
How to get rid of an incubus - a clear example from Alexander Sheps. Incubus - signs of an incubus and how to get rid of an incubus yourself? Free yourself from the incubus forever

An incubus is a demon that comes to women to seduce. It can take any form and bring incredible pleasure. Learn how to identify, summon, or protect yourself from evil spirits.

In the article:

Who is Incubus

This demon appears to women in the image of an ideal man in their understanding and seduces, feeding on their life force. According to legend, the suffering of the women he abandoned also fills him. The same applies to women and comes to men. The ruler of both is considered to be Adam's first wife, who was distinguished by her free disposition.

The external signs of an incubus are a controversial issue. He takes the form of a man, whose image is embedded in the subconscious of every woman. Any lady has an idea about the appearance, character, voice, smell of an ideal young man. She may not consciously imagine it, but the information is completely available to the demon. He is able to take on any appearance that appears in the victim’s fantasies, but sometimes remains invisible, only tangible.

In the Middle Ages, the idea of ​​an incubus was different. Then it was believed that a woman was a sinful creature, more susceptible to the influence of evil spirits than a man. The records of the inquisitors have been preserved that demons could take the form of snakes or goats when coming to victims. The repulsive appearance was not an obstacle to physical connection, rather the opposite.

The process of seduction and intimacy occurs in accordance with the desires of the victim of the demonic entity. He knows what to do so that the woman does not resist. Incubi try to instill dependence on visits. According to the girls, the pleasure of communicating with them cannot be compared with the love of an earthly man.

Against their will, the victims of the incubi want a repeat of what happened. There is a dependence on a carnal connection with a demon. Without realizing it, the girl is looking for a date with him. He responds to these thoughts and visits her. The visits of the night guest can be frequent; there are stories that they were repeated every evening.

Unnoticed by a woman, her morality changes. Her views can become opposing to such an extent that in the Middle Ages she was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. But the incubus needs the pure energy of love and the life force of a lady - without a source of food, he is not able to live long. The girls visited quickly lose strength, weight and good mood. Weakness and illness become their constant companions. A person deprived of energy will not do what he was born to do.

You can get pregnant from sexual contact with an incubus. Initially, the child will have paranormal abilities that are inherited from the father. The appearance will be human, which is inherent in the mother. According to the theory, this demon is no different from a succubus, but children still appear. Genetic material is taken from the seduced man, transmitted to the woman - the next victim. The motives for fertilization in this way are unknown.

Incubus and succubus - signs of people who attract attention

Demons of seduction come either to ascetics or to fornicators. Back in the Middle Ages, they noticed that they were attracted to extremes.

In people already mired in vice, they found allies. They can be made into an assistant who will be capable of doing things that are inaccessible to a demon. It is easier for a corrupt person to be pushed into the abyss of sin; he is more susceptible to influence.

The incubus is interested in something else in decent and ascetic girls. He even comes to nuns. The most interesting victim seems to be the righteous woman, who strenuously resists the forces of hell. If he manages to seduce, he will be able to completely change her moral principles and worldview, and then there will be one less pure soul. This is the goal of demons - to denigrate the people created by God, to win them over to their side.

Asceticism is not limited to nuns. People who practice abstinence include widows and girls who remain celibate until marriage. They, too, attract demons who feed on their energy, like all pious women who maintain decency and limit their sexual desires.

Incubus - signs of the presence of a demon

He appears at a time when the girl is half asleep - not asleep, but not awake either. It may come at night, early in the morning, before dawn, if you are used to waking up early.

During the Inquisition, epilepsy, seizures, convulsions and frequent loss of consciousness were considered a sign of an incubus or succubus in a person’s life. Nowadays, with such symptoms they go to the doctor, rather than visit an exorcist.

Another sign is that the girl may stop eating and drinking. She will only be occupied with fantasizing about her demonic lover. The abandoned victim languishes from unhappy love.

When the demon appears in the room, everyone except the victim falls deep into sleep. This allows you to distinguish him from a real person. Not everyone will think about incubi; most will decide that they spent the night with a friend or acquaintance and will expect the relationship to develop. This will happen if the demon needs your energy and soul. Only the most powerful and skillful ways to take on the appearance of people familiar to the victim, for example, a husband who is away.

Despite the reality of the sensations, the next morning the girl cannot understand whether everything really happened or whether she had an erotic dream. The latter in the past were also considered the machinations of demons of fornication. Despite the pleasure received, the victims of evil spirits become depressed.

Incubi - eyewitness accounts

The oldest are the records of inquisitors and clergy. To reach a representative of the clergy and seduce him, causing addiction and changes in worldview, is a great achievement for the forces of evil. That's why they often visit nuns. The Vatican keeps documented evidence of the comings of demons of seduction. After much deliberation, the clergy decided that communication with such entities was even more sinful than ordinary fornication.

The testimony of those interrogated has been preserved the Inquisition. They claimed that succubi and incubi existed and could be summoned. Many works talk about ways to protect against this creature. Sometimes witches sent evil spirits to their rivals in love, so that she would be accused of having a relationship with the devil and burned at the stake. However, they rarely did this - the victims were a source of valuable information, and the inquisitors also studied children born after a union with a demon.

If we consider the Witches Hammer as a source, then uninvited guests themselves come to the Sabbaths:

In the distant past, incubi often desecrated women against their will, but now witches... voluntarily accept these disgusting harassments.

There are stories of eyewitnesses, meetings with whom took place already in our time. Some of them are frightened by such visits, but some victims of evil spirits want repeat meetings with its representative. To some they appear in a dream, to others half asleep. Almost no one managed to see the visitor's appearance. Most of his victims practiced magic, astral travel, and also suffered from depression after breaking up with their lover. Sometimes church methods of protection do not help, and visits from evil spirits continue for years.

How to call an incubus at home

Painting by Boris Valeggio

The success of the call depends on how interesting your soul is to the dark forces. A righteous person is unlikely to perform such a ritual. Debauchery will be appreciated, but remember that after its appearance you will become a toy in the hands of darkness. You may be endowed with magical powers to complete a task, and this, coupled with a physical connection with the ideal man, makes his appeal attractive.

Only a lonely woman who has not had sexual intercourse with a man for a long time can summon a demon. He will be interested in the owner of a strong libido and a large supply of vitality.

