
A soft sign is considered sound or not. Letter b in Russian

Literacy lesson in 1st grade on the topic “Letter L (soft sign). Use of a soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants in a letter”

Dedova Irina Nikolaevna, primary school teacher


  1. Introduce the letterB (soft sign). Expand the meaning of the soft sign to indicate the softness of the consonants in the letter;
  2. Improve the reading technique of students;
  3. Develop student vocabulary

Lesson Type:   lesson learning new material.

Type of lesson:   combined.

Teaching methods:   informative, stimulating, instructive.

Teaching Methods:   reproductive, partially exploratory.

Parenting methods: expressive presentation, conversation, creative tasks, creating problem situations, game.


  1. drawing with a soft sign,
  2. soft letter combinations;
  3. drawings depicting a horse, an elk;
  4. ball;

During the classes.

  1. Org moment.

We have an unusual lesson today. Our guests came to see what you learned. Turned to them, greeted. We sat down correctly, begin the reading lesson.

2. Updating new knowledge.

  1. 1). Repetition of vowels.
    - Look, guys, we have lost letters. Let's guess which letters ran away. Who will return them to their place?
    - Read a few words:
      b ... l - b ... l (ball, beat) r ... d - r ... d (glad row)
    - What letters are lost? And what are these letters? (vowels)
    - Compare how the words differ?

    What letters on the letter indicate the hardness of the consonant, and what are the softness of the consonants?

  2. What letters have 2 sounds?
  1. Learning New.
    1). We read the letter combinations on the board:

L, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b

How to pronounce sound in these combinations? (Softly)

What is the letter? Who will find out?

Sound does not mean, can only show

- This letter soft sign denotes the softness of the consonant sound.

4 . Post topics and purpose of the lesson.

The theme of our lesson is devoted to a very interesting and tricky letter called a soft sign.
  The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the letter b; find out what kind of work he does; we will learn to read words with a new letter

  - To find out everything about b, let's watch him.

Read the words. What do they mean?
1) Sound analysis of wordschalk - stranded

How many syllables in words?

How many letters and how many sounds in words? (chalk - 3b, 3st.,

And in the word stranded - 4b, 3 stars.)

Why are there fewer sounds than letters? Maybe someone knows?

L is a helper letter, which itself cannot speak, does not form a sound, cannot be read in any way, but helps all consonants that need it. Consonants are read softly with her.

Draw up the circuit. Who wants to help me?

Chalk - Chalk

What is the difference between these schemes?(last sounds: one soft, the other hard)

How to pronounce the last sound?
- What conclusion can be made? (l does not form a sound).
- Why do we need a letter that does not mean any sound

Textbook s135 the word geese - goose (parsing)

5. physical education  "Pinocchio

  1. Guess the riddles:

He is slim and handsome

He has a thick mane. (horse)

Touching the grass with the hooves

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walking boldly and easily

Horn spread wide (moose)

2). Reading in the ABC p.135 story about a moose.
- Discover the Alphabet with. Let's read the story.

Who is this story about?

Let's come up with a title (title) for the text. " Forest inhabitant"

How many sentences are there in this story? (4)

As you understand the sentence "There are no barriers for an moose"

What is it compared to? (by the wind)

What does an elk eat? (greens, salt)

Quest find and read the words with a soft sign at the end?

7. Independent work  ANIMAL ILLUSTRATIONS APPEAR ON THE BOARD:Moose, horse

1). Compose word schemes (in a notebook), make a sound - letter analysis of words

1 century - Elk

2 c. - horse

b) Sound-letter analysis of the word “ELK”

- How many syllables in a wordELK ? Horse

How many letters? - How many sounds? - Why are there fewer sounds than letters?

(Letter b   does not mean sound, therefore, there are more letters in the word than sounds).

Come up with a sentence with the wordelk

8. Securing the studied.

On the board (one half):  heat, eat, con, soap
- Add to this word b, read the words that turn out,

Fry, spruce, horse, soap

What is the difference between words? In the first words, the consonant at the end of the word is hard, and in the words of others it is soft. The softness of the consonant in the letter is indicated by b. What is the difference between the words? They differ in meaning.

