
Vibration therapy. Knowledge and sense energies

Vibration therapy

Ask: What is life?

We answer: Feeling.

Ask: What is Feeling?

We answer: Comprehension, otherwise – Knowledge.

Knowledge and sense energies

New knowledge about man opens up new opportunities for understanding the world around us. A person accumulates knowledge through the energies of feelings (energy complex of Image-Life) through perception and awareness of the surrounding reality.

Let's see what knowledge our contemporary receives. 90% of them are related to the profession, to work. Everyone, starting from school, faces the main question: what profession to choose? New professions are constantly appearing, and for some, on the contrary, demand is falling. Changing professional requirements forces a person to direct his energy either to improving his qualifications or to mastering a new profession, that is, we are forced to continuously learn something new to get a job.

Ten percent of knowledge is related to other problems: starting a family, purchasing housing, food, clothing, organizing recreation and entertainment.

The knowledge gained through mastering a profession and organizing everyday life forms a complex of sensory energies ( feelings are knowledge), consisting of 38 interconnected elemental energies. Mastering a profession develops a complex of feelings one-sided– in terms of improving relationships at work and the ability to work with technical equipment. There are other directions for developing the energy of feelings:

Understanding the purpose of animals and plants;

Finding out the purpose of a person;

Understanding the purpose of the Universe;

Finding the image of the Creator.

Knowledge is usually obtained through comparisons. If, for example, two brands of car are chosen for comparison, then one set of feelings is formed. If a car (a mechanical device created by man) and a horse (a living creature) are chosen, a completely different complex is formed.

The first man, Adam, spent more than 100 years trying to determine the purpose of every creature. An animal for which he did not find a purpose disappeared from the Earth. Therefore, the complex of feelings of Adam was very different from the complex of feelings of modern man. Our ancestor lived on Earth for almost 900 years, and our contemporary lives on average 80-90 years and believes that the purpose of every creature is to satisfy human needs. This huge difference in the life expectancy of Adam and modern man is associated with a difference in Lifestyle, with a different understanding of one’s purpose, and with a different awareness of the world around us. If a person wants to live on Earth for a long time, he must change his way of life, get to know himself and everything around him.

The knowledge that can be obtained from the energy essence allows one to predict (feel) life situations that lead to serious illnesses, avoid, leave, evade them. This situation could be, for example, stress, occurring at work, at home, during rest or entertainment. It is always associated with feelings, with a person’s reaction to the current life situation. Research by G. Selye showed that stress acts simultaneously in three directions:

Increases the activity of the adrenal cortex (in my interpretation this is a complex of energies of the feelings “Health - Illness”, “Pride - Humility”, “Joy - Sadness”, that is, a cube);

Leads to shrinkage of the thymus gland and lymph nodes (in my interpretation, this is a complex of energies of the feeling Thirst: blood, bile, lymph, intercellular fluid);

Leads to the formation of ulcers on the walls of the stomach and in the intestinal tract (in my interpretation this is a complex of energy feelings “Safety - Danger”, “Cheerfulness - Fatigue”, “Fatness - Hunger”, “Faith - Unbelief”, Confidence - Doubt”, “Love” – Hatred”, that is, the dodecahedron).

To combat the effects of stress, various methods of psychotherapy are widely used today:

Classical psychoanalysis;

Adler's Psychology;

Gestalt therapy;

Cognitive psychotherapy;

Transactional analysis;

Neurolinguistic programming;

Positive psychotherapy, etc.

Literally, the word “psychotherapy” is translated as “healing” or “treatment of the soul” ( psyche– soul and therapy- care, care).

In the new understanding of the human structure, the soul is a complex of energies of the Image-of-Life. Relieving stress, psychologists influence the 38 elementary energies of human feelings and their connections.

Some specialists widely use the radiesthesia method to diagnose the state of the human psyche. Thus, healer, doctor of medicine B. E. Brennan used a pendulum to interpret a person’s mental state. She observed the following movements of the pendulum:

rotational movements: clockwise or counterclockwise, rotation with changing amplitude of deflection;

translational movements in different directions;

pendulum freezing;

movement along an ellipse with rotation of the axis of symmetry of the ellipse clockwise or counterclockwise.

Depending on the form of movement of the pendulum, Brennan interpreted the following forms of a person’s mental state:

Clear perception of the surrounding reality;

The patient is more inclined to take active action;

The patient is more prone to passivity;

The patient avoids contact with surrounding people;

The patient is prone to projections;

The aggressive aspect is more developed than the passive one, the world is projected in consciousness as passive;

The passive aspect is more developed than the aggressive one, the world is projected in the consciousness as aggressive;

The patient avoids communicating with people;

The patient prefers a sharp inhibition of the flow of energy and feelings in order to avoid personal relationships;

Strong splitting in the consciousness of aggression and passivity with a clear predominance of aggression;

A strong split in the consciousness of aggression and passivity with a clear predominance of passivity.

I was able to formulate the content of the Image-of-Life complex, compile a list of sensory energies consisting of 38 items, establish the vibration value for each of them and determine the impact on the state of the physiological systems and organs of the material body.

During vibration therapy sessions, I observed all types of pendulum movements described in Brennan's work. I interpreted them as changes in the energies of the Micro-Sun complex (rotational movements of the pendulum) and the Image-of-Life complex (translational and translational-rotational movements).

The classification of vibrations is based on the binary number system. The maximum vibration value in the table corresponds to binary digit 2 62 vibrations/sec. Many vibration ranges have been observed by scientists (for example, 2 20, 2 40, 2 51, 2 57, 2 62 vibrations/sec.), but they have not been able to determine their “purpose”.

The range of vibrations of a person’s energetic essence, which I was able to establish using the radiesthesia method, covers binary digits from 20 to 2104 vibrations/sec. Table 4 shows the vibration values ​​for all the main complexes of the human energy essence.

As can be seen from the table, the energy complex O Mind has the highest vibration frequencies, followed by Raz-Mind. These two sets of energies serve as a model for the development of the human mind. In a newborn, the mind has only one vibration frequency, 2 1 vibrations/sec. By developing his feelings, the child shapes his mind, which manifests itself in an increase in the types of energies and, accordingly, the number of vibrations. As the senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste) are developed, a person transforms low-frequency vibrations into high-frequency ones. The level of development of the human mind can be assessed by the range of vibrations of the Mind complex. The radiesthesia method allows you to measure this level, determine the minimum and maximum values ​​of vibration frequency and compare them with the range of vibrations of the Raz-Mind and O-Mind complexes. Comparison is the basis of knowledge. Comparing the level of development of your mind with the similar level of the first man Adam (vibration range min 268 vibrations/sec. – max 279 vibrations/sec.), everyone can evaluate their own level of awareness of the true laws of life on Earth, the level of spirituality. It can also be determined by comparing the state of the energy complexes Mind, Raz-Mind and O-Mind.

Language of communication with energy essence

Having created man as an energetic essence with a material body, the Creator did not forget about the language of interaction between man and his essence. He really exists. This is the language of vibrations. The energy complexes of Image-Life, Mind, Double, Raz-Mind, O-Mind, Micro-Sun, Creation - Destruction, Creation make their contacts on it. Vibrational frequency is the alphabet of a universal language.

The complex of energies of the Image of Life interacts with the five human senses. He remembers the image of the external world and transforms it into the energy of feelings.

The human central nervous system (CNS) also reacts to the state of the sensory organs and acts with electrochemical impulses on other organs of the body.

It turns out that the central nervous system and the complex of Image-of-Life energies have the same source of information - the five human senses. Consequently, the state of the energies of the senses of the Image-Life complex coincides with the state of the organs of the material body.

Based on the level of vibrations of the Image-Life complex, the Mind-Mind system knows exactly the state of all the main organs of the material body. If malfunctions or disturbances are observed in the work of the latter, then the Mind-Mind complex produces certain vibrations and “notifies” the human central nervous system about this, stimulating the sensory cells of the nervous system. With its vibrations, the Mind-Mind complex develops the Mind complex, teaches a person to correctly respond to the perception of a life situation, which is reflected by the five senses.

