
How to cook soup with meatballs: delicious step-by-step recipes. Meatball soup. Step-by-step recipe with photos

Publication date: 10/27/2017

Everyone loves meatball soup, with the exception of vegetarians. But we are not talking about them now. There is simply one most important ingredient in this soup - meatballs. But they can be different: from only one type of minced meat or from several, with or without additives. And the soup itself can only be vegetable or with the addition of cereals. Can you imagine what a variety of flavors this is? And this soup will become the most favorite for children, and if it’s for them, then the whole family will eat it too, without preparing a separate dish for everyone.

Delicious soup with peas and meatballs

How to make meatball soup

Our Russian meatball soup has ancestors from Italy and Azerbaijan. True, in Azerbaijan it is called “Dovga” and is prepared with kefir.
And in Italy for some reason they call it “wedding” soup, but they don’t serve it at weddings. It's interesting somehow.

So, the highlight of this soup is, of course, the meatballs.

Everyone prepares them differently.

But there are several points that will reveal their taste and make the cooking process faster.

First, add cumin to the meat before grinding. The meat will become much more flavorful.

Secondly, to make the minced meat juicier, add water if you are grinding with a blender. Of course, you don’t need to pour it into a meat grinder. The water will not only saturate the fibers a little, but will also help the motor grind the pieces.

It is better to form meatballs with wet hands.

If your balls are of different sizes, then there is no need to worry, no one said that they must be round and the same.

Be sure to salt the meat.

If you have minced meat from several types of meat, you can add an egg to it to thicken the mass.

And, if you like to use minced chicken, then add a tablespoon of semolina, which will make the dryish meat more juicy.

To prevent the soup from turning into porridge from minced meat, you need to lower the meat mass into boiling water.

The balls will float as they cook.

Well, it’s up to you to decide what the ingredients of the soup will be. I will give several recipes, choose what you like best.

Meatball soup in a slow cooker

This soup is more considered a children's soup, and when you have kids, you probably have a slow cooker. Personally, she simply saved me. You pack some food and go for a walk with your baby. We come back hungry, and everything is ready, fragrant and hot.

So, in this recipe we do not fry the vegetables, so again this is a children's soup.


  • 4 potatoes
  • Half a kilo of minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tomato
  • A little butter
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Basil, dill
  • Water 2-2.5 l

Add a couple of cloves of garlic, pepper and salt to the minced meat.

We will cook the soup immediately with the herbs. It is important to add it at the very beginning, and not at the end, the taste depends on it.

We cut vegetables and herbs.

In a slow cooker, everything cooks at the same time!

If this soup is cooked over a fire, then the vegetables are added in order.

Add vegetables and sprinkle with basil and other spices.

And here we add butter, which will give the broth a creamy, delicate taste.

You can add tomato and tomato paste.

Fill everything with water and set the mode. I call it “Soup”, there is also a “Cooking” mode.

Any minced meat is suitable. You can mix beef, pork and lamb (if available). Chicken is more dietary, and if your husband is a hunter, then cook it from venison or elk. By the way, I was treated to soup made from this kind of meat, it seemed that it was a little tough, but I didn’t notice much difference with the types that had already been tried.

Soup with meatballs and noodles: step-by-step recipe with photos

To increase the nutritional value, add vermicelli or pasta to this soup. I don’t accept pasta in soups, and I always replace them with noodles, vermicelli, pasta or gossamer. But they are indicated in the recipes.

By the way, this recipe is very close to Italian. And, if you freeze vegetables, then this habit will be very useful for you.


  • Chicken broth 2 l
  • 2 carrots
  • Bulb
  • Tomato
  • 3 potatoes
  • Green beans
  • One bell pepper.
  • Pasta, pasta, durum wheat noodles

For the meatballs:

  • 500 g beef
  • 1 onion
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp semolina
  • Bunch of parsley
  • 3 tablespoons grated cheese
  • Basil, salt and pepper

1. Make meatballs: grind the meat in a meat grinder into minced meat along with onions, then add egg, semolina, spices, chopped parsley and grated cheese to this mixture.
2. Now we form balls, as in the photo. We wet our hands with water so that the meat does not stick and roll into balls or squeeze out even pieces through our fingers.

3. Now we prepare the soup itself. First, fry the vegetables (onions, tomatoes and onions) in heated vegetable oil.

4. Pour potatoes into a saucepan with broth. After boiling, cook the potatoes for 1-2 minutes.

5. Then add pepper and chopped beans. Cook for a couple of minutes and add the frying.

6. We do not add frying in advance, because it contains tomatoes that contain acid. And she, in turn, does not allow the potatoes to cook until tender.

