
Ege in German Fipi. Getting ready for the exam in German. General USE numbers

Passing the exam in German with excellent marks is not so difficult. How? - Read below, get acquainted with the main structure of the exam and the options for tasks. Practical advice from Deutsch Online will help you get the highest score and develop the right strategy in preparation.

The USE (Unified State Examination) in German consists of four sections:

- listening
- Reading
Grammar and vocabulary
- Letter

Previously, graduates also passed the oral part (Speaking) after a written exam, where they had to conduct a dialogue one on one with a teacher from another school, as well as present a detailed monologue on the proposed topic. Subsequently, the oral part of the exam was canceled, and today's exam consists of only four of the above parts.

The tasks of the unified state exam are divided into 3 categories - A, B and C.

Tasks part A are the so-called multiple choice, where for each question three or four answers are offered, and from the proposed options you need to choose one correct one.

Part B somewhat more difficult, there may be tasks of two main types: a) fill in the gaps in the text, putting the proposed option in the correct grammatical form; b) given, for example, six texts and seven headings to them - you need to find the extra one and correlate the rest with each other. Answers are already given here, you just need to put them in the correct grammatical form, or correlate the answers with the questions, discarding the extra option.

Part C- this is already aerobatics, here you need to compose a coherent structured text yourself, using grammar and vocabulary correctly.

The total duration of the exam is 180 minutes.

Sounds intimidating. But in reality this is not so. There are certain tricks on how to best cope with tasks of each type and save time. Below we will look at what tasks can be found in each part and how best to solve them.

1. Listening

This part mainly tests how well you understand German by ear. The announcer will repeat each task twice with a pause of about 15 seconds.

Success strategy: go over your eyes on the questions of the task to the text and answers before listening! At the time when it will be said in Russian “Now you will perform tasks in listening. Each text will sound twice ... "you can not listen to this, but already read the assignments themselves! So instead of the prescribed 20 seconds, you will have several times more time to read the questions and answer options for them. Sometimes even without hearing the text, one can assume that one of the options is wrong, because it simply sounds too illogical.

Example:Wo wollte Peter nach seinem Studium arbeiten?
1) bei einem Automobilhersteller in Deutschland
2) bei einem großem Autokonzern in den USA
3) in der großen Autowerkstatt bei seinem Vater

Reasoning logic: Option number three sounds rather illogical - in the first two options, the emphasis is on the country - Deutschland or USA, most likely, one of them will turn out to be correct. But in the third option, as in the second, there is the word “groß”, perhaps here they wanted to catch you. Therefore, when listening, even if individual words are not clear, or synonyms are used in the text (for example, Produzent instead of Hersteller, or Unternehmen instead of Konzern) - we pay attention to a) the country, b) the place - the manufacturing plant or workshop. This approach saves a lot of time and allows you to concentrate!

You will also be given to listen to several statements that will need to be correlated with headings or topics. Then a dialogue will sound, to which they will offer tasks to choose from according to the principle richtig/falsch/steht nicht im Text. And at the end there will be an interview, after which 9-10 questions will follow, where you will need to choose one correct answer out of three options.

The main thing is to concentrate on listening and carefully transfer the correct options to the answer sheet! The announcers will read the text clearly, twice, even if some word remains incomprehensible, do not panic, the task can certainly be solved without this word! And - we gain time to read the questions with the help of a little trick, which has already been mentioned above.

2. Reading

This section will test whether you can understand the written text well, which is already clear from the title of this part. Most people perceive the written text more easily than by ear, so everyone copes with this part of the exam without problems.

In the first task, you will need to choose the correspondence between small texts (5-6 lines in length) and their headings. One heading will be superfluous, so the authors of the exam will deliberately formulate them in such a way that it seems as if two headings fit one text. Think about where the catch is and why one of two similar options is wrong.

