
The meaning of the name Stepan, character and fate. Stepan: the meaning of the name, fate and character The meaning of the name Stepan briefly

Considering the meaning of the name Stepan should begin with an indication of the fact that this male name is characterized by the presence of ancient Greek roots. It comes from Stefanos, which translates as “crown” or “wreath”. To complete the picture, it should be noted that the name is quite popular in various parts of the world, so you can hear such interpretations of it as Steven, Stefano and Stefan.

On the domestic land, the name Stepan gained its distribution at the same time with the increase in the popularity of Christianity, which deeply honors this name. Today, the meaning of the name Stepan is found out quite rarely, since it is distinguished by a certain touch of antiquity. So let's start.

Characteristics of the name Stepan

A man named Styopka and born in winter prefers to remain in silence and solitude. For this reason, he exists without a family for a long time, trying to give maximum of his own strength to the chosen profession. The described meaning of the rare name Stepan suggests that he surrenders to the will of the current life, while trying to live consistently, without anticipating events.

The man, named Styopa, tries to avoid serious, rapid changes in life. For this reason, he strives throughout his life to work on one chosen path or live in a single place. As for love relationships, Styopka is a responsible, solid nature. For this reason, he tries to choose his wife with the utmost seriousness, responsibility, which will be economic, homely.

Continuing to study the meaning of the name of men Stepan, it should be noted that such a “guy”, born in the spring, is a nature with a romantic, poetic vein. He is distinguished by ardent feelings, which are not characterized by constancy. For this reason, in love, he periodically suffers a disappointing collapse, the blame for which lies entirely with him. Characterized by a significant amount of frivolity, such a man gets a negative result on the career ladder.

In addition, such a man, bearing the name Stepan, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is being considered, is very impatient, therefore he tries to give preference to a non-monotonous profession. His life path is a continuous series of entertainment, parties, where there is absolutely no place for boredom, melancholy. The man, named after Stepan, is a sympathetic, complacent, kind nature.

Character features

It turns out that the secret of the name Stepan suggests that he will not remember all the insults caused to him, he will try to make every effort to smooth out each conflict situation. Quarrels or loud conversations are practically not heard from “such a “guy” at home, since he tries to negotiate with each member of the family, and not quarrel. On the personal front, the summer Styopka is doing just fine.

This is explained by the fact that he takes a woman with maximum poise, calmness, striving to create harmony in the family as his wife. A man named Stepan, whose origin and meaning is described, who was born in the fall, is an ambitious, prudent, practical and intelligent person. His main goal is to prove to outsiders that Styopka is the best, and it doesn't matter how he does it.

In addition, the secret of the beautiful name Stepan indicates that he has such an approach to life in which he strives to avoid any mistakes. However, if they do occur, then Styopka treats them as an opportunity to once again show her own significant “value”. Due to excessive selfishness, he will enter into a late marriage, and he will choose his wife according to calculation, and not love preference.

Talisman Stone

Stepan's mascot stones include black opal, ruby ​​and carnelian. So, carnelian is a talisman of love, which brings passion, fidelity, happiness and mutual feelings to love relationships. In turn, the ruby ​​is a stone symbolizing the feeling of love, passion, optimism, power.

Trying to answer the question - what does the male name Stepan mean, it should be noted that black opal stone has always been a harbinger of disasters, misfortunes due to its coloring. However, in ancient times it also referred to talismans that gave strength.

Characteristic features of Styopka child

To begin to consider the meaning of the name Stepan for a boy, one should indicate the fact that he is a true fidget who prefers intense games. For this reason, his mother and father can only dream of peace. However, such a charming, cheerful, friendly little boy is available to find a common language or agreements.

From the earliest years, Styopka is a sociable, self-confident boy. It can be said about him that he is the soul of the company, but he does not at all strive for fame and recognition. True, instilling a sense of perseverance and hard work should play a big role in the process of his upbringing. Thus, the meaning of the beautiful name Stepan for a boy will depend on the time devoted to his upbringing.

From the earliest years, Stepan is a sincere, straightforward nature, who has no secrets from mom and dad, comrades. However, this does not mean that the boy is not capable of keeping secrets. Everything is quite the opposite - even under the threat of death, Stepan will never tell the secret entrusted to him.

Today, the name Stepan, as well as the meaning of the name for the child, indicates that the school program is good for the boy because of his excellent memory, as well as the analytical properties of the mind. True, he is not capable of focusing his own attention on any subject for a long time. Moreover, if the teacher is wrong, Styopka will directly tell him about it.