7. After boiling, add vermicelli or pasta.

8. Place the meatballs into the boiling soup.

9. You need to cook for another quarter of an hour.

For flavor, add a little garlic, a mixture of peppers, and chopped herbs into the broth.

Let the soup sit and then sprinkle the bowls with grated cheese.

The soup will become thick, satisfying and very aromatic.

How to cook delicious soup with minced chicken meatballs

Minced chicken is more affordable than mixed chicken. It can be mixed with pork and then you get a more tender mass. But not everyone always has pork on hand.

You can take ready-made minced meat, or you can make it from chicken breast, if it suits you as a children's menu.

For the meatballs:

  • 200 g minced chicken
  • Bunch of greenery
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina
  • Salt pepper

1. Add greens, semolina and egg to the minced meat. We wait until the semolina swells a little. It will make the meatballs more complete and tender. It will also allow dry chicken meat to retain moisture.

2. Cut the onions and carrots into smaller pieces and fry in oil.

3. Add potatoes and fry to the broth (you don’t have to fry the vegetables, add raw ones).

4. Drop the meat balls into the bubbling broth and reduce the power to medium, otherwise the broth will not be transparent and cloudy.

5. You need to pour vermicelli or “spider web” into the prepared soup.

Watch a detailed video of soup preparation.

Step-by-step recipe for soup with meatballs, rice and potatoes

This recipe is more masculine because the soup is thicker and more nutritious. Yes, and the simplest one. Anyone can cook it, a man, a teenager, or an inexperienced housewife.


  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Spices
  • Onions for minced and frying

1. Add potatoes to cold water and cook until boiling, then add washed rice.

2. Now we prepare the minced meat: add chopped onions and spices into the total mass and form meat rounds. Try scooping out the mince with a teaspoon to get them to be approximately the same size.

3. The soup is cooked for five minutes and the meat ingredient is lowered into boiling water.

4. Fry it and put it in the soup.

5. At the end of cooking, remember about dried dill and a couple of bay leaves.

Remember that different spices bring out the flavor in the soup.

Potato soup with meatballs (with potatoes and vermicelli)

Potatoes and noodles don’t always go together, but that’s how they cook in our family. In general, soup without potatoes is somehow incomplete for us. It's like there's nothing to chew in it.

Hello, my dear readers and lovers of delicious cooking! Today I have prepared for you a wonderful selection of step-by-step recipes for making meatball soup.

I like this dish for its simplicity and the fact that it cooks quite quickly. Along with cleaning and cutting food, you will spend no more than 1 hour to bring it to full readiness.

When the warm season ends, no one remembers cold soups and you want something hot and warming. So, the recipes offered to you will be very timely.

It is prepared both with noodles or rice, and without these products. For those who are on a diet, there are also suitable options. In general, choose what you like, put on a kitchen apron and arm yourself with kitchen tools. It's time to get started!

I’ll start telling you, of course, with one of the most common options for preparing this dish. You can choose any minced meat you have. But I use pure beef in this recipe.


  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Vermicelli (spider web) - 4 tbsp
  • Minced beef – 300 gr
  • Dill - bunch
  • Vegetable oil - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Garlic clove - 3-4 pcs.


1. Peel all vegetables. Cut the onion and potatoes into cubes or as you are used to. Grate the carrots on a coarse or medium grater. Set aside one clove of garlic for minced meat, and finely chop the rest. Chop the dill with a knife.

2. Next, let's fry the onions and carrots. Heat a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and add onions. Fry it lightly until translucent. Set it aside a little for the minced meat, and then add the carrots and lightly salt it. Fry everything until soft.

3. Mix part of the chopped dill, fried onion, salt and pepper into the minced meat and squeeze 1 clove of garlic through a press. Mix it thoroughly so that all the ingredients are distributed evenly. Then form meatball balls with your hands.

Some people add this directly to the soup, but I prefer to prepare everything in advance.

4. While you are preparing the ingredients for the soup, put the water in the pan on the fire. Bring it to a boil. As soon as the water boils, add the potatoes. Bring to a boil again. Then put the fry in there. After 5 minutes, lower the meatballs and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.

Classic recipe for soup with meatballs, rice and potatoes

This method is also quite common. But I diversified it a little with additional seasonings. It is not necessary to take dried greens; you can finely chop fresh ones. Or frozen if you have it.


