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Literature Olympiad. Olympiad tasks in literature (grade 8) Not raw oak to the ground

Not a soggy oak is leaning to the ground,
Not paper sheets are spread, -
The son spreads out in front of the priest,
He asks himself a blessing:
“Oh you goy thou, dear dear father!
Give me your blessing
I will go to the glorious capital Kiev city,
Pray to the Kiev miracle workers,
Lay down for Prince Vladimir,
Serve him by faith-righteousness,
Stand up for the Christian faith. "
The old peasant Ivan Timofeevich will answer:
“I will give you a blessing for good deeds,
And there is no blessing for bad deeds.
You will go the way and the road
Do not think evil against the Tatar,
Do not kill a Christian in the open field. "
Ilya Muromets bowed to his father to the ground,

He himself sat on a good horse,
He went into a clear field.

He hits the horse on the steep thighs,
They pierce the skin to black meat
His zealous horse will be upset,
Separates from the ground
He jumps higher than a standing tree,
Slightly below the walking cloud.
The first jump jumped fifteen miles;
I jumped into another, - the well became;
I cut down a raw oak by the well,
He put a chapel by the well,
He put his name on the chapel:
"Such and such a strong mighty hero rode,
Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich ";
In the third I jumped - near Chernigov-grad.
There is power near Chernigov - no estimate;
There are three princes near Chernigov,
With each force forty thousand.
The heroic heart is agitated and irrepressible;
More than a fire-flame, the heart will play out,
More than dance frost flares up.
Here Ilya Muromets will say this is the word:
“Father did not want to be an adversary,
You must also know his commandment to cross. "
He takes a battle saber in his hands,
Taught to walk on a silushka:
Where it turns, did the streets
Turns - squares are frequent.
Achieves up to three princes,
Here Ilya will say this is the word:
“Oh, you goy thou, my three princes!
Am I full of you to take?
Ai take off your riotous heads?
How can I take you full, -
I have visiting roads and imported bread;
And how to remove the head - to ruin the seeds royally.
You go to your places,

You make such glory everywhere,
That Holy Russia is not empty,
There are powerful heroes in Holy Russia ”.

The governor of Chernigov saw him:
“What the Lord has sent us as an exile!
Cleared our glorious city of Chernigov. "
The voivode will speak to his princes-boyars:
"Come, call a good fellow
Me bread and salt to eat. "
Send the boyar-princes here to Muromets:
“Oh you goy thou, stout kind fellow!
What is your good name?
How are you called by your fatherland? " -
“My name is Ileyka,
And they call him the son of Ivanovich. "
The prince-boyar will tell him:

You will go to our governor,
If you please have him eat bread and salt. " -
"I will go to your governor,
I do not want to eat bread-salt from him;
Show me a straight path
To the glorious capital Kiev-city ”.
The answer is kept by the princes-boyar:
“Oh you goy thou, Ilya Muromets!
The straight path is not easy:
The road is overgrown with Brynsky forests,
The Smorodina river flowed here;
Still on the road Soloveyko the robber
Sits on three oaks, sits thirty years,
There is no horse or foot pass ”.

Ilya Muromets bowed to them,
He rode through the Brynsky forests.
Nightingale heard a heroic top,
And he whistled in a loud voice, -
The horse stumbles under Muromets.
Ilya will say to his good horse:
“Oh you goy thou, my heroic horse!

Al did you not ride through the dark forests,
Al didn’t hear you whistle? "
Ilya takes the arrowheads:
He shot first, did not shoot;
And he shot in the other row;
Shot in the third, hit in the right eye
And knocked him off the three oak trees.
Tied him to a horse in karaki;
Muromets went to the glorious Kiev city.

“Oh you goy thou, Ilya Muromets!
We will come with you to visit me. "

Soloveykin saw her little daughter:
“Our father is still going over there,
Lucky a crooked man with a horse in carts. "
Soloveykina's big daughter looked:
“Oh, you unrepentant fool! This is a good young man
And our priest is lucky with a horse in carts. "
And they rushed to Ilya Muromets with a drekolya.
Soloveyko the robber will say:
“Do not worry, my little children,
Don't cheer up a good fellow. "
Ilya will say to Soloveyka the robber:
"What do you have children in a single face?"
Soloveyko the robber answers:
“I will raise my son, I will give my daughter for him;
I will raise a daughter, give for a son,
So that the Soloveikin family is not transferred. "
For his annoyance Ilya Muromets showed
He took out his sword,
I killed all the children of the Nightingale.

Ilya Muromets arrived in Kiev-grad,
And he cried out in a loud voice:
“You are Father Vladimir the Prince!
Do you need us, do you accept
Strong mighty heroes,
To you priest for honor and praise,
To protect your capital city,

And what about the Tartars? "
Father Vladimir-prince answers:
“But how I don’t need you!
I look for you everywhere, I ask you everywhere.
On arrival, I give you a good horse,
Good horse, Latin, heroic. "

“I have my own Latin heroic horse:
I stood with my dear father at Matins,
I wanted to stand with you at lunch
Yes, on the road I had three rooms:
The first obstacle - I cleaned Chernigov-grad;
Another hindrance - I paved bridges fifteen miles
Across that river across the Currant;
The third hindrance is that I knocked down the Nightingale the Robber. "

“Oh, you goy thou, Nightingale the robber!
Come to me in the white chamber. "
The answer is given by Soloveiko the robber:
“I'm not your servant, I'm not serving you, I'm not listening to you;
I serve and listen to Ilya Muromets. "
Vladimir will say: “Oh you goy thou, Muromets,
Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich!
Order him to go to the white chamber "
Ilya Muromets ordered him to ascend.
Then Prince Vladimir will speak:
“Oh, you goy thou, burly good fellow!
Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich!
Command him to whistle with a loud voice. "
Ilya Muromets will say this is the word:
“You are our father Vladimir the prince!
Not to anger you, father, showing:
I'll take you, father, under the groove,
And I'll close the princess under another. "
And Ilya Muromets says this is the word:
"Whistle, Soloveyko, half a whistle."
Soloveiko whistled at the top of his voice:
Took off the top of the windows from the chambers,

Broke all iron ties,
All the mighty mighty gods fell,
All the noble princes fell,
Ilya Muromets stood alone.
He let the prince and princess out from under the grooves.
Father Vladimir the Prince himself will speak:
“Do it for you, Soloveyko the robber!
How did Ilya Muromets take you? "
The answer is given by Soloveiko the Robber:
“After all, at that time I was painfully drunk,
My big daughter was a birthday girl. "
This word was not shown to Ilya Muromets:
He took the Nightingale by the top,
I took him out to the princely court.
Threw it above a standing tree,
Slightly below the walking cloud;
To the damp earth he allowed - and did not pick up;
Soloveiko smashed all his bones here.

