
Experience and errors in the production of a telegram. The experience of a son (friend) of difficult mistakes (Arguments of the exam). The problem of human remorse. Arguments from Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

Do I need to analyze my mistakes? In order to reveal the topic posed, it is necessary to determine the definitions of the basic concepts. What is experience? And what are errors? Experience is the knowledge and skills that a person received in each of life situations. Errors - incorrectness in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts. These two concepts, which I cannot exist without each other, are tightly linked. The more experience, the less mistakes you make - this is a common truth. But you cannot gain experience without making mistakes - this is a harsh reality. Each person in his life stumbles, makes mistakes, does stupid things. We cannot do without this, it is the ups and downs that teach us to live. Only by making mistakes and learning from problematic life situations can we develop. That is, it is possible and even necessary to make a mistake and go astray, but the main thing is to analyze mistakes and correct them.

Very often in the fiction world literature, writers touch on the topic of mistakes and experience. For example, in the epic novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, one of the main characters, Pierre Bezukhov, spent all his time in the company of Kuragin and Dolokhov, leading an idle lifestyle, not burdened by worries, sorrows and thoughts. But, gradually realizing that panache and secular promenade are empty and aimless activities, he realizes that this is not for him. But he was too young and ignorant: to draw such conclusions, you need to rely on experience. The hero cannot immediately understand the people around him, and very often he makes mistakes in them. This is clearly manifested in relations with Helen Kuragina. Later he realizes that their marriage was a mistake, he was deceived by the "marble shoulders". Some time after the divorce, he joins the Masonic lodge and, apparently, finds himself. Bezukhov is engaged in social activities, meets interesting people, in a word, his personality acquires integrity. A beloved and devoted wife, healthy children, close friends, interesting work are the components of a happy and full life. Pierre Bezukhov is exactly the person who, through trial and error, finds his meaning of existence.

Another example can be found in the story "The Enchanted Wanderer" by NS. Leskov. The main character, Ivan Severyanich Flyagin, had to drink a bitter cup of trial and error. It all started with an accident in his youth: the mischief of a young postilion cost the life of an old monk. Ivan was born "the promised son" and from the very birth was destined to serve God. His life leads from one misfortune to another, from trial to trial, until his soul is cleansed and brings the hero to the monastery. For a long time he will die and will not die. Many he had to pay for his mistakes: love, freedom (he was a prisoner in the Kyrgyz-Kaisak steppes), health (he was recruited). But this bitter experience, better than any persuasion and demand, taught him that fate could not escape. The calling of the hero from the very beginning was religion, but a young man with ambitions, hopes and passions could not consciously accept the dignity, which is required by the specifics of the church service. Faith in a priest must be unshakable, otherwise how can he help the parishioners find it? It was a careful analysis of his own mistakes that could lead him on the path of true service to God.

School essays on this topic, as an option for preparing for the final essay.

Composition: Pride

Pride is considered the root of every evil, the root of every sin, as opposed to humility, which is the path to grace. There are different forms of pride. The first form of pride refers to the belief that you are superior to others, or at least inclined towards equality with all people, and are in search of superiority.

Here's something very simple but very powerful. Our tendency to feel superior to others, or at least equal, but this also hides an attitude of superiority. It's a complex. When we are often tormented by thoughts, we get embarrassed, the thought appears that someone denied me something that he offended me or did not understand me or is smarter than me or looks better than me - and we begin to feel competition, jealousy or conflict ... At the root of this problem lies our need to be better than others, taller, or at least to make sure that no one can be something better than us, something stronger than us. Something very simple that we don't understand. Rising, a proud man lowers his neighbor. Such an elevation is really of no value, since it is completely conditional. The very idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming better at the expense of another is simply absurd, such pride is actually insignificant.

This is only overcome if there is room for love. If love is real and takes place, this is clearly understood by how easily we overcome the attitude towards victory over others in order to show that we surpass it, not wanting to convince the other at any cost, not to expect that he will necessarily identify himself with our opinion. If we do not have such an attitude, we are not free, because we are slaves to the need to identify the other with our idea, our opinion, our theory. If we do not have this need, we are free.

Pride is a general concept, but when it comes to practical experiences that affect us personally, we get annoyed and stop seeing what is happening to us. We must respect everyone. Not everyone is equally capable by nature, character, everyone has different conditions. They are also relative, they change. Everyone is potentially ideal, just often far from this ideal. So pride just doesn't make sense.

Why can pride be a negative feeling?

Pride is common to many people. In what cases can such a quality develop into a negative one? Another writer from France, Adrian Decursel, called pride a slippery slope, and below a person there he meets vanity and arrogance. So pride is easily transformed into pride, the carrier of which is not able to rejoice in the success of others, but is completely and completely focused on his own.