Has the meaning of the word changed? Is it important to write b at the end?

A soft sign is a tricky sign.
About himself, he will say this:
"I am a magician. I want -
I will appear and turn
The chalk they write at school
Stranded dangerous at sea
Corner to coal, brother to take ...
So, everyone is not good -
Those who choose to be lazy
Without the effort to learn.
So kids don't be lazy
And just about all work.
And then I can say:
All get you five

8. The game "Turning words" (throw the ball)

  I will tell you the words that designate several objects, and you will have to say a word that designates one thing.
Moose, horses, geese, bears, notebooks, doors, animals, shadows, nights.

Work in the textbook with. 136

  1. reading words in columns;
  2. reading a story, asking questions about the content of children.

Have questions about the text?

9. Summary of the lesson.
We return to the tasks that were set at the beginning of the lesson.
- What new letter did you meet?
- Does she mean sound?
- What is the role of?
- Guess what word I came up with? In this word, 1 syllable, 4 letters, 3 sounds (this is a big animal - an elk)

Why are there more letters? (Soft sign of sound does not form)

What is a soft sign for?

What words with a soft sign did you remember?
- What was especially interesting in the lesson?
- What was the difficulty?

Today in the lesson we will meet even more amazing signs.

You already know that for each speech sound there is a sign - a letter, but in Russian there are two letters B  and Bthat DO NOT SOUND . Why then are they needed? This is what we learn in our lesson ....

A soft sign is a tricky sign.
  Do not say it in any way.
  He is not pronounced,
  But a word is often requested.
  Why is the house ANGLE
  Turned right into COAL,
  Without a fire, just like that?
  This made a soft sign.

At reading  thanks B  or B, we hear how the sound of the word changes.

If the word has B, then the letter after which it stands sounds softly. Listen to the words and try to guess which words have a soft sign.




Shelf - Shelf

A B  - a solid sign loves to play hide and seek.


But at the same time, if we do not write it in a word, then the word takes on a completely different meaning.

Ate - Sat


And here are the letters themselves: This   solid sign.

Soft sign  - he makes the letters softer.

The soft sign has TWO jobs. Soft sign SOFTEN , that is, it makes the sound agree soft, and another soft sign SHARE.

Letter b shares  the consonant and vowel E,,,,,,,,, показывая, showing that when reading between them a pause should be made. That's why they call him SEPARATE.

Watch the owl: FEATHER and PIERO .... Speak slowly ... What did you notice?

In the first case, our unusual letter E remained one [E] - [p`ero], and in the second case, due to the fact that the soft sign separated the consonant and vowel E, it turned out [p`ero], that is, the letter E remained by itself [ yee]

1. And Mr. "Who is careful?"

According to the last sounds of words table, window, goose - make a new word.

Answer: elk.

2 . What is common in words: linen, coat, monkey, gun, dust?

3.   What is common in the names of these items: porch, announcement, hoisting (crane), edible, eat?

4. The game "Who is more?"

  • Think of words in which one sound is indicated by two letters. (Salt, day, horse, shadow.)
  • Can you count? Then quickly name the numbers ending in b   (from 5 to 20).

5 . Find the hidden letters b  and b. Circle them.

6.   Color only those keys that look like a letter   B  (hard sign). Connect them with Pinocchio.

7. Color only those daisies on which the letter B  (soft sign) is spelled correctly. Connect them with a butterfly.

8. Paint both signs yellow. Shade according to the pattern. Find and color the letters B  and B.

9 . Underline the same letter as the bottom left of the picture. Circle all letters   B  on the right side of the picture.

10 . Fold a figure of seven sticks. Remove two of them so that it turns out B. Circle all letters B  on right.

11.   Make the squares the same on the left. What is the difference between the two squares on the right?

12.   Add it. Cross out letters that are different from the rest in both rows on the right side of the picture.

  13. The game "Ladder"

1. Soft sign "b". 2. The solid sign "b".

- - - b - b - - -

- - - - b - - b - - -

- - - - - b - - - b - - -

Possible answer. Possible answer:

moose, deer, horse. congress, detour, staircase.

