
Lesson in Russian on the topic “Sound. Its designation on the letter. Soft separator as a way of marking a letter

The study of ways to indicate on a letter the hardness (softness) of consonants, sound [s], vowels after hissing

For a methodically and linguistically competent organization of work in a literacy lesson, it is advisable to rely on the advice that M. S. Soloveichik gives to the teacher.

Phonemes that are unpaired in hardness (softness) are indicated in a letter with one letter: solid - with the letters Ж, Ш, Ц, soft - Ч, Щ. The remaining consonant letters (except Y) denote two phonemes: hard and paired to her soft. The way to designate the hardness (softness) of paired phonemes on this basis of phonemes depends on the position this phoneme takes: before or not in front of a vowel. In the first of these positions, the hardness or softness of the consonant phoneme is indicated by the next letter of the vowel, and in the second - soft sign   (B) or its absence: SALT - SALT - TABLE. The position of the phoneme (for students - sound) should become the central link in the generalization to which the teacher brings.

Awareness of the relationship between the method of designating the hardness (softness) of a consonant sound with its position in a word is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, in some textbooks of the Russian language both methods of indicating the hardness (softness) of a consonant sound are named, but the method is not associated with the position of the sound. Secondly, without forming an idea of \u200b\u200bthe position (place) of sound in a word, it is impossible to substantively reveal the ways of designating sound [th] in Russian (this is the third law of Russian graphics, which will be discussed later). Thirdly, familiarity with the position of sound in the development of graphics will be needed for learning spelling. Here is a description of this work in a literacy lesson.

I have two dolls in my hands. One is Masha and the other is Misha. Let's make sound schemes of their names. (Pupils make diagrams: _ ^ _2_ and \u003d ^ ^ 0_.)

Can you tell exactly where whose name is on the diagram? (“Yes,” the students answer. “If the first sound is soft, then this is the name Misha. If it is hard, then this is the name Masha.)

Who can show what letter is needed to denote these sounds in words? (Students show the capital letter M.) - Who exactly will name the name of this letter? (The teacher introduces the children to the correct alphabetical name of the letter.) - Why did you choose capital letter? (These are the names.)

Let's replace ^ the first sound in each circuit with this letter. (On the board it turns out: M O and M 0_ - 0_) - Now close your eyes. (The teacher swaps the patterns or pretends to change because the word patterns have become exactly the same.) - Who will now say exactly where whose name is?

After unsuccessful attempts to guess the answer, the students conclude: it is impossible to find out where which word is, because it is not known which sound - soft or hard - is denoted by the letter M.

I will help you discover the secret of our language, and you yourself can find a solution. Here is the secret: the sound of the consonant letter is indicated by the following vowel letter. What question do you ask me to solve the riddle?

The teacher expects from first-graders a question such as: "What is the next letter in the word?" Having received an answer from a teacher to such a question, students easily solve the problem.

Given this generalization, some ABCs offer a different way of presenting letters for study. So, when analyzing the sound composition of the words MAK and BALL, children are convinced that in these words the vowel is the same - stressed vowel [a]. However, it is indicated by different letters: in the first word the letter A (because it follows the solid consonant), and in the second - the letter I (because it follows the soft consonant). Such a generalization allows introducing first graders to letters AZ, U-Yu, OE, EE in pairs. Children who have mastered this pattern of Russian graphics easily find that, for example, in words Ala, Tanya, Vasya   and other identical vowel sounds.

With regard to gradually studied letters consonants first graders will be more fully assimilated general reading rule:   "I read the letter of the consonant firmly before the letters A, O, Y, S, E; I read the letter of the consonant softly before the letters I, E, Yu, I, E, L."

For training in reading, syllables and combinations of letters with the considered methods of indicating the hardness (softness) of consonants should be offered, and it is advisable to include words compiled with this rule of Russian graphics in the set of words for phonetic-graphic analysis.

