
Information systems on the 1C platform. System "1C: Enterprise". At the stage of trial operation

The 1C:Enterprise 8 platform was created taking into account 6 years of experience in using the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software system, which is used by tens of thousands of developers. Currently, more than 1,000,000 organizations use products included in the 1C:Enterprise program system to automate their activities. Despite significant changes, version 8 maintained ideological continuity with previous versions.

General architecture of 1C:Enterprise

General mechanisms

The 1C:Enterprise 8 system is based on a number of mechanisms that determine the concept of creating application solutions. The presence of these mechanisms makes it possible to maximally correlate technological capabilities with the business scheme for the development and implementation of application solutions.

The key points include the isolation of the developer from technological details, algorithmic programming of only the business logic of the application, the use of one’s own database model, and the scalability of application solutions without modification.


System 1C:Enterprise 8 is an open system. The opportunity is provided for integration with almost any external programs and equipment based on generally accepted open standards and data transfer protocols.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 system has a whole set of tools with which you can:

  • create, process and exchange data of various formats;
  • provide access to all objects of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system that implement its functionality;
  • support various exchange protocols;
  • maintain standards for interaction with other subsystems;
  • create your own Internet solutions.

Data exchange

Data exchange mechanisms implemented in the 1C:Enterprise 8 technology platform make it possible to create geographically distributed information systems both based on 1C:Enterprise 8 information bases and with the participation of other information systems not based on 1C:Enterprise 8.

For example, you can organize the work of the main office, branches and warehouses of an enterprise in a single information base, or ensure interaction of the 1C:Enterprise 8 information base with the existing Oracle database.


All configuration and database texts are stored in UNICODE format. This means that any text information can simultaneously include characters from different languages. For major European languages, national representations of dates, numbers, and text sorting order are supported. For a specific information base, it is possible to further configure the presentation of numbers, dates, and times.

1C:Enterprise 8 provides the ability to create multilingual application solutions - the developer can create a configuration in several languages ​​at once, and each user can choose their own language.

Economic and analytical reporting

Powerful tools for generating reports and printed forms provide ample opportunities for design and interactive work:

  • intelligent construction of hierarchical, multidimensional and cross-reports;
  • obtaining any analytical data with arbitrary settings by the user without changing the application solution;
  • groupings and decoding in reports, detailing and aggregation of information;
  • Pivot tables for analyzing multidimensional data, dynamically changing the structure of the report;
  • various types of charts for graphical presentation of economic information.

User operation

Modern interface design makes it easy to learn for beginners and high speed for experienced users:

  • significant acceleration of mass input of information thanks to the “line input” function and effective use of the keyboard;
  • facilitating the work of untrained users, quickly mastering the system;
  • convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists, managing the visibility and order of columns, setting up selection and sorting;
  • various service options;
  • universal tools for creating reports of any complexity.

Implementation of corporate information systems on the 1C:Enterprise platform

Experience in implementing application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform shows that the system allows you to solve problems of varying degrees of complexity - from automating one workplace to creating enterprise-scale information systems.

At the same time, the implementation of a large information system imposes increased requirements compared to a small or medium implementation. An enterprise-scale information system must provide acceptable performance in conditions of simultaneous and intensive work of a large number of users who use the same information and hardware resources in a competitive mode.

1C: Corporate tool package

" 1C:Corporate toolkit 8 "(1C:KIP) is designed to improve the performance, scalability and reliability of information systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform due to:

  • detection and automatic analysis of possible technical problems at any stage of implementation
    (including at the design stage);
  • obtaining objective information about system performance;
  • obtaining complete technical information about the performance problems present in the system, with
    for the purpose of further optimization of its code.

The corporate toolkit can be used either independently (for example, to assess the applicability of a standard configuration to solve client problems) or as an additional tool to analyze bottlenecks and improve productivity
and scalability of the system being implemented or already implemented.

A corporate toolkit will be most useful when implementing relatively large - corporate - information systems, characterized by a heavy load on the system and a large number of jobs.

You can also look at the description of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform and product

Features of IS development on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform

Since the 1C platform was chosen to implement the automation of labor protection tasks: Enterprise 8.3 will consider the features of developing information systems based on this software product. 1C: Enterprise 8.3 is a new development tool from the 1C: Enterprise series of platforms.

“1C: Enterprise” is a software system that includes a platform and sets of application solutions and various techniques. It is worth mentioning that 1C: Enterprise includes both a platform and a client application. The platform represents the foundation on which the configuration is built; it contains a set of tools for setting up the configuration and for its operation. In turn, the client application is an integral part of the platform. The program receives data from the user through the client, processes it, and then returns it again through the client application. The program can be interacted with in four different ways, so there are four types of clients:

  • - thick;
  • - thin;
  • - web client;
  • - configurator.

The thick client allows you to implement all the capabilities of 1C: Enterprise, including setting up and modifying the program using the configurator, but it does not support work via the Internet. This client was the main client in program versions 8.0 and 8.1.

The thin client has a smaller distribution size than the thick client and provides work with databases via the Internet.

The web client does not require installation of any program on the user's computer, but works through an Internet browser.

The Configurator is a client application intended for developers and administrators. With its help, you can make changes to the standard configuration, but the configurator requires a thick client to work. The configurator is one of the operating modes of the system.

Let's clarify what a configuration is. This is a set of forms and algorithms written on the 1C platform, including lists of directories, registers, reports, documents, etc., program text written in a built-in language, windows and buttons for data entry.

As a result, we can say that in “1C: Enterprise” it is difficult to distinguish between a development tool and an “execution system”, because they are combined into a single whole and in fact the platform is a development tool, but it works both at the stage of creating programs and at the stage their implementation.

In 1C: Enterprise, the main element of software development is not the process of writing program code. The application is designed primarily as a metadata structure, and code is written in specific application nodes as needed.

Metadata in 1C: Enterprise represents data structures, the composition of types, connections between objects, features of their behavior and visual presentation, a system for delimiting access rights, a user interface, etc. We can say that metadata contains information not only about “what needs to be stored in the database,” but also about “why” this information is stored, what its role is in the system, as well as how information arrays are interconnected. The use of the built-in programming language is limited in most cases to solving those problems that require an algorithmic description, such as calculating taxes, checking the correctness of entered data, etc. .

1C: The enterprise is strictly focused on building an application solution based on a specific model, and therefore, the construction of the main part of the application is based on standard prototypes of application objects, that is, the system for building these objects contains several base classes, each of which has specialized functionality and is intended to represent domain objects in an application that have similar properties and roles in business logic. This approach ensures the construction of an application in which the system can automatically perform the main part of the operations, since this proposal is developed on the basis of a specific model in which each object plays its own role, and which at the same time is well known to the system. In this case, the model is the entire ideology of building an application solution, which includes methods for constructing data structures, types of connections between data, principles of data manipulation, methods for connecting data with interface objects, forms for describing business logic, dividing functionality by system levels, etc. .

When managing data, for example, when changing data, the developer interacts with the database using objects corresponding to the entities stored in the database, and not at the record level, that is, in 1C: Enterprise, object technology is used. This technique is used mainly for data modification and ensures very good readability of business logic algorithms, significantly reduces the number of errors during development, and also ensures a high level of data integrity.