Success strategy: First, read the questions and answers quickly, then the text! When reading the text, we do not try to understand verbatim and translate each sentence - we catch the meaning! We look at where the words and phrases from the questions are found in the text and what is said for each of the questions. Maybe the answer to the first question can only be found in the second paragraph of the text, and you have already been reading the second sentence from the first paragraph for five minutes in the third circle - for nothing! Therefore, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the questions, and only then proceed to reading the text itself.

3. Grammar and vocabulary

Everything is simple here - no tricks, a minimum of interpretation, a maximum of pure knowledge of grammar and understanding of vocabulary. In tasks B4-B10, sentences and words for them will be given, which must be substituted into the gaps in the correct grammatical form.

For example, given a sentence: Wo die Traumziele der Deutschen liegen, _________ man auf den Landeskarten des neu erschienenen Reiseführers „Destination 2013“ von Marco Polo sehen.
And next to this sentence is the verb KONNEN The to be inserted in place of the gap in the correct form. The man part already tells us that the correct answer is cann.

Tasks B11-B16 are similar to the previous ones, with the difference that you first need to transform the word: for example, make a verb with the same root from a noun (Arbeit - arbeiten, aufmerksam - Aufmerksamkeit, Frankreich - französisch, etc.), and then in the right grammatical form of this word in a sentence to insert.

For example, given the following sentence: Auch die ____________ Journalisten haben über die letzten Wahlen im Busndestag berichtet.
And the word stands next to FRANKREICH, from which we will first make an adjective francosisch(because there is already a noun in our phrase - Journalisten), and then we will put this adjective in the right form - francosischen.

Finally, in the “grammar” part, there will be a few fairly simple questions from part A, where you will need to choose one correct one from four options in the text with gaps (again, multiple choice).

Success strategy: correctly and clearly, in accordance with the norms, enter your answers from part B in the answer sheet! Pay special attention to the spelling of ü, ö, ä and ß - for this you should read the instructions in advance! During the preparation for the exam, it is also necessary to intensively repeat the grammar - the declension of nouns and adjectives, endings, plurals, exceptions to the rules (since they are most often caught!), tense forms of verbs (especially in the past tense).

4. Letter

The written part consists of two tasks, where you will have the chance to demonstrate your level of German language proficiency in all its glory. Here, the compliance of the text written by you with the requirements specified in the assignment will be checked - volume, subject, structure. In addition, the choice of vocabulary and grammatical constructions is very important! Mistakes will reduce the score, so it's better to write less but better.

The first task of this part (C1) is writing. Letters can be formal (official letters to strangers) and informal (letters to friends or acquaintances, postcards). They differ from each other, first of all, in design: we will start a friendly letter with an informal greeting, we will turn to “you”, and we will also end informally. In this task, you will most likely be asked to write an answer to a letter from a friend or acquaintance from Germany (or a postcard). At the same time, the task will, of course, indicate what you will have to mention in your letter (for example, ask in more detail about an event, ask a few questions on a specific topic, etc.)

Success strategy: it is worth learning in advance the typical phrases of greeting and farewell, pay special attention to commas (in German, punctuation rules are different from Russian ones!). It is very important to follow the structure proposed by the examiners - if the assignment says that at the end you need to ask three questions on the topic, then you need to ask three questions, not five or two. And always on the topic, in this case, questions like “How are you?” and "What's new?" will not be taken into account.

Here is an example of how to start and end a letter:

Hallo Anna, / Liebe Anna,

Danke für deinen letzten Brief und die Postkarte aus Berlin.
Hat mich sehr gefreut zu erfahren, dass…

Freue mich bald von dir zu hören!

Viele Grüße / Liebe Grüße
Lena Iwanowa

In the second task of the C2 writing part, you will need to write a detailed statement (in fact, a mini essay or essay) on the proposed topic. Here it will be taken into account how logically and structured you express your thoughts and argue - of course, in German. It is very important to keep the length and structure proposed by the examiners, such as: introduction, main body (arguments for and against, your personal opinion), conclusion.

Success strategy: At home, be sure to practice writing reasoned texts on various topics. Just come up with abstracts on completely different topics (German: “You can’t live without knowing German in the modern world”, the Internet: “Online learning opens a new era in education”, sports, and so on) and find arguments for and against in German. Having written such an essay ten times, firstly, you don’t waste time building the text and selecting introductory phrases (because you already know by heart where you start and how you finish), and secondly, in general, you find arguments for and against faster. It is important to remember: there simply will not be time to write the entire text first completely on a draft, and then rewrite it without errors on a clean copy! Therefore, on the draft we write only a sketch (plan) + the main arguments for and against, without introductory phrases!

Introductory phrases should come by themselves, after you have written a test essay ten times. During such training, a set of phrases will be developed that can be used as a framework when writing any text of this type.

For example, you can start an essay by reformulating the question from the assignment in your own words and asking a rhetorical question like Stimmt das wirklich so?

The main part can be built using introductory phrases and constructions:

Erstens, … Zweitens, … Drittens, …
Einerseits….. Andererseits…… Außerdem….
Dafür spricht die Tatsache, dass… Dagegen spricht, dass…
Ein Argument dafür ist….. Ein Argument dagegen ist /wäre, dass….

Counterarguments can be prefaced with a rhetorical question like Was spricht gegen….? or introductory words and constructions andererseits, eine andere Meinung ist /wäre, dagegen spricht die Tatsache, dass… and others.

After listing, say, three arguments for and two arguments against, you need to weigh the pros and cons: Wenn man die Vorteile und Nachteile vergleicht, kann man sehen, dass...- and express your opinion: Meiner Meinung nach, …. / Ich bin der Meinung, dass… / Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass…

And the last paragraph is the conclusion: Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass… / Zum Schluss möchte ich betonen, dass…

Important: a clear structure will allow you not to be distracted from the main idea and not to “pour water”, as well as save time in logical transitions. 80 minutes are allotted for the written part, so it is important to correctly allocate this time and effort: for example, take 20-30 minutes for writing (20 minutes for preparation and draft, 10 minutes for writing on a clean copy). It is worth taking more time for an essay, say, 40-50 minutes (20-25 minutes for preparation and a rough draft, 10 minutes for writing on a clean copy). In the remaining five minutes of the total time, it is worth re-reading what was written and correcting the mistakes that caught your eye after one reading.

Lyubov Mutovkina, Deutsch-online

On June 7, 2018, it became finally clear that the mandatory USE in foreign languages ​​in 2022 would be held, no matter what. During the Direct Line with President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin a 9th grade graduate from Lobnya asked a question about the introduction of two mandatory exams in the 11th grade, the head of state forwarded the question to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva.

From her quite substantive answer, it became clear that the decision to introduce a mandatory USE in foreign languages ​​was finally made. About the mandatory history exam, the introduction of which in 2020 the minister personally announced repeatedly in various media, she answered evasively, saying that this issue is still being discussed.

Exactly one month later information portal newspapers "Izvestia" invited to the press conference of the Head of FIPI Oksana Reshetnikova, the main developer of control and measuring materials for the Unified State Examination of the profile exam in foreign languages Maria Verbitskaya and Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, National Research University Higher School of Economics Irina Rezanova. This was also a fateful moment, since they told in some detail how the updated USE in foreign languages ​​would look like.

The main theses of the press conference with the developers of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages:

1. The exam in foreign languages ​​will have two levels of difficulty: basic and specialized. Analogies with the mandatory USE in mathematics are quite appropriate. Each graduate will be able to choose the level of difficulty.

2. The basic level of the exam will be in the range from A2 + to B1. Profile exam - up to level B2. This refers to the 6 levels of foreign language proficiency approved by the Council of Europe. B2 just corresponds to 100 points on the profile exam in a foreign language.

3. The profile exam will fully comply with the existing exam. The developers do not plan any changes in either the tasks or the minimum score threshold.

4. The basic USE in a foreign language will correspond to the basic level of knowledge in this subject. The greatest attention will be paid to speech practice: listening, reading, speaking, as well as language competence (language knowledge and skills).

5. VPR-2018 in foreign languages ​​- these are the real tasks that will be on the basic exam. In order to understand what the demo version of the basic level of the Unified State Examination in a foreign language will look like, just look at the FIPI website for a demo version of the VPR (All-Russian test work) for 11 classes. The developers have officially confirmed that the demo version of the FIPI VPR in foreign languages ​​is the prototype of the future basic USE.

The basic USE in German (as well as in other foreign languages) will consist of two parts - oral and written. Each part is checked and evaluated separately. In 2018, students in grade 11 can optionally complete either both parts, or only the written part. The oral part of the exam is conducted using special equipment. The duration of the entire exam is 1 hour (60 minutes).

Reading 12 min. Views 952 Published on 05/18/2018

How to prepare for the exam in German, what to look for, what main sections of the exams and assignment options will be and how to solve them all perfectly. Our practical advice will help you score the highest score and develop the right strategy in preparation.

The USE (Unified State Examination) in German consists of four sections:

  • listening
  • Reading
  • Grammar and vocabulary
  • Letter

Previously, graduates also passed the oral part (Speaking) after a written exam, where they had to conduct a dialogue one on one with a teacher from another school, as well as present a detailed monologue on the proposed topic. Subsequently, the oral part of the exam was canceled, and today's exam consists of only four of the above parts.

The tasks of the unified state exam are divided into 3 categories - A, B and C.

Tasks part A are the so-called multiple choice, where for each question three or four answers are offered, and from the proposed options you need to choose one correct one.

Part B somewhat more difficult, there may be tasks of two main types: a) fill in the gaps in the text, putting the proposed option in the correct grammatical form; b) given, for example, six texts and seven titles to them - you need to find the extra one and correlate the rest with each other. Answers are already given here, you just need to put them in the correct grammatical form, or correlate the answers with the questions, discarding the extra option.

Part C- this is already aerobatics, here you need to compose a coherent structured text yourself, using grammar and vocabulary correctly.

The total duration of the exam is 180 minutes.

Sounds intimidating. But in reality this is not so. There are certain tricks on how to best cope with tasks of each type and save time. Below we will look at what tasks can be found in each part and how best to solve them.


This part mainly tests how well you understand German by ear. The announcer will repeat each task twice with a pause of about 15 seconds.

Success strategy: go over your eyes on the questions of the task to the text and answers before listening! At the time when it will be said in Russian “Now you will perform tasks in listening. Each text will sound twice ... "you can not listen to this, but already read the assignments themselves!

So instead of the prescribed 20 seconds, you will have several times more time to read the questions and answer options for them. Sometimes even without hearing the text, one can assume that one of the options is wrong, because it simply sounds too illogical.

If you have two similar options in front of you that differ in one small detail, pay attention to this detail - perhaps this is where the authors of the task wanted to catch you!

Example:Wo wollte Peter nach seinem Studium arbeiten?

  • bei einem Automobilhersteller in Deutschland
  • bei einem großem Autokonzern in den USA
  • in der großen Autowerkstatt bei seinem Vater

Reasoning logic: Option number three sounds rather illogical - in the first two options, the emphasis is on the country - Deutschland or USA, most likely, one of them will turn out to be correct. But in the third option, as in the second, there is the word “groß”, perhaps here they wanted to catch you.

Therefore, when listening, even if individual words are not clear, or synonyms are used in the text (for example, Produzent instead of Hersteller, or Unternehmen instead of Konzern) - we pay attention to a) the country, b) the place - the manufacturing plant or workshop. This approach saves a lot of time and allows you to concentrate!

