
Detailed horoscope for the year of Cancer

The astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for pronounced (typical) representatives of the Cancer sign. If the overwhelming number of luminaries and planets in your horoscope are in the sign of Cancer, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Atypical representatives are, as a rule, people born on the border of signs.

Cancer Horoscope 2018: Joy and Luck

Until November 9, 2018, Jupiter will be in Cancer's 5th house - the house of games, entertainment and children. Then it moves to the 6th house - the area of ​​​​health and work.


Jupiter in the 5th house will give Cancers a love for everything grandiose. As written in the horoscope for 2018, Cancers will strive for everything that is a little “too much.” This could be unexpected and risky financial transactions, sports, a large number of love affairs, or participation in gambling. This placement of the planet is especially favorable for those representatives of this sign who are engaged in science, art, publishing or teaching. Cancer educators will try modern innovative methods in their work. In general, you will be very pleased to be among young people. Children will delight, and the family will be large and friendly.

With the correct use of Jupiter's energy, financial investments and speculative play on the stock exchange will bring good luck to Cancer in 2018. During this period, you need to try not to take on too many obligations, otherwise you could lose a lot.

But in general, in 2018, Cancers will be lucky in all their endeavors. They will awaken the gift of a real businessman, and they will enthusiastically embark on various adventures, make more and more new acquaintances, many of which will turn out to be very profitable.

According to the horoscope for 2018, Cancers will radiate confidence and optimism, which will make the most favorable impression on others. They will be happy to take part in various competitions - sports, professional, love. And they will almost always emerge victorious. In many cases, this will be facilitated by the confidence of the Cancers themselves in their victory.

This is the main trap of 2018: being confident that they are Fortune’s favorites, Cancers may miss the moment when this capricious lady turns her back on them. And the fall can be quite painful. To avoid this, you will need to pay more attention to small details and signs that you usually prefer not to notice.


At the beginning of November 2018, Jupiter moves to the 6th house in Cancer. And if before this they had any problems at work or with finding it, then now they will come to an end. Representatives of this sign will find a job that will not only be to their liking, but will also bring a good income. Cancers will be generous and willing to cooperate with other people, showing outstanding organizational skills. They will like it when their work brings benefit to someone, and they will simply enjoy the fact that the results of their work turned out to be necessary and important for someone. Psychologists, healers and those Cancers who are involved in charitable activities will be able to achieve good results.

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 indicates that the work environment will be most favorable. Colleagues will respect them, bosses will appreciate and promote them. During this period, Cancers can fully enjoy their position, which, however, is well deserved.


Starting from November 2018, Cancers can count on good health and good immunity. Even those who have some chronic diseases will notice some progress and improvement. Common seasonal colds will hardly bother them, and if this happens, Cancers will quickly restore their normal state. The treatment will be easily tolerated, and those around you will surround you with attention and care. If Jupiter is afflicted during this period, the risk of obesity, development of liver diseases or tumors will increase.

Horoscope Cancer for 2018: difficulties and trials

During 2018, Saturn will be in Cancer in the 7th house - the house of family and personal relationships. This is where we will learn the main lessons of this year.

Personal life

In 2018, many Cancers will be disappointed in their partners - marital or permanent. Perhaps they themselves will be to blame for this, because they will show excessive caution when they are expected to take some decisive action. Perhaps meeting and having an affair with a person much older in age. And although Cancers will enjoy communication, from time to time they will retire to restore their own peace of mind and energy balance. If the energy of Saturn is used incorrectly, a sudden break may occur at the initiative of the partner - Cancer will feel betrayed and abandoned.

In general, Cancer will strive to commit itself to a person who is wiser, more experienced and financially secure. Or holding some good position. To maintain a relationship, you will have to work hard, both mentally and physically. Cancers will have to work hard, show responsibility and honesty towards their partner in order to earn their trust.

With difficult aspects to Saturn in 2018, a cold and heartless person may appear in the life of Cancer, who can pose a serious problem. With positive aspects of the planet, partners and life partners will be sincerely loving, faithful and very serious about the existing or intended union. The difficulty is that they will demand the same from Cancers, who will not always be ready for such a turn of events.

Relationships with others in 2018 will also not be easy for Cancer. Discussion of each agreement will take a lot of time, and a large number of formalities will need to be sorted out.

Throughout 2018, Cancers will have to learn to overcome obstacles, both in marital and any other partnerships. However, nothing threatens their marriage; it will be extremely stable, although it will bring a lot of trouble. According to the Cancer horoscope 2018, you will have to take on many responsibilities. The most important thing is that your partner remains honest and serious. Cancers will demand strict adherence to the rules of the game.

Horoscope Cancer for 2018: surprises and surprises

In 2018, until May 15, Cancer will have Uranus in the 10th house - the area of ​​personal success, career and power. Then it moves to the 11th house - the house of friends and like-minded people.


At the beginning of 2018, Cancers simply will not be able to be subordinate - they will strive for leadership in all areas, rebel and question any authority. This will not always be correctly understood by others, and therefore such a revolutionary spirit will entail a number of drastic changes in the field of career. Cancers will either be in plain sight and actively move forward, or they will again find themselves in the background and it’s good if they are in the same position.

Subordinates will be perplexed, and superiors will be offended. The 2018 horoscope for Cancer reports that they will be attracted to some unusual ways of fulfilling their duties, or they may unexpectedly change their place of work in order to do something new for themselves and quite unusual, from the point of view of others,.

In the first half of this year, until May 15, 2018, Fortune will be especially favorable to those representatives of this sign who are engaged in politics, research, mineral exploration, equipment testing, scientific developments in the field of natural science, electronics, computer science and all types of activities requiring non-standard approach.

In 2018, Cancers will be actively interested in all the latest technologies and implement them in their workplace; they will be filled with ambition, the desire to move forward sharply, to gain fame and recognition. It is not surprising that they will have tense relations with management, especially since Cancers will demand that they be given complete freedom.

As a result, Cancer’s career in the first half of 2018, even if it is not under threat, will be very unstable. Brilliant success will regularly alternate with failures, but Cancers will stubbornly go their own way, not paying attention to constant crises, including financial ones, or to all sorts of disputes and attempts to put a spoke in their wheels.

Close surroundings

Starting from the second half of May, Uranus moves into the 11th house in Cancer. From now on, he will have a large number of new contacts and acquaintances, many of which may turn out to be very unusual.

In 2018, Cancers will demonstrate an innovative, rebellious lifestyle, set themselves more and more new and more interesting goals and, accordingly, attract like-minded people. However, they will not have really close relationships with anyone due to the internal shyness of the representatives of this sign.

For the same reason, they will show a cool and somewhat distant attitude to others, which is why they will consider Cancer an eccentric and a snob. He will use new acquaintances as a source of information that provides good food for the mind.

Moreover, among them there will be many truly outstanding personalities - politicians, writers, scientists, artists, musicians, inventors. As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, Cancers will be attracted to advanced ideas and views, they will be open to the whole world, and every now and then they will join various groups, especially if their activities pursue some high progressive goals.

In 2018, Cancers will try to use new and old connections to achieve their own goals, to attract new acquaintances to serve their ideals, which may turn out to be quite unprincipled. Such people will very easily forget about their responsibilities and promises. Their acquaintances will be fleeting, and the friendship that was established will be easily broken off. Friends will appear unexpectedly and disappear just as unexpectedly.

Cancers will need to receive more and more new experiences. Perhaps many of them will go traveling, thus hoping to get answers to their questions.

Mysterious and spiritual

Throughout the year, Neptune will be in Cancer's 9th house - the area of ​​distant surroundings, philosophy and travel.


The presence of Neptune in this house will give Cancers a desire to study spiritual sciences and esotericism. Thanks to their particularly heightened impressionability in 2018, they will easily fall under the influence and suggestion of others. Therefore, they will need, if possible, to refrain from practical activities in magic and the occult, otherwise Cancers can easily harm, first of all, themselves. Due to their inexperience in these matters, Cancers will find it very difficult to distinguish a real spiritual teacher from a charlatan.

Many Cancers in 2018 will show an active interest in foreign countries; they will probably study foreign languages ​​and travel a lot. They will have a lot of contacts with foreigners. Any knowledge will be given to Cancers unusually easily, thanks to intuition sharpened under the influence of Neptune. With Neptune afflicted, Cancers will neglect professional education. Those of them who study in educational institutions may not even complete the course.

Throughout 2018, Cancers will often see strange dreams, many of which will turn out to be prophetic. They will have a very developed not only intuition, but also imagination. There is a danger that if Neptune's energy is used incorrectly, some representatives of this sign will begin to abuse psychotropic drugs or they will develop an addiction to drugs, which Cancers will use to spur their mental experiences.

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 predicts that the possibility of developing neurotic disorders and depression cannot be ruled out, because Cancers will be frightened by their visions. increased suspiciousness, inability to properly manage heightened abilities, sensitivity and mental instability can pose a serious problem during this period, both for the Cancers themselves and for their immediate environment.

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer: major changes

In 2018, Pluto will be in Cancer's 7th house - the house of family, marriage and personal life.

In 2018, Cancers may unexpectedly get married, choosing a life partner from a completely different social circle. This will create certain difficulties in their personal life. For adaptation to occur successfully, both parties will have to put in a lot of effort. Cancers may need all their diplomatic skills, however, such a marriage will seriously change their lives.

