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Angels in the form of people on earth. Are there angels among people? When will the messenger of angels come to the world again?

Have you ever wondered if angels watch over our world? And if so, what does this mean and what is the essence of their existence? It is traditionally believed that angels are beings who guide people and help them when they need it most. The interpretation of their help may vary. This question is quite important, so it’s interesting to understand it. There are several significant details that shed light on this topic. Perhaps your view of this world will change a little when you become familiar with divine revelation.

Communicating with Angels

A man named Marshall Vian Summers has been seeing angels for 31 years. He receives divine messages from them. The angel first spoke to him while walking in the desert. Summers is a humble, open man whose story is impressive. The revelations are detailed and detailed, the record now running to more than nine thousand pages. Each revelation is very thorough and interesting. The messages received by Summers are considered new messages from God. They have been translated into nineteen languages ​​and published in more than eighty countries. The messages address important contemporary issues. Studying them helps you look at your existence more clearly and reveal your spirituality. By cultivating traits such as calmness, objectivity, compassion, and strength, we can become more effective, and divine ideas can help us find meaning in our lives. And although the first acquaintance with these messages is shocking, then everything changes. There is enormous potential hidden in this information.

Control of Angels

In 2013, Summers learned that there is a great Gathering, an angelic organization that has been monitoring the lives of people for a very long time. This is very different from the concept that religious treatises usually present. God does not control the world or the weather, he does not make blood flow through the veins and water flow from the rocks, he does not germinate seeds - all this movement began with the advent of the very concept of time. Therefore, God does not interfere, he observes everything that happens in history, looking especially carefully at the destinies of those in whom potential lies. Sometimes God brings such people into the world at moments of special historical turns, allowing humanity to change, develop and understand the meaning of existence in a new way. Such people are connected with the angelic Assembly, but at the same time each of them is just a person. They are distinguished from the rest only by their great mission and the presence of a greater range of opportunities, and with it greater responsibility. The life of such a person becomes a test.

When do angels hear calls?

The congregation watches the world by listening to it. Angels are especially attentive to those who sincerely turn to them, honestly ask for help, to those who are at a turning point in their lives. If you show a truly strong desire, not caused by ambition, not stupidity, not the desire to experiment, if you want something with all your soul, then for the angel this serves as a signal that you are ready to look at the world differently. And then they listen to your dreams and send you a sign - it’s different for everyone.

What is the Assembly of Angels?

For an ordinary person, it represents a kind of paradise, it is a bridge between the real world and the ancient home, from where all souls are sent to Earth and where they will one day definitely return. We will all definitely meet there, in this ancient house. But while a person is in the real world, he is bound by his own intentions, his culture and nationality. There is very little freedom in the world. But everyone was sent for a great purpose, everyone has potential, there is a grain of wisdom, there is a skill that can make life incredible and fulfilling. It doesn't matter where you find yourself or how you live, one way or another, this place is controlled by the Assembly.

Compliance of the concept with religious ideas

The world order is much more complex than the average person can imagine. No religion can describe it correctly. Theologians are too limited to imagine the scale of reality. Each person can interpret the signs and symbols he receives in his own way, but he will never comprehend the deeper meaning - his intellect is simply not designed for such serious tasks. But if you have learned the truth about angels, you will live more wisely. You will better understand the events of your life and circumstances, you will move along the path of life differently. You can call it a new birth. Members of the meeting of angels are especially attentive to such people; they help a person make a greater contribution to the common cause and spread knowledge. Angels look for such people among others.

The essence of life

God allows man to live in solitude, suffer and make mistakes. This is his way of giving a person freedom. But the reality known to humanity is only partially like this. In fact, we are all connected with the moment of creation, life on Earth is only temporary, and everything that happens in it is only a consequence of the fact that people live, forgetting about the great Knowledge. And this is true freedom - to do anything, to be yourself or even to deceive yourself, to gain knowledge or to live outside of it. Some part of a person always remains with God and responds to his presence. This concept is much more significant than ordinary religious beliefs. Traditional stories limit a person, but true angels store data about a much larger reality. This contrast pushes the enlightened to start a new path. In this case, all previous religious beliefs are left behind.