Let's look at what's new in the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform compared to previous versions. The new version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform contains a number of important changes and additions, such as the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 mobile platform, a new Taxi interface, a new powerful search mechanism in the input field, improved operation of the program configuration storage, improved ability to update the information base from significant changes in the data structure without long-term interruption of user work, new tools for monitoring a server cluster and a technological log, which make it easier to identify elements of an application solution that lead to unjustified consumption of RAM and disk memory, the ability to delete data areas that are no longer in demand, etc. To make development easier, the following have been added:

  • - a new object in the “General” configuration branch - Defined types, is a special configuration object designed to define a data type that describes a frequently used entity or with a high degree of probability can change when implementing an application solution;
  • - the “Main roles” property, which specifies the roles that will be used if there are no users in the infobase; in previous versions it was possible to specify only one main role;
  • - an assistant for creating handlers for client events of the form, now the developer does not need to manually create a server method and specify its call inside the client procedure;
  • - the ability to upload the entire configuration to disk in the form of a set of files of a certain structure, the new mechanism for uploading configurations to files always uploads the entire data for the entire configuration, the ability to configure objects for uploading is not provided, thereby ensuring the integrity of the configuration.

Version 1C: Enterprise 8.3 strives for mobility and allows you to work in the cloud, as well as remote connection via 1C-Link, and work on mobile devices. Working in the cloud, an employee can connect to a program or database remotely, which means that there is no need to download the database to the user’s computer or even install a configuration. 1C-Link is another option for remote work, in which the databases remain on the company’s equipment, but with the help of 1C technologies you can gain secure access to the application from anywhere in the world.

1C: Enterprise 8.3 supports communication even with low-speed Internet on a mobile device, which makes it possible to work with 1C programs on a tablet or smartphone via a GPRS connection, using only the browser available on the device.

The experience of implementing application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform shows that the system allows solving problems of varying degrees of complexity - from automating one workplace to creating enterprise-scale information systems.

At the same time, the implementation of a large information system imposes increased requirements compared to a small or medium implementation. An enterprise-scale information system must provide acceptable performance in conditions of simultaneous and intensive work of a large number of users who use the same information and hardware resources in a competitive mode. At the same time, both the hardware and software parts of the system work under heavy load.

Performance and scalability of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and standard application solutions

1C:Enterprise 8 is a modern technology platform designed for high loads and simultaneous work of a large number of users. Conducted load tests and experience from real implementations show that the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and standard application solutions can be successfully used to create enterprise-scale information systems.

Performance and scalability in real implementations

The 1C company regularly monitors implementations and conducts user surveys to assess their satisfaction with the system's performance. The experience of using the system in real implementations shows that it successfully copes with the tasks of creating enterprise-scale information systems.

  • Sales and implementation monitor "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"

Technological issues of large implementations

A large implementation poses complex challenges for technicians that require a special approach and specialized knowledge. Experience in analyzing technological issues of large implementations shows that with the right approach, it is possible to solve any emerging issues and achieve good system performance and scalability. At the same time, large-scale implementation places increased demands on the qualifications of technical specialists.

The 1C company sets itself the task of improving the technological quality of large-scale implementations on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. For this purpose:

Technologies and tools

Architectural and technological solutions in the platform

Architectural and technological solutions implemented in 1C:Enterprise 8 are designed for the simultaneous operation of a large number of users and achieving high system performance and scalability:

  • Client-server architecture
  • Server cluster
  • Construction of distributed information bases
  • Managing Data Locks in a Transaction
  • Integration tools with other systems
  • Background job mechanism
  • Query mechanism
  • Client-server administration utility
  • Logbook
  • Technology magazine
  • Measuring performance using a debugger

Corporate Toolkit

1C: Operator of large information systems

During the operation of information systems, one of the main tasks is to prevent possible incidents in order to eliminate the occurrence of problems in the work area. The basis for the high-quality operation of the system is a properly structured process of its operation.

Operation includes the following sections:

  • Task planning.
  • Administration:
    • work area;
    • preparatory zone;
    • development zones.
  • Operation of the work area.
  • Development:
    • necessary tools;
    • improvement of existing mechanisms;

The tasks of operating the work area include:

  • Information system monitoring and maintenance:
    • monitoring of the entire work area, development of monitoring;
    • solving problems identified by monitoring data;
    • system management, eliminating possible bottlenecks based on monitoring data.
  • Performing planned tasks for maintaining the information system:
    • introduction of new units and their support when users start working in the system.
  • Duty and “fire” work:
    • making critical fixes to restore operation.
  • Organization of first line technical support:
    • analysis and classification of requests;
    • the fastest possible response to user requests;
    • interaction with users;
    • transfer of collected and structured information about the problem to the second line of technical support.
  • Organization of a second line of technical support:
    • analysis of requests and solution of technological problems;
    • classification of problems.
  • Testing and updating to new versions of solutions without compromising quality.
  • Audit of additional reports and processing.
  • Automate repetitive tasks.

Administration tasks include:

  • Deployment, configuration and maintenance of equipment.
  • Configuring the virtualization environment.
  • Network configuration.
  • Configuring a cluster of 1C servers.
  • Configuring the DBMS.
  • Regular creation of backups, storage and deployment of backups.
  • Ensuring work with licenses, keys, certificates.
  • Updating software products.
  • Deploy new scaling units.
  • Automate repetitive tasks.
  • Setting up monitoring when changes are made to system components.

Development tasks include:

  • Acceptance of new information bases and areas into operation:
    • finalizing configurations until it is possible to transfer to the service.
  • Development of analytical reports.
  • Expansion of statistics.
  • Development of mechanisms for service development.
  • Development of integration mechanisms.

The 1C company organized a preparatory course in the “Operation of Large Information Systems” competency. The course provides an opportunity to form a holistic understanding of the competence of “operator of information systems”, to form an understanding of the technologically correct organization of the operation of a large information system and the construction of the process of operation, configuration and administration of the information system, deployment of monitoring and setting up control over the technological quality of the operation of a large system.

The 1C company carries out certification of technical specialists in the 1C: Operator competency. The exam involves confirming the specialist’s competence as a qualified engineer for the operation of large information systems based on 1C solutions.

Maintenance Projects

The 1C company provides services for the supervision of joint projects aimed at organizing and building the operation of a large information system.
All work is carried out with the participation of specialists from 1C Company, who:

  • Provide all necessary techniques and tools;
  • Monitor the correctness of technical decisions made;
  • Provide prompt assistance in solving complex technical problems;
  • Monitor the progress of work and the results obtained.

Edition "1C-Publishing", ISBN 978-5-9677-2661-3, 219 pages, format 70x100 1/16

Electronic versions of the book:

The book is also planned to be distributed electronically
(estimated sales start date – March 20):

    at a price of 650 rubles. in .epub and .pdf formats (formats supported by most reading devices, as well as computers and tablets) on the website;

    at a price of about 650 rubles. (depending on the course used by the “content store”) as part of the “1C: Electronic Books” application for reading on tablets:

This book is addressed to specialists involved in the operation of large information systems built using the 1C:Enterprise technology platform, and is a set of techniques and approaches to ensure the technological quality of information systems. In preparing the materials, we used the practical experience of operating teams of large information systems on projects of the Competence Centers for Technological Issues of the 1C Company (CKTP).

