't cross himself

A person constantly talks a lot about health, but does very little to have it.

V. I. Ivanov. The healing power of hands

The proverb, widely known in Rus', included in the title of the section, characterizes the attitude of the majority of our compatriots to various troubles in life. Thunder struck - illness came. The man crossed himself (took painkillers) and calmed down - everything was over. The peals of Thunder did not teach the man anything. He did not change his lifestyle, which was the cause of the disease, and thereby created the basis for new, more serious diseases.

A person rarely thinks about the cause of the disease: “Why did Thunder strike?” Even less often does he think about how to prevent the development of the disease in the future.

My own way of life was no exception to this rule until the strong peals of Thunder thundered above me. In early 1990, for the first time in my life, they put me in a hospital bed for a long time. A blood vessel in my brain burst and hemorrhage occurred in the central nervous system (brain and spine). The situation was further complicated by the fact that the doctors made a mistake in the diagnosis - they decided that I had a blood clot in one of the vessels of the brain, and they administered vasodilators to me. I fainted. Fortunately, the doctors quickly realized their mistake. During the time spent in a hospital bed, my musculoskeletal system atrophied. Like a little child I learned again:

Walk along the bed;

Walk from the bed to the door of the room;

Go down and up stairs, etc.

When I was discharged from the hospital, the attending physician said: “We did everything we knew and could do, the rest is up to you.” He advised me to increase my walking time every day to restore my musculoskeletal system. He issued me a sick leave certificate for six months and a dozen medications.

For the first time I had a lot of free time. During my daily forced walks, I began to think about the cause of the illness. Why did such a strong clap of Thunder occur and how to avoid similar clap of Thunder in the future? And I decided for myself to move from “talking about health” to the position of “gaining health.”

I remembered the words of the attending physician and realized that I had to find a solution to the problem of restoring the health of the body myself. And he started looking. In the early 1990s, a variety of literature about self-medication appeared: “Heal yourself”, “Threads of fate”, “Biofield and health”, “Heal you Nadezhda”, “Heal yourself by knowing yourself”, “Home doctor”, “Help yourself himself”, “School of Bioenergy”, “Chinese Medicine”, “World of Subtle Energies”, “Improvement of the Soul”, “On the Threshold of the Subtle World”, “Doctrine of Life”, “Vibrational Medicine of the 21st Century”, etc.

I started reading everything I could get my hands on. Such literature spoke about the human energy structure, bioenergetics, numerous acupuncture points on the human body, by acting on which one can influence the heartbeat, blood composition, hormone production, increase resistance to diseases and stimulate healing processes in the body. But the information that was given in the books did not allow applying this knowledge in practice. Their practical application remains inaccessible to this day, and gurus (teachers) are in no hurry to share their skills.

Therefore, I began to think about creating my own health management system, a system for improving the body’s health, based on everything that I had read, realized and tested on myself. To be able to control anything, three conditions, three pillars must be present:

1) management programs (treatment methods);

2) the ability to measure the management goal (a way to measure health status);

3) impact leading to a change in goal (restoration of health).

The first thing I chose for the new technique was the ancient method by which herbalists and homeopaths select remedies. This is the so-called radiaesthesia effect(which can be translated as “I feel a wave, a vibration”), or the “willow rod” method. It was known to the priests of Egypt back in the 8th millennium BC. e.

Working with the radiesthesia effect has made it possible to understand some of the properties of energy. Today, science does not know exactly what energy is, especially bioenergy. But I was able to experience some of its properties myself. Any energy has at least the following properties:

Vibration frequency;

Impact on the object;

The ability to accumulate (that is, characterized by quantity);

The ability to interact with other energies, forming complexes.

Using the radiesthesia method, I learned to measure the vibration frequency of various objects:

Stones, minerals, crystals;

Trees, flowers;

Organs of the human body (heart, lungs, liver, etc.).

