
Interesting books for children 11 years old

Books play an important role in shaping a person’s worldview. Therefore, parents need to be very serious about choosing children's works. The best works of great children's writers have not only an exciting plot, but also a deep meaning that helps the child to form valuable human qualities within himself.

Readers are presented with the best foreign books for children 11-12 years old, list.

The fairy tale parable of Antoine de Saint-Exupery opens the top ten best foreign books for children 11-12 years old. The main character talks about the events that happened to him six years ago. During the flight, something went wrong in the engine of the aircraft, and the pilot, flying without a mechanic and passengers, was forced to land in the sands of the Sahara, a thousand miles from civilization. Nevertheless, at dawn he was awakened by the bride from where the little boy came from ...

The novel of the American writer Harriet Beecher Stow is recommended for reading to children 11-12 years old. The main character of the book, the Negro Tom, due to a combination of circumstances falls from one owner to another. A polite and courteous Kentucky Shelby, with whom Tom serves as a steward. St. Clair, who wants to give Tom freedom. The Lehri planter, capable of inflicting the most brutal torture on a Negro ... Passing from one master to another, Tom maintains faith in human kindness and steadfastly follows Christian virtues ...

The top ten foreign books for readers of 11-12 years old includes an adventure novel by Daniel Defoe. The full name of the work sounds like “Life, the extraordinary and amazing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor from York, who lived 28 years all alone on a desert island off the coast of America near the mouths of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown by a shipwreck, during which the entire crew of the ship except him died, setting forth his unexpected release by pirates; written by himself. " This amazing story will appeal to everyone: those who love adventure and fantasy, and those who are interested in the real life of people and want to learn to understand their character and actions, and those who love the description of travel and long-distance travels. The book Defoe has it all! After all, it is written on the basis of real events.

The novel by Scottish writer Robert Lewis Stevenson is one of the best foreign books for children 11-12 years old. The little reader will learn about the incredible and exciting adventures of Jim Hawkins and the brave captain Smollett, the one-legged John Silver and the crafty pirates, about the mysterious map and pirate treasure, and will also go along with a dangerous expedition to the mysterious and mysterious island. An exciting plot, a delicate style of storytelling, genuine historical color and romance will captivate the reader from the first to the last line.

The adventure novel by Charles Dickens rightfully takes its place in the list of the best foreign books recommended for reading to children 11-12 years old. This is the story of a little orphan, Oliver, who was born in a workhouse, escaped from it from cruelty and bullying in the streets of London and fell into the robber den of London thieves and murderers. An innocent and pure soul of a child suffers from evil surrounded by colorful villains: the treacherous Fagin, the menacingly dangerous Billy Sykes and the courtesan with the gentle and kind soul of Nancy. The purity and piety of a child who grew up among rudeness and humiliation, leads not only to salvation, but also reveals the secret of his birth.

The list of the best foreign books for children 11-12 years old includes a fabulous novel by Diana Wynn Jones. Based on the work, an anime cartoon was released, which was a huge success, and was nominated for an Oscar. The main character of Sophie’s fabulous and exciting story lives in a fictional country where witches and mermaids, seven-mile boots and talking dogs are commonplace. Therefore, when the terrible curse of the insidious Swamp Witch falls upon her, Sophie has no choice but to turn for help to the mysterious sorcerer Hawle, who lives in a walking castle. However, to break free of the spell, Sophie has to solve many puzzles and live in Hole's castle for much longer than she expected. And for this you need to make friends with a fiery demon, catch a lobster star, eavesdrop on the singing of mermaids, find a mandrake and much, much more.

French novel Jules Verne is one of the best foreign books recommended for reading to children 11-12 years old. The work includes three parts in which the same characters appear. Heroes travel across three oceans, looking for the shipwrecked Scottish patriot - Captain Grant. The work widely depicts the nature and life of people in various parts of the world.