Book structure:


Chapter 1. 1cFresh technology from an operational point of view

Using 1cFresh technology

Technology components

From general to specific

Chapter 2. Organization of operation of a large information system

General issues

Operation of a large information system

Technological quality



Organization of operation

System zones

Division into zones

What not to do

What makes sense to do

Organization of a preparatory stand for an information system

Organization of an information system work stand


Chapter 3. Setting up production servers with a deployed technology platform "1C:Enterprise"

Chapter 4. Monitoring on production servers

Setting up CCC for Windows servers

General information

Areas of responsibility

Connection control

Methods of connecting to the infobase

Availability control

Checking the availability of web publications

Checking resource availability using a ping request

Checking server availability using an external CCC agent

Performance monitoring

Monitoring memory consumption

System stability control

Using CCC for data aggregation

An example of setting up data collection on equipment load using PowerShell (3.0 or 4.0) for Windows servers with data aggregation in the Central Control Room

Setting up a technological log

Server technology magazine

Client technology magazine

Analysis of a technology magazine

Setting up Performance Monitor for Windows servers

Chapter 5. Using the command line (bash). Basic commands

Simplest operations

Find out primary information about the server

CPU resource estimation

Memory consumption

Using disks

Conveyor pipe

Log analysis

Utility languages ​​(sed, awk)

Performing an operation on servers

Various useful commands in Linux

Chapter 6. Methodology for investigating problems during the operation of large systems

Basic tools

Localization of the problem

Performance Issues

Classification methods

Common causes of performance problems

Chapter 7. Administering Microsoft SQL Server when working with 1C:Enterprise

Installing Microsoft SQL Server

Preparing Disks

Microsoft SQL Server Services Users

operating system

Check the operation of Database instant file initialization

Set permission to Lock pages in memory

Server settings


Recovery Models

Types of backup


fault tolerance

Chapter 8. Administering PostgreSQL when working with 1C:Enterprise



PostgreSQL settings for working with 1C:Enterprise

Investigation of problems

Backup and Restore

Physical backups

Continuous archiving

Additional sources of information

Chapter 9. Features of setting up web servers


Nginx configuration features

Features of setting up IIS

Apache configuration features

Chapter 10. A practical example of deploying an implementation using 1cFresh technology

Description of the test environment

Machine setup

Installation of 1C server components

Main components of the service

Installing and configuring Nginx

Web Publishing Configuration

Service Manager Configuration

Setting up OpenID authentication

Setting up an application gateway

Switching the bases to which areas are added

Checking which database an area belongs to

Connecting additional processing

Appendix 1. Example of a checklist for updating a technology platform version

Updating the version of the 1C:Enterprise technology platform

Appendix 2. Example of a weekly report on the quality of the information system

Report on the service "Service using 1cFresh technology"

Appendix 3. "Crib sheet" for working with performance analysis tools

Appendix 4. Top queries to DMV MS SQL Server for investigating performance problems

Appendix 5. Top PostgreSQL queries for investigating performance issues

Appendix 6. Checklist for setting up servers


Detailed information about the full range of books on 1C:Enterprise 8 software products is available on the 1C:Enterprise 8 website:

Electronic catalog "Books and tutorials on 1C:Enterprise":

The electronic catalog "Books and tutorials on 1C:Enterprise" in PDF format can be downloaded in the "Methodological support" section - "Books, booklets, articles" of the 1C:Enterprise 8 website: /metod/books/files/MM.pdf , ~5 MB.

The catalog contains information on the current range of literature and teaching aids offered and recommended by 1C to users and partners for studying the 1C:Enterprise platform and application solutions based on it. For each book, a brief summary, bibliographic information, recommended retail prices, etc. are provided.

Currently, 1C offers more than 80 such manuals (published by the publishing house
"1C-Publishing"). The books, information about which is given in the electronic catalog, are intended for both novice 1C:Enterprise users and experienced professionals, and are aimed at ensuring more efficient and comfortable work with programs. The books contain relevant and reliable first-hand information: all manuals published by 1C-Publishing are carefully checked by specialists from 1C and comply with the methodology laid down in the programs of the 1C:Enterprise system.

To the attention of 1C partners:

The electronic catalog can be used both to inform users of 1C:Enterprise programs and as a short reference guide for sales department employees and sellers.

When sending an electronic catalog to a user of 1C:Enterprise programs via email, in the body of the letter indicate the contact numbers and e-mail addresses of the partner organization through which the user can order books of interest.

A printed version of the catalog is also available:



Permanent partner


"Books and teaching materials on 1C:Enterprise" (A5 format, 50 pcs.)

The main deliveries of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system programs are completed with a copy of the printed catalog.

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Create an information system on the technological platform of the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 software system. based on the data below:

1. Characteristics of the organization’s activities:

The organization operates in the production of building materials. For these purposes, it buys raw materials and materials from suppliers, produces construction materials and sells finished products to customers. In addition, the organization provides services to third parties directly related to the production and sale of finished products.

2. Implementation of basic accounting functions:

– receipt of inventory items received at the warehouse and printing of the invoice;

– arrival of finished products to the warehouse and printing of the invoice;

– moving inventory between the organization’s warehouses and printing an invoice for internal movement;

– sale of inventory and finished products, printing of invoices;

– provision of services and printing of the relevant document;

– generation and printing of reports on the movement of inventory items in the warehouse and provision of services.


warehouse accounting automation

Nowadays, businesses and organizations are becoming more and more dynamic. This is necessary for a quick response to changing business conditions. The process of decentralization of decision-making is becoming more and more active, and the desire to increase the productivity of decision-making leads to simplification of procedures for the implementation of various kinds of ideas.

"1C:Enterprise" is a software product created by 1C for the rapid development of application solutions. This is a ready-made solution for accounting in organizations engaged in any type of commercial activity: wholesale and retail trade, commission trade, provision of services, production, etc.

Almost any type of activity of an organization involves maintaining warehouse records, for which many different programs have been developed. The most successful, in my opinion, is the 1C:Enterprise program system, which is designed to automate the activities of enterprises, organizations and individuals. It includes the platform and application solutions developed on its basis.

One of the key stages of automation is the development of an application solution. Development and modification of application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform are carried out in a special mode called Configurator.

The purpose of this course project is to develop an application solution that allows you to automate the maintenance of warehouse accounting at a manufacturing enterprise: to ensure registration of operations of receipt of materials to the warehouse and shipment from the warehouse, operations for the sale of finished products, as well as the generation of reports on the balance of materials, products and turnover of the enterprise.

A similar project can be proposed for use both in small and medium-sized businesses and in industrial enterprises.

1. Development of the structure of the information base

We will register the facts of economic activity using documents. We will enter data on the receipt of goods using the document “Invoice”. Shipment data accordingly using the document “Invoice”. When entering data into the invoice screen forms, we will select the names of our organization, contractors, materials, warehouses, units of measurement and materially responsible persons from among the employees from the directories “Counterparties”, “Nomenclature”, “Warehouses”, “Units of measurement”, “ Employees", "Organizations". To store information about balances and movements of materials in each warehouse, we will use the “Materials Remaining” register for accumulating balances; to organize the total accounting of materials, we will use the “Materials Cost” register. We will store data on sales volumes of finished products by counterparties in the “Sales of Products” turnover accumulation register, and sales volumes of services provided - in the “Sales of Services” turnover register. We will extract the information necessary to generate reports on balances and material turnover from the balance registers. We will extract data for reports on the analysis of sales of finished products and services from turnover registers.

Fig.1.1. Information base structure

2. Creation of an information base

Let's launch 1C:Enterprise (Start > Programs > 1C:Enterprise 8.0 > Configurator). A list of infobases will open (in our case it is empty).

Fig.2.1. Adding an infobase to the list

Let's select Create a new infobase (since we don't have a single infobase).

Fig.2.2. Creation of a new information base

In the next dialog box, enter the name of the base “Educational”, as it will be displayed in the list of bases

Fig.2.3. Specifying the name of the infobase

Let's specify the following parameters for the new infobase: infobase directory (path to the database) and interface display language.

Fig.2.4. Specifying infobase parameters

As a result, the following window appears:

Fig.2.5. 1C:Enterprise launch window

To configure the launch dialog, click the Settings button. This dialog box allows you to display a list of infobases in the form of a tree, sort them by name, and show the selected number of recent infobases.