Do angels interfere in people's lives?

The gathering of angels merely watches, allowing events to unfold on earth without interference. Only those who ask for help sincerely can they come and change something. Then they give a person new information, open his eyes to great responsibility and give him the power to change events. This happens very rarely, at key moments in the development of human civilization. An angelic revelation cannot be invented, it cannot be composed, it cannot even be imagined, although many people have tried. And each such intervention becomes the basis of human history. People need to receive information from time to time so as not to make such a huge number of mistakes. When they learn the truth, people discover their connection with the universe and become smarter.

When will the messenger of angels come to the world again?

There are many turning points going on in the world right now, so you can expect a new angelic messenger soon. He will carry the great mystery, the great presence of God. Not all people will be able to understand the messenger, but many will receive gifts from him - great spiritual gifts, inspiring, powerful, life-transforming. More significant gifts than anyone has ever received before! They will change a person’s life, change them in an incredible and wonderful way. This is how God manifests himself in the universe, although it is not possible for even the most chosen representatives of humanity to fully understand his manifestation. It is above any theological principle, its goal is to unite all humanity into a society capable of accepting the concept of God more broadly than religion. And now, when man begins to discover space, finding himself on the verge of the risk of environmental destruction, a great moment of change is coming. Everything will soon change and be transformed - when the messenger of the angels appears!

If you have a feeling that you might be an angel, but are not sure about it, then you should definitely read these 6 signs...

Most likely, you are familiar with this type of people by several different names - lightworkers, earth angels, or something else similar.

Maybe you even feel like one of them.

Lightworkers are not able to understand much in the modern world, because they feel like souls who have experienced more than one reincarnation and who have seen better times. Therefore, they are sent here once again to restore and renew the planet. They came from a world where people lived in complete harmony: with each other, animals and nature. But the earth angels know that we will most likely never be able to return to that way of life, so they just want us to learn to live in harmony with our world now. They want every person in this world to live in joy, happiness, prosperity, while they themselves are some of the most selfless people you will ever meet.

Earth angels want to give everyone else pure, loving energy that will help people find their higher selves in this life. They want to leave all problems and suffering in the past so that we can learn to live in true harmony with the divine. They have only good intentions, but the current state of affairs on Earth often causes them to become despondent.

If you have a feeling that you can be an earthly angel, but are not sure about it, then you should definitely read the text below, which will allow you to determine your true role on this planet.

6 Signs You're an Earth Angel (And Don't Know It)

1. You are very sensitive

It is obvious that the earth's angels came here on a great mission, but they will have to pay a great price to save the planet. Sometimes an earth angel feels terribly tired of all the world's problems. And he gets the feeling that all efforts to resolve earthly contradictions are in vain. Earthly angels may experience quite strong disappointment with the current order of things on Earth and the impossibility of making changes. They do not like large and noisy crowds of people, since meeting with energies hostile to them greatly exhausts them.

Earth angels also have a high sensitivity to violence, hatred and all information that is presented in a negative way in the media. They tend to spend most of their time in their room, thereby protecting themselves from the bustle and influence of the outside world.

If this sounds like you, then maybe you're just an earth angel?

2. You love being alone

The lightworker or earth angel enjoys spending time alone to relax and balance their energy. As we have already said, this type of people often feels very overworked by modern civilization, and they need to spend some time alone in order to heal their psychological traumas and prepare for the next meeting with the outside world. They really love to delve deep into their subconscious, which allows them to put themselves in order. Earth angels know that in order to change the world, you must change yourself, and they work tirelessly to become better people.