To summon an incubus, contact the one who rules these creatures. Before going to bed, imagine an image. Lie down in bed, close your eyes and say the text you memorized in advance:

O great Asmodeus, prince of all succubi and incubi! I urge you to send me an incubus to make my most passionate desires come true.

Contact the demon himself, if he is nearby, he is unlikely to miss the victim, who himself wants to become one:

I, (name), call upon you, incubus.

You need to say the words three times. Afterwards, lie down with your eyes closed, but do not fall asleep. The summoned entity will appear when you find yourself between dream and reality.

Protection from Incubus

At different times, clergymen considered the only way to save themselves from the demon of passion and temptation, as well as crosses inscribed on windows and doors. However, this doesn't always work. Only sincere faith in God, willpower and the ability to resist the temptations of demons can save.

Medieval inquisitors never recognized a woman as a victim. Judging by the records, the fair sex was always to blame for the fact that the unclean came to them. The Inquisition recognized the only way to cleanse a sinful soul by going to a monastery to atone for sins. The lady who was visited by the incubus was rarely left alone. Inquisitors were interested in studying demons, and victims were a good source of information.

Current page: 8 (book has 27 pages total) [available reading passage: 18 pages]


Possession is not an old legend, it is a reality of our day. I have repeatedly had to deal with real demon possession. The behavior of the possessed can change dramatically. Outwardly ordinary people who are having a normal conversation, reasoning soberly, when they come into contact with a consecrated object or in the presence of a person leading a correct lifestyle, suddenly begin to grimace, stick out their hands with curled fingers, use obscene language, and utter terrible screams of laughter. As soon as the consecrated object moves away from them, they become normal people.

I had a case with one young man who, upon opening the Bible, began to laugh uncontrollably loudly and disgustingly. As soon as the Bible was closed, the laughter stopped.

Possession is cured by fasting and prayer, read for the demoniac by a person leading a righteous lifestyle. There is a lot of evidence about demon possession in the Bible and the Holy Scriptures.

“Possessed, possessed (Matthew, IV:24; Mark, 1:23; Luke, VI:35; John, X:20, 21, etc.) – this is the name given to people possessed by evil spirits.” In the Holy Scriptures, evil spirits are depicted as entering and leaving people. Those who do not recognize the existence of evil spirits in the proper sense and think that the latter should mean the sick - lunatics, epileptics, madmen and others - and that the Lord, speaking about demons, adapted only to Jewish concepts, think extremely mistakenly. In the Holy Scriptures, the possessed are directly and clearly distinguished from people possessed by serious physical and mental illnesses; they are credited with actions that are not characteristic of ordinary patients, for example, they know that Christ is the Son of God, Jesus Christ speaks to them, and they answer Him. He commands the demons to be silent or to leave the person, and they obey; upon leaving the people, the demons seek peace and, not finding it, return to their former home, accepting other evil spirits into their community; upon leaving the Gadarene demoniacs, the demons go out into the swine herd, and the whole herd perishes at sea. And the Lord Jesus Christ himself and His apostles accepted those possessed by demons as truly possessed by evil spirits, and nowhere do they give the slightest reason to think that these were only imaginary demoniacs and that their actions did not occur from the influence of evil spirits, but from physical or mental illnesses, like , for example, from a disorder of mental strength, imagination, reason, and the like.

Many of the most famous luminaries of medicine claim that cases of demonic possession or possession by evil spirits often occur in the present age of industrialization, when the genetically established connection with nature is lost.

Nowadays, we often meet with possessed people, and often these are regular patients of psychiatric clinics.


Signs by which one can determine that possession is sent as a result of witchcraft:

1. The possessed person asks for the worst food.

2. He cannot keep down what he eats, is exhausted by constant vomiting and is unable to digest food.

3. Some experience a sharp pain in the stomach, as if something like a ball had descended into the stomach from the esophagus, they try to push it out; but it returns to its original place.

4. Some feel a constant aching pain in the lower abdomen, others feel either frequent pulsation in the veins of the neck, or pain in the kidneys. Some people feel a constant pain in their head or brain that is completely unbearable and leaves them feeling depressed and overwhelmed.

5. The bewitched person’s heart hurts, it seems to him that he is being torn apart by dogs or eaten by snakes, or pricked with nails and needles, or squeezed and squeezed.

6. Sometimes all parts of their head become swollen, and their whole body feels so tired that they can hardly move.

7. Some experience frequent and unexpected pains that they cannot describe, but only scream out loud.

8. In others, the body weakens and becomes like a shadow due to extreme exhaustion, loss of vigor and extreme weakness.

9. Sometimes their limbs feel as if they were being whipped, twisted, tied or tied, especially the heart and bones.

10. Some people constantly feel something like a cold wind or a burning flame running through their stomach, causing violent contractions in their insides and sudden and excessive swelling of the stomach.

11. Many bewitched people are subject to a melancholic mood. Some of them are so weakened that they do not want to speak or communicate with people.

12. Those who have been damaged by witchcraft may have constricted pupils, and their entire body, especially their face, is almost entirely yellow or ashen in color.

13. If the bewitched person is already sick, he experiences a significant deterioration in his condition, attacks of fear and horror, the boys immediately become despondent, their eyes darken, and other noticeable changes occur in them, in connection with which an experienced exorcist should tell relatives about signs of this kind the patient and everyone present, in order to avoid misunderstandings.

14. It is especially important that an experienced doctor is not sure of the nature of the disease and cannot formulate his opinion about the disease, while the medications prescribed to the patient not only do not improve, but worsen his condition.

15. Sometimes a conclusion about bewitchment can be made based on previous circumstances (in the case of using witchcraft to cause hatred, love, infertility, storms, ligatures or harm to animals).

Incubi and succubi

Essentially, an incubus is a lecherous demon who seeks sexual relations with a woman. The corresponding devil who seeks sexual relations with a man is called a succubus.

An incubus can take on both female and male forms. Very often they cause sexual dreams and sexual desires in people who do not have partners, inclining them to masturbation and masturbation. Very often they persuade a man or woman to invent an image of their partner and then appear in this image. It is also common to see an incubus or succubus around small children, and at an early age they incline them to masturbate. Due to the fact that the incubus was a very specific creature, sexual intercourse with it was considered sodomy or bestiality.