Stepan's love relationship

A man named Stepan, whose name and fate is being considered, suggests that he is witty, courteous, and gallant in the love sphere. Among women, he feels quite comfortable, and women are always happy to have such a “guest”. However, a man named Stepan tries to avoid simple paths, as well as simple victories.

Preference will be given to that woman who will not give up to him for a long time. A man named Stepan perceives the feeling of love as an intrigue, an adventure. For this reason, from the love of a calm woman striving for measuredness, she quickly gets tired. All he needs is novelty, adventure.

The man Stepan, the meaning of the name and character of which is described by a rather amorous nature in his youth. However, becoming a family man, he turns into an exemplary spouse who completely forgets about his own love of love, a free past. As for intimacy, a man named Styopka is a temperamental, amorous and passionate person with increased sexual activity.

Career, Stepan's business

Continuing to answer the question - what does the name Stepan mean for a career, it should be noted that he can prove himself perfectly as a journalist, actor, architect, artist or fashion designer. A man named Stepan is distinguished by the presence of "golden hands". For this reason, in a job where manual work is required, he is an invaluable shot.

Knowing what the name Stepan means, we can say with full confidence that this man is both a responsible executor and a conscientious leader, moderately demanding, but at the same time fair. It should be noted that Styopka treats the choice of the field of activity with the utmost responsibility, i.e. looking for a job for a long time.

Having an idea what the rare name Stepan means, the boss can make the right choice by hiring this man with excellent intuition, excellent flair. Styopka is able to find a common point of contact with each person, which makes it very easy for him to establish partnerships.

If we talk about hobbies, then Stepka has them all related to extreme sports, risk. This man loves to travel to unusual places. In other words, Stepan is where there is a place for adventure. Styopka is where boredom is completely absent. I hope that the answer to the question - what does the beautiful name Stepan mean, was given as detailed as possible.

Stepan is an open and calm person, it is pleasant to communicate with him, he will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Stepan, translated from Greek, means "crown, wreath, diadem, crown."

Origin of the name Stepan:

Stepan is a name of Greek origin. In ancient Greek mythology, the diadem is a traditional attribute of the supreme goddess Hera. Previously, this name was pronounced as Stefan.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Stepan:

Stepan is a restless and playful child, he loves various outdoor games. He is very cheerful, sociable, agile - it is quite difficult to make him sit down with textbooks, but he very quickly learns the necessary material by ear. The character is restless and restless. Natural insight allows him to notice the slightest mistakes of others, including adults. Somewhat slow, although obedient and affectionate, can later become unsociable and closed to the outside world.

Stepan has an outstanding and strong character. I am confident in my own strengths and in my abilities. He is a very kind person, not touchy, does not like to interfere in his wife's financial affairs. Always looking for extra income. Styopka knows how to be loyal if he is treated with patience and understanding. He has a wonderful sense of humor, which often saves him in the hours of life's disappointments.

In business, Stepan is lucky, "many doors are open" for him, as he has many influential acquaintances and friends, and he quickly navigates various situations. Subordinates love him and obey. Stepan likes to lead, he does it with pleasure, but does not like to be subordinated. He is a very good psychologist, they know how to influence people and willingly use their influence. However, their demands are somewhat high, but in return they generously bestow their love and friendship. Stepan chooses the field of activity for a long time and seriously, and if the choice is successful, he can achieve significant success in the chosen profession, becomes a dock in this matter. He is suitable for professions related to woodworking and metalworking. He can become an excellent artist, or a famous fashion designer.

Stepan is very fond of women's society, in which he feels more than wonderful. Sometimes he has to hold back the surging emotions. By nature, he is a conqueror, therefore he is not attracted to easily accessible women, he must dream about a woman, and as a prize - win her. His sexuality is formed, to a large extent, under the influence of both films and literature of erotic origin. And with friends he loves to discuss this topic with all the details.

In marriage, Stepan's relationship with his wife does not always go smoothly, since Stepan makes his wife constantly jealous of himself, because he is always overly sociable with the opposite sex. The upbringing of children shifts to the shoulders of the spouse, and he himself takes part from time to time.

Such names as Irina, Vera, Polina, Yana, Nadezhda, Love, Zoya, Lydia are very suitable for Stepan's family life.

Stepan, due to its colloquial sound, has always been a rather rare name. Now this name is gaining popularity, just due to its rarity.

According to Mendelev

Stepan is stable in his tastes and affections, he does not change them, even if circumstances, fashion and generally accepted stereotypes of behavior have changed. Of course, this stability and reliability also has a downside: Stepan has a reduced perception of the new, which is often rejected by him only because it requires breaking some established habits.

A very stable mental type: external stimuli have almost no effect on his emotional state. It is very difficult to “rock” Stepan and move him to take decisive action, especially since the speed of his reaction is noticeably slowed down.

Tapa is much more noticeable and “multi-colored” than Stepan. In the diminutive name, the signs of “simple”, “beautiful”, “kind”, and somewhat less clearly - “gentle” and “feminine” are clearly visible. A good boy, obedient and light, although slow, later (quite likely) becomes unsociable and closed to the world Stepan, far from being so kind and good.

Stormy passions are not to be expected from Styopa or Stepan. His sexuality is also somewhat reduced, and all relationships, even with the closest people, are somehow cool and shallow.

Stepan chooses his occupation seriously and for a long time, achieving significant success in his profession; often he becomes a real master of his craft. Neither administrative positions, nor entrepreneurship - anything that would require long and frequent contacts with people, does not suit him; he prefers to deal with wood, metal and other inanimate objects. Machines and mechanisms, machine tools, cars, etc. “obey” him and willingly obey him. If he has his own estate, land or other economy, Stepan can also achieve success.

The name is not common.

Name colors are green and red.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Stepan has a strong, outstanding character, he is full of self-esteem, confidence in his masculine abilities. He has a high sexual excitability, he even tries to restrain his indomitable attraction, to curb his temperament with his mind. Therefore, from a young age he was used to dealing with experienced women - both in the sexual and in the worldly sense. At the same time, he is attracted to women somewhat

infantile, fragile, in relation to which he could play the role of a teacher, patron. Stepan has a very great emotional excitement at the highest point of intimacy, he does not hold back the delight of love, does not hesitate to pour it out in passionate words.

A stormy temperament does not exclude Stepan's sensitivity - an inadvertently thrown insulting word or an unpleasant episode that pops up in his memory during intercourse can prevent him from getting complete satisfaction.

Stepan is not attracted by accessibility, he needs to win a woman. He attaches great importance to erotic play - he is a master in this, Stepan tries to introduce an element of novelty, initiative, and fantasy into intimate relationships. However, he tends to get too carried away with the technical side of sex, ignoring the fact that the technique can be learned, but no art can replace the tenderness, careful and attentive attitude of a man towards his woman. Stepan's sexual behavior is largely shaped under the influence of erotic literature and films, and he is not averse to talking with friends on this topic.

"Winter" Stepan is jealous, quick-tempered, with heightened sexual claims. He only needs to marry a "summer" woman if he wants to achieve sexual harmony with her.

By Higiru

It comes from the ancient Greek "stephanos" - a wreath.

Little Stepan is not pugnacious, although he is a naughty and fidget, he loves to invent different games. It is easy and fun with him, but not for nannies and educators, to whom the boy gives a lot of trouble. Behind this mobile, like mercury, a child needs an eye and an eye. Long sitting behind textbooks is not for him. He quickly grasps the necessary material, easily remembers it. The teachers are a little afraid of Stepan - he has an observant eye and a sharp tongue, he notices the shortcomings of adults and copies them funny.

Among the Stepanovs there are often creatively gifted people, many of them choose the profession of artists, artists, fashion designers.

Stepan has many friends and acquaintances. It seems that he is known everywhere and all doors are open for him. He always needs society, or rather, the audience. Instantly navigates in unfamiliar surroundings. Male society quickly bothers him, female - never. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful and helpful, he will tell a funny story, he will find a compliment for every woman. Girlfriends envy the future chosen one of Stepan, but life with him will be more difficult than it might be expected, and the reason for this is the same excessive sociability of Stepan.

And yet, it must be remembered that Stepan is a kind person, does not remember grievances for long, almost does not interfere in his wife's financial affairs, does not miss the opportunity to earn extra money.

However, Stepanov's marriages are still more often unhappy, they often have divorces and remarriages. The main reason for this is the changeable and amorous nature of Stepan. Stepan is not jealous. He loves children, but considers their upbringing to be a matter not very suitable for a real man, and takes care of children from case to case.

When choosing a wife, he should give preference to one of those whose name is Vesta, Veta, Daria, Zinaida, Irina, Claudia, Clara, Lydia, Nadezhda, Olga, Khristina, Yana. It is doubtful happiness with Anna, Elena, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nelly, Oksana, Raisa, Rimma, Rosa.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: The Russian form of the Greek name Stefan, "crown, diadem"

Energy of the name and character: The name Stepan is not in fashion today and, probably, this is his main feature. It is very likely that a child with this name will experience many inconveniences in childhood. Firstly, this is due to the visibility of the name, which, falling out of the range of common ones, attracts attention. Secondly, his apparent commonness plays a significant role, which at a young age can be quite embarrassing for a person. However, it is unlikely that Styopa will come to hurt pride, the energy of his name, along with ease, also carries a tendency to some recklessness and gaiety, which, by the way, is enhanced by the images of such bright namesakes as the daring robber Stenka Razin and Mikhalkov’s good-natured Uncle Styopa -giant. Here, Stepan's pride can find its satisfaction, and all inconveniences are likely to be smoothed out thanks to a sense of humor.

Among other things, there is sufficient mobility in the energy of the name, which, most likely, will prevent Stepan from concentrating on any one subject for a long time. On the other hand, the name does not at all imply a significant accumulation of tension, which means that such a useful quality as gentleness and forbearance can appear in Styopa's character. Most likely, having encountered a significant obstacle on his way, whether it be a conflict situation or the obstinacy of a woman, he will not worry for too long, being satisfied with a formula like: "Well, okay. Galya will leave - another king will come." There may also be problems with studies, unless, of course, parents instill in him an interest in the sciences.

On the other hand, Styopa's vanity should hardly be underestimated. In particular, feeling the vulgarity of his name, he may gradually strive for elite companies and will not miss if such an opportunity is presented to him. No, it’s not, but if he does fall into such circles, then, most likely, he will emphasize his elitism. God forbid that his sense of humor does not let him down, otherwise from the outside it may look stupid to the point of idiocy.

Of course, much in his fate will depend both on his upbringing and on himself. For example, with the help of a magic belt, parents can instill in Stepan ostentatious diligence and perseverance, but it is much better if this is achieved by other methods that do not involve the development of dangerous character traits. In general, since the name already does not encourage diligence and concentration, then if Stepan seeks to achieve success in his career or in business, it would be advisable for him to pay attention to these qualities himself.

Secrets of communication: Most likely, Styopa will be a great lover to talk, and he can do it much better than work. It is possible that for a red word he can accidentally blurt out someone else's secret. However, if, thanks to the miracle of upbringing, it was possible to make a closed and gloomy person out of him, this can not be feared.

The trace of a name in history:

Stepan Razin

In essence, it can be considered an accident that Stepan Razin (c. 1630–1671) went down in history precisely as a rebel against the Russian autocracy. In any case, he was never an ideological rebel - the son of a wealthy Don Cossack, becoming an ataman, he participated only in campaigns against the Turks and Tatars, but life, as often happens, made its own adjustments. After the autocracy began to clearly threaten the free life of the Cossacks, and especially after the cruel reprisal of Prince Dolgorukov against Ivan, Razin's elder brother, the liberation campaign became a matter not only of necessity, but also of personal revenge.

The campaign of the Cossacks to the Volga resulted in a real peasant war that engulfed many regions of Russia. Stepan Razin himself, who possessed all the necessary qualities of a leader - determination, courage, strength, cruelty and the ability to make decisions - became a real folk hero. However, the ecstasy of success did not last long - just four years after the first campaign, Razin's troops were defeated near Simbirsk, and the wounded chieftain was captured and executed in Moscow. Until now, amazing legends about this man circulate among the people, they even say that he did not die, but is still alive, since God deprived him of death. Maybe this is so - in any case, the memory of him lives on, and the innumerable treasures buried by Stenka Razin still cannot be found, remembering him with an unkind word, more than one generation of treasure hunters.

When choosing a name for a child, some people think about traditional Slavic names. But in fact, some names have Western roots, they just exist in our culture for a long time and are perceived as their own. For example, the name Stepan actually came to us from Greece, and what is its interpretation and meaning for the child (after all, at first glance it is so simple and primordially Russian) - we will consider further.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name for men Stepan (or Stefan) came to us from the Greek language, in which the word "stephanos" means a wreath or crown. The ancient Greek goddess Hera, who was the guardian of marriage and the intercessor of women in childbirth, wore this on her head.

That is, in short, the meaning of the name Stepan for a boy is crowned, regal, and from the point of view of Christianity, obedient to God, charitable, who accepted the crown of a martyr.

The first mention of this word dates back to the 12th century and since then it has become very common among the inhabitants of villages and cities. The October Revolution of 1917 moved it to the list of undesirables, belonging to the remnants of the past.

And this means that the male name Stepan has recently become more and more common.

It is also interesting that for all the pathos of sounding in translation, people perceive this personal name for a person as a simple, such a shirt-guy. Probably, this happens because of his cheerful and good-natured disposition, inability to hold a grudge for a long time, crazy energy, readiness to always help friends.

If you make a portfolio for a boy in verses that display the beautiful meaning of the name Stepan, then the following lines are perfect for his title:

For Stepan, the path is clear: be the king in life.

So bequeathed by fate, God will always be with you!

Name and patronymic forms

The full name Stepan (with Stepan, at Stepan, about Stepan, to Stepan) is abbreviated as Styopa (with Styopa, at Styopa, about Styopa, to Styopa).

Diminutive forms: Stesha, Stepashka, Stepashenka, Stenya, Styopochka, Styopchik, Stepanchik, Styopka, Stepusha, Stepunya, Stepukha.

At baptism, the boy can be given the name of both Stepan and Stefan, there is no difference, just the modern form was used as Stefan before.
Such surnames are very common: Stepanov, Stepankov, Stepashin, Stepashko, Steshin.

Did you know? In Russia, the surname Stepanov is in 40th place in terms of prevalence.

His patronymic children will be: a girl - Stepanovna, a boy - Stepanovich, and in a colloquial version - Stepanych.

In the female version, the name sounds like Stepanida or Stephanie.

name angel day

Name days (sometimes called Angel Day) Stepan celebrates several times a year. This name was very common among priests, even bishops, archbishops and popes often chose it for themselves.

The most famous Orthodox saint of this kind, Stephen the First Martyr, whom Jesus Christ chose as a disciple among 70 others (except for the famous 12 apostles), was stoned for faith in Christ.

In addition, Bishop Stephen of Perm and Saint Stephen of Piper are known. Therefore, according to the Orthodox calendar, Stepan celebrates name days several times a year:

  1. January 4 is the day of memory of the First Martyr Stephen.
  2. January 17 - Cathedral of the 70 Apostles.
  3. May 9 is the day of memory of Stefan of Great Perm.
  4. August 15 - transfer of the relics of the First Martyr Stephen.
  5. September 15 - Uncovering the relics of the First Martyr Stephen.
  6. December 11 is the day of memory of the Monk Martyr Stephen the New.
  7. December 15 is the day of memory of St. Stephen, Archbishop of Sourozh.
There are many other, less significant dates.
Stepan's name day according to the Catholic church calendar falls on:
Day of Remembrance Revered
January 3 Blessed Stephen de Quinzani
February 2 Blessed Stefano Bellesini
February 22 Blessed Stefan Vincent of Frelichovsky
April 1 Martyr Stephen of Egypt
25th of April Bishop Stephen of Antioch
May 7 Transfer of the relics of Stephen the First Martyr
August 3rd acquisition of the relics of Stephen the First Martyr
August 16 (September 2) Hungarian king Stephen
November 21 Martyr Stephen of Spain
December 3 Martyr Stephen the African
December 26 Stephen the First Martyr

There are other lesser known days.

Name in different languages

In different languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world, spelling and sound will be different:

  1. In Hungarian - István (Istvan).
  2. In Spanish - Esteban (Esteban).
  3. In German - Stefan (Stefan).
  4. In Serbian and Bulgarian - Stefan.
  5. In Italian - Stefano (Stefano).
  6. In English - Steven (Steven), Steve (Steve), Stephen (Stephen).
  7. In French - Stéphane (Stefan), also translated as Étienne (Etienne).
  8. In Polish - Szczepan (Shchepan).
  9. In Portuguese - Estéfano (Estevan).
  10. In Chinese - 斯捷潘 (Sijepang).
  11. In Japanese it is ステパン (Sutepan).
An entry in a foreign passport will look like STEPAN. Since the name Stepan is translated as "crown", in Hebrew its counterpart (with the same translation) is Atir and Keter.

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

The most famous characters in history are:

  1. - the leader of the peasant war in 1670-1671. incredibly energetic, not recognizing authorities, seemingly arrogant, but actually easy to communicate with.
  2. Stepan Polubes (Ivanov)- decorated the walls of the Orthodox churches of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Intercession of the Virgin, Gregory of Neocaesarea in the Moscow diocese, as well as the walls of the Solotchinskiy Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin in the Ryazan region. A master of his craft, his works are still preserved in good condition, he was very fond of bright fairy-tale images, had a well-developed imagination.
  3. - French scientist, studied optics, made a number of important discoveries, for which his name, among other 72 famous personalities, was engraved on the Eiffel Tower. A brilliant scientist, not too sociable, dissatisfied with himself in the sense of perfectionism, constantly striving for perfection.
  4. - the king of Serbia, who best of all contributed to its development. A good organizer, a successful military leader, he knew how not only to fight, but also to negotiate. He was a very pious person, every year while he was in power, he built 1 church.
  5. - the ruler of Moldova, in which the principality had the greatest influence. A talented strategist, skillfully used the gift of persuasion (signed peace with Poland, successfully found allies), loved art very much, paid great attention to the Orthodox Church, for services to which he was elevated to the rank of saints.
  6. - Hollywood film actor. He led a dissolute life and was even a drug addict, but after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States, he reconsidered his life, converted to Christianity and actively preaches.
  7. - US physicist, Nobel Prize winner. Born into a poor family of Jews, but thanks to perseverance and the desire for knowledge, he reached the heights in scientific activity, while rejecting religion.
  8. - Founders of Apple Corporation. The latter led the development of the iPhone, iPad, Apple Store and other well-known projects of the company, saved it from bankruptcy. Having become interested in electronics in his school years, despite the fact that his parents did not have enough money for college, he independently developed his knowledge and was awarded a doctorate in engineering at 10 universities. Steve Jobs was a very conflicted person, but a brilliant leader and manager, thanks to his perfectionism and ability to feel a successful project. At the same time, he was very conservative.
  9. - Hollywood film director, 20 of his best films brought in 8.4 billion dollars in revenue. Easy to communicate, although in childhood he was a little reserved, a good family man, prefers a healthy lifestyle.
  10. is a writer from the USA in the field of fantasy, thrillers, horror, has many literary awards. Born into a poor family, but thanks to perseverance, he received an education and began to develop his writing talent. An excellent family man, married while still unknown to anyone. He went through a difficult period of addiction to alcohol and drugs, but with the help of his relatives, he pulled himself together.
Such a list may take several pages. This name was borne by 10 popes, 13 kings of Serbia, 4 kings of Bosnia, 10 Moldavian rulers, 48 ​​Orthodox and Catholic archbishops, bishops, bishops and many other famous historical figures, athletes, scientists, artists. A widely known literary character is the policeman Uncle Styopa Ivanov from Mikhalkov's poem.

The main character traits of people with this name

If we describe the brief content of the name Stepan for, then we can say that this is a tomboy, which means mobility, cheerful character, restlessness. He is sociable, has a creative talent, leadership qualities, loves attention, unforgiving, knows how to achieve his goals.

Important! Parents will have to make a lot of efforts to raise such a child, since they will not achieve obedience by force.

As a young man, he loves women's society, is successful with girls, and is able to start several novels at the same time. He is fond of sports and computers.

A man becomes a strong-willed, good friend and business executive. In a relationship temperamental, does not like available women.

The family often compromises, loves children. However, problems are possible due to his tendency to flirt and the jealousy of his wife.
In a marriage union it goes well with Barbara,

Important! The boy Stepan has good health, but in the absence of physical activity, he can acquire heart disease with age.

Name astrology

  • Planet: Sun, Mercury.
  • Sign: Aries, Aquarius.
  • Color: red, brown, emerald, yellow.
  • Stone: onyx, ruby, green tourmaline, aventurine, cat's eye, carnelian, aquamarine, marble, black opal, jasper, cobalt, green sapphire.
  • Tree: rowan, apple tree.
  • Plant: sweet pea.
  • Animal: tarpan (ancient horse).
  • Character: smart, pragmatic, leader.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

The number of letters in the word (6) indicates that they like to stand out with their appearance - fashionable clothes, hair care, expensive perfume. Characteristics and meaning of each of the letters in the name Stepan:

  1. WITH- the need for material prosperity for a sense of well-being, pragmatism, responsible attitude to work, exactingness to his wife.
  2. T- individuality, love of love, truthfulness, creative talent.
  3. E- having your own opinion on various issues.
  4. P- penetration, the need to assert oneself, impress, feel the excitement, but not the wasteful.
  5. A- organizational skills.
  6. H- scrupulousness, service zeal.
Naturally, one article cannot fully and comprehensively describe a person named Stepan, but the main thing is that he is a sociable and benevolent person, capable of captivating others. Such a person can achieve a lot in life, especially with the right parental upbringing and the presence of a smart and understanding woman nearby.