
Aeroflot and AlfaStrakhovanie are launching sales of comprehensive insurance policies for air passengers. Aeroflot and Alfastrakhovanie launch sales of comprehensive insurance policies for air passengers Aeroflot insurance conditions

» in partnership with the AlfaStrakhovanie company launched online sales of insurance policies on its website. Offline, this product has been sold in the carrier’s offices since May 2013 in Moscow and the Moscow region . The beta version of the booking system is currently in operation, and next year purchasing a policy will be available on the main page of the website.

According to Dmitry Migachev, director of affiliate online sales at AlfaStrakhovanie, The passenger receives the completed insurance policy electronically to the e-mail specified during booking along with the e-ticket receipt. The insurance is valid in case of loss or damage to luggage, loss of documents, inability to fly for objective reasons for more than 24 hours, flight delay of more than 3 hours.

Insurance coverage also covers accidents, sudden illness, death at airports or on board an Aeroflot aircraft.
The insurance covers the time spent at airports of departure and arrival, transit airports and during the flight.

The insurance policy costs 300 rubles. for all passengers, regardless of accommodation class. However, business and first class passengers have more insurance coverage.

For example, if luggage is lost, compensation for economy class passengers is 800 rubles. per kg (maximum 20 thousand rubles), for business class passengers - 1600 rubles. per kg (maximum 90 thousand rubles). As you can see, the value of the missing luggage is not taken into account. If the flight is delayed from 3 to 6 hours, insurance holders will receive 300 and 500 rubles. per hour, over 6 hours - 500 and 650 rubles, maximum compensation - 6 thousand and 20 thousand rubles. If a passenger is injured in an accident, he will be paid a percentage of the sum insured depending on its severity. For economy class, the insured amount is 500 thousand rubles, for business class – 1 million rubles. When disability occurs, payments are made depending on the assigned group - from 70 to 100%, 100% and in case of death. Costs for transportation to a medical facility and treatment, as well as repatriation of the body are compensated based on actual expenses, but in the amount of no more than 1.5 and 3 million rubles.

According to Migachev, the aviation policy of the AlfaStrakhovanie company can also be purchased by passengers of S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines, Yakutia, VIM-Avia, and clients of online travel agencies Ozon.Travel, Agent, Biletix, E-Ticket.

Dmitry Gorin, General Director of Vipservice» , a partner of AlfaStrakhovanie, told TRN that it has been cooperating with the insurer for 3 years. « On our online services it is possible to purchase various types of insurance from different insurance companies. Aviation insurance is one of the most popular, especially among direct consumers,” he said.

Reference. AlfaStrakhovanie Group is a leader in the field of passenger insurance.
For 18 years, she has been successfully cooperating with leading airlines and agencies. More than 2 million people purchase the group's aviation policies every year.

Aeroflot, the leader of Russian air transport, together with AlfaStrakhovanie are launching a comprehensive insurance program for air passengers. As part of the project, the airline's customers will be given the opportunity to purchase a combined air travel insurance policy directly at Aeroflot's own sales office simultaneously with the purchase of an air ticket. In March 2013, sales will start in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the future, the product will become available in all Russian sales offices and on the Airline’s website.

The insurance program offered to air travelers includes protection for an expanded risk package. A unique product was developed specifically for Aeroflot passengers and is sold in two versions - economy and business (depending on the class of tickets purchased), which differ in the standards for calculating insurance payments and the volume of established limits. In accordance with the terms of the insurance product, the passenger’s life is insured for the duration of the flight in the amount of 500 thousand rubles at the “economy” rate and 1 million rubles at the “business” rate. If an accident or illness occurs during a flight or on the territory of a transit airport, requiring the organization of emergency medical care, these expenses will be paid by the insurer: up to 1.5 million for insurance at the “economy” rate and up to 3 million rubles for “business” insurance. . Insured passengers will be compensated for expenses incurred as a result of damage, delay or loss of luggage (up to 20 thousand and up to 90 thousand rubles depending on the tariff), fines and fees will be reimbursed in case of impossibility to travel for objective reasons (up to 10 thousand and up to 40 thousand rubles). In addition, the policy provides for payments for flight delays of more than three hours (up to 6 thousand and up to 20 thousand rubles) and compensation for expenses in case of loss of documents. The cost of insurance for any of the two options is 300 rubles. The insurance coverage covers the entire duration of the flight - from pre-flight inspection to baggage collection at the airport of arrival.

AEROFLOT is the leader of Russian air transport, a member of the global aviation alliance SkyTeam. The alliance's total route network includes 1,000 points in 187 countries. In 2012, Aeroflot carried 17.7 million people.
Aeroflot has one of the youngest aircraft fleets in Europe, which includes 129 aircraft. Aeroflot is based in Moscow, at Sheremetyevo International Airport.
Aeroflot was the first Russian carrier to enter the IOSA operator register and constantly confirms this certificate. The airline successfully passed the ISAGO ground handling safety audit. Has a single certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.
Aeroflot is the General Partner of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi in the Passenger Air Transportation category. Details on the website

AlfaStrakhovanie Group:
Unites OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie, LLC AlfaStrakhovanie-Life, CJSC AVIKOS, OJSC Insurance Company "Unified Insurance Aviation Fund (AFES)", LLC AlfaStrakhovanie-MS, LLC Medical Insurance Company "VIRMED", LLC "Medicine AlfaStrakhovanie" ", LLC "AlfaMedProject", LLC Medical Insurance Company "AsStra", OJSC Insurance Company "Moscow" and SMO "Sibir". The Group's own funds amount to more than 8.5 billion rubles. The AlfaStrakhovanie Group is part of the financial and industrial consortium Alfa Group (Alfa Bank, Alfa Capital, TNK-BP, A1, Rosvodokanal, X5 Retail Group N.V., Altimo and others). Under the license, the Group offers more than 100 insurance products, including life and accident insurance products. In Russia, insurance activities are carried out by more than 400 regional representative offices. The Group's services are used by more than 12 million private clients and more than 323 thousand companies. It has an international financial stability rating from Fitch and the highest reliability rating of A++ from the Expert RA rating agency.

Has everyone noticed the checkboxes next to the “Insurance” column when purchasing an air ticket online? Many.

But is it necessary to agree to it, or is flight insurance voluntary?

Insurance when purchasing an air ticket is always voluntary.

Only the buyer decides whether he needs luggage insurance, flight delay insurance or another.

But compulsory insurance for passengers during a flight exists, but you don’t have to pay for it.

And you cannot purchase it additionally; it is already included in the ticket price.

Passenger insurance for the duration of the flight has been mandatory since July 7, 1992 by presidential decree.

Air ticket insurance starts from the moment boarding is announced up to 1 hour after the passenger leaves the airport, or time of arrival.

The following is required to be insured:

  1. Damage to luggage.
  2. Passenger's life.
  3. Damage to health caused by an air carrier.

Do you need flight insurance using Aeroflot as an example?

Each airline offers passengers different types of voluntary insurance when purchasing tickets.

For some, this list is limited only to flight insurance.

Others actively cooperate with insurance companies and sell additional insurance for all eventualities.

Using the example of the country's main airline, Aeroflot, we will consider the types of insurance offered when purchasing tickets:

  • Flight insurance. It can be called classic. It includes all types of additional insurance: protection against accidents; extended baggage protection, payment for flight delays over 3.5 hours and insurance against non-departure.
  • Medical insurance. Presented in three types: classic, sports, extreme.

The air carrier cooperates with the insurance company AlfaStrakhovanie. The company has established itself in the market and is a subsidiary of Alfa Bank.

It is worth noting that recently most air carriers have switched to cooperation with it. Travelers note that the insurance company is reliable, regularly fulfills its obligations, and resolves all issues in a timely manner.

What do they offer when purchasing an air ticket?

When purchasing air tickets, the buyer is additionally asked to take out certain types of insurance.

Among the most popular are:

  • No-departure insurance
  • Baggage insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Flight delay insurance

These insurances may have several types of insurance, which often differ only in the amount of coverage.

Let's consider the features and nuances of each type of additional insurance.

Failure to fly

Non-departure insurance is required for a traveler when purchasing tickets if there is a risk of trip cancellation.

The reimbursement amount is the full price of the tickets purchased, if it does not exceed the maximum insurance coverage.

You can use the service only if the trip was canceled not at the personal request of the passenger, but due to the occurrence of an insured event.

An insured event is considered:

  • trip cancellation due to illness and hospitalization of the patient;
  • accidents: fractures, injuries, accidents;
  • litigation;
  • illness of a close relative, which requires the person’s presence in the hospital;
  • death of a close relative;
  • refusal to issue a visa;
  • other cases specified in the insurance.


In addition to mandatory luggage damage insurance, there are extended insurances.

These include:

  1. Insurance against lost luggage.
  2. Extended luggage insurance in case of damage.

In case of loss or delay of luggage, the insurance company will reimburse the costs of purchasing clothing, personal hygiene items, and medicines necessary for the first time.


Compulsory insurance is valid only during the flight. Additional insurance, as a rule, applies to the entire period of the traveler's vacation.

There are several types of health insurance:

  1. Classic. Includes calling an ambulance, providing first aid, visiting a doctor, transporting the body home in case of death and hospitalization.
  2. Advanced. It differs from the classic one in greater coverage and differences in some types of services.
  3. Extreme. Suitable for travelers involved in active or extreme sports. Most often purchased in summer and winter. This will include injuries sustained in countless incidents while playing sports.

It is worth noting here that this type of medical care is more related to travel insurance.

Flight delay

If a flight is delayed by more than 4 hours, the carrier company is required by law to provide the person with water and a snack.

Extended insurance allows you to:

  • receive compensation if there is a delay of more than the period specified in the contract;
  • if the flight is delayed at night for a long time - provision of a hotel and a taxi to it and back to the airport;
  • nutrition.

Useful video

Below is a video describing a real insured event during flight insurance. Interesting, take a look:

Pros and cons of a flight policy

Each type of additional insurance has its advantages, the main one being security.

Of course, some airlines increase their insurance prices.

It should also be noted that the fact of the occurrence of an insured event will have to be proven.

Paperwork when contacting an insurance company is an unpleasant task.

Before purchasing any additional service, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the legislation of the country from which you are departing (this is how insured events will be interpreted).

It would also be a good idea to clarify information about the list of mandatory insurance payments for a particular company.

Should I take it or can I refuse?

No one is forced to purchase insurance.

Any insurance when purchasing a ticket is voluntary, and all mandatory items are already included in the price of the flight.

If a person wishes to refuse to purchase additional services, it is enough to refuse the manager or uncheck the insurance boxes.

In contact with

The fact that Aeroflot quickly returns the money for insurance itself, and does not send it to the insurance company for a refund, indicates that not everything is so clean here.
In principle, an analogy can be drawn with paid subscriptions from mobile operators, which were popular not so long ago. It seems like you were warned, but in small print in the farthest corner of the screen...

How small is it? There are these 300 rubles in large print and the Alpha logo on a quarter of the page. And the conditions are written down. These are not two lines in small handwriting :) And you can see how the price is increasing. No secret or hidden overpayments. And by default, because our people are even more foolish in the “add” direction than in the “remove” direction. Meanwhile, I’m sure that the vehicle didn’t even bother to read the terms and conditions of this insurance. Although, by the way, there is insurance for loss and damage to luggage. And if the loss of 300 rubles is so painful, maybe it would be worth learning how to add the numbers - that is, look at the starting price and at the exit before entering the card data? It was impossible not to notice the increase and, accordingly, there was an opportunity to cancel and go through the procedure again and carefully. TS is 200% wrong and now there’s no point blaming the mirror..”LoraLarisa

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Or, on the contrary, not for the first time, so I didn’t notice that the AFL is now so caring :)

I should note that I have been “caring” for quite some time :) At least a year already.
As for the return: insurance is a voluntary matter, the AFL simply keeps face and does not consider it necessary to worry about 300 rubles and butt heads with every “crow” :) this takes up the time and effort of employees for nothing and obviously costs more. Even despite compliance with all norms.

Booking and payment rules

Dear Site Users!
Open Joint Stock Company "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines" (hereinafter "Aeroflot") is ready to provide you with services for online booking and online payment (hereinafter "Booking", "Payment") for seats on Aeroflot flights in the manner and under the conditions provided for by these Rules.
Please read the provisions of these Rules before using the service. Aeroflot reserves the right to change the Rules without prior notice to the User. The new Rules come into force from the moment they are posted on the Aeroflot website.
You can also familiarize yourself with the Instructions for issuing, exchanging and returning air tickets on the website of Aeroflot OJSC.
The Booking System is based on the "Sabre Sonic Web" software product developed by Saber.
You can book and pay for an air ticket online no later than 6 hours before flight departure.
The site also provides the opportunity to issue an insurance policy for the duration of the flight. An insurance policy is included by default in the order price.
Please read the "Insurance Rules".
If you want to cancel the "Passenger insurance for the duration of the flight" service, uncheck the box in the "Include in order" field on the payment page.
The site also provides the opportunity to book a hotel and car. At your service is the service of the No. 1 rental company in Europe, Europcar, and the best offers on hotels and apartments around the world.
The document certifying the conclusion of an agreement between the passenger and Aeroflot for the carriage of the passenger is the itinerary receipt received when issuing an electronic air ticket.
To pay for your Booking, you can use any form of payment available on the Aeroflot website (bank card, payment agents or payment in the office). Available forms of payment are listed below:

I wonder if any of the outraged people read the Rules? :)

I sincerely admire those who always read all the rules, do everything correctly and never make mistakes. I don't read every time. Although it is necessary, of course. They change the rules and do a lot of things that are not in our favor. I also came across a service I didn’t need, and Utair’s button was invisible. In large letters they are definitely not a warning that you can cancel your insurance policy.
We are all used to choosing a product when making a purchase, adding it to the cart, and then paying. Don't check your cart for unnecessary items before paying. In general, I don’t like the principle of hidden imposition itself. It’s not just the airlines that are guilty of this; you have to be on guard all the time, because you didn’t notice, didn’t fight back in time, which means you’re a fool.
It would be fair if the website had different insurance companies and different insurance programs, but then you won’t be able to purchase a specific policy by default.

Ruel, but in the case of absolutely any AK, before you click the “pay” button, you need to look at the final purchase amount, dates, and times. Because there are all sorts of surprises when booking, including troubles with conversion (as many have paid for inattention when booking with Ryanair). It doesn’t even matter whether you read the rules before booking, but at the final stage you simply need to read everything on the booking page. AFL has this insurance on the payment page. It can be seen large and immediately and with conditions. And the final price is large in front of the windows for entering card data. That is, you have to be in a hurry so as not to see the difference between the amount at the beginning of the page and the amount written before entering the data :) but you can also confuse more important things :) in any case, the buyer must be careful.
And certainly these 300 rubles are not worth the effort and nerves :) but compensation for flight delays will be more significant than what is usually due. I suggest that the vehicle read the terms and conditions again and maybe whatever is done will be for the better :)))

I've been "caring" for quite some time :) At least a year already.

May be)
I remember that it wasn’t always like this, and I don’t know when exactly it appeared.
I learned about this additional service from an indignant post on the AFL forum, perhaps I was already prepared, but it seemed to me that, yes, the inscription is very noticeable :)

I wonder if any of the outraged people read the Rules? :)

I wonder if anyone actually reads them?) Except for Lika, of course)

I was inspired to write this advice by a real event. Recently, a friend decided to go with the whole family for a week... It doesn’t matter where. The main thing is that you are on vacation. She is not a professional traveler, she is not very familiar with tourist jokes, but having a brain and a higher education seemed enough to her to try to buy a ticket on her own on the website of our beloved by all Russians, the wonderful, wonderful and great Aeroflot.

The attempt turned out to be a complete failure. The site is designed in such a way that there is a certain trap that automatically adds to the cost of the ticket the price of insurance against any tricky cases. In fact, these fees are optional. Or rather, purely voluntary. But to avoid them, you need to find the right button. But people unfamiliar with the airline’s website have a problem with this.

There are two ways left. Or pay more, accepting the loss of money and paying for unnecessary services. Or do what my friend did:

— In your hearts, turn off the Aeroflot website and buy tickets from another airline.

Now, actually, the advice itself. How to find the right button. Step-by-step instruction.

We go to the site. So far it's as simple as shelling pears. Select the departure city and arrival location. And dates. Any down can handle this too. Next, select the flights you need and check the boxes below for the cheapest fares. This is also without comment. And press the key:

We get a page for entering passenger data. This is also easy, you just need to rewrite your passport and insert the necessary numbers and letters. Although from this place I will already record the picture.

So, we have entered the identification, click the big blue round button at the bottom of the page:

- Continue.

Don't forget to check the box and agree to the airline's terms and conditions.

But then we find ourselves on a page with a trap. Your flight data and price will be indicated in small print in the upper left corner. The rest of the space will be occupied by an offer to buy flight insurance for 400 rubles.

Moreover, the site developers have arranged it in such a way that this insurance is included in the ticket price a priori. Look at the small print on the left side:

The ticket price above is 6,790 rubles.

Just below: insurance 400 rubles.

The total amount is even lower: 7190 rubles.

And next to it is a button:

- Pay.

Designed for an inattentive sucker. Pressed. Didn't check. I paid for unnecessary insurance.

Now the question:

- How to turn it off?

To do this, move the mouse cursor over the button:

- In order.

Not everyone, by the way, will guess this. My friend got burned at this very stage.

So, let's move the mouse. The button changes its color to red and shouts:

- Cancel.

Let's press. We cancel. The picture is only now taking on the appearance it should have had originally. The price corresponds to the ticket price without jokes, and the insurance asks:

— Add to order.

That is, now you decide whether to add additional services, and not the cunning and smart Aeroflot manager.