I want to reassure you, no one is born from incubi.

According to eyewitnesses, incubi prefer night to day. Before the person chosen by the demon has time to close his eyes, his thoughts begin to revolve around a sexual topic. Next, the creation of the desired image and subsequent orgasm begins. And so desire after desire can go on until the unfortunate victim is completely exhausted. The next morning such a person looks sick and completely broken.

It is easier to expel an incubus or succubus from a child than from an adult.

If you notice that your child’s behavior before bed has become unusual or you find him in bed with his head wet from sweat, be wary: is your child engaged in masturbation? If this is detected, measures must be taken to expel the incubus or succubus.

Treatment of masturbation as a disease without exorcism does not bring results. Therefore, many experts justify these activities, insisting that this is not a disease and will not lead to anything bad.

Children do not understand the ban on such a pastime, but only become more sophisticated in their activities and hide their inclinations from your eyes.

Measures to expel incubus and succubus

The room where the child sleeps must be constantly ventilated. The room is fumigated with incense or any herb that drives out demons. There should be wormwood at the head and at the feet, under the mattress. Under the sheet on which the child sleeps, a diaper is placed, which is heavily moistened with holy water, dried, but not ironed. This diaper should be under the sheet from approximately head to waist. Blessed objects are not lowered below the waist. It is advisable to hang an icon of the Mother of God at the child’s head, and do not forget about the pectoral cross.

The child must stay close to adults for three months until he falls asleep. Your strength, your love, your guardian angel will not allow the devil to approach the child. Then, turning to the east, cross yourself with the words: “Lord, bless,” cross the room to the four cardinal directions with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Lord, protect the servant of God (name) from the devil’s obsession, devilish adventures and all sorts of devilish unclean intentions. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Turning your face again to the east, read the “Our Father” prayer three times, cross yourself three times, read Psalms 47 and 90 once each. Approach the sleeping child, cross him with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit...” Such a ritual you must do it seven times at an interval of three days. If this is not enough, they will have to seek help from a healer.

A child, next to whom there is an incubus, can hang an amulet of incense on his neck, which will not allow the devil to approach him.

Before going to bed, give your child a sip of holy water, to which add a few grains of salt blessed for Easter.

The means of healing from the obsession of incubi and succubi in adults, entailing a love frenzy, include exorcisms with sacred words, which the bewitched person can pronounce over himself. You need to call on the holy angel assigned to you by God every day, you need to visit holy places and especially places of worship of the blessed Mother of God, do not forget about fasting and prayer, as well as confession and holy communion.

Don't call the incubus

In your life, many of you have come across stories about someone you know being harassed by a brownie or being harassed by a ghost. They even describe feelings of complete intimacy with them, followed by a strong breakdown. Women or men quickly lose weight, blue circles appear under their eyes, and they have disgusting shallow sleep. After some time, they become extremely irritable and retire to masturbation or erotic dreams.

In my practice, there were many cases when I had to help a patient get rid of an incubus, but no one told me about a connection with a succubus. Apparently, this demon plays on the loneliness of his chosen ones and, inflaming them with a desire for intimacy, takes possession of them. It is easier for men to endure loneliness, and they do not experience a lack of female attention. All cases of incubi cohabitation are different both in visible parameters and in manifestations of love. These are tall black giants, and alien-like dwarfs, and shaggy brownies, and condensed steam.

In 1992–1993, one attractive, middle-aged woman approached me; she had been living alone for many years, and, like any woman, she really wanted to have a man next to her, to feel his warmth and attention towards her. In general, the loneliness bothered her so much that she invented this man for herself, endowing him with the qualities that she wanted to see in him, character and so on. She lived like this for quite a long time, and began to feel good and even fresher. She was in a hurry to get home as if a real lover was waiting for her there.

Some more time passed, and she began to feel someone’s light touch on her, which embarrassed her, then a whole series of touches to her private parts followed, which she continued to encourage. The moment of her first contact with the incubus was erased from her memory, but she definitely remembered that he was invisible.

And then one day, closer to midnight, when sleep did not come, she felt a light breeze, as if from a draft, turned to the window and saw a figure, as if from a thick white fog, moving towards her. From horror, she could neither move nor scream, since her voice had completely disappeared, and she remained in such a stupor the entire time the incubus was in the house. (By the way, almost everyone who saw the incubus with their own eyes experienced numbness.) This fog had the clear outlines of a man, and the woman noted the presence of his manhood, but, as she noticed, it was very small in size, like that of a child. The demon, approaching, took possession of the numb woman. After that, he seemed to run off her, crawled across the floor and crawled out the window.

Having come to her senses, overcoming disgust and horror, she began to read prayers, but a feeling of fear did not allow her to fall asleep. After this story, she was afraid to fall asleep, and she was tormented by the fear that all this could happen again. A few weeks later she began to experience attacks of headaches and nervous exhaustion. I started going to church and felt a slight improvement, but peace did not come. The incubus appeared several more times and each time criminally harassed her. Unable to bear this whole nightmare, the woman shared with a relative that she was being haunted by a certain spirit, and she advised her to turn to healers.

When I first saw her, she was an exhausted, gray-complexioned woman, her clothes showed how much weight she had lost, but even so, she was attractive and tastefully dressed. When she told about what happened to her, I was surprised how such an interesting woman could not meet a man; she was forced to invent her lover. In the process of our communication with her, I understood a lot.

From childhood, she was accustomed to such concepts as decency in marriage and the fact that someone else’s husband is a terrible sin. She was often offered meetings by men, but they were all married, and so her fantasy played such a joke on her. At first I was not sure that a demon was visiting her, I decided that this was her desire to have a lover materialized. It is known that with a strong desire and energy constantly invested in this desire, you can materialize what you want. But later everything turned out to be much more complicated.

