
New Russian words and their meaning. Report on the topic “New words in the modern Russian language. Other smart words and their meanings

Ambivalence- duality of experience, expressed in the fact that one object simultaneously evokes two opposing feelings in a person.

Ambigram- graphically depicted words or phrases - perverts, i.e. readable on both sides. A simple example, the year is 1961 (if the units are sans serif). Complex A. - words in the form of a complex symmetrical calligraphic pattern.

Anagram- a word or phrase formed by rearranging letters or constituent parts, for example, “orange” and “spaniel”.

Aneurysm- extension. In medicine - local expansion, for example, of a blood vessel.

Apology- excessive praise, biased, biased position due to special interest in relation to a phenomenon, object or person.

Authenticity- authenticity.

Outsourcing- transfer by one organization of certain business processes and production functions to another organization. For example, accounting, equipment maintenance, transport services, etc.

Bulimia- insatiable constant hunger, a painful condition, which is sometimes the cause of obesity.

Burime - composing poems based on given rhymes, or simply playing rhymes.

Validity- full compliance with certain standards or compliance of the result with the initially set tasks.

Virality- the effect of “viral” dissemination of information by the very persons for whom this information was intended.

Grooming- pet care. Now primarily used to describe cosmetic care for dogs and cats.

Downshifting- voluntary renunciation of the benefits of civilization in favor of a simple and free life. For example, the transition from an urban lifestyle to a rural one.

Deja vu- the feeling that what is being experienced at the moment has already happened before.

Decoupage- decorative technique in decoration and design: cutting out any patterns from flat materials (leather, fabric, wood) and then gluing them onto the surface to be decorated.

Dumping- dumping of goods or services at a significantly reduced price as a means of competition.

Divergence- discrepancy of any signs and properties as a result of certain processes or external factors.

Identification- establishing correspondence based on a number of direct and indirect signs, identification or self-identification.

Impress- make a positive impression, inspire respect, be liked.

Indifference- indifference, indifference.

Insurgent- rebel.

Hypochondria- painfully depressed state, painful suspiciousness.

Carving- artistic cutting, usually of vegetables and fruits. Also in hairdressing - long-term perm.

Customization- focus on the consumer, following the direct needs of the buyer when producing goods or providing services.

Quintessence- the most important thing is the essence.

Cognitive- the ability of consciousness to perceive information and assimilate it.

Come il faut- something decent that fits into generally accepted norms.

Convergence- rapprochement and acquisition of similarities in a number of characteristics of initially different systems.

Congeniality- similarity in spirit, similarity of thoughts.

Conglomeration- the connection of dissimilar objects into one whole while maintaining their original properties and characteristics.

Consensus- agreement on a controversial issue, achieved as a result of a rapprochement of positions.

Constant- constant value, unchangeable parameter.

Credo- life principles, worldview beliefs.

Lability- instability, variability.

Latency- secrecy, dim manifestation of an existing characteristic.

Leasing- long-term rental of equipment, etc., in which the lessee gradually pays its cost, thereby acquiring the leased property.

Marginal- located on the edge or beyond the main one. The opposite of the establishment.

Misalliance- unequal marriage with a person of lower status, union with an unequal partner.

Memorandum- a reference document recording some facts, circumstances, etc.

Commercialism- pettiness, following selfish interests.

Metabolism- metabolism, as well as a direction in architecture characterized by dynamic variability: long-term buildings are combined with temporary ones.

Mise-en-scene- the location of the actors on stage. In a broad sense - the arrangement of characters.

Misophobia- fear of dirt, obsessive fear of pollution.

bad manners- bad manners, bad manners.

Nyctophobia- fear of night and insomnia.

Oxymoron- a combination of incompatible things. A stylistic figure is a combination of words with opposite meanings, for example, “hot snow.” Or colloquial: “Do you want some tea?” “Yes, no, perhaps...”

Ontogenesis- individual development of the body.

Offer- an offer to conclude a deal.

Paradigm- a basic conceptual scheme, characteristic of a certain period of time, underlying the definition and assessment of problems and their solutions, a complex of dominant trends in science.

Perturbation- an unexpected and sudden change in the course of events in a problematic direction.

Perfectionism- striving for perfection, following high ideals, increased demands on oneself and others. May be seen as a positive personality trait, but may also be perceived as a pathological form of a neurotic disorder.

Pleonasm- the use of unnecessary words in speech or text that do not add meaning, but enhance expressiveness, for example, “path-road.”

Pluralism- diversity or plurality, both in mundane and philosophical contexts. Monism - when it's the other way around - is one thing. Dualism recognizes only duality.

Postulate- truth accepted without evidence.

Preamble- the introductory part of some large text, justifying it.

Presumption- an assumption based on probability. In a legal context, it is the recognition of a fact as reliable until the contrary is proven. For example, the presumption of innocence and, conversely, guilt.

Prerogative- advantage, exclusive right due to position, right of first priority.

Prolongation- extension of the contract beyond the stipulated period.

Prostration- exhaustion, loss of strength, accompanied by indifference to the surrounding reality.

Reduction- transition from complex to simple, weakening of something.

Resonance- in physics, an increase in the amplitude of oscillations when they coincide with external harmonic influences. In a general sense, a reaction to a certain phenomenon, an echo of something. To resonate is to be in a state of resonance.

Reincarnation- rebirth of the soul.

Raiding- “free hunting”, actions with the aim of seizing, and sometimes destroying, someone else’s property.

Repair- compensation by the defeated party for material damage as a result of hostilities to the winner.

Representativeness- representativeness, demonstrativeness.

Retardation- a compositional technique consisting of delaying the narrative with the help of digressions, reasoning, spatial descriptions, and introductory scenes. Also, later formation of the organ and its slower development.

Reference- a characteristic or review of someone or something.

Reflection- reflection on your inner state, introspection.

Simulacrum- an image or explanation of something that does not exist in reality. A copy that does not have the original.

Synopsis- presentation of a certain topic in a highly compressed and generalized form.

Sociopathy- antisocial personality disorder. A mental disorder characterized by ignoring (inability to comply with) social norms, aggressiveness, and inappropriate behavior in public.

Status quo- the actual state of affairs.

Sublimation- release of affective energy through creativity and active social or other activities.

Substance- objective reality: matter or spirit, to choose from.

Tautology- a combination of words that are identical or similar in meaning (for example, “oil”), as well as the use of verbal forms of the same concept in the interpretation of a concept (for example, “an astronomer is a scientist who studies astronomy”).

Tactile- tactile.

Transliteration- writing words of one alphabet in letters of another. For example, "for example". There are corresponding standards for transferring Russian words into Latin.

Transcendental- the most generalized, initially inherent in the mind, but not acquired.

Trend- current trend, “the highlight of the season.”

Trolling- provocative behavior in Internet communication aimed at changing the topic of conversation and inciting conflicts. The term is actively included in real life. A troll is a person who commits provocative actions.