  • Rice - 150 gr
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Minced meat - 600 gr
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Water - 2 l
  • Bouillon cube - 2 pcs (or mixed vegetable seasoning - 2 teaspoons)
  • Salt, ground pepper, spices - to taste
  • Dried herbs - to taste


1. Peel the potatoes and cut them as you are used to. Some people cut it into large cubes, while others like it smaller, or into slices, or into strips. Place in a saucepan and add water. Place the pan on the fire until it boils.

2. Peel one onion and cut into medium cubes, and chop the second into smaller pieces for minced meat. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Put the onion in there and fry lightly, then add the carrots and fry everything together until soft.

3. Add chopped onion, egg, herbs (dill or parsley), salt, ground pepper and spices to your taste to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Then make small balls. Wet your hands with water to prevent the meat from sticking to them.

4. Add bouillon cubes and salt to taste to boiling water with potatoes. Then bring it to a boil again and add the meatballs, fried meat and rice. Mix everything and cook the soup until done.

5. As soon as the rice becomes soft, it’s ready. Turn it off, pour it into bowls, add fresh herbs and invite your family to dine with a wonderful and very tasty soup.

Soup with minced chicken meatballs: the most delicious recipe

This recipe can be called dietary. There are only vegetables and light minced chicken, which you can prepare from breast fillet. But if you don’t have time to do this, then a store-bought one will do just fine. The meat balls turn out very tender and airy.

Ingredients for a 3 liter saucepan:

  • Minced chicken – 300 g
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Butter – 20 g
  • Greens - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Black and allspice peas – 2-3 pieces each
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Water – 2 l


1. Add salt, ground black pepper and butter to the prepared minced chicken. Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance to soften it. Finely grate 1/3 of the onion and add to the meat. Mix everything very thoroughly.

To make even more tender minced meat, add 2-3 teaspoons of water and stir. Then beat it about 10 times on the bottom of the dish in which it lies.

2. Now form the meat balls. Wet your hands with cold water each time to prevent the meat from sticking to them. Place them with a short distance from each other.

3. Next, pour water into the pan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add bay leaves, peppercorns and allspice. Also add salt and stir. Then put the meatballs in there. When the water returns to a boil, skim off any foam that forms and cook for 10 minutes.

4. While they are cooking, cut the onion into small cubes. Cut the carrots into strips. Place the frying pan on the fire to heat up and pour vegetable oil into it. Add onions and carrots and fry until soft.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. When the meatballs have cooked for the required amount of time, remove them from the pan and immediately add the potatoes. Bring the broth to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. After this time, return our meat balls back to the pan. Also put the roast there. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes.

4. At the end of cooking, add chopped greens to the pan, stir, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Let our soup brew for 15-20 minutes, after which you can serve.

How to cook rice soup with meatballs in a slow cooker quickly and tasty

Anyone who cooks in a slow cooker is also not ignored by me. And for you I have a recipe for making this excellent soup. If you don’t like rice, then you can do the same thing, only with the addition of vermicelli or even leave only vegetables.

And how to prepare it, watch the video that I picked up on a well-known video hosting site. Everything is shown and explained here in a very accessible way.


  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 1 glass
  • Minced meat (beef) - 300 gr
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste

It's much more convenient to cook in a slow cooker. The only drawback is that it cannot cook several dishes at once. Therefore, while the soup is cooking in it, I calmly prepare the main courses for lunch.

Homemade turkey meatball soup

We use turkey in this recipe. You can prepare minced meat yourself from breast fillet by grinding it through a meat grinder or buy it ready-made in the store. Our meat balls are very tender from this meat.


  • Turkey mince – 400 g
  • Water - 2.5 l
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Rice - 2 tablespoons
  • Parsley - a small bunch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black peppercorns - to taste
  • Bay leaf - to taste


1. Add some finely chopped parsley, finely chopped onion, egg and salt to the minced meat. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes and onions into cubes, carrots can also be cut into small cubes. Boil water and add onions and carrots. Bring to a boil again, then add the potatoes and chopped parsley.

Bring to a boil again and reduce heat slightly. Cook for 15 minutes with the lid closed. Then add the washed rice, peppercorns and bay leaf.

3. Add heat, bring everything to a boil again and start dipping the formed meatball balls into the soup using a spoon or your hands. To prevent the meat from sticking, wet your spoon or hands with cold water.

4. Now wait until it boils, reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes. The finished soup turns out very tasty and light with tender meatballs.

Cheese soup with meatballs and processed cheese

Try this option too. I really like cheese soups. They seem so tender, but at the same time, they are quite nutritious and very tasty.

