
April 15 is Kim Il Sung's birthday. The main holiday in the DPRK - the country celebrates the birthday of Kim Il Sung. At the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun

Pyongyang, 15 April. /Corr. ITAR-TASS Yuri Sidorov/. The DPRK press does not report anything about a possible launch of missiles on the occasion of the main national holiday - Kim Il Sung's birthday. This time there will be no military parade on the central square of Pyongyang. It is assumed that the Korean People's Army will demonstrate its military potential on July 27 in connection with another event - the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War /Korean War 1950-53/. Kim Jong-un pays special attention to this date.

Today, the North Korean leader visited the Kumsusan Palace, where he paid tribute to the memory of his grandfather, the founder and first president of the DPRK, as well as his father, Kim Jong Il. This memorial complex contains the tombs of two generalissimos, who remain forever alive in the minds of Koreans.

The city has a festive atmosphere. In the morning, residents of the capital, who received two days off, went to the statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, installed on the Mansu hill in the center of Pyongyang. Men in strict suits and women in beautiful national dresses lay flowers at the foot of the giant monument.

Taking advantage of the warm weather in the country, many took to the sports grounds or went to the banks of the Taedong River, where family picnics are usually held. Exhibitions dedicated to the life and work of Kim Il Sung, the author of the famous Juche ideas, have been opened in Pyongyang and other cities of the country. A conference of leaders of foreign Societies to study this ideology was held in the capital.

There are no signs of tension in the city. Foreign diplomatic missions and representative offices of international humanitarian organizations operate as usual.

North Korea celebrates on a grand scale the 101st anniversary of the birth of the country's founder Kim Il Sung - Day of the Sun. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited the Kumsusan Palace. This memorial complex contains the tombs of two generalissimos, who remain forever alive in the minds of Koreans. Flowers are brought to the monuments of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, parades and rallies are held throughout the country. Exhibitions dedicated to the life and work of the founder of the DPRK have been opened in Pyongyang and other cities of the country. A conference of leaders of foreign scientific societies to study the Juche idea opened in the capital. There are no signs of tension in the city, foreign diplomatic missions and representative offices of international humanitarian organizations operate as usual. The DPRK is confident that a dialogue with South Korea is possible, unless, of course, it provokes the North.
Kim Ju-myung, resident of Pyongyang:

The South Korean authorities offer dialogue, if they sincerely want dialogue, then they should give up their hostile feelings towards us, and stop their ongoing military exercises.

Life for the people

Korean people sing of the great Kim Il Sung(April 15, 1912 – July 8, 1994) as their eternal leader. His whole life was noble, dedicated to the people.

At the center of thought and action

Kim Il Sung embarked on the path of revolution in childhood, when he was a little over 10 years old. At the center of his thoughts were questions about how to free the Korean people from the yoke of the Japanese imperialists and how to build a rich, powerful and prosperous country in the future. And he stubbornly sought the path of the Korean revolution. In doing so, he created the Juche idea, the Songun idea, universally recognized in the international community as the universal guiding ideal of the cause of self-reliance in the present time and the all-powerful sword.

In the days of the 15-year anti-Japanese armed struggle, Kim Il Sung never for a moment forgot about his homeland and people. In the crucible of a fierce battle with enemies and at the fire in a secret camp, the thought of the enslaved Motherland and the languishing people did not leave him, and he thought about the line and courses for the speedy achievement of the liberation of the Motherland. As a result, the Korean people celebrated a new day of national Sunday, the day of the country's liberation (August 15, 1945).

And in the difficult, long days of building a renewed Korea, the Patriotic War of Liberation (1950-1953), post-war reconstruction and construction, the socialist revolution and building socialism, Kim Il Sung was completely occupied with the thought of serving the people. Based on this, in building the party, he kept the direction of strengthening and developing it into the Workers' Party of Korea, representing the will and interests of the entire people. He built a regular army and a truly popular government. He built an original social system serving the interests of the masses.

So, during the long period of the Korean Revolution, Kim Il Sung never once made a mistake in line. The secret of success lies in the fact that the lines and courses put forward by him, the valuable fruits of deep reflection and titanic labor for the sake of the Motherland and the people, have been brilliantly implemented with the absolute trust and support of the people.

All for the people

In the course of the struggle for the liberation of the homeland deprived by the Japanese, Kim Il Sung lost his parents, younger brother and uncle, many invaluable comrades and associates. Experiencing such great grief from deprivation, he gathered his will, thinking about the fate of the languishing Motherland and people.