You will also be given to listen to several statements that will need to be correlated with headings or topics. Then a dialogue will sound, to which they will offer tasks to choose from according to the principle richtig/falsch/steht nicht im Text. And at the end there will be an interview, after which 9-10 questions will follow, where you will need to choose one correct answer out of three options.

Note! The main thing is to concentrate on listening and carefully transfer the correct options to the answer sheet! The announcers will read the text clearly, twice, even if some word remains incomprehensible, do not panic, the task can certainly be solved without this word! And - we buy time to read the questions with the help of a little trick, which has already been mentioned above.


This section will test whether you can understand the written text well, which is already clear from the title of this part. Most people perceive the written text more easily than by ear, so everyone copes with this part of the exam without problems.

In the first task, you will need to choose the correspondence between small texts (5-6 lines in length) and their headings. One heading will be superfluous, so the authors of the exam will deliberately formulate them in such a way that it seems as if two headings fit one text. Think about where the catch is and why one of two similar options is wrong.

Success strategy: First, read the questions and answers quickly, then the text! When reading the text, we do not try to understand verbatim and translate each sentence - we catch the meaning! We look at where the words and phrases from the questions are found in the text and what is said for each of the questions

Maybe the answer to the first question can be found only in the second paragraph of the text, and you have already read the second sentence from the first paragraph for five minutes in the third circle - in vain! Therefore, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the questions, and only then proceed to reading the text itself.

Grammar and vocabulary

Everything is simple here - no tricks, a minimum of interpretation, a maximum of pure knowledge of grammar and understanding of vocabulary. In tasks B4-B10, sentences and words for them will be given, which must be substituted into the gaps in the correct grammatical form.

For example, given a sentence: Wo die Traumziele der Deutschen liegen, _________ man auf den Landeskarten des neu erschienenen Reiseführers „Destination 2013“ von Marco Polo sehen.
And next to this sentence is the verb KONNEN The to be inserted in place of the gap in the correct form. The man part already tells us that the correct answer is cann.

Tasks B11-B16 are similar to the previous ones, with the difference that you first need to transform the word: for example, make a verb with the same root from a noun (Arbeit - arbeiten, aufmerksam - Aufmerksamkeit, Frankreich - französisch, etc.), and then in the right grammatical form of this word in a sentence to insert.

For example, given the following sentence: Auch die ____________ Journalisten haben über die letzten Wahlen im Busndestag berichtet. And the word stands next to FRANKREICH, from which we will first make an adjective francosisch(because there is already a noun in our phrase - Journalisten), and then we will put this adjective in the right form - francosischen.

Finally, in the “grammar” part, there will be a few fairly simple questions from part A, where you will need to choose one correct one from four options in the text with gaps (again, multiple choice).

Success strategy: correctly and clearly, in accordance with the norms, enter your answers from part B in the answer sheet! Pay special attention to the spelling of ü, ö, ä and ß - for this, you should read the instructions in advance!

During the preparation for the exam, it is also necessary to intensively repeat the grammar - the declension of nouns and adjectives, endings, plurals, exceptions to the rules (since they are most often caught!), tense forms of verbs (especially in the past tense).


The written part consists of two tasks, where you will have the chance to demonstrate your level of German language proficiency in all its glory.

Here, the compliance of the text written by you with the requirements specified in the assignment - volume, subject, structure will be checked. In addition, the choice of vocabulary and grammatical constructions is very important! Mistakes will reduce the score, so it's better to write less but better.

The first task of this part (C1) is writing. Letters can be formal (official letters to strangers) and informal (letters to friends or acquaintances, postcards). They differ from each other, first of all, in design: we will start a friendly letter with an informal greeting, we will turn to “you”, and we will also end informally.

In this task, you will most likely be asked to write an answer to a letter from a friend or acquaintance from Germany (or a postcard). At the same time, the task will, of course, indicate what you will have to mention in your letter (for example, ask in more detail about an event, ask a few questions on a specific topic, etc.)