Ingredients for 4 liters of water:

  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Rice - 1 glass
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - pcs.
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs
  • Minced meat (pork + beef) - 450 gr
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - to taste


1. First, prepare all the ingredients. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes or slices. Cut the onion into small cubes. Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Chop the greens with a knife. Rinse the rice thoroughly. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and add onions. Fry it until half cooked, then add the carrots. Add salt, pepper and stir. Fry until the carrots turn golden. Then add a little water and simmer until the water evaporates.

3. Add ground pepper, salt to the minced meat and break the egg. Stir well, beat it a little and form meat balls. Be sure to wet your hands with water. Also wet the plate in which you will put them with water.

4. By this time, the water in the pan should already be boiling. Add bay leaf, potatoes and washed rice to it. Once the water boils again, cook for 5 minutes. Then add salt to the broth and add the meatballs. Stir and cook for another 15-20 minutes until the potatoes and rice are completely cooked.

5. After the elapsed time, add frying, grated processed cheese and herbs. Cook for another 5 minutes. After this, our soup will be completely ready and can be served for lunch.

Before starting cooking, keep the processed cheese in the freezer for a while so that it hardens and becomes stronger. Remove and grate it just before adding it to the broth.

Video on how to make delicious homemade Italian meatball soup

I want to offer you another unusual video recipe for preparing our dish. It's called "Wedding". I don’t know what it has to do with the wedding, but it turns out to be a very tasty, rich and satisfying dish. I have written out the composition of the products for you, and watch the preparation in the video.

Ingredients for a 5 liter saucepan:

  • Chicken broth - 2.5 l
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato – 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bell pepper - 1-2 pcs
  • Green beans - 2 handfuls
  • Zucchini
  • Spiral pasta (can be colored) - 2 handfuls
  • Parsley - bunch
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

For the meatballs:

  • Beef – 500 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - 2 heaped tablespoons
  • Parsley
  • Grated cheese - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Dry basil - 1 teaspoon

This is a very tasty first course. I have already prepared it using this recipe several times. It is very tasty and my family was absolutely delighted with it.

Recipe for soup with meatballs and dumplings

I left this method for dessert. Also very unusual. I've never combined meatballs and dumplings in one soup before. But not so long ago I saw how my friend was preparing it. I begged her for the recipe and now I cook it regularly too.


  • Minced meat – 300 gr
  • Flour - 200 gr
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • Green onion
  • Parsley
  • Peppercorns
  • Khmeli-suneli (optional)
  • Bay leaf


1. Peel all vegetables. Cut the potatoes and onions into cubes. Cut the carrots into half rings or quarter rings. Finely chop the greens.

2. Break an egg into the minced meat. Add salt and ground pepper to your taste. Then mix thoroughly and form into balls. Place them on a plate or cutting board, whichever is more convenient for you.

3. Break the egg into a separate bowl, add salt and beat a little. Then pour 30 ml of water and gradually add flour. Knead the dough with your hands, then sprinkle flour on the counter and roll the dough into a sausage. Cut it into small pieces.

4. Then take a saucepan with a thick bottom, put it on the fire, pour vegetable oil into it and heat it up. Put onions, carrots and potatoes there. Stir, add water and bring to a boil.

5. When it boils, add the meatballs. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat slightly, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

6. After this, dip the dumplings into the soup. Add salt, suneli hops, bay leaf and pepper. Cook for another 5 minutes. As soon as the dumplings float to the surface, it can be considered ready.

7. Add chopped greens to the soup. Turn off the heat and let sit for 15 minutes. After that, set the table, pour it into plates and invite your hungry family for lunch. Everyone will be delighted with such a wonderful dish with meatballs and dumplings.

Well, I've come to the end. Have you seen how many different recipes there are, seemingly just from the simple name “meatball soup”?

I hope that you were able to choose the most suitable option for yourself and that in the very near future you will delight your loved ones with such an easy-to-prepare dish. They will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Bon appetit! Bye.

Soup prepared with meatballs is an everyday favorite first course for many people, as well as a very tasty one. Both adults and children love it very much. And it is very reminiscent of the taste of childhood. Many probably remember how it was served to us in kindergarten, and then at school, how my mother cooked it and we always ate it and asked for more.

This soup turns out tender, light and at the same time very satisfying. You can simply cook it with one potato, or alternatively add noodles, pearl barley, rice and other cereals. It also turns out very tasty with asparagus, bell peppers, tomatoes and zucchini.