In the process of the unprecedented harsh Korean Revolution, Kim Il Sung stumbled over many life-changing dangers, but he did not fear the danger to his life. At the beginning of the anti-Japanese armed struggle, the anti-Japanese detachment of Chinese nationalists, deceived by the machinations of the national hatred of the Japanese, treated all Koreans with hostility and indiscriminately executed them. At this time, Kim Il Sung, in order to establish a united front with him, decided to negotiate with them, not thinking about the danger to his own life, of course, his comrades in the revolution persuaded him. Such episodes took place in every page of his biography: in the most severe years of the anti-Japanese struggle, he, with a machine gun in his hands, punched a hole in the enemy's encirclement in front of everyone. And during the Patriotic Liberation War against the American aggressors in the 1950s, on the very front line of the front, in powder smoke, he encouraged the soldiers and the people.

History does not yet know such a person and revolutionary who experienced so many difficulties and misfortunes, grief and dangers. It was Kim Il Sung who did all this for the sake of the Fatherland and the people.

Without a moment's rest

In the period from the beginning of his revolutionary activity to the last minute of his life, Kim Il Sung made titanic efforts for the prosperity of the Motherland and the happiness of the people. He energetically went about his business on Sunday, and on the days of the holiday, and on his birthday. At the request of his comrades, asking him to rest, he invariably answered - to postpone the rest for later: during the anti-Japanese armed struggle - after the liberation of the country, and in the liberated Motherland - he will rest with pleasure when the people enjoy a prosperous life, and when the people lead a good life, - after the unification of the Motherland. Everywhere and everywhere in our country, not to mention all industrial enterprises, agricultural cooperatives, villages, schools, hospitals, restaurants, shops, military units, defense lines, families and hostels, traces of leadership have been left. Kim Il Sung. The units, which Kim Il Sung led on the spot from the first days of building a renewed Korea after the liberation of the country until his last life, are more than 20.6 thousand. The total distance is more than 578 thousand kilometers. During these years, he spent all Sundays and holidays, equal to almost seven years, on inspection trips for the sake of the Motherland and the people. Despite his advanced age of 80, during his last life he sat day and night for documents on the happiness of the population and the unification of the Motherland, and died in his office.

The whole life of the great Kim Il Sung, given to the happiness of the people, are preserved in the depths of the soul of the Korean people, will be covered with glory with admiration and respect for progressive mankind.

At the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun

0000 hours on April 15 of this year, in honor of the significant Day of the Sun, the First Secretary of the WPK, the First Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the DPRK, the Supreme Commander of the KPA, respected Marshal Kim Jong-Un, together with members of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and the State Defense Committee of the DPRK, the command staff of the KPA, visited the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun and expressed their deepest respect to the great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung and the great Generalissimo Kim Jong Il.

Kim Jong-un entered the hall where the statue of the Generalissimo stands Kim Il Sung and a statue of the Generalissimo Kim Jong Il.

The banner of the WPK and the flag of the DPRK, military banners stood at the statues, the guard of honor of the Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Forces of the KPA, the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Militia lined up.

Kim Il Sung and a statue of the Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, the head of the guard of honor gave a report on the reception.

A basket of flowers was laid to the statues of the Generalissimo on behalf of the respected Supreme Commander of the KPA, Kim Jong-un.

Baskets of flowers were also laid on them on behalf of the Central Exhibition Commission of the WPK, the GKO of the DPRK.

On the ribbons of the basket was written the words "Great Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il are always with us."

Looking at the statue of the Generalissimo Kim Il Sung and a statue of the Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, esteemed Marshal Kim Jong-un, along with the participants, bowed.

Then Kim Jong-un entered the hall of immortality, where the body of the great Generalissimo is kept. Kim Il Sung in vivo.

Kim Il Sung and paid tribute.

Kim Jong-un entered the hall of immortality, where the body of the great Generalissimo is kept Kim Jong Il in vivo.

Together with the visitors, Kim Jong-un, with deep reverence, paid tribute to the greatest respect for the great Generalissimo


To give the celebrations an international dimension, Pyongyang is hosting a lavish April Spring Arts Festival, which features concerts in various theaters in the North Korean capital with the participation of about 60 musical troupes from abroad.

In the spirit of the international festival, North Korea is celebrating the birthday of the country's founder and former president, Kim Il Sung, on Sunday, a major public holiday that Pyongyang considers a significant date for "all progressive mankind."