14. And r "Entertaining models"

Compose words for the following models:

1. - - - b ( Horse, elk, aground.)

2. - - - b - - ( Coat, letter, skates.)

3. - b - - - ( Congress, entry, ate.)

4. - - - b - - - ( Entrance, departure.)

15. And Mr. "The word fell apart"

Collect the scattered words:

1. Yuviag ( winter storm), pouring ( stranded).

2. Les ( ate), winter ( flaw).

16. And Mr. "Finish the word"

1. Beech ... (- var), aunt ... (- glad), the word ... (- var), Jan ... (- var), Feb ... (- ral), honey ... (- after all),

2. Volume ... (- drive, -ect, -em, -union, -appearance, -explanation), lifting ... (- ride), disconn ... (- ride, -little, -hardened, -explain).

17. And r "Transformation of words"

1. What letter in the word bone  need to be replaced to get the name of the person you want in the house? ( A guest.)

2. What letter need to be added to angle  turned into coal?
(Soft sign.)

3. We will be always where necessary

Soft sign embed in words,

To ferret  would not in chorus,

StakesKolya  never.

Insert a soft sign to form new words: Kolya ( stakes), foams ( hemp), eat ( spruce), seed ( a family), choir ( ferret), they say ( mole).

4. What letter should be added to the word sat downso that you get the word for completing your meal? ( A solid sign - ate.)

5. Which letter to add and which to subtract from the word sevento get the word eat? (Hard sign add, soft sign take away.)

18. And r "Grammatical arithmetic"

1. Tire - a + spruce \u003d? ( Overcoat.)

2. Karakul - kul + stranded \u003d? ( Caramel.)

3. Soda - yes + pain \u003d? ( Sable.)

19. Crosswords

The same syllables in the words with b and b.

Answer: syllable - ride; syllables - eats  or - yut.

Words with b.

1. A small bathing room. 2. Way of transportation.

3. Bright illumination of the horizon of the sky. 4. Drawing on a bone, a tree.

5. Share, fate, case.

Answer: bathhouse, walking, dawn, carving, fate

Add the letters

Answer: zero, salt, role, moth, pain, roofing, dust, true.

Words with b and b.

1. Large side branches of the tree. 2. Climbing plant.

3. The main weapon of the hunter. 4. Any subject.

5. The humanoid animal. 6. The meeting.

Answer: twigs, bindweed, gun, object, monkey, congress.


The letter P flipped over -
Soft sign  turned around.

Take a black pencil and paint over all the parts of the drawing in which you see the letter   B.


From a bucket for a reason
  We drink water:
  Need a bucket - solid sign,
  In order not to get wet.

Take a black pencil and paint over all areas of the picture with the letter   B.

22.   We are writing ...

  1. To introduce the new letter Ь as an indicator of the softness of previous consonants that do not indicate sound, to form the skill of reading words with, and to learn to read the text expressively.
  2. Develop phonemic hearing, attention, speech, logical thinking.
  3. To cultivate accuracy, observation, respect for the book, interest in the native language.

Equipment: “Russian alphabet” (authored by V.G. Goretsky and others), sound schemes, a tape of letters, a portrait of S.V. Mikhalkov, an exhibition of books by S.V. Mikhalkov.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

The sonorous bell rang
   He gathered first graders for a lesson.
   You guys don't get bored
   Feel free to answer the questions!
   And now the girls quietly sat down,
   And behind them the boys sat quietly.

II. Reiteration.

1. Updating knowledge:

- How to distinguish sound from a letter?

The sound we hear and pronounce, and the letters we write and see.

- What are the sounds?

Vowels and consonants.
Paired and unpaired.
Voiced and deaf.
Hard and soft.

- What studied consonant letter always means soft consonant sound? - Tell us everything you know about the letter C.

The letter H stands for sound (h) - consonant, unpaired, deaf, soft.

2. Speech workout.

Reading is the best teaching. (On the desk )

- What did you read? ( proverb)

“Why do they say that?”