Utility- exceptional practicality.

Fetish- an object of blind, unconscious worship.

Physiognomy- the doctrine of the correspondence of a person’s facial features and appearance to his character and thoughts. In a broad sense, a description of hidden internal traits based on external appearance.

Filigree- professionalism, precision in detail.

Franchise(franchising) - a commercial concession, i.e. the right of one party to use the capabilities and resources of the other party, in the most simplified and general sense - the lease of a trademark.

Frapping- it’s unpleasant to surprise.

Frustration- a state of depression, anxiety arising as a result of the collapse of hopes, the impossibility of achieving goals.

Hipster- a representative of the modern youth subculture with characteristic elitist ostentatious behavior and emphasized intellectual predilections in cinema, music, fine arts, etc.

Happening- a kind of action, like a work of art.

Cheating, cheating- a very recent borrowing from the English language, meaning bypassing or violating some rules. Accordingly, cheating is a process, and the cheater is the one doing it.

Euthanasia- deliberate killing of a terminally ill person in order to end his suffering.

Heuristic- a field of knowledge that studies creative activity.

Euphemism- decent and acceptable expression instead of rude or obscene.

Egalitarianism- the concept of total equalization in society, in the economy, etc. - “universal equality”, equalization. Contradicts the basic laws of nature.

Exaltation- excited state, unhealthy activity.

Excess- an extreme form of manifestation of something, a process going beyond the boundaries of its normal course.

Empathy- the ability to put oneself in the place of another person, understanding another person “through oneself.”

Epicureanism- the desire to satisfy sensual instincts, an easy life and wealth (see hedonism).

Escapism- the desire to hide from reality in a fictional world.

Most words of modern slang have several features: they are mainly abbreviated and borrowed words. Moreover, many of them came into spoken language from the Internet.

Ava- a shortened version of the word "avatar"; user's photo in the social network profile.

Aggressive- get angry, swear at someone.

Bombs- infuriates, irritates, stresses.

Butthurt, b urgurt - the state of a person who is indignant, experiencing anger; often used as a synonym for the word "buhurt"; comes from the English word butthurt (butt pain).

Bra, bro- a respectful and friendly form of address from the abbreviated English word brother (brother).

Babetsl- an adult woman who is not considered sexually attractive by teenage boys.

Varick- short for the word "option".

Go- let's go, start, come on; from the English verb go (come on, let's go).

Zhiza- truth, a life situation close to the reader.

Zashkvar- shame, unworthy, bad, not fashionable.

Lalka- a girl who found herself in an awkward situation, causing others to laugh; from the English abbreviation LOL ( laughing out loud - laugh loudly out loud).

PM- private messages.

LP/LD- best friend, best friend.

Loys- “like”, from the English word like (like). Used to mean "to evaluate". Most often used in the phrases “lois ava” (positively evaluate the avatar) or “lois meme” (appreciate a joke, funny picture).

Poch- short for adverb, pronominal interrogative conjunction word "why".

Pal- fake; most often used in relation to clothes, shoes, bags. (Example: “she has a bag, not a Louis Vuitton.”)

By dehe- a little bit, a little bit.

Podik- short for the word "entrance".

Roflit- laugh until you cry, roll on the floor laughing; from the English abbreviation ROFL (r olling on floor laughing - roll on the floor laughing).

Sorry- sorry, sorry; from the English word sorry (sorry, I apologize).

Sasny- sexy.

Tumblr girl- a girl or girl who adheres to a rebellious, informal style in clothing and makeup. One of the distinctive features of a Tumbler girl is to stand out with her appearance on the Tumbler social network of the same name.

Top- the most current, best, fashionable.

Fake- fake, untruth, deception.

Hare, stop- that's enough, stop.

Hate (haters)- from English words hate (hate, hatred), haters. Used to mean "those who leave bad comments are hateful."

Shmot- fashionable, cool clothes.

Gaming slang

“Gank”, “imba”, “nerf” - are your ears withering? And this is just gaming slang, used here and now by millions of children, teenagers and adults. Is it really that bad and how to distinguish an “achievement” from an “ability”? We'll help you figure it out.

Abilka- ability, property of a person or object. For example, “The new iPhone has a lot of cool abilities.”

Agro, aggro- behave aggressively, often in response to the actions of others. It comes from the behavior model of game monsters that react to the appearance of a player at a certain distance.

Achievement- achievement. It comes from the mechanism of issuing rewards to the player for achieving certain goals. For example: “I completed all the tasks at work on time this month - consider it an achievement.

Buff, buff- get temporary benefits. For example: “I need to go have a coffee to buff myself up and not fall asleep.”

Gank, gank- achieve your goals using vile methods.

Grind ( possible grind)- monotonous and tedious work necessary to achieve a goal.

Imba, imbalance- an unbalanced, illiterate solution that strengthens one element.

Quest- a task, often multi-stage. For example: “Today I completed the quest - I handed in all the documents for my passport.”

Level-up- improving a skill, moving to a new level. Can also be used in a more figurative sense to refer to a birthday.

Loot- loot, valuable or not. Often used with the word "drop".

Noob- newbie, sucker.

Leveling up- development and improvement of a specific skill. For example: “I improved my typing skills.”

Paladin- a fierce defender of an idea or phenomenon. Often used ironically.

Frag- murder or number of people killed.

Expa- experience gained as a result of completing the quest.

Mobs- opponents (regular, not bosses).

Boss- designation of a strong enemy.

Privatite- make it yours, take a place; from the English word private (secluded, personal, personal).

Craft- create, make; from the English word craft (create).

Owl- a typical computer... ahem, nerd.

Dangerous slang

If you hear the following words from your child (on the phone, in dialogue with friends, but not with you), then there are serious reasons for concern: the child is talking about drugs. The potent synthetic cannabinoid has many names that are worth paying attention to in a teenager’s speech:

Dzhivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, scattering, rega, smoke, green flag, blooper, plop - all these are code names for the drug.

Salt, mix, legal, speed, white, sk, flour, rega, ross- a dangerous synthetic drug.

Bookmark, treasure- a place where a drug is hidden that can be bought online.

Clear mines- find the treasure and use the drug.

Bong, bubble, bubbler, pipe, bottle, battle, bulbik- a device for smoking drugs, usually made with your own hands or purchased in a store.

Chickens, chickens, chickens- couriers making bookmarks.

Seagulls- people who steal treasures before they reach the recipient.

Trip report- a description on a forum or website where the drug is sold of the effect obtained after using the drug. Usually done as a "thank you" for a free trial dose.

Language substitute

Sometimes a teenager’s speech becomes so incomprehensible that it causes disgust and rejection. But most often, “word substitutes” are used by those children with whom their parents never really communicated, ignored their states and moods, asked them to shut up and not interfere. In addition, as the child grows up, it becomes necessary to belong to a certain subculture. Neuropsychologist Ekaterina Shchatskova says that at this age it is incredibly important to feel like part of a group.