The combinations ZhI-SHI, CHA-SHA, CHU-SHCHU, traditional for the Russian language, are also explained by the rules for designating the hardness (softness) of consonants in a letter, or rather, by the exceptions that these combinations represent. This is how the famous Russian linguist and methodologist M.V. Panov explains the choice of the vowel letter after Zh, Sh, Ch, Sh.

Sounds | w |, [w |, [h |, [uh | - unpaired in hardness (softness): [w] and [w] -always solid, | h | and | u | always soft. It is not necessary to additionally indicate the hardness (softness) of these consonants - this is superfluous. What letter to write after them: A or I, O or E, U or U, E or E, I or S? Yes, the writing that is used at the beginning of a word to indicate only one vowel sound: there is no consonant in front - there is no indication of its quality. And at the beginning of the words the letters A, U, I, O are written to indicate the sounds [a], [y], [u], [o]. They must be used after the letters Ж, Ш, Ч, Щ. And the letter Ы is not used at the beginning of Russian words. The letters E, Yu, I are at the beginning of Russian words, but they denote in them not only a vowel sound.

First graders learn the spelling of these letter combinations ("ZhI-SHI is always with the letter AND write!"), However, it is important for the teacher to remember that this exception to the rule for designating the hardness (softness) of the consonant occurs only in words with the stressed position of the indicated combinations (babies, snowflakes, often, squeak, miracle, squinted).   In other positions, the spelling of the unstressed vowel is added to this place, the choice of a letter to designate which is governed by other rules.

For successful first-graders to learn how to designate the sound [th] in a letter during the phonetic analysis of words with this sound, it was useful to draw the attention of children to its place (position) in the word. The ability to accurately set the place of sound [th] provides the correct choice of the way of its designation (and reading).

In accordance with the laws of Russian graphics sound [th] can be indicated:

1) the letter Y (and short) when it is at the end of the word (for example, edge, shed, walk, blue)   or before another consonant (e.g. gull, stash, hares, give, curl).   Contrary to this rule, several words are written that are included in the dictionary of a primary school student: yogurt, iodine, yoga, Yoshkar-Ola   (city) whose reading and writing takes place at the level of practical use   (as exception words) through cheating;

2) together with the next vowel sound with the letters E, Y, Y, Z, when it is at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound (for example, raccoon, washes, tree, sings, yule, know, box, lighthouse);

3) together with the next vowel sound with the letters E, E, Y, Y, I, AND and the signs b, b, when it is after the consonant sound (for example, ate, fox, shooting, ascent, spill, blizzard, polly, ad, leaves, nightingales, wolfs).

During literacy, first-graders get to know each of the ways of designating sound [st] gradually.

Acquaintance with the letter Y is carried out within the framework of the general logic of introducing a new letter.

1. The words are used to organize phonetic work. trams   and tram.   When isolating and comparing the last sounds ([and] and [th]), attention is drawn to their differences.

2. The letter Y is presented, its alphabetical name is reported and its similarity with the letter I already known to them is discussed with the children, as well as the characteristics of the sounds they designate: the letter I denotes a vowel sound | and |, and the letter I is a consonant soft voiced [th].

3. Generalization: a new letter will be needed to denote the sound | d | when it ends the word or it is in front of another consonant.

4. Training in designating the sound [th] with a new letter: the teacher pronounces the words, and the students raise the card with the letter Y if it is needed when writing the word. You can use the words: song, sing, tea, teapot, cup, yours   and etc.

5. Reading letter combinations, syllables and words with a new letter.

6. Work on the primer page.

Acquaintance of schoolchildren with the new role of letters already known to them - E, E, Yu, I - is an important stage in the development of the norms of Russian graphics and the formation of the skill of informed reading. Methodological advice to the teacher for organizing linguistically competent work in literacy lessons of this cycle are as follows.