People who do not have hypersensitive perception can learn to communicate with the Raz-Mind complex of energies. For this purpose, the method has been used since time immemorial. dowsing(for example, dowsing).

A dowsing indicator, for example a pendulum in the hands of a person, Always reacts to vibrations of the Mind-Mind complex with certain movements: oscillation, rotation or hovering. The type and form of this movement allows us to determine the content of the “information” communicated by the Mind-Mind complex.

A system of correctly posed questions and the ability to recognize answers based on the form of movement of the dowsing indicator is the basis of the language of communication with one’s essence for a person who does not have hypersensitive perception.

Basics of radiesthesia

Since ancient times, people have known the dowsing effect. It was used for various purposes: to find plants that save from diseases, to find water and minerals, and much more. In ancient times it was called dowsing. People used the vine branch as an indicator to sense the presence of water flow underground.

The dowsing effect is based on the rotation of an indicator - a vine, a frame, a pendulum - in the hands of a person who is looking for a place for a well, geopathogenic zones, wants to get an answer to a question that interests him about an object, phenomenon, disease, etc. Currently, the concept of "dowsing" effect" is increasingly being replaced by the term "radiesthesia". This is due to the fact that this effect began to be associated with the property of energy vibration. The term “radiesthesia” has become official and international. It is translated as “I feel the vibration” (“I feel the vibration”).

A pendulum made of non-ferrous metal is used as an indicator for working using the radiesthesia method. In my experience, the shape of the pendulum does not matter at all. For example, it may have the shape of a cone. This could be an ordinary nail or a construction dowel, even a simple metal paper clip. I use a metal nut suspended from a cotton thread.

To learn how to work with a pendulum, you need faith into the radiesthesia method. The belief that there really are vibrations that our senses do not perceive, but the simplest device - a pendulum - reacts to them. The second condition is the level of spiritual development. It is important how deeply a person understands himself as a single whole, consisting of an energetic essence and a material body. How much he believes in the existence of not only the mind, but also reason and the absolute mind.

The first step in mastering the method of radiesthesia is the manufacture of a pendulum. The easiest way is to take a metal washer or nut, thread a thread through the hole and tie it to the selected object. At the other end of the thread you need to make a small knot to make it easier to hold the thread when the pendulum moves. So, the pendulum is ready.

Second step more difficult. It is necessary to “teach” the pendulum to perform four commands:

Swing left - right;

Swing forward - back;

Rotate clockwise;

Rotate counterclockwise.

To “teach” the pendulum to carry out commands, you need to take the free end of the pendulum thread and hold it between your thumb and forefinger in a suspended state. You can use either your left or right hand. The elbow can stand on the table or hang freely.

Now you should give the first command: “Swing left - right!” It can be said out loud or given mentally, to yourself. A person’s word is an energy substance, a set of vibrations of a certain frequency and duration. For example, the vocal cords of the larynx range from 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second. Therefore, a person’s words, as a set of vibrations of special frequencies, are well perceived by the complexes of energies Raz-Mind and O-Mind of the energetic essence. At your command, they will begin to generate the appropriate vibration frequencies, which will set the pendulum in motion.

The command should be pronounced confidently, clearly and calmly. The pendulum should begin to perform the specified movement. If it remains motionless, you need to wait (5 to 30 seconds). If the pendulum does not start moving even after this, you should repeat the steps until it begins to “listen” to you. When the pendulum “learns” to stably carry out the first command, you can move on to learning the other three. Having achieved stability in the execution of all four commands, you will establish a connection and information exchange with your energetic essence.

Third step somewhat simpler than the second. You need to find out which movement of the pendulum corresponds to the answer “Yes”, and which movement corresponds to the answer “No”. For this purpose, the command is replaced by a question.

What movement of the pendulum means the answer is “Yes”?

What movement of the pendulum means the answer “No”?

A pendulum in the hands of a man Always responds to a question with a certain type of movement: oscillation or rotation of different amplitudes. Its type and shape, corresponding to each question, must be remembered. As a rule, if the answer is “Yes,” the pendulum makes either oscillatory movements forward and backward, or a rotational movement clockwise (Fig. 37).

When the answer is “No,” the pendulum makes movements of a different form: it oscillates “left - right” or rotates counterclockwise (Fig. 38).

Fourth, the final step in mastering the radiesthesia method is also not easy. You need to learn to ask correct questions of your energetic essence. Let's look at a few examples.

Example 1: “Is my body healthy?” - this is the wrong question. There are always both healthy and unhealthy organs in the body. You are equally likely to get a “Yes” or a “No” answer. Therefore, the question must be asked about the degree of well-being of the body, asking how healthy it is.

Example 2: “Are there diseases in my body?” is the right question. If there are diseases in the body, you will receive the answer “Yes”. If they are not, that is, he is completely healthy, they will answer you “No” (which is what I wish for you!).

Example 3: “Is my heart rate 70 beats per minute?” is the right question. If your heart is currently beating at 70 beats per minute, then the answer is “Yes.” If the heart rate differs from the requested number (more or less), you will receive a “No” answer. By asking a consistent series of questions indicating your heart rate, you can determine this indicator quite accurately.

Example 4: “Does the number of my cells with chemical disturbances exceed 20%?” – this is the right question that allows you to get the first integral (total) assessment of the body’s health state (ZO1). If the answer is “Yes,” then more than 20% of cells in the body have disturbances in chemical processes. If the answer is “No”, then there are less than 20% of such cells.

Example 5: “My body contains more than 40% young cells?” - this is the right question, allowing you to obtain a second integral assessment of the body’s health state (ZO2). If the answer is “Yes,” then the body contains more than 40% of young cells. If the answer is “No,” then your body begins to age.

Having mastered the four steps of working with a pendulum, you will be able to diagnose health and create treatment programs for the body.

Vibration Therapy Basics

One of the five senses is touch. A person perceives the outside world with the help of a huge number of biologically active points on the skin. There are more than 100 thousand of them on the human body. Thanks to them, each of us feels the temperature, pressure and humidity of the environment, feels bruises, scratches, electromagnetic fields and many other effects on the skin of the body.

Since ancient times, healers have used biologically active points on the human body to treat a variety of diseases.

These points are sensory cells located in the skin (dermis layer). Sensory (from lat. sensus– perception, feeling, sensation) the cell consists of many layers. In addition, it is encapsulated, that is, fenced off from surrounding tissues. Most of these cells connect to the nerves of the autonomic nervous system, which transmit information about influences to the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord. The central nervous system “reads” the state of all biologically active points and develops control actions as a response to changes in environmental conditions (Fig. 39).

There are seven special, unique areas on the human body. In esoteric literature they were called chakras. It is believed that chakras are receivers of cosmic energy and consist of nerve plexuses. At the base of each lies a specific endocrine gland.

The new ideas I have proposed about man as an energetic entity with a material body exclude the presence of receivers of cosmic energy on the material body of a person. But as my practice has shown, seven unusual points on the human body still exist. They are not connected to the autonomic nervous system, like all other biologically active cells, but directly to the neurons of the brain and spinal cord. The path from a special point to these neurons is much shorter than from other biologically active points. Hence the unusualness of their behavior.

Each of the seven special sensory cells interacts with a specific group of neurons in the brain and spinal cord. In order to somehow distinguish them from other biologically active cells and from the concept of “chakra”, we introduce the concept singular points– OT and number them from OT1 to OT7. These are really dots, since their size is less than 1 millimeter. The structure of the brain and spinal cord is shown in Figure 40.

To preliminary determine the location of special points (OT1 – OT7) on the body, use the following guidelines.

Special sensory point two (OT2) is located below the human navel at a distance of the width of his palm; it interacts with the neurons of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae of the spinal cord.

Special sensory point three (OT3) is located above the human navel at a distance the width of his palm; it interacts with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th neurons of the thoracic vertebrae of the spinal cord.

Special sensory point one (OT1) is located below the human navel at a distance of two palm widths; it interacts with neurons of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sacral vertebrae of the spinal cord.