Often this is what achieves such an important new development of this period as strengthening, expanding and delineating the boundaries of the “I”, although it may be illusory. At the initial stage of the development of a teenager’s personality, one can note denial and delay in growing up. Hence such manifestations as special music, style of clothing and behavior, vocabulary. All this can symbolize distance from the world of adults, especially if there are some difficulties in family relationships, the specialist clarifies.

The reason for using slang is the desire for independence. Often for teenagers, “adulthood” is presented as freedom, but they cannot yet realize that in “adulthood” there is also responsibility.

The neuropsychologist also notes that it is still not worth prohibiting the use of new words and scolding the child, since this is a temporary phenomenon.

However, if the use of specific vocabulary is not situational, but constant, and the teenager seems to be speaking a foreign language, then it is worth paying attention to family relationships: this may signal the presence of problems with trust, with the separation of the teenager from the family, the specialist notes.

It is very important from childhood to instill in a child good taste - for books, music, films, games. Spend time together watching films and reading books, pay attention to cultural leisure, go to theaters and exhibitions. If a child hears beautiful and correct speech around him, he will not have the desire to vulgarize it, but, on the contrary, he will try to speak the same way.

And first of all, parents need to be an example for their child in terms of speech: if you yourself don’t understand how to speak, then what do you want to hear from your child?

Teenagers clearly understand when and where they can say certain substitute words, and when they need to switch to regular speech, says psychologist Ekaterina Koksharova. “To reduce the level of “contamination” of children’s speech, adults can offer various generally accepted options for substitute words, so that children enrich their vocabulary.

Sooner or later, the teenager will no longer need to “be his own” in the circle of his peers; he will truly choose his own circle, corresponding to his level of development and intelligence, where he will feel comfortable and understandable and will not need to simplify his speech just for the sake of being understood and understood. accepted.

In the dictionary of obsolete words we have included terms that are currently practically not used or are used very rarely. Outdated words and expressions are words that it is important to familiarize your child with before reading a fairy tale or explain their meaning while reading, so that the meaning of the work is perceived exactly as the authors would like. Some obsolete words and their meaning will be especially useful for the general development of the child, for example, measures of length: vershok, fathom and others.

Outdated words in the Russian language are for the most part those words that have gone out of use in the modern world, but which our old grandparents can still very often use in communication. We can convey to children the kindness of Little Red Riding Hood, the tenderness of Thumbelina, the hard work of Cinderella and many other best character traits of the characters in the language of their great-grandparents and at the same time instill in children respect and interest in our history.

If this dictionary of outdated words of the Russian language does not contain the word you were looking for or you were not able to fully understand the meaning of existing words, write to us through the feedback form, they will definitely answer you.

Abvakhta - guardhouse Perhaps - either - perhaps, maybe Azhno - so Azovka - mythical creature Aksamit - velvet Altyn - three kopecks Asps - poisonous snakes

Babayka - a large oar attached to a boat Baet - speaks, tells Baidak - a river boat with one large sail Balagta - swamp Balakat - speak Canopy - a decorated canopy on posts Balodka - a one-handed hammer Basa - beauty, decoration, panache Batog - stick Bergamots - variety pears Pregnancy - an armful of Bosoviki - slippers Boyars - rich and noble people War - battle Brotherhood - brotherhood Armor - metal clothing that protects a warrior from blows Damask steel - weapons made of steel Burochki - a type of warm boots for cold climates, often felt boots Bureau - table with paper storage box

To go on patrol - to guard, to guard In a bag - to chase Vacation time - vacation Vacation - vacation To know - to know Venuti - to blow, to blow Vershok - an old measure of length, equal to 4.4 centimeters Vestimo - of course, it goes without saying Vetoshka - a rag Knight - a brave warrior , bogatyr Vovan is a liquid fat extracted from the fat of marine mammals. Used for lighting in lamps and street lamps Meet - meet Eversion - the rhizome of a large tree turned out of the ground Endure - withstand, endure, endure

Galushka - dumpling cooked in water or borscht Galyota - a small merchant ship Ganat - guessing Voice of obedience - an answering voice Gorazd - knows how Gorka - a pyramid-shaped shelf for expensive dishes Upper room - room Rowing - a narrow dam on the river

Hay girl - maid Ten - 24 sheets Marvel - surprise, amaze

Food - food, food If - if

Zhaleika - a pipe made of willow bark Zhban - a jug with a lid Burmitsky (Burmite) pearls - large and round pearls Zhernovtsy - a small hand-made chalk

Zagnetka - a place in the fore-furnace where the heat is raked Zagnetka - a place in front of the firebox where the heat is raked Get started - start fasting Ahead of time - sing Lazarus in advance - flatteringly beg Sinisters - small fantastic creatures

Imperial - Indus gold coin - even, so

Treasury - money, wealth, property Kamka - silk colored fabric with patterns Karmazin - dark red cloth Kniksen - bow with a squat as a sign of greeting or gratitude from females Casing - outerwear made of leather Kokurochka - butter flatbread Kolymaga - carriage, in which noble people traveled Korob - a basket, a basket Oblique fathom - an ancient Russian measure of length, the distance from the toes to the end of the fingers of an outstretched hand diagonally is 216 cm Krinitsa - a well, a spring Krosna - a home loom Kudel - a bunch of flax or wool Body - wicker basket

Plate - iron or steel armor worn by warriors Lyko - the bark of a young linden, willow, elm, bast shoes, baskets, baskets are woven from it Lytka - shirk, shirk Lytka - part of the leg below the knee

Damask sword - a sword made of especially strong steel It’s not my first time - it’s not my first time Hoe - a hand-held agricultural tool Ant - overgrown with grass (ant)

Biggest - senior Whip - belt whip Namale - soap Unsalted to sip - be deceived in your expectations Nikoli - never

Flint - a stone or piece of steel for cutting fire from flint Once - once, once Come to your senses - come to your senses Scream - plow Chill - freeze

Boarding house - a school with a dormitory for students Blame - reproach, reproach Finger - finger New - welcoming a newborn Polati - wide sleeping bunks in a hut under the ceiling between the stove and the opposite wall Pomelo - a broom wrapped in a rag at the end, used for sweeping ash in the stove Tried - tried on Kidnapper - thief Start - start Clearing - a clearing or lawn in the forest not overgrown with trees Jumpy - fast Pryazhon - fried (fry in oil) Span - an ancient measure, the distance between the thumb and index finger of the hand

Rat - an army Reasoner - a person who does nothing himself, but loves to criticize and moralize others Rosstan - the crossroads of two roads Dress up - persuade

Sazhen - an ancient Russian measure of length, the distance of the arm span from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other Salop - an ancient outer women's dress Sam-ten - ten times more Sam-pyat - five times more Sam-Thursday - four times more Seredovich - a middle-aged man A scolded tablecloth - a tablecloth woven with patterns Conscience will not hurt - conscience does not bother Shrike, shrike - a bird from the order of passerines Student - a well with icy water Sousek - a chest in which flour or grain is stored Twist - twist, twist several strands into one a thread

PR(English PR - short for public relations - public relations) is an activity aimed at forming public opinion about something (product, person, company, event).