Success strategy: it is worth learning in advance the typical phrases of greeting and farewell, pay special attention to commas (in German, punctuation rules are different from Russian ones!).

Very important: follow the structure suggested by the examiners - if the assignment says that at the end you need to ask three questions on the topic, then you need to ask three questions, not five or two. And always on the topic, in this case, questions like “How are you?” and "What's new?" will not be taken into account.

Here is an example of how to start and end a letter:

Hallo Anna, / Liebe Anna,

Danke für deinen letzten Brief und die Postkarte aus Berlin.
Hat mich sehr gefreut zu erfahren, dass…

Freue mich bald von dir zu hören!

Viele Grüße / Liebe Grüße
Lena Iwanowa

In the second task of the C2 writing part, you will need to write a detailed statement (in fact, a mini essay or essay) on the proposed topic. It will take into account how logically and structured you express your thoughts and argue - of course, in German.

It is very important to keep the length and structure proposed by the examiners, such as: introduction, main body (arguments for and against, your personal opinion), conclusion.

Success strategy: At home, be sure to practice writing reasoned texts on various topics. Just come up with abstracts on completely different topics (German: « You can’t live without knowledge of German in the modern world”, the Internet: “Online learning opens a new era in education”, sports, and so on) and find arguments for and against in German.

Having written such an essay ten times, firstly, you don’t waste time building the text and selecting introductory phrases (because you already know by heart where you start and how you finish), and secondly, in general, you find arguments for and against faster.

Important to remember: there simply won’t be time to write the entire text first completely on a draft, and then rewrite it without errors on a clean copy! Therefore, on the draft we write only a sketch (plan) + the main arguments for and against, without introductory phrases!

Introductory phrases should come by themselves, after you have written a test essay ten times. During such training, a set of phrases will be developed that can be used as a framework when writing any text of this type.

For example, you can start an essay by reformulating the question from the assignment in your own words and asking a rhetorical question like Stimmt das wirklich so?

The main part can be built using introductory phrases and constructions:

  • Erstens, … Zweitens, … Drittens, …
  • Einerseits….. Anererseits…… Außerdem….
  • Dafür spricht die Tatsache, dass… Dagegen spricht, dass…
  • Ein Argument dafür ist….. Ein Argument dagegen ist /wäre, dass….

Note! Counterarguments can be prefaced with a rhetorical question like Was spricht gegen….? or introductory words and constructions andererseits, eine andere Meinung ist /wäre, dagegen spricht die Tatsache, dass… and others.

After listing, say, three arguments for and two arguments against, you need to weigh the pros and cons: Wenn man die Vorteile und Nachteile vergleicht, kann man sehen, dass…- and express your opinion: Meiner Meinung nach, …. / Ich bin der Meinung, dass… / Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass…

And the last paragraph is the conclusion: Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass… / Zum Schluss möchte ich betonen, dass…

Important: a clear structure will allow you not to be distracted from the main idea and not to “pour water”, as well as save time in logical transitions. 80 minutes are allotted for the written part, so it is important to correctly allocate this time and effort: for example, take 20-30 minutes for writing (20 minutes for preparation and draft, 10 minutes for writing on a clean copy).

It is worth taking more time for an essay, say, 40-50 minutes (20-25 minutes for preparation and a rough draft, 10 minutes for writing on a clean copy). In the remaining five minutes of the total time, it is worth re-reading what was written and correcting the mistakes that caught your eye after one reading.

The USE in German is rarely required for admission. All linguistic specialties are willing to accept results in English as an alternative. The written part of the exam will take place on June 19, you can take the oral part on the 9th or 13th if you wish.

This exam is usually chosen by students of language schools in which German is the main language studied. It would seem that in this case, with his knowledge, everything should be fine. But expectations don't always match reality. And then an intensive search for ready-made answers to the exam begins.