Special sensory point four (OT4) is located above the human navel at a distance of two palm widths; it interacts with the neurons of the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae of the spinal cord.

Special sensory point five (OT5) is located in the lower part of the throat, in a depression, it interacts with the neurons of the brain - the pineal gland.

Special sensory point six (OT6) is located on the human head between the eyebrows; it interacts with the neurons of the brain - the medulla oblongata.

Special sensory point seven (OT7) is located on the human head, on the top of the head, it interacts with the neurons of the brain - a section of the diencephalon.

On the human body, sensory cells of all seven special points (OT1 - OT7) are located along the spine.

The exact position of special points on the human body is determined using a pendulum (see section “Practicum”). A widely used Chinese healing method today (acupuncture) effectively uses biologically active points to treat the human body. The main problems of this method are related to the need to:

Accurate determination of the location of acupuncture points on the human body, taking into account physical data (weight, height, age, etc.);

Creating a list of acupuncture points that need to be affected in the treatment of a specific disease;

Finding the type of stimulation of points;

Determining the duration of exposure to the specified points;

Determining the number of acupuncture sessions for treatment.

Because of these and a number of other reasons, the healing method in question is difficult to use at home for self-medication.

Firstly , There are different ways to stimulate acupuncture points. Most often, healers use thin needles and manipulate them. Common methods include shiatsu (pressing a finger on an acupuncture point) and moxibustion with moxa (burning Chinese wormwood leaves). Cupping is also used to increase blood flow to certain areas of the body, and special devices for electrical stimulation of acupuncture points (Voll method).

Secondly, the above methods of stimulating acupuncture points can cause harm to the body if the effect is applied to an incorrectly identified acupuncture point.

Thirdly, in-depth knowledge of the relationship of the disease with acupuncture points is necessary.

Having discovered and analyzed the presence of an energetic component in a person in the form of several types of mind, having “learned” the language of communication with the energetic essence, I began to think about how to use this knowledge to simplify the methodology of working with acupuncture.

At any moment in time, the essence of a person has information about the state of his material body and has the fullness of knowledge regarding the elimination of the disease. The Creator arranged everything so that man studied develop your mind, master the true laws of nature, using the knowledge of the Raz-Mind and O-Mind complexes.

I managed to create a method of working with the energy essence using acupuncture in home conditions. The use of knowledge possessed by the human essence, the method of radiesthesia and sources of vibrations is the fundamental difference between the developed technique and all known traditional and non-traditional methods of treating the body using acupuncture points.

The idea of ​​this technique is quite simple, but extraordinary. Every day (and always in the morning), you need to take a pendulum in your hand and ask your energetic essence: “Is it useful for me to work with biologically active points today?”

If the answer is “No”, the therapy session for that day is cancelled.

If the answer is “Yes,” an additional series of questions is used to organize a therapy session program, including:

Determining the time of therapy (morning, afternoon, evening);

Creation of a list of biologically active points;

Finding the location of biologically active points on the body;

Selecting a vibration source;

Finding out the order of using vibration sources;

Determining the order of influence on biologically active points;

Determination of the duration of exposure of a vibration source to a biologically active point.

The methodology for drawing up a therapy session program is discussed in detail in the “Workshop” section.

For the practical application of the method, it is first necessary to collect a “collection” of vibration sources. I have tested and put into practice the following types of sources:

1) stones, minerals and crystals;

2) the centers of the palms of the right and left hands;

3) fingertips of the right and left hands;

4) plants;

5) physical exercise;

6) cold shower;

7) models of energy complexes.

Stones, minerals and crystals

Collecting stones can begin a collection of vibration sources. Stones are common in nature. They can be found on the seashore, river, lake, and also among the gravel that is used in road construction. Semi-precious stones are often used in jewelry. You can also look in geological museums - some of them have shops that sell rocks, minerals and crystals. I collected my main collection, more than 80 stones, on the beach of Sochi. At first I chose them by color - because the color of the stone indicates a special vibration frequency. When I collected the entire gamut of colors of stones available on the beach, I began to look for those that stood out with a geometric shape: square, pentagonal, triangular, etc. The shape of a stone reflects its structure, and the latter, in turn, affects its vibrational properties.

I determined the effectiveness of stones for treatment using a pendulum. My practice has shown that the energy essence remembers the meaning of the vibrations of all the stones in the collected collection. I began to check each new stone I liked for its usefulness, asking questions of my energetic essence and receiving the answer “Yes” or “No”. If the answer was yes, I included the stone in my collection. The methodology for selecting stones is described in more detail in the “Workshop” section.

Centers of the palms of the right and left hands

After four years of experience working with stones and minerals, in March 2004 I was puzzled by the answers from my essence. To the question: “Is it useful for me to work with biologically active points today?” – received a positive answer. I determined a list of biologically active points for self-medication. I started choosing stones. I went through the entire collection with a pendulum, but received a negative answer to all its copies. None of the stones were suitable for the job. I started looking for stones again, but every time I received the same answer from the pendulum - “No.” Then I thought of asking the entity the following question: “Do I even need to work with stones and minerals today?” The answer was no. This left me confused. Then I began to remember all the sources of vibrations of traditional and alternative medicine known to me. However, my essence refused all proposals. Desperate, I named my palm as the source of vibrations and received the answer - “Yes”! It turned out that today such a source should be center of the palm my left hand.

In esoteric literature I did not find any mention of the fact that the human material body is capable of emitting energy. But it turned out that I can do it through my palms. Obviously, by working with stones and minerals on biologically active points, I was able to develop the body’s own energies to a certain level. Now I could use these energies to heal myself.

Using the radiesthesia method, I determined the following characteristics of the energies of the centers of the palms.

The center of the right palm has an even vibration frequency equal to 2 28 vibrations/sec. The wavelength of energy changes daily. Its minimum value is observed on March 21-22, that is, on the days of the spring equinox. The maximum wavelength was observed on September 21-22, on the days of the autumn equinox. These changes “track” the annual cycle of the Earth’s movement around the Sun.

The center of the left palm has an odd vibration frequency equal to 2 29 vibrations/sec. The wavelength of the energy also changes daily, the numerical values ​​being the same as the wavelength of the right hand energy.

Fingertips of the right and left hands

In February 2005, my energetic essence puzzled me again - it “suggested” using the energy of my fingers for therapy purposes. It turned out that all ten fingertips also emit energy, as do the centers of the palms (Fig. 43).

Obviously, I managed to develop my body’s own energies to such a level that it became possible to use the energy of my fingers for work. The vibration frequencies of the fingers are given in Table 5.

The wavelength of energy emitted by each finger is different and not constant. I have not yet been able to identify the cyclical nature of its changes. The wavelength of the energy of each finger can decrease, increase or remain unchanged within one day. However, there is a general tendency to increase energy wavelengths from year to year (in each subsequent year this length increases). The dependence of the wavelength of the energies of the fingers on the complex of energies of the Image-of-Life senses is visible.

The energy of the palms and fingers is a powerful source of vibrations for healing the body, since the characteristics of the energies emitted by them change every day. Their feature is polarity. The right palm and fingers of the right hand emit even vibration frequencies (2 28, 2 26, 2 24, 2 22, 2 20, 2 18). Left palm and fingers of the left hand – odd vibration frequencies (2 29, 2 27, 2 25, 2 23, 2 21, 2 19). This shows a logical connection between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic part of the system stimulates the work of the body organs, and the parasympathetic part inhibits their activity. Consequently, by influencing biologically active points with the energy of the palms and fingers, one can inhibit or activate the work of the internal organs of the material body.


In July 2006, my energetic essence again gave me a surprise. She suggested using the energy emitted by flowers for self-healing. Living, uncut flowers emit energy of a certain vibration frequency and wavelength. For example, you can use the energies of the dahlia flower to influence special point five (OT5). It is important that the flower is not picked or cut off; it continues to grow in the flowerbed.

The effect of the energy of flowers is similar to the effect of the energies of the palms and fingers. The use of this energy expands the collection of vibration sources.