- What sound is often repeated?

- What does the dot indicate? (The sentence is read calmly, at the end we lower the voice)

- Read the chorus with pops for each syllable.

- Replace the point with an exclamation point. Read.

- Replace the exclamation mark with a question mark. Read.

- You see, it is important to pay attention to the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence so that our speech is correct, expressive.

If you liked the way you read, smile at each other.

3. The game "Hare and the Wolf"

(cardboard hare and wolf on magnets)

Straight open syllables with hard and soft consonants are printed randomly on the board.

Rules of the game: a wolf chasing a hare. A hare can only jump over syllables with soft consonants, and a wolf can jump over syllables with strong consonants. It is necessary to lead the hare through the clearing so that it does not fall into the clutches of the wolf. Two students are called to the board. The one who leads the hare begins. He sets the toy near the syllable with a soft consonant, reads it. The second sets the wolf toy near the syllable with a strong consonant, reads it. The wolf will catch up with the hare if the first student makes a mistake.

Ki not yes, well, there are sy and so on.

- Which vowels indicate the softness of the consonant?

4. Game “Make a Word”  (On the desk).

- Compose the words - the names of the birds.

(Sparrow, crow, nightingale, duck, woodpecker, magpie)

The results of the work of children are summarized.

III. Learning new material.

1. Guessing riddles.

Gobbling up
   A guy rides on the stove.
   He goes straight to the palace.
   Who is this fellow?

- Do you know this fairy-tale hero?

“What fairy tale is he from?”

- Remember who Emelya caught in the hole?

- Why did Emelya release the pike back into the water?

- We ask and we pike to fulfill our desire. May she introduce us to the new letter.

2. Post lesson topics.

- read the words


- What do they look like? (What do they have in common?)

- What do you think, what new letter will we meet today? (With a soft sign)

- Right.

- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the letter, which is called a soft sign.

3. Work on the "Alphabet" (p. 134-135)

a) Speak the word.

I'm in any weather
   I respect very much water.
   I guard against mud
   Clean gray ... (goose, but a lot of geese)

b) Analysis of the scheme for the word “geese”

–Let's substitute letters under the patterns. How many syllables does this word consist of?

(Of the two: the first syllable-fusion gu, the second syllable-fusion si)

- Characterize sounds

Kids: Sound
  [g] - consonant, sonorous, firm.
  [y] - vowel, stressed
  [s "] - consonant, deaf, soft
  [and] - vowel, unstressed.

- How is the softness of the consonant [s "] indicated?

(Using the vowel “and” of the second row)

c) Analysis of the scheme for the word “goose”

- How many syllables in the word "goose"?

- How many sounds does this word consist of?

(Of the three: from the merger and the adjacent soft consonant)

- When saying the words “goose.” What sound do we hear at the end?

- How to compose the word “goose” so that it is clear that the last sound needs to be pronounced softly?

(It is necessary to remove the letter “and” from the word “geese” typed at the blackboard and put b) instead

- How many letters does the word “goose” consist of?

- And how many sounds do we hear when pronouncing this word?

- Why?

(The letter soft sign has no sound, it can be written, but can not be read.)

- Right guys! The soft sign of sound does not denote, but is needed in order to denote the softness of the previous consonant sound.

- Identify the place in the alphabet.

- What are the neighbors of the soft sign.

- Draw the letter b with your fingers.

- What does the letter b look like?

A soft sign is a tricky sign.
   Do not say it in any way.

He is not pronounced,
   But a word is often requested.
   Why is the CORNER at home
   Turned right into COAL,
   Without a fire, just like that?
   This made a soft sign.

I am a magician. I want -
   I will appear and turn
   School Chalk
   Stranded dangerous at sea.
   Guess who the wizard is
   Raise your hand higher.

(Figure “Soft Sign”)

IV. Fizpause.

Close your eyes and mentally draw the letter b. Open your eyes.

- Your eyes are tired. Let's do gymnastics for the eyes. Tightly closed and opened their eyes. Repeat 5 times. We look up, down, left, right, without turning our heads (4 times). Blink fast.