It is well described in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Rodion simply reveled in pride and even created his own theory. Being confident in his exclusivity, the hero of the novel argued about the uselessness of some people, doubting the expediency of their life. The result of his worldview was the murder of an old woman.

Humility, often perceived as weakness, goes well with strength, as Pushkin clearly demonstrated in The Captain's Daughter.

Masha Rodionova, who endured a lot of suffering, was not broken. For the girl, Grinev's parents were the authority. When they did not want to bless the couple for the wedding, Masha humbly reacted to the decision of adults, and eventually won universal respect, including the Empress Catherine herself. That is, humility is human strength.

Thus, we have conducted a detailed comparative analysis of the above two terms. It would seem that despite the fact that these are complete opposites, they have a huge number of similar parameters by which they can be compared. I expressed my point of view and in no way pretend to be the ultimate truth.

How is pride different from pride?

Pride. Pride. What do these concepts mean? What is the difference between pride and pride? Many poets and writers have pondered these questions. I believe that pride is a feeling associated with self-esteem, independence. Pride is the highest measure of pride, arrogance. It is very important to have a sense of this illusory line between pride and pride.

To prove my thoughts, I will give an example from fiction. In the work of Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana, one of the heroines, is presented as a lady from a secular society. She is accompanied by the same general who is very proud of his wife.

The woman combined amazing character traits. It is easy to be with her, because she constantly remains herself and does not try to falsely present herself in the best light. Onegin Tatiana sincerely confesses her feelings and does not want to dissemble in this. A woman appreciates Eugene's pride, but they are not destined to be together, since her heart is given to another.

To clarify my point of view, I will give another example from fiction. The work of MA Sholokhov "Quiet Don" shows the tragic situation in which Natalya Korshunova found herself. Her life lost its meaning due to the lack of mutual love and fidelity on the part of her husband Gregory. And when she found out about the renewed infidelities of her beloved husband, she, being pregnant, came to the conclusion that she no longer wanted to have children from him. Her pride and her husband's insults were the reason for this decision. Natalia did not want a child from a traitor. The abortion, which was done by the village grandmother, was unsuccessful, and the heroine died.

Summing up the above, we can come to the conclusion that pride is a positively colored emotion that expresses the presence of self-respect. And pride is excessive pride, which is accompanied by conceit and arrogance.

The theme of humility and rebellion in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky

The plot of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, at first glance, is rather banal: in St. Petersburg, one poor young man kills an old woman, a percent woman, and her sister Lizaveta. However, the reader soon becomes convinced that this is not a simple crime, but a kind of challenge to society, "the masters of life", caused by injustice, poverty, hopelessness and spiritual deadlock of the hero of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov. To understand the reason for this terrible atrocity, one must remember history. The time in which the characters of the work lived was the sixties of the nineteenth century.
Russia at that time was going through an era of serious reforms in all spheres of life, which were supposed to modernize its political and social system in order to preserve the absolute power of the monarch.
It was then that the first female gymnasiums, a course of real schools appeared in the country, and all estates were given the opportunity to enter universities. Rodion Raskolnikov was one of such youth. He is a commoner and a former student. And what was the student body like then?
These were progressive youth, who came, as already mentioned, from various social strata of Russian society. In a word, it was an environment in which a "ferment of minds" had already begun: young people of that time were looking for ways of social and moral renewal of Russia. Revolutionary thought and "rebellious" sentiments were ripening in the universities.
Rodion Raskolnikov, pursuing the absolutely merciful goals of freeing dozens of spiritually rich people from material poverty, formulates his theory, according to which he divides all people into "trembling creatures" and "those who have the right." The first are the dumb, humble crowd, and the second are those who are allowed everything. He regards himself and a few “chosen ones” as “exceptional” personalities, and all the rest as those who “put up with”.
"Everything is in the hands of a man, and everything he carries past his nose solely from cowardice," Raskolnikov thinks.
If the world is so terrible that it is impossible to accept it, to come to terms with social injustice, then it means that we must separate ourselves, rise above this world.
Or obedience, or rebellion - there is no third way!
And such circles and waves went from his thoughts that all the rot, all the stench that lurked at the bottom of the soul, climbed up and was exposed.
Raskolnikov decides to cross the line that separates the "great" people from the crowd. And this very trait for him becomes murder: so a young man ruthlessly judges this world, judges with his personal "punishing sword". Indeed, according to Rodion's thoughts, the murder of a worthless old woman, from whom only harm to people, is not evil, but rather good. Yes, everyone will say thank you for this!
However, the unplanned murder of the unfortunate "humble" Lizaveta, for the first time makes Raskolnikov doubt the correctness of his theory, and then the tragic throwing of the hero begins.
His "rebellious" mind enters into an insoluble dispute with the spiritual essence. And the terrible tragedy of the PERSONALITY is born.
The theme of humility and the theme of rebellion collide on the pages of the novel in all their insoluble contradictions, turning into an agonizing dispute about a man who was leading Dostoevsky with himself all his life. Raskolnikov's "rebellious" worldview and Sonya Marmeladova's "humble" thoughts reflected the author's own bitter reflections on human nature and social reality.
"Thou shalt not kill," says one of the commandments.
Rodion Raskolnikov violated this commandment - and erased himself from the world of people.
"I didn't kill the old woman, I killed myself," the hero admits to Sonya Marmeladova. Having committed a crime, he overstepped the formal law, but could not overstep the moral law.
The tragedy of the "rebel" Raskolnikov is that, having made an attempt to escape from the world of evil, he makes mistakes and suffers a terrible punishment for his atrocity: the collapse of the idea, repentance and pangs of conscience.
Dostoevsky rejects the revolutionary transformation of the world, and the theme of "humility" sounds at the end of the novel quite victorious and convincing: Raskolnikov finds spiritual peace in faith in God. The truth is suddenly revealed to him: merciful goals cannot be achieved through violence.
Only in hard labor does the hero realize that not violence, but love for people can change the world.

