
Public lesson

goal: introduce students to the function of separators, soft and hard (sound designation [th,]), learn to make the right choice of the b or b sign, expand children's ideas about how to designate sound [th,].

During the classes

I.   Knowledge Update   on the topic “What is the sound of [th,] letters denoted by?”

U.   Solve the crossword puzzle, write down the words, explain to which section of the table each word fits and why.

1. From a hot well, water flows through the nose.

2. It holds and fastens firmly

Paper and cardboard, rubber and wood.

3. I twist, rumble, I don’t want to know anyone.

4. In the summer they grow, in the fall they fall.

5. What kind of forest animal

Got up like a column under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Are the ears bigger than the head?

6. It may break,

Maybe cook

If you want to,

It can turn into a bird.

7. For the smoke, for the whistle, the brothers run in single file.

Words for information: glue, train, egg, leaves, hare, teapot, blizzard.

U.What is the sound that is present in all words.

D. Sound [th,].

U.   What letters does it indicate on the letter?

D.   Letters y, i, e, y.

U.   What letter is missing?

D.   Yo

U.   Write beautifully the letters that may indicate the sound [th,].

Calligraphy: Yaya Her Yoyo Yuy th

U.   Write down two words to choose from, practicing the spelling of the letter th.

II. The stage of motivation for new knowledge.

U.   Guys Nick ( the character in the textbook is a foreigner) in a difficult situation. Help me to understand.

Given a transcription of words. It is necessary to find and explain the errors.

D.   First word loach. If you read the word recorded by Nick, the sound [th,] is not heard. There is a letter in this word yu denotes the softness of sound [v,], but does not mean the sound [th,].

We reason similarly, considering the error in the word this.

U.   What helpers will Nick need to spell words correctly?

D.   Letters b and b.

At. Correct mistakes, spell words correctly.

III. The stage of assimilation of new knowledge.

Work in the textbook

U.   Observe the words. After what sounds is the sound [th,]?

D.   [n,], [g], [l,], [c], [s,], [h,].

U.What are these sounds?


We build a diagram on the board:? [th,]

U.What sounds are after [th,]?

D.[a], [o], [y], [e], [and].

U.   What are these sounds?


We build a diagram on the board:? [th,] ?

U.   Sound [th,] and vowel sounds denote letters in words, name them.

D.   I, E, Yu, E, I.

U. What is the meaning of the sound [th,] in words?

What special letters help to indicate the sound [th,] in these words?

D.B and b. They are after consonants, in front of I, E, Yu, E, I.

U.   Check your assumption. We read the rule.

Tell Nick about the new secret of the Russian language.

IV. Observation of the use of b and b.

U.   Read the words. What letters indicate the sound [th,]?

Children write off the words with commenting, calling the vowels in which the sound “hides” [th,]:


U.What way did you come across the sound designation [th,]? Why? Observe the arrangement of the letters b and b in the words. Which of them does not occur near the end of the word?

D.   Kommersant is written closer to the beginning of the word, and b is found in different positions in the word and closer to the beginning and closer to the end.

U.   What to do when choosing these letters when spelling b, and when b?

D.We cannot say for sure.

U.   Look for help in the book.

Showing a self-written form of words with the letters b and b.

The selection of letters is shown in fractions.B .


U.   Write the words in two columns, use the help of the rule:


Children explain the choice of the letters b and b when writing words, guided by the position of the letter in the word: closer to the beginning or to the end of the word.

U.Verify that the letters you selected are correct.

If you used the record B, exclude the wrong option, spell the word correctly.


Add the words from the following in columns: in..drove, varen..e, on the way..death, nightingales..and.

Parsing leavesand winter stormaccording to options.

V.   Securing the studied.

U.   Anton tried to make a proverb.

Here is what he did: There is no skill without learning.

Guys, help Anton check the spelling. What secret letter is not yet familiar to Anton.

U.   Choose the words opposite in meaning (antonyms) to the ones suggested: descent, arrival, enemies, illness.

D.   The words came out rise, departure, friends, health.

U.Write down the word friendsUsing a hint, check the spelling.

Explain the choice

VI. Lesson summary.

U. Tell us about the ways to designate the sound [th,] in Russian. What are the letters b and b warning about?

Homework.Tell your parents about the ways to denote the sound [th,] in words, pick up words with dividing b and b characters.

In the position, not before the vowel [th] is indicated by its letter - th, but before the vowels - [th] is indicated by the letters E, Ё, Yu, Z, I, which in this case indicate two sounds: [th] + vowel (I, lighthouse , will announce). Understanding the sound composition of words in which the letters E,,,, Я,,, И designate a combination of the sounds []] + vowel, develops phonemic hearing, is a necessary condition for a full distinction in the child’s awareness of the sound and letter forms of the word. It is most difficult to hear the sequence of sounds [yi] in the position after the dividing soft sign (nightingales), because the sounds [y] and [and] are acoustically close to each other. Therefore, this combination should be considered last.

It is methodologically advisable to present material on methods for designating sound [th] in general. To do this, the student can, during the lesson, draw up diagrams with students showing the dependence of the notation [s] on its position in the word.

When selecting words for exercises, it is best to use those in which the letters E,,, Ю, Я, находятся are in stressed syllables - in unstressed, these letters can indicate a sound close to [and], for example, an ad.

The alphabet and sound composition of russ. lang    In order to deepen the understanding of students about the relationship of the phonemic composition of Russ. lang and the alphabet, it is advisable to compare the ribbon of letters known to children since the time of studying literacy with a table on which the entire composition is given according to. Hanging next to the table acc. sounds a tape of letters, you can ponder with students about the questions: why are the letters L, M, H, P, Y highlighted on a tape in a separate group? How many voiced consonants does not have deaf pairs? (Answer: 9.) What sound among unpaired voiced has not only a deaf, but also a solid pair? Why on a tape of letters X, C, H, U are allocated in a separate group?

Questions that help to better understand the relationship between the alphabet and the composition of phonemes:

1. What sounds are more in Russian: voiced or deaf? How many pairs of voices - deafness?

2. How many sounds paired in softness-hardness?

3. What are voiced sounds that do not have voiced pairs, and voiced sounds that do not have voiced pairs.

4. What are soft sounds that do not have hard pairs, and solid sounds that do not have soft pairs.

You can make the table work entertaining. Suggest unraveling the word according to its characteristics: 1st sound - a deaf sound pair [b], 2nd - a vowel sound [y], 3rd - a deaf sound pair [f], 4th - a deaf sound pair [g ' ], The 5th is a vowel sound [and], the 6th is a solid pair of sound [n '].

Organization of phonetic-graphic analysis. Phonetic-graphic analysis is one of the types of sound-alphanumeric analysis. Its purpose is to find out the ratio of sounds and letters in a word. The task of phonetic-graphic analysis is for the student to observe the syllabic pr-russ in concrete words. schedules, without being distracted by other questions. In this case, words consisting of sounds (phonemes) in strong positions should be used. First of all, the student listens and isolates the sound, then gives him a characteristic. In order to ml. school He didn’t record the quality of sounds in words, he is invited to place a conditional sign next to the transcription icon - the characteristic of sound. Opposite each sound (or sounds) is the letter by which it is indicated. The entry is accompanied by an oral commentary, for example:

In the word [s'em '] the first sound [s's's'em'] - [s'] is a soft dull consonant, etc., the first sound [s] is denoted by the letter “ES” and etc.

18. Features of the designation on the letter vowel. after sizzling and C.    These sounds are not opposed to others according to. on the basis of hardness - softness. Therefore, the letter of the vowel after them loses one of its functions: it no longer indicates the hardness or softness of the previous consonant.

Experienced teachers explain the rule of spelling combinations ЖИ - ШИ in different ways. The first explanation is a grammatical tale in which the letters M and W quarreled with the letter Y, and C and U with the letters I and Y. Since then, these letters never coexist in the syllable SG ”Second explanation:“ In the word ski, the sound A is solid therefore, after the letter A we write the letter Y. The sound F is also solid, but after the letter F it is necessary to write the letter I: this is how people agreed among themselves. “Once upon a time, the sound of Zh in our language was soft, and the rule has remained since then: the letter Y is not written after the letter Zh.” Then the teacher attaches a card on the blackboard, on which in capital letters   written ZhI - SHI with the underlined letter I, and the students begin to write words with this letter combination, emphasize the letter I. (Ramzaeva TG "Lessons of the Russian language in the first grade").

In the roots of the words after C, I (and not S) is mainly written: circus, daffodil, compass, quote. Exceptions: gypsies, poking, tiptoeing, chick, chick-chick (interjection), chicks and their derivatives.

After C, O is written: a clatter, a clatter, a clatter. In foreign words in unstressed position it is written both about and e: Herzegovina, duke, duchess.

Russian lesson on the topic "Separation of soft and hard characters. What letters hides the sound [th’]? " designed to acquaint students with a new way of designating the sound [th ’], to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe function of the separating signs (b and b), to clarify the position on which the choice of method depends.



Russian language lesson

Subject: Separating soft and hard marks. What letters is the sound hiding behind[th ’]?

Lesson Type:   discovery of new knowledge (ONZ).

Goal:   introduce a new way to designate the sound [th ’], give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe function of the separator signs (b and b), clarify the position on which the choice of method depends.

Cognitive UUD:

1) we form the ability to perform analysis, synthesis, comparison;

2) we form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

3) we form the ability to build a conscious statement;

4) we form the ability to pose and formulate the problem;

5) we form the ability to independently set cognitive goals;

6) we form the ability to plan and predict.

Communicative UUD:

1) we form the ability to listen and understand others;

2) we form the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks;

3) we form the ability to argue our opinion and position;

4) we form the ability to work in a group.

Regulatory ECM:

1) we form the ability to perform a trial action;

2) we form the ability to fix an individual difficulty in a trial action;

3) we form the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

4) we form the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Personal UUD:

1) we form responsibility for the common cause;

2) we form motivation for learning and focused cognitive activity;

3) we form the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation;

4) form a self-esteem based on success

  1. Motivation for learning activities and updating knowledge.

Listen to the story and try to remember the words with sound [th, ].

Toad is of great use. At her sticky tonguewith which she catches harmful bugsslugs . Toads go hunting whenit gets dark.

What words with sound []] were found in this text?

What methods of sound designation already known to you [th, ].

Make an assumption, but how else can you designate the sound [th, ]?

3. Trial training action.

Now I will offer you to complete a new task, which will help us learn about new ways of designating this sound. To do this, work in pairs.

On the blackboard are the words:

Mark the sounds of the letters and write down the words.

[s, uh, th, a], [si, email]

Could you complete the task? Why? (We do not know the way of designating [th, ])

Who managed to spell the words?

Who has completed, present your work on the board.

Explain which rule was used when writing.

4. Identification of the place and causes of difficulty.

What task did you complete? Why didn’t it work?

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

What educational tasks will we set for ourselves in the lesson? (Must open up a new way of designating sound [th, ]. Learn to apply this method.)

5. Building a project out of difficulty.

Work in groups according to plan.


  1. Observe after which letters the sound hides [th, ]?
  2. What letters indicate the sound [th, ]?
  3. What letters help to indicate the letters e, e, y, i sound [th, ]?
  4. Tell us about a new way to label sound [th, ].

5. The implementation of the project out of difficulty.

(Listened to performance groups)

Check your conclusion on the textbook.

What else needs to be added to your conclusion?

Let's go back to the first task and write down the words, speaking a new way of designating sound [th, ].

Happened? Why did you manage to cope now? (We formulated a rule and learned a new way of designating sound [th, ]).

6. Primary consolidation and expansion of knowledge.

- Write down the words. Underline the letters that indicate the sound [th, ].

Dress, sparrows, sews, rode in, twist, overeat, family, announced.

- What is the way to designate sound [th, ] have you met? Why exactly him?

-   Observe the arrangement of the letters b and b in the words. Which of them does not occur near the end of the word?

-   When to write dividing b, and when - dividing b? (Toward the end of the word, closer to the beginning of the b)

-   If you don’t know exactly which sign to choose? (Write b / b)

What is the next step in your work? (Write an independent work).

Why do I need to do my own work? (To test how each of us learned to apply the new rule).

6. Independent work.

- Write the words in two columns, use the help of the rule

Ant? And, at the handle? I, autumn? Yu, in? South, with? Rode, with? Capacity.

Check the correctness of the letters you have selected using the standard on the board.

If you used the entry b / b, exclude the wrong option, spell the word correctly.

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

- Where do you need new knowledge? (In writing dictations, writings, expositions, etc.)

Read the text. Title it. Write by inserting the missing letters.

Z_ma declared_ in a dream. Pr_l_tel vetr, s_ took formidable clouds. They did not let the sun ray on the earth. V_ sleep p_ sprinkled m_l_doy tra_ke warm drops d_zhdy. 3_ma froze them. On the trees, the kidneys crawled. 3_ma nibbled them m_ro_tsom. Rain and snow mixed, v_senny thunder with v_yugoy. Angry Z_ma tried to strike at the heart in a dream, but not sm_gla.

8. Reflection of activity.

What is the topic of the lesson?

What is your goal?

What new things did you learn in the lesson?

Stand up those who today managed to cope with difficulties.

Who else has difficulties?

List of references:

2. Russian language: A textbook for the 2nd grade of general education organizations. At 2 hours, Part 1 / M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko. - 9th ed. - Smolensk: Association XXI Century, 2015