V. Continuation of the topic of the lesson.

1. The game "Living Words"

6 students are called to the board. They are given cards with the words of the proverb:

Children stand in line, showing the class their cards. The class reads the words in silence. The called student arranges the children in such a way as to make a proverb. The class reads and discusses it in chorus.

How do you understand the proverb?

2. Reading words with b

- We read the words in pairs.

- Find the extra pair in the bars.

- Why is she superfluous?

- How to name the rest of the words in one word?

- Find the word for the pattern. (Scheme on the board for the word line)

- Make a sentence with any of these words.

3) Guessing riddles based on the drawing in the ABC (p. 134)

Touching the grass with the hooves
   A handsome man walks through the forest,
   Walking boldly and easily
   The horns are spread wide. (Elk)

4). Work on the ABC (p. 135)

1) Work on a coherent speech. Reading behind the "announcer" and parsing the text.

- What animal are we talking about in the text?

- Where does the moose live?

- What does he eat?

- What does elk like?

2) Repeated reading of the text “in a chain” according to one sentence, selection of words with b.

- How can I title the text?

VI. Fizminutka.

   Big gray clouds came across the sky. (Children show)
   Lightning flashed! (Hands ahead sharply wave)
   Thunder boomed! (Children clapped their hands)
   And it started to rain. (Pounding fingers)
   Rain intensifies, intensifies.
   Rain became less, less, completely stopped.
   The sun came out, and it became quiet - quiet. (Hands forward, to the sides, folded in front of them.).
   Quietly sat down.

The sun showed us with a ray the way to page 135 in the ABC

VII. Fastening.

1) Optional reading

S. 139 - View the picture.

- From which line item?

S. Mikhalkov wrote many wonderful poems for children. (Exhibition of books, portrait of a writer)

2) A teacher reading a passage from a book.

3) Testing: reading by well-reading children.

Viii. Lesson summary.

- Where did the sign on the ribbon of letters live?

- Why?

- Why do they say about a soft sign that this is a dumb letter?

(Because b sound does not mean.)

- Why do we need b?

(B is needed to indicate the softness of previous consonants.)

- On the leaves cross out a soft sign and read the word.

L M O L L O L E L E C!

- What word did you get? (Well done!)

Thank you for the lesson guys.

    Introduce the letterB (soft sign). Expand the meaning of the soft sign to indicate the softness of the consonants in the letter;

    Improve the reading technique of students;

    Develop student vocabulary

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material.

Lesson view: combined.

Teaching methods: informative, stimulating, instructive.

Teaching methods: reproductive, partially search.

Parenting methods: expressive presentation, conversation, creative tasks, creating problem situations, game.


    drawing with a soft sign,

    soft letter combinations;

    drawings depicting a horse, an elk;


During the classes.

    Org moment.

We have an unusual lesson today. Our guests came to see what you learned. Turned to them, greeted. We sat down correctly, begin the reading lesson.

2. Updating new knowledge.

    1). Repetition of vowels.
    - Look, guys, we have lost letters. Let's guess which letters ran away. Who will return them to their place?
    - Read a few words:
      b ... l - b ... l (ball, beat) r ... d - r ... d (glad row)
    - What letters are lost? And what are these letters? (vowels)
    - Compare how the words differ?

    What letters on the letter indicate the hardness of the consonant, and what are the softness of the consonants?

    What letters have 2 sounds?

    Learning New.
    1). We read the letter combinations on the board:

L, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b

How to pronounce sound in these combinations? (Softly)

What is the letter? Who will find out?

Sound does not mean, can only show

- This letter soft sign denotes the softness of the consonant sound.

4 . Post topics and purpose of the lesson.

The theme of our lesson is devoted to a very interesting and tricky letter called a soft sign.
  The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the letter b; find out what kind of work he does; we will learn to read words with a new letter

- To find out everything about b, let's watch him.

Read the words. What do they mean?
1) Sound analysis of words chalk - stranded

How many syllables in words?

How many letters and how many sounds in words? (chalk - 3b, 3st.,

And in the word stranded - 4b, 3 stars.)