The official name of the holiday is the Day of the Sun, since it is believed that since the birth of Kim Il Sung in 1912, whose name contains the meaning of the main heavenly body, a new era in the history of Korea began. It is no coincidence that the current own chronology in the DPRK is conducted precisely from this date.

In fact, Il Sung is not the real name, but the revolutionary pseudonym of the leader, whose real name was Kim Seong-ju.

To internationalize the festivities, Pyongyang is hosting the lavish April Spring Arts Festival, which features concerts in various theaters in the North Korean capital by some 60 musical companies from abroad, including Russia, according to North Korean media. The program necessarily includes numbers praising Kim Il Sung and his son, the current leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong Il.

Kim Il Sung died unexpectedly in 1994, after which all power went to Kim Jong Il as the successor to the leader.

According to the main newspaper in the DPRK, Rodong Sinmun (Labor), the key feature of Kim Il Sung's revolutionary activities on the path to the complete victory of socialism was that he "always selflessly helped the revolutionary and struggling peoples of different countries", primarily Africa and Latin America.

Streams of pilgrims also reach the greenhouses, which host flower exhibitions "kimirseniya" (in Korean, kimilsonghwa) - an orchid specially bred in Indonesia in April 1965 and presented to Kim Il Sung by the former Indonesian leader Sukarno. Since then, Kimirsenia flowers have been grown on a massive scale in the DPRK.

In 2002, a greenhouse with an area of ​​450 square meters was specially built for this purpose in Pyongyang. About 100 such greenhouses operate in various regions of the country.

On the occasion of the Day of the Sun, Pyongyang is hosting the "Kimirsenii Festival", within which up to 20,000 flowers are exhibited this year, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

International sports competitions also became part of the celebrations. Athletes from Namibia, Switzerland and China took part in the Mangende Prize Marathon. This is the name of the village near Pyongyang, where Kim Il Sung was born. Now there is a park around the house where it happened 95 years ago - a hut under a thatched roof, to which crowds of pilgrims flock these days to pay their respects to the deceased leader.

Leading officials of the Workers' Party of Korea, the administration and the army also visit the International Friendship Exhibition in the Mehyangsan Mountains, which collects gifts from foreign leaders to Kim Il Sung.

To date, the 68th volume of the Collected Works of Kim Il Sung, which includes the speeches of the leader from September to December 1978, has been published by the Publishing House of the Workers' Party of Korea, reports

The Sun Festival is a public holiday in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It is celebrated on April 15 in honor of the birthday of Kim Il Sung, who in North Korea is called the "Sun of the Nation".

The first and only president of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung (real name Kim Song-ju) was born on April 15, 1912 in the village of Namni (now Mangyongdae) near Pyongyang in the family of a village teacher and revolutionary Kim Hyun-chjik. Beginning in the 1920s, Kim Il Sung lived in China, where he received his education in a Chinese school. Joined a Chinese partisan detachment, quickly rose to the top and became a commander. In Korea, he became famous after his detachment attacked a small Japanese garrison on the border between China and Korea. Soon the partisans were defeated, and Kim Il Sung with the remnants of his detachment broke through to the border with the USSR. In the Soviet Union, he was recruited into the Soviet army.
Kim Il Sung returned to Korea in 1945 with the rank of major in the Soviet army. With the support of the USSR, he formed the interim government of North Korea, became the leader of the Communist Workers' Party of Korea, and in September 1948, after the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, he took the post of prime minister.

Hoping for the unification of Korea, in 1950 he ordered the invasion of South Korea, after the first successful operations he was rebuffed. In 1953, he was forced to conclude an armistice agreement.

In domestic policy, Kim followed the Soviet model: heavy industry developed in the country, five-year plans were adopted.
Kim Il Sung is the author of the Korean doctrine of Juche, or self-reliance, according to which Korea does not need external help and is able to develop completely on its own.

Kim Il Sung eliminated all opposition groups in the country's leadership and established a regime of sole power. In the late 1960s, a personality cult of Kim Il Sung, bordering on deification, developed in the country. All Koreans who had reached the age of majority were required to wear badges with a portrait of Kim Il Sung.

In 1972, the post of Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the DPRK was abolished, after which Kim Il Sung took a new state post - President of the DPRK.