In general, under the influence of Pluto in this area, in 2018 Cancers will be extremely attractive to others, infecting them with their activity and irrepressible temperament. In addition, during this period they will have a heightened sense of justice, which, on the one hand, cannot but attract, but on the other hand, Cancer’s sharp reaction for minor reasons can lead to aggravation of conflicts, both with the partner and with the people around them.

The marriage partner will give Cancers an excellent opportunity for advancement - career or social. If before 2018 Cancers were dissatisfied with their family life, for example, they got married not of their own free will, now they will be able to get a divorce or the marriage will end for some other reason beyond their control.

Those Cancers who want to maintain the existing status quo will have to try to reach mutual understanding with their partner, learn to correctly understand his behavior and the motives that drive him. It won't be easy, but Cancers will be able to cope.

In general, during this period, a lot can depend on the Cancer partner. It can bring them fame and success, but also any troubles or blows of fate that a life partner is exposed to will also be reflected in Cancer. For all their attractiveness, Cancers can turn out to be very unprotected and vulnerable, they can be subject to pressure from a partner who will strive to completely subjugate him to his will and dominate.

Or Cancers will simply be afraid of this, trying, however, not to show it outwardly. To strengthen relationships, you need to turn the intra-family struggle for leadership into a struggle with existing problems, of which there will be many. It is possible that some representatives of this sign will have a secret love affair on the side, which will be more reminiscent of a second marriage.

Horoscope Cancer for 2018: the vector of your destiny

During 2018, the ascending North Node of the Moon will be in Cancer's 2nd house - the house of property and finance. The descending Lunar node, accordingly, will be located in the 8th house - the house of birth, death, conscious fears and extreme situations.

If in past years Cancers were supported by their spouse or parents, then this year 2018 they should not be dependent. This is the minimum program! The maximum program is to become a rich, wealthy person. At the very least, we need to strive for this. You need to earn money on your own, eat well, dress well. It’s better not to get involved with loans or inheritance.

In 2018, Cancers will open up new opportunities in the field of finance. They will be given opportunities to increase their income so that they themselves can start making good money with the help of their talents. During the current period, Cancers will learn to earn money themselves, they will be able to believe in themselves, in any case, all doors for the realization of this area of ​​life will be open to them.

Thanks to their rich imagination, they can look for opportunities to get rich quick, most of which will conflict with the law. The 2018 Cancer horoscope says that they will need to learn to live in accordance with their financial capabilities, without trying to deceive or manage other people's funds. If Cancers do everything right, by the end of the year they can significantly strengthen their material well-being or lay a good foundation for this.

People worry about the future, so they often turn to the stars to find out predictions for their zodiac sign. By looking at the horoscope for Cancer for 2018, you will not only get acquainted with the description and characteristics of this zodiac constellation, but will find out what awaits you in the next 12 months. Last year ended well for Cancers; the Rooster took care of them and protected them. A dog coming into a home brings with it calm, stability, confidence and provides protection.

What awaits Cancers in 2018

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 promises a good start. You will be able to overcome difficult situations, do a lot of good for yourself, close relatives and friends. The Earth Dog will make the love sphere stable for Cancers if they put some effort into it. Minor troubles may happen at the beginning of March, but this will not last long, and by the beginning of April, luck will turn its face. By the end of spring there will be a chance to implement the most daring ideas and creative projects.

The Year of the Dog for Cancer promises to be successful in terms of promotions and acquiring new business partners. The career horoscope states: you must devote a lot of time to work, which may affect relationships with the opposite sex. By the end of the summer, you will have to decide what you want more - success at work or happiness in your personal life.

The description of the next 12 months shows that autumn will be interesting, fun, eventful, but the beginning of winter may be marked by minor troubles that arose through the fault of the representatives of the sign themselves, and not as a result of the influence of the moon. However, a positive attitude will not leave you, helping you to overcome the difficulties that have arisen and cope with ill-wishers.

Horoscope for a Cancer man

The astrological horoscope for 2018 promises many events in the business field for the Cancer man. New opportunities will open up for you, lucrative offers will come your way, you will enter into deals and contracts aimed at improving your financial situation. Over the next 12 months, Cancer men will make far-reaching plans, develop strategies, attract colleagues and associates to their side: later they will give you an excellent description.

These actions will help you achieve your plans in the financial sphere, changes for the better will begin in your life, and you will be able to recharge yourself with positive emotions for the whole year. The most work will have to be done in the second half of the year. The competition will be worthy, you need to make every effort to achieve the desired goal, but in this struggle you will not be alone, the Dog will provide a couple of chances to win.