Why are there fewer sounds than letters? Maybe someone knows?

L is a helper letter, which itself cannot speak, does not form a sound, cannot be read in any way, but helps all consonants that need it. Consonants are read softly with her.

Draw up the circuit. Who wants to help me?

Chalk - Chalk

What is the difference between these schemes? (last sounds: one soft, the other hard)

How to pronounce the last sound?
- What conclusion can be made? (l does not form a sound).
- Why do we need a letter that does not mean any sound

Textbook s135 the word geese - goose (parsing)

5. physical education  "Pinocchio

    Guess the riddles:

He is slim and handsome

He has a thick mane. (horse)

Touching the grass with the hooves

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walking boldly and easily

Horn spread wide (moose)

2). Reading in the ABC p.135 story about a moose.
- Discover the Alphabet with. Let's read the story.

Who is this story about?

Let's come up with a title (title) for the text. " Forest inhabitant"

How many sentences are there in this story? (4)

As you understand the sentence "There are no barriers for an moose"

What is it compared to? (by the wind)

What does an elk eat? (greens, salt)

Quest find and read the words with a soft sign at the end?

7. Independent work  ANIMAL ILLUSTRATIONS APPEAR ON THE BOARD: Moose, horse

1). Compose word schemes (in a notebook), make a sound - letter analysis of words

1 century - Elk

2 c. - horse

b) Sound-letter analysis of the word “ ELK

How many syllables in a word ELK? Horse

How many letters? - How many sounds? - Why are there fewer sounds than letters?

(Letter B  does not mean sound, therefore, there are more letters in the word than sounds).

Come up with a sentence with the word elk

8. Securing the studied.

On the board (one half):   heat, eat, con, soap
- Add to this word b, read the words that turn out,

fry, spruce, horse, soap

What is the difference between words? In the first words, the consonant at the end of the word is hard, and in the words of others it is soft. The softness of the consonant in the letter is indicated by b. What is the difference between the words? They differ in meaning.

Has the meaning of the word changed? Is it important to write b at the end?

A soft sign is a tricky sign.
About himself, he will say this:
"I am a magician. I want -
I will appear and turn
The chalk they write at school
Stranded dangerous at sea
Corner to coal, brother to take ...
So, everyone is not good -
Those who choose to be lazy
Without the effort to learn.
So kids don't be lazy
And just about all work.
And then I can say:
All get you five

8. The game "Turning words" (throw the ball)

I will tell you the words that designate several objects, and you will have to say a word that designates one thing.
Moose, horses, geese, bears, notebooks, doors, animals, shadows, nights.

Work in the textbook with. 136

    reading words in columns;

    reading a story, asking questions about the content of children.

Have questions about the text?

9. Summary of the lesson.
We return to the tasks that were set at the beginning of the lesson.
- What new letter did you meet?
- Does she mean sound?
- What is the role of?
- Guess what word I came up with? In this word, 1 syllable, 4 letters, 3 sounds (this is a big animal - an elk)

Why are there more letters? (Soft sign of sound does not form)

What is a soft sign for?

What words with a soft sign did you remember?
- What was especially interesting in the lesson?
- What was the difficulty?

B, b (called: soft sign) is one of the letters of the majority of Cyrillic Slavic alphabets (in Bulgarian - 28th, in Belarusian - 29th, in Russian - 30th and in Ukrainian - 31st (was last, and in the current place moved in 1990); it was excluded from Serbian in the middle of the 19th century, into Macedonian, created following the example of the new Serbian, was not introduced). Bulgarian name: er malk (ie “small er”), usual: er).

It does not mean an independent sound, sometimes it is considered as a diacritic mark, performing a modification of the meaning of the previous letter. It is used in the Ukrainian language in the combination of po, similar to the Russian E, standing after the consonants; in the spelling of modern Bulgarian it is for this purpose that it is applied.

Also, there are a number of non-Slavic languages \u200b\u200bin the alphabets, where in writing it can be used in an unexpected position: for example, after vowels. It is usually considered in order 31st in the Cyrillic alphabet and looks like; The 32nd in a glagolitic account has the form (in the late Croatian glagolitic, this sign is replaced simply by a vertical line called “štapić” - means “wand, staff”). It does not have a numerical value.