Physical exercise

Three years (from 2000 to 2003) of practice working with stones and minerals as sources of vibration and contacts with my energetic essence, the “source” of knowledge, strengthened my belief in the existence of a higher mind in every person. I became convinced that a person can communicate with his higher mind at the level of vibrations. Later, I had the idea to study the effect of physical exercise on improving the health of the body.

First of all, using the radiesthesia method, I selected the exercises that were most effective for me. I chose a yoga complex as a base. He compiled only 13 exercises. Seven of them are related to maintaining the back vertebrae in good condition. It is in the latter that the spinal cord section of the human nervous system is located. The 32 nerve channels of the sympathetic nervous system of the brain pass through the vertebrae of the back. Disturbances in the functioning of the vertebrae lead to the blocking of nerve canals and cause diseases of the main organs of the body. Physical exercises 1-7 are usually performed on the right and left sides. Performing exercises to the right side, we stimulate even vibrations of the energies of the sensory cells of the nervous system, and to the left - odd vibrations.

Exercises 8-13 allow you to work on internal organs: larynx, stomach, intestines, lungs, heart, liver, bladder, kidneys, spleen and endocrine glands. They are very effective.

Practice has shown that it is not worth doing the same exercises every day; they do not bring any health benefits. They must be performed when they are needed. Therefore, since January 2004, every morning I find out what exercises need to be done and how many times. Table 6 shows the first diary entries.

As you can see from the table, not all 13 exercises are suitable for daily practice. So, exercise 10 was not performed even once in January.

Selected physical exercises affect the human autonomic nervous system, which leads to a change in the electromagnetic field of the material body. This is perceived by the energetic essence, which changes the corresponding energies of the Micro-Sun complex and eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the organs.

Cold shower

A cold shower is another effective means of healing the human body. A stream of cold water should be directed to the seventh special point (OT7), the top of the head, so that the water flows down the back along the spine. Flowing from the shoulders and back, it affects their biologically active points. Cold water, as well as physical exercise, excites the sensory cells of the nervous system, which leads to changes in the human electromagnetic field and the reaction of the energetic essence to these changes. Therefore, the need to take a cold shower and the duration of the water procedure is determined using a pendulum and through a “conversation” with your essence

The peculiarity of the proposed technique is that a cold shower used before exercise, that is, first take a shower, and then perform required exercise, not the other way around. As a rule, physical exercise complements the positive effects of showering on the body and at the same time serves to warm up the body. After taking a shower, the effectiveness of the exercises increases, since the vibration effect of cold water acts (the body vibrates).

My practice has shown that after taking a cold shower, some of the 13 selected physical exercises must be used. The impact of shower and exercise on the human body constitutes a single program (in terms of the duration of the water procedure and the number of exercises performed). For example, on January 12, after taking a shower for 12 minutes, I did six physical exercises (see table 6): 3 (50 times), 4 (50 times), 6 (50 times), 8 (3 minutes), 12 (50 times, several approaches to the horizontal bar), 13 (50 times). Standing under a cold shower for 12 minutes is not easy, the body gets very cold, so be sure to rub yourself well with a towel and perform warming exercises.

The energetic essence of a person clearly determines the extent of the impact of a cold shower on the body. As can be seen from Figure 57, a shower is not recommended every day; the duration of the procedure also changes daily.

Models of energy complexes

Using the radiesthesia method, I learned to measure the geometric dimensions of the energy complexes of my essence. Then I had the idea to make five geometric models included in the Image-of-Life complex: tetrahedron, cube, pentahedral pyramid, double triangular pyramid, dodecahedron (Fig. 58).

The most surprising thing was that the manufactured models vibrated. The vibration frequencies of the models corresponded to the range of vibration frequencies of their analogues – real energy complexes:

The tetrahedron has four vibration frequencies according to the number of sides: 2 31, 2 32, 2 33, 2 34 vibrations/sec.;

The cube has six vibration frequencies according to the number of sides: 2 34, 2 35, 2 36, 2 37, 2 38, 2 39 vibrations/sec.;

The double triangular pyramid has six vibration frequencies according to the number of sides: 2 40, 2 41, 2 42, 2 43, 2 44, 2 45 vibrations/sec.;

The pentagonal prism has ten vibration frequencies at the corners of the pentagon: 2 46, 2 47, 2 48, 2 49, 2 50, 2 51, 2 52, 2 53, 2 54, 2 55 vibrations/sec.;

The dodecahedron has twelve vibration frequencies according to the number of sides: 2 56, 2 57, 2 58, 2 59, 2 60, 2 61, 2 62, 2 63, 2 64, 2 65, 2 66, 2 67 vibrations/sec.

Since February 2006, my energetic essence began to include models of energy complexes in sessions for healing the body. The first such model was the dodecahedron. On January 18, 2007, I had to work on a dodecahedron with 45 points on the body - from OT2 to OT4, with a step of approximately 5 mm between the points. As the dodecahedron moved up my body, I felt my body begin to warm up, a slight dizziness appeared, and I lost consciousness for 2-3 seconds. When I woke up after being exposed to vibrations in the area of ​​point OT4, it turned out that I was sitting on the floor, and a dodecahedron lay next to me. This example convinced me that the manufactured models actually have energy and can be effectively used for self-healing.

Body therapy

Practicing with the vibration sources listed above has helped me understand some effective healing techniques: healing touch and the healing power of the hands, as well as Chinese medicine.

The Healing Touch Method was developed by New York University professor Dr. Krieger, who identified four results from the use of healing touch: relaxation, pain relief, accelerated recovery and elimination of symptoms of psychosomatic diseases. In his book, he claims that the healer, with his strong biofield, restores the patient’s immune system, which then eliminates the disease itself. In practice, the patient heals himself, but he needs an initial push in the form of a touch. Thanks to the fact that energies are emitted from the center of the palms and fingers, the reason for the effectiveness of healing touch becomes clear. The impetus for treating the patient is given by the radiated energy of the healer’s hands. Its vibration range is from 2 18 to 2 29 vibrations/sec. (Also, remember that the characteristics of hand energies change daily). The effectiveness of healing using the laying on of hands method can be significantly increased if you learn to communicate with your energetic essence and determine for each therapy session the “necessary” biologically active points that need to be influenced. Indirectly, Dr. Krieger recognizes the existence of an energetic essence, which confirms the principle he formulated: “The ability to transform and improve the conditions of one’s existence is inherent in man by nature. They are the prerequisites for effective self-healing.”

Chinese medical practitioners classify all phenomena occurring in the human body into the categories of yin and yang, which are personified by the symbol presented in Figure 59.

In Chinese terminology, yin and yang are properties of energy. Besides them, the human body manage five elements or five elements: wood, metal, water, fire and earth. The interaction of natural forces (yin, yang and all five elements) creates life force qi(Fig. 60).

Practitioners of Chinese medicine are primarily interested not so much in a specific organ, symptom, or ailment, but in the person as a whole. It is taking into account this principle, the principle of human integrity, that programs of therapy sessions are drawn up with the help of the energetic essence of a person.

The human right hand generates six even vibration frequencies: 2 18, 2 20, 2 22, 2 24, 2 26, 2 28 vibrations/sec. – this is the yang category.

The human left hand generates six odd vibration frequencies: 2 19, 2 21, 2 23, 2 25, 2 27, 2 29 vibrations/sec. - This is the yin category.

The Image-of-Life complex of energies also contains two categories of elementary energies - nineteen even and nineteen odd vibration frequencies.

Even energy vibration frequencies: 2 30, 2 32, 2 34, 2 36, 2 38, 2 40, 2 42, 2 44, 2 46, 2 48, 2 50, 2 52, 2 54, 2 56, 2 58, 2 60, 2 62, 2 64, 2 66 vibrations/sec. – this is the yang category.

Odd energy vibration frequencies: 2 31, 2 33, 2 35, 2 37, 2 39, 2 41, 2 43, 2 45, 2 47, 2 49, 2 51, 2 53, 2 55, 2 57, 2 59, 2 61, 2 63, 2 65, 2 67 vibrations/sec. - This is the yin category.