This led me to the realization of a universal, unified language of communication in nature: energy vibration language. It is in this language that information is exchanged in the Universe. The words that a person pronounces are also vibrations of energies of certain frequencies. Obviously, these vibrations constitute the unity of the world. Consequently, a person must contain energies with certain vibrations. Such thoughts prompted me to reconsider ancient and modern teachings about human structure.

In my mind a person is an energetic entity that is allowed to attach a material body to itself.

The phrase “it is allowed to attach a material body” means that not every entity is allowed to do this. The primary thing in a person is the essence, the secondary thing is the body. The first gives life to the second. Therefore it is eternal. The material body is mortal today. The essence is a complex of energies with a wide range of vibrations. It contains the source of life of the material body. In essence, in energy form there is knowledge about everything that was and will be on Earth and in the Universe.

I reviewed many traditional and non-traditional knowledge about man and developed my own theory of human structure, which is based on the concept of “essence”. A new look made it possible to formulate the first condition, control systems, - to find an unconventional source for the formation of a health improvement program for the body. Such a source is the knowledge possessed by human energy essences.

As the second condition, the second pillar of control, the method of radiesthesia was chosen.

The third condition was natural sources of vibration influence on biologically active points of the material body. All three pillars of the created system for improving the body’s health are shown in Figure 1.

The peculiarity of the developed healing method is that a person, in principle, does not need to know how his body works, what organs and physiological systems it consists of. It takes faith that:

Everyone has their own energetic essence;

With the help of a dowsing indicator, you can learn to communicate with your energetic essence;

The entity knows how to heal its body and increase its resistance to disease.

My technique can be classified as meditation - it is training consciousness, patience and attention to your body. On the other hand, if a person wishes, he can get to know his body and methods of healing it.

Work practice has shown that health depends not only on the state of the material body, but also on the state of the energy complexes from which the essence is formed. The latter can also “get sick” due to our lifestyle - the interactions between energies and the state of them themselves can change. Diseases at the energy level are more dangerous to human life.

On the human skin there are a huge number of biologically active points (BAPs) associated with the nervous system. By exposing them to a source of vibration, we “provoke” a response from the nervous system to irritation. This reaction of the material body is perceived by the energetic entity. That, in turn, by changing the frequency of vibrations and the spectrum of radiation of its internal energies, restores the frequency of vibration of the diseased organ according to the frequency of vibration of the irritant, thus eliminating the disease. This is the essence of the new method of treating the body.

As a dowsing indicator (meter), I use a simple pendulum - a metal nut suspended on a thread. With the help of the pendulum, you can “find out”, “learn” from the entity the program of a treatment (therapy) session for the body for every day.

Which biologically active points should be affected?

Where are BAPs located on the body?

What sources of vibrations are used to influence?

In what sequence should biologically active points be affected?

How to determine the duration of exposure of each BAP to a vibration source?

What is the goal of therapy?

What is the result of the therapy session?

I started studying with a pendulum and vibrations in May 2000. And since August 2002, he completely abandoned the use of drugs (tablets, mixtures, ointments, etc.) and instead began to use sources of vibration: stones, plants, fingers. Using vibration therapy methods I was able to:

Cure prostate adenoma (at the age of 62 years);

Strengthen my immune system and get rid of a sore throat, from which I systematically suffered twice a year;

No flu since 2003;

Eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the main organs: endocrine glands, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder;

Balance some energies inherent in the entity;

By refusing to buy expensive medications, you will strengthen your family budget.

The proposed treatment method is practically an improved traditional Chinese method of treatment, officially approved for use by domestic medicine in the Russian Federation - the method of acupuncture. Only instead of thin stainless steel needles, cauterization, mechanical vibrators and magnetic oscillators, vibration sources are used to influence biologically active points.

The method for accurately locating BAP in the human body without using special schemes and the need to recalculate them for the patient’s height and weight has also been improved. To do this, it is enough to use the simplest device - a pendulum. Perhaps the biggest secret of specialists in Eastern healing methods has been revealed - determining the location of the biologically active point that needs to be influenced in a therapy session, and the time of such influence.