Tranquil-Carefree, peaceful, emotionless, self-absorbed, balanced. From English tranquility - calmness, serenity.

Feminitive– “feminine” form of words, these are mainly professions and words denoting the type of activity, and initially in the Russian language these words were usually used only in the masculine gender. For example, author-author, director-director, deputy-deputy and others. The legs of this phenomenon grow from the belief of feminists that if we use such feminatives, it will lead the world to equality between men and women.

Mansplaining- this is when a man explains something to a woman, making allowances in advance for her gender, simplifying the wording so that she can understand. Feminists (and not only them) consider mansplaining to be a form of discrimination, a manifestation of sexism. Literally this word is translated from English as “mansplaining”.

Ageism– reprehensible attitude towards age, age discrimination. An ageist believes that a person is too young for anything, or, conversely, is already too old. This can concern anything: work, manner of dressing, behavior, etc. The term comes from the English “age” - “age”.

Cupcake– a small portioned cake, a cup cake, a cupcake, a pastry. Baked in a special disposable paper cup made of corrugated paper, or in aluminum molds. To make a cupcake, use regular biscuit dough based on milk, eggs, butter and sugar. The top of the cupcakes is decorated with cream, chocolate, icing; berries, nuts, confectionery powders, etc. can be used as decoration.

Clickander– an advertising module with advertiser content that pops up when you click on any area of ​​the site (photo, text, link, empty space). Clickander opens in a new tab under the active site and does not interfere with its viewing. Advertising in the clickander format means high traffic, low cost per click, and unobtrusiveness. Clickander is used by online stores with a wide range of products.

Domain – the name of the web resource. Consists of Latin letters, numbers, signs. There are domains from the Cyrillic alphabet. The maximum domain length is 63 characters. Consists of several parts separated by dots. The far right side is a 1st level domain, a reserved geographic or subject domain. ru, by, fr – country domains. edu – educational, com – commercial sites. Next, the 2nd level domain is the unique name of the site.

Bluetooth or bluetooth is a wireless connection between various devices (phone, computer, laptop, tablet, printer, fax, mice, flash drives, joysticks, etc.). Reliable, free communication on radio waves. Minus - distance - information is transmitted within a radius of 10 m. Communication does not pass through obstacles (walls, objects). Types: classic, high-speed Wi-Fi based, bluetooth with low power consumption.

Comeback – from English. “to come back” - to return. Sports term, sudden victory, winning by a lagging athlete (team) with a large score. The term is usually used in team sports: football, hockey, sailing, etc. Fans call a comeback a “willful victory.” For example, a football team that was losing a match by a large score scores several goals in the last minutes and wins.

Multitasking – from lat. “multi” – a lot, and English. "task" - task. Psychological term. Ability to do multiple things at once, such as cleaning and cooking. Employers call multitasking the key to career growth. And according to psychologists, people who simultaneously perform several tasks cannot concentrate sufficiently on any of them, so they work ineffectively.

Handicap is a handicap, advantage, sports term. Handicap is used in staged competitions (running, biathlon, shooting, golf, pentathlon, equestrian sports). The point is this: after completing the 1st stage, the athlete has a time advantage over other competitors; he begins the next stage ahead. The handicap allows you to determine the winner based on the results of the last round.

Zoom - from English. “zoom” – enlarge the image. The ability of a camera lens to change the focal length: zoom in and zoom out on an object, or zoom out and zoom out. There is an optical zoom - the image is enlarged by zooming in, like in binoculars, the quality will be good. And there is digital zoom - the central part of the picture is enlarged, so the image will not be clear. Zoom is indicated as follows: 4x, 10x.

Banner – from English. "banner" - a banner. A graphic image used in advertising. In outdoor advertising, banners are made from fabric films. On the web, clicking on a banner takes you to the advertiser’s website. There are different types of banners on web resources: static (the picture does not change), dynamic GIF banners (the pictures change periodically), Flash, Java banners (animated).

Case – from English. “case” – situation. A teaching technique during which a specific situation (problem) is analyzed. The case method originated in 1924 at Harvard University Business School. Today, case technologies are used not only by business schools, but also by universities and schools. Types of cases: educational, practical and research. Case technologies are also used to test knowledge (before testing)

Liposuction is body contouring by surgically removing fat deposits. Liposuction is performed on the buttocks, waist, neck, face and chin, abdomen, calves, thighs, back, knees, shoulders and forearms. Types of liposuction: vacuum (the most traumatic), ultrasound, laser, soft lipomodeling (using current), radio frequency, water jet, tumescent, vibrolipomodelling.

Hook is the name of a punch in boxing. From English "hook" - "hook". Indeed, the trajectory of the blow resembles a hook. This is a side kick with the arm bent at the elbows. The hook can be applied with both the left and right hand, at close or long distance. For example, “left hook”, “right hook”. According to the rules of traditional boxing, a hook punch can be thrown to the head (face) and body. The hook is considered a strong and knockout blow.

Alpaca-Alpaca is a type of fabric woven from alpaca wool. Warm and cool in winter, soft, light, durable, does not pill, dirt-resistant, hypoallergenic and therefore expensive. Alpaca is several times stronger than wool fabrics and does not wrinkle. Alpaca is never dyed; it comes in 22 natural shades. The wool of young animals is used to make fabric, and from adults - for weaving carpets.

Intro – from English. “intro” – prefix, introduction. A three-second video clip, an introductory clip, a short version of a demo. It consists of several frames with background music and special effects. In cinemas, before the start of the film, you can see an intro video about the cinema itself, new films. In the Internet environment, large videos (lessons, manufacturer advertising, entertainment videos) begin with an intro.

Dive-Dive (dive) is a type of simulation, violation of the rules in football. This type of violation is also called diving. A dive is a fall while feigning a foul in order to receive a free kick or even a penalty. Often the judges see that the player has fallen demonstratively. But there are many cases when the simulation ended in a goal. There is another meaning. To dive means to catch and head a low-flying ball while it is falling.

Tilt-shift – from English. "tilt" (shift) "shift" (slope). Title shift is a type of photography when the image in the photograph turns out to be like a toy. The “toy miniature” effect is achieved using a special TS lens. This is a tilt-shift lens. The title shift effect is popular among photographers. This effect is also used when creating architectural and technical specifications.

Identity is an abbreviated word from the English phrase “corporate identity”, translated as corporate identity. This is a visual image of a brand, company, business. The identity consists of a logo, branded stationery, marketing products (flyers, booklets, websites), branded packaging, branded clothing, company interior and exterior, press service materials, etc.