The Image-of-Life energy complex also consists of five groups of energies, structured into three-dimensional geometric shapes: tetrahedron, cube, pentahedral prism, double triangular pyramid, dodecahedron. These five figures interact similarly to the five elements (wood, metal, water, fire and earth), that is, in a “circle” and in a “star”.

Using the radiesthesia method, I established the identity of the elements to the energy groups of the Image-Life complex (Table 7).

Table 7 reveals the secret of yang, yin and vitality qi ancient Chinese medicine. Since ancient times, the Chinese have known about the presence of an energetic essence in humans.

Reasoning logically, we can say that the complex of energies of the Life-Image personifies life force qi in accordance with the terminology of Chinese medicine. Hence, qi– these are 38 elementary energies of human feelings, interconnected in a “circle” and “star” (Fig. 60). Communication in a “circle” is determined by the state of the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the human nervous system and reflects the relationship between the organs of the body and the electrochemical impulses of the nervous system. The star connection is determined by the state of the human endocrine system and reflects the exchange of hormones between the organs of the body. The complex of energies of feelings of the Image of Life is the soul that a person “grows” during his life on Earth. The greatest crime is to corrupt the human soul, to corrupt his Way of Life. The human soul as an energy complex is eternal, therefore it will “sick” even after the death of the material body.

The developed healing technique, which uses sources of vibration and knowledge of one’s own energetic essence, allows one to effectively manage the body’s vitality. My practice has shown that therapy sessions do not directly treat the disease. First, conditions are created for the body to self-heal, and the nervous, endocrine and immune systems are strengthened. After this, a direct effect on the diseased organ is carried out. The impact on the same biologically active point with a wide range of vibration frequencies is the fundamental difference between the developed technique and all known traditional and non-traditional healing methods.

Between May 2000 and May 2008, I performed 670 body therapy sessions using various vibration sources. Data from these sessions are summarized in Table 8.

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Vyacheslav Biryukov

Vibration therapy


Thunder won't strike, the man won't cross himself

A person constantly talks a lot about health, but does very little to have it.

V. I. Ivanov. The healing power of hands

The proverb, widely known in Rus', included in the title of the section, characterizes the attitude of the majority of our compatriots to various troubles in life. Thunder struck - illness came. The man crossed himself (took painkillers) and calmed down - everything was over. The peals of Thunder did not teach the man anything. He did not change his lifestyle, which was the cause of the disease, and thereby created the basis for new, more serious diseases.

A person rarely thinks about the cause of the disease: “Why did Thunder strike?” Even less often does he think about how to prevent the development of the disease in the future.

My own way of life was no exception to this rule until the strong peals of Thunder thundered above me. In early 1990, for the first time in my life, they put me in a hospital bed for a long time. A blood vessel in my brain burst and hemorrhage occurred in the central nervous system (brain and spine). The situation was further complicated by the fact that the doctors made a mistake in the diagnosis - they decided that I had a blood clot in one of the vessels of the brain, and they administered vasodilators to me. I fainted. Fortunately, the doctors quickly realized their mistake. During the time spent in a hospital bed, my musculoskeletal system atrophied. Like a little child I learned again:

Walk along the bed;

Walk from the bed to the door of the room;

Go down and up stairs, etc.

When I was discharged from the hospital, the attending physician said: “We did everything we knew and could do, the rest is up to you.” He advised me to increase my walking time every day to restore my musculoskeletal system. He issued me a sick leave certificate for six months and a dozen medications.

For the first time I had a lot of free time. During my daily forced walks, I began to think about the cause of the illness. Why did such a strong clap of Thunder occur and how to avoid similar clap of Thunder in the future? And I decided for myself to move from “talking about health” to the position of “gaining health.”

I remembered the words of the attending physician and realized that I had to find a solution to the problem of restoring the health of the body myself. And he started looking. In the early 1990s, a variety of literature about self-medication appeared: “Heal yourself”, “Threads of fate”, “Biofield and health”, “Heal you Nadezhda”, “Heal yourself by knowing yourself”, “Home doctor”, “Help yourself himself”, “School of Bioenergy”, “Chinese Medicine”, “World of Subtle Energies”, “Improvement of the Soul”, “On the Threshold of the Subtle World”, “Doctrine of Life”, “Vibrational Medicine of the 21st Century”, etc.

I started reading everything I could get my hands on. Such literature spoke about the human energy structure, bioenergetics, numerous acupuncture points on the human body, by acting on which one can influence the heartbeat, blood composition, hormone production, increase resistance to diseases and stimulate healing processes in the body. But the information that was given in the books did not allow applying this knowledge in practice. Their practical application remains inaccessible to this day, and gurus (teachers) are in no hurry to share their skills.

Therefore, I began to think about creating my own health management system, a system for improving the body’s health, based on everything that I had read, realized and tested on myself. To be able to control anything, three conditions, three pillars must be present:

1) management programs (treatment methods);

2) the ability to measure the management goal (a way to measure health status);

3) impact leading to a change in goal (restoration of health).

The first thing I chose for the new technique was the ancient method by which herbalists and homeopaths select remedies. This is the so-called radiaesthesia effect(which can be translated as “I feel a wave, a vibration”), or the “willow rod” method. It was known to the priests of Egypt back in the 8th millennium BC. e.

Working with the radiesthesia effect has made it possible to understand some of the properties of energy. Today, science does not know exactly what energy is, especially bioenergy. But I was able to experience some of its properties myself. Any energy has at least the following properties:

Vibration frequency;

Impact on the object;

The ability to accumulate (that is, characterized by quantity);

The ability to interact with other energies, forming complexes.

Using the radiesthesia method, I learned to measure the vibration frequency of various objects:

Stones, minerals, crystals;

Trees, flowers;

Organs of the human body (heart, lungs, liver, etc.).

This led me to the realization of a universal, unified language of communication in nature: energy vibration language. It is in this language that information is exchanged in the Universe. The words that a person pronounces are also vibrations of energies of certain frequencies. Obviously, these vibrations constitute the unity of the world. Consequently, a person must contain energies with certain vibrations. Such thoughts prompted me to reconsider ancient and modern teachings about human structure.

In my mind a person is an energetic entity that is allowed to attach a material body to itself.

The phrase “it is allowed to attach a material body” means that not every entity is allowed to do this. The primary thing in a person is the essence, the secondary thing is the body. The first gives life to the second. Therefore it is eternal. The material body is mortal today. The essence is a complex of energies with a wide range of vibrations. It contains the source of life of the material body. In essence, in energy form there is knowledge about everything that was and will be on Earth and in the Universe.

I reviewed many traditional and non-traditional knowledge about man and developed my own theory of human structure, which is based on the concept of “essence”. A new look made it possible to formulate the first condition, control systems, - to find an unconventional source for the formation of a health improvement program for the body. Such a source is the knowledge possessed by human energy essences.

As the second condition, the second pillar of control, the method was chosen radiesthesia.

The third condition was natural sources of vibration influence on biologically active points of the material body. All three pillars of the created system for improving the body’s health are shown in Figure 1.

The peculiarity of the developed healing method is that a person, in principle, does not need to know how his body works, what organs and physiological systems it consists of. Need faith that:

Everyone has their own energetic essence;

With the help of a dowsing indicator, you can learn to communicate with your energetic essence;

The entity knows how to heal its body and increase its resistance to disease.

My method can be classified as meditation is a training of consciousness, patience and attention to your body. On the other hand, if a person wishes, he can get to know his body and methods of healing it.

Work practice has shown that health depends not only on the state of the material body, but also on the state of the energy complexes from which the essence is formed. The latter can also “get sick” due to our lifestyle - the interactions between energies and the state of them themselves can change. Diseases at the energy level are more dangerous to human life.

There are a huge number of biologically active points (BAP) on the human skin ), associated with the nervous system. By exposing them to a source of vibration, we “provoke” a response from the nervous system to irritation. This reaction of the material body is perceived by the energetic entity. That, in turn, by changing the frequency of vibrations and the spectrum of radiation of its internal energies, restores the frequency of vibration of the diseased organ according to the frequency of vibration of the irritant, thus eliminating the disease. This is the essence of the new method of treating the body.