Horoscope for Cancer woman

The astrological horoscope for 2018 promises prosperity for the Cancer woman on the love front. A romantic adventure awaits single people, while family Cancers will be happy in their already established relationships. The Yellow Dog recommends showing more activity and goodwill to strengthen the union. Next year is favorable for marriage, just don’t decide your fate hastily, carefully weigh your decision.

You should not start office romances; the characteristic of the sign for Cancer women says that such connections will not develop into a serious relationship. Some male friends may become contenders for the role of the main man in your life. However, do not rush into making such decisions, think everything over carefully, listen to your intuition.

Love horoscope

The astrological love horoscope for Cancer for 2018 promises peace of mind and quiet family comfort for those who are married. The stars advise lonely Cancers not to sit idly by, but to be the initiator of starting a relationship. In spring, a romantic acquaintance is possible, which can develop into a long-term union or a happy marriage. For those who are already in a relationship, astrologers advise not to upset their chosen one in order to avoid unnecessary problems in the second half of the Year of the Earth Dog.

Health horoscope for 2018 for Cancer

The Yellow Dog recommends Cancers to pay special attention to their health throughout 2018. Overstrain at work and an excess of emotions in relationships can lead to loss of strength, general weakness, and malaise. The horoscope recommends getting more rest, sleeping and eating normally, giving up junk food in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits, and not abusing alcohol, because good health is more valuable than short-term pleasures.

Particular attention should be paid to health in winter and early spring, as there is a risk of catching a cold. The stars warn of a possible change in mood, which will affect others, and the Yellow Dog advises to fight this in every possible way, being a friendly creature, an opponent of quarrels, disagreements, and misunderstandings. For Cancers driving a car, the horoscope strongly recommends being as attentive as possible while driving.

Forecast for family life

As for the family horoscope, the forecast for Cancers for 2018 is very favorable in this regard. Respect, love and care for your loved ones come first: in the next 12 months, your household will require a lot of attention. You will need to make many different investments (spiritual and material) for the benefit of your children, but these expenses will pay off in success in school, creativity or sports.

The horoscope advises not to plunge headlong into the family, and also to have your own opinion, and not to please your parents in everything. Major repairs, if you have planned them, should also be postponed until better times. Somewhere from mid-autumn it will be possible to go on vacation with the whole family. Be sure to do this, because it will benefit each of you.

Horoscope of work and money

The first half of 2018 will seem boring to you, you will become uninterested at work and there will be a desire to change your occupation. The stars advise you to drive these thoughts out of your head, since the new job will bring with it many financial difficulties, and the team will be unfriendly. It is better to use all your strength and potential to implement the projects available here, which will not go unnoticed by management. As a result, you are guaranteed a promotion, respect from colleagues and praise from your superiors.

In the next 6 months, Cancers will be full of ideas, inspiration and creativity, which should be directed towards implementing plans and achieving goals. The horoscope encourages you not to overdo it and remember about other areas of life: health, love, family, children. Solve problems as they arise, do not neglect them, otherwise worries about this will prevent you from achieving what you want in your work. During 2018 there will be many interesting job offers. Astrologers recommend abandoning transactions in the first half of the year, and in the second half of the year, consider only large projects.

The horoscope encourages you to take a closer look at new acquaintances and business partners. Many people will want to deceive you, try to get to know the person better, find out more information about him. Don’t lie yourself either, mistress of the year - the Dog doesn’t like this, otherwise your deception will turn against you. Make purchases, large or small, carefully, making sure they are appropriate.

Children's horoscope for 2018 for Cancer

The coming 2018 for the Cancer baby will pass in thoughtfulness and silence. Parents shouldn’t be scared and try to stir up their child, he’s just thinking about something right now. Astrologers recommend behaving more restrainedly, not yelling at your son or daughter, or accusing them of laziness. All this can shut him down even more, but your baby needs your support. Support him in everything, prompt him, guide him. Doing things together - watching a movie, reading a book - will have a positive impact on your relationship. Patience is the main motto for parents of such children.