In the Church and Old Slavonic alphabets it is called "ery" (c. -S.) Or "ѥр" (s.-s.), the meaning of which is not clear, but, undoubtedly, is connected with the names of the letters Y- "ery" and "Yer." A very plausible hypothesis looks that connects the names “ep”, “ep”, “er” with the similarity of the forms of the letters Cyrillic L and P in the Glagolitic alphabet (which sometimes looks absolutely identical :).

The origin of the letter in the glagolitic is usually explained by a modification of the letter O (); O is also associated with the Cyrillic, in which a wand is drawn on top (in the most ancient Cyrillic letters there are similar forms).

In antiquity meant an ultra-short variation of sound [and]; then this sound disappeared in all Slavic languages, often leaving a softening of the previous consonant as a memory of oneself, or there was a coincidence with one of the full vowels (in different languages \u200b\u200beverything is different).

In Russian, the presence of this sound is reminiscent of alternations like a finger - a finger, a lion - a lion.
When the Russian civilian font was introduced, the lowercase letter b was first made high, by analogy with the Latin b, but a similar style lasted only a few years (compared with the high b, which prevailed until the middle of the 18th century).

"B" in Slavic languages

Russian language

Soft sign in Russian is used:

To indicate the softness of most consonants, being after them (elm - ligature, hornbeam - robbery, lad - rook, mole - mole, blood - blood, crowbar - crowbar, flail - chain, horse - horse, heat - heat, beat - beat, weight - all, count - count);

In the position in front of the vowels, in addition, it functions as a separator; moreover, e, u, e, i (and - optional) are pronounced iotated; sometimes other vowels are iotated (eg, broth - bu [l’јo] n);

It does not mean softness after hissing (it depends on the letter itself - either it is or not), but according to tradition (even without a separating meaning), it is used in a number of well-known categories of words:

In nouns wives. kind of names. and wines. case. units h .: mascara, rye, thing, twist, etc .;

In the imperative mood of a number of verbs: destroy, cut, wrinkle, hide (in many plural parts: cut, etc.; in return forms: cut, cut, etc.);

In a number of adverbs: swipe, wide open, away;

For verbs, the ending-you has a 2nd person: you take, you say, you are angry, you will give, etc., including their return form (give, etc.);

A number of verbs end in -ch an indefinite form: bake, cut, protect, etc. (the same in the form of a return: take care, etc.);

After r, k, x guttural is written only in borrowed words (Chianti, Alighieri, Donahue), it is not used in native Russian words (in connection with this imperative mood of the verb, to lie down is a lie - an exception word, as a general rule ending)

It does not mean softness after q, and it also happens only in borrowings (e.g., Zamosc), sometimes it corresponds to what appears in colloquial speech and in foreign words (e.g., revolutionary).

In principle, it is not possible to use a soft sign after the vowels and th, and at the beginning of the word.

The proposals for reforming the spelling of the Russian language, which then led to the reform of the written language of 1917-1918, also had the idea of \u200b\u200bcanceling the spelling after a sizzling soft sign. But she was not accepted. This proposal later also surfaced, including in the early 1960s in the discussion on the simplification of spelling.

Church Slavonic language

The system of using the letter L in the Church Slavonic language is basically similar to the Russian language. The main differences are:

Usually, in masculine nouns, after sizzling soft u and h, it is written not b, but b (horsetail, sword);

At the end of the passive short participles in the present tense it is used to distinguish with the personal form of the verbs: he is visible (visible), but - we are visible;

In adjectives and short participles after hissing, the difference between the endings -b and -b corresponds to various cases: for example, creator (im. Pad.), Creator (vin. Pad.);

Very often between consonants it is allowed to spell both with and without: created / created (analogue to Russian. Created), darkness / tma, etc.

In some cases, the letter L could be replaced in the Church Slavonic old printed books with an erk (superscript); in the last 300 years this has not been practiced: only the letter b is replaced with the yerkom.

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