3. You devote a lot of energy to caring for others.

Do you feel like you are a sensitive person towards other people and want to help solve their problems? If so, then maybe you are an earth angel. These people are ready to give up everything to help those in need, because they themselves have experienced a lot and would not want anyone else to feel the pain. Lightworkers feel a deep connection with all people around them and simply want to comfort those who need that comfort. Earthly angels understand how difficult and scary it is when the world around us sometimes shows that we exist almost all the time in a state of uncertainty. No one knows what tomorrow will bring us, but lightworkers are confident that today they can make the world a little better.

They live what is called “right now” and want to change the lives of others for the better as much as possible. Earthly angels understand the fact that people in this life have to “spin like a squirrel in a wheel,” since they themselves had to be in their shoes before.

4. You feel called to achieve a specific goal.

You are free from worldly desires and you do not want to follow a predetermined path in life. You don't like the agendas that are shaped by the society we live in, and you've never felt obligated to follow in other people's footsteps. You want to make your own mark and live by your own rules, and don't like people telling you what to do. You feel called to do something more than what people consider “normal” and you definitely need to fulfill yourself. Earth angels may feel a strong pull to work in areas where they can really help people: for example, they may work as social workers, psychologists, acupuncturists or massage therapists. They believe that they are endowed with healing powers and want to work in areas where they can find use for their talent.

You may even want to think about starting your own business, which will free you from all the daily grind that comes with any “normal” job.

5. You have strong intuition.

When making decisions in life, you are most likely guided not by logic, but by your emotions and intuition. Earthly angels are capable of feeling very deeply, which is fundamentally different from the correct and logical way of life of representatives of modern society.

Your life is largely concerned with things that appeal to human emotions: art, music, stories and communication with other people. You allow your intuition to guide you through life, and it helps you understand every new step you take.

Earth angels trust their inner voice because they know that the messages they receive come from the Divine. They believe that the Universe brings only good things and people into their lives, and they also know that intuition is the way the Universe talks to them.

They often turn to their spiritual mentors from the subtle world and angels for help, and they can also engage in various spiritual practices.

6. You reject “modern ideals.”

Most lightworkers and earth angels cannot understand the modern world. Why do we spend so much time doing jobs we hate just to afford things we don't need? Why does work come first for people? Why do we continue to pollute our planet, which is our only home? Why do we consume so much and give so little? Why do we need wars and racism? Why isn't our society becoming more civilized? Lightworkers and earth angels are constantly haunted by these questions, but the answers are usually disappointing, causing them to reject modern society. Many people call them hippies, but they simply understand that caring for the planet and each other is a normal life.

The earthly angels realized that we cannot continue to live in a state of isolation from each other; we simply cannot survive alone. Earthly angels only hope that people can unite and together celebrate the triumph of the real truth - we are talking about our right to love, prosperity, happiness, freedom. We on this Earth have everything to live a full and happy life, but the main obstacle to this is our consciousness. The earth angels are focusing on spreading this ancient wisdom in hopes of awakening people to unite them.

Earth angels love to spend a lot of time in nature, where they feel most comfortable, as if at home. They value nature and everything related to the natural world, and try to stay away from materialism, greed, corporations and anything that promotes division between people.

If these signs match you, then you are most likely a lightworker. You will have a difficult journey ahead, but in the end you will be able to bring a lot of benefit. Whenever you feel lost or upset about anything, just remember your mission. And remember that you came here to live your life, even if it differs from the life that other people consider correct. You were sent here to shine brightly and change this world for the better.

Find out if angels exist on Earth. Here you will find user opinions on whether there are angels in Islam, whether there is evidence of the existence of angels among people, whether a deceased person can become an angel.


Sometimes a person on his life’s path meets people who emit light with their whole body. You can’t help but wonder: do angels exist among people? As it turned out, yes. In appearance these are ordinary people, but their souls are the souls of angels. You won't see wings on the body, but the soul has them. How can you determine if there are angels among your surroundings?