Let's go now to the prince's dinner.
Father Vladimir the Prince himself will speak:
“Oh you goy thou, Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich!
I pity you in three places:
First place - you sit next to me,
Another place is opposite me,
Third - where you want, sit here. "
Ilya Muromets came in from the tip,
He shook all the princes and boyars
And strong mighty heroes.
He found himself opposite to Prince Vladimir.
For his annoyance, Alyosha Popovich showed
Alyosha took a damask knife,
He threw it at Ilya Muromets:
Ilya caught a damask knife while flying,
Poked him into an oak table.

Final work on literature.

1. Choose the correct answer (4 points). It is not a genre of oral folk art:
A) calendar and ritual songs
B) sayings
C) chronicles
D) epics

2. Name the three main types of literature (3 points).

3. Identify the works(2 p.) and their authors(2 p.) according to the given portrait characteristics. Indicate whose portrait it is(4 p.) (8 points).

A. He is 23 years old, average height, clean face, shaves his beard, has brown eyes, light brown hair, straight nose. Special signs: there were none.

B. Rarely have I seen such a fellow. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and handsomely built. His mighty muscles protruded from under his wet shirt. A black curly beard half covered his stern and manly face; small brown eyes boldly peered out from under the grown wide eyebrows.

IN. He had just dined at the station, and his oily lips were shiny like ripe cherries. He smelled like sherry and orange blossom.

G. The cotton dress, washed many times, barely covered the girl's slender, tanned legs to the knees. Her dark, thick hair, pulled back into a lace headscarf, tied up to touch her shoulders. Every feature ... was expressively light and pure, like the flight of a swallow.

    What means of artistic expression did the authors use? (4 points)

A) Your verse, like a spirit of God, was hovering over the crowd

And, recall of noble thoughts,

It sounded like a bell on the veche tower

During the days of celebrations and troubles of the people.

M.Yu. Lermontov.

B) By hidden paths, deaf,

Twilight goes into the thickets.

Covered with dry leaves

Forests are silent - waiting for the autumn night.

I.A. Bunin

    Indicate the genre of Old Russian literature.
    A) legend
    B) novel
    C) poem
    D) comedy

    Choose the correct answer (3 points). Who is the author of the teaching and instruction?
    A) Vladimir Monomakh
    B) Yaroslav the Wise
    C) Peter the First
    D) Ivan the Terrible

    Read it. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words. (5 p.) Write the name of the author (2 p.) And the title of the work (2 p.) Where this passage is taken from. (9 points)

"Tell me, magician, favorite of the gods,

What will come true in life with me?

And soon, to the joy of the neighbors-enemies,

Will I fill up the grave with earth?

Show me the whole truth, don't be afraid of me:

You will take a horse as a reward ”.

“Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant,

It's time for us to part:

Rest now! Your leg is not dull

Into your golden stirrup

Goodbye, be comforted - but remember me.

You, youths- friends, take a horse!

Cover with a blanket, shaggy carpet;

Take me by the bridle to my meadow:

Bathe, feed with selected grain;

Water with spring water ”.

AND youths immediately departed with the horse,

And the prince brought another horse.

    Solve the crossword puzzle: (10 * 1 b . \u003d 10 points).

1) Lyro-epic work, i.e. a story presented in a poetic form, historical, mythical or heroic.

2) Name the means of artistic expression: "Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary, has trousers in such wide folds that if they were inflated, then the whole courtyard with barns and buildings could be placed in them." (N.V. Gogol)

3) One of the means of artistic characterization, which consists in the fact that the writer reveals the typical character of his heroes and expresses his attitude towards them through the depiction of the heroes' appearance.

4) In folklore works, this path is constant.

5) The name of one of the types of literature.

6) Name the figure of speech:

The winds were not blowing in vain

The storm was not in vain.

S.A. Yesenin

7) A trail based on the transfer of the properties of one object to another according to the principle of their similarity.

8) One of the plot elements. The moment of the highest tension in the development of action.

9) Name the figure of speech used in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Parus":

The sail is white alone
In the fog of the blue sea! ..
What is he looking for in a distant country?
What did he throw in his native land? ..

10) One of the three-syllable sizes of versification.

9. Choose the correct answer(2 points). The genre of oral folk art does not include:



10. Choose the correct answers(4 points). The fight with the leopard was described by _____ in the work _________

A.S. Pushkin

"Mozart and Salieri"

N.V. Gogol

"Poor Lisa"

N.M. Karamzin

M.Yu. Lermontov

"Enchanted place"

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe comedy "The Inspector General" by N.V. Gogol suggested(2 points)
    A) A.S. Pushkin
    B) M. Yu. Lermontov
    C) this story happened to him

    Determine the titles of the works, name their authors (2 points)

A) Ochumelov

B) Deforge

C) Strawberries

    Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given (10 points).

A) Not a soggy oak is leaning to the ground,

Not paper sheets are spread, -

The son spreads out in front of the priest,

He asks himself a blessing:

Oh you goy thou, dear dear father!

Give me your blessing ...

B) After some time, Saint Metropolitan Alexy departed from life, and again Blessed Sergius was compelled with a prayer by the great-power princes and all people to accept the throne of the Russian metropolis.

IN) The hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from the vine and wanted to get it, but could not. She left and said: "He is not yet ripe." Someone cannot do something due to lack of strength, but blames the case for this.

D) Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.

D) Piglet in front,

behind the hook,

in the middle of the back,

bristle on the back.

14. The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin, meaning "an oath of God, a vow to God (honoring God)." The heroines of what works of Russian classics are named Elizabeth? (2.5 p.) Who are they? (5 p.) Do not forget to indicate the authors of works of fiction (2.5 p.).

* No more than five names should be named.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna from "Ode on the Day of Ascension ..." by M. Lomonosov (2 p.), peasant girl from the story "Poor Liza" by N. Karamzin (2 p.), pupil of the countess from A. Pushkin's story "The Queen of Spades" (2 b.), noble daughter from A. Pushkin's story "The Young Lady-Peasant" (2 b.).

Romance by P. Tchaikovsky on the verses of Pleshcheev “My Lizochek»

What of the wings of a mosquito

Made two shirt fronts for myself

And in starch, and in starch!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What is walnut

Made a chair to listen to the echo

And screamed and screamed!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What from an egg shell

Phaeton itself is excellent

Ordered, ordered!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What from a crustacean shell

I sewed four shoes,

And to the ball, and to the ball!

My Lizochek is so small, so small

What's out of a lilac leaf

He made an umbrella from the shadow,

And walked and walked!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What, having inflated a dandelion,

I ordered myself a sofa

Here I slept, here I slept.

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What to weave yourself canvas

Spider web

Ordered, ordered.

15. Answer to each of the questions posed "yes" (if the statement is true) or "no" (if the statement is not true) (9 points).

A) Epic, novel, story, sonnet, story - all these are genres of the epic.

B) If the novel is written in verse, then it belongs to the lyrics.

C) If the poem is written in prose, it still refers to the lyrics.

D) The epilogue is the final part of a large narrative work.

E) An epigram is an introduction to a large literary work.

F) A line beginning with the words "On the mountains" can be written in anapest or chorea.

G) In three-syllable dimensions, the line length cannot exceed three syllables.

H) In the line "Dull time, the charm of the eyes" (A. Pushkin) it is impossible to determine the poetic meter.