The demon began to manifest itself more and more aggressively, noises began to appear in the house, and life became unbearable, and it was decided to clean the apartment and then consecrate it. Cleaning the apartment immediately gave the first positive results: the foggy manifestation of the demon no longer appeared, but noise effects still took place, but they were outside the consecrated room, but as if from the street. After the window was drawn with chalk from the street side and the glass was washed with holy water, the noises began to recede and subside, and finally they stopped completely. For twelve days the woman went to church, confessed and took communion. Every day I walked around the apartment with a lit candle, first counterclockwise, then with the Lord’s Prayer clockwise. Every evening, at the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, I read the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice,” Psalm 47 and Psalm 90 twelve times. Before going to bed, I drank three sips of holy water for twelve days and observed fasting all this time. After twelve days I began to feel like a normal, healthy person, I had an appetite and a good mood. But the fear that this might happen again someday still remained. I advised that every day before going to bed after reading the evening prayers, read the prayer “Virgin Mary, Rejoice” three times, the prayer to the Guardian Angel, and cross the four cardinal directions before going to bed. The demon no longer haunts this woman.

Beware of incubi and succubi

You no longer need to be told about the danger that will threaten you if the demon takes possession of you, you already understand this yourself. And I’ll tell you how to protect yourself from the intrigues and temptations of this very cunning and insidious demon.

Resisting these demons is very difficult; it requires willpower and the ability to switch your thoughts to other topics without returning to the sexual topic. It is very difficult. Anyone who has experienced this knows how strong desires are and how difficult it is to switch oneself to another topic. Often those possessed cannot cope with this problem on their own.

Methods of confronting the demon have always existed and still exist today.

During the entire period of exorcism of the demon, it is strictly forbidden to eat meat and drink alcoholic beverages. Every day, from 11 pm to 2 am, your lamp should be burning, consecrating the holy image of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Before going to bed, the room in which you will sleep should be ventilated.

After the room has been ventilated, your room is fumigated with incense. Place the image of the Most Holy Theotokos on the eastern side; a pure wax candle is lit in front of the icon.

Cross yourself to the east with the words: “Lord, bless.” Having crossed the candle with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” read the prayer “Our Father.” Cross yourself again and begin to read the prayers in the following order:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel,

Prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon,

Prayer to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk,

Psalm 34,

Psalm 90,

Prayer "May God rise again."

Be careful, as the prayers are read in this order.

You must do everything described above within three days. Then you must definitely order a health service in the church, and also be sure to take confession and communion.

The next stage begins on the first day of the new moon.

As in previous days, you light a lamp and a pure wax candle near the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Now you must be extremely careful.

Another pure wax candle is lit with the words: “Lord, bless.”

An ordinary miracle

We will talk about those amazing miracles and witchcraft that one has to face.

I would like to introduce you all to the world of magical actions that can be directed against you. You must know what you are up against and how you can counter it. But the world is always beautiful and kind to us.

Everything that surrounds us, everything that we constantly encounter, is the most ordinary miracle. Only we don’t see all the wonderful things happening around us! And the world is so beautiful and so unusual. And look around you, how much miracle nature conceals within itself! How unique are her fruits, how unique are her manifestations and how necessary is her maternal care for us.

Manifestations of love for everything that surrounds us, a feeling of love for nature, as a manifestation of Divine mercy and love for us, is the highest feeling of supreme love for everything that inhabits our world.

Every blade of grass, every leaf, every breath of the breeze - everything is fraught with extraordinary powers and qualities, and everything can be the subject of a struggle between good and evil.

Miracles in the clearing

Whenever we find ourselves in a clearing, where nature, without skimping on paints, smells and colors, bestows us with its bounties, there will always be someone who will turn this whole miracle into either good or evil. A healer is looking for a miraculous herb that gives health to the weakened, a lover is looking for the most beautiful flower, a child is studying the beauty and aroma, admiring the uniqueness and beauty of the plant he has picked, and a witch or sorcerer is looking for herbs that will be used to make a witch’s potion. And they all turn to the same Divine source.

I would like to dwell a little on wildflowers, on this miracle of nature, on the priceless gift given to us by the Divine manifestation, which we call nature.

Wreath for good luck

Remember, as soon as lovers or children enter a clearing, they definitely want to weave a wreath of wildflowers. With love and tenderness we weave flower after flower, the blade of grass we like, how much tenderness and indescribable joy we receive looking at our product! Joy, love, happiness and everything that we experienced when weaving this wreath is embedded in each flower, everything now carries this tender love and joy, and this good charge will be stored in an amazing gift of nature for a very long time. Remember how, as children, we loved to put these wreaths on our heads and give them to those we liked or loved. How we loved to weave such a wreath for our mothers or loved ones. And I really wanted to keep it as a souvenir for a long time. And as soon as we touch it with our hands, a unique feeling will excite our hearts.

If our child or loved one gave us such a wreath, try not to throw it away when it dries, but to save it. This will provide you with good natural protection from the evil eye, a great mood from the wonderful memories of good days and will again give you a feeling of joy and love, since the charge of goodness will remain in a tight plexus for a long time.

If you feel uneasy and uncomfortable, take out the wreath and hold it in your hands for a while; you can, running your fingers over the wreath, sort through all the flowers of the wreath, but be sure to go clockwise. If you have a headache or your blood pressure has changed, this is where the wreath will come to your aid.

Love nature and it will definitely protect you.


A demonic lover is a supernatural being that has sexual relations with humans. A demonic lover can be of two types: an incubus (incubus) - from the Latin word, which means “to lie on top”, that is, to lie on a woman - a demon of sexual relations in the form of a beautiful young man, and a succubus (succubus) - from the Latin word “eissibage”, which translated means “to lie below”, that is, to lie under a man - the Demon of sexual relations in the form of a beautiful girl.

The origin of incubi and succubi, as a rule, is traced back to fallen angels cast down by God to earth, or, traditionally for evil spirits, to the pawned dead.

The main harm done by a demonic lover, be it an incubus or succubus, is to drain the life force from the person with whom he has sexual relations.

According to many traditions, most representatives of evil spirits are capable of having sexual relations with people. For example, a goblin or a brownie can take girls as wives and have offspring from them, and enter into sexual relations with the wife of the owner of the house. The mermen are also distinguished by great love, who not only cohabit with girls who come to them against their will, but also lure them to themselves with beautiful ribbons and trinkets, and even sometimes go around the villages and woo them as wives.

For representatives of evil spirits, sexual relations with people is a kind of “side effect”, one of their possibilities. As for incubi and succubi, cohabitation is their main occupation.