On July 8, 1994, Kim Il Sung died in Pyongyang from a sudden heart attack. After the politician's death, the North Korean constitution was specially amended so that Kim Il Sung would forever remain the "Eternal President". A special role in spreading the assertion that Kim Il Sung did not die, but "alive forever" was played by the construction of the so-called "steles of eternal life" throughout the country, on which the words were carved: "Great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung is forever with us". Since 1997, the Korean nation has been called the "Nation of Kim Il Sung", and the Korean language has been called the "Language of the Nation of Kim Il Sung". In July 1997, the DPRK adopted a resolution that Kim Il Sung's birthdays would continue to be celebrated annually on April 15, but this day in the calendar would henceforth be called the "Festival of the Sun" ("Taeyang Chzhol").

The main celebrations dedicated to the holiday are held in front of the former presidential palace of Geumsusan, where a parade of three military branches is held. The Kumsusan Palace itself is famous not only for the fact that it was the lifetime residence of the president, but also for the fact that the body of the leader rests in a glass sarcophagus in the same palace. Those wishing to honor his memory bow to the leader, walk around the perimeter of the sarcophagus and go to see other attractions of the palace - personal belongings of Kim Il Sung (in the palace, among other things, the car and personal train of the Korean leader are exhibited). To adequately celebrate the name day of the leader, ordinary Koreans simply need to lay flowers at one of the many monuments of Kim Il Sung. By tradition, orchids are brought, specially bred in Indonesia and presented to Kim Il Sung in April 1965 by the Indonesian leader Sukarno. These exotic flowers are grown and put on public display in special greenhouses, the largest of which was built in 2002 in Pyongyang.

On this day, Pyongyang hosts the April Spring International Arts Festival, which includes concerts with the participation of numerous musical troupes in various theaters of the North Korean capital. The program necessarily includes numbers praising Kim Il Sung and his son Kim Jong Il. Sports competitions form an important part of the celebrations dedicated to Kim Il Sung's birthday. In addition to the marathon held annually in the DPRK, Pyongyang traditionally hosts major taekwondo competitions.

In 2012, at the celebration of the Day of the Sun, the new leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, addressed the nation for the first time with a public speech, and also personally attended the banks of the Taedong River to view the grandiose fireworks in honor of the centennial anniversary of his grandfather Kim Il Sung.

Also, the DPRK authorities for the first time in public during a military parade in Pyongyang on April 15, 2012 demonstrated a new missile that is larger than the counterparts in service with the DPRK.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Pyongyang, 15 April. /Corr. TASS Yuri Sidorov/. The people of the DPRK are celebrating the main holiday of the country - the birthday of Kim Il Sung, the founder and first president of the people's republic, the grandfather of the current leader Kim Jong-un. Trucks loaded with units of the Korean People's Army (KPA) headed for the city center early in the morning to take part in the military parade.

A colorful festive procession will also take place on the Kim Il Sung Square. In connection with the holding of mass events, traffic in Pyongyang is sharply limited. The order on the city streets is monitored by police and military patrols. The speech is expected from Kim Jong-un, who is currently the chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the State Council of the DPRK, and also heads the country's armed forces with the rank of marshal.

About 200 foreign journalists from Russia, China, the USA, France, Japan, Spain, Finland and other countries cover the events on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung. The Russian Federation is represented by the TASS and Rossiya Segodnya news agencies, as well as the VGTRK and TV Center television companies.

At 04:30 am local time, foreign journalists gathered at the international hotel "Yanggakdo", from where they, accompanied by employees of the Korean Foreign Ministry, went by bus to the Palace of Folk Culture. There they have to go through a lengthy procedure of screening personal belongings and photographic equipment. On the square, in particular, it is forbidden to carry mobile phones, which will be returned to the owners only after the end of the parade and demonstration.

Foreign delegations

Representatives of the Korean communities of Russia, China, the United States, Japan, party and parliamentary delegations from Iran, Mongolia, Mexico, Italy and other states arrived in the capital of the DPRK. Leaders of foreign societies were invited to Pyongyang to study the Juche ideas, which propagate the identity of the Korean nation and the principles of self-reliance.

State flags of the DPRK and red banners depicting a hammer, sickle and brush, the symbol of the ruling People's Korea Party, are hung on the city streets. At night, Pyongyang looks bright and colorful with many illuminated buildings, monuments and neon slogans praising the WPK and Korean leaders.