Naming-Naming (English “name” - name) - creating the name of a new product, service, company, website. Naming should be unique, easy to pronounce, fit into the slogan and easily generate income. The final stage of naming is legal registration of the name and obtaining a patent. Specialists who create new names are called namers. Naming is one of the elements of identity, the visual components of a brand.

Androgyne, in modern terminology, is a person who combines both masculine and feminine traits. This applies both to psychological manifestations and behavior, and to the appearance of “either a boy or a girl.” In the fashion world, models of this type are becoming increasingly popular, which, being male or female by gender, look equally organic in both a female and a male role.

Pattern - (from the English "pattern" - sample, template) in the broadest sense - a repeating pattern. In psychology, a pattern is a stable pattern of behavior/reaction in a certain situation. In design and architecture, these are repeating shapes and patterns. The number of natural patterns can be called infinite: the spiral of a shell, scales in cones and on animal skins, snowflakes, etc.

Offside - (from the English "offside" outside the game) a position outside the game. A rule in some team sports (football, hockey, basketball, etc.) that regulates the position of players on the field during an attack. Offside in football is detected if a player of the attacking team is closer to the opponent’s goal than his defenders at the time of the pass. Violation of this rule may be punishable by a yellow card.

Play-off (from the English “play off” - game for elimination) is a system of conducting sports matches (game sports) within the framework of tournaments/championships, in which the losing participant (or team) is eliminated from the game. The playoff system is often called the Olympic system. When there are a large number of participants in major competitions, qualifying matches are often organized, which determine the participants in the playoffs based on the amount of points scored.

Imprinting (from the English “imprint” - to imprint, leave a trace) in psychology is a mechanism for quickly and firmly consolidating a behavioral model through a strong psycho-emotional shock. According to the theory, imprinting occurs from birth to adolescence, when the child’s psyche is susceptible to external situational manifestations. The consequences of imprinting are considered irreversible or difficult to reverse.

Cover (from the English “cover” - covering, shelter) in music is a new sound of a previously known piece of music or hit. A cover version may differ slightly from the source material (in the performer’s voice while preserving the sound of the music) or differ radically (new arrangement, adding instruments, “slowing down” the initially fast and rhythmic composition).

Plie (from the French "plier" - to bend) is a term that has moved from ballet to fitness. Plie squats are exercises to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh. Execution technique: legs are spaced wider than shoulders, heels are directed towards each other, the stomach is pulled in, the back is straight, squats are performed with different amplitudes depending on the intensity of the workout. When squatting, your knees should not go beyond your toes.

A peer is, in a broad sense, a participant in a file-sharing torrent system, regardless of the status of “distributing” or “downloading”. Sometimes peers are called file-sharing participants with a negative rating, who actively download, but at the same time distribute little or nothing. Punitive measures may be applied to such characters in the form of restrictions on downloading files.

Seed is also a seeder, a participant in file sharing via a P2P system, who has the source file on his hard drive and is responsible for distributing it, i.e. acts as a source for downloaders. A seed can be a network participant who has previously downloaded the entire file, and also created his own distribution. The more connected seeds, the faster the download for those who download the file.

Chronophage is a time eater. One of the terms of time management. Chronophages are people, activities, objects, in general, any objects on which you spend your time ineffectively.

Smokey ice - from the English smoky eyes - “smoky eyes”. An eye makeup technique characterized by smooth, well-shaded transitions from dark shades of shadow on the moving eyelid to light shades of shadow on the fixed eyelid and under the eyebrow. A classic of evening make-up, this technique began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century and does not lose its popularity today.

SHARE-This means giving your friends a cool link.