Every year, a wave of pre-exam panic covers graduates and search engines begin to crackle from the number of requests “ready-made answers to the exam in German”, “find ready-made answers to the exam”, “unified state exam solutions” and other variations. So where can you get them and how will they help? We understand.

USE assignments: what can be answered

When deciding to actively search for answers, do not lose sight of the main feature of the USE in German: it has an oral part. It is, of course, optional, but it is included in the final score, so without it your result will not be higher than 80.

The written part includes standard blocks of tasks for language exams:

  • listening;
  • reading;
  • grammar and vocabulary;
  • letter.

If in the case of the first three points, ready-made answers can really help you, because only a number or a word needs to be entered in the answer forms, then problems will begin with the letter. Copying a finished essay as a carbon copy is extremely dangerous. If suddenly someone else decides to use the same answers, they will instantly reveal you. And attempts to reformulate the text will already require you to know the German language - in some articles and cases you can get confused so that the inspector cannot understand your thought.

Moreover, in the test part, it is also dangerous not to try to delve into the tasks at all. Maybe your answers don’t fit the assignments at all, and you won’t even know, because you were too lazy to read the texts carefully or try to listen to the listening. So you can’t do without knowing German at all.

Where to download ready-made answers to the exam in German

The range of sources of answers is extremely wide - you will be offered them by various sites, and groups in social networks, and possibly the same as you, desperate graduates who have already been lucky enough to find something.

Can they be trusted? It is highly doubtful, because it is completely unclear where the answers could come from. If decisions are provided in advance, assuring that this is information from “one’s own person” in the FIPI, Rosobrnadzor or some other organization, you should not believe it. If there really was a data leak, the USE results may be canceled altogether.

There is another scenario - they promise to send the answers a few hours before the exam, when the KIMs are printed in the Far East. Of course, they can really send them to you, but there is one problem - KIMs in all regions are different, so in the end this will not help you in any way.

In fact, scammers who want to sell you answers can come up with a hundred more versions of where they got such valuable information from. But most likely, all this will only be an attempt to lure money from you. However, they do not provide any guarantees. Therefore, it’s better not to wait for a miracle, but try again to solve the USE test options while you still have time.

USE in German less than one percent of students pass by choice. It is significantly inferior in popularity to English, and yet it ranks second among the language exams. In terms of complexity, it is equal to other language exams and consists of the same sections: listening; reading; grammar and vocabulary; letter; speaking (optional) The graduate needs to complete 44 assignments: 40 written and 4 oral assignments. The written part is given 180 minutes (3 hours). The oral part, which is handed over on another day, is given 15 minutes. In case of refusal of the oral part, the graduate will not be able to score more than 80 points.

Read the general information about the exam and start preparing. Control and measuring materials did not change in 2019, however, the passing score increased from 20 to 22.

EGE assessment

Guarantee of passing the exam - if you correctly answer at least 17 questions from section 3 or sections 2 and 3. By doing this you earn 17 primary points, that is, when transferred to test - 22 points. In order to translate the result into a five-point system, refer to our table.

Structure of the USE written test

In 2019, the written part of the test consists of four sections, including 40 tasks.

  • Section 1: Listening (1-9), the answers to the tasks are a number or a sequence of numbers.
  • Section 2: Reading (10-18), the answers to the tasks are a number or a sequence of numbers.
  • Section 3: Grammar and Vocabulary (19–38), the answer to the task is a number, a word or several words, written without spaces and punctuation marks.
  • Section 4: Writing (39-40), consists of two tasks - writing a personal letter and a statement with elements of reasoning.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass the USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the exam in German, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests were developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Examination by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official versions of the exam are being developed.
    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topic.

General USE numbers

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 20
2010 20 41,07 4 177 12,1 0 160
2011 20 48,99 2 746 6,6 2 160
2012 20 57,1 3 125 3,4 1 160
2013 20 58,6 2 768 3,3 4 180
2014 20 180
2015 22 180
2016 22 180
2017 22 180