Fig.2.6. Launch Dialog Setup Dialog Box

Let's specify the launch mode Configurator. The configurator will launch. Let's open the configuration tree. To do this, click the menu Configuration > Open configuration or button. A configuration tree window will appear, in which all configuration objects are presented: directories, documents, reports, constants, logs, etc. We have a new application. The configuration is displayed on the left - the metadata tree. Metadata describes every aspect of an application's operation. On the right we see the Properties Palette, which is used to edit the basic characteristics of objects, their appearance and some aspects of behavior.

Fig.2.7. Configuration tree window

3. Creation of directories

3.1 We will create a directory of “Organizations”, necessary for entering information about the organization into the database (name, taxpayer identification number, TIN and address)

Place the cursor on the Directories line and click the Add button (or right-click on the Directory icon > Add, or Actions > Add). This will open a window for editing the directory structure.

Let's set the name of the directory - “Organizations”. Based on the name, the platform will automatically create a synonym - “Organizations” (Fig. 3.1).

Fig.3.1. Creation of the “Organizations” directory

Let's go to the "Data" tab. Let's set the length of the code and the length of the name. The number of elements that can be contained in the directory depends on the length of the code. The code length is 1 character - from 0 to 9, i.e. 10 elements. Set the name length to 50 characters.

Let's create the directory details (using the Add button) (see Fig. 3.2):

Fig.3.2. Specifying the details of the “Organizations” directory

Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode and fill out the "Organizations" directory. To do this, select the menu item Debug > Start Debugging. To the question that appears: “Do you want to update the database configuration?” We will answer “Yes” and in the next window click “Accept”.

A system window will open in front of us in 1C: Enterprise mode. Let’s go to the menu item Operations > Directories and select the “Organizations” directory.

Using the menu item Actions > Add or the corresponding icon, add a new organization, enter its name, TIN and address (Fig. 3.3).

Fig.3.3. Filling out the organization details

3.2 We will create a directory “Counterparties”, which will store information about our clients (suppliers and customers)

Similar to the previous directory, we will create a new directory. This will open a window for editing the directory structure.

Let's set the name of the directory - “Counterparties”. Based on the name, the platform will automatically create a synonym - “Counterparties”.

To make the reference book convenient to use, we will divide it into two groups:

– Suppliers from whom the organization purchases materials and raw materials;

– Buyers to whom the organization sells finished products, materials and provides services.

To do this, the directory must have a hierarchical structure. Let's go to the "Hierarchy" tab and set the "Hierarchical directory" flag (Fig. 3.4).

Fig.3.4. Window for editing the structure of the “Counterparties” directory

Let's go to the "Data" tab. Set the code length to 4 characters, the name length to 50.

· Name - Full Name. Data type - String, length - Variable, 50 characters;

· Name - TIN. Data type - String, length - Variable, 12 characters;

· Name - Address. Data type - String, length - Variable; flag - Unlimited length.

Let’s launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode and fill out the “Counterparties” directory. To do this, select the menu item Debug > Start Debugging. In the system window that opens, select the menu item Operations > Directories and select the “Counterparties” directory.

Let's create two groups in the root of the directory: “Suppliers” and “Buyers” (Actions > New Group) (see Fig. 3.5):

Fig.3.5. Creating groups in the “Counterparties” directory

In the “Suppliers” group, create several elements (Actions > Add menu or the corresponding icon) and fill in the details.

The “Name” attribute indicates the abbreviated name, which is automatically arranged in alphabetical order. This makes it easier to find the right supplier. Names of organizations starting with the abbreviation LLC, OJSC, etc. there may be a lot, which will make it difficult to find a counterparty in the directory. The full name of the supplier is indicated accordingly in the “Full Name” attribute.

After adding elements, the directory looks like this (Fig. 3.6):

Fig.3.6. Creating the “Suppliers” group in the “Counterparties” directory

In the “Buyers” group, let’s similarly create several elements and fill in the corresponding details (Fig. 3.7).

Fig.3.7. Creating the “Buyers” group in the “Counterparties” directory

3.3 We will create a directory “Employees”, in which we will store the employee’s last name, first name and patronymic, his passport details, gender, date of birth, Taxpayer Identification Number, date of hire, date of dismissal, position

On the “Data” tab, set the code length to 3 characters, the name length to 50 characters.

Let's create the directory details (using the Add button):

· Name - Date of Birth. Type - Date, date composition - “Date”, because in the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system, values ​​of the Date type contain both date and time;

In order to be able to select the attribute value from the ready list, let’s create a new configuration object Enumerations > Add with the name “Employee Gender”. On the “Data” tab, add two Enumeration values: “Female” and “Male” (Fig. 3.8)

Fig.3.8. Creating a Transfer “Employee Gender”

Name - series. Data type - String, length 5;

· Name - number. Synonym - no. Data type - String, length 6;

· Name - issued. Data type - Date, date composition - “Date”;

· Name - by whom. Data type - String, length 100;

· Name - TIN. Data type - String, length 12, fixed;

· Name - Position. Data type - String, length 30;

· Name - Reception Date. Data type - Date, date composition - “Date”;

· Name - Date of Dismissal. Data type - Date, date composition - “Date” (see Fig. 3.9).

Fig.3.9. Creating details of the “Employees” directory

To work with information stored in the “Employees” directory, we will create screen forms. Separate forms can be created for viewing a list of directory elements, for selecting the desired element from the directory, and for editing a directory element.

Let's go to the "Forms" tab. When you click the View List Form button (magnifying glass symbol), the Directory Form Designer window appears. Use a checkbox to mark those directory details that will be displayed on the screen when viewing. Select Image, Code and Name (Fig. 3.10).

Fig.3.10. Directory Form Designer window

As a result, we get the “Employees” directory list form, consisting of three fields.

Fig.3.11. Form for viewing the “Employees” directory

Similarly, we will create a form for selecting the desired element from the directory.

We will create a form for editing the directory and, in order to ensure clarity and ease of use, we will edit it.

You can move fields, reduce or increase their length, align the size, change the font, text color, etc. Let's select the passport data into a separate group using the group frame (Main menu of the Configurator > menu "Form" > Insert control). Instead of the inscription “Code”, enter the heading “Personnel No.” (see Fig. 3.12).

Fig.3.12. Form for editing the “Employees” directory

Let's select the option to edit the directory in the dialog. To do this, on the “Forms” tab, set the appropriate switch.

Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode. Let's create several directory elements and fill in the corresponding employee details (Fig. 3.13).

Fig.3.13. Directory element "Employees"

After adding elements, the directory looks like this (see Fig. 3.14):

Fig.3.14. Directory "Employees"

3.4 Similar to the previous directories, we will create a directory “Units of Measurement”

On the “Data” tab, set the code length to 2 and the name length to 5 characters. Let's add a single attribute - Unit of Measurement. Type - String, length - 25. Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode and fill out the directory. After adding elements to it, the directory looks like this (Fig. 3.15):

Fig.3.15. Directory "Units of Measurement"

3.5 Let’s create a new directory “Nomenclature”

To do this, the directory must have a hierarchical structure. Let's go to the "Hierarchy" tab and set the "Hierarchical directory" flag. Now we can combine individual elements of the “Nomenclature” directory into groups.

On the “Data” tab, set the code length to 5 and the name length to 50 characters. Let's add a property that will allow us to uniquely determine whether a directory element belongs to materials, services, etc.:

Name - Type of Nomenclature, data type - Enumeration Link. Types of Nomenclature. Let’s create a new configuration object Enumerations > Add with the name “Types of Nomenclature”.