I) In the line “How sweet slumbers garden dark green "(F. Tyutchev) the highlighted word is the personification.

16. What plots of Russian literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are associated with the image of a duel? (for each correct answer 1.5 points, maximum 6 points).

17. Which writers and poets are associated with the literary places of Russia (4 points)

a) Tarkhany;

b) Spasskoye-Lutovinovo;

c) Yasnaya Polyana;

d) Taganrog;

e) Konstantinovo;

f) Mikhailovskoe;

g) Sinful;

h) Vasilievka.

A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, S.A. Yesenin, A.P. Chekhov, I.S. Turgenev, N.A. Nekrasov.

18. Add a literary term,the interpretation of which is given below (5 points).

a) _______ - a kind of literature, which is characterized by the transmission of feelings, emotions, mood, thoughts.

b) _______ - a work covering the life, actions, collisions of many heroes, sometimes - the history of generations, revealing the diversity of social relations.

c) ______ is the moment of the highest action in a work of art.

d) ______ - a series of events described in a work of fiction, underlying it.

e) ______ - merciless, destructive ridicule, criticism of reality, a person, a phenomenon.

    Read the poem and answer the questions of the assignment (10 points)

At a rotten forest hut,

Wandering between the white trunks,

I love to collect waves

On the slope of an autumn day.

The cranes are flying high

Under the dome of bright skies

And the boat, rustling sedge,

Floats down the channel into the forest.

And so cold and clean

And the light channel is wavy

And from the tree with a slight whistle

A cool leaf flies off ...

And like a simple soul

Sweeps in a world of wonders

Like a flock of lonely birds

Under the dome of bright skies!

(N. Rubtsov, 1964)

1. To what thematic variety of lyrics can N. Rubtsov's poem be attributed?

2. What method, based on the comparison of one phenomenon or object with another, does the poet resort to in the last four lines of the poem?

    The last line of the poem uses a trope based on

transferring the properties of some objects or phenomena to others. What is the name of this type of trail?

    What is the name of the rhyming system that the author used in this poem?

    Read the snippet below and answer the questions (20 points)

Do you know, Andrei, in my life there has never been any kind of fire, either saving or destructive? It was not like a morning, on which colors gradually fall, fire, which then turns into day, like others, and burns hot, and everything boils, moves in a bright noon, and then quieter and quieter, all paler, and everything naturally and gradually fades towards evening. No, my life began with extinction. Strange, but it is! From the first minute when I became conscious of myself, I felt that I was already going out! I began to fade out over the writing of papers in the office; went out later, reading in books the truths with which he did not know what to do in life, extinguished with friends, listening to talk, gossip, imitation, angry and cold chatter, emptiness, looking at friendship, supported by gatherings without a goal, without sympathy; extinguished and ruined forces with Mina: he paid her more than half of his income and imagined that I loved her; went out in a dull and lazy walk along Nevsky Prospekt, among raccoon fur coats and beaver collars - at evenings, on reception days, where they showed me hospitality as a bearable groom; went out and wasted his life and mind on trifles, moving from the city to the dacha, from the dacha to Gorokhovaya, defining spring by bringing oysters and lobsters, autumn and winter - due days, summer - festivities and all his life - lazy and calm nap, like others .. Even pride - what was it spent on? To order a dress from a famous tailor? To get to a famous house? So that Prince P * shook my hand? But pride is the salt of life!

Where did it go? Either I didn’t understand this life, or it’s worthless, and I didn’t know anything better, I didn’t see it, nobody showed it to me. You appeared and disappeared, like a comet, brightly, quickly, and I forgot all this and went out ...

Andrey no longer responded with a careless mockery to his friend's speech. He listened and was sullenly silent.

- You said just now that my face is not entirely fresh, crumpled ... yes, I am a flabby, shabby, worn-out caftan, but not from the climate, not from labor, but from the fact that for twelve years the light was locked in me, which was looking for a way out , but only burned his prison, did not break free and died out. So, twelve years, my dear Andrey, have passed: I didn't want to wake up anymore.

(I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

    What is the name of a detailed statement of one character, addressed to a specific person?

    Who owns this statement? Who is the hero talking to?

    What is the name of the artistic technique ( "Walking along Nevsky Prospekt, among raccoon fur coats and beaver collars"), in which the part phenomena are called in the meaning of the whole?

    The hero moved "from the city to the dacha, from the dacha to Gorokhovaya." And which of the heroes of the novel lives on that street? (2 p.)

    What artistic technique is most characteristic of the character's speech?

    What is the term for the way of depicting the inner life of a person in a work of art?

    Find the word in the text that is the most accurate definition of the hero's life.

    Name the 19th century Russian critics who wrote the most striking articles about the novel from which the excerpt is taken.

    Which Russian writer also described Nevsky Prospekt and called his story "Nevsky Prospect"? (2 p.)

    What was the name of the hero's beloved, who became the wife of his counterpart? (2 p.)

2 - epic, lyrics, drama

3 - A. Portrait of Vladimir Dubrovsky. A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky".

B. Portrait of Thomas, nicknamed Biryuk. I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk".

B. Portrait of a Tolstoy. A.P. Chekhov "Thick and Thin".

G. Portrait of Assol. A. Green "Scarlet Sails".

4 - A. Comparison

B. Impersonation

5. Legend

6. Vladimir Monomakh

7. Sorcerer - sorcerer, wizard, fortuneteller, seer, miracle worker .

Lad - here: junior princely warrior . If the value is "teenager, young man" .

A.S. Pushkin, "Song of the Prophetic Oleg"

12. A) A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon", B) A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", C) N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General", D) A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

13. A) Epic. B) Life. C) Fable. D) Proverb. E) Riddle.

14. * The novel by L. Tolstoy "War and Peace". BolkonskayaLiza , wife of Andrei Bolkonsky.

*AND. Turgenev - "Noble Nest" ( LizaKalitina).

* N. Leskov "Levsha". Creating the flavor of authenticity, the author mentions the true historical names (Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, his wife - Elizabeth Alekseevna, brother of the emperor - Nikolai Pavlovich, daughter of Nikolai - Alexandra Nikolaevna). Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, who became a widow, only grinned when she heard about her husband's amusements, said that it was not a widow's business to amuse herself with the help of outlandish things.

* Lizaveta - the younger (half) sister of Alena Ivanovna. “She was a tall, awkward, timid and humble girl, almost an idiot, thirty-five years old, who was in complete slavery to her sister, who worked for her day and night, trembled in front of her and even endured beatings from her ...” ( Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky F.M.).


16. A.S. Pushkin - "Shot", "Eugene Onegin"; M.Yu. Lermontov - "A Hero of Our Time"; I.S. Turgenev - "Fathers and Sons"; A.I. Kuprin - "The Duel", L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

17.a) Tarkhany - M.Yu. Lermontov;

b) Spasskoe-Lutovinovo - I.S. Turgenev;

c) Yasnaya Polyana - L.N. Tolstoy;

d) Taganrog - A.P. Chekhov;

e) Konstantinovo - S.A. Yesenin;

f) Mikhailovskoe - A.S. Pushkin;

g) Greshnevo - N.A. Nekrasov;

h) Vasilievka - N.V. Gogol

18. a) lyrics, b) novel, c) culmination, d) plot, e) satire.