Horoscope for Cancer 2018 by year of birth

Astrologers' predictions differ for representatives of the zodiac sign depending on the year of which animal from the Chinese horoscope they were born. Here is a rough description for each of the twelve:

  • Hard work and curiosity are the main qualities inherent in Cancer, under the influence of the Rat. In 2018 they may appear excessively. The stars advise not to forget about rest and go on vacation on time. After it you will be much more efficient and useful. The astrological horoscope recommends that in the coming year you begin to fight one of your bad qualities - swimming with the flow. You will have many opportunities to change your life for the better.
  • Those born in the year of the Ox are very shy, self-conscious, but they will have to go beyond the boundaries of their “spiritual cage.” Having been there most of your life, you don't know how to meet people and find a common language. Fix this with travel. The horoscope says that on one of your trips you will meet a good friend, love, or receive an offer to change your job. A lot of positive emotions will be a pleasant bonus.
  • Those born under the sign of the Tiger are emotional by nature, which often goes beyond reasonable limits. The horoscope recommends fighting this quality and keeping yourself in control where excessive emotionality is unacceptable. Astrologers predict many situations that will help you realize your potential, but unnecessary emotions can get in the way. It won't be easy to regain lost trust, so hold back when necessary.
  • People under the protection of the Cat have grace, charm and charm, which cannot be hidden from the opposite sex. Representatives of your gender admire you and try to imitate you in everything. Many eyes are always directed at you, and your task is to find your soulmate among them. In search of happiness, astrologers advise not to forget about your professional responsibilities and fight for your place in the sun.

  • Dragons are interesting personalities, with whom many people fight for friendship. They combine mobility and emotionality with peacefulness, harmony, and tranquility. In addition, there is always something to talk about with them, they are well-read, smart and reasonable. However, the horoscope says that in 2018 there will be a person who will make attempts to “put a spoke in the wheels.” There is no need to worry too much about this; there will be no problems from such attempts.
  • Snakes prefer to stay away rather than be the center of attention. You would rather sit at work all day and night than go out with friends, but you won’t earn all the money. Even if you love your occupation, it is not worth the physical exhaustion. Take a weekend and definitely go on a trip. Take a good look at your new acquaintances and don’t fall for the scammers’ bait.
  • Everyone who is patronized by the Horse is characterized by increased emotionality and vulnerability, which prevents them from easily getting along with people, carefully choosing new acquaintances. However, the horoscope predicts other plans for you for 2018: big changes are coming in your professional field, including a change of management. For Cancers they will be good, career advancement is possible. Personal life will also reach a new level: single people will meet their destiny, and married people will refresh their feelings.
  • The Goat favors people who are emotional, but who know how to extinguish their ardor. In addition, hard work is their middle name; they will perform any job, even the most unloved one, with all responsibility. The biggest drawback of Cancers is dependence on other people's opinions, and this needs to be changed. Start doing only what you want, stop worrying about what others will say. This is the only way you will become truly happy.
  • Monkeys are agile, talented and enterprising, thanks to which they achieve great success at work. The horoscope for 2018 predicts receiving a large sum of money and advises investing it in the development of your own business. This way you will not spend your money on unnecessary trifles and ensure a good future for yourself. The main thing is to carefully research the market in order to invest in a profitable business.
  • Individuals born in the year of the Rooster are enthusiastic people; a minute ago they were reading a book, and now they are plunged headlong into a conversation with a friend. Good prospects will open up at work, promotion is possible, don’t miss the chance. The horoscope recommends that Cancers do not forget about themselves, rest and small joys, while chasing professional success. If you want to change your occupation, then the coming period is the best time for this.
  • Those born under the auspices of Dogs are emotional people who hide their feelings deep inside. Your family lacks warmth, attention, care, and they will try to get it. You should open up, give more love, affection, say the right words. The same applies to work, do not be afraid to become more proactive before your place or position goes to another person.
  • Those under the influence of Pig are optimistic, cheerful, and proactive. There is a period ahead filled with new acquaintances and meetings. The flow of people is so stormy that it is difficult to understand where the love is, where the friendship is. The horoscope advises Cancers to take a break and deal with this issue. A meeting with a former loved one and a hint of a resumption of relationships is possible. Decide whether it’s worth stepping on the same rake again.

Dates of birth: 22.06 - 22.07

Ruling planet of Cancer: Moon.

Element of Cancer: Water.

Cancer symbols: cancer, crab, heart.

Happy Cancer Days: Monday Thursday.

Unlucky days of Cancer: Tuesday, Saturday.

Cancer Metal: silver.

Cancer Gems: pearl, emerald, ruby.

Cancer plant: hazel.

Numerology of Cancer: number 2.

The most inspiring color of Cancer: purple.

Opposite sign of Cancer: Capricorn

2018 will be marked by a rather difficult period for Cancers. Despite the fact that representatives of the sign will have high hopes for the year of Yellow, in order to achieve success, they will have to try very hard. Out of nowhere, fears and self-doubt will force them to step back, but at times Cancers will show an excellent sprint that will help them achieve their goals. Such swings can negatively affect the health of representatives of the sign, so it is better to stick to the golden mean, learn to balance, and not rush from one extreme to another.