People-angels, or otherwise called earthly angels, are beautiful, intelligent, and sensitive to others. A bright inner world is reflected in appearance, impeccable taste, relaxed behavior, smile, shining eyes. Usually angelic people are connoisseurs and ardent connoisseurs of everything beautiful. These people are always the center of attention. Everyone loves them, they are listened to, they are the “soul of the party.” The life of such people is the worship of love, and this is why they come to earth.

Two opposites fight in them - the sinner and the saint. They create beauty, do good, but their power of destruction is enormous. Angels among people enjoy every day of their lives. They take everything that can be taken from worldly existence. They can be both sinners and saints, but in any case, their powers of attraction and charm are so great that literally everything is forgiven them - both by people and by heaven. Maybe you recognize yourself in this description?

Can a dead person become an angel?

Some people are normal about the existence of otherworldly forces, and even more so about the existence of angels. Can a person become an angel after death? No evidence has been found for this, but many people believe that angels actually exist in real life. Maybe even among your friends there are people who feel that someone is helping them, i.e. feel their guardian angel. Deceased blood relatives sometimes help living ones. But not always.

Firstly, a relative must go to heaven after death, because He will definitely take a long time to get out of hell and will spend his last strength on himself, not to mention the person who lives on Earth. Secondly, this person must love the relative remaining on earth very much. And thirdly, relatives living on Earth must really need his help.

For the dead themselves, becoming an angel is a great torment. After entering heaven, the former person enjoys freedom and weightlessness, he can even forget that he was once a person. In order to become an angel, he must have a specific mission on Earth. That is, most likely, higher powers will make a person an angel for some earthly sins, and an even greater and more difficult punishment will be the guardianship of some person on Earth.

Angels on earth.
Sometimes you meet a person and you understand that he is not like everyone else: he has a different look, he lives differently than the majority, and his words seem to penetrate your heart.
Is it possible to immediately understand that the person in front of you is an angel, is there a chance to become an angel too? Let's try to figure it out.
1. Firstly, angels do not experience strong emotions. They don't hate, they don't admire. But you will never see a mask on their faces. If they are sad, you can see it, if they are happy, you will see it too. Even if they close their eyes, their facial expressions are alive. But they are not artists - everything you see is true.
2. Angels cannot lie. They may remain silent, looking away and letting the person think for himself. At most, they may not convince you. Also, angels do not lie to themselves, for this reason they do not have tears, complaints, or difficulties. Recognizing the truth, the angels seek ways to eliminate the difficulty.
3. Angels don't argue. They don't need to prove anything. They accept other points of view quite tolerably, while remaining in their positions.
4. Angels do not advise choosing one path or another. They do not have the right to even hint to a person what is better for him to choose, even if they perfectly see the prospects of each option. Their advice looks something like this: “Think carefully,” “consult with knowledgeable people,” “listen to your heart,” “the morning is wiser than the evening,” “as it turns out, so it will be.”
5. Angels do not use difficult and multi-component things in their lives: simple food, practical clothes, necessary household items. They do not need material luxury because it distracts them from their mission to help others.
6. Angels are not offended. They know why a person does this and calmly experience this event. If an angel stops talking to you, this does not mean that he does not like you, it means that you are not ready to hear his words, because he does not know how to lie.
7. Angels do not distinguish time. For them, an hour passes like a minute and vice versa. But it depends not on their mood, but on their thoughts. If they have conceived a task that requires more than one day’s expenditure, then time flies by for them. For this reason, many angels choose a job without urgency, with the opportunity to think about their own affairs and contact people.
8. Donor angels. Unlike human donors, angels gain energy from helping others. This makes them feel needed, which means they become more active.
9. Angels do not develop talents. There is no need for them to become competitors among humans. The use of one’s capabilities is often used out of necessity, when it is necessary to convey some information to a person.
10. Angels do not preach religion. They live by the principle of equality. They know that miracles and mean things can happen to everyone, regardless of faith, but depending on the state of the soul.
11. Angels can start families, but these stories are not considered exemplary unless both spouses are angels. The reason is banal - angels do not need envy, for them a child is a student. The parent angel does not show strong emotions to the child, teaching only the necessary knowledge that will help him survive in any conditions.
12. Angels also have desires. Unlike humans, these desires are based on feelings. For example: today an angel wants to experience gratitude and on this day he sees something that fills his soul with gratitude. The events themselves are of little concern to the angel. What matters to him is what he feels. As a rule, such wishes come true quickly.
13. The angel knows what he wants. Eventually. Because he doesn't care about events, he doesn't care about the path. His goal is the end result. The set of feelings with which he will leave this World.
14. An angel has few friends. Although he can devote a large amount of time to them, he likes to spend this time on helping other people, on self-improvement.
Why are angels needed? Well, really, what is it that he lives, that he is not like everyone else?
There have always been angels. And, the more of them, the more difficult it is for people to understand this life. Often, when a person is in doubt, someone appears in the most unexpected place who gives him the answer to his silent question. There are many stories where a person suddenly stops and a tragedy unfolds ahead of him. A few seconds save your life.
Are angels needed?
Everyone has their own opinion on this question. Angels often act as a stabilizer of emotions, balancing events, mixing “black” and “white” stripes. It is difficult to understand that it was an angel who intervened in your life - he behaves so insignificantly.