The image of a demonic lover or mistress is found among all nations, almost without exception. Belief in incubi and succubi was especially widespread in Europe during the Middle Ages. But succubi and incubi have been known since ancient times. So, in Greek mythology we meet Lamia - an evil spirit in the form of a snake, with the head and beautiful breasts of a woman. Once upon a time she really was a woman, and moreover, the mistress of Zeus. But after the jealous Hera killed the children of Lamia, in order to save her own life, she was forced to hide from the angry goddess in a cave, where she turned into an evil spirit who kidnapped human children at night, and also acted as a succubus - she seduced young men, made love to them, sucking all the juices of life out of them.

But perhaps the most popular succubus in world culture can be called Lilith. Her name means "night" in Hebrew. According to Jewish demonology, Lilith is a female evil spirit, a succubus.

Her name goes back to three Sumerian demons - Lilu, Lyalit and Ardat Lili. Lilu was an incubus, and Lilitu was a succubus.

According to one legend, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, so she is often also called the “first Eve.” Like him, she was originally created from clay. But immediately after creation, a dispute arose between them: Lilith claimed that she was equal to Adam, but he proved the opposite. And then, without convincing her husband, Lilith flew away. But over the Red Sea she was overtaken by angels sent by God with the order to return to Adam and be in his submission. However, she refused. And then the angels took an oath from her that she would not enter the house in which she would see them or their names.

Another legend says that Lilith subsequently cohabited with Adam, even when he already had Eve. As a result of their union, various spirits and demons were born. According to the mystical book of Kabbalah “Zohar”, Lilith, after Adam abandoned her, became the wife of Samael, so she was also called the mother of demons.

Lilith's goal is to possess men against their will in order to bear children from them. Therefore, the Talmud recommends that men never spend the night alone at home. But, in addition, rumor attributed to Lilith the desire to harm women in labor, spoil children, steal them, replace them or suck their blood. Infertility was also attributed to her.

Demonic lovers took on various hypostas - from a person to a serpent, as, for example, in Lithuanian mythology, the incubus Aitvaras.

Note that the image of a demonic lover in the form of a snake is very characteristic of many Slavic traditions.

The snake demon, flying or crawling to a girl at night, is not visible to anyone except her, he is silent. But what is most interesting is that for the girl herself the incubus will appear not in the form of a snake, but in the form of a handsome and charming “young man”.

Among the Slavs, such a representative of evil spirits as red tape appeared in the form of an incubus. This was a devil who visited lonely women in the guise of a handsome guy or an absent husband. If a woman cannot or does not want to get rid of him, then over time he will dry her out and she will die.

Dead husbands or lovers also became demonic lovers, coming at night to their living girlfriends and mistresses in order to copulate with them. This desire to be together was explained by the fact that, as a rule, the deceased left this world in the prime of his life, without having had time to fully enjoy carnal pleasures. He usually did not die a natural death - he was killed, torn to pieces by wolves, and died under unclear circumstances. All this emphasized the fact that the deceased or deceased passed away without fulfilling their duty, that is, without leaving offspring.

Although, according to some beliefs, it was not the dead themselves, but the devil took their form, that is, the succubus or incubus himself, who, like most representatives of evil spirits, had the gift of werewolf. This explains the fact that sometimes they looked like fireballs or fiery serpents, sometimes winged.

A demonic lover in the form of a fiery creature, as a rule, scattered sparks over the house where he had planned his next victim. And he himself, according to Slavic beliefs, got into the house through a chimney, which is very typical for most representatives of evil spirits, such as the devil or the demon.

Just like all the other evil spirits, the succubus and incubus disappeared after a night of love with the first crow of the rooster and strictly forbade the girl or guy to tell anyone that they were there. This is especially true in those cases when the demonic lover gave various riches during the night of love.

In addition to the usual physical contact between a person and a succubus (incubus), a demonic lover could take possession of his victim in a dream, that is, simply by dreaming about him and having sex with him in his drowsy imagination. That is why it was recommended to tell someone more often about your dreams, especially those that repeat every night.

It was strictly forbidden to pronounce the names of demonic lovers or mention them at all, so as not to attract their attention. They believed that just pronouncing the name of a succubus or incubus was already considered by them as an indirect invitation to engage in sexual intercourse.

The same pretext-invitation could be any object found by a girl or guy on the road and picked up without a blessed prayer.

The Bulgarians believed that a meeting with a demonic lover was inevitable for those girls who washed themselves with water left open during a thunderstorm, as well as for those whom their mother, when they were little, put on the place where they cut bread and washed dishes, slops were poured out, and so on. Traditionally, it was believed that a person himself opened access to himself, violating the prohibitions that created the border between the world of people and the world of unclean spirits.

In addition to the fact that demonic lovers sucked the life force out of a person, they could also give birth to offspring. But, according to beliefs, the children of succubi and incubi were distinguished by ugliness, and often they were born half human, half beast.

According to beliefs, it was believed that demonic lovers could exist either on their own or be assistants or servants of sorcerers and witches.

Also, the duties of succubi and incubi often included tempting and seducing people of faith - nuns and monks, saints, church ministers, and so on.

In order to seduce a person, a succubus, and more often an incubus, offered various riches in exchange for carnal pleasures. Belief in this gave rise to a special image of a demonic lover, who appears to us not as scary and terrible as he is portrayed in the demonologies of the Middle Ages. So, for example, according to Carpathian beliefs, a person himself, of his own free will, can call himself a demonic lover who will help him with housework. To do this, it was necessary to take an egg laid by a rooster and carry it in the groin area for nine days, and then an enrichment demon called “Khovanets” will hatch from it. But you should be prepared for the fact that in exchange for services you will need to feed the demon and satisfy his sexual desires.

No matter how useful connections with succubi or incubi may sometimes seem, people were afraid of them, since the retribution for such “cooperation” was often unbearable. Therefore, many ways have been developed to protect a person from a demonic lover. But in most cases, help had to come from outside, since the victim of the sexual demon herself could not get rid of it.

Basically, for protection they used spells, prayers, consecration of the house, drawing crosses in the corners of the room, hanging or carrying amulets with them.