You can use absolutely any minced meat for meatballs, let it be beef, pork, chicken or fish, or you can also mix several types of meat into one. Today we will look at meatball soup with photos step by step, which is prepared in principle quickly, which is ideal for people who are constantly busy. And for lovers of Georgian cuisine, you can see wonderful recipes here.

Meatball and noodle soup recipe

  • Minced meat - 350 gr
  • water - 2.5 liters
  • onion - 1 piece
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • pasta - 1/2 cup
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • salt - to taste.
Cooking method:

First of all, put a pan of water on the stove and prepare the vegetables.

Wash the vegetables and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, peel the onions and cut them into small cubes.

Fry over low heat in a frying pan in vegetable oil until light golden brown.

Add salt and allspice black pepper to the minced meat to taste, you can also add your favorite seasoning for meat and mix thoroughly.

As soon as the water boils, we begin to form small balls from the minced meat with our hands and lower them into the pan. Reduce heat to medium.

Then take the potatoes, peel them and cut them into small cubes.

As soon as the meatballs float, add the chopped potatoes to them.

After about 5 minutes of cooking, add the pasta and fried vegetables. Cook for another 10 minutes and add peppercorns, bay leaf and salt.

Cook a little more and turn off, leaving the soup to simmer under the lid.

Pour the soup into bowls, garnish with chopped herbs and serve.

Soup with meatballs and rice - step-by-step recipe with photos

  • Homemade minced meat - 250 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 piece
  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • white bun - 2 slices
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • round rice - 1/2 cup
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
  • greens - to taste
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.
Cooking method:

Cut the crust off the bun and soak it in cold water.

Place a saucepan with about 2-2.5 liters of water on the fire. While the water is boiling, mix the soaked and squeezed bread with minced meat, add ground pepper, salt and mix well.

Lightly beat the chicken protein and grease your hands with it. And we form meatballs about the size of a walnut.

We peel and wash the potatoes, and then cut them into pieces.

Place in boiling water, washed rice, potatoes cut into small pieces, peppercorns, bay leaf and mix. Cook for 5-7 minutes.

Now heat the frying pan over medium heat, pour vegetable oil into it and fry the chopped vegetables, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.

And add the sautéed vegetables to the soup.

Then we lower our meatballs into the pan and let them simmer for 10 minutes.

The meatball soup is ready, decorate it with herbs and can be served.

How to Make Meatball Soup with Rice and Potatoes

  • Minced meat - 250 gr
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • rice - 0.5 cups
  • onion - 1 piece
  • butter - 20 g
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • seasoning for meat - 1 teaspoon. l
  • salt and pepper - to taste.
Cooking method:

Place a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, we peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small pieces. Place it in boiling water and cook for about five minutes.

Meanwhile, peel the onion and chop it into small cubes. Divide it in half and lightly fry one part of it in a frying pan, or, as in my case, in a thermal bowl, in butter. Add one tablespoon of tomato paste, 25 grams of water, seasonings, mix and simmer a little more.

After 5 minutes, add the washed rice to the soup and cook for the same amount.

Place the prepared meat balls into the pan and cook until they float to the surface.

Now we put the roast in the almost finished soup, bring it to readiness within five minutes, then turn it off and let it brew for a while.

The soup is ready. Eat for your health!

Delicious soup with meatballs and dumplings

  • Minced meat - 350 gr
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onions - 2 pcs
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.
Cooking method:

We put a pan of water on the fire and while it is boiling, we need to wash and peel the potatoes, cut them into small pieces and put them in the pan.

Meanwhile, prepare the minced meat for the meatballs. And for this we need to grate the onion on a coarse grater, add it to the minced meat, also add salt, black allspice and mix thoroughly.

Now take a bowl of water, wet your hands in it and begin to form meatballs using a teaspoon.

Throw them into boiling water, cover with a lid and continue to cook the soup over medium heat.

Next we'll tackle the dumplings. And to do this, we need to beat an egg into a bowl, add a little salt to taste, three tablespoons of flour and mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. The dough should look like pancakes.

It's time to add the dumplings to the soup. To do this, take a teaspoon, moisten it in water and use it to grab the dough in half, and then lower it into the boiling soup. Add peppercorns and bay leaves there.

Mix carefully so that the dumplings do not stick to the walls of the pan and all float to the surface.

When preparing the dumplings, you don’t need to make them large, half a teaspoon will be enough, since the dough will swell in hot water and naturally become larger in volume.