At the beginning of the year, few will run their own business; most of them will work hard in a team, in factories or offices. In such an environment, it will be very difficult for Cancers to express themselves, demonstrate their strengths and achieve success. The main problem will be that many will be afraid to take risks for fear of losing their place, albeit with a small but stable income. Meanwhile, the stars say that the year will be the best time to show yourself, build a career, change your position or even your place of work. Cancers should pluck up courage and open their own business or expand an existing one and implement a plan. Some representatives of the sign will decide to change their place of work or change their field of activity.

Autumn will turn out to be more prosperous; Cancers will be popular during this period, they will communicate a lot, and make new useful and interesting acquaintances. The stars advise devoting the end of the year to pleasant trips and establishing personal relationships, because representatives of the sign will really need warmth throughout the year.

In 2018, Cancers should abandon frivolous, ill-considered actions that they can take in a fit of emotion and momentary whim. It is better for representatives of the sign not to tempt fate by improvising in this way, because such actions can have very serious negative consequences. As a last resort, you should first think through all possible escape options.

Work for Cancers in 2018

In order to achieve success at work, career growth, or to gain a solid foothold in the team, Cancer employees should start thinking about advanced training from the very beginning of the year. Representatives of the sign will benefit from courses in accordance with their main professional area, additional education, and advanced training. All this will help Cancers feel confident in their abilities and become savvy in professional matters. Fluency in professional skills, additional knowledge and “credentials” must be noted by superiors, and it is likely that at the end of summer Cancers will receive a well-deserved reward in the form of a promotion or appointment to a new, more promising place of work.

Those who have their own business will also face troubles at the beginning of the year. Representatives of the star sign are advised to take a closer look at their business partners; there is a possibility that these are not the people with whom they can move forward. Cancers will make numerous attempts to get things moving, try to come to an agreement, stir up their partners, but as summer approaches, representatives of the sign will understand that they need to end this once and for all. You just need to have courage and determination, declare your rights and interests, take yours and move forward.

The end of the year will be quite stressful in work and career, the mental state of Cancers may be subject to overstrain, and this is fraught with exacerbation of old ailments or the appearance of new ailments. Representatives of the sign need to pay attention to their emotional state, try to control themselves, and not attach importance to negative aspects.

Financial horoscope for 2018 for Cancer

Cancers, more than ever, will save money in reserve in 2018. They will appreciate everything that they managed to earn, so you don’t have to worry about unnecessary spending. The stars recommend that representatives of this horoscope house carefully manage money, keep it to themselves, and not lend it out, especially when it comes to large sums. There is a high probability that the borrowed money may simply not be returned.

If they adhere to the stellar advice, then by the middle of the year they will be able to accumulate a fairly decent amount of money. With proper management of material wealth, Cancers will be able to provide for themselves and their family for a long time. Representatives of the sign can invest money profitably or use it to open a business, expand production by purchasing new equipment. It is possible that Rakov’s financial situation will be favorably influenced by a loved one who will help with money at the right time, eliminating the need to take out a large sum on credit.

In general, the second half of the year will be a fairly stable time for Cancers in material terms. The income will be quite good, and sometimes even very substantial. This factor will help improve the financial situation, which has not always pleased the representatives of the sign. Working in a new place promises Cancer employees a stable salary, and Cancer businessmen will be able to conclude lucrative contracts that promise good profits.

A penchant for risky adventures could be a bad thing for you in 2018. They will need to beware of any fraud with money, it will end badly. Before making important decisions, the stars advise Cancers to enlist the support of people competent in financial matters. You should not invest money in dubious projects and risky enterprises, or take out large loans. In 2018, any rash and reckless actions will cost Cancers dearly.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Cancer

Cancers will especially need love and mutual feelings at the beginning of 2018. They will miss flirting and pleasant acquaintances, so representatives of the sign will not be against such manifestations of sympathy. However, representatives of the sign who are in a relationship will not go beyond light flirting; as a rule, they value their relationships and will not bring discord to their family for the sake of an affair. Cancers need flirting and flirting only to maintain their confidence that the opposite sex still likes them and can arouse interest.

In general, on the love front it will depend a little on, the fact is that they will be at the mercy of a force that is very difficult to control. If the relationship between the representatives of the sign and their significant other can hardly be called ideal, then the situation will most likely only get worse. Cancers themselves must make decisions, having decided on their position; it is better not to listen to advice and wishes from the outside - only they can manage their lives.

But when managing your own life, you should not forget about the feelings and emotions of loved ones. It is important to treat people who gave love and tenderness with gratitude and honor. If Cancers choose a relationship rather than a breakup, then the situation will gradually normalize, and the representatives of the sign themselves will be able to gain invaluable experience in overcoming their own selfishness and momentary impulse in resolving the conflict. The stars say that this option would be a better solution than breaking up with scandals and quarrels.