The main function (to designate a specific vowel sound) under the letters E, Ё,,, Я, сохраняется is stored regardless of their position in the word, but the second is determined by the position. At this stage, first graders learn to “pronounce” these letters and use them when writing, when they are at the beginning of a word or after other vowels. In this case, the function of the named letters is to designate, together with their vowels, the consonant sound [th].

The main methodological condition, which is important to observe if we want to ensure the formation of conscious graphic skills among students, is to study new material in comparison with the already known. That is why it is necessary to include work on comparing the positions of letters in literacy classes: in the first, well-known letters can indicate each vowel sound and the softness of the previous consonant sound, and in the second, together with “own” vowel sound, it can also indicate the sound [th].

In connection with the functions of the letters in question, it is important for the teacher to understand well the essence of the objective difficulty of our language, to which you are ready to master .ni. 15 the period of learning to read and write the first and second ways of designating the sound [th] should be mastered by students both for reading and writing, and the third - only for reading, since the choice of the sign (b or b) is governed by the morphemic composition of the word and is not associated with hardness (softness) of consonant sound.

It is important to make acquaintance with the letters E, Ё, Ю, звук, как as signs denoting the sound []] so that the students realize that this sound is fixed in different ways (called vowels or letter)) depending on where it is located in a word, and have mastered the mode of action necessary for reading and writing. It is this mode of action that should be the focus of attention in all reading and writing lessons of this stage. A sample of the reasoning of first graders when reading: "I see the letter ... at the beginning of the word (after the vowel letter), - I read it as two sounds ...". When writing, the line of reasoning should be somewhat different: "I hear the sounds [ya] ... at the beginning of the word (after the vowel sound), I write the letter I ...". First graders should be aware of:

1) the letters E, E, Y, Y, I can denote two sounds - those that are heard in their names;

2) it happens when these letters are at the beginning of a word or after another vowel letter;

3) means, when reading words with the letters E, E, Y, I, I need to look where they are: if at the beginning of the word or after the letter of another vowel, then you need to read like two sounds

Russian language lesson in grade 2

city \u200b\u200bof Mirny

Sinaya Natalya Aleksandrovna

Theme of the lesson: “Sound [th,]. Its designation on the letter.

Soft dividing sign, as a way of marking [th,] on the letter "

Lesson Objectives:

Enhancing student knowledge of sound designation methods [th , ]   on the letter.

Expanding and deepening children's knowledge of sound designation methods [th , ]   on the letter.

The development of mental activity of students.

Improving the communicative skills of students.

The formation of communication skills and the education of determination, organization, a positive attitude towards learning.

Lesson Objectives:

    Open with students a “new” way of labeling [th , ]   on the letter.

    To develop the ability to analyze language material, draw conclusions and generalizations.

    To include each student in vigorous activity, to give each student (regardless of abilities) the opportunity to feel the joy of success in the manifestation of their knowledge, to evaluate their achievements.

Type of lesson: lesson - discovering new knowledge with a multimedia presentation.


    Laptop, multimedia projector, screen.

    Handouts for children.

Plan - lesson summary

“Sound [th,] and its designation on the letter.

Soft sign, as a way of designating the sound [th,] in a letter ”

1. Org. moment.

Now check out my friend

Lesson begins

Everything is in place

Everything is alright

Pen and notebook

Is everyone sitting right

Does everyone look carefully

Everyone wants to receive

Only a rating of 5

Teacher.   Look at each other, smile, wish each other all the best with their eyes ... Sit down. Check your posture.

Teacher: - And now, guys, open the notebook and write down the number and class work, a minute of calligraphy.

2. Entrance to the lesson.

Slide 2 (sounds “The Anthem of Dunno” (M. Minkov - J. Entin))

Teacher.   You agree that “it’s not possible to find out everything in the world” (Children’s opinions are heard.)

Teacher.   Of course, you cannot recognize everything in the world, but today in the lesson we will discover with you the secret of the Russian language, which will help you become “experts” in the Russian language.

Change slide -   CRY (darken the screen - key B)

The hero of our lesson will be the Dunno-writer.

What do you think he will do? (Children: write, compose)

3. Introduction to the topic. Revitalization of knowledge.

Slide 3   CRY - a deformed text appears:

I'm a poet, I'm called Neznak

From me to you balalaika!

Teacher (after students read the slide text)

So he composed ... !!!

Help Dunno fix the mistakes so that no one else laughs at him.

What letter did Dunno forget about?

(Children: “On the letter th”)

CLICK - the deformed text disappears from the screen, the corrected text appears (highlighting the object of study by color):

I'm a poet, I'm Dunno

From me you balalaika!


Teacher.   What do you think will be discussed in the lesson?

Slide change   - CLICK (darken screen-key B)

Slide 4

3.1 Activation of knowledge gained in the 1st grade.

Teacher.   Remember what sound the letter d stands for: vowel or consonant?

)   - on the screen are models of sounds with which students worked in the ABC) and Dunno.

Teacher.   Do you agree with the “guess” (assumption) Dunno?

(Children's sayings are heard.)

With the help of sound models, knowledge about the difference in sounds [th,] and [and] is intensified.

Teacher.   Let’s check that the sounds “tell” about themselves.

CLICK - callouts appear   Sound models “talk” about their differences.

(darken screen-key B)

3.2 Work with handouts.

Handout back. No. 1, in parallel, the task is performed on the board

Teacher.   Read the words, what do they have in common?

What sound do they end with?

What letter does the letter [and] mean?

Change the word so that it ends with the sound [th,]. What letter denote the sound [th,]?

Children complete the task and come to the conclusion that in these words the sound [th,] is denoted by the letter th (i-short).

Slide 5

3.3 Teacher announces the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson

Teacher:   What do you think we will do in the lesson?

(Children's suggestions are heard)

Slide change   - CLICK (Cancel screen dimming - B key)   - on-screen demonstration of the lesson topic)

4. Statement of the problem.

Slide change   - CLICK - Dunno and the topic of the lesson appear on the screen

Slide 6

Teacher.   Help Dunno to remember the words in the letter th, write them down.

CLICK - letter Y appears

(darken screen-key B)

4.1 Individual work on handouts

Dunno got the job from Znayka, help him,

Handout back. Number 2

Check out (Cancel screen dimming - B key) CLICK

Fill in the letters so that you get new words.

CLICK - letter combination appears - AIKA

(darken screen-key B)

Check out (Cancel screen dimming - B key)   CRY

What letter on the letter means the sound [th,]? B (Listened to

suggestions of children)

K - appears sound model [th,] and the conclusion: Sound [th,] the letter is denoted by the letter J.

4.2 Problem statement:

Teacher.   Do you think there are still letters that can indicate the sound [th,] on a letter?

(Children's suggestions are heard.)

Let's check with Dunno ...

Slide change   - CLICK

5. Investigation of the problem. Discoveries.

FROM layd 7 (sound recording of words in color on the screen, CLICK - Dunno appears)

(Dunno (teacher) reads the transcription, deliberately giving out a sound in her voice   [th,] )

Teacher.   I didn’t understand anything. Explain to Dunno what these strange records are.

(Children answers: sound recording of a word)

Record words by replacing sounds with letters

5.1 Individual work on handouts (depending on the level of preparation of the class, collective work is possible)

Handout back. No. 3

(darken screen-key B)

Check it out. CLICK - for every word

What did you notice?

What letters have you replaced sound combinations with?

Why do these letters denote the sound [th,] in these words?

(Similarly, work is carried out with words from the 2nd column)

So what other letters on the letter mean the sound [th,]?

CLICK - Sound Models Appear

(darken screen-key B)

Dynamic pause “Catch the sound [th,]”

(Clap above the head - sound at the beginning, clap normal - in the middle, clap at the bottom - at the end)

T-shirt, Christmas tree, wait, iodine, mine, pit, hero, belt, yule, tram, yogurt, sing, hedgehog, let's go, yours, yula, hare, stop, yogi ....