Next, we will start frying and for this we will wash and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and chop the onion into small cubes. After that, first put the onion in a heated frying pan and cook it until half cooked, and then add the carrots and cook until done.

All that remains is to add the fried vegetables to the soup, add salt and pepper and cook a little.

Our dish is ready, serve it in portions and treat your family and friends.

Soup with meatballs in a slow cooker - recipe with photo

  • Minced meat - 200 gr
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • vermicelli - 3-4 tablespoons
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 piece
  • vegetable oil -
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • salt and pepper - to taste.
Cooking method:

Wash and peel the vegetables. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the potatoes into small pieces.

Now turn on the multicooker to the “Frying” function, pour vegetable oil into it and wait for it to heat up. Then add chopped onions and grated carrots to it. Fry until done.

Pour salt into the minced meat, mix allspice and black pepper and begin to form meatballs.

Turn off the “Fry” mode in the multicooker, add chopped potatoes, bell peppers, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Pour in water, close the lid and set the “Soup” function for one hour. It took 45 minutes.

As soon as the water boils, add the prepared meatballs and continue cooking. About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the vermicelli.

Add chopped greens to the finished soup, cover with a lid and let it brew for a while.

Meatball and bean soup

  • Minced meat - 150 gr
  • potatoes - 70 gr
  • beans - 100 gr
  • carrots - 30 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • tomatoes - 30 gr
  • cilantro - 5 g
  • salt and pepper - to taste.
Cooking method:

Soak the beans in water and leave for a couple of hours. Then cook with the addition of a bay leaf, five cloves of garlic and half an onion in cheesecloth (to be removed before serving) for 50-60 minutes, until the broth has a rich brown color.

Now add the formed meatballs to the broth with beans, add salt and pepper, and cook for 15 minutes.

Just before serving, remove the gauze with garlic, bay leaf and onion. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve.

Meatball and Cauliflower Soup Recipe

  • Meatballs – 250 gr
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • cauliflower - 1/2 pcs
  • bell pepper - 1 piece
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • salt - to taste.
Cooking method:

Place the pan on the fire, pour about 3 liters of water into it, and while it is boiling, clean and cut the potatoes into cubes and the carrots into round pieces.

Separate the cauliflower into small florets and wash in salted water.

Throw potatoes, carrots, a sprig of dill, peeled whole onion, peppercorns into boiling water, add salt to taste and cook until the potatoes are half cooked.

Throw the meatballs into the soup, add cauliflower, chopped bell pepper, bay leaf and parsley. We continue to cook.

Pour boiling water over the tomato and then immediately cold water, remove the skin, cut into slices and 10 minutes until ready. Turn off and let it brew with the lid closed.

Chicken meatball soup (video)

Bon appetit!!!

Meatball soup is probably the most favorite meat soup for children of all ages, since small tender meatballs seem to them much more appetizing and tastier than boiled pieces of meat. However, adults are unlikely to be able to refuse a plate of hot, aromatic broth in which slices of healthy vegetables and cute bite-sized meat balls float. Meatballs made from minced meat are very well chewed and easily digested by the body, so soup with them is ideal not only for toothless children and the elderly, but also for the sick, convalescents and people with digestive problems.

Meatball soup, unlike most other traditional soups, is prepared quite quickly, as it does not require long cooking of meat broth. This is especially convenient for working housewives, as it allows you to save time and effort in the kitchen and prepare a complete first course for the whole family in just an hour. In addition, this soup consists of simple and inexpensive products, but nevertheless, thanks to its zest in the form of soft and juicy meatballs, it is capable of satisfyingly feeding and delighting household members, young and old.

If your children are regularly capricious and refuse what they think is a boring and uninteresting first course, try preparing the most delicious meatball soup for them using this simple recipe. Its light and nutritious broth, simple pieces of vegetables and cheerful meatballs can pave the way for even the most picky child’s heart :)

Useful information How to cook soup with meatballs and rice - recipe with step-by-step photos. A simple recipe for meatballs for minced meat soup.


  • 3.5 l water
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 4 tbsp. l. rice
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 5 – 6 black peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaves


  • 400 g minced meat (pork + beef)
  • 1 small onion
  • 10 g greens (dill, parsley)
  • 1 tsp. with a heap of salt, 1 tsp. khmeli-suneli


Meatballs for minced soup

1. To make the meatball soup, first we'll start making these little meat balls. To do this, place minced meat, chopped onions and chopped herbs in a bowl.