At the end of the year, lonely Cancers will feel more unhappy than ever; this will not have the best effect on their emotional background. It is important that at this time there are loyal friends and family nearby, so as not to provoke depression, and to help and distract Cancers from this state. Some representatives of the sign may meet a person on New Year's Eve who will bring new emotions and inspiration into the life of Cancer. Therefore, it is very likely that next year will be much happier in terms of love.

Cancers are destined for many benefits in 2018, both material and intangible in nature. The Yellow Earth Dog will give you some of these benefits immediately after meeting you (that is, at the end of February 2018). What can you expect from a four-legged creature who strives for justice? The first and most important thing is that in 2018 you will achieve full recognition of all your merits and will be able to significantly strengthen your position in society. The Dog will like your natural modesty, and he will do everything in his power to finally bring you out of the shadows. Well... We can envy your luck!

Luck will indeed accompany your life path throughout the coming months. Cancers involved in the field of entrepreneurship will notice it especially clearly. Remember that idea that you once thought was truly crazy, and then did everything to quickly drive it away from your thoughts? So here it is. It is this idea that will bring you large-scale success (yes, one that will be the envy of all your many competitors!). What will happen, after which you will decide to bring this idea back from oblivion? The Yellow Dog will act indirectly. She will send you a unique encounter with a person who is not afraid to take a bold step (even if at first glance this step seems like pure madness). You and this determined person will form a strong business tandem, and the result of your joint work is described a little higher (it will be the large-scale success that you will gain in the year of the Yellow Dog).

The hostess of 2018 will not forget about Cancers who are busy working in enterprises. She will treat you with great warmth, watching as you sit modestly in the shadow of more daring colleagues who are ready to tear everyone apart on the way to their potential successes. No, you are not in danger of a fight with these greedy individuals (the Dog does not like such fights). She will arrange the situation so that you will be recognized as the most valuable employee at your place of work. Note! In the first half of 2018, you will be entrusted with a rather complex project, which you should take with an increased degree of responsibility. It is this project that will open up brilliant career horizons for you.

And a little later, when you triumphantly pass this project, you will be assigned a new salary, the size of which you still should not divulge to your greedy colleagues. Let them guess about your income level, trying to determine the cost of your new stylish wardrobe (fashionable gadget, car and other irreplaceable things that you will buy when you become much richer). The dog will also highly appreciate the important point that you, dear Cancers, are not prone to squandering. Furthermore! If you spend all the coming months saving part of your free cash into a separate bank account, at the end of this year the Dog will please you with another material gift (it is possible that it will be a large bonus that you will receive on New Year’s Eve 2019).

Now is the time to find out if the four-legged lady is preparing something pleasant for you outside the financial sphere. Admittedly, the intangible types of gifts that you will receive from the Yellow Dog also deserve a lot of attention! Thus, family Cancers will spend 2018 enjoying the idyllic nature of their married life. If in the past your regular partner was too jealous, distrustful or unreasonably strict towards you, in the coming months he will completely change his pattern of behavior. There will no longer be a tyrant in your home, who is just waiting for you to give another reason for indignation. These scandals will completely disappear, and they will be replaced by a very harmonious stage, during which you and your regular partner will seem to get to know each other again. He will understand that you have always been extremely honest with him, and you will finally learn that all the despotism of your other half was provoked by nothing more than his moral complexes.

Cancers, who are only dreaming of creating a lasting love union, with the light hand of the Yellow Dog will have the opportunity to learn what it is like to be a real favorite (favorite) of the opposite sex. A resounding (what is it - triumphant!) success awaits you, for which you will not be ready. It will take a couple of weeks before you learn to accept with dignity all the compliments, gifts and praise received from your admirers. And a little later you will like this game, and now it is you who will dictate its rules. According to these rules, there will only be one person next to you whom you sincerely want to call your soulmate.

The Cancer horoscope for 2018 can be interpreted in its own way, and he likes complete submission to himself and his habits of everyone around him, in any situation. You should not expect that the year will happily leave its mark on Cancer; you will have to work a lot and learn a lot. Each day of the year slowly leads the impatient Cancer towards the autumn period, when it will be time to “count the chickens”.

Don’t look for a second bottom, another subtext in your relationship with your loved ones, because not always, when it seems to you, everyone is against you. Your friends find it difficult to communicate with you because your attitude is so belligerent that it is difficult for them to predict your mood and your desires. You should not throw away the trust of your friends and take relationships to extremes, this threatens to seriously upset your friendship.

Love is something that representatives of both sexes of this sign should do this year. A serious relationship that you are afraid of, but want so much, will not keep you waiting, and you will not have time to analyze whether your feeling is real or not. You will immerse yourself in the relationship, forget about everything that previously upset you, and your partner with exactly the same attitude towards you will make you forget everything in the world.