19. 1 - landscape

2 - comparison

3 - metaphor

4 - alliteration

5 - cross

20. 1 - monologue

2 - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov; to Andrey Stolz

3 - synecdoche / metonymy

4 - from the very first pages of Goncharov's novel, the reader learns that Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lives in a large house on Gorokhovaya Street. This street was one of the main ones in St. Petersburg; representatives of the upper strata of society lived on it.

5 - metaphor

6 - psychologism

7 - go out / go out

8 - N. Dobrolyubov, D. Pisarev

9 - N.V. Gogol

10 - Olga Ilyinskaya

Olympiad in literature in grade 8

2015 year

    1. What works are these heroes from? Who is their author?

1) Ochumelov.

2) Deforge.

3) Natalia Savishna.

4) Princess Volkonskaya.

2. Name the authors of the works .

1) "Svetlana", "Lyudmila", "The Sleeping Princess", "Forest Tsar".

2) "Brigadier", "General Court Grammar", "Questions".

3) "Airship", "Angel", "Demon", "Cliff", "Fugitive", "Three Palms", "Homeland".

3. Before you terms that were collected in three groups, but accidentally got mixed up. Determine which groups they are, give a name to each group of words, make corrections.

a ) dactyl a) comparison a) proverb

b) story b) iambic b) fable

c) novel c) anapest c) hyperbole

d) trochee d) metaphor d) poem

e) epithet e) personification e) antithesis


    Your verse, like God's spirit, was worn over the crowd

And, recall of noble thoughts,

Sounded like a bellon the veche tower

During the days of celebrations and troubles of the people.

M.Yu. Lermontov.

2) By hidden paths, deaf,

Into the thicket twilight is coming.

Covered with dry leaves

The forests are silent - waiting for the autumn night.

I. Bunin

epilogue, opening, climax, exposure, development of action, denouement, prologue

1) Not a soggy oak is leaning to the ground,
Not paper sheets are spread, -
The son spreads out in front of the priest,
He asks himself a blessing:
Oh you goy thou, dear dear father!
Give me your blessing
I will go to the glorious capital Kiev city,
Pray to the Kiev miracle workers,
Lay down for Prince Vladimir,
Serve him by faith-righteousness,
Stand up for the Christian faith.

2) After some time, Saint Metropolitan Alexy departed from life, and again Blessed Sergius was compelled with a prayer by the great-power princes and all people to accept the throne of the Russian metropolis.

3) The hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from the vine and wanted to get it, but could not. She left and said: "He is not yet ripe." Someone cannot do something due to lack of strength, but blames the case for this.

4) Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.

5) Piglet in front,
behind the hook,
in the middle of the back,
bristle on the back.

8.What writers and poets are associated with the literary places of Russia:

a) Yasnaya Polyana;

b) Spasskoye-Lutovinovo;

d) Tarkhany;

e) Mikhailovskoe.

9. Determine the poetic size:

a) In the hope of fame and good

I look ahead without fear:

The beginning of the glorious days of Peter

Rebellions and executions darkened.

(A.S. Pushkin)

b) The leaves in the field turned yellow,

And they circle and fly.

Only in the forest did they eat

Keep the gloomy greens.

1) Mikhail Yurievich 1) Iskander

2) Fazil 2) Chekhov

3) Mikhail Mikhailovich 3) Lermontov

4) Anton Pavlovich 4) Fet

5) Afanasy Afanasyevich 5) Prishvin

III.Creative task.

    Kennings are poetic images used in Scandinavian folklore: a ship-horse of the sea, a battle-crackling arrows. Come up with kennings for the following words:

eagle, forest, oak, nightingale, sun, wolf, river, gold, moon, rainbow.

Answers to the literature Olympiad in grade 8

2015 year

1) A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon".

2) A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky".

3) L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood".

4) N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women".

Score: 1 point for the correct answer (max. - 4 p.)

2. 1) V.A. Zhukovsky

2) D.I. Fonvizin

3) M.Yu. Lermontov

Rating: (max. - 3 p.)

II. Knowledge of the history and theory of literature.

Genres sizes of versification Means of thin. expressiveness

a) proverb a) iambic a) hyperbole

b) story b) trochee b) antithesis

c) fable c) anapest c) epithet

d) poem d) dactyl d) personification

e) novel e) metaphor

f) comparison

Score: 1 point for each column(max. - 3 points + 1 point for the correct name of the groups) (max. - 4 points)

4. Answer each of the questions posed "yes" or "no. »:

High style, oratorical style, description of events of a national scale - features of the genre called ode

Rhythm - repetition of homogeneous phenomena at regular intervals

Romanticism is the direction to which the poem "Mtsyri" by M. Lermontov belongs

Romanticism is the genre in which the poem "Mtsyri" by M. Lermontov was written

The works of A. Chekhov "Chameleon", I. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow" are written in the genre of a story

Rating: 1 point for the correct answer (max. -6 p.)

5. What means of artistic expression did the authors use?

Comparison, epithet, impersonation

Rating: 1 point for the correct answer (max. - 3 p.)

6. Arrange the plot elements in the correct order:

Prologue, exposition, setting, development of action, climax, denouement, epilogue.

Rating: 1 point for correct answer (max. - 1 p.)

7. Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given.

1) Epic. 2) Life. 3) Fable. 4) Proverb. 5) Riddle.

Score: 1 point for the correct answer (max. - 5 p.)

8. a) L.N. Tolstoy, b) I.S. Turgenev, c) N.V. Gogol, d) M.Yu. Lermontov, e) A.S. Pushkin.

Score: 1 point for the correct answer (max. - 5 points).

9. a) iambic, b) trochee.

Score: 1 point for the correct answer (max. –2 points).

10. "Connect" the names and surnames of the writers.

1) Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, 2) Fazil Iskander, 3) Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin, 4) Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, 5) Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

Rating: 1 point for the correct answer (max. - 5 p.) .

Points for tasks 1-7

1.Max. quantity - 4 points.

2.Max. quantity - 3 points.

3.Max. quantity - 4 points.

4.Max. number - 6 points.

5. Max. number –3 points.

6. Max. quantity - 1 point.

7. Max. number - 5 points.

8. Max. quantity - 2 points.

8. Max. number - 5 points.

III.Creative task.

Score: 10 points.

The maximum number of points for all work is 48.

Literature Olympiad

Grade 5

(1 point for the hero, author and title of the work)

  1. Talking Wonderful Mirror
  2. Only a gray leaky scroll
  3. Broken trough
  4. "... bass, viola, two violins"
  5. Sarachinskaya white hat
  6. Silk tent
  7. "Points from a half dozen"
  8. Cherevichki
  9. Fresh fragrant golden ruddy apple
  1. What writers are we talking about?(The maximum number of points is 3)

1.1 He was not only an excellent poet, translator, but also a wise teacher, educator of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II. A.S. Pushkin called himself his student; when the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila", this poet gave Pushkin a portrait with the inscription "To the winner student from the defeated teacher."

1.2 At home, on the estate of Yasnaya Polyana near Tula, he creates a school for peasant children and teaches in it himself, writes the "Alphabet", creates four "Russian books for reading." By that time, he had already returned from the Caucasus and from Sevastopol, where the Crimean War was going on. He is one of the most famous writers in Russia, with over ninety volumes of his collected works.

1.3 A student of St. Petersburg University is only 18 years old, he was ashamed to take the manuscript of his fairy tale to the editorial office and gave it to his beloved professor, who not only read it to students, but also helped publish it in the most widely read magazine "Library for Reading". A.S. After reading this tale, Pushkin said: "Now this kind of compositions can be left to me."

  1. Here are excerpts from several literary works. What do these passages have in common? What is the name of this element of the composition of fairy tales?

1.1 ... Didn't take long,

Thinking honestly for a wedding; guests arrived,

The wedding was played; I was there, there I was honey and beer

Drank; flowed down his mustache, but did not get into his mouth. And that's it.

1.2 I was there; honey, drank beer -

And he just wet his mustache.

  1. Read an excerpt from a poem by M. Yu. Lermontov:

An oak leaf came off a branch of my dear

And he rolled off into the steppe, driven by a cruel storm ...

Find an epithet and justify your decision.

  1. What paintings on fairy-tale subjects were created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov?

What hero's addictions are closer to you and why?

Victor Dragunsky

What Bear Loves

Once Mishka and I entered the hall where we have singing lessons. Boris

Sergeevich sat at his piano and played something on the sly. Mishka and I

sat on the windowsill and did not bother him, but he did not notice us at all, but

continued to play, and from under his fingers very quickly jumped out

different sounds. They sprayed, and it turned out to be something very welcoming and

joyful. I really liked it, and I could sit and listen for a long time,

but Boris Sergeevich soon stopped playing. He closed the lid of the piano and saw

us, and said cheerfully:

ABOUT! What people! They sit like two sparrows on a twig! So what


I asked:

What did you play, Boris Sergeevich?

He replied:

This is Chopin. I love him very much.

I said:

Of course, since you are a singing teacher, so you love different songs.

He said:

This is not a song. Although I love songs, this is not a song. What I

played, is called a much greater word than just "song".

I said:

What is it? In a word?

He replied seriously and clearly:

Music. Chopin is a great composer. He composed wonderful music. And I

i love music more than anything else.

Then he looked at me carefully and said:

Well, what do you love? More than anything?

I answered:

I like a lot of things.

And I told him what I love. And about the dog, and about the planing, and about

baby elephant, and about red cavalrymen, and about a little doe on pink

hooves, and about ancient warriors, and about cool stars, and about horse

faces, everything, everything ...

He listened to me carefully, he had a pensive face when he

listened and then he said:

Look! I didn't know. Honestly, you are still small, you are not

take offense, but look - you love so much! The whole world.

Then Mishka intervened in the conversation. He pouted and said:

And I love different differences even more Denis! Just think !!

Boris Sergeevich laughed:

Very interesting! Come on, tell the secret of your soul. Now yours

turn, take the baton! So get started! What do you love?

The bear fidgeted on the windowsill, then cleared his throat and said:

I love rolls, buns, loaves and muffins! I love bread and cake and

cakes, and gingerbread, even Tula, even honey, even glazed.

I love drying too, and bagels, bagels, pies with meat, jam, cabbage

and with rice.

I love dumplings dearly, and especially cheesecakes if they are fresh, but

callous too nothing. You can use oatmeal cookies and vanilla crackers.

And I also love sprat, saury, marinated pike perch, gobies in tomato,

in its own juice, eggplant caviar, sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini and fried


I love boiled sausage just madly, if a doctor's, - on a bet that

eat a whole kilo! I love the dining room, and the tea room, and brawn, and smoked, and

semi-smoked, and uncooked smoked! This one I love most of all. I love it very much

pasta and butter, noodles and butter, buttered horns, cheese with holes and

no holes, red or white - all the same.

I love dumplings with cottage cheese, salty cottage cheese, sweet, sour; love

apples grated with sugar, otherwise the apples are alone, and if the apples

peeled, then I like to eat an apple first, and only then, for a snack -


I love liver, cutlets, herring, bean soup, green peas,

boiled meat, toffee, sugar, tea, jam, borjom, soda with syrup, eggs

soft-boiled, hard-boiled, in a bag, can and raw. I love sandwiches with anything

horrible, especially if thickly smeared with mashed potatoes or millet porridge.

So ... Well, I won't talk about halva - what fool doesn't like halva? And also

i love duck, goose and turkey. Oh yes! I love with all my heart

ice cream. For seven, for nine. For thirteen, for fifteen, for

nineteen. For twenty-two and twenty-eight.

Mishka scanned the ceiling and took a breath. Apparently he's already great

tired. But Boris Sergeevich looked at him intently, and Mishka went

He muttered:

Gooseberries, carrots, chum salmon, pink salmon, turnips, borsch, dumplings, though

i already said dumplings, broth, bananas, persimmons, compote, sausages, sausage,

although he also spoke sausage ...

The bear fizzled out and fell silent. It was clear in his eyes that he was waiting for

Boris Sergeevich will praise him. But he looked at Mishka a little displeased and

even as if strictly. He, too, seemed to be expecting something from Mishka: what, they say,

The bear will say more. But Mishka was silent. They got it that they are both from

they were waiting for something for a friend and were silent.

The first could not resist Boris Sergeevich.

Well, Misha, - he said, - you love a lot, no doubt, but all that

you love it, it’s some kind of the same, too edible, or something.

It turns out that you love a whole grocery store. And only ... And people?

Who do you love? Or from animals?

Then Mishka all roused himself and blushed.

Oh, - he said embarrassedly, - I almost forgot! Also kittens! And grandma!

Literature Olympiad

Grade 5


1. Which of the literary heroes belong to the following items? Name the hero, work and author.

  1. Petrus, Gogol's story "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala"
  2. Old woman, Pushkin "The Tale of the Goldfish"
  3. Donkey, goat and club-footed Bear, Krylov's fable "Quartet"
  4. Sage-eunuch, Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

6 Shamakhan queen, Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

  1. Vakula got them for his beloved, Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"
  2. Stepmother, Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

II. Historical and literary tasks.

1.1 V.A. Zhukovsky

1.2 L.N. Tolstoy

1.3 P.P. Ershov

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

  1. Both passages represent the ending of the tale

IV. Literature and other arts

1. “Three princesses of the underworld”, “Flying carpet”, “Knight at the crossroads”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Snow Maiden”, “The Frog Princess”, “Alyonushka”.

2. Epithet - dear branch, fierce storm

  1. Following the norms of speech - 3

Literature Olympiad

  1. class
  1. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.

1. To what works of Russian literature (and who is their author) are the following epigraphs preceded?

1.1 We shot.

1.2 Horses race along the hills,

They trample deep snow ...