Advice! To prepare meatballs for soup, you can use any type of meat to suit your taste. I most often make meatballs from a mixture of ground pork + beef, but you can also use ground beef, pork, chicken, turkey or lamb alone. If you prepare minced meat yourself, you can mince the onion along with the meat.

2. Season the minced meat with salt and spices and knead thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

Advice! After kneading, the minced meat must be beaten to remove excess air from it. To do this, you need to gather the meat into a ball and forcefully throw it back into the bowl several times. Thanks to this procedure, the meatballs will not fall apart during cooking.

3. With wet hands, form small balls the size of a walnut from the minced meat. From this amount of ingredients I got 20 small meatballs.

How to cook meatball soup

4. Boil water in a large saucepan and carefully lower the meatballs into it. Cook the soup at a low simmer for 15 minutes, skimming foam from the surface as it accumulates.

Important! The meatballs must be placed in boiling water so that they immediately “set” and do not fall apart during the preparation of the soup. But excessive gurgling and boiling of the broth can also lead to spoilage of the meat balls.

5. While the meatballs are cooking, you can prepare the remaining ingredients for the soup. Peel the onion and chop finely.

6. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.

7. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil over medium heat for 8 - 10 minutes until transparent.

8. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.

9. Add chopped potatoes to the boiling broth with meatballs.

10. Wait for the soup to boil again and add rice, washed with cold water. Cook the soup for 20 minutes at a low simmer, uncovered.

I like to use round rice for meatball soup because it cooks slightly and takes on an interesting shape and texture. In addition, you can put small vermicelli in this soup instead of rice. It should be added 5 minutes before the end of cooking the soup.

11. Add fried onions and carrots to the soup, mix thoroughly and cook for another 5 minutes. A minute before it is ready, add salt, peppercorns and bay leaf to the soup. Cover the pan with a lid and let the soup simmer for 15 minutes.

An incredibly tasty and nutritious soup with meatballs and rice is ready!

People who think they don't like first courses simply haven't tried a well-cooked soup. If you cook it with love and skill, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from it. It’s impossible not to love, for example, meatball soup! A step-by-step recipe will help a novice cook master the preparation of the dish. And your family will understand that the first one is very tasty.

Making meatballs

The key to success in preparing a fragrant, satisfying and tasty first dish is proper preparation of meat “hedgehogs”. They are the ones who make the recipe with photos unique and will guide your work along the right path.

  • The chopped half of the onion is fried until golden, the second is left raw.
  • The meat - half pork and beef - is put through a meat grinder twice with the remaining onion.
  • An egg is driven into the minced meat at the rate of one per half a kilo of meat.
  • Add fried onions. At this same stage, chopped herbs can be added.
  • To make the meatballs fluffy and tender, add a heaped spoonful of semolina and leave the minced meat for a quarter of an hour.
  • With wet hands, form balls the size of walnuts.
  • “Hedgehogs” are prepared in a similar way for soup with chicken meatballs - the step-by-step recipe remains the same, only the meat changes. Place the balls into the soup one at a time and carefully.

    Only meatballs

    Now let's look at it directly, with meatballs. The step-by-step recipe will look like this.

  • The broth is cooked according to all the rules of cooking. Preferably from the meat from which the main component is made.
  • A chopped small onion is simmered in oil.
  • Coarsely grate the carrots and add them to the onions when they become soft.
  • After three minutes of sautéing, add bell pepper cubes. After three minutes, the frying pan is set aside.
  • Meatballs are dropped into the boiling broth. Depending on the size, they will cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • The final touch is adding frying. In its entirety, the soup should boil for another five minutes.
  • After turning off the stove, chopped herbs are added, and the first one is left under the lid to infuse.

    Potato supplement

    Many people do not consider a dish that does not contain potatoes to be soup. The good news is that it goes well with virtually all products. It will not spoil potatoes and meatball soup. The step-by-step recipe is simply supplemented by adding chopped tubers. The potato cubes are poured in about five minutes after the broth with the “hedgehogs” embedded in it boils. Previous and subsequent stages do not change.

    step by step recipe

    Often housewives, without time to cook broth, simply prepare soup with water. In the case of using meatballs, this step is completely justified: the dish will be hearty and meaty due to them. If you prefer to cook meatball soup this way, the step-by-step recipe will change slightly.