As a dowsing indicator (meter), I use a simple pendulum - a metal nut suspended on a thread. With the help of the pendulum, you can “find out”, “learn” from the entity the program of a treatment (therapy) session for the body for every day.

Which biologically active points should be affected?

Vibration therapy is the use of vibration to prevent and eliminate a number of health problems. In essence, vibration therapy is the oldest method of physiotherapy, which is now experiencing its rebirth. Now installations for general and local vibration therapy can be found not only in medical institutions, but also in salons and sports clubs. And many already have portable vibration massagers at home.

Reasons for its popularity

How it works?

Conventionally, we can distinguish two main aspects that determine the effect of vibration massage:

  • influence on tissues directly in contact with the source of vibration;
  • reflex response of organs and tissues associated with the area affected by vibration.

The local effect of vibration is expressed in improving blood flow and lymph outflow, accelerating metabolic processes. The nature of the reflex effect depends on the frequency of vibration.

Vibromassage with a frequency of 10-50 Hz causes relaxation of smooth muscle fibers in the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces heart rate.

Vibromassage with a frequency of 50-200 Hz, on the contrary, has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Regardless of the frequency, vibration massage leads to a weakening or complete cessation of pain.

Vibration therapy in cosmetology

Photo: vibration therapy device

In cosmetology, it is used as an alternative to manual massage to eliminate a number of cosmetic defects.

The most valuable from a cosmetological point of view are the following effects::

  • facilitating the removal of fatty tissue in problem areas;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • smoothing skin with cellulite;
  • giving the skin tone and elasticity;
  • accelerating the release of tissues from metabolic products by activating lymph drainage;
  • acceleration of tissue recovery after any traumatic procedures, acceleration of the removal of edema and resorption of hematomas.

How the method is implemented

In cosmetology, general and local vibration massage can be used. For general vibration massage, vibrating couches, built-in vibration platforms in spa capsules, and vibrating chairs are used.

Local vibration massage is performed using portable massagers or special attachments for multifunctional cosmetic devices.


  • the presence of obesity, excess body weight, excess adipose tissue in problem areas;
  • cellulite;
  • decreased skin tone, sagging skin;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and skin folds;
  • presence of a double chin.


  • acute injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the presence of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities and pelvis with a tendency to form blood clots;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, abrasions, trophic ulcers);
  • arterial hypertension with frequent crises;
  • acute inflammatory and purulent processes in the body;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • individual intolerance to vibration massage.

How does the procedure work?

The first procedure should not last longer than 7-10 minutes. If vibration massage is carried out as a course, then subsequent procedures can last up to 15 minutes. If the session lasts 20 minutes or more, then this no longer provides an improvement in the condition, but only causes fatigue for the patient.

If used as part of a complex cosmetic procedure, its duration should not be more than 15 minutes. The frequency of vibration is selected by a cosmetologist for each specific patient and his needs.

Frequency and frequency of its implementation

Typically, a course requires 10 to 15 procedures. The first procedures are carried out every other day. Starting from 5-6 procedures can be carried out daily for 3 days, and then take a 1-day break.

Video: Vibration therapy

What does it go with?

Photo: vibration platform

The best results in cosmetology can be obtained by combining various methods of influence, such as physiotherapy, the use of effective cosmetics, selection of the optimal drinking regimen and proper nutrition.

Below we give examples of techniques that are most often used in salons in combination with vibration massage:

  • underwater shower-massage;
  • manual massage;
  • scrubbing and wrapping;
  • thermal effects;
  • ozokerite treatment;
  • steam or infrared sauna, cedar barrel;
  • aroma, music, chromotherapy.

Thunder won't strike, the man won't cross himself

A person constantly talks a lot about health, but does very little to have it.
V. I. Ivanov. The healing power of hands

The proverb, widely known in Rus', included in the title of the section, characterizes the attitude of the majority of our compatriots to various troubles in life. Thunder struck - illness came. The man crossed himself (took painkillers) and calmed down - everything was over. The peals of Thunder did not teach the man anything. He did not change his lifestyle, which was the cause of the disease, and thereby created the basis for new, more serious diseases.
A person rarely thinks about the cause of the disease: “Why did Thunder strike?” Even less often does he think about how to prevent the development of the disease in the future.
My own way of life was no exception to this rule until the strong peals of Thunder thundered above me. In early 1990, for the first time in my life, they put me in a hospital bed for a long time. A blood vessel in my brain burst and hemorrhage occurred in the central nervous system (brain and spine). The situation was further complicated by the fact that the doctors made a mistake in the diagnosis - they decided that I had a blood clot in one of the vessels of the brain, and they administered vasodilators to me. I fainted. Fortunately, the doctors quickly realized their mistake. During the time spent in a hospital bed, my musculoskeletal system atrophied. Like a little child I learned again:
walk along the bed;
walk from the bed to the door of the room;
go down and up stairs, etc.
When I was discharged from the hospital, the attending physician said: “We did everything we knew and could do, the rest is up to you.” He advised me to increase my walking time every day to restore my musculoskeletal system. He issued me a sick leave certificate for six months and a dozen medications.
For the first time I had a lot of free time. During my daily forced walks, I began to think about the cause of the illness. Why did such a strong clap of Thunder occur and how to avoid similar clap of Thunder in the future? And I decided for myself to move from “talking about health” to the position of “gaining health.”
I remembered the words of the attending physician and realized that I had to find a solution to the problem of restoring the health of the body myself. And he started looking. In the early 1990s, a variety of literature about self-medication appeared: “Heal yourself”, “Threads of fate”, “Biofield and health”, “Heal you Nadezhda”, “Heal yourself by knowing yourself”, “Home doctor”, “Help yourself himself”, “School of Bioenergy”, “Chinese Medicine”, “World of Subtle Energies”, “Improvement of the Soul”, “On the Threshold of the Subtle World”, “Doctrine of Life”, “Vibrational Medicine of the 21st Century”, etc.
I started reading everything I could get my hands on. Such literature spoke about the human energy structure, bioenergetics, numerous acupuncture points on the human body, by acting on which one can influence the heartbeat, blood composition, hormone production, increase resistance to diseases and stimulate healing processes in the body. But the information that was given in the books did not allow applying this knowledge in practice. Their practical application remains inaccessible to this day, and gurus (teachers) are in no hurry to share their skills.
Therefore, I began to think about creating my own health management system, a system for improving the body’s health, based on everything that I had read, realized and tested on myself. To be able to control anything, three conditions, three pillars must be present:
1) management programs (treatment methods);
2) the ability to measure the management goal (a way to measure health status);
3) impact leading to a change in goal (restoration of health).

The first thing I chose for the new technique was the ancient method by which herbalists and homeopaths select remedies. This is the so-called radiaesthesia effect(which can be translated as “I feel a wave, a vibration”), or the “willow rod” method. It was known to the priests of Egypt back in the 8th millennium BC. e.
Working with the radiesthesia effect has made it possible to understand some of the properties of energy. Today, science does not know exactly what energy is, especially bioenergy. But I was able to experience some of its properties myself. Any energy has at least the following properties:
vibration frequency;
impact on the object;
the ability to accumulate (that is, characterized by quantity);
the ability to interact with other energies, forming complexes.

Using the radiesthesia method, I learned to measure the vibration frequency of various objects:
stones, minerals, crystals;
trees, flowers;
organs of the human body (heart, lungs, liver, etc.).

This led me to the realization of a universal, unified language of communication in nature: energy vibration language. It is in this language that information is exchanged in the Universe. The words that a person pronounces are also vibrations of energies of certain frequencies. Obviously, these vibrations constitute the unity of the world. Consequently, a person must contain energies with certain vibrations. Such thoughts prompted me to reconsider ancient and modern teachings about human structure.
In my mind a person is an energetic entity that is allowed to attach a material body to itself.
The phrase “it is allowed to attach a material body” means that not every entity is allowed to do this. The primary thing in a person is the essence, the secondary thing is the body. The first gives life to the second. Therefore it is eternal. The material body is mortal today. The essence is a complex of energies with a wide range of vibrations. It contains the source of life of the material body. In essence, in energy form there is knowledge about everything that was and will be on Earth and in the Universe.
I reviewed many traditional and non-traditional knowledge about man and developed my own theory of human structure, which is based on the concept of “essence”. A new look made it possible to formulate the first condition, control systems, - to find an unconventional source for the formation of a health improvement program for the body. Such a source is the knowledge possessed by human energy essences.
As the second condition, the second pillar of control, the method was chosen radiesthesia.
The third condition was natural sources of vibration influence on biologically active points of the material body. All three pillars of the created system for improving the body’s health are shown in Figure 1.