Your family expects you to succeed in business, rise, and develop, but you really like “bird in hand,” and you are in no hurry to make a decision and change your life.

You only have to decide for yourself what is important to you and what is of secondary importance. Don’t rush things and don’t believe your momentary desires; most likely they will turn out to be false and not as significant as they seem at first.

There is not a day when you do not remember and regret missed opportunities, but the more you drive yourself into a feeling of guilt, the longer the sadness does not let you go. As soon as you understand that the past is a past stage that does not matter now, then changes will begin in your life.

Health and leisure

You are in excellent physical shape, and only emotional burnout and some fatigue leave their mark on your health. Hurry up to take action, otherwise deep depression awaits you, and there will be no chance of returning to the strength that you have now. The horoscope for Cancer for 2018 can definitely guarantee only one thing - do not be afraid of treatment, if it is carried out before the fall, it will be completely successful.

Visit your doctor if you have heart problems. Even small deviations from the norm can be serious, and you will not have a chance to get out of the situation if you visit the doctor later in the summer. Some fatigue awaits you, and the experiences that your loved ones will provide you with will cause discomfort and pain in the heart.

Be patient, work, rest and get quality sleep, and this is the only way you can maintain the right balance and remain full of strength and a positive mood. It all depends on you and on the business that you choose as your main one.

Autumn will make its own adjustments in any case, and even if, at first glance, you don’t have time, energy or new sensations, you will find the strength and money in your wallet and go on a trip.

Do not forget that sport is not intended to torment you, but to help you, and first of all, your body, which will most require attention from the very beginning of spring. Taking vitamins, gymnastics, a gym, a sauna or steam bath, as well as a massage - that's all you need to feel happy and have the right flow of life.

Finance and shopping

The financial horoscope for Cancer for 2018 is not a gift that you just need to accept, but recommendations and direction for your activities throughout the year. As soon as you understand that you are ready for changes in your life, as soon as you understand that you can earn more, and most importantly, that you want more, an opportunity will come into your life, and you will receive not one, but several offers from people you know or from previous places of work.

This will provide a significant contribution to your family savings and to your personal interests. You should definitely buy that thing that you have long dreamed of, that you often think about, because you will be more motivated to work and you will achieve more.

Don’t rush to give out money, much less take out a loan. A mortgage is not advisable until the fall, when you can soberly assess your capabilities. And in the summer you yourself will experience some financial constraints, and perhaps you yourself will go to your friends asking for help, and you should not be embarrassed about this.

Don’t waste money on trifles, but don’t skimp on gifts for your loved ones, don’t skimp on necessities for your children and your other half, help your parents with money, but moderate your spending on alcohol, because “thanks” to alcohol, major waste can creep into your life, and most likely not alone.

In the fall, you will receive a large sum of money from a completely unexpected direction; most likely, your debt will be repaid, but this is not certain, and you may personally have to have a hand in this and insist on repayment.

Career and business

No matter how high Cancer’s demands were, he was never a careerist; he always soberly and sensibly calculated his strengths and capabilities. Business - career horoscope for 2018 Cancer is in no hurry to take things at face value until the moment when he has a real question for the stars, and he begins to be annoyed by the constant constraint in finances.

A new position is most likely not available to you now, but your reluctance to deal with this issue is understandable, your life is now static, and that suits you

Love and family

If you have plans to start a family, then your time is summer and spring. During this period, you will meet people who will turn out to be good friends in the future or a great soulmate for you. The main thing is to take a close look at them.

Everything that happens to you depends on many factors, but the main factor is your loved ones. If you cannot find your other half, look around and understand that maybe everyone around you doesn’t want this, maybe they are used to the fact that you belong to them completely?

Choose only the life in which you see yourself as a happy and full of emotions person.

Family signs are impatient with their other half, because they have stopped seeing support in them, and you just need to say what you really feel, and admit that you are not satisfied, tell why the words they casually say hurt you.

Signs born from June 22 to July 1, they cannot keep up with the speed of life that begins to haunt them in July, and although they see this as a plus, they can hardly adapt to it, they get tired, and some lose patience. Don't demand too much from yourself and stop thinking of yourself as a superhero, just enjoy yourself

Signs born from July 2 to July 12 They can do almost everything, just not right away, and they must understand the situation that is swirling around them.

Signs born from July 13 to July 22 are the most patient representatives, and are not ready to sacrifice their time for the sake of others, and they will wait for the moment when they will be left behind and they can live in peace.

Cancer Woman

You are not ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of illusory happiness, but everyone around you demands that you instantly solve problems and make decisions. You are considered a strong and smart woman, but you realize that there is a little girl whining inside of you right now.