  • Boil water in a large saucepan.
  • Onions and carrots are traditionally fried. If desired, you can enrich it with grated garlic or squares of sweet pepper.
  • Potato cubes are dropped into boiling water.
  • After five minutes of cooking, carefully add the meatballs.
  • Ten minutes later, add vermicelli or noodles.
  • Just before it is ready, frying is added.
  • When preparing this soup, carefully read on the package how long the pasta you have chosen should be cooked. You may need to adjust the time intervals in its bookmark. Greens - optional, after removal from heat. But the first one must be infused - this way it will be more rich and aromatic.

    Rice soup

    Meatball soup is great using a variety of grains. The most popular soup among the people is a step-by-step recipe that recommends preparing it like this.

  • Two or three spoons of rice are washed.
  • Onions are fried in vegetable oil. After it acquires a golden hue, carrots cut into strips or cubes are placed in the frying pan (grated in this option will look worse).
  • Boil water or broth in a saucepan.
  • The meatballs prepared in the manner already described are lowered, and after five minutes - the potatoes.
  • The cereal is poured in almost immediately. Along with it, laurel and a couple of peppercorns are added to the soup.
  • When the contents of the pan boil again, add some salt.
  • Turn off the heat when the rice is ready. Make sure it doesn't boil over. Again, let the soup sit, covered, for at least a few minutes.

    Meatballs plus dumplings

    Dumplings make the beloved meatball soup more satisfying and unusual. The step-by-step recipe is, in principle, similar to those already described, but you need to be able to make dumplings. For them, sift a glass of flour with a pinch of salt, pour in two slightly beaten eggs and knead a plastic, but not too strong dough. It is covered with a towel and temporarily set aside. The next steps are as follows.

  • Two liters of broth are boiling.
  • Sticks of three or four potatoes are placed in the pan.
  • Until re-boiling begins, frying is done, which, in addition to carrots and onions, includes a finely chopped clove of garlic, squares of bell pepper and cubes of stalked celery.
  • Pre-made meatballs are placed into the boiling broth.
  • After the “hedgehogs” float to the surface, the dumplings begin to descend. The dough is pinched off with a wet spoon and immediately immersed in the soup.
  • When the dumplings float to the surface, leave the dish on the fire for another five minutes. After the fire is extinguished, greens are poured into the soup, and it is left to infuse.

    Bright joy for the stomach

    The proposed version of soup with meatballs is prepared quickly, tastes simply amazing, and is also pleasing to the eye. The prepared balls are placed in boiling water along with potato cubes. After boiling, the fire is turned down. A dressing is made from two onions, four garlic, a small bunch of dill and five tomatoes using a blender or food processor. It is poured into the soup, which is left to simmer until all the ingredients are ready. You need to add salt and pepper before turning off the heat.

    Pea version

    Many people love pea soups. But not everyone knows that ordinary pea soup can be flavored with meatballs and get a real delicacy. A delightful result is achieved in this way.

  • A couple of handfuls of peas are soaked overnight to swell, then washed several times, filled with clean water five centimeters below the edge of the pan and put on fire for an hour.
  • Several potatoes are peeled and cut. When the peas are almost completely soft, pour the cubes into the pan.
  • Meatballs are being made. They are placed in the soup when it boils after adding the potatoes.
  • A fry is prepared from onions and carrots, which is placed in the pan when the meatballs are almost ready. At the same moment, the soup is tasted for salt. If there is not enough of it, he adds more salt.
  • A couple of minutes of boiling and chopped herbs are added. Usually parsley and dill are used, but the set can be varied to suit your taste.
  • After three minutes of boiling, the pan is removed from the burner. This version of the soup does not need to be infused, but can be served straight away.

    Lenten option

    On days when meat is prohibited, fasting people will really like the following method, with meatballs. The step-by-step recipe offered below will allow you to delight yourself and your loved ones with a tasty and satisfying dish without violating church regulations. Main task: make lean meatballs. The algorithm is as follows:

  • A glass of lentils is poured with cold water overnight. In the swollen state, the beans are washed and pureed in a blender.
  • Half a glass of rice is boiled in double the volume of water for a quarter of an hour.
  • Rice is combined with lentils, salt, spices (coriander and black pepper), one and a half tablespoons of flour and the same amount of vegetable oil.
  • The minced meat is hidden in the cold for an hour to compact it, after which it is rolled into balls and fried on all sides.
  • Now you can make the soup. Grated carrots and celery root are fried in the juice left over from the meatballs. Boil water and add salt; Pasta is poured into it - a small amount of 2 liters of water. After 5-6 minutes, at the half-cooked stage, frying, four tablespoons of tomato paste and spices are added to the soup: curry, cloves, bay, black pepper - all to your liking. The meatballs are added last, and after seven minutes the soup can be served.