Selfie(“selfie”), meaning a photograph of oneself.
Interface (English)- means and rules for communication between one system and another, most often in the field of information technology: person-computer, computer-network, processor-disk, etc. We can probably call the interaction between one company and another an “interface.”
Screenshot) literally translates as “screenshot”. The term “screenshot” can be applied both to the physical medium of information saved from the screen - a graphic file (we can say “copies of the screen to a file”), and to the presentation, display of this graphic file on the screen or in a printed document. For example: “see below screenshot of Yandex search results” - in an electronic document or on a website page; “a screenshot of the error message is attached” - in an email to the technical support service; “a screenshot of the email is attached” - in the application to the court :) A screenshot is characterized by preserving “minor” parts of the image (window frames, advertising banners, etc.). But this “secondary” information can be very important for the purposes of the screenshot, for example, the date in the service area of ​​the screen, the design of the site page, etc., visible on the screen from which the screenshot is taken. But “screenshot” is neither a synonym nor a substitute for the concept of “copy” or “display of a copy” of a document!
Spoiler(from the English spoil - to spoil, to ruin) - in cinema, computer games, literature - prematurely revealed important plot information that destroys the intrigue conceived by the authors, does not allow it to be experienced, felt independently, and accordingly deprives the viewer/player/reader of some of the pleasure from this plot, which spoils the impression of it"
Interactive(from English interaction - “interaction”):
a) the process of dialogue, information exchange, information interaction between readers or viewers with the authors or presenters of a website, blog, television or radio program;
b) forms of such interaction: “question-answer” services, “your message”, forum, chat, etc. for site; SMS messages for television or radio broadcasts;
c) section of the site (site menu item), which contains the above-mentioned services.
Baby box(English - baby box) - an incubator with a special cradle, built into the wall of a hospital or social institution in a dark place where there are no video cameras or security. One door is located outdoors, and the second is indoors. Once the child is placed inside and the door is closed, it is no longer possible to open it from the outside. The staff will know about an abandoned baby by an alarm bell and a flashing lamp.”
3D (English 3-dimensional)- three-dimensional, volumetric. Typically this involves simulating a three-dimensional image, such as a 3D movie. In the 20th century they said: “stereo film”, “stereo image”. The term 3D, with the light hand of “PR people” and cinema journalists, flew into the languages ​​of the world, became a “fashionable” word, just as the technology of illusion of three-dimensional objects itself became fashionable. Now, if a film is “not 3D”, then it is unlikely to be a box office success, and it will not collect good box office.
Flash mob or flash mob, flash mob(from the English flash mob - flash - flash; instant, instant; mob - crowd, translated as “flash of the crowd” or as “instant crowd”) is a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people (mobbers) suddenly appears in public place, holds a five-minute rally, performing pre-agreed actions (scenario), and then disperses. The collection of flash mob participants is carried out through communication (mainly the Internet).
Photoshoot, photo session- the process of photographing an object, consisting of a series of photographs taken; a series of photographs taken at a photo shoot.
“Due to the popularity of the Google search engine (in America and a number of other countries, see below - G.G.), a neologism appeared in the English language" to google"(analogue in Russian computer slang - google), used to refer to searching for information on the Internet using Google. It is with this definition that the verb is included in the most authoritative dictionaries of the English language..., although other sources provide examples of its use to mean searching for anything at all on the Internet.
"Slogan (English).) is an advertising slogan that conveys an advertising message in a condensed form, part of the brand’s long-term communication platform.”
Name "Road map" was used for the plan to move towards a permanent solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2003. Gradually, this phrase began to be used wherever it is necessary to draw up an action plan.
"Hotline"- direct communication (for example, telephone) with the scene of events to convey the latest news or first-hand information.
Drive - from the English word drive. Like most English words it has many meanings. Drive is:
- engine;
- drive (external computer device);
- great energy, assertiveness;
- motivation, incentive;
- jerk, blow (sports);
- move;
- force;
- drive;
- stimulate
Therefore, understanding what the word “drive” means follows from the context.
In information technology (example 1), “drive” means the drive of an external device, the external device itself. (“Driver” is a system program that controls an external device). In this case, we can recommend the word “drive”, which is often used.
In the automotive industry, “drive” is used in combination with “test drive” - road testing of the car, checking the car in motion (example 2). The shortest thing that can replace “test drive” in Russian is a running test. But it is unlikely that this advice will be used. Yes, and test drives are used in specialized articles on automotive topics.
"Very Important Person or VIP(English - “very important person”) - a person who has personal privileges, benefits due to his high position, fame or wealth.
“Vintage (French vintage) in winemaking, wines or vintages of a particular year and age. This is obviously a fairly old term, from which the concept of “vintage” in the field of fashion is derived - clothing released in the 20th century and gaining relevance in the context of fashion at the beginning of the 21st century (vintage clothing). In a broad sense, the word “vintage” nowadays is any clothing, household items, cars, etc. of the past in a modern interpretation (in retro style).
Boyfriend (English boyfriend - friend)) is a common-law husband, a permanent intimate partner, a cohabitant. And, accordingly, a girl friend (English girlfriend - girlfriend) is a common-law wife, a permanent intimate partner, a cohabitant. As M. Krongauz correctly noted, “the Russian language can no longer serve modern family relationships.” It may be more accurate to say that the old words “cohabitant”, “cohabitant”, in themselves quite normal and appropriate to the situation, have been compromised by the history of our society, becoming civil terms and/or words with a negative connotation. (The same fate befell the words “citizen”, “citizen”). Simple words that are acceptable for a completely ordinary situation, when two people lead a family life without registering their relationship with government agencies, did not arise or develop in the Russian language.
Volunteer (French volontaire, from Latin voluntarius)- a person who carries out voluntary activities for the benefit of the general public without relying on monetary reward. In its original meaning, a person who voluntarily entered military service. In Russian, a volunteer is a volunteer. Borrowing is old, certainly not of the 21st century. For example, volunteers who help serve the Olympic Games are traditionally called volunteers. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to replace the Russian word with a borrowed one in the case of internal events, and even patriotic ones. If you are a patriot, then call yourself in Russian
Second hand, they also write “second hand”, “second hand”) - this is understandable, literally means “second hand”. It arose in the Russian language since the mid-90s. And almost everyone knows (although not everyone uses them) that this is a store (shop) of used clothes, albeit specially prepared for sale, or even new ones, “with tags,” and not at all collected from garbage dumps. And you can even understand why such places were not called “second-hand things”. The population would associate this with junk dealers, with junk. They could, of course, call it “second hands”, but even these words, without knowing the subject, are not clear what they mean. So let it be “second hand”.
Here is the word and concept "drain" later penetrated into the Russian language. The word “stock” (from the English stock - stock) in this sense means a sale at a discount in special stores of clothing, shoes and other goods from the collections of the past season. Something that was not sold out in the main stores, and there is already a need for space to place the new collection for sale. And so such things arrive through the warehouse to special stock stores, where they are sold cheaply.
But it so happened that the word “drain” coincided in sound with the Russian word meaning a place where liquid flows, and in this sense this word “smells bad” - industrial drains, sewerage. From a psychological point of view, it would not be worthwhile to call new things that were just at the peak of fashion that way. But obviously Russian people are not so susceptible to such subtleties.
Reception in our current understanding, this is the place where the client first of all ends up or where he first turns when he enters or applies to any establishment from a hairdresser to a restaurant, although initially this word referred only to the registration service for hotel guests.
In the USSR, what was called “reception” was called “administration” in hotels, and “reception” in clinics. There were no offices in the modern sense at all; institutions and enterprises had a reception area, but it was not so much a reception area for visitors as it was the secretariat of a manager or director. Therefore, there was no need for some word that summarizes all receptions. For the first time, the first tourists from Russia who went on vacation abroad encountered this word en masse in the 90s. The guides told them: “We’ll gather at the reception,” “Look at the announcements at the reception.” As I understand it, it would be more correct in this case to say “lobby”, or “at the reception”. Tourists (many were abroad for the first time) eagerly absorbed impressions and new words.
Computer science(cf. German Informatik, French Informatique, English computer science - computer science - in the USA, English computing science - computational science - in the UK) - the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information. In Russia, “informatics” is associated not with computer science, but with a school curriculum where they teach something related to computer technology called “computer science.”
Fake(English fake) - fake, counterfeit.
Message(English message) - message, message. Political observers are very fond of this word, and politicians do not disdain it either.
Dress code(English dress code) - the form of clothing required when visiting certain events, organizations, institutions. The company's dress code is considered an extension of the company's corporate culture and an important part of its brand.
Ombudsman(from Swedish ombudsman, ombudsman, “a representative is in some states an official who is entrusted with the functions of monitoring compliance with the legal rights and interests of citizens in the activities of executive authorities and officials. Official job titles vary in different countries.
"Startup(English Start-up - to launch), a startup company is a recently created company that is building its business on the basis of innovation, has not entered the market or has barely begun to enter it and has a limited set of resources.
Shortlist(English: “short list”) is a list of pre-selected applicants from all submitted applicants for the final selection of the winner.
Trend(from English trend) is a direction, current, tendency.
Trend- the direction of a particular process, the direction in the movement or development of something.
The term " creative", like many other advertising terms, was borrowed from English. From English “creative” is translated as “creative”, and the base of this word “create” means “to create, create”.
Cluster(English cluster - accumulation) is a union of several homogeneous elements, which can be considered as an independent unit with certain properties.
Merchandiser- merchandiser, a person representing a trading company in retail chains (most often super- and hypermarkets). Responsible for displaying goods and installing related necessary equipment. The main task is to control the availability of the company’s entire assortment on store shelves and locate it in the most favorable places for purchase. You can say: “sales representative” or “product handler” - depending on the context.
Copywriter (about t English copywriting) - a specialist in writing advertising and presentation texts. The fragment “copy” in this case is translated as a manuscript or text material, and “writing” comes from “write” - to write. Thus, “copywriting” (what a copywriter does) is related to literary activity and can be literally translated as “writing texts.” It should be noted that “copywriting” is a neologism even in English and is not represented in dictionaries.”
Managers- the English word “manager”, according to dictionaries, is translated as “manager, manager”. But for reasons that have been repeatedly noted (prestige, imaginary success), professions and positions whose holders do not manage anything have also come to be called “managers” in Russian:
- office manager - secretary, “secretary”;
- sales manager - seller;
- HR manager - HR officer, HR department employee.

Absolute - perfect
Abstract - abstract
Agrarian - agricultural
Adequate - appropriate
Active - active
Current - topical
Immoral - immoral
Analysis - parsing
Entourage - surroundings
Argument - argument

Business is business
Boyfriend - buddy
Briefing - flyer

Option - variety

Dimensions - dimensions
Sealed - impenetrable
Hypothetical - conjectural
Goalkeeper - goalkeeper
Humanity - humanity

Diver - diver
Digest - review
Debate - debate
Devaluation - depreciation
Demonstration - display
Destructive - destructive
Detailed - detailed
Dialogue - conversation
Director - Managing Director
Discomfort - inconvenience
Discussion - discussion, argument
Differentiation - separation
Dominate - dominate, dominate
Duel - duel

Ignore - neglect
Identical - identical
Image - image
Import - import
Individual - sole
Indifferent - indifferent
Industry - industry
Inert - indifferent
Intervention - invasion
International - international
Infected - infected
Information - information

Camouflage - cover
Merchant - trader
Compensation - compensation
Comfort - convenience
Comfortable - comfortable, well-appointed
Specific - specific
Competitor - rival
Competition - competition
Ascertain - establish
Design - arrange, build
Constructive - creative
Continent - mainland
Contract - agreement
Confrontation - confrontation
Concentration - concentration
Corrections - amendments
Correspondence - correspondence; message
Creditor - lender
Criminal - criminal

Legitimate - legal
Mite - contribution
Liquidation - destruction
Linguist - linguist
Lifting - skin tightening

Maximum - greatest, ultimate
Mask - guise
Mentality - mindset
Method - reception
Minimum - smallest
Mobility - mobility
Model - sample
Modernization - update
Moment - moment
Instant - instant
Monologue - speech
Monument - monument
Monumental - majestic

Natural - natural
Negative - negative
Level - equalize

Objective - impartial
Original - original
Hotel - hotel

Parameter - value
Parking - parking
Passive - inactive
Personal - personal
Pluralism - plurality
Positive - positive
Controversy - dispute
Potential - possible
Prevail - prevail
Claim - claim
Precise - exquisite
Private - private
Primitive - mediocrity
Forecast - prediction
Progress - promotion
Propaganda - distribution
Publication (action) - promulgation, publication

Radical - indigenous
Reaction - response
Implement - bring to life
Revision - verification
Revolution - coup
Regression - decline
Resolution - decision
Resonance - echo
Result - consequence, consequence
Reconstruction - perestroika
Relief - outline
Renaissance - rebirth
Respectable - venerable
Restoration - restoration
Reform - transformation

Secret - secret
Service - maintenance
Symposium - meeting
Symptom - sign
Synthesis - collection, generalization
Synchronously - at the same time
Situation - position, setting
Social - public
Sociology - social science
Sponsor - benefactor (philanthropist)
Stability - sustainability
Stagnation - stagnation
Stress - tension, shock
Structure - device
Subjective - personal, biased
Sphere - area

Topic - subject
Tolerance - tolerance
Tomatoes - tomatoes
Transformation - transformation

Actual - valid
Forum - meeting
Fundamental - foundational

Hobby - passion

Chief - head
Shopping - purchases
The show is a spectacle

Exclusive - exceptional
Experiment - experience
Exposition - display
Export - export
Embryo - fetus
Era - chronology

Every language has its own teenage slang. They abound in films, music, media, social networks and the Internet. come into the vocabulary of teenagers from the mouths of famous actors, pop performers, especially in the stand-up genre.

What is slang

Slang is non-standard vocabulary used in casual communication. Almost all professions have their own professional slang. Lawyers and doctors are even required to communicate on it in the presence of a client, this is required by ethics. Moreover, every family passes on its own words from generation to generation, the authors of which were sometimes children. They reinterpret words in a way that seems more logical to them. Examples:

  • String beads (on a thread, of course).
  • Malet (they use it to beat).
  • Maseline (spread on it).

Similar creativity of words is demonstrated by the slang of teenagers, examples:

  • Krasava - well done. It looks like “handsome” and “ah, well done!” combined together.
  • Bratella - brother or peer. The root remains, but the word itself has an Italian connotation. And something criminal is already visible. The word "brother" is used between gang members. In general, it is used in the Mitki community.
  • The brake is dull. The one who slows down does not “catch up” with the others in terms of intelligence. Often used in relation to a computer or the Internet when there is a slow speed of information transfer.

Teen slang doesn't come out of nowhere. It, like real languages, has the origin of words: borrowing from professional slangs, new Russian and criminal feni, anglicisms, newly formed words by combining two words or a root and a suffix.

Often, when there is no word in the literary language that denotes a particular concept of a teenage subculture, a new word enters the language. It can even move into the literary category if it describes this concept sufficiently fully.

There are many examples of this from the programming language. For example, the word “freeze”. At first it was used in relation to the violation of computer loading. Later the meaning of “staying in a place” was added. This is how Wiktionary interprets it.

Whether we like it or not, teenage slang has an influence on the Russian language. This is exactly how it should be viewed.

Slang as a means of communication

The language of the teenage subculture is highly expressive, full of metaphors, and there is a tendency to abbreviate words (person, internet, computer). Deliberate distortion of verbal forms is a protest and a way to get away from openly obscene language, covering the meaning of what was said with a slang shell.

Modern teenage slang is essentially a coded language. Everything in it is subject to confusion and clouding of clear meaning. Teenagers would be burned with shame if they found out that a teacher or parents understood their speech. Despite their apparent maturity, they are not ready to take responsibility for their words.

Slang turns what is said into a game, something frivolous, a hobby of youth. Indeed, its use wears off over time. There is no need to encrypt one's actions; an adult calls things by their proper names. But for teenagers it is still important that adults “don’t poke their nose into their affairs.”

Let's look at modern teenage slang: a dictionary of the most common expressions.

  • Ava - avatar, a picture under the username. There is an abbreviation of the word.
  • Go - from the English “go”, start, give, call to action. Compare “let's go” (English) - let's go. Explicit Anglicism.
  • Zashkvar - from the prison word “to zashkvar”, that is, to use the dishes of a lowered (passive bugger), shake his hand, smoke his cigarette or simply touch him. In teenage slang it means “madness,” something unfashionable and inconsistent with conventional wisdom.
  • Why - why?
  • Pal is a fake. Obviously, from “singed” - fake.
  • Nyashny - cute, adorable.
  • Cute - extremely adorable.
  • Top - from the English “top”, something better.
  • If you persecute, you deceive.
  • Gamat - from the English “game”, to play.
  • Funny - joke.
  • It's a bummer to end up in a bad situation.
  • Carrots are love.

Processes occurring in the Russian language

Language changes within the span of one generation. And this despite the fact that each generation has its own teenage and youth slang. Journalism, modern literature and numerous blogs are now picking up and spreading slang words.

The writer, bringing a teenager onto the stage, studies his speech for a realistic reflection. Here a gradation of terms occurs and words characteristic of certain social groups are defined.

Apparently, more educated teenagers use less jargon because they have a larger vocabulary. The vocabulary of teenage slang from rural and urban groups also differs.

Philologists are of the opinion that new words arise mainly in two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Within six months they spread to the periphery.

Reasons for the origin of teenage slang

Each subculture has its own language. Teenage is no exception. Her area of ​​interest determines the vocabulary used to denote concepts:

  • Studying at school, college, technical school, university.
  • Cloth.
  • Music, popular groups, their style of clothing and behavior.
  • Communication with friends, the opposite sex, parents, teachers.
  • Leisure activities - discos, walks, meetings and dates, concerts of favorite bands, attending matches of favorite sports teams.

Reasons for the entry of new words into the vocabulary of teenagers:

  1. A game.
  2. Finding yourself, your Self.
  3. Protest.
  4. Poverty of vocabulary.

Youth slang as a form of self-affirmation for teenagers, it can be considered as a stage of growing up. Where do these words come from? They are invented in passing, trying to explain something, choosing a suitable expression or comparison. If a new word finds a response and is successful in a team, it will almost certainly spread.

Slang is replenished from professional jargon, for example computer jargon:

  • Broken link - error 404.
  • Glitch - failure.
  • Make a video - upload a video file.
  • Copy-paste - “Copy” - copy, “Paste” - paste.
  • Bug is an error.
  • Fix - correct errors.

Many words have roots in thieves' argot:

  • Raise the market - become the initiator of a serious conversation.
  • Bulkoshaker - dancing at a disco.
  • Sitting on treason means being afraid of something.
  • Shmon - search.
  • Chepushilo is a person who does not follow his speech.
  • Hit the arrow and make an appointment.

The words of drug addicts are also reflected in teenage slang:

  • Gertrude, white, heroin in charge.
  • Marusya, milk, plasticine - marijuana.
  • Cupcake, flour, nose, accelerator - cocaine and crack.
  • Wake up, daddy, shnyaga - raw opium.
  • Wheels are tablets.
  • Wheeling - taking pills.
  • Get drunk, rub yourself in, get stoned - give an injection.
  • To smack, to kick - to enter a state of drug intoxication.

Hearing jargon in a timely manner will help you understand what the teenager is interested in and help the child if necessary.

Teenage slang of the 21st century also comes from the TV screen. Films about gangsters, action films, and trailers add new words to the vocabulary. Unfortunately, negative characters are readily imitated. They are cool". Swear words that were previously purely American are penetrating into the Russian language. With them come obscene gestures. It's all sad.

Teenage slang and its meaning

It is worth noting that not all teenagers introduce slang into their speech. Some people use it as a joke. Such guys are usually not considered “one of our own,” although they may be treated with respect.

The use of slang words begins as a game: they don’t understand us, you can talk about anything. Then comes adolescence, when a person searches for himself, accepts or rejects generally accepted norms. Teenage subculture comes as an alternative to the boring life path of parents, boring teachers and narrow-minded neighbors.

This limited world is not difficult to comprehend. The vocabulary of teenage slang is small; anyone can master it. Here everyone is equal, you can talk about topics that would make parents’ hair stand on end with horror. This apparent freedom so attracts a young heart!

It’s worth giving teenage slangs and a list of everyday words:

  • Hammer - came from prison jargon, discarding the three-letter swear word. Now they forget not about something, but about something: forgetting about homework means not doing your homework.
  • Damn - replacing an obscene expression with the corresponding letter. Means annoyance.
  • Kidalovo - from the jargon of scammers who change money. Means deception.
  • Klevo is an old Ofen word. Means "good".
  • Cool - funny
  • Dumb - embarrassing, awkward, old-fashioned.
  • A feature is a highlight, something that surprises, a feature.
  • Schmuck is an outcast.
  • Shnyaga is something bad.
  • Nice - “let’s run!”, also from the language of criminals.

To sum it up, we can say that the meaning of using teenage slang is as follows:

  1. The desire to stand out from the crowd, the gray mass. In this case, the teenage subculture is perceived as avant-garde.
  2. The desire for freedom, the lifting of prohibitions. Children who have escaped the iron grip of their parents rush to such an extreme as changing the common language to slang. They even deliberately shock with their behavior.
  3. Protest against the hypocritical system of adults, when some can do everything, while others are responsible for the misdeeds of others.
  4. Slang saves you when you have a poor vocabulary; obscene speech helps you express your thoughts. Communication often occurs with half-hints and jokes.

Youth slang, its influence on the speech of teenagers

One could treat slang as a temporary and easily passing phenomenon if it were not for its deep rooting. Having started using slang speech patterns, a teenager begins to think the same way. As is known, humans do not have imaginative thinking, like animals. Thought is closely related to words.

As a result, modern teenage slang begins to seep into writings. Soon such a teenager will need a translator. Still, slang is a limited language, without nuances, highlights and subtle shades. To accept it instead of literary means to impoverish not only your life, but also your very thoughts about life.

There is a mirror effect of the word: after introducing it into the lexicon, thoughts use it for their expression. Then, according to the principle “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” the tongue brings out the thought in slang form. Getting rid of it is not easy and will require conscious effort. If you leave the fuel, that is, communication in slang, it will become impossible to get rid of it.

Consequences of passion for slang

During the formation of personality, and this is precisely the teenage years, the establishment of patterns of behavior or solutions to problems that arise in adulthood also occurs. The influence of slang on the speech of teenagers is very great.

Without enough life experience, teenagers try to learn everything about life. And they think they can achieve it. Being in their circle, they may appear wise in their own eyes. But this wisdom is shattered by the waves of adult life.

It is impossible to use slang without accepting its ideology. He will definitely influence actions and decision making. The bravado that comes through in slang expressions only appears to be “cool.”

Teen slang, dictionary:

  • dose - homework;
  • dzyak - thank you;
  • Dostoevsky - the one who got everyone;
  • emelya - email address;
  • tin - horror;
  • fat - the highest class;
  • lighter - a girl who likes to have fun;
  • an ambush is an unexpected obstacle in business;
  • shy - gets drunk quickly;
  • zoo - insult;
  • bend - do something unusual;
  • imbecile - retarded;
  • jock - a person with developed muscles;
  • kipish - disorder;
  • kiryukha - a drinker;
  • sausage - cool music, cool music;
  • to look like someone - to be like;
  • the rat is a traitor;
  • ksiva—document;