On the “Data” tab, add enumeration values ​​(see Fig. 3.16):

Fig.3.16. Creating an Enumeration “Types of Nomenclature”

Let’s launch 1C: Enterprise in debugging mode and fill out the “Nomenclature” directory. Let’s create four groups in the root of the directory: “Materials”, “Finished Products”, “Containers” and “Services” (menu Actions > New Group) (Fig. 3.17):

Fig.3.17. Creating groups in the “Nomenclature” directory

In the “Materials” group, create several elements using the Add button:

Fig.3.18. Creating elements of the “Nomenclature” directory

Now let’s classify the materials into two semantic groups: “Raw materials” and “Other materials”. To do this, we will create two more groups in the “Materials” group. In order to move elements to the appropriate groups, in the list window, place the cursor on the element that we want to move and execute the command Actions > Move to group or click on the icon. In the window that opens, select a new group. We will move the elements “Sand”, “Lime” and “Clay” to the “Raw Materials” group, and move the remaining materials to the “Other Materials” group. For each element of the directory, we will select the appropriate type of nomenclature.

Fig.3.19. Moving directory items

In the “Finished Products” group we will create two elements (brick, facing tile):

Fig.3.20. Creating elements of the “Finished Products” group

For each element of the directory, select the type of item - Products. In the “Containers” group we will create three elements (wooden pallet, box, cardboard box):

Fig.3.21. Creating elements of the "Container" group

For each element of the directory, select the type of nomenclature - Container.

In the “Services” group we will create three elements (Fig. 3.22):

Fig.3.22. Creating elements of the "Services" group

For each element of the directory, select the type of item - Service.

3.6 Let’s create a directory “Warehouses”, which will contain information about the warehouses used in our organization

This directory will contain one predefined element - the “Main” warehouse, which will receive all materials.

Let’s open the configurator and create a new Directory configuration object named “Warehouses”. Let's go to the "Other" tab and click the "Predefined" button. The system will open a list of predefined directory elements. Let’s execute the Actions > Add command and create a predefined element named “Main” (Fig. 3.23):

Fig.3.23. Creating a predefined directory element “Warehouses”

On the “Data” tab, set the code length to 1 (10 elements from 0 to 9) and the name length to 30 characters.

Let's create a directory requisite MOL - financially responsible person - data type DirectoryLink.Employees. The link to the “Employees” directory provides the ability to select M.O.L. from the list of employees of the organization (Fig. 3.24).

Fig.3.24. Specifying the details of the “Warehouses” directory

Let’s launch 1C: Enterprise in debugging mode and open the “Warehouses” directory. Let’s add a few more elements to the directory: “Warehouse of finished products”, “Warehouse of the production manager”, “Warehouse of the chief mechanic”, “Warehouse of the chief electrician”, “Warehouse of the chief power engineer”. From the “Employees” directory, we will pull up the M.O.L. for each warehouse. (Fig. 3.25).

Fig.3.25. Directory "Warehouses"

Visually, predefined directory elements differ from user-created elements by the appearance of an icon. This element cannot be deleted by users in 1C:Enterprise mode. When you try to mark a predefined element for deletion, the system will display a warning: “Deleting a predefined directory element is prohibited.”

We have completed the creation of directories for our organization.

4. Creation of Documents

4.1 Document “Receipt invoice”

4.1.1 Place the cursor on the line

Documents and click the Add button. This will open a window for editing the document structure

Let's set the document name - “Receipt Invoice”. Based on the name, the platform will automatically create a synonym - “Receipt invoice”. The document will contain a header and a table section.

In the header of the document we will place fields for storing information about the supplier of materials and the warehouse to which these materials were received. Each Document configuration object contains two “by default” fields: document number and date (the date data type contains the date and time accurate to the second).

Let's go to the "Data" tab and create the following details:

· Name - Counterparty. Data type - DirectoryLink.Counterparties (connection between the Counterparty attribute of the document “Invoice” and the directory “Counterparties”);

· Name - Supplier's Invoice Number. Data type - Number, length - 5;

· Name - VAT rate. Data type - TransfersLink.VAT rate.

Let’s first perform: Transfers > Add > VAT Rate (see Fig. 4.1):

Fig.4.1. Creation of Transfer “VAT Rate”

This detail is needed to provide for the possibility of receiving materials with VAT (18%) and without VAT.

We will store information about received materials and their quantity in the fields of the tabular section. Let's create a new tabular part “List of Nomenclature” using the Add tabular part button. Let's add the necessary details to the tabular part:

· Name - Quantity. Data type - Number, length - 15, precision - 3. Flag - non-negative;

· Name - Price. Data type - Number, length - 15, precision - 2;

· Name - Amount. Data type - Number, length - 15, precision - 2 (see Fig. 4.2).

Fig.4.2. Creating a document “Receipt invoice”

4.1.2 To enter data you need

Document form. Tab - “Forms”. When you click the View button in the Document Form field, the Document Form Designer window appears.

After clicking the “Finish” button, we receive the Document Form “Receipt Invoice”. Let's edit it. Let’s reduce the length of the fields “Number”, “Date”, “Supplier’s invoice number” and place them along one line. Let’s add the inscription “Receipt invoice” and change the headings of the “Number” and “Date” fields. The “Received” field will be located at the bottom after the tabular part. In order for the user to see the total amount for the document while filling out the tabular part of the document, we will add it to the screen form. Having selected the table field in the form, open the properties palette for it and set the “Footer” property. Open the properties of the “Price” column and set the footer text to “Total:”, the horizontal position in the footer to “Press to the right” and change the footer font to “Bold”. After that, open the properties of the “Sum” column, set the horizontal position in the footer - “Press to the right”, set the flag “Show total in the footer” and also change the style in the footer font to “Bold”. We get the form of the document (Fig. 4.3):

Fig.4.3. Document form “Receipt invoice”

In the form in which our form exists, when entering data into a row in the tabular section, you need to indicate not only the quantity and price of the material, but also calculate the amount for the row. It is very uncomfortable. Therefore, we will write code to calculate the amount in the “Amount” field, which is the product of quantity and price. This code must be executed when you enter or change data in the Quantity and Price fields.

By right-clicking on the input field in the “Quantity” column, open the properties palette for it (Properties context menu item) (see Fig. 4.4):

Fig.4.4. Quantity field properties palette

In the Events section, find the “On Change” event and click the View Field button. The tab of the “Module” form opens, into which a Procedure with the name “List of ItemsQuantityOnChange” and the parameter “Element” is already inserted. You need to add the necessary code to its body.

First, let's create a separate Procedure for calculating the amount. Because We may need to automatically fill out the “Amount” field in other documents; we will place the calculation of the amount in a “publicly accessible” place (Configuration > General > General modules) so that different documents that have similar tabular details can use this algorithm.

Let's create a Common Module configuration object using the Add button and call it “WorkWithDocuments” (Fig. 4.5).

Fig.4.5. Creating the module “Working with Documents”

Let's write the text of the procedure. The name of the procedure is “CalculateSum”. The procedure parameter is “TablePart Row”. The Export keyword at the end of a Procedure statement indicates that the procedure can be accessed from other program modules. In the body of the procedure, we calculate the amount as the product of quantity and price (see Fig. 4.6).

Fig.4.6. Procedure for calculating the amount

In order to exclude the possibility of editing the “Amount” field, in the “Characteristics” section of the properties palette, select the “View only” checkbox.

Now let’s organize a procedure call to calculate the amount from the body of the “List of ItemsQuantityOnChange” procedure. First you need to determine the value of the “TablePart Row” parameter to get the row in which editing is currently being performed. In the next line, enter the name and parameter of the sum calculation procedure: CalculateSum (TablePart Row).

Go to the “Dialog” tab and highlight the “Price” field. We perform the same actions for it as for the “Quantity” field. As a result, we obtain a new procedure “List of ItemsPriceOnChange”, into the body of which we insert a call to the procedure for calculating the amount (see Fig. 4.7).

Fig.4.7. Calling the amount calculation procedure

4.1.3 Let’s check the operation of the created objects

Let's launch the application in 1C:Enterprise mode. Let’s execute the command Operations > Documents, select the “Receipt invoice” document. The system will open the main list form. There is not a single “Receipt Invoice” document in our database, so let’s create a new document (using the menu item Actions > Add or the corresponding icon). The system will automatically assign a number to the new document and all we have to do is fill out the tabular part (Fig. 4.8).

Fig.4.8. Document “Receipt invoice”

The amount in the rows of the tabular part of the “Invoice” documents is calculated automatically and recalculated both when the quantity changes and when the price changes.

4.1.4 Let’s create a printed form of the document

Let's open the window for editing the configuration object in the configurator Document “Receipt invoice”. Let's go to the "Layouts" tab and launch the Print Designer.

Let us indicate that the new procedure, which will be created by the designer to generate the printed form of the document, will be located in the form module. By clicking the double arrow, we will select the details that will be displayed in the header of the printed form (we will not include the supplier’s invoice number and the VAT rate). We will move the “Received” props to the basement of the layout.

We indicate that the designer must insert a new button into the document form to call the procedure for generating a printed form, and click “OK”. We will get a layout of the printed form of the document “Receipt Invoice”. Let's edit it.

Let's add a new area to display the total amount of the document. Select three empty rows with the mouse and execute the command Table > Names > Assign a name. Let's call the area "Total". In the created area (the first empty line) in the “Price” column, write “Total:”, and in the “Amount” column we write “Total According to Document”.

By calling the properties palette for the “TotalOnDocument” cell, we indicate that this cell will contain not text, but a parameter that will be replaced with a certain value. In the cell format, we will set the precision of the displayed number and the group separator (Fig. 4.9).

Fig.4.9. Cell properties palette “TotalByDocument”

In the second empty line in the “Price” column we write the text “VAT:”, in the “Amount” column we set the parameter<НДС>. In the third empty line, in the corresponding columns, write the text “Total with VAT:” and set the parameter<ВсегоСНДС>. We will set the text font, its position and cell boundaries in the properties palette of this cell. In the footer of the layout, add a line to the text of the “Received” cell: Received _______.

As a result, we get an edited layout of the printed form of the “Receipt Invoice” document (see Fig. 4.10):

Fig.4.10. Layout of the printed form of the document “Receipt invoice”

Parameter values<ВсегоПоДокументу>, <НДС>And<ВсегоСНДС>Let’s define the document form “Invoice” in the module (Tab “Form” > “Document Form” > “Module”). Let’s find the “Print” procedure in it and after the cycle add the following lines to it:

Fig.4.11. Setting parameter values ​​in the Print procedure

We get a new “Total” area. The “Total By Document” parameter is assigned the value of the total amount of the tabular part “List of Items” in the “Amount” column. Parameters<НДС>And<ВсегоСНДС>We assign a value depending on the VAT rate. We display the area in the final spreadsheet document.

Let's check the layout in action. Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode and open the document “Receipt invoice No. 1”. Click on the new “Print” button that appears (see Fig. 4.12).

Fig.4.12. Printed form of the document “Receipt invoice”

4.2 Document “Service Provision”

4.2.1 Let’s create a new configuration object Document “Service Provision” with the details:

· Name - Organization, Data type - DirectoryLink.Organizations;

· Name - Buyer, Data type - DirectoryLink.Counterparties;

· Name - From the Contractor, Data Type - DirectoryLink.Employees;

· Name - From Customer, Data type - String, length 30, variable.

· Name - Nomenclature, Data type - DirectoryLink.Nomenclature;

4.2.2 Let’s create a Document Form and edit it. The fields “From the Contractor” and “From the Customer” will be placed at the bottom

For the input fields of the “Quantity” and “Price” columns, we will create an event handler “On Change”, in which we will call the “Calculate Amount” procedure from the General module “Working With Documents”. The cost of services provided by our organization may change over time. To generate a list of prices for services, we will create a new configuration object Register of Information “Prices”. Let's set the frequency of this register within a second. Let's go to the "Data" tab and create a register dimension - "Nomenclature" with the type DirectoryLink.Nomenclature. Let us indicate that this dimension will be the leading one (that is, when an object is deleted, all entries in the information register for this object will also be automatically deleted). Let's create a resource "Price", type - Number, length 15, precision 2, non-negative.

Fig.4.13. Register of information "Prices"

Let’s launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode, open the “Prices” Information Register and set the cost of services (Fig. 4.14):

Fig.4.14. List of "Prices"

Because prices are stored date-specific, you can set new prices in advance and be sure that new prices will take effect no earlier than the date specified for them. Let's create a function that will return the current price of the service. Let’s open the configurator, in the General > General Modules branch, create a new configuration object “Module” and call it “Working with Directories”. Let's place the following text in it:

Fig.4.15. Module “Working with Directories”

When creating the “Service Provision” document, we need to ensure that the “Price” field is automatically filled in after the user selects the service. Moreover, the price of the service should be determined based on the date of the document being created. Let’s go to the “Form” tab of the “Service Provision” document. Let’s open the properties of the input field located in the “Nomenclature” column and find the “On change” event. Click on the button with a magnifying glass and in the event handler template that opens, write the following text:

Fig.4.16. Procedure “List of NomenclatureNomenclature When Changed”

Let's create a printed form of the document. Let's add a new area to display the total amount of the document with the name "Total". Parameter values<ВсегоПоДокументу>, <НДС>And<ВсегоСНДС>Let’s set the document form “Provision of Services” in the module, taking into account VAT 18%.

In debugging mode, select the “Service Provision” document and create several documents. The current price of the service at the time of creation of the document is automatically selected into the document. The form of the document is shown in Fig. 4.17.

Fig.4.17. Document “Service Provision”

4.3 Document “Invoice”

By analogy with the document “Receipt invoice”, we will create a new document “Invoice”. Name - Invoice. Details - “Organization”, “Counterparty”, “Warehouse”, “Release”. The tabular part “List of Nomenclature” is the same as in the “Receipt Invoice” document. Let's create a Document Form and edit it. We will place the “Release” field at the bottom. For the input fields of the “Quantity” and “Price” columns, we will create an event handler “On Change”, in which we will call the “Calculate Amount” procedure from the General module “Working With Documents”.

For the input field of the “Item” column, we will create an event handler “On Change”, in which we will call the “Retail Price” Function from the General module “Working with Directories”. We will supplement the “Prices” list with prices for finished products and containers that we will sell to Buyers. Let's provide a display in the footer of the tabular part of the total amount for the document. Let's create a printed form of the document. We will set the parameter values ​​for displaying the total amount for the document unambiguously, taking into account VAT of 18%.

In debugging mode, we will create several documents “Invoice” (see Fig. 4.18).

Fig.4.18. Document "Invoice"

4.4 Document “Transfer of finished products to the warehouse”

To reflect operations on the receipt of finished products to the warehouse, we will create a new document “Transfer of finished products to the warehouse.” Let’s go to the “Data” tab and create the details:

· Name - Receipt Warehouse. Data type - DirectoryLink.Warehouses;

Let’s create a tabular part of this document “List of Nomenclature” with the details:

· Name - Nomenclature. Data type - DirectoryLink.Nomenclature;

· Name - Unit of Measurement. Data type - DirectoryLink.Units of Measurement;

· Name - Quantity, Data Type - Number, length 15, precision 3, non-negative;

· Name - Price, Data Type - Number, length 15, precision 2, non-negative;

· Name - Sum, Data Type - Number, length 15, precision 2, non-negative.

For the input fields of the “Quantity” and “Price” columns, we will create an event handler “On Change”, in which we will call the “Calculate Amount” Procedure from the General module “Working with Documents”.

For the input field of the “Item” column, we will create an event handler “On Change”, in which we will call the “Retail Price” Function from the General module “Working with Directories”.

Let's provide a display in the footer of the tabular part of the total amount for the document.

Let's create a printed form of the document. In debug mode, we will create several documents.

Fig.4.19. Document “Transfer of finished products to the warehouse”

5. Document “Movement of materials”

To reflect operations on the movement of materials between warehouses, we will create a document named “Movement of Materials”.

On the “Data” tab, create the following details:

· Name - WarehouseSender. Data type - DirectoryLink.Warehouses;

· Name - WarehouseReceiver. Data type - DirectoryLink.Warehouses;

· Name - Let go. Data type - DirectoryLink.Employees;

Let’s create a tabular part of this document “List of Nomenclature” with the details:

· Name - Nomenclature. Data type - DirectoryLink.Nomenclature;

· Name - Unit of Measurement. Data type - DirectoryLink.Units of Measurement;

· Name - Quantity. Data type - Number, length 15, precision 3, non-negative;

· Name - Price. Data type - Number, length 15, precision 2, non-negative;

· Name - Amount. Data type - Number, length 15, precision 2, non-negative.

Let's go to the "Input based on" tab and define the "Receipt Invoice" Document as an object - the basis for the "Movement of Materials" Document. This will allow, if necessary, to immediately create a Material Transfer based on the Receipt Invoice.

Call the Input Constructor on the basis. The list of details of the foundation object will be filled in automatically. Click the “Fill in expressions” button. In the lower window, the correspondence of fields and expressions will be formed. Let us match the value of the “WarehouseSender” field with the attribute of the base object “Warehouse”, and the value of the “Dispatched” field with the “Received” attribute (see Fig. 4.20).

Fig.4.20. Input constructor based

The input constructor based on the generated code in the built-in language in the module of the Document object “Move Materials” (see Fig. 4.21):

Fig.4.21. Procedure for Processing Filling out the document “Movement of Materials”

You can create a document “Movement of Materials” in the usual way or based on the document “Receipt Invoice”.

Let's create a List Form and a Document Form. In the List Form, we will set all the fields except “Release” and “Received”. Let's edit the Document Form and place the fields “Sent” and “Received” at the bottom.

Let's create a printed form of the document. We will not include the “Price” and “Amount” fields in the printed form, because When moving, we are only interested in quantity.

In debugging mode, we will create several documents (see Fig. 4.22).

Fig.4.22. Document "Movement of materials"

6. Creation of accumulation registers

At the moment, our application is simply a data entry tool. It lacks business logic for recording and analyzing information. To implement the accounting system, we will create an Accumulation Register object.

Balance registers

Let's create a new configuration object Accumulation Register: name - Remaining Materials; register type - Balances. On the “Data” tab, we will create a register structure - register dimensions Material and Warehouse, and resource - Quantity:

· "Quantity". Data type - Number, length 15, precision 3, non-negative (see Fig. 5.1).

Fig.5.1. Creation of the Accumulation Register “Remaining Materials”

We implement the reflection of the document “Invoice” in the “Remaining Materials” register. Document “Receipt invoice” > Tab “Movements” > Accumulation registers. Set the Remaining Materials flag (see Fig. 5.2).

Fig.5.2. Movements of the document “Receipt note”

Call the Register Movement Constructor. Register movement type - Incoming. In the “Tabular part” field, select the tabular part of our document - “List of Nomenclature”. The list of document details will be automatically filled in with the details of our tabular section. Click the “Fill in expressions” button. In the lower window, a correspondence between fields and expressions will be formed (see Fig. 5.3).

Fig.5.3. Register Movement Constructor

The register movement designer generated code in the built-in language. As a result of executing this code, entries will be made in the “Remaining Materials” register based on the data stored in the “Receipt Invoice” document (see Fig. 5.4).

Fig.5.4. Procedure "Processing"

By analogy with the document “Invoice”, we reflect the document “Invoice” in the “Remaining Materials” register. Register movement type - Expense. Using the Register Movement Designer, we will generate code for processing the posting of the “Invoice Invoice” document.

Similarly, we implement the reflection in the “Remaining Materials” register of the documents “Movement of Materials” (register movement type “Output” for the sending warehouse and “Receipt” for the receiving warehouse) and “Transfer of finished products to the warehouse” (register movement type - Receipt). Using the Register Movement Designer, we will generate code for processing document posting.

Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode. Open Receipt Note No. 1 and click “OK”. When posting an invoice, corresponding entries appear in the accumulation registers. In the same way, we will re-process the remaining incoming invoices, all consumable invoices, the movement of materials and the transfer of finished products to the warehouse.

As a result, all data on the receipt of materials to the warehouse and release from the warehouse are reflected in the accumulation register “Remaining Materials” - receipt with a “+” sign, expense with a “-” sign (see Fig. 5.5).

Fig.5.5. List of “Remaining materials”

To organize the total accounting of materials, we will create a register “Cost of Materials”.

This register will have only one dimension - “Material” with the type DirectoryLink.Nomenclature and one resource - “Cost” with a length of 15 and precision of 2, non-negative.

We implement the reflection of the document “Invoice” in the “Cost of Materials” register. Document “Receipt invoice” > Tab “Movements” > Accumulation registers. Set the Cost of Materials flag. Let's launch the Motion Builder. By clicking the button, we will add another register “Cost of Materials” to the list of registers. Register movement type - Incoming. Let’s select for it the same tabular part “List of Nomenclature” and fill in the expressions. For the “Cost” resource, select the values ​​of the attribute of the “Amount” tabular section.

The designer created two cycles of traversing the tabular part of the document - separately, for each register (“Remaining Materials” and “Cost of Materials”). In our case, there is only one table part, so we can combine these two cycles into one. We will perform similar actions for the document “Invoice”. The difference is the type of register movement - Expense. Similarly, we implement the reflection in the “Cost of Materials” register of the documents “Movement of Materials” and “Transfer of Finished Products to the Warehouse”. Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode and review all the documents.

Fig.5.6. List "Cost of materials"

Revolution registers

Let's create a new configuration object for the accumulation register. Let's call it “Product Sales” and define the type of register - “Turnover”.

On the “Data” tab we will create register dimensions:

The register will have two resources:

· “Quantity”, type Number, length 15, precision 3, non-negative;

· “Cost”, type Number, length 15, precision 2, non-negative.

We implement the reflection of the document “Invoice” in the “Product Sales” register. Document “Invoice” > Tab “Movements” > Accumulation registers. Let's set the Product Sales flag.

Let's launch the Motion Builder. By clicking the button, we will add the “Product Sales” register to the list. The turnover register does not have the “Movement Type” property, because reflecting the type of movement (income or expense) makes sense only when taking into account balances. Let’s select the “List of Nomenclature” tabular part for it and fill in the expressions. For the “Cost” resource, select the values ​​of the attribute of the “Amount” tabular section.

Let’s launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode and re-run all the “Invoice” documents. All movements on the “Invoice” document are reflected in the “Product Sales” List (see Fig. 5.7).

Fig.5.7. List of “Product Sales”

Similarly, we will create a turnover register “Sales of Services” with the dimensions “Item” and “Buyer”. The register will have two resources “Quantity” and “Cost”.

We implement the reflection of the document “Rendering of Services” in the “Sales of Services” register. Document “Provision of services” > Tab “Movements” > Accumulation registers. Let's set the flag for Sales of Services.

Let’s launch the Movement Designer and add the “Sales of Services” register to the list. Let’s select the “List of Nomenclature” tabular part for it and fill in the expressions. For the “Cost” resource, select the values ​​of the attribute of the “Amount” tabular section.

Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode and re-run all the “Service Provision” documents (see Fig. 5.8).

Fig.5.8. Sales list

7. Generating reports

In order for the application to be used for information analysis, the data must be presented in a form convenient for analysis. In 1C:Enterprise, you can use reports for this.

Report "Materials"

Let's create a new configuration object Report and call it “Materials”. Let's go to the "Layouts" tab and use the Output Form Builder. In the “Database” list, open the Accumulation Registers group, select the virtual table “Material Balances. Balances and Turnovers” and move it to the Tables field.

Let's select the table fields in the order we need by double-clicking the mouse: “Warehouse”, “Item”, “Initial Balance Quantity”, “Receipt Quantity”, “Expense Quantity” and “Final Balance Quantity”. When selecting the reference fields “Warehouse” and “Item”, the system offers to include the Representation of the reference field in the list of selected fields, because it is this that will be used for output to the document (Fig. 6.1).

Fig.6.1. Formation of the structure of the “Materials” report

Let's go to the "Results" tab. Let’s move it to the grouping field “Nomenclature” and “Warehouse”. For “Nomenclature” we will set the total type to Elements and Hierarchy. Move the necessary fields to the summed field and set the flag - General Totals (Fig. 6.2).

Fig.6.2. Generating grouping and summary report fields

Click the “OK” button. The output form designer automatically generated a form for setting up the report, as well as the code in the built-in language necessary for the operation of these forms. Let's launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode. Open the “Materials” report and click “Generate”. The resulting report contains amounts for the receipt/expense of materials, as well as balances at the beginning and end of the period. The report also displays totals by dimensions and totals by hierarchical catalog groups.

When you click the “Settings” button, a configuration form opens in which you can delete unnecessary fields, move grouping fields from the row area to the column area, and sort in ascending or descending order (Fig. 6.3).

Fig.6.3. Setting up the report

Let's check the selection process. Right mouse button > Add > Nomenclature. Comparison type - in hierarchy. Meaning - Tara. Form. The resulting report presents data only on containers (Fig. 6.4).

Fig.6.4. Report "Materials"

Report “Analysis of Product Sales”

Let's create a new report. Name - Product Sales Analysis. Using this report, we will receive data on the sale of finished products from the accumulation register “Product Sales” and view them in a table and in the form of a graph.

Let's create a report using Report Builder.

Let's go to the "Props" tab and add a new prop. Name - Builder. Data type - Report Builder.

Let's go to the "Forms" tab and create a new form using the Report Form Builder (button with a magnifying glass symbol).

Let's insert into the form the Field of the spreadsheet document in which our report will be generated: Main menu of the Configurator > Form > Insert control > Field of the spreadsheet document.

Let's go to the "Module" tab, write the code Builder.Text = and call the Query Builder (Configurator main menu > Text > Query Builder).

Let’s select the virtual table of the Accumulation Register “Product Sales.Turnover” and move it to the Tables field. In the Fields field we will move Counterparty, CounterpartyPresentation, Nomenclature, Nomenclature.Presentation and CostTurnover (Fig. 6.5).

Fig.6.5. Formation of the report structure

Let's go to the "Results" tab. Let’s move “Counterparty” and “Item” to the grouping field. Move “CostTurnover” to the summed field. General results - set the flag. Click "OK".

The request constructor generated the request text. We put a semicolon at the end. In order for Report Builder to use the results of this query, it must be configured. To do this, write a line of code: Builder.FillSettings(). Let's add one more line of code to create a report layout.

Let’s add code to the “ButtonGeneratePress(Button)” procedure (Fig. 6.6).

Fig.6.6. Module of the report form “Analysis of Product Sales”

Go to the “Dialogue” tab. We will provide the selection conditions in the report. Insert a table field into the top part of the form. Data - Builder, Selection.

We will provide the ability to group data by rows and columns. To do this, insert two Table fields into the upper part of the form (Data - Builder, Row Dimensions and Builder, Column Dimensions, respectively).

To present the data graphically, add a chart to the report. Configurator main menu > Form > Insert control > Chart. The chart type is initially set to 3D histogram (Properties Palette > Chart Type).

To make it possible to select another type of chart, place a selection field above it with the name “SelectionField1” and the caption “Chart Type:” (Form > Insert Control > Selection Field).

Open the properties of the Report Form and find the “On opening” event. Click on the button with a magnifying glass and add setting the value of the selection field and the chart type to the event handler template that opens. Let’s create an event handler for the selection field “On change” and set the chart type in it (Fig. 6.7):

Fig.6.7. Event handler "On Opening"

Let’s launch 1C:Enterprise in debugging mode, open the “Analysis of Product Sales” report and, by clicking the “Generate” button, we will get our report (Fig. 6.8).

Fig.6.8. Report “Analysis of Product Sales”

Let's check the selection process. Right mouse button > Add > Nomenclature. Meaning - brick. Let's change the data grouping - remove the item from the rows area and add it to the columns area. Let's change the chart type to "Pie 3D". Click the “Generate” button. The report and diagram contain selected data on the sale of bricks (Fig. 6.9).

Fig.6.9. Generating a report taking into account selection conditions

When you hover the cursor over a sector of the diagram, a hint about the counterparty, item and cost appears.

Report “Sales analysis by periods”

Let's create a new report. Name - Sales Analysis by Period. It is similar to the previous report. The difference is that we will view data on sales of finished products in a pivot table.

On the “Attributes” tab, add the “Builder” attribute (data type - Report Builder). On the “Forms” tab, using the Report Form Designer, we will create a new form into which we will insert a Spreadsheet Document Field. With the cursor in the Spreadsheet Document Field, perform the following actions: Configurator main menu > Table > Built-in tables > Insert pivot table.

The report will be generated immediately upon opening. Therefore, we will delete the “Generate” button and the “GeneratePress Button” procedure (the “Module” tab). In the Properties Palette, click on the button View Field When Opening. The “On Opening” procedure is automatically created.

Let's go to the "Module" tab. In the “On Opening” procedure, instead of a comment, we will write the code Builder.Text = and call the Query Constructor.

Let’s select the “Product Sales.Turnover” table, place the cursor on it and press the button to call up a dialog for entering parameters of the virtual table. For the Frequency field, select the value “Month”. In the Fields field we will move Period, Counterparty and its Representation, Item and its Representation, CostTurnover.

Let's go to the "Results" tab. In the grouping field we will place “Counterparty”, “Item” and “Period”. Move “CostTurnover” to the summed field. General results - set the flag. Click "OK". The request constructor generated the request text. We put a semicolon at the end.

To configure the Builder, we will write a line of code: Builder.FillSettings(). Below we will write the code, as a result of which the PivotTable will use the Report Builder as a Data Source (Fig. 6.10).

Fig.6.10. Procedure for “Opening” the report “Analysis of Sales by Period”

Let’s launch 1C:Enterprise in debug mode and open the “Sales analysis by period” report. In the “Pivot Table Fields” window, we determine where to place the fields (in rows, columns, data) or remove them. The type of our report will depend on this choice. Let’s place the “Item.Name” field in the columns, the “Period” and “Counterparty.Name” fields in the rows, and “CostTurnover” in the data. As a result, we get a report (Fig. 6.11):

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