It was believed that it was very important to see a succubus or incubus in order to be able to sprinkle holy water on them and kill them. A simple technique was used for this. In a room where a demonic lover, who is usually invisible, often happens or is already present, it was necessary to tell a story about the imminent wedding of a brother and sister. It was believed that in this case the “guest” would certainly ask: “How can this be?” - and then he should answer: “Can it be that a dead person goes to a living person?”

Practical advice on protection from a demonic lover (incubus, succubus).

A conspiracy to prevent the succubus from coming.

A conspiracy to prevent the incubus from coming.

Conspiracy against a demonic lover.

Prayer protecting from evil spirits (option 1).

Amulet against succubi and incubi.

On any day during the waning moon, buy a medium-sized nail. Clean it so it shines.

Then hold it in your right hand and, turning your face to the east, preferably in front of the icon, say:

After this, drive a nail exactly into the middle of the threshold of your House, and now no one, neither a succubus, nor an incubus, nor similar Demonic creatures, will be able to harm you in your house. Not for you personally, not for those who live with you.

A talisman against the evil eye and damage from demonic creatures to family love.

Both spouses must take part in making the amulet. Three days before the ritual, refrain from drinking alcohol and sex. During this period, you also need to go together to the forest or square and find a small branch of oak and birch. Their length should not exceed the length of the palm.

At home, sand both branches to make them smooth. After this, fumigate the oak branch with wormwood, and the birch branch with chamomile.

“Lord, save and preserve Your servant (name).” Cross your name three times.

At this time, the man performs similar actions, holding his nose with an oak branch. He must write his name in ink mixed with saliva and red wine, and say: "Lord, save and preserve Your servant (name)". And also re-baptize your name three times.

At home, sand both branches to make them smooth. After this, fumigate an oak branch with wormwood, and a birch branch with chamomile.

Prepare in advance black ink, red and white thread, some red wine and milk.

At midnight of your wedding anniversary, enter the ritual circle and perform all the purification rites. Then pray for the successful implementation of the magical sacrament and begin the ritual.

A woman must write her name on a birch branch with ink mixed with saliva and milk, and then say: “Lord, save and preserve Your servant (name)”. Cross your name three times.

At this time, the man performs similar actions, but with an oak twig. He must write his name with ink mixed with saliva and red wine, and say: “Lord, save and preserve Your servant (name)” and also cross his name three times.

To make the inscriptions dry faster, blow on them, mentally repeating:

When the inscriptions are dry, the woman places the twigs next to each other so that the names match, and wraps them with white thread counterclockwise, saying:

After this, tie three knots and hand the tied twigs to the man, who must wrap them with red thread clockwise with the words:

Tie three knots.

After this, the man takes the amulet with his right hand, and the woman with her left, and together mentally repeat:

Keep the amulet in a secluded place where no one will see or touch it.

During long trips together, it is advisable to take it with you.

Who are Incubi? The word itself is not used often. Many have never even met him anywhere. This concept comes from the Middle Ages. Somehow it happened that over time the concept of “incubus” was replaced by a more general one - “demon”. This is not entirely true.

Demon Incubus

The stories retold by the girls by candlelight were sometimes terrifying. in those days was (and still is) long and confusing. But not every entity was capable of frightening young souls into the Demon Incubus - a completely different matter. It excited me, made my imagination draw all sorts of forbidden pictures, fascinated me, and so on. It was about who the Incubi were, about their true essence.

What is he like?

Much has been said about what an incubus looks like. Only for each victim it has its own characteristics. The demon takes on exactly the appearance that the girl cannot resist due to her nature. Every woman has her own “hero” in her subconscious, as science has found. Simply, some people prefer tall athletes, others prefer lean gentlemen of average height, and so on. Every woman has her own taste.

And not only external data is important. Behavior, voice, look, even smell - all this is embedded somewhere in that part of the brain that is not subject to analysis. But for a demonic entity, solving this riddle is a piece of cake. He comes to the victim in the most seductive form, exuding those vibes that she cannot resist. The main thing in it is the desire to seduce, to achieve physical intimacy. This happens in accordance with the ideas of the victim herself.

It must be said that medieval researchers sincerely believed that the incubus could have a most unpredictable appearance. In their understanding, a woman is a sinful creature. She could have intercourse not only with a creature in human form. Thus, there is information that the demon came to his victim in the form of a goat or a terrible snake. The repulsive appearance was not an obstacle to the terrible connection.

Who does the incubus come to?

The signs of a person who may be approached by a devilish entity are depravity or asceticism. This is what they thought in the Middle Ages. They were attracted to extremes. While they found devoted servants in people mired in vice, they were interested in something completely different in ascetics.

To understand who the Incubi are, we need to delve deeper into the nature of their diabolical mission. They tried to make the victim dependent on their sexual experience. They say that the pleasure of intimacy with them was “unearthly.” The victim, against his will, desired her again and again. Taking advantage of this, the incubi changed her attitude to life, affecting the very foundations of her worldview. The woman gradually lost morality. Her views changed to such an extent that the inquisitors undoubtedly considered her a witch. Therefore, the most interesting victims were the righteous who desperately resist Satan.

How did incubi act?

The devilish entities approached their victims on the sly, not explicitly. There is no evidence that they knocked on doors and made their wishes known. Most often they came to innocent girls when they were half asleep. There is a state of consciousness when a person is no longer asleep, but is not yet awake. It was at this moment that an incubus could appear and seduce the girl, who was relaxing in bed.

Since the action itself brought previously unknown happiness, she tried to repeat the “date”. In any case, I desperately dreamed about it. It is for this reason that the bedroom had to have attributes of faith - icons. This was a kind of protection from the incubus. Only often it didn’t work. The clergy believed that only a true believer could be safe. Although they themselves were not sinless.

Feminine essences

It was not incubi, but succubi who came to visit the adherents of the faith. It was the female version of the demonic entity. According to documents collected at the Vatican, more than one clergyman was seduced by them. For the Devil, who acted through a succubus, to subjugate a believer is a great merit, and a guide and servant of religion is an honor. Thus, the Inquisition collected a lot of materials indicating that the clergy closely “communicated” with demons. After much clarification and investigation, it was recognized that communication with these entities is even more sinful than ordinary treason.

Is it possible to summon an incubus

If we consider all the same testimony collected by the Inquisition, then this is quite realistic. Many works have been written by Catholic prelates on how to summon an incubus. Naturally, all of them were aimed not at communicating with demons, but at ways to protect against them.

They say that sorcerers were brought in to carry out the ritual leading to the Fall. Only they know how to summon an incubus. After the black mass, a messenger of Satan appeared to the victim to satisfy his base whims. Subsequently, it was possible to do without intermediaries. It depended on how interesting the sacrifice itself was to the Devil.

Interesting stories about how the incubus was directed towards the victim. This was done for mercantile purposes. For example, in order to get rid of a rival, a noble lady could conspire with a sorcerer. He sent the girl an incubus. This was followed by exposure and inquisition. The fate of the unfortunate victim in this case was unenviable. But the goal has been achieved.

Is this possible now?

If we approach these theories from a modern point of view, then we also cannot do without magicians. Here everything will depend on their qualifications and the depth of confidence in the victim’s success. There are few stories about intercourse with “goats”, “snakes” or other strange entities in our time. All of them do not inspire much confidence. Most likely, they were born from a not entirely sober imagination.

But it is quite possible to meet a seducer who will receive unearthly pleasure from the fact that a girl has fallen in love and is suffering. You don't need sorcerers for this. Sometimes it seems that so many incubi were produced in the Middle Ages that not a single woman is safe from meeting such a “prince.”

It turns out that in the modern world the question of who the incubi are takes on a different, more mundane (or grounded) meaning. Somehow legends turn into reality at too great a speed. The essence remains - the demon uses the sexual energy of the victim to plunge her into sin. And in the end it forces you to sell your soul.

Is it possible to protect yourself

Let's get back to history. The same demon researchers have written many works on how to get rid of an incubus. They conducted numerous surveys (with torture), the purpose of which was to find out what exactly was happening and how to deal with it.

Almost always, a relationship with an incubus was considered a fall from grace. No one recognized the woman as a victim. She failed to resist her base desires, which means she is guilty a priori. How can a poor victim get rid of an incubus? There was only one way - a monastery. Only by serving the Lord could forgiveness be achieved. The victim of a sinful relationship had to pray every minute so as not to be attacked again. In addition, she was constantly watched so as not to allow her to fall into sin again. It was believed that a woman was unable to overcome her passionate desire on her own. She needs outside help. It was impossible to call her kind. The strictest measures were applied to the “criminal”.

Victim or witch?

The unfortunate woman who decided to confess her connection with the incubus was subjected to very sophisticated interrogations. No one (at that time) wanted to consider her an unfortunate victim. The point was that "research" was carried out, mainly
scholastic in nature, on the activities of demonic entities.

Thus, the most interesting topic was considered the possibility of offspring. Some “researchers” claimed that a woman could become pregnant from a relationship with an incubus. Her offspring initially possessed (after conception) diabolical abilities. Then it turned out that the incubus cannot fertilize a woman, since there is “no life” in it. They began to believe that the devilish essence was heterosexual. That is, a succubus could take genetic material from and transfer it to a victim (a girl), turning into an incubus. This is a rather complex theory that has received an extraordinary reflection in the modern world. Just look at how sexual minorities are now treated! Draw your own conclusions.

Special rites

In order to cleanse the soul, church leaders proposed to carry out this. It was a rather complicated process. Only it was not applied to every woman who communicated with the devil. First of all, an investigation was carried out. It was necessary to determine whether the victim entered into a relationship with the incubus of his own free will. If she was found guilty, then the fire awaited her. If the verdict was that the woman was seduced, that is, the incubus captured her by cunning, then the demon was expelled.

The fact is that the contact did not take place without consequences for the unfortunate soul. It was believed that she received part of the seducer's powers from the criminal connection. He endowed her with witchcraft spells. The extent to which a soul is “infected” with the devil was determined by external signs. For example, those symptoms that would now tell any doctor that a woman had epilepsy were called signs of demonic influence.

If the victim had seizures, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, it means that she was possessed by the Devil. Penance was imposed on her. Its size and content were determined by the clergyman investigating the case.

What they say about incubi now

Since we live in a time of rapid “unwinding” of magic, demonic themes are not ignored. Thus, many sources not only provide information, but also offer their “professional” services. Their level (as well as the degree of morality in society) can be judged by the content of the articles. There, however, they will not argue with the fact that incubi are demonic entities. And their main role (seduction to sex) is also not contradicted by medieval prelates. But then very interesting things begin.

So, it turns out that incubi do not harm humans at all. Yes, they “feed” on sexual energy, but this does not produce any negative effect. Next, of course, potential clients are promised to arrange a meeting with the incubus for a reasonable fee. Like this. And it doesn’t matter that this doesn’t fit into morality.

Why are incubi dangerous?

Let's think like modern people, who have a broader outlook than inquisitors and other medieval researchers. Demons who steal the energy of love cannot but harm the soul. In essence, they do not simply persuade their victim into a “criminal” relationship. By forcing a woman to want to repeat these “manipulations” (since they make her happy), the incubi prevent her from fulfilling her Divine destiny. After all, we come into this world with certain goals. One of the main ones is the continuation of the human race! What’s the point of having children if a woman only dreams of a demon?

There is another opinion expressed by esotericists. The energy of love is what is given to us by the Lord for creativity. That is, by giving this power to a demonic entity, a person is deprived of the opportunity to create something new, for which he was born.

More ancient history

Catholic demonologists were far from the first to talk about the impact of incubi on humans. This concept was known much earlier. They knew about the possibility of sexual contact, for example, in Ancient Greece. According to their mythology, one of the incubi was Zeus. He was amorous and dissolute. God adored earthly women. Legends tell of his many half-terrestrial descendants. However, the Greeks did not consider such a relationship sinful.

The Romans also had incubi. They recognized such entities as the guardians of the house. It is clear that although they belonged to the “lower world,” they also brought benefits.

In Rus', the analogue of the (Roman) incubus is the brownie. In pagan Rus' there were also legends about a dark seducer who was dangerous for girls. It was believed that he could visit the village during Christmas week, when all evil spirits were allowed to roam the world. Girls were warned against meeting a beautiful young man who would seduce and abandon. If this happened, the unfortunate woman could wither away from the The main visual sign of such an “attack” was that the girl stopped eating and drinking and only dreamed of her chosen one. When it turned out that he was not a living person, she suffered immensely.

