
Summary of a lesson on rhythm in the senior group of kindergarten “saving friends with Maria and Mirabella.” Rhythm classes for preschool children Rhythm classes in kindergarten

Among the wide variety of activities of a preschool child, musical and rhythmic activity is of no small importance. At the current stage of development of preschool education, rhythm is often isolated as a separate subject in the lesson schedule. Although, in fact, there are classes in plastic arts or choreography.

It is very important to understand what you should represent musical-rhythmic activity in preschool age. Basic, paramount tasks This activity, as one of the types of musical activity in general, are:

  • nurturing love and interest in music,
  • enriching children's musical experiences through exposure to a variety of musical works,
  • introducing children to the simplest musical concepts, developing skills in the field of musical rhythmic movement,
  • development of emotional responsiveness, sensory abilities and musical hearing, sense of rhythm, formation of expressiveness of movement,
  • teaching basic motor skills, achieving simplicity, naturalness and expressiveness in the performance of musical works,
  • promote the emergence and initial manifestation of musical taste on the basis of received impressions and ideas about music,
  • develop creative activity, independence and initiative in musical and rhythmic movement.

Analyzing the above, it should be noted that rhythm classes with preschool children do not imply memorizing any movements, achieving accuracy and correctness of their execution, which often occurs in real practice. Rhythmics is, first of all, the perception of music, its comprehension, as well as the expression of one’s impressions of music through figurative, emotionally rich movement.

Musical accompaniment plays a primary role in rhythm classes, and accordingly, the requirements for it are quite high. Musical works used to accompany the lesson should be very diverse: in genre, style, form, size, tempo, etc. But with all this, musical works must be understandable to children. In addition, it is recommended to use not only “live” accompaniment on the piano or accordion, but also phonogram recordings in various arrangements. All this allows children to form the most complete understanding of the variety of musical works, enrich them with emotional and aesthetic experiences, and helps in developing musical taste.

But we must remember that classes, in themselves, are neither the leading nor the main activity for children 4-7 years old. Therefore, in order for the educational process to be effective, it is necessary to make maximum use of play - the leading activity of a preschool child. Saturating the lesson with game exercises, imitative movements, plot and creative sketches will enhance children’s emotional perception of music, and, accordingly, will help to solve the assigned tasks more fully and comprehensively.

Certain game exercises can be used in classes as dynamic breaks - physical education minutes - if a sufficiently large part of the lesson is spent sitting on chairs; or vice versa - for relaxation - if the entire lesson is carried out at a fairly fast pace and involves a lot of movements.

Sets of game exercises can be included in various parts of the lesson: they can form a warm-up or even the entire lesson. For preschool children, it is advisable to combine such complexes with a plot, theme or subject - an attribute with which the movements are performed. It is good to use complexes during the lesson, which include various variations of one movement: walking, bending, turning, jumping; as well as complexes containing alternation of two movements: for example, jumping and walking, etc.

For preschool children, imitative movements are very valuable, the inclusion of which in the lesson helps to work on the expressiveness of movement, on plasticity, on the emotional richness of the image.

Musical rhythm games are used in rhythm classes to solve a variety of problems: developing a sense of rhythm, the ability to hear musical phrases, parts of music, to become familiar with any movements and their combinations, etc.

For preschool children, it is sometimes advisable to conduct story-based activities. These activities allow children to create a more complete understanding of one or another side of reality (for example, about the forest or autumn), diversify their auditory and motor impressions, and also systematize children’s knowledge on a given topic. In such activities it is useful to include literary works (poems, short prose sketches), viewing illustrations, visual arts, etc. A storyline that connects individual exercises helps children perceive the topic holistically, increases children’s interest in the activity, and, therefore, increases the effectiveness of the lesson as a whole.

As an example, we bring to your attention the following outline plans for plot-based lessons in rhythm for preschool children.

Lesson 1.

For children 4-5 years old.

Topic: Forest fairy tale.

Educational objectives:

  • form an idea of ​​different tempos of music (“music can be fast and slow”);
  • develop a sense of rhythm: learn to clap a simple rhythmic pattern;
  • learn to convey the character of music in movement;

Materials and equipment:

  • hoops according to the number of children;
  • pictures depicting a summer forest, clearing, forest inhabitants.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

  • Showing illustrations (“look what is shown in the pictures? Of course it’s a forest”),
  • A message about the specifics of the activity (“today we have an unusual activity – today we will go to visit the forest dwellers”).
  • Walking: normal, on the outside of the foot (like a cub), on the toes (like a fox), with a high knee lift (like a heron).
  • Jumping on two legs moving forward (bunnies).
  • Jumps.

Main part.

  • Imitation movements (“we came to the forest, found ourselves in a clearing. And there a variety of animals are having fun and playing. Let’s try to guess what animals came to the clearing?”) - children listen to musical fragments, guess the animals and imitate their movements: mice, bunnies, fox, wolf, bear, frogs; mice, bunnies, fox, wolf, bear, frogs, birds, etc.
  • Next, you can invite the children to dance, “turning” into some forest animals. For such dances you can use compositions by A.I. Burenina (from the collection “Rhythmic Mosaic”): “Teddy Bear”, “Squirrel”, etc.
  • Game “Birds” (“the animals are tired of dancing, they want to play a little”) - hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. To the music (any lyrical composition - for example, you can use the cycle “The Seasons” by Vivaldi), the birds fly throughout the clearing, pecking grains, cleaning feathers, etc. When the music ends, the birds hide in hoops (“nests”). When repeating the game, the teacher removes one or two hoops: the birds that did not have enough houses are eliminated from the game. The game continues until there are 2-3 players left.

Poem with movements:

Playing with a ball (“Animals love to play different games, they especially love playing with a ball”) - children pass the ball around in a circle to the music. The child who has the ball at the end of the music goes to the center and dances, the rest of the children clap for him in the rhythm of the music.

Final part.

  • exercise “fast - slow” (“Animals in the forest really like to listen to music and guess whether music is fast or slow. Let us try it too”) - children dance to fast music, listen to slow music while sitting on the floor or on a bench.

Summing up the lesson.

Lesson 2.

For children 5-6 years old.

Topic: In the kingdom of Neptune.

Educational objectives:

  • develop a sense of rhythm,
  • learn to move in accordance with the size of the music,
  • contribute to the formation of expressiveness of movements and imagery in performance.

Materials and equipment:

  • illustrations depicting marine life, underwater life,
  • fragments of literary works (for example S.Ya. Marshak “Blue Page”),
  • rope or long rope (3-3.5 m),
  • short ribbons (2 per child).

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

  • conversation about the sea (“what inhabitants of the sea do you know, how do they live at depth, what is found on the seabed, etc.”), looking at relevant illustrations, reading excerpts from literary works,
  • walking (we go to the sea): normal (along the path), on toes (along the bridge), on the heels (along the path), with high knees (on the grass),
  • jumps,

Main part.

  • Game “The sea is agitated”. Children move to smooth music, imitating sea creatures, while the teacher pronounces the text. To the words “Sea figure, freeze in place,” the children stop and freeze in the form of some sea creature. The child whose pose the teacher liked best performs the movements of the depicted creature and becomes the leader.
  • The game is repeated 3-4 times.
  • Game "Fish". A “house” is laid out on the floor from rope. For musical accompaniment, smooth, leisurely music with two distinct parts is selected. During the first part of the music, the “fish” children move around the hall, and during the second part, they “swim into the house.” When the game is repeated, the “house” becomes smaller.
  • Imitation movements. While listening to musical fragments, children select one or another expressive image of a sea creature. The teacher may ask the child who performed the movements most clearly to demonstrate them again for the whole group.

Final part:

  • Game exercise “Be careful.” Children are given a fragment of music to listen to (3/4 time, waltz), pay attention to the peculiarity of the music, and are shown possible movement options. Next, the children are given the task: “we dance to the music of a waltz, listen to the rest of the music while sitting still.”

Summing up the lesson.

Lesson 3.

For children 6-7 years old.

Topic: Journey to the Dancing Country.

Educational objectives:

  • develop a sense of rhythm,
  • teach to distinguish parts in music (using the example of three-part works),
  • learn to distinguish dynamic shades in music (loud - quiet),
  • learn to convey the character of music in movement.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

  • bow (real dancers always greet the audience with a bow),
  • walking (from the toes, on the toes, on the heels, round dance step),
  • jumps, gallop,

Main part.

  • Warm-up (before each performance or rehearsal, real dancers always do a warm-up): half-toe raises, half-squats, squats, putting your legs forward and to the side on your toes and heels, jumping in place.
  • Dance composition “Dance class” (as musical accompaniment you can use the backing track of the song “Metro” from E. Zheleznova’s collection “10 Mice”).
  • Game “Find your circle”. For musical accompaniment, any rhythmic three-part melody is selected. Children are divided into several subgroups of 4-5 people. A leader is selected from each subgroup. During the first part of the music, the presenters perform one dance movement (each their own), the rest of the children, standing in circles around the presenters, clap to the beat of the music. For the second part, the children perform a movement (or composition) previously named by the teacher, at which time the presenters change their location in the hall. After the second part, you need to take a short break, during which the children of each group must find their leader and line up around him. During the third part of the music, each group, together with the leader, performs the movement that was performed by the leader during the first part. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
  • Dance composition “Minuet” (as a musical accompaniment you can take W.A. Mozart’s work “They say this is love...”)
  • Exercise “Loud-quiet”. Children stand in a column.

Final part.

  • To loud music they walk at a stomping step, to quiet music they walk on their toes.
  • Exercise “fast - slow” - children dance to fast music, listen to slow music while sitting on the floor or on a bench.

Summing up the lesson.


Khisamova Tatyana Nikolaevna

additional education teacher (choreographer) category 1

MBDOU DS No. 31 “Bear Cub”

Summary of an open rhythm lesson

"Birthday of Planet Earth."


To develop the need for movement in older preschoolers through the use of a variety of rhythmic exercises, outdoor games, and dancing in joint activities with children.


- Educational:

develop the ability to coordinate movements with speech and music;

Develop the ability to navigate in space;

Develop creative imagination;

Develop the ability to hear music;

- Educational:

consolidate and improve the technique of performing rhythmic claps, side steps, jumps in dance and choreographic sketches “We are friends”, “Man is made of three parts”, “Stars”, learning a new outdoor game “Find your place”;

- Educators:

cultivate a sense of rhythm and tempo; a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, perseverance and determination.

- Methodical techniques:

demonstration of movements by the teacher;

Work in pairs;


The word signal;

Emotional support;

- Preliminary work:

talking about space, about the planet, listening to music;

Learning musical and rhythmic movements;

Learning a breathing exercise;

Learning the motor game “Find your place”;

Learning the dance composition “Let’s go to grandma”;

Learning the rhythmic composition “Man is made of three parts”;

Choreographic sketch “Stars”;

Selection of musical material;

Learning words for rhythmic exercises;

To the music, children enter the music room one after another in a column, walk in a circle, then line up in a column of 4 people and stop in the middle of the hall and bow. Teacher.

Dear guys, today we are going to an unusual holiday, because today is Earth Day, the birthday of our planet. Do you know, it will soon be 56 years since cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first flew around our earth. So, now we will also “fly” to the holiday. So, get your rockets ready!

(Children stand in 1st position, hands down)

Fasten belts! Children:

(Hands spread to the side, then forward and to the waist)

Teacher: On your marks! Attention! Start! (perform a jump, legs in 1 position)

To rhythmic music they march in a circle, perform rhythmic claps, walk on half-toes, simultaneously squeezing and unclenching their fingers, “Lunokhod” (step with a high knee, alternating step), jumps, side gallop, running with high knees, “we are in zero gravity” (running on half toes, arms to the sides), gradually move to a walk and come to their places.

To the music, children enter the music room one after another in a column, walk in a circle, then line up in a column of 4 people and stop in the middle of the hall and bow. So you and I have flown into outer space, look, guys, (draws attention to the banner with stars and planets) how many planets surround our earth. Let's tell them about how we live on our planet earth.

Composition “Let’s go to grandma”(rhythmic clapping is performed)

To the music, children enter the music room one after another in a column, walk in a circle, then line up in a column of 4 people and stop in the middle of the hall and bow.(Putting his hand to his ear “What-what? Okay...”)

Guys, one planet whispered to me that it really wants to know about the animals that live on our planet. Let's tell you.

Zheleznova’s composition “The Giraffe Has Spots...”

To the music, children enter the music room one after another in a column, walk in a circle, then line up in a column of 4 people and stop in the middle of the hall and bow. Our planet is surrounded by many stars, they also want to congratulate the birthday girl Earth. Let us now transform into stars and dance.

(Children are given two stars cut out of colored foil, the “Magic Flight” phonogram is turned on, and a dance is performed)

Teacher: There are many different planets in space. What planets do you know? (Children answer) Well done. Perhaps different creatures live in them. They are probably all different, but now we will tell and show them what we are like.

Rhythmic composition “Man is made of three parts”

A person is made of three parts / 2 times Added steps to the sides;

Hey la-la, drum-drum, tu-tu Claps on the thighs;

Man is made up of three parts: Clap your hands in pairs;

Head and eyes, and 15 arms/2 times Forward bends;

Heu la-la, drum-drum, tu-tu Change of lines;

Head and eyes, and 15 hands / 2 times Hands behind the head, bend forward, draw big eyes with your fingers

But by the way, there are not 15 hands / 2 times with the index finger left and right

Hey la-la, drum-drum, tu-tu Added steps to the sides

Not 15 pieces, but two, uh! Lean forward, show your hands.

Teacher: Guys, birthday girl Earth heard the congratulations of the stars and funny people and decided to come to us. Let's meet her.

(Didier Mourani’s cosmic music plays, the Earth comes in (adult).

Earth: Hello my dear friends, today a stream and a breeze whispered to me that you remembered me. I'm very glad to meet you .

Teacher: Hello planet! Hello Earth!

The guys and I wish you a happy birthday. And we really want to play with you .

Earth. I'll be happy to play with you. The game is called "Find Your Place". You will be planets. Each planet has its own place in orbit. To the music you move around the Earth, and at the “Stop” signal, you quickly find your place.

(In the center stands the planet Earth, around it there are hoops scattered, inside the hoop there are children-planets, to the music the children move scattered, performing and improvising various movements, as soon as the music stops, the children must quickly fall into place). The game is repeated 2 times.

Earth. Well done guys, you are very resourceful and smart. I'm having a lot of fun with you, but it's time for me to go back. I also prepared a gift for you - a globe. Looking at him, remember! The earth is our home! Take care of him!

Teacher: Guys, let's say goodbye to the Earth. Goodbye! (The earth is leaving).

Teacher: Our journey has come to an end, it’s time for us to return to earth from space. Ready your rockets! (Children stand in 1st position, hands on the belt) Unfasten your seat belts!

Fasten belts! There are unfasten seat belts! (Stretch your arms forward, to the side, lower down)

Teacher: Attention! Descent! (Children perform a jump, legs in 1 position). Here you and I have landed in a clearing with flowers, let's inhale their aroma.

Breathing exercises “Flower meadow”

I.P.: Children stand in 1st position, arms down

Hands down to the side - inhale;

Bend forward – exhale;

Straightened up, hands in 1 position “Inhaled the aroma of flowers” ​​- inhale;

We raise our hands to position 3 – exhale;

We move our arms to the side to the 2nd position – inhale;

We lower our hands down to the starting position - exhale.

Teacher: Today you all actively played, danced, and did exercises. Let's thank each other for a good job. Show me your mood!


1. Tell me, guys, what holiday did you and I attend?

2. Who did we meet at the holiday?

3. Who did we reincarnate into?

4. What did you like most?

5. What was difficult to accomplish?

Teacher: The birthday girl Earth left us a globe. Let's take a closer look. In my opinion, this globe is unusual. What's inside? Candies! Help yourself guys!

(candies are distributed, bows, children leave the hall to the music “Earth in the Porthole”)

Open lesson topic:

“Learning elements of Polka dance”

"Birthday of Planet Earth." Learning the basic movements of the Polka dance.

To develop the need for movement in older preschoolers through the use of a variety of rhythmic exercises, outdoor games, and dancing in joint activities with children.

Introduce and teach students the basic elements of the Polka dance.

Cultivate attention, train muscle memory, patience, endurance.

Development of skills of plasticity, expressiveness, grace.

Develop the ability to hear music; promote the acquisition of skills in summarizing and analyzing material, identifying the basic elements of dance.

Educational: contribute to the formation of the moral culture of the child’s personality.

Tasks: create conditions for developing children's interest, creativity and imagination.

Planned results:

Metasubject UUD:

Personal results

Formation of self-esteem, including awareness of one’s capabilities, the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one’s success/failure; the ability to see one’s strengths and weaknesses, to respect oneself and believe in success, to express oneself as a bright individual during the training period, to create a unique stage image.


    embodiment of musical images when learning and performing dance movements.


    independently perform the required changes in direction and tempo of movements, guided by the music;

    repeat any rhythm set by the teacher;

    set the rhythm to your classmates themselves and check the correctness of its execution (by clapping or stamping).


    take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position;

Equipment and materials: computer, speakers, projector.

Contents of the lesson

    Organizational part: greeting, repeating the safety rules during a rhythm lesson, checking the children according to the list.

Teacher: The guys lined up in the middle of the hall, we bow (step from the right foot to the right side on the count of one, on the count of two put the left foot to the right, on the count of three - four, nod the head. Do the same with the left foot and return to the starting position.)

Checking absences from class.

    Main part.

Teacher: Today in class we will learn the Polka dance;

But first, we need to do a warm-up to warm up our muscles. To the left, hands on the belt

Hold your head higher

Spread your shoulders wider,

Raise your legs higher

And walk to the music.

(children walk to the music from a line in a circle)

Walking (from the toes, on the toes, on the heels, with high knees);

Running (with the shin swept back, with the straight leg thrown forward and the toe pulled back).

(Music fades out)

Teacher: Change from one line to two, counting 1-2. Let’s “get” our charming smiles and continue warming up (Presentation, music playing)


1.I.P. feet together, hands on waist

Tilt the head forward, backward, right, left with a squat.

2. I.P. legs together

Hands to shoulders, to the sides;

Hands to shoulders, up.

3.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Right hand to the side, on the belt;

Left hand to the side, on the belt.

4.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Tilts of the body to the right, left.

5.I.P. legs apart, arms up

Bend your torso down with your arms touching the floor.

6.I.P. feet together, hands on waist

Claps 2 on the knees, 2 in front of the chest.

7.I.P. legs apart, hands to shoulders

Arms to the sides, right leg to the sides and in the i.p.;

Arms to the sides, left leg to the sides and in the i.p.;

Hands forward, right leg forward and in position;

Hands forward, left leg forward and in i.p.

8.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Bend your torso forward with your arms.

9.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Lunges on the right and left legs.

10. Jumping (on two legs to the right, left, forward, backward, down, up).

11.Running in place.

Teacher: Well done, great! (formation in one line)

Please sit down on the chairs and listen to the music. (The music of I. Strauss “Polka Anna” sounds).

(presentation, showing pictures of polka dance)

Teacher: do you like this music?

Fasten belts! Yes!

Teacher: Tell me, is she sad or happy?

Fasten belts! cheerful!

Teacher: Of course she's funny. This is a fiery polka, an ancient Czech dance. One day, the Czech teacher Neruda fell in love with a peasant girl who was dancing and humming merrily. He recorded the melody and movements and it soon became popular. In the mid-19th century, everyone fell in love with this joyful dance, and not a single celebration took place without this dance. In Russia, the dance was first performed on stage, and then in salons. Today there are polkas of different nations: Hungarian, German, Swedish, Finnish, Polish, Brazilian, Moldavian, etc. Each country has its own dance characteristics. The most basic movement is a step with a jump, which must be performed easily, a gallop, a circle.

And now, to this cheerful music written by I. Strauss, we will learn the polka dance. But first I will show you a dance video (polka dance video Anna). Let's now learn the basic dance movements:

Jump with advancement;

Easy running;

Single claps.

(The teacher demonstrates a dance to music.)

Learning the dance .

Description: Children lightly run in a circle at the count of 8, then jump 8 times. They stopped and turned to face the circle. Bow to the right, left, circle around yourself. 4 cotton singles in place. Lightly run to the center of the circle, 4 single claps in place above your head, and return to the starting position (2 times). Then repeat everything all over again simultaneously and synchronously.

Teacher: Well done! So, what dance have we done now?

Fasten belts! polka.

Teacher: that's right, polka.

    Let's do some physical education now:“Droplet” muscle relaxation exercise.

4. Final part:

1. Summing up:

    what worked, what didn’t work;

    what came easy and what didn’t;

    how are you feeling?


Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth

urban settlement "Workers' Village Chegdomyn"

Verkhnebureinsky municipal district

Khabarovsk Territory

Game lesson on rhythm "Happy Journey"

Children's age5-6 years old

first year of study.

teacher of additional education TsRTDIYU

Choreographic studio "Ovation"

Game activity "Happy Journey"

This methodological development is intended for conducting rhythm classes with preschool children. The methodological development includes ground gymnastics and combinations of dance exercises, as well as song and musical material that allows you to actively develop coordination of movements, ear for music and rhythm.

The plot of the game lesson is selected in accordance with the age of the students, which arouses the child’s interest and desire to respond to the creative, dance and game tasks of the teacher, and to show creative activity. The selection of musical accompaniment for the lesson helps to maintain the playful image and develop the motor and musical memory of the preschooler.

Teachers of additional education of kindergartens, schools, and institutions of additional education for children can use this development. The class is held in a dance class or on the stage.

"Birthday of Planet Earth." development of children's creative abilities through the creation of an artistic image in paired dance combinations.

To develop the need for movement in older preschoolers through the use of a variety of rhythmic exercises, outdoor games, and dancing in joint activities with children.

    learn and practice new movements, dance combinations;

    develop coordination of movements, a sense of orientation in space, a sense of rhythm;

    cultivate a respectful attitude towards your partner in joint activities.

Children's acquired skills:

During the lesson, children learn to determine the nature of music by ear and convey it in motion, work in pairs, and hear the teacher.

Features of the role of an additional education teacher:

Joint activity between a teacher and a child is possible if a number of established truths are followed:

1. Accept the child as he is. All children are talented in their own way, and it is important to find this talent and help the child discover it. What is important here is trust, reliance on the child’s existing potential, the search and development of his abilities, and stimulation of internal strengths.

2. Be fair and consistent in education and training. For a child, justice is a condition for his immediate security. And pedagogical justice lies in seeing and celebrating the efforts of the child, his desire to work, his aspirations for self-improvement.

3. Be an example for children. This is constant work not only with children, but also on oneself: improvement, passion for the richness of diverse music, and creativity.

Equipment used: music Center; rugs; headbands-"ears"; carrot sweets.

    Preparatory part (2-3 min):

- organizational moment (introduction to the lesson).

2. Main part (30 min):


Ground gymnastics;


An intellectual moment;

Learning new movements and combinations in pairs;

Performing learned movements and combinations to music.

3. Final part (2-3 min):

Brief analysis;


Description of the lesson:

Children stand in the middle of the classroom in a checkerboard pattern. The teacher begins the lesson with the words:

"Hello guys! Do you like to play? (children's answer). Then I invite you today to play with me a very interesting game called “Funny Bunnies”. Do you agree? (children's answer).

Teacher: “Let’s all imagine together that we are in a fairy-tale forest where different animals live. We are standing with you in a fairy-tale meadow, where the sun is shining brightly, the grass is green, and flowers are growing.

And in order to start the game, we need to turn into small, white, fluffy bunnies. Guys, tell me: what do hares look like? (children's answers). So, in order for you to look like hares, I will give everyone “bunny ears” (the teacher puts headbands on the children’s heads - “ears”), now you really look like hares, and I will be your mother - a bunny.”

Teacher: “You and I must learn to move like bunnies, jump and run like them, get to know their habits and habits.

Tell me, where do hares live? (children's answer). But you and I know that there are other animals in the forest that pose a danger to hares. Do you know them? (children list the animals out loud).

Teacher: “In order for a bunny to be in good physical shape and be able to evade a fox or a wolf, he must do a warm-up every day, thanks to which his muscles will become elastic and his body will be strong and healthy.

So, friends, let's begin,

Get your arms, legs and back ready!

Head, neck and shoulders.

Train your mind and body

Let’s start warming up with confidence!”

Warm-up accompanied by music (music appendix 1):

Exercises for the head (rotations, bends back and forth, left and right);

Exercises for shoulders (raising and lowering alternately and together);

Exercises for the core (bending to the sides, back and forth, with and without arms);

Exercises for the hips (on plie: raising and lowering the right and left hips alternately, while the leg is raised from the entire foot onto the “pad”); imitation of “spinning the hoop”;

Exercises for the legs (alternately raising the leg bent at the knee).

Teacher: “Well done, guys. Let's hold hands, I will read a poem, and you will perform the movements:

We'll go right first - one, two, three.

And then we’ll go left - one, two, three.

And then we will go our separate ways - one, two, three.

And then we will get together - one, two, three.

Let’s sit, relax, and take the rugs in our hands.”

The teacher hands the children rugs and invites them to sit on the floor in a checkerboard pattern. Sitting on the mat, the children listen carefully to the teacher and performGround gymnastics:

- exercises for eversion and tension of the feet (circular: 1st and 6th positions; contraction and tension of the feet);

Lying on your back, raising your outstretched legs forward (45 degrees), upward (90 degrees) and bringing them to the starting position;

Lying on your back, raising the body with arms in 3 positions upward and bringing the body to the starting position;

- “stretching” on the floor: tilting the body forward, legs in 6th position with shortened feet, then with feet in 1st position; “spreader” on the floor with bends alternately to the right and left leg;

Exercise "frog";

Exercise "cat - dog";

Exercise “ring”;

Exercise "ship";

Exercise “Vanka – Stand up.”

Teacher: “Okay, bunnies. And now everyone stood up together and collected their rugs” (the children put the rugs back in place and return to the middle of the class).

Teacher: “Guys, what should a hare be able to do so as not to get into the wolf’s teeth?” (children answer).

Teacher: “Then let’s show you how to quickly run away from a wolf,

Let’s stand diagonally and from one corner of the “clearing” to the opposite we’ll dojumping (music appendix 2).

A fast bunny jumps into the field,

It's a lot of fun in the wild

We imitate the bunny

Be restless, kids!

(children perform jumps: “sote” in 6th position moving forward, “jumps”, “gallop”).

Teacher: “Well done, guys, you’re a little tired, let’s sit on a tree stump and continue our lesson. Our hares must be not only strong, but also smart, try to guess riddles about the inhabitants of the forest" (children guesspuzzles ):

Long ponytail, red hair, cunning herself? (fox).

Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel).

Touchy, covered in needles, I live in a hole, under a Christmas tree. Even though the doors are wide open, no animals come in? (hedgehog).

In the summer he walks without a path between the pines and birches, and in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost? (bear).

Teacher: “I’m convinced that my bunnies are smart and smart, but what about friendship? I’ll give you a task: let’s get into pairs and learn a few moves.”

Practice movements in pairs:

Movement No. 1: We stand opposite each other, hands to the chest, move the chin to the right and left (teacher comment: “hares not only have strong legs, long ears, but also a sensitive nose”).

Movement No. 2: Turning away from each other, hands at the chest, we move the hip to the right and left (teacher’s comment: “the bunnies wagged their tails with joy!”), turning around - the same thing.

Movement No. 3: Hold hands, “jump” in a circle to the right side behind the right shoulder.

Teacher: “Well done, you completed the tasks, showed that you are friendly and cheerful. Guys, today we already talked about your big ears. And now we’ll check how well they can hear. We will listen to the song “Sunny Bunnies” and try to perform jumps and learned combinations in pairs to the music (teacher with childrenperform learned combinations and movements accompanied by music) (music appendix 3).

Teacher: “Guys, our game has come to an end. Tell me, what new did you learn in our lesson? (children's answers). Today you were attentive, friendly, tried to perform the movements correctly, let's thank each other with applause and in memory of our lesson, I want to give you small gifts.

“Guess what hares love most?” - of course - carrots! (the teacher gives the children candy - “carrots”).

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boarding school VIII kind."

Lesson summary on rhythm
in 3rd grade

"Study with an Object"

preparedrhythm teacherKazeeva Tatyana Borisovna.

Sharypovo 2014


Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson topic : Study with an object.

The purpose of the lesson: learning a sketch with an object.

To develop the need for movement in older preschoolers through the use of a variety of rhythmic exercises, outdoor games, and dancing in joint activities with children.

Educational: introduce the dance etude “Tarantella”, Formation of the ability to listen to music: determine the nature of the music, use the object when performing movements.

Correctional and developmental: correction of thought processes, development of auditory perception, sense of rhythm, attention, correction of counting skills through the rhythmic exercise “Counting”, correction of speech skills through vocabulary work.

Educational: education of attention, ability to listen and hear music.

Equipment: music center, laptop, individual mats, tambourines according to the number of children in the class, musical soundtracks, presentation, vocabulary cards, crossword puzzle.

During the classes.

I. Org. moment.

1. Formation, organized entrance to the hall, greeting.

II . Emotional mood for the lesson.

Clap your hands 3 times who is in a good mood today.Once those who are in a bad mood. Most people are in a good mood, and this makes me happyafter all, despite the bad weather, our mood does not spoil, let's hold hands and smile at each other, so that our smiles make it even brighter!( because today the weather is so wonderful, let's hold hands and smile at each other, the sun is shining gently, and your smiles make the class even brighter!)

Well done. They took their places.

Lesson topic message. Changing lanes.

III . Preparation for learning new material.

1. Exercises for orientation in space.

- step from the toe of the hand to the sides, up, forward, to the sides,

Toe step, small jerks with arms back,

Step from the toes at the same time with both hands in front of you,

- step from the toes, alternately hands behind the head,

Step on high toes, transitioning to heels (8, 4, 2 counts)

High knee step

Step with a high knee lift to the side.

Easy running on the floor with your fingers,

Straight gallop

- "runner"

Step off your toes and stop facing the circle.

Exercises to restore breathing “The locomotive is moving, the locomotive is moving”:

Doing the exercise. We walk in a circle, imitating a steam locomotive, making appropriate movements with our hands and saying “Chuh - chuh - chuh.” Perform for 20-30 seconds.

2. Rhythmic exercise. Exercise "Counting".

One, two islands - 2 clap your hands in front of you, semicircle with your right hand, semicircle with your left hand.

Three, four, we've arrived - 2 clap your hands in front of you, wave-like movements with your hands away from you.

Five, six, let's go here- 2 clap your hands in front of you, stretch your right hand forward with your palm up, stretch your left hand with your palm down.

Seven, eight, how many pine trees? 2 clap hands in front of you, right hand up, left hand up.

Nine, ten, we're on our way - 2 clap hands in front of you, 2 steps in place with a high knee lift.

Up to counting, up to ten - place the palm of the right hand on the head, the palm of the left hand under the chin, the palm of the right hand touches the cheek, the palm of the left hand touches the cheek, extend the right hand forward, extend the left hand forward, a ringing clap on outstretched arms in front of you.

The exercise is repeated 2 times.

Guys, tell me where you and I can go by steam locomotive, or ship, or maybe even by plane? (Children's answers)

Right on the trip. Well, did you fly?

3. Logorhythmic exercise “Airplane”.

An airplane flies by point fingers up - how a plane flies by

I got ready to fly with him.

I took the right wing back and looked move your right hand to the side, look at your fingers

He took the left wing back and looked move your left hand to the side and look on your fingers

I'm starting the engine rotational movements of the hands in front yourself

And I'm watching closely

I rise to the heights - I fly-oo-oo-oorise on your toes, spread your arms to the sides and run

I'm about to land,

I want to land. land on chairs, hands put on your knees.

III. Studying a new topic.

So, we went on an exciting journey by plane and ended up in the country...The child reads the title

That's right Italy! Sasha repeat..., Danil repeat,

Slide No. 1. Let's repeat in unison(Children say in unison - Italy).

And the capital of Italy, the most beautiful city -...Read Yana, repeat Katya, repeat Sadyk, let’s repeat everything together!

Slide number 2.

The Italians have a folk musical instrument, and it’s called....

Slide number 3.

Who will tell me? We raise our hands and don’t shout from our seats.(Child's response) . Right. Tambourine.

What does a tambourine sound like? This is what you and I have to find out. Now you will carefully listen to 4 musical melodies, and you will try to name what number the tambourine sounded under.

Listening to the sound of musical instruments: guitar, piano, drum, tambourine.

1. Exercises with children's musical instruments.

Show how to hold a tambourine correctly.(Children take the tambourine in their right hand).

Slide number 4.

When counting, children clap their hands where the sign (tambourine) is, clap their hands once, where there is an empty window and pause.

Divide the children into pairs. Work in pairs with a tambourine(children in pairs learn the rhythm shown on the table, show it to the whole class, the class must repeat the rhythm) .

2. Dance exercises.

The great Russian composer P.I. ChaikovskySlide number 5, wrotemusic for the ballet “The Nutcracker”, and now we will listen to it.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's Tarantella.

Tell me, was the melody sad or cheerful in nature? (Cheerful)

What about the pace? Fast or slow?(Fast)

What else do you think can be done with a tambourine? Yes, dance!

Watch the video clip.

So today we will learn a set of movements combined into one exercise - an etude. Maxim repeat the sketch, Alina…., Valya…. Let's repeat it in unison!

A study with a tambourine, and you will learn its name at the end of the lesson!

Learning Study with a tambourine.

Score 1-8 children rhythmically beat a tambourine in front of them.

Score 1-8 turning along the line of the dance, step with a high knee lift, walk in a circle, tambourine in the right hand, “trill” high above the head (“trill” is taught separately, the word is repeated 2-3 times).

Score 1-8 perform 6 gallops, step - stomp to the right.

Score 1-8 perform a turn on the high fingers to the right side, the tambourine in the right hand performs a “trill”.Well done!

IV . Consolidation of new knowledge.

    Playing to music.

But you can not only dance with a tambourine, let’s also play!

Game with a tambourine.

Children stand in a circle.

1 part of the game.

The leader in the circle, holding a tambourine in his right hand, walks with a jump. When the music ends, he stops in front of one of the players. The player in front of whom the driver stopped makes three energetic blows and takes a step back. (Part 1 is repeated again).

Part 2 of the game.

Then the driver putsplace the tambourine in the middle of the circle and stand in any free space. Those participants in the game who beat the rhythm, according to the music, gallop outside the circle. As soon as the music stops, you need to be the first to take the tambourine. The one who took it first is the driver.

Repeat the game 2-3 times.

V . Relaxation exercise “On the seashore”.

VI . Lesson summary. Reflection.

All we have to do is find out what Swami calls the dance with a tambourine, our etude, and the musical work of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

To do this we must solve a crossword puzzle. (Appendix No. 1)

"Brainstorm". Solving the crossword puzzle.

Crossword Questions:

1. What is the name of the exercise with a tambourine that we learned today?

2. Which country did we travel to today?

3. Write the capital of Italy.

4. Write the name of the great Russian composer who wrote the music for the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

5. Write the name of the great Russian composer, who wrote the music for the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

6. Write the patronymic name of the great Russian composer who wrote the music for the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

7. What kind of music was sad or happy in nature?

8. What is the name of this instrument?(show).

9. What is the name of this movement with a tambourine? (show).

10. Did you like the lesson?

Construction for the end of the lesson. Bow. Organized exit from class.


    Kartushina M.Yu. "Summaries of logorhythmic classes with children 5-6 years old." Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. "Speech development for children 6-7 years old. Program. Methodological recommendations. Lesson notes. Games and exercises"

Appendix No. 1.

We are with you on the seashore. The day is sunny, the sand is warm and soft. It’s quiet all around, you can only hear the splashing of water and the cries of seagulls. You can breathe easily and freely. Gentle waves touch your feet, gently stroking them, touch your hands... You are pleased to feel the freshness of sea water. You feel freshness throughout your whole body: on your forehead, face, back, stomach, arms, legs. Your body is filled with lightness. You breathe easily and freely. Your mood becomes cheerful, you want to get up and run. Now let’s all stretch and open our eyes on the count of three. You are full of strength and energy.