Tension on the Korean Peninsula

People in North Korea are celebrating "Sun Day" at a time when a tense situation has developed on the Korean peninsula. The KPA General Staff promised to take the most decisive measures in response to the provocative actions of the United States and its allies. "The military hysteria of the US President (Donald) Trump administration has reached a dangerous phase, and the DPRK cannot but respond to this circumstance," the North Korean military leaders said in a statement released the day before. In this regard, the General Staff warned that "the people and the army of the DPRK will take the most decisive countermeasures in response to the hostile political, economic and military actions of the United States."

In Pyongyang, according to the statement, they believe that "Washington should make the right decision to resolve" the tense situation that has developed on the Korean Peninsula.

The United States has said several times recently that it is considering all possible options for dealing with the DPRK. On April 9, it became known that the US Pacific Command sent a naval strike group led by the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson towards the Korean Peninsula. The decision of the American administration caused heightened concern of the leadership of the DPRK, which does not rule out the possibility of a missile strike by the United States. Under these conditions, Pyongyang declares its intention to strengthen its nuclear missile potential against the backdrop of the aggressive policy of the United States.

Over the weekend, North Korea celebrated 100 years since the birth of the founder of the country - Kim Il Sung. This event has become the largest and most grandiose holiday for the entire existence of the DPRK.

For the first time, North Korea's current leader, Kim Jong-un, the world's youngest head of state, who was recently declared "Supreme Commander" addressed the nation from the podium for the first time. People sincerely sobbed.

During the holiday, a large-scale military parade was held in Pyongyang, and everything ended colorful fireworks and fireworks.

Many foreign journalists were invited to the celebrations, but one must understand that photographers were strictly limited in their actions, and they were allowed to shoot only approved stories from certain angles. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

In anticipation of grandiose spectacles, ordinary people and artists sang songs that Kim Il Sung did not sleep at all at night, but worked to make life better for Koreans. , April 16, 2012. (Photo by Vincent Yu | AP):

On April 15, 2012, a large military parade took place in the capital of the DPRK, Pyongyang, which demonstrated the power of the country. The parade was hosted by the new great leader Comrade Kim Jong-un. (Photo by Reuters | Stringer):

North Korean soldiers, Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

On Mass dances were held in Pyongyang's main capital square, in which ordinary people participated, on April 16, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

170 meters Juche idea monument in Pyongyang, where there was the apotheosis of fireworks, when powerful volleys flew from the monument in different directions. April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

Before the start of the military parade in honor of the 100th anniversary of Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

"Superiority in military technology is no longer the exclusive monopoly of the imperialists," the new North Korean leader said in his address. (Photo by Reuters | KCNA):

Military parade on the central square of Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

Units of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Guards, including women's, marched in front of the stands. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

During the parade, 5 MiG-29 fighters flew over the central square of Pyongyang, causing a storm of delight, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ng Han Guan | AP):

All people were delighted with what was happening ... (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

... without asking the question that is relevant for a poor country: how much does it all cost? (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

The scale of the military parade was amazing. Most of the military equipment on display was of Soviet and Russian production. (Photo by Reuters | KCNA):

(Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

From the rostrum, the current leader of North Korea, the youngest head of state in the world, 28-year-old Kim Jong-un, addressed the nation for the first time: "The power of our country is limitless and this parade is proof of this." (Photo by Pedro Ugarte | AFP | Getty Images):

North Koreans dream that their ideas will sooner or later take over other countries. Many during the speech of Kim Jong-un sincerely cried. Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

Meanwhile, the military parade continued. The outstanding role of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, thanks to whom the Korean army has turned "into an invincible armed force," was emphasized in every possible way. (Photo by Reuters | Stringer):

A soldier in the stands with a bunch of medals. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

Some journalists managed to film residential areas that did not fit into the grand celebration in Pyongyang, April 12, 2012. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

Pyongyang Metro, which is one of the most deep subways in the world: some stations are located at a depth of 110 meters underground, which makes it possible to use the subway as a refuge. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

The deserted streets of Pyongyang and the famous 20-year-old long-term construction - the 105-story Ryugyong Hotel, April 12, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

Opening ceremonies of two large monuments to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang, April 13, 2012. In the middle of the photo is the new head of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un. (Photo by Bobby Yip | AP):

In no case should journalists copy his posture while photographing monuments, raising their right hand up. Also, you can not take photos where the images will be cropped (for example, to do the "amputation" of the legs). (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

And songs praising Kim Il Sung. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

A festive concert against the backdrop of a portrait of the founder of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, Pyongyang, April 16, 2012. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

(Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

The grandiose celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung, have come to an end. Pyongyang, April 17, 2012. (Photo by Vincent Yu | AP):