Rudyard Kipling's fairy tale is on the list of the best foreign books for children aged 11-12. Mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is the main character of the story Rudyard Kipling. It so happened that the little Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was left alone, without parents and ended up in a family of people who sheltered and fell in love with him. A brave mongoose, together with the bird Darzi and shrew Chuchundra, save people from the cobras Naga and Nagayna and kill the young snakes in order to save their friends.

One of the best foreign books for children 11-12 years old, which young readers will read with pleasure in one breath. In world literature there is a great many images of boys - adventurers, but Twain's hero is unique and original. At first glance, this is a completely ordinary boy from a small provincial American town. Like the thousands and millions of his neighbors, Tom does not like to do household chores, hates going to school, prefers shabby clothes to elegant clothes, and as for shoes, he tries to do without her at all. A visit to the church, and especially Sunday school, is a real torture for him. Tom has a lot of friends - the same pranks as he himself. His clever head is constantly clogged with all kinds of fantasies and inventions.

Fairy tale Astrid Lindgren tops the list of the best foreign books for children 11-12 years old. The main character of the work is Peppilotta Victualia Rulgardina Krisminta Efraimsdotter Longstocking. The red-haired, freckled beast, along with her favorites, a monkey and a horse, lives in the Chicken Villa. Little Peppy has incredible strength, so she can easily raise a horse with even one hand. The girl does not want to obey the generally accepted rules and decrees of adults. Many are annoyed by the tricks of an unbearable girl, but nobody can cope with it. Peppy Long Stocking is the embodiment of the image of all the children who secretly dream to be the same as the main character of the book.

Frankly speaking, the age limits that are set for recommendations on books always confuse me a little. First of all, it is worth remembering that all children are different. Someone at the age of 10 reads philosophy, while someone continues to love Russian folk tales. There are geeks reading this, the name of which I can hardly write correctly. Therefore, this very framework is still very relative. It is clear that Leo Tolstoy should not be read in the first grade to the most ordinary child, i.e. a child with normal development without excesses to stupidity or, conversely, to any kind of backwardness. there is list of best booksthat are designed for normal, most ordinary   primary school children, i.e. somewhere from 8 years to 11. There are school programs for extracurricular reading. Books included in this list are distributed by age. But one way or another, it still depends on the teacher, and references are very often cut. Moreover, normal children are different from each other. It's hard for someone to read Veltistov. And someone at the same 11 years swallows Electronics excitedly. There are children diligently reading everything that the teacher asks for the summer. But this is not enough for them. They want to look at the world of children's literature more widely. At the same time, parents would like to be sure that the choice of books for their children is one hundred percent tested by the experience of generations. The best way not to make a mistake in the books that your children read is to first read the book yourself. But not always in adults at that time. One thing I can say - remember, truly only what is passed by the child through the heart is brought up! This is proven. Therefore, you need to be extremely attentive to WHAT your children are watching and WHAT they are reading. For my part, I propose list   tested and the best books for kids   elementary school, i.e. whose age is 8 - 11 years. These books are very well known to many. Someone once read them myself. I deliberately blurred the age framework, relying on the same difference among children. Would there be plenty to choose from. So,

the best books for children 8 to 11 years old!