The peculiarity of the developed healing method is that a person, in principle, does not need to know how his body works, what organs and physiological systems it consists of. Need faith that:
everyone has their own energetic essence;
with the help of a dowsing indicator you can learn to communicate with your energetic essence;
the entity knows how to heal its body and increase its resistance to disease.
My method can be classified as meditation is a training of consciousness, patience and attention to your body. On the other hand, if a person wishes, he can get to know his body and methods of healing it.
Work practice has shown that health depends not only on the state of the material body, but also on the state of the energy complexes from which the essence is formed. The latter can also “get sick” due to our lifestyle - the interactions between energies and the state of them themselves can change. Diseases at the energy level are more dangerous to human life.
There are a huge number of biologically active points (BAP) on the human skin ), associated with the nervous system. By exposing them to a source of vibration, we “provoke” a response from the nervous system to irritation. This reaction of the material body is perceived by the energetic entity. That, in turn, by changing the frequency of vibrations and the spectrum of radiation of its internal energies, restores the frequency of vibration of the diseased organ according to the frequency of vibration of the irritant, thus eliminating the disease. This is the essence of the new method of treating the body.
As a dowsing indicator (meter), I use a simple pendulum - a metal nut suspended on a thread. With the help of the pendulum, you can “find out”, “learn” from the entity the program of a treatment (therapy) session for the body for every day.
Which biologically active points should be affected?
Where are BAPs located on the body?
What sources of vibrations are used to influence?
In what sequence should biologically active points be affected?
How to determine the duration of exposure of each BAP to a vibration source?
What is the goal of therapy?
What is the result of the therapy session?

I started studying with a pendulum and vibrations in May 2000. And since August 2002, he completely abandoned the use of drugs (tablets, mixtures, ointments, etc.) and instead began to use sources of vibration: stones, plants, fingers. Using vibration therapy methods I was able to:
cure prostate adenoma (at the age of 62 years);
strengthen my immune system and get rid of a sore throat, from which I systematically suffered twice a year;
no flu since 2003;
eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the main organs: endocrine glands, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder;
balance some of the energies inherent in the entity;
by refusing to buy expensive medicines, strengthen the family budget.

The proposed treatment method is practically an improved traditional Chinese method of treatment, officially approved for use by domestic medicine in the Russian Federation - the method of acupuncture. Only instead of thin stainless steel needles, cauterization, mechanical vibrators and magnetic oscillators, vibration sources are used to influence biologically active points.
The method for accurately locating BAP in the human body without using special schemes and the need to recalculate them for the patient’s height and weight has also been improved. To do this, it is enough to use the simplest device - a pendulum. Perhaps the biggest secret of specialists in Eastern healing methods has been revealed - determining the location of the biologically active point that needs to be influenced in a therapy session, and the time of such influence.

Chapter 1
New knowledge about man

In the image and likeness
Everyone comes to the idea in their own way that Universe, Earth, animal And plant worlds And Human created mind. This did not immediately become obvious to me. Oddly enough, I came to the perception of the Creator through professional activities. While developing control systems, I knew that the creation of any system begins with setting a goal. For example, the creation of a car is based on the desire to move faster on the ground. As a rule, the goal of the system being created is set and formulated by its developer, creator. Each technical tool has its own author. Somehow the questions involuntarily arose: “Who set the goal of creating the Earth?”, “Who designed and created the Earth and man?”, “Who is the author of the Universe?”
Man did not create the Earth. He only lives on Earth and uses its wealth. Does this mean that the Earth was conceived and created by someone else? Who exactly and for what purpose? It would seem a simple question, but the answer to it was not immediately found. The formal answer that everything was created by God did not mean anything to me. This phrase was empty for me, it meant nothing. Other questions immediately arose.
Who is God?
What is He like?
What are His purposes?
The search for answers to these and other questions led me to the realization of the existence of the Creator of the Universe and man.
From books I learned that the Council of Constantinople in 1341 accepted the position of St. Gregory Palamas that God, inaccessible (invisible) in His essence, reveals Himself in energies. From the standpoint of modern knowledge, the thesis is not something unusual, but for the 14th century it turned out to be a deep thought, an idea. Modern man has learned to use many energies that he does not see, for example, electric and nuclear, electromagnetic fields, radio waves.
Taking into account the position of Gregory Palamas, it can be assumed that the Creator is a living, intelligent, thinking energy entity. Logically speaking, it can be argued that the Creator does not have research institutes, design bureaus, or factories for the production of planets and people. He owns other technologies, and they are not yet available to modern people. Or available?
They say that man was created in the image and likeness God. And if this one is so, it means he is able to use the Creator’s technologies. However, human creations are for some reason dead, not eternal, and require disposal. Apparently, the problem is not that modern man does not know how to create in the image and likeness of the Creator, but that he is lazy and does not want to realize his purpose and the abilities placed in him by the Creator. The reason lies in the change in the value of life.
There was a time when man, animals and plants did not exist, there was no planet Earth and the entire Universe. Was there anything at all?
Yes, there were many living intelligent entities. They still exist. The essence is self-sufficient, represents a multitude of energies, and has a mind with the help of which it creates within itself. It does not require communication - it is a closed system, within which many energies transform into one another according to the law of conservation. The entity does not require light - the energies shine on their own. She doesn't need food - she feeds herself.
Perhaps at some point one entity wanted to communicate with its own kind. For everyone to have such an interest in communication, they needed a strong idea or project that would be suitable and interesting to all entities. And it was proposed - it turned out to be the creation of man and a new world for his existence.
It can be assumed that all entities liked the project since it was implemented. Such a grandiose idea can only be realized if there is general agreement. All energies became participants in this undertaking. This is how the Universe, planet Earth, flora and fauna, and man appeared. Everything was created by energies everyone entities, the Creator’s own energies and His thoughts.
We can imagine with reasonable confidence that the main goal of the project was to create a new entity - person.
The prototype of the creation of man was the essences themselves and the Creator’s own image. This hypothesis turns into confidence if we recall the definition of Gregory Palamas that God, inaccessible (invisible) in His essence, reveals Himself in energies. It is the energies that form the basis of the creation of man. This approach allowed the Creator to embody in man all the best what was in essences, and all the best that He himself owned.
On the other hand, the created entity must have new capabilities and abilities in order to be better than those that were created previously. Otherwise, why create it? (Why should people reinvent the wheel today?)
The acquisition of a material body was absolutely new for this entity. Thanks to him, energy entities became visible, were able to contact each other, and acquired new organs for mutual communication: vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste. This means that the similarity of a person lies in the presence of his own, individual energetic essence.
All of the above allows us to draw an unexpected conclusion:
It turns out that at the core of man lies unity energetic essence and material body. The action “attach” says that the energy entity must receive “permission” and create conditions for the life of the material body, literally “breathe” life into it. If we remember that man is created in the likeness of God, then his energetic essence should be immortal. In practice we know that the material body is mortal. The presence of an immortal principle and a mortal body suggests that in essence a person is immortal. This property is manifested in the ability of an energy entity to repeatedly attach a material body to itself. Having lost the body, the essence of a person becomes invisible, like God, but does not disappear forever. Having been deprived of everything material, she loses the ability to communicate with people, as well as the senses inherent in humans, and, most likely, leaves the Earth. But the memory of earthly life is preserved, and the entity is looking for an opportunity to attach a new material body to itself in order to return to Earth again.
What do you think - your true form is like this - head, belly, two arms, two legs, and that's it? Then remember: you are in the image of the Trinity! This means that you are at the core, like everything else - the First Form, the Cube in the Ball!
You are in your Form, which is invisible, Because you are ideal, - a Ball, a cocoon. Well, knowing it or not knowing it is a different matter. We say, few people even see it!
Understand: your real parents are not people! You were produced as the Meeting of the Mind and the Mind of the Planet, O-mind, God and the Devil, Ob-Once, each giving as much as you deserved to this reflection.
Consequently, man is created in the likeness of God, which is expressed in the presence of his energetic essence. He was also created in the image of God, which makes it possible to create like the Creator. Many people today believe in the existence of God. But it is not enough to just believe, you need to understand the meaning of His creation of man and the development program of the Universe generated by Him. In my opinion, modern Man does not know how to create in the image and likeness of God only because he is simply does not know himself and does not understand God.
I am sure that when He created man, He provided a system to protect His creation from unreasonable human actions. Possible options for such protection appear in the form:
cataclysms that warn people about creating an imbalance in nature through their actions;
self-destruction of civilizations, for example Atlanteans and Lemurs;
deprivation of the energetic essence of man, destroying God’s creations and leading the world to death (loss of the opportunity to materialize again on Earth).
A ban on returning to Earth is the most serious punishment. Man himself invites it through his actions and behavior on Earth. Figuratively speaking, he himself creates a real hell for himself for his eternal future - his energetic essence.
I am sure that heaven for a person must exist on Earth, and hell is an eternal prohibition for an energetic entity to attach a material body to itself, a prohibition on returning to Earth.
I balanced everything in you with the opposite of the Universe, thereby you are a new you. Don't let any of them dominate you. Then I will be in you too.
V. Maigret. Creation
Man cannot understand what the body is, still less can he understand what the spirit is, and least of all how the spirit can be united with the body.
Blaise Pascal
Energy essence of man
There is a lot of literature on book shelves that describes human energy. The main meaning of these descriptions is that a person has several subtle bodies that repeat the configuration of the material. The latter is permeated with many channels through which vital energy circulates. The most typical structure of subtle bodies, often given in books, is shown in Figure 2.

We can say with confidence that the life of the material body is indeed supported by a certain complex of energies invisible to man. But the assumption that it repeats the shape of the material body caused me great doubts. Energies, in size or volume, cannot be larger than the size of the physical body. Imagine a Moscow metro car at rush hour: people are standing close to each other. If each material body had seven subtle bodies that extended beyond the boundaries of the material body, then all subtle energies would have to “bend” so as not to mix with the energies of other people. After each such trip on the subway, a person would receive enormous stress. Most likely, the energetic essence of a person has a different form, different from the one shown in Figure 2.
To date, no one has given a clear definition of the concept of “energy”. I highlight the following basic properties inherent in elemental energies:
a certain vibration frequency;
the presence of opposites: “positive – negative”, “plus – minus”;
absence of mass, therefore, inertia;
the property of being eternal, not disappearing;
the ability to unite into groups and complexes, creating certain structures;
participation in the endless process of creation and destruction of structural groups and complexes.
The structures of energy complexes have a three-dimensional shape of various geometric shapes. This idea was expressed by the Greek philosopher Plato around 428 BC. e. He spoke about the presence in a person of complexes of energies in the form of certain geometric shapes. Some of them, called Platonic solids, are shown in Figure 3.

Elementary energies can be located in the corners of the Platonic solids, and connections between them are formed on the sides of geometric figures, approximately as shown in Figure 4. Therefore, the figure depicted in this figure can be called a crystal.

The basis of a person’s energetic essence is made up of structured sets of energy complexes in the form of certain geometric shapes. The first such figure is a tetrahedron, which includes four energy complexes (Fig. 5).
O-Mind is the zero mind, or the highest mind of energy entities, a particle of God’s own energies.
Raz-Mind is the first mind, or the mind of the first man Adam.
Micro-Sun is a source of vibrations in the daylight spectrum.
Creation - energies of creation, with the help of which a person can create using technologies owned by the Creator.

The four sets of energies, O-Mind, Raz-Mind, Micro-Sun and Creation, were created by God in His image, and therefore they are eternal. The first part of the energetic essence embodies the primary threefold hypostasis: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This correspondence is presented in Figure 6.

The second figure of the human energy essence is also a tetrahedron, consisting of four other energy complexes (Fig. 7).
Mind - the individual mind of each person, which he develops throughout his life.
Lifestyle - a complex of feelings of energy generated by the perception of life events and relationships between people, forming the image of the external world and its perception at the energetic level.
Double – energy double of a person’s material body; the energies of the double “track” the development and changes in the material body of a person throughout his life.
Creation - Destruction is a complex of energies that is formed as a result of specific human actions: “plants trees - cuts down trees”, “builds a house - destroys a house”, “cleans a reservoir - pollutes a reservoir”, etc.
The second tetrahedron of the energy essence is formed at the moment of the birth of a child. The source of the formation of complexes of energies: Mind, Image-of-Life, Double, Creation - Destruction is the state of the material body of a newborn child. At the moment of birth, the egg development program recorded in the DNA chromosomes is completed. Further growth of the human material body occurs by controlling the process of cell division with the help of the energy essence.

Four complexes of energies formed on the basis of the material body of a newborn child provide the relationship between the material body and the first tetrahedron of the energetic essence.
At the moment of cutting the umbilical cord (exactly at this moment, instantly), the first and second tetrahedrons of the energy essence are combined into a single complex (Fig. 8). The actual size of a person's energy essence is about 0.4 millimeters. The seven subtle bodies around the material body, depicted in Figure 2 (ethereal, astral, mental, karmic, intuitive, celestial, ketheric), do not really exist. Instead, there is an energy essence measuring 0.4 millimeters.
A small energetic entity, having “attached” to itself the large material body of a newborn child, becomes

The therapeutic use of mechanical vibrations of various frequencies - shocks (vibration therapy, or seismic therapy) is represented by vibration and vibration-vacuum massage, as well as ultrasound therapy.

Vibration massage involves exposure to mechanical vibrations of low frequency, usually within the range of 8-100 Hz. They improve hemodynamics, normalize the excitability of the autonomic ganglia and the transmission of nerve impulses, and have a positive effect on the reduced hormonal function of the ovaries. Various options for vibration massage are used: direct impact of sound frequency vibrations (50 and 100 Hz) on any area of ​​the body (nipple, mammary gland, paravertebral zones, anterior abdominal wall); vibration baths - the combined effect of a general bath and vibrations of water waves created by a special apparatus, directed at the lower half of the anterior abdominal wall and the lumbosacral region of the patient; pulsed endovaginal vibration hydromassage - multi-jet vaginal irrigation carried out under pressure and in a pulsed mode created using mechanical vibrations of infrasonic frequency (8-16 Hz), which are resonant with the natural vibrations of the woman’s pelvic organs; hydrotubation in an intermittent mode provided by infrasonic frequency fluctuations.

Vibration-vacuum massage involves applying a wave of air to the anterior abdominal wall and the walls of the vagina or the cervix with alternating increases and decreases in negative local pressure, i.e., pulsating rarefaction. It is a variant of decompression therapy.

Ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound (US), used for therapeutic purposes, is mechanical vibrations propagating in the form of elastic longitudinal waves in the frequency range 800 kHz - 3 MHz. Ultrasound effects carry out a kind of micromassage of cells and tissues, accompanied by the appearance of heat, and provide analgesic, desensitizing and fibrolytic effects, increased metabolic processes and tissue trophism, the formation of arterial and venous collaterals in the sonification zone. Low-intensity ultrasound (up to 1 W/cm2) stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex and increases the hormonal activity of the ovaries.

There are 2 modes of generation of ultrasonic oscillations: continuous and pulsed. With the latter, the heat-generating ability of the ultrasonic factor is reduced, which reduces the load on the patient’s cardiovascular system. The therapeutic effect of pulsed ultrasound radiation, as a rule, lasts longer than continuous one, and can be further extended by preliminary single exposure in continuous mode.