6. The practical application of the knowledge gained. Statement of a new problem.

Slide change   - CLICK - Dunno appears with a new task

6.1 Work in pairs. Classification of methods for designating sound [th,] in a letter)

Slide 8

Teacher.   Dunno got the job from Znayka and could not cope. Will we help him?

Consult with your deskmate and write down words in one column in which the sound [th,] is indicated by the letter th, and in the other by the vowels e, e, y, i CLICK.

Handout back. Number 4 (darken screen-key B)

6.2 Crosscheck. CLICK - columns of words appear on the screen

Swap sheets and check on the screen.

All the words you have distributed in columns?

(Children: "No, the word" jam "remains) CLICK

Why do you think Dunno decided that the word jam is superfluous?

(darken screen-key B)

6.3 Statement of a new problem.

Handout back. No. 5 + board

Make a transcription of the word jam. What did you notice?

(Cancel screen dimming - B key)   CRY

Why does the letter e in this word mean the sound [th,] (not at the beginning of the word and not after the vowel)?

(Children's suggestions are heard)

7. Investigation of the problem. Opening.

Slide change   - CLICK - drawing of a fence with a little face of a man, Dunno appears

Slide 9

Teacher.   Once Dunno saw a strange record on the fence. CRY

Help him spell these words.

(darken screen-key B)

7.1 Individual work on handouts

Handout back. No. 6 + board

Check on screen (open   projector lens) CLICK

What other letters indicate the sound [th,]

The conclusion is made by the students themselves, CLICK - after this, the conclusion of the teacher is shown on the screen.

Teacher.   But we’ll talk about this in more detail tomorrow at the lesson.

(receiving a time-delayed problem).

(If time permits, work with the rest of the words is carried out similarly). Change of words   - CLICK

8. Generalization. Summarizing. Reflection.

Slide change   - CLICK- A lesson and dunno map appears.

Slide 10

Teacher.   What discoveries we made with Dunno today in the lesson?

Look at the map and help Dunno know what letters on the letter can indicate the sound [th,]?

CLICK - Dunno moves around the lesson map and “returns” using hyperlinks to the main slides, helping children create a holistic picture of the perception of new material.


What do you remember the most? Why?

What did you like / dislike? Why?

What caused the difficulty? Why?

Slide change   - CLICK Dunno appears, changing the exposure on the slide- CLICK

Slide 11

Express your attitude to the lesson and your attitude to yourself in the lesson

Slide change   - CLICK Slide 12

9. Differentiated homework (at the discretion of the teacher)

1. CLICK Traditional assignment: textbook exercise

2. CLICK Creative task: Dunno knows the search character

(Of course, the children choose the Dunno task, so the purpose of the lesson is achieved!)

In modern Russian, there are two variants of pronunciation of sound [j]. The first (and main) meaning of the sound [j] is manifested in the position in front of the vowel: Christmas tree - left, understand - understand. But at the end of a word or at the end of a syllable, the sound [j] is reduced, it becomes short, approaching the sound of the vowel sound [and]. It must be remembered that [j] does not coincide with e [and]: loaf, stand.
In the letter, the letter th denotes only the second variant of pronunciation of the sound [j]. In some borrowed words, the syllabic [j] is denoted by this letter y: iodine, yogi, etc.
It is not indicated by an independent letter of the phoneme [j] when it is in front of the vowel. Since in this position (at the beginning of the word between the vowels, before the vowel) in the letter, the combination of the sound [j] and the vowel is conveyed in one letter I --ma; e-l; e - tree; y - ya.
When the phoneme [j] stands before the vowel after the consonant, then the letters b, b are written in front of the letters e, e, y: six, drinks, departure. You should not think that in this case the letters b and b denote the sound [j]. The letters b and b are only indications that the following letters e, e, u, I need to read not as [e, o, y, a], but how.