  1. Alexandrova T. Domovenok Kuzka
  2. Belyaev A. Amphibian Man
  3. Bianchi V. Animal Stories
  4. Bulychev K. Girl from the Earth
  5. Veltistov E. Adventure Electronics
  6. Volkov A. The Wizard of the Emerald City
  7. Volkov A. Urfin Djus and his wooden soldiers
  8. Geraskina L. In the Country of Unlearned Lessons
  9. Golyavkin V. Stories
  10. Gubarev V. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
  11. Davydychev L.I. My friends buddies
  12. Davydychev L.I. The life and suffering of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a second-year student
  13. Defoe D. Robinson Crusoe
  14. Dragunsky V. Funny school stories
  15. Ershov P. The Little Humpbacked Horse
  16. Kaminsky L. Lesson in laughter
  17. Kipling R. Mowgli
  18. Krylov I. Fables
  19. Carroll L. Alice in Wonderland
  20. Lagin L. Old Man Hottabych
  21. La Fontaine Fables
  22. Medvedev V. Barankin, be a man!
  23. Mikhalkov S. Fables
  24. Mikhalkov S. Feast of disobedience
  25. Nekrasov A. Adventures of Captain Vrungel
  26. Nikitinsky Yu. Girls who are in love with me
  27. Nosov N. Adventures of Dunno and his friends
  28. Olesha Yu. Three Fat Men
  29. Oseeva V. Stories
  30. Pivovarova I. Stories by Lucy Sinitsyna, third grade student
  31. Prokofieva S. Adventures of a yellow suitcase
  32. Pushkin A. Tales
  33. Raspe R.E. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  34. Rodari J. The Adventures of Jelsomino
  35. Rodari J. The Adventures of Cipollino
  36. Sladkov N. Stories
  37. Stevenson R.L. Treasure Island
  38. Suslin D. Stories
  39. Twain M. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  40. Tolstoy A. Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio
  41. Chekhov A. Stories for children
  42. Schwartz E. Tale of Lost Time
  43. Aesop Fables

Useful reading!

Good day, dear readers! Interestingly, how does your baby develop at age 11? Baby, because it’s still a child. Although already with their own points of view on the outside world. Do you know what helps him form this point? Of course, the environment.

But there is another way. And if you manage to find an interesting option that meets the needs of the child, everything will be fine! A schoolboy will grow up a successful and intelligent person! Guess what I mean? Of course! Books for children 11 years old. What should they be?

If you look at the ages, you can easily notice that some categories are added, and some disappear. Not even that: they do not disappear, but they change! Compare at least with literature for 9 years! The works are becoming more serious.

You know, 11 years old, this is a transitional period, psychologists call it early adolescence. Yeah, not easy for many parents! But what to do, we must educate! The problem is that this is not a 3 year old baby who can be dragged from the scene, and that’s all. It’s more complicated here.

We must try to remain for the child not only a parent, but also a friend. This is where books will help - the best guide to the world of fantasies and adventures, kindness and good attitude to the environment. Here the child will find answers to many questions.

It is very good if in your house there are such categories:

  1. Tales and stories.
  2. Poems and fables.
  3. Adventure and fantasy.
  4. Cognitive.

You see, there are many categories, and all of them have a special meaning that guides the child in the right direction. Tell me, which ones are interesting for your student? In the meantime, I will advise several titles of books from each category.

Tales and Stories

The older the student, the more I notice that these 2 categories are very closely intertwined. Of course, fairy tales have not lost the magic, which really attracts children! This genre is especially suitable for girls. Princesses, princesses, castles, princes on white horses! But be that as it may, the basis for a better little book is needed! Here are some options, in my opinion, very exciting. And not only mine, because the list was made according to the reviews of people. See:

  • "Tales of the peoples of the world".
  • “Finist is a clear falcon”.
  • "Stories about animals"   Seton-Thompson E.
  • "Childhood"   Gorky M.
  • "Christmas Eve"   Gogol N.V.
  • Wonderful Doctor   Kuprin A.
  • "Leo’s childhood"   Minaev B. And this is from contemporary works that are popular among children and their parents. Perhaps here, the child recognizes himself in something.

How do you like this selection? I am sure that many of you yourself remember, and would love to re-read it! True? And now a selection of poems that are perfect for memorizing and replenishing the vocabulary.

Poems and Fables

You know, teachers advise you to read poetry with your child! Yes. After all, try to convince the child in 10 - 11 years to memorize! And it is necessary. This is not only a great memory train, but also teaches to speak correctly. Do you want advice from one teacher? Ask the child to read aloud, not monotonously, but with expression. Just not forcing, but offering to do it together: first you, then he.

  • "Ruslan and Ludmila"   Pushkin A.S.
  • Borodino   Lermontov M.Yu.
  • Fables   Krylov I.A.
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse"   Ershov P.

