
Technological map of the lesson in literacy Teacher universities

Objectives:  Fasten sounds of G, G ’, be able to distinguish them from the composition of the word, find their place in the word, introduce letters gglearn to read syllables with learnable letters

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Nurture teamwork skills.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, today guests of the school came to us. Let's turn around and say hello to them.

Do you remember the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

I will tell you about the gnome, and you will have to portray him.

(Children are encouraged to portray a sad gnome, gloomy, cheerful,

evil, lazy, hardworking, serious).

What is the first sound of the word dwarf?

Today we will continue our acquaintance with sounds

“G”, \u200b\u200b“G’ ”and get acquainted with the letterwhich stands for these sounds. And more guests came to us. Who are our guests?

Guys, their names are Gog and Gig. Only one of them is Goga, and who is Giga, I forgot, they are so similar! And can you tell which one is their name?

Why? How did you guess?

In the word “Goga” the first sound “G” is a solid consonant, we have it in a blue suit, kk, and in the word “Giga” the first sound “G” is a soft consonant, it in a green suit is fading. What about blue in English? Green? Right!

3. Characterization of sounds.

We remembered that the sound Г is a solid consonant, and the sound Г is a soft consonant. Say these sounds again. Put your palm on the neck, does the neck ring? So the sounds of “G” and “G’ ”are what?

Phonemic Hearing Development

The game “Raise the signal!” Is being held: a blue circle should be raised to the “G” sound, a green circle to the “G’ ”sound; g, g, g, g; - ha, gi, go, gu, ge; - geese, kettlebell, gene, newspaper, caterpillar, hyena.

The game "Gifts Goge and Gigu."

Dwarves love gifts. Goge we will present pictures with a hard sound "G", and Gigu - with a soft sound "G". (Children need to put the pictures in two columns: with a solid “G” sound and with a soft “G’ ”sound). Kartin: goose, guitar, pear, kettlebell, caterpillar, mushroom.

Goose-watermelon-onion-cat-orange \u003d pebble

Acquaintance with the letters Gg

What do you think is the favorite letter of Gogi and Gigi? (The letter "G"). Yes guys, this is the letter Gg. it’s a big letter G. And it’s a small G. Why is the letter “G” blue? (She is a consonant). What does the letter “G” look like?

What is the letter G like?

On the hook, on the braid, too.

Goose is gossiping-ha-ha-ha,

G-hatchet, poker,

Bent carnation, boot,

Stick, chopper and flag.

What elements does the letter G consist of? Of the sticks, one is long, the other is shorter.

Dwarves brought you quest cards.

The caterpillar decided to have lunch, draw her a path to the pear. You can only go by the letters G.

Guys, what time of year is it? What do children like to do in winter? Do you want to dance with the snowmen?

Fizminutka multimedia "Snowmen"

And now we open the recipe and we will learn to write the letter Gg. But first, we will draw the letter G with our finger in the air, and then we will take the pens.

The spelling of the letter in the recipe.

All material - see the document.

state budgetary professional educational institution

Rostov region Zernograd Pedagogical College


literacy lesson

held 02.10.17, in the 1st "G" class

GKOU RO "Zernograd Special Boarding School"

student of GBPOU RO "ZernPK"

Tymoshenko Alyona Andreevna

Methodist: L. F Kondybenko




2017 year


Grade:1 "G"

A type:Discovery of new knowledge

Topic:  “Letter and sound T”

Goal:  The formation of the letter T.

Training tasks:

Achievingpersonal results:

    The adoption and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for educational activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning.

    The development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find solutions to controversial situations.

Aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes:

    The development of attention, memory and speech.

    Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation.

    The formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

    Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue.

Aimed at achieving substantive learning outcomes:

    Form the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe letter T.

    Mastering the initial ideas about the norms of the Russian and native literary language.

    Mastering learning activities with language units and the ability to use knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative tasks.

Lesson features:

Materials for the teacher:textbook, presentation, routing.

Materials for students:textbook, notebook, pencil case, "clouds and suns" - reflection.


Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student Activities


Teaching Methods, CRC


Clap your hands at those who come to school in a good mood.

Shake hands with your neighbor if you are a kind person and are ready to help comrades.

Wave to those guys who want to quickly start the lesson and learn something new.

Smile at each other who will be attentive and diligent today.

Good morning to the sun and birds, good morning to all smiling faces.

What would you like to do today in the lesson?

Teachers listen, tune in to the upcoming class work, answer questions.

Personal-self control

Regulatorygoal setting.   Communicative

Formation of readiness perception of educational material.


- Today a guest came to our lesson. Guess who it is:

He is huge and mustachioed,
And (besides) striped.
If you meet, not to the games!
Because it is (Tiger)

- Who saw the tiger? What is she like? (The teacher shows the picture.)

- a little tiger cub came to introduce a new letter, to teach to read words and sentences. But before giving new knowledge, he wonders how much solid knowledge you already have.

And what groups all sounds and letters of the Russian language are divided into.

What groups can vowels be divided into? Name the vowels, name the signs of the vowels.

And what consonants do you know, what is the sign of consonant classification? Name the consonants, name the signs of the consonants.

We remembered the signs of vowels and consonants, we can distinguish sounds. You need to be able to do this when learning a new topic.

Listen to the teacher.

Children say what a tiger.

Enter into a dialogue with the teacher, answer questions, help build a lesson plan with the help of symbols.

To learn sounds and letters.

Vowels and consonants

Shock and unstressed

Soften (I) and do not soften consonants (top line). Form syllables.

Vowels and their symptoms are called.

Hard and soft, deaf and sonorous.

Name consonants and their signs.

Regulatorygoal setting.

Communicative- planning educational cooperation with the teacher.




Oral survey


3.1. Goal setting

Now I suggest that you solve the riddles and find out what new letter we will meet today.

What a miracle! What a box!

The singer himself and the narrator himself,

And besides

Demonstrates a movie. (TV)

To have where to write,

At school we need ....

Green blanket

In the summer on the ground lay

What do you think is the theme of our lesson?

What goal will we set?

Listen to riddles.


They begin with the sound [t].

Learn the letter T.

Personal UUD:

Regulatorygoal setting.

Communicative- planning educational cooperation with the teacher.

3.2. Discovery of new knowledge.

How many sounds [t] are heard in the words: tractor, pumpkin, seal?

Guys, sound [t] is denoted by the letter t. (Display on the board)

Now let us get acquainted with this letter. (P. 53) -First-capital letter -T, second-lowercase letter T. Capital letters are needed to show the beginning of a sentence in a letter, in addition, it is customary to write some words with a capital one. For example, the names of people, the names of rivers, cities, etc. Gradually you will learn about these rules of the Russian language. And what sound does this letter T mean?

How is the clock ticking? Let's say it together.

Determine the position of the sound m in the words: tiger, motor, hammer, sailors.

Find proper names.

What does the letter T look like?

This letter represents two sticks interconnected.

Conduct analysis.

They work with a textbook and work with a textbook.


Listen to the teacher.


Determine the location of the sound t.

Find proper names.

Listen to the teacher.


General educational - consciously build verbal utterance;

Logical - extract the necessary information from the teacher’s story, student responses.

Communicative:  They exchange opinions, listen to each other, build understandable speech utterances.

Personal:  They recognize themselves in the role of the learner, formulate motives for achieving the goal.


Work with a book

The method of stimulating entertaining content.

Analysis, synthesis, generalization.

3.3. Primary consolidation

Let's read from the board in chorus:

it ti ich tiger tiger tiger

at that ita Tanya-Tane-Tanyu

from that ito tone-tone-tone

Let's read the tongue twisters:

1.from the clatter of hooves

Dust flies through the field

2. Thirty-three cars in a row
Chattering, chattering

3. The fat one who eats the cake

Choose which one you like more and say it.

The syllables and words from the board are repeated with the teacher.

Read the sayings.

Read your favorite tongue twister.


They act in accordance with the guidelines identified by the teacher, adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment;

Evaluate the task


acquire new knowledge;

Own basic logical actions (comparison, analysis, synthesis)



3.4. Independent work

Let's read the poems with you and find the words with the letter T.

1.   The tractor crackled three times -
And the trailer fluttered.
The motor rattled loudly
Like a meteor rotor.

Children read poems and choose words with the letter t

Regulatory - analysis, generalization, ability to organize joint activities under the guidance of a teacher.

brain teaser- determine the presence in the sounding word of sound.

Cognitive- carry out the selection of information.

Analysis, synthesis, generalization.

3.5. Repetition and inclusion in the knowledge system

And what words do you know with the letter t?

You have red pieces of paper on the tables, make the capital letter "T" out of them. Well done, what beautiful letters. Did you know that letters can be made not only out of paper? It can be made from ropes, twigs, beads, and you can also make edible letters - from dough.

They say words that they know with the letter T.

Make the letter T from the letters.

Personal UUD:

Develop motives for educational activities and form the personal meaning of learning.

Creative task


Guys, what new sound and letter did you learn in the lesson? Guys, two big letters are hanging on the board, which ones?

For the letter C and sound c.

But, they are not simple, the blue letter C collects only the suns that show a good mood in the lesson and says that everything worked out for you, and the white letter C attracts only clouds that say that you have something it didn’t work out and you were in a bad mood. Stick your suns and clouds. Thank you guys for the lesson. See you.

Personal UUD:

Students will develop the ability to introspect

Self control

Cognitive -

navigate your knowledge system; distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher.

The method of organizing student interaction and the accumulation of social experience

    Literacy class in pre-school class.
  Technological map of organized educational activities
  Education area: Communication
  Section: Preparation for literacy and writing.
  Subject: Sounds “b”, “b *” Letters B, b
  Purpose: Repeat and consolidate the material. To acquaint children with the letters B, b and the fact that they denote the sounds of B, B.
  Educational: continue to learn to distinguish between consonants and vowels;
  consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, highlight stressed syllable;
  to promote the development of sound analysis and phonemic hearing;
  reinforce the ability to make a sentence with a given word.
  Developing: to develop fine motor skills of the hand; to develop logical thinking, speech; to consolidate the ability to understand the educational task, to complete it.
  Educators: educate the interest in learning activities, the ability to work in pairs, perseverance.
Equipment: pictures of clowns, music by V. Shainsky’s song “Circus”, music exercises “The Giraffe has spots”, tickets, letter images, animal pictures on each table, “squirrel” picture (a picture of 5 squares is drawn below the picture).
  Methods and techniques: game, visual, verbal (reminders, instructions, questions, individual answers of children); occupational analysis, promotion.
  Bilingual component: Tiin protein.


  incentive Carer, entering the office, holds in his hand a balloon with a word scheme glued on it. She reports that she came to class not one — a balloon came. He greeted you. You heard his words .. Draws attention to the white strip on it. What does it mean? It says that the ball is always a holiday. And the guys will have a holiday today, they will go to the circus.
  The recording of V. Shainsky’s song “Circus” sounds.

Organizational-search Pays attention to get to the circus, you need a ticket.
  Repetition of the passed material.
  Colored cards (tickets) are hung on the board, on the back of which syllables are written.
  Questions for children:
  1. With what do we communicate with you?
  2. What are the types of speech?
  3. What is our speech made of?
  4. What is the suggestion?
  5. What does the offer consist of?
  6. What do the words consist of?
  7. How are sounds different from letters?
  8. What do we know about vowels, what can we say about consonants?
  What are consonant sounds? (Are hard and soft, sonorous and deaf.)
  9. What letter is the beginning of the sentence written with?
  (fanfare sounds)
  Asks questions: What artists perform in the circus?
  What are they doing there? What are they doing?
  In the circus arena. Clowns: Bom and Bim. They brought us new sounds. What kind? Puzzles (determine the place of sound in a word)
  1. Himself empty, voice thick, Fraction beats off, helps to walk.
  2. He is friends with the owner, he guards the house, lives under the porch, and the tail has a ringlet.
  3. He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother, And he left the hare, and the wolf, and the bear, But he did not leave the fox.
  4. I will skip back and forth through the trees deftly. Never empty is my pantry
  Characterization of sounds (B. B ’).
  He suggests carrying out a musical exercise to the music of “The Giraffe has Specks” in order to provide short-term active recreation for children.
  Clowns often perform with animals. Let's find out which ones?
  In the circus, everyone is surprised
  Representation give:
  Who will perform?
  Let's try to name everyone:
  A hippopotamus, a camel, a ram, a beaver, a badger, a squirrel are playing in the arena.
Performs sound analysis of the word PROTEIN
  Introduces BB letters. Lays out the picture “What the letter looks like”
  Reports that the sounds (b, b ’) on the letter are indicated by the letter Bb.
  Exposes the picture "What the letter looks like."
  Reads the letter “BE with a large abdomen,
  In a cap with a long visor.
  Letter b wakes up early.
  Letter b - barrel with a tap "
  Offers to prescribe on the model of the letter B and b
  Reminds of correct posture while writing.

Offers to make an offer about clowns.

Reflective - corrective Summarizes, asks, what was new in today's lesson? Which of the tasks did you enjoy doing? When did you experience difficulties?
  He says that today it was very nice to work with the guys. The children were attentive, active, and did the job correctly. ClownsBom and Bim are awarded with sunshine medals
  Children become in a circle, express their opinion, share their impressions.
  Receive medals, rejoice, say goodbye to clowns in the Kazakh language
  Expected Result:
  To know: sounds [b], [b ’] - consonants, voiced, [b] - hard, [b’] - soft;
  Have: an idea of \u200b\u200bwriting the letter BB.,
  To be able to: make sound schemes, pronounce syllables, think up words with the studied letter, make sentences according to the scheme.

The lesson of discovering new knowledge. The program "Planet of knowledge." Textbook "Primer", by T. Andrianova. The application is an electronic textbook "Primer". Audio recording MP3 "Goose sounds".

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   “Technological map of the literacy lesson. Letter G. "

UIA "Bolshemakatelemskaya school"

Technological map of the lesson in literacy (reading)

1 class

Subject: Sounds [g], [g]. Letters G

Goal:  To create conditions for familiarizing students with paired (by hardness-softness) consonant sounds [g], [g,] and the letters G, g denoting these sounds in a letter.

Expected Results:

Subjects:  students will learn: to find the pattern of change of words in the columns and continue it, explain the origin of the words (names of mushrooms), read the poem in roles, play poetic lines with different semantic nuances.

Personal:  gain a steady interest in learning new things; evaluate the difficulty of the proposed task.

UUD (meta-subject):

Regulatory:  keep the goal of the activity until its result is obtained.

Cognitive: general educational - reproduce information from their own life experience; check information, find additional information necessary to solve the educational problem; logical - characterize the sounds [g], [g], establish analogies.

Communicative: line up dialogue by roles.

Lesson Stages

Student Activities

Teacher activities

Methodical commentary

Organizing time.  The psychological attitude.

The purpose of the stage: the inclusion of students in educational activities at a personally significant level.

Check readiness for the lesson. At the desk there is a textbook, workbook, pencil.

The bell rang and fell silent.

The lesson begins.

Quietly, the girls sat at the desk,

Quietly, the boys sat at the desk,

Everyone looked at me.

Let's smile at each other. I think the lesson will benefit us, we will learn a lot and learn a lot.

Creation of conditions for the emergence of the need for inclusion in the activity.

Communicative UUD:

To form the ability to listen and understand others.

Personal UUD:

Providing students with the organization of their educational activities. Emotionally positive attitude to the lesson, creating a situation of success, trust.

Knowledge Update

The purpose of the stage: repeating knowledge of the sounds learned in the last lesson.

The development of phonemic hearing. Work with signal cards.

The game "Hard - soft."

I will pronounce the words, and you raise the blue card if you hear a solid sound [f] and green if you hear a soft sound [f]. Ficus, pheasant, factory, apron, eagle owl, giraffe, physicist, candy, Africa, date.

UUD subject

The ability to distinguish hard and soft sounds;

Cognitive UUD

Ability to classify by signs

Statement of the educational problem. Discovery of new knowledge.

The goal is forecasting the topic and goals of the lesson, the formation of cognitive motives for educational activities, aspirations, observation of sounds, awareness of the topic of the lesson.

Children formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.

Listen, what are these sounds and who makes them? (these are geese, ha-ha)

What sound do we get to know today? What letter? (sound [g]. Letter G.)

Say the first sound in the word goose. What is he like? (solid consonant).

We say the word kettlebell. What is the first sound? (soft)

Formulation of the topic of the lesson.

Who can name the topic of the lesson? (Sounds g, g /. The letters G, g)

Let's try to set goals for ourselves, what should we learn in the lesson?

1. Get to know new sounds

2. Find out what letters they are designated?

Who can help me find the letter g on the ribbon of letters? (house of consonants, 1st floor of consonants)

Look at what the letter G looks like.

Before us is the letter G-

It is like a poker.

Do you know what a poker is?

Ozhegov's Dictionary. Poker- cast iron or steel curved stick for sticking and turning firewood and coal in the stove.

Communicative UUD:

observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette,

participate in a collective discussion of a learning problem.

Personal UUD:

show respect to your classmates during the discussion


Goal: relieve physical and mental stress

If the word has a hard sound, we stomp, if a soft sound, we stomp.

Eyes, Gene, tan, fungus, city, guitar, kettlebell, geese.

Regulatory ECM

Establishing an analogy.

Application of new knowledge.

Students carry out educational activities according to the plan.

Children read (in chorus, in a chain, to themselves), answer teacher's questions

Open the textbook with 58.

1) Reading words by columns.

Which syllable is soft?

What has changed in the word?

What is gender? (boards, feminine, masculine)

What are the words that have how many meanings are called? (Polysemantic)

What is a braid? (hair, tool).

What could be a continuation of the word mushroom (soup, rain).

Words Chief (judge, person)

How is the word Gregory written? (capitalized) Why?

What other names of people do you know? (Gene, Galya, Gerda).

2) .Reading text.

Guess the riddle

Under the birch by the road

Who stands among the grass

There are legs, but no boots,

There are hats - no head.

What is it? ( mushrooms)

Where do mushrooms grow? (in the forest) The forest can also be called the word bor.

And you went for mushrooms? (Yes)

All mushrooms can be collected? (not)

We will now read the text along the chain. You listen carefully and answer the questions.

Who went to the forest?

Which mushroom is the most important?

Which mushroom is dangerous?

Explain the names of mushrooms (boletus, mushrooms, butterflies)

Have your ears ready to listen to me better. (sip the ears down, to the sides, clean with the index finger, open, close)

3) Reading a poem

Listen to the poem. What is it about? (about chanterelles)

Who asked the first question? (foxes)

Cognitive UUD

Semantic reading

Extracting the necessary information from the listened text.

Work in a notebook on a printed basis

Goal: Collaboration

We continue to work in pairs. Remember what rules you work with as a couple.

C28 1-2 task. Which couple is ready, raise your hands.

Communicative UUD:

cooperate with friends in completing tasks in pairs.

Reflection. Summarizing.

Purpose: to summarize the work done in the lesson, evaluate the result.

What letter are you introduced to?

Remember what tasks we set at the beginning of the lesson, did we solve them?

Regulatory ECM

The formation of the ability to control, evaluate and adjust their actions.