Here, aside is God's temple

A lonely one is seen.

1.3 In all of you, Darling, you are good at outfits.

2. What are the names of Ruslan's rivals and the work of A.S. Pushkin, from which an excerpt:

In despondency, with a gloomy brow,

At a noisy wedding table

Three young knights are sitting

Silent, behind an empty bucket,

Forgotten circular cups

And brishna is unpleasant to them;

They do not hear the prophetic Bayan;

They lowered their embarrassed eyes:

Those are three rivals of Ruslan ...

II. Historical and literary tasks.

  1. What Russian writer jokingly called himself "Uncle of all witches and devils in Russia"? (The maximum number of points is 1 point)
  2. Who is the author of these works?

2.2 "Demons", "Undertaker", "Snowstorm", "Eugene Onegin"

3. With the name of which Russian writer these places are associated:(The maximum number of points is 2 points)

3.1 Mikhailovskoe, Tsarsky Lyceum, Moscow

3.2 Petersburg, Pyatigorsk, Moscow

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

  1. What size is most of the fables written by I.A. Krylov. For example: (The maximum number of points is 1 point)

Listen, I won't throw myself into tears:

All your threats are a joke to me.

What I am trying to acquire

It is not stored in your hands;

You can't take that one away.

  1. Define genres of works:

"Blizzard", "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Thick and Thin", "Winter Morning", "Marya Morevna", "Dubrovsky", "Three Palms", "Dobrynya and the Serpent"

  1. What means of artistic expression is used in the passage?(The maximum number of points is 1 point)

... She sent wagons of dried flowers in envelopes, and on one of Nikolay's birthdays she sent him, unhooking from his jacket, her only adornment: a white enamel dove.

IV. Literature and other arts(The maximum number of points is 1 point)

  1. What picture are we talking about? Who is its author? What poem does the plot of the paintings have in common?

January day. The room, in which there are three dear people, seems to be flooded with warmth and light. In the center is the inspired figure of the poet. An old woman is depicted in the background, she froze, conquered by the music of her pupil's words. On the right is the poet's friend, he does not just listen - he listens. His gaze contains admiration, deep interest. Suddenly found himself "in the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement", the friend made the poet feel the salvation of "love and friendship."

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

Why did the teacher ask the hero to write an "honest statement"?



I got a deuce after all. Although I tried my best. I copied almost everything from Mishka.

I got deuces before. But that was before, and now. There have been no letters from dad for a long time. Since the day he left. I was all afraid: a letter would come, dad would ask in a letter, how is Petya, how is he studying, what will I answer?

It was necessary to correct the deuce. I could not wait any longer. I decided to explain everything to Pal Palych.

Hmm ... - he said. - Seven mistakes in one statement. But there is a way out. Take this book. Here is the story. You will read it at home. Once or twice. But no more. Close the book and write. Just mind - do not look. Got it?

And who is going to watch whether I drop in or not? - I said.

Nobody will watch. You are not that little already. A grown guy. What to watch you!

How so? - I was surprised. - I'll watch.

I don’t think so, ”he said.

Why then?

Because honesty. Such an agreement. How can you watch! Then it won't be fair.

Wow! - I was surprised.

I believe you, - said Pal Palych. - I trust you - that's all!

That's how it is, "I said," I said, "but who will know?

Of course, of course, - I said, - of course ...

I was probably confused. I have never seen anything like it. This is downright amazing!

I only read the story twice. I never opened the book again. Although I really wanted to. I wrote with difficulty. So I wanted to look into the story! Even in class it was easier to write. There you could ask Pal Palych. It could have been written off from a neighbor. And here everything was about honesty.

I wrote everything as I remember it. Pal Palych read it and said:

You are an honest man, I see. So write it down to your father.

But what about the deuce?

How do you know, ”I asked,“ am I honest or not honest?

It is immediately evident, - said Pal Palych, - it is evident from the presentation.

Literature Olympiad

6th grade


I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.

1.1 E. Baratynsky (novel "Shot" by Pushkin)

1.2 V. Zhukovsky (novel "Snowstorm" by Pushkin)

1.3 D. Bogdanovich (story "The Young Lady-Peasant" by Pushkin)

Ratmir, Rogday, Farlaf

II. Historical and literary tasks.

  1. V. A. Zhukovsky

2.1 V.A. Zhukovsky

2.2 A.S. Pushkin

3.1 A.S. Pushkin

3.2 M.Yu. Lermontov

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

1. Iambic tetrameter

2. Story, fable, story, poem, fairy tale, novel, ballad, epic

3. Metaphor

IV. Literature and other arts

1. NN Ge "Pushchin visiting Pushkin". Message to "I. I. Pushchin"

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

  1. The depth and independence of understanding the problem proposed in question - 8
  2. The level of possession of theoretical and literary knowledge - 3
  3. Justification of attracting the text of the work - 3
  4. Consistency and consistency of presentation - 3
  5. Following the norms of speech - 3

Literature Olympiad

7th grade

I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.

  1. Below are snippets of dialogues. Name the work and its author.(maximum number of points - 3 points)

1.1 - Don't laugh, don't laugh, daddy! ..

Look how magnificent you are! Why not laugh?

Yes, so, even though you are my dad, and how you laugh, then, by God,

i will beat!

1.2 - Where is the key?

Here is the key in front of your eyes.

Why, - the sovereign says, - I do not see him?

Because, - they answer, - that it is necessary in a small scope.

1.3 - Have you guys heard what happened the other day at Barnabis?

On the dam? ..

Yes, yes, on the dam, on the broken one. This is a really unclean place, so unclean, and such a deaf place. All around there are such gullies, ravines, and in ravines all kazuli are found.

Well, what happened? Say ...

Here's what happened.

  1. From what works are the fragments of the battle image taken? Name the work and its author. (The maximum number of points is 3 points)

2.1 And the Cossacks struck from all sides, knocked down and mixed the Poles, and they themselves mixed. They did not even give a shot to fire; it went to swords and spears. All huddled together, and each had a chance to show himself ... They got together already in hand-to-hand combat. The Cossack had already overpowered and, having broken, stabbed him in the chest with an eastern Turkish knife, but did not save himself. A hot bullet slammed into his temple.

2.2 You will not see such battles! ..

Banners were worn like shadows

The fire glittered in the smoke.

Damask steel sounded, buckshot squealed,

The fighters hand stabbing tired

And prevented the nuclei from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

2.3 And the battle broke out ...

On fire, under a red-hot hail.

A living wall reflected

A fresh formation above the fallen system

Bayonets close. A heavy cloud

Flying cavalry units.

Reins, sabers sounding,

Colliding, chopped off the shoulder.

II. Historical and literary tasks.

1. What events of Russian history are discussed in these works?(The maximum number of points is 3 points)

1.1 Pushkin "Song of the Prophetic Oleg" "

1.2 Lermontov "Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov"

1.3 Lermontov "Borodino"

2. Name real historical figures who are the heroes of the following works: (The maximum number of points is 5 points)

N.S. Leskov "Levsha", N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas", A.S. Pushkin "Poltava"

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

  1. Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given:(maximum number of points - 5 points)

1.1 Not a soggy oak slopes to the ground,

Not paper sheets are spread, -

The son spreads out in front of the priest,

He asks himself a blessing:

Oh you goy thou, dear dear father!