This is what you and I went through in the school curriculum. Do you remember? I am sure that some still have several lines of these amazing works in their heads. And how do your kids train their memory at 11-12 years old?

But, in addition to the genre of poems, there is another excellent option that will suit almost any student. Do you know what it is?


And this genre is more suitable for boys. Although, an adventure version of little princesses will suit you too, especially when the main character is a girl. How does your child relate to such stories? If positive, but I think it is, then I will recommend which books to read.

  • "The reserve of fairy tales" Kir Bulychev. This is perhaps one of the most famous authors of science fiction and adventure. And this is one of his best works, no doubt!
  • "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"   Mark Twain. Well, this immortal literary work is suitable for reading even at age 13. And even later.
  • "In the country of eternal vacation"   Alexin A.
  • "Lost World"   Conan Doyle.
  • "Treasure Island"   Stevenson R.

Fantastic stories really appeal to young readers! I think that here they will not need to be persuaded to sit down and read. Well, for a snack I left all kinds of informative literature. I think that without it, nowhere!


Perhaps, at 11 - 13 years old the child will no longer ask a bunch of questions. But all the interests will be, and even what! Someone like the history of ancient countries and civilizations, someone starry sky and space. Tastes are different for everyone and you can find an approach to everyone. Try to get your student into the cognitive books department yourself and see what he chooses.

And here's what I found good in the online book store:

  • "George and the Secrets of the Universe"   Hawking Stevie and Lucy, Galfar Christoph. I think no child will refuse to travel the universe! So send it along with the heroes of this very truthful and informative book.
  • "Secrets of Anatomy"   Donner Carol.
  • “Oceans. Illustrated Atlas »   Hutchinson Stephen, Macmillan.
  • "Illustrated Atlas of the World"   Edelman Nikolay.
  • “Dinosaurs. Illustrated Atlas ».
  • "The Great Encyclopedia of a Schoolboy".

In my opinion, any student will be happy to receive such books as a gift! How do you think?

Teenagers can be very diverse: they like fantastic stories, realistic stories about the life of their peers, and works about animals, and exciting detective stories.

If your daughter is absolutely indifferent to books, do not despair: for sure there will be a work that can capture it. The problem can be solved by trial: offer your daughter some books for girls of her age. Choose only the most interesting stories and try to make them of different genres.

Fairy tales

Girls 10-11 years old have not yet parted with childhood, and they are very interested in stories about wizards, beautiful princesses and fairy-tale transformations. If your daughter loves fairy tales, invite her to read a series of books about Harry Potter, The Walking Castle by Diane Jones, The Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, Roni, the Daughter of the Robber Astrid Lindgren or the books of Michael Buckley from the Sisters Grimm series. In these works, as in all fairy tales, the ideals of kindness, selflessness and hard work are proclaimed.

Life Books

More serious literature should gradually penetrate the girl’s reading circle: books on the relationship between children and parents, social injustice, school problems, friendship. Especially interesting for girls will be stories where the main characters are close to them in age. These are books such as “Pollyanna” by Elinor Porter, “Anya from the Green Mezzanines” by Lucy Montgomery, “Sibirochka” by Lydia Charskaya, “The Little Princess” by Francis Burnett, “Little Women” by Louise May Alcott. The novels of the Italian writer Bianca Pitzorno “Listen to my heart” about Italian schoolgirls of the 50s and the trilogy of Alexandra Brushtein “The road goes into the distance ...” are especially charming.

Animal works

If a girl loves animals, she may like the stories of Vitaly Bianchi, Ernest Seton-Thompson, Vera Chaplina. Of course, while recommending books about our smaller brothers, one cannot but mention the sparkling novel by Gerald Darell, “My Family and Other Beasts.”

Children's detectives

Lovers of all kinds of puzzles and riddles will surely enjoy children's detectives Enid Blyton and Caroline Kim. Perhaps the girl will like the works of Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie.