
Thank you letter for interaction. We hope for fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation. Instructions for writing a thank you letter

LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTIONS OF BUSINESS LETTERS. FORMULA OF POLITENESS FINAL PART The final phrases of the letter are as significant as the initial ones. In a business letter, as in business in general, there are no trifles or insignificant details. Completion of a letter is always associated with the identification of prospects (cooperation, business relationships, project, solution to an issue, etc.). The closing phrases of the letter are especially important for reinforcing the positive emotions that should support normal business communication. That is why the last phrases should express hope, confidence, joy, approval, gratitude, for example: With best wishes... With best wishes and hope for cooperation... We are always happy to provide you with a service... I hope for further good and mutually beneficial relations. We look forward to new ones from you suggestions. We are sure that the misunderstanding will be resolved soon, etc.

How to write business letters, or “we hope for further cooperation”


Letter No. 1 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for your fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new clients and expanded the range of its activities.


We sincerely hope that next year you will continue to remain on the list of our partners. In turn, we promise to reward you with high-quality and decent work that meets the needs of all our clients.

We wish you and your entire friendly team success in your professional career and prosperity! Best regards, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 2 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, The administration of the Stroy-Master company sincerely thanks the team for the professionalism and decency shown during their joint work on the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center.
We hope to maintain good partnerships in working on new projects.

Sample letters of gratitude for cooperation

Our company entered a new market thanks to the professional approach of the organization’s team to conducting an advertising campaign for our product. We sincerely hope that this interaction between our companies was not the last, and we look forward to strengthening and expanding partnerships in the future! Sincerely... 6. Sincerely, Petr Ivanov.
Letter No. 3 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, Our companies have been cooperating for five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership.
But, analyzing the results of work on our latest joint project - the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center, we came to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to your entire team, and especially to senior administrator Anna Nikonenko.

Letter of thanks for cooperation

Agricola" wishes to express gratitude to you for the mutually beneficial cooperation. Our company was glad to work with you on some projects.
In the future, we promise to make every effort to support our fruitful joint work. Business Writing Etiquette Ethics (rules of behavior) in business are what will help you achieve your goals.


The success of his company directly depends on the behavior of an entrepreneur and a businessman, because judge for yourself, if a person behaves adequately, politely and with restraint, then we trust such a business representative more than one who is familiar and cannot put together a few words. Letters of gratitude For example, when your work with another company or individual entrepreneur has ended, or you sign a contract for the provision of services or goods, you can say: “We look forward to further cooperation.”

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to further cooperation

It was thanks to her prompt resolution of all organizational issues that we were able to complete the project on time. We sincerely hope to cooperate with you many times in the future! Best regards, Petr Ivanov.
Letter of thanks for cooperation (samples) Through joint efforts, we managed to rebuild the Regional Children's Hospital so that being there was not only safe, but also as comfortable as possible for the medical staff. I also hope that these efforts will make visiting this hospital convenient for both children and their parents.

It was a pleasure to work with you, so we look forward to further cooperation. Sincerely, representative of the architectural agency “Bright Future” Alexander Gennadievich. A sample business letter about mutually beneficial cooperation is below.

Dear Leonid Aleksandrovich (name and patronymic of your employee), CJSC Wood Processing Plant named after G.

We hope for further cooperation letter

Through joint efforts, we managed to rebuild the Regional Children's Hospital so that being there was not only safe, but also as comfortable as possible for the medical staff. I also hope that these efforts will make visiting this hospital convenient for both children and their parents.

It was a pleasure to work with you, so we look forward to further cooperation. Sincerely, representative of the architectural agency “Bright Future” Alexander Gennadievich.

A sample business letter about mutually beneficial cooperation is below. Dear Leonid Aleksandrovich (name and patronymic of your employee), CJSC Wood Processing Plant named after G.

Agricola" wishes to express gratitude to you for the mutually beneficial cooperation. Our company was glad to work with you on some projects.

In the future, we promise to make every effort to support our fruitful joint work.

How to write a thank you letter for cooperation?

Letters 7 original and non-standard examples of thank-you letter texts for cooperation. Choose the best option and edit it to suit you, all texts can be downloaded in Word.

What an ideal thank you letter should be - simple tips that will help you write the best thank you letter for your cooperation. A thank you letter is recognized by many experts as one of the types of business letters. As a rule, this type of writing is used in collective organizations related by profession or study. The closest definition to a letter of gratitude can be considered the well-known diploma, which is usually awarded in schools and sports clubs for achievements. A letter of gratitude can be addressed to both a specific person and the organization as a whole, for example, for fruitful cooperation.

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to further

How to end a business letter: examples in Russian and English Presuming the opportunity to work together again: “We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.”

  • Closed, that is, with one-time cooperation. Such letters can be ended with the words: “We hope for further cooperation.”
  • Justifying or explanatory. There are situations in business when you do not have time to fulfill the terms of the contract, then you must send a letter that would warn your partner about the delay, for example: “We hope for understanding and further cooperation.”

What you should consider when writing letters First, do not forget to write respectfully, using the pronouns “you, yours, yours.” And do not become familiar by using “you, yours.” Remember, you are writing to a business partner, not relatives.

Letter of thanks for cooperation (samples)

Best regards, General Director. 3. Business letters More A.S. Pushkin noted in “Journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg”: “Every day we sign ourselves as humble servants, and, it seems, no one has ever concluded from this that we ask to be valets.”

Business letters of invitation and congratulations include many etiquette phrases. Instead of an etiquette frame (words of greeting and farewell), business letters use the following address: Dear Nikolai Ivanovich! Dear Mr. Bobylev! At the end of the letter, before the signature, place the final politeness formula: Sincerely yours!; Sincerely; With sincere respect!; Best wishes!; Thank you in advance for your answer...; We hope that our request will not be difficult for you...; We look forward to a successful continuation of cooperation...; We hope for your interest in expanding ties... etc.

Letter of thanks for cooperation: text and sample of a business document The requirements for such a text are very simple: it must be competent, kind, sincere and understandable to the person to whom you are addressing it. This text should carry a charge of cheerfulness and gentle optimism, and the letter of gratitude or certificate itself is composed in such a way that those who receive it would want to show such a letter or certificate to other people.

  • 23.03.2016

With people, you need to express gratitude to them for their cooperation.

But what's the best way to do this?

Let's briefly look at the most basic and simple ways of expressing such gratitude.

Certificate of gratitude

The easiest way to express gratitude is to create the text of a letter of gratitude signed by the head of the organization.

Such a certificate must have a seal. It is usually drawn up on beautiful paper or on a special form.

Gratitude for cooperation expressed through such a letter, as a rule, should be placed in a special text.

Let's give an example of the following text: “Dear Vasily Ivanovich! The management of the dairy plant in the city of Sredneuralsk expresses its heartfelt gratitude to you for conducting training with the employees of the organization. We wish you professional success! We look forward to further cooperation!”

The text of this certificate may vary. It may contain certain words and expressions, for example, such as “we express our gratitude to you for your help and cooperation”, “we sincerely thank you”, etc.

For example, you can offer another version of the text: “Dear employees of the Mediastroy company.” We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the invaluable help you provided to our orphanage! May everything be good in your life! I wish you professional success and great personal happiness! Sincerely, administration of orphanage No. 8.”

Valuable gift and reward

As a rule, a valuable gift is a good addition to a letter of appreciation. Such a gift in our time can be anything: from a coffee grinder to a car.

However, it is advisable that this gift be accompanied by some official document.

Gratitude for cooperation can also be expressed in the fact that your company rewards the person who deserves this gratitude with some kind of medal or commemorative badge. By the way, anyone who is interested in it can make such a memorial or award sign. You don't need special permissions for this.

Other ways to express gratitude

Gratitude for help and cooperation can be expressed in any other way: you can make a video about a person and post it on a popular social network, you can hang a poster with words of gratitude on the main street of the city, you can appear on television or in other media with words of gratitude.

In general, gratitude knows no bounds, so in this matter all ways of expressing it will be good!

But, as a rule, in our country it is customary to express gratitude in writing; such a letter can bring a lot of joy to a person; gratitude for cooperation is very often expressed in writing.

Some responsible officials, scientists, teachers and doctors like to hang such letters in their offices. Sometimes it happens that the whole office is hung with these letters in serious frames.

Gratitude for cooperation: texts for all occasions

We have already given several texts of similar thanks.

Let's consider several thematic texts.

For example, a text of gratitude for an organized event.

“Dear teachers of the Department of Screenwriting and Directing! The team of the charitable foundation for helping children with special developmental needs expresses their heartfelt gratitude to you and your students for holding a children’s Christmas tree for disabled children within the walls of your university! We hope to continue our cooperation! We wish you great professional success!”

Another text of gratitude for long-term cooperation in connection with the anniversary.

“Dear employees of Your Initiative LLC. The team of the Stroypomoschnik enterprise expresses sincere gratitude to you for your long and fruitful cooperation! We wish you success and prosperity and congratulate you on the anniversary of your company!”

There are other options for texts that express gratitude to their recipients for their cooperation. The requirements for such a text are very simple: it must be literate, kind, sincere and understandable to the person to whom you are addressing it. This text should carry a charge of cheerfulness and gentle optimism, and the letter of gratitude or certificate itself is composed in such a way that those who receive it would want to show such a letter or certificate to other people.

  • Thank you for being with us! thank you for your trust!
  • Thanks to all site clients!
  • Gratitude for your trust
  • Thank you letter to the client: writing rules and samples
  • Trigger emails: how not to say “thank you”

Thank you for being with us! thank you for your trust! Important Thanks to your openness, desire to understand and satisfy your partner’s needs, and focus on improving performance indicators, our relationship is growing stronger every year, and we are conquering new heights in gaining the attention of consumers.

Letter of thanks for cooperation

Letter No. 4 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, I, the General Director of LLC, together with my entire team, express my sincere gratitude to the Stroy Master company. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Luxury shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example of quality and professionalism. We hope that we will collaborate with your team many times in the future.

Best regards, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 5 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, LLC is in a hurry to thank you for your cooperation. We are sincerely glad to have the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for your decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

We will try to ensure that our partnerships remain mutually beneficial and fruitful in the future.

Sample document: letter of thanks for cooperation

Ethics (rules of behavior) in business are what will help you achieve your goals. The success of his company directly depends on the behavior of an entrepreneur and a businessman, because judge for yourself, if a person behaves adequately, politely and with restraint, then we trust such a business representative more than one who is familiar and cannot put together a few words. Letters of gratitude For example, when your work with another company or individual entrepreneur has ended, or you sign a contract for the provision of services or goods, you can say: “We look forward to further cooperation.”

Not only will this show you in a positive light, but it will also indicate that you are willing to work with them again. One aspect of ethics in business is a thank you letter, it will show that you are always willing to cooperate with the organization you are sending it to. Types of letters

  • Open.

Letter of thanks for cooperation (samples)


Letter #3: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, Having worked with you since 2005, we are grateful to you for your cooperation and mutual understanding. We are very pleased with the competent and professional staff of your company, in particular the manager Alena Cherkasova, who always ships the products we need quickly and efficiently. Letter #4: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, Limited Liability Company “”, represented by General Director Evgeniy Vasilyevich Gordienko, expresses gratitude to the “Spectrum Service” team for many years of cooperation, timeliness, efficiency, and responsibility in carrying out assignments.

We look forward to further fruitful work with your team. Letter #5: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, thanks you and your team for the fruitful cooperation.

How to write business letters, or “we hope for further cooperation”


Best regards, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 3 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, Our companies have been cooperating for five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership. But, analyzing the results of work on our latest joint project - the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center, we came to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to your entire team, and especially to senior administrator Anna Nikonenko.

It was thanks to her prompt resolution of all organizational issues that we were able to complete the project on time. We sincerely hope to cooperate with you many times in the future! Best regards, Petr Ivanov.

We value our partnerships...

Also indicated as needed.

  • Text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation Contains words of gratitude for cooperation and an expression of hope for the further development of partnership relations.
  • Signature. Signature of the head of the organization, which expresses gratitude for cooperation, his position, surname and initials.
  • <

h3Sample letter of gratitude for cooperation Real LLC expresses its deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to MebelOpt OJSC for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture in 2012. Stable shipments allowed us to carry out our activities uninterruptedly and attract regular customers.
We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations and hope for further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.

Sample thank you letter to partners for cooperation

We express our gratitude to you for your joint work and hope for further strengthening of existing relations and growth of indicators achieved during joint activities. We wish your company prosperity and success! Sincerely... 5. An example of a text of gratitude for cooperation to the partner’s team Dear...! On behalf of our company, we express our deep gratitude to the team for the mutually beneficial cooperation and support provided during advertising events aimed at developing new customer channels.
The dedicated work and integrity of our employees allowed us to achieve amazing results. Letter of thanks for cooperation The text of a letter of thanks to the supplier for cooperation The individual entrepreneur expresses gratitude to the LLC for long-term cooperation and uninterrupted supply of products to our company’s warehouses.

Gratitude to clients for their trust

Third, if possible, avoid formulaic and clerical words (personal contribution, express, fruitful). When reading a letter, a person should understand that you spent at least a little time writing it, and not feel as if you just changed the data in the finished template. Be original, creative, and then your letter will be remembered by the recipient, which means the likelihood of repeat cooperation will increase.

Examples of business letters An example of a business letter thanking you for your cooperation is given below. Dear Anatoly Vasilyevich (or another name and patronymic of a private entrepreneur or representative of a company that has collaborated with you), Our team of the architectural agency “Bright Future” and I personally sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts thank you and the municipality for your cooperation.

Letter No. 1: Dear Sergey Vasilyevich! The Vympel LLC company expresses gratitude to Iceberg LLC for the high professionalism and quality of the work performed under the contract for the supply of refrigeration equipment. The ordered equipment meets high technological requirements and contract terms. Iceberg LLC fulfilled its obligations at a high professional level.

We highly value our collaboration with your company and look forward to further close cooperation. We wish you and your company success and prosperity! Deputy Director I.S. Sushin Letter No. 2: Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich, Please accept my gratitude for the professional work carried out at a high level during the construction of the Solnyshko store. I express my gratitude to you personally and the employees of your organization for your assistance in completing the documentation.

We really appreciate our cooperation with your company

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We really appreciate our cooperation with your company


Helpful advice Of course, no one has canceled politeness when addressing and words of gratitude at every customer visit. Thank you letter to the client: writing rules and samples Letter No. 1 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for your fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new clients and expanded the range of its activities.

We sincerely hope that next year you will continue to remain on the list of our partners. In turn, we promise to reward you with high-quality and decent work that meets the needs of all our clients. We wish you and your entire friendly team success in your professional career and prosperity! Best regards, Petr Ivanov.

Companies and firms, as well as individuals who care about their image, reputation, authority, and also strive to form a positive opinion about themselves, should not neglect composing and sending thank-you letters. Gratitude for cooperation is considered a manifestation of good manners and serves as a way to maintain mutually beneficial connections and relationships in business and everyday life.

How to write a thank you letter for cooperation

The main purpose of composing a letter of gratitude is for the writer to express his attitude towards certain actions performed for him or services provided to him. The letter can express gratitude for cooperation to the client, colleagues, business partners, entire organizations and companies.

1. The text of gratitude for cooperation is presented in free form. It is preferable that the style and manner of presentation be friendly, without the use of pronounced officialdom.

2. Gratitude for cooperation, as a rule, is expressed for a specific reason, which must be recorded in the letter.

3. It is allowed to indicate and list the merits of the recipient to whom gratitude is expressed for cooperation.

4. An official business letter in the form of gratitude for cooperation is drawn up on the letterhead of a company or organization, which indicates its details. Additionally, the form can be stamped and signed by the manager.

Structure of a letter expressing gratitude for cooperation

A typical thank you letter has the following structure:

1. The header of the document, which indicates the subject to whom gratitude is expressed.

2. Direct appeal to a specific person or legal entity.

3. Thank you text.

4. Details of the party expressing gratitude.

Sample letters of gratitude for cooperation

In some cases, composing a letter can be difficult, since it is not always possible and not everyone can quickly and competently choose words of gratitude for cooperation. The ability to obtain a sample document and use it for your own needs greatly simplifies the task for many interested parties.

Templates with high-quality texts of gratitude for long-term and fruitful cooperation, for help, addressed to the school, partners, partners and employees - convenient preparations. You just need to select a template and use it for its intended purpose. A ready-made text will allow you to avoid difficulties and problems with composing a competent and meaningful text that allows you to express your sincere attitude.

From our website you can download a sample of such a document absolutely free by clicking on the link.

One form of business correspondence is a thank you letter. Moreover, this type of correspondence has some peculiarities. For example, there is no communication component. The text only expresses the gratitude for the cooperation expressed by one partner to the other. The opposite answer is not implied in principle, although it is desirable.

It is customary to deliver by courier service. You can also submit the completed form through company employees. Rules of business etiquette do not recommend handing a letter directly to the director of a partner company, but in certain situations exceptions can be made.

When is a thank you letter for cooperation written?

You can thank your counterparty in different situations. You should express your gratitude and say “thank you” for the speed of work performed, the reliability of the partner, and the long-term cooperation. In some cases, gratitude to the company is also expressed through one-time joint actions. For example, a legal organization conducted and established his unflattering reputation (lawsuits, debt on loans, taxes). Naturally, you should not conduct common business with such a legal entity. It is for finding out the ins and outs that it is worth saying “thank you” to the management and employees of the company.

Features of writing a thank you letter

When writing a document, you should adhere to certain basic principles and principles. At the same time, the text of the message itself should be expressed in a business style, without familiarity and the use of slang.

  1. All documentation of this type follows a strict structure, for example:
  2. Address to the addressee.
  3. Initiator of the message.
  4. Aspects of interaction.
  5. Wishes for the future.

Signature. Important

: at the end of the letter, it is advisable, in addition to the signature of the management, to put the seal of the organization. This will make the thank you message more formal.

There are also some nuances that need to be paid close attention to. They should be discussed separately.

Method of treatment

It is customary to use only the addressee's first and middle names. Addressing a correspondent by last name is considered bad manners in Russian business etiquette. If gratitude for cooperation is expressed to representatives of a foreign company, then it is better to use the last name.

What about “you”?

Linguists have broken many copies regarding pronouns in correspondence (personal and business). In Russian, in a letter, especially in a letter of thanks, it is customary to address the correspondent with “Vy” with a capital letter. However, a number of scholars argue that it is possible to use a form written in regular font, without emphasis. The essence of the appeal is identical. Using the classic writing method will emphasize respect for your partner, so this is the best way to express gratitude for cooperation.

Thank you and thank you

The words “thank you” and “thank you” are synonymous. However, the first address is more typical for colloquial speech. In a letter between counterparties, it is customary to “thank”, although the first way of expressing gratitude for complete fulfillment is also quite suitable. The text of the message itself will not change in any way.

Mistakes at work

Collaboration between two companies rarely goes perfectly. Everyone makes mistakes at work. It’s still not worth mentioning shortcomings in joint activities in a thank-you letter. The text of the message is compiled for a completely different purpose. It’s better to say thank you to your partner once again than to focus on the shortcomings.

The effect of expressing gratitude should not be “killed” with dry clerical phrases. Such a message will not attract the attention it deserves. From the counterparty's perspective, the letter will more closely resemble an ordinary circular. Stationery is more suitable for everyday business correspondence. It is in it that they will help express the main idea. It is best to avoid them in thank you messages.

Parts of speech

There are different ways to express gratitude for cooperation in a text. When composing a message, it is advisable to emphasize the importance of interaction with the counterparty and write about the fruitfulness of teamwork. In this case, adjectives and verbs will help you express your thoughts. There should be a minimum of nouns in letters of this type. The abundance of these parts of speech will make the text dry and unemotional. There is no point in hoping to achieve further correspondence expressing gratitude through this.


Composing a message of this type is not enough. It also needs to be formatted correctly. It is better to use different ways to format the text in a thank you letter. For example, an address to a partner should be typed in italics; key aspects of cooperation can be additionally highlighted.

Signature.: Body text should be written in normal font.


Many specialists know how to identify the reliability of a counterparty, but when writing a letter of gratitude they make a serious mistake in choosing paper. In messages of this type, you can use two methods:

  1. Print the text on company letterhead.
  2. Buy a ready-made certificate.

Plain white sheets of standard format cannot be used for thank-you correspondence. Such a message lacks “officiality.”

Letter of thanks for cooperation - text

The previously mentioned principles of a thank you letter for cooperation are basic. To simplify the compilation, you can use a ready-made form or compose it by analogy with the samples presented below.

Example No. 1

Dear Stepan Nikolaevich!

The management of Zarya LLC, represented by Director A.V. Tikhonov, expresses its gratitude to you for the fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation. Over the years of joint activity, you have repeatedly proven your reliability as a partner. We will be happy to continue working with you in the future.

Vast experience will only help improve the performance of our companies and increase revenue.

Sincerely, Director of Zarya LLC Tikhonov A.V.