Give me your blessing

I will go to the glorious capital Kiev city,

Pray to the Kiev miracle workers,

Lay down for Prince Vladimir,

Serve him by faith-righteousness,

Stand up for the Christian faith.

1.2 After some time, the holy Metropolitan Alexy departed from life, and again Blessed Sergius was forced with a prayer by the great-power princes and all people to accept the throne of the Russian metropolis.

1.3 The hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from the vine and wanted to get it, but could not. She left and said: "He is not yet ripe." Someone cannot do something due to lack of strength, but blames the case for this.

1.4 Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.

1.5 Piglet in front,

behind the hook,

in the middle of the back,

bristle on the back.

  1. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage:(maximum number of points - 1.5 points)

A swift stream runs from the mountain,

In the forest the bird noise will not be silent,

And the din of the forest, and the noise of the mountain -

Everything echoes merrily to thunder.

IV. Literature and other arts

1. Which artist created a landscape that is a response to a work

M.Yu. Lermontov and named the first line of the poem?(The maximum number of points is 1 point)

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

Read the piece. What question about human relationships does the author raise in the story? What techniques help to understand the author's position?



Literature Olympiad

7th grade


I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.

1.1 N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba"

1.2 NS Leskov. "Lefty"

1.3 I.S. Turgenev. "Bezhin lug"

2.1 N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba"

2.2 M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

2.3 A.S. Pushkin. "Poltava"

II. Historical and literary tasks.

1.1 Death of Prince Oleg from his horse

1.2 The era of the reign of Ivan the Terrible

1.3 Battle of Borodino in 1812

2. Nicholas I, Alexander I; Catherine II; Peter I, Charles XII

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

1.1 Epic

1.2 Life

1.3 Fable

1.4 Proverb

1.5 Riddle

IV. Literature and other arts

  1. I. Shishkin "In the Wild North ..."

V. Interpretation of a work of art

  1. The depth and independence of understanding the problem proposed in question - 8
  2. The level of possession of theoretical and literary knowledge - 3
  3. Justification of attracting the text of the work - 3
  4. Consistency and consistency of presentation - 3
  5. Following the norms of speech - 3

Literature Olympiad

8th grade

I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.

1. The hero of which work says the "golden word" and for what reason?(The maximum number of points is 2 points)

2. Which of the heroes owns the words. Specify authors and titleworks of fiction from which excerpts are given.(The maximum number of points is 2 points)

2.1 “It’s surprising to me here that my fellow Donets fought without all this

and they drove out two ten tongues.

2.2 “Be healthy, princes and squads, interceding Christians from the filthy regiments! Glory to the princes and the squad! Amen…"

3. Recognize the work by its finale, name the author. (The maximum number of points is 3 points)

3.1 "Here is evil worthy fruit."

3.2 "- See, I trudged off! - he muttered, - yes I have it! ..

In half an hour he said goodbye to me at the edge of the forest. "

3.3 “And with this thought I will fall asleep,

And I won't curse anyone! .. "

4. What heroes of which work of Russian literature are we talking about? Name the author, work and heroes.(The maximum number of points is 2 points)

4.1 He studied more willingly and without the strain with which a heavy and strong character is usually assumed. He was more resourceful than his brother; more often he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, knew how to dodge punishment. He also seethed with a thirst for achievement, but along with it his soul is available to other senses.

4.2 ... Small kind: he protects our horses, braids their manes, approaches the priest under the blessing; but if you don’t put an extra spoon for him at the table, or the priest doesn’t give him an extra blessing during his vacation in church, then ...

II. Historical and literary tasks.

1.What connects the Black River and Mashuk Mountain?(The maximum number of points is 1 point)

2.1 "Svetlana", "Lyudmila", "The Sleeping Princess", "Forest Tsar"

2.2 "Brigadier", "General Court Grammar", "Questions"

2.3 "Airship", "Angel", "Demon", "Cliff", "Fugitive", "Three Palms", "Homeland".

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

1. Define the genre of works of ancient Russian literature. Give examples of works of this genre. (The maximum number of points is 3 points)

1.1 “And Oleg, the prince, lived in Kiev, had peace with all countries. And autumn came, and ... "

1.2 "My children or anyone else, listening to this letter, do not laugh, but whoever will love it, let him accept it in his heart, not be lazy, but work."

1.3 He was truly a man of God, a luminary, visible to the whole world and illuminating the way for the monks: humility, and reason, and humility, and other asceticism; working all the days, giving neither hands nor feet rest ...

(maximum number of points - 3 points)

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of anger,

And the greenery of the dead branches

And gave poison to the roots.

IV. Literature and other arts

1. In which works of Russian literature art is the central problem? (For each correct example - 1 point)

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

Write a review of A. Green's story "Talkative Brownie".



I stood by the window

Whistling a song about Anna ...

A. Hornung

A brownie suffering from a toothache - does this not seem like slander to

a creature at whose service there are so many witches and sorcerers that it is safe to

devour sugar in whole barrels? But it’s true, it’s true - small, sad

the brownie was sitting by a cold stove that had long forgotten fire. Swaying

unkempt head, he held on to his tied cheek, groaned - pitifully, as

a child, and suffering was beating in his dull, red eyes.

It was pouring rain. I entered this abandoned house to wait out the bad weather and saw

him who has forgotten to disappear ...

when the bird is in motion, it doesn't matter, no one will believe you that you saw me.

Having made, just in case, from the fingers of a snail's horn, that is



















































































































Literature Olympiad

8th grade


I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.

1. {!LANG-100a6d7158169aef5b0478f02a5d9c6d!}






4. {!LANG-f8887fbeda2f3b20f017e35d5afdb1cc!}

II. Historical and literary tasks.

1. {!LANG-d8abea3c3ac9fbbc39c3f642a0e1e168!}




III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.