Dostoevsky's novel remains relevant today. We also live in an era of change. The degree of public life is increasing every year.
The theme of resignation to the surrounding reality and the theme of rebellion against social injustice is wandering in the minds of modern Russians.
Perhaps someone is ready to take up the axes. But is it worth it?
After all, ideas can be a destructive force, both for the person himself and for society as a whole.

All the great deeds of mankind are the result of experience accumulated over the years, which, as you know, comes only with mistakes. I completely agree with the saying "He who does nothing is not mistaken" - after all, even the most famous and great people reached their position after going through a string of mistakes.
This adage stimulates decision-making. To achieve something meaningful, you first need to get things off the ground. And mistakes should not be a reason to give up and leave a venture, but an indicator of experience and movement - albeit in the wrong direction. It is better to be wrong, but to look for a solution than to sit back - this is the meaning of this statement.
We can observe an example of the accumulation of experience through mistakes and complete inaction in the comparison of the images of two outstanding literary heroes - Pierre Bezukhov in Tolstoy and Ilya Oblomov in Goncharov. The first is the illegitimate son of a wealthy count, who became his heir. Pierre is a naive, kind, gentle young man; he sincerely believes in the purity of human thoughts and does not notice the selfish intentions of his future wife - Helen and his false friends Anatole and Dolokhov. Despite some infantilism, Bezukhov is a passionate and addicted person, as evidenced by his endless search for himself and his mission: in an unsuccessful marriage, a riotous life, a Masonic lodge, war. However, in any situation, the young count knows how to keep a human face and remain the same kind and naive Pierre.
Bezukhov's entire life is saturated with one goal - to serve society, to make the people happier. He sees his personal happiness in serving not people, but humanity in general. Only being captured and meeting with Platon Karataev turn Pierre's gaze on life. Returning from the war, he marries his beloved girl - Natasha and finally finds happiness and harmony after so many mistakes.
You can oppose Pierre to the hero of Goncharov. Ilya Oblomov is a landowner, good-natured, but due to his upbringing, he is very lazy. From childhood, his parents cherished and cherished Ilyusha, did not allow him to work, did not pay due attention to the education of his son. As a result, Oblomov lies on the couch all day, and servants do all the work and even the simplest household chores for him.
The key moment of the work is Oblomov's meeting with Olga. His dreaminess and infantilism develop into a desire to live, act and seek the girl's favor. But the intentions remain so, because Oblomov is not capable of real activity - and Olga leaves him. The hero himself understands that this laziness and lack of interest in anything have already ruined all the good that was in him. Longing and lack of will lead to the extinction of Oblomov.
The fate of these heroes, who have many common features, but build their lives in different ways, demonstrates to us: we can come to happiness and success only by being in search of our own path. This search will certainly lead us through mistakes - small and catastrophic, but the main task of a person is to discern them, correct them and in no case give up. The one who does nothing is not mistaken, but our mistakes help us to act correctly, act rationally and achieve success!

A person makes many mistakes throughout his life, sometimes without noticing it. But by reflecting, we turn them into experience, albeit sometimes bitter. Yes, the tuition fees are too high, but you can't bargain with life, it does not accept the common bourgeois calculation. We all make mistakes, and this is natural and inevitable. You have to understand that human nature is not ideal, and experience is really the best teacher and helps to correct it.