Is it possible to become an angel?
Every person is an angel. But each angel has its own mission. If one angel wants to know what forgiveness is, another angel must try to offend him. If a person is ready to remove grief and resentment from his life, to be aware of every action, then he quickly loses touch with such phenomena as anger, impatience, desire for material wealth, and a sense of time. He begins to find answers to many questions on his own, but getting out of prejudices is not easy, it takes time. And, feeling different, a person finally begins to understand his purpose. But, as described in paragraph “4”, an angel does not have the right to force another to remember his true “I”. This is the choice of everyone.

I was lucky to see an angel on earth,
To enjoy his gaze,
And close the emptiness in my lonely soul,
Now she is aiming for the sky.

To the sun, sky, stars, moon,
Where she will unite with her,
To be her in me forever,
And on earth...


The first time we met, you were not yet human. You have not yet possessed a physical body and have not incarnated on Earth. You was angel. And not just angel! You belonged to a family angels, determined to pave the way for a new adventure in space. What kind of adventure was this? I will expound this in... Even the most developed areas of the spiritual world receive an impulse of growth and renewal as a result of the great experiment on Earth. People able to explore the extremes of light and darkness and, in the end, realize the unity that lies behind all...


Too little or nothing at all. At the same time, the researcher considers incorrect the statement of some scientists that now Earth lives longer of people than in the entire history of mankind. The question "How many of people born on Earth in the entire history of mankind?" was recognized as the most interesting question of 2008 out of 101 questions proposed by the magazine "Quest...


Who uses them not only for themselves, but also for the benefit of others of people. Angel Guardian Raah-Yah (March 1 - March 5) THIS angel endows of people, born under his auspices, power that implies enormous responsibility, the burden of which is able to... clearly understand and formulate the goal to which we strive. Angel Guardian Hi-Shaho (July 18 - July 23) THIS angel bestows health, protection, love and patronage to all people on earth. It improves mental health, gives joy to the spirit and strengthens...


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Angel or guard

So they went on year after year. Justice based on the laws of the One, love and desire to help people gave Leordel the opportunity to become a guardian of the gates in the spiritual world and at the same time angel on earth. He is one of many who have been entrusted with the mission to correct the world and... the path with his head held high, gaining experience bit by bit, he only now saw angel. And he involuntarily asked: “What do I have left to do?” earth?" Leordel looked at him and answered: "To make peace with the son whom I have not seen...