2. {!LANG-d224e3513e0f73bc97df2d1c05120b0a!}

IV. Literature and other arts


V. Interpretation of a work of art.


  1. {!LANG-27917c7660009c19fca485bfcd0c0955!}
  2. {!LANG-da7585beb527486025abaeeec2d3a0f6!}
  3. {!LANG-8ac9c5fe08ae8e8a0d44c929ada9b366!}
  4. {!LANG-50b2a3f405948b5f47863f6a255b62f1!}
  5. {!LANG-3283da14d87c20ff1638b956aac7d03f!}
  6. {!LANG-55a873bf0d566769d280d9c723311ba8!}
  7. {!LANG-2d1a5e07493b8e019c90a5b8ebfa4a64!}

Literature Olympiad



  1. {!LANG-545fa7eaa5c960a848c2c84d4231000f!}{!LANG-b35302d5fe4e1f45ab2215571a0f168c!}
  1. {!LANG-0aafac5f43a5bd665f5ffa69f85d93b8!}


  1. {!LANG-316da884a359c341c7fd995f674b1364!}
  1. {!LANG-634afb70eb6e361c2d2eb30a808a528c!}


{!LANG-4213413d8aeb054726ebaa62d7509fc7!}(The maximum number of points is 3 points)








II. Historical and literary tasks.





{!LANG-4ad7b203383b1862f6414e320fbcf555!}(The maximum number of points is 2 points)





III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

  1. {!LANG-2ba88ddd5954cbc41d8ab01c177a7887!}{!LANG-43739c6277b813142451390ae0d80321!}

1. {!LANG-be65c417c1e8129b230dfb69076c5501!}

2. {!LANG-e596f873ae5112aaa11669c2b72fbf1e!}

3. {!LANG-5a77e8550efd6ef7299b09130440076d!}

4. {!LANG-8a2073416a07093a9ca5fdd2643a2fc9!}

5. {!LANG-f79e04be3c5e101211bc23478e12b4d1!}

6. {!LANG-e5b0e3735a3d1607f0017c608f0e564f!}










{!LANG-833f6214437254a326bc9f1f886e226e!}(The maximum number of points is 3 points)

IV. Literature and other arts

  1. {!LANG-eb5c83ef807c41483ae6c1a10be4e151!}
  1. {!LANG-197b59cb8e80e9ae1e70296b97006b3c!}(The maximum number of points is 3 points)









Literature Olympiad



I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.









II. Historical and literary tasks.





III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.









2. {!LANG-7de1bfff93cfc29a8d04fcbbeb6bed29!}


  1. {!LANG-8d3ec3f0e4e85141fc78bd257793025d!}

Literature Olympiad


  1. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.
  1. {!LANG-dc0540bdaeba808d35900a1fe1f1858c!} (The maximum number of points is 3 points)
  1. {!LANG-8a6ed16695dc2384ad64014de0520e4b!}

















  1. {!LANG-cb5a74b062a73c131f2eb07f08c4f643!}(The maximum number of points is 3 points)
  1. {!LANG-c6bd669a26a92b40617a79e07feedfe5!}
  1. {!LANG-ae8c768f1b79de3783f7ca292608e16f!}


  1. {!LANG-7797c132c519da6ee6f7e87a14e76d83!}
  1. {!LANG-1a1d217c21dd9c0a12470b626a4fbf4d!}{!LANG-675c33264d37236d39f85c113399bee0!}{!LANG-1d6ebce748fda43f5ec0173e8a09ea32!}
  1. {!LANG-e24a0bb375a4a186572207468449f78a!}{!LANG-5799972d7d9e7c98e5ef64245dd1a0c6!}{!LANG-60d31ef6177bc29f38b66c962cf79f9a!} {!LANG-cf11e3a7d6fa6b6a28e3cfa538268178!}{!LANG-d153e2c98f64b2e14a6bd0a9aa99fa64!}

1. {!LANG-5030edd2dca34bacd25b0bb1345e0afe!}





2. {!LANG-1d17decd0d86d617d90cf0b1eb390cf1!}





3. {!LANG-140cf58fa7b85e1a3fd5c80a761b79c3!}


4. {!LANG-6fc03e1879bc00aab358f6ff1a497903!}




5. {!LANG-c10e2af0c5e60241e5a98a49bb4e2710!}


6. {!LANG-a21a6b403d74bee892c67fa7737db254!}





7. {!LANG-afecf15cb4e952d37c8831bc57ddb9cd!}









8. {!LANG-f73dc70605abcf42ec11d9b0e4ef6aa2!}





  1. {!LANG-58a36732cf50356b9925bccb6fd2e0f1!}(The maximum number of points is 1 point)

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.


{!LANG-5504b47a2f803eca66391fbe168f5dde!}(The maximum number of points is 3 points)





IV. Literature and other arts





























Literature Olympiad



I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.







II. Historical and literary tasks.

  1. {!LANG-56599684a8dba5fdc787722a3b58a441!}
  2. {!LANG-037c2ceef0b3fbbd8f63b2675d963971!}
  3. {!LANG-2775eba646f1ec49cbb91a9828654c89!}

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.



IV. Literature and other arts

1 {!LANG-b630dd36ea9acc2d9267c349099e3394!}




Literature Olympiad


  1. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.
  1. {!LANG-b292c5251b29a739bea4edbbd74aa00b!}{!LANG-f4e6861df93256226054769a72f2b65c!}
  1. {!LANG-aa518fce5f748f379c4d511ae4dbfc60!}
  1. {!LANG-20c798d4d438c61338fb50da1b6abf9f!}
  1. {!LANG-2981dfd4bd631e0cce9b0645f7694bb1!}




  1. {!LANG-85d5d5eea6029af85436f41a88bca4cc!}




  1. {!LANG-8b0e6b2ecdd64a96d6b698721eb95c5b!}{!LANG-e5dd30feaac47373ee650843e4b5f85e!}
  1. {!LANG-bbf5fedb806a80f393a8e69a7587ecf1!}
  1. {!LANG-ebaf9f5960bde49e6ca82cac4f3ddd14!}
  1. {!LANG-03f4d68a34ef6d1c2b4ff575d5884ade!}


II. Historical and literary tasks.

  1. {!LANG-8d39a1a2959d50e0aef74f667aa188b5!}1 point
  1. {!LANG-aec85f3a1eca6ba4172472471090f9b7!}1 point

3. {!LANG-9bb1377bee05efc7d172e37e65e189b9!}{!LANG-35c5fd0092c218f6d1290f6cda44ca19!} {!LANG-3453eefe1d1ffaf8cb9fc532b5cc815c!}{!LANG-b50e92af26bfe1a733886c164f334f06!}{!LANG-64899414ef707effda657a62a8adb5e1!}{!LANG-d6d22c6131dd20a51eecca8da5a4bd4c!}

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.


1. {!LANG-49bffb2de1d1268740478140ffb9782d!}



2. {!LANG-1b1d193d87e3c7864fda138c302893de!}





3. {!LANG-d5bc08a9947d71fc4b70f624e5b06889!}



4. {!LANG-32770e9780ed035db39b60424c800433!}





5. {!LANG-b72da00f5acf6bddb252177afdfd189a!}


6. {!LANG-b6195d2192b872df58782180ca581eb8!}















7. {!LANG-965a956e4b843f507ee64d30515c523d!}











IV. Literature and other arts



{!LANG-102e212afd4b0e76dff13a4679e9d735!} {!LANG-d4598d12c254c1ef828d76117c34a4c4!}

{!LANG-e665650da8614b78bd6b5687df510c81!} {!LANG-da4d5350c459faf859d53fb26fe269fb!}















































Literature Olympiad



I. Knowledge of the texts of works of art.








II. Historical and literary tasks.

1 {!LANG-b15102b0dbd74b075f4d61c541fe179e!}


3 {!LANG-f5e1258a47cd3a89abf52246a9cc0fda!}

III. Knowledge of the theory of literature.












IV. Literature and other arts

1 {!LANG-b20923ab044f1a0887e51aa9d7749df1!}