Many writers have pondered this topic as well. For example, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, in his novel Crime and Punishment, touched upon the problem of experience and mistakes. The main character of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov, having killed an old money-lender and her pregnant sister, is much aware that he has made the biggest mistake of his whole life. He understands how wrong his beliefs, his theory were. Rodion confesses what he had done, realizing at the same time that he is the most ordinary person, and not the arbiter of destinies or a louse. At the same time, he receives invaluable life experience, the payment for which turned out to be so high. The author does not directly claim whether Raskolnikov has repented, but an astute reader sees the bible of a prisoner sentenced to hard labor. This means that the hero turned to God and abandoned theories that could be harmful in practice.

Another example can be cited. Also, an irreparable mistake was made by Nastya, the main character of the story "Telegram" by KG Paustovsky. The girl left her elderly mother all alone. Katerina Ivanovna was very lonely and ill. For three years the daughter did not visit the poor old woman. Of course, Nastya loved her mother very much, but work would not let her go. Therefore, Ekaterina Petrovna tried not to disturb Nastya once again, sending her letters very rarely. But her vitality left her and age took its toll. I don’t even know which served it more: old age or longing for my only daughter? Then the elderly woman wrote a letter to her, feeling that she would not survive the winter. But the daughter was too busy. When Nastya received a letter from a neighbor that Katerina Petrovna was dying, she realized that she had no one else in this life. And at the same moment he leaves for the station. But having arrived in the village, Nastya realizes that it is already too late. Katerina Petrovna never saw her only loved one before her death. Nastya had no relevant experience. She, apparently, until this time had never lost loved ones. How could she, young and full of strength, know that her mother's life is so fleeting. All that she has left is longing for the dearest person and an endless feeling of guilt before him. All these complex emotions formed the basis of her life experience. She will no longer make such a mistake and will save her family, giving her work its due, but not forgetting about the family - the only true value of a person.

Sometimes a person needs to go through many trials, make many mistakes in order to gain experience that will allow him to be cleansed and become better, smarter and kinder. It is no coincidence that mature people give preference not to a career, but to family values, not appearances, but essence, not ambitions, but dreams, moreover, the dreams of close and dear people.

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Life is a long road to excellence. Everyone goes through it independently. This means that he grows up on his own, gets acquainted with the changes that occur inside a person, learns the world with its unpredictable course of history, like the movement of atmospheric masses. But humanity does not want to learn from the mistakes of previous generations, and stubbornly stepping on the same rake again and again.

It took agonizingly long time to create the novel by Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov "Quiet Don". The tragic story of several generations of one family, caught in a maelstrom of terrible destructive events, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mistakes that lead to the collapse, death of almost all members of the Melekhov family. The explanatory dictionary gives the concept of the word error:

unintentional deviation from the correct actions, deeds, thoughts.

It seems to me that the main word in this definition is "unintentional". Nobody wants to make mistakes on purpose, to spite everyone and everything. Most often, a person, making a mistake, is sure that he is right. This is what Grigory Melekhov does. Throughout the whole novel, he does everything somehow "out of mind." Against a reasonable, logical rejection of love for a married Aksinya, he achieves a reciprocal feeling:

He stubbornly, with boogey persistence, courted her.

When the father decides to marry his son to a girl from a wealthy family, having no feelings for Natalia, only obeying the will of Panteley Prokofich, Grigory makes another mistake. Returning to Aksinya, then throwing her, returning to Natalia, Gregory rushes between two differently beloved women. The mistake ends in tragedy for both: one dies from an abortion, the other dies from a bullet. So it is in determining his path in the revolution: he seeks harmony, the highest truth, truth, but does not find them anywhere. And the transition from reds to Cossacks, and then to whites, a new transition to reds also brings him neither freedom, nor justice, nor harmony. “Blessed is he who visited our world in fatal moments,” FITyutchev once said. Gregory - a saint in a soldier's greatcoat - a great warrior who so passionately wanted peace, but did not find it, because he got such a share ...

But the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, gained rich experience in communicating with girls and women. “How early could he be hypocritical, conceal hope, be jealous ...” - and always achieve his goal. But the experience played a cruel joke on him. Having met true love, he did not give the "cute habit" a move, he did not want to lose "his hateful freedom". And Tatiana married another. Onegin, not finding a modest country girl in a society lady, regained his sight! An attempt to return Tatiana ends in failure for him. And he was so confident in himself, in the correctness of his actions, of his choice.

No one is immune from mistakes. As we live our lives, we will make mistakes over and over again. And when we gain experience, maybe we will lose all interest in life. Everyone makes their own choice: deliberately makes another mistake or sits quietly in their shelter and calmly enjoys the experience ...