There are a number of customs aimed at protecting girls from the “incubus”. So, in many villages, a cross was drawn with chalk on the doors and windows so that the demon could not enter. Also, it was not customary for girls to be allowed outside alone on winter evenings.

The documents of the Inquisition best tell us who the Incubi are. It was at this time that the theory of demonism became most widespread. Unhappy women suspected of having a “criminal” relationship were tortured until a confession was extracted. All this was carefully recorded.

Written sources were carefully preserved and conveyed to descendants. Based on them, many scripts have been written that delight lovers of science fiction films, as well as magnificent surreal novels. Moreover, the image of the demon in these works is no different from the one created by the Catholic Church. In meaning, he is a lower entity that threatens the immortal soul of a defenseless person.

Lustful demons that visit people at night for the purpose of having sexual intercourse with them are called succubi and incubi. In the process of having sex, these entities take energy and life from their victims. You need to know how to quickly get rid of a succubus or incubus, with minimal losses.

Why succubus and incubus must be expelled

Ritual "Magic cap"

This rite belongs to the universal rituals of protection against demons. Practice shows that it is also suitable for the situation of an attack by the demon of lust.

To perform the ritual you will need the victim's item. Or she can attend in person. And you also need to prepare magical accessories:

  • 3 white candles;
  • a piece of white chalk;
  • a bunch of dry wormwood.

For the cutting off ceremony, a day is chosen during the waxing moon. If it is planned to expel a succubus, a women's day is chosen - an even numbered day of the month; for an incubus, only a man's day is suitable - an odd day.

The ceremony is carried out in 3 stages.

Stage 1

On the chosen day, an hour before midnight, the magician sits the corrupted person on a chair and asks him to remember the times when the demon of the flesh visited him. There is no need to tell or describe what is happening, you just need to keep the memories in your mind. At this time, the magician walks around the victim 3 times, reciting the spell:

“Just as a mother gave birth to a child with a hollow place, just as a person is born with a hollow place on his body, so he himself disposes of his hollow place. Let the body of God's servant not become a temple of the demon. Do not mock the body, the vessel of the soul, of the servant of God (name), unclean one. Just as I enclose the body of the servant of God in a circle with a holy candle, so I cut off you, the tempter of the human race, tearing you off, closing the road to the thoughts of the servant of God. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  1. When reading the spell for the first time, the magician sprinkles the victim with holy water.
  2. Reading for the second time, he traces the chair on which the spoiled one sits in a circle with chalk.
  3. The third time, while reading the spell, the magician places the candles on the circle drawn in chalk and sets them on fire.

Stage 2

The magician takes the prepared bunch of wormwood, sets it on fire, extinguishes it by blowing smoke, and, pointing it at the person, reads the second spell:

“Where there is a taste of bitterness, there is no taste of sweetness. Just like this bitter wormwood, it does not attract a bee, a bird, a beast, a person, a Holy Spirit, or a dashing demon. So your sweetness, Servant of God (name), would no longer attract to itself a lustful demon, a lustful demon, a playful demon. I will not let you, the unclean one, tempt the servant of God (name), not in health, not in illness, not in reality, not in a dream. Let it be so. I’m closing.”

Stage 3

At the third stage, the magician extinguishes the scorched bunch of wormwood in holy water. He thoroughly mixes the ashes with water and sprays the spoiled person with this solution. At the end of the ritual, the victim needs to read the prayers “Our Father”, “Burning Bush”, “Prayer to Archangel Michael for protection” for 3 days before going to bed.

This is one of the best methods on how to get rid of an incubus or succubus forever.

Methods for exorcising demons yourself

There are several methods for getting rid of the demons of lust on your own.

  1. Self-correction of consciousness and attitude towards yourself and your body.
  2. Contact a practicing magician who specializes in expelling such entities.
  3. Using a collection of enchanted herbs for cooling.
  4. The use of special amulets stones, charmed to protect against such demons.
  5. Using aroma oils at home to cleanse the room before bed and in personal care routines.

Self-correction of consciousness and attitude towards oneself

Victims of the demon of lust include people who have been subjected to psychological or physical sexual abuse, especially at a young age or in childhood. They begin to feel disgusted with their body and punish themselves for failing to protect themselves. In such people, all principles of awareness of their “I” are violated. And also at risk are people who prefer perverted sexual pleasures - BDSM, swinging, submission.

Such a person may also need the help of a psychologist, psychiatrist, or sexologist.

The victim must understand that what is happening to her is not normal. Self-correction helps to create strong relationships with a person of the opposite sex and a fulfilling sex life.

Confession and forgiveness of yourself for everything that happened under duress will also help in getting rid of the demon of the flesh.

Non-humidity herbs

During the period of the waning moon, the victim of demons of lust needs to independently collect herbs to “cool”:

  1. Sagebrush.
  2. Wild garlic.
  3. Viper tongue.
  4. Wild hops.
  5. Henbane.

The herbs need to be dried a little and hidden under the pillow or under the bed. They will allow you to protect your consciousness from the soporific effects of the demon.


They are always selected according to the zodiac sign. And you can also select minerals by year of birth or in accordance with the advice of astrologers and magicians.


  • Amethyst;
  • Agate;
  • Alexandrin;
  • Hyalite.
  • Demontoite;
  • Pearl;
  • Labrador.

Use of aromatic oils

Aromatic oils are used for home fumigation or as an additive to cosmetics. Special aromas protect a person from the influence of demons. The best oils are:

  • orange;
  • basilica;
  • lemon balm;
  • rosemary.

If fumigation and use in personal care do not give the desired effect, you can also use oils on an ongoing basis. These smells not only protect a person from the sexual attacks of the demon of the flesh, but also calm the nervous system, giving peace and self-confidence.


It is difficult to drive away the demon of the flesh. He, like a parasitic entity, takes a person’s life for himself. But the victim of such a spirit cannot accept the situation as it is, but needs to look for methods on how to get rid of a succubus or incubus. There is nothing shameful in such a situation; anyone, even a sinless virgin during puberty, can become a victim of such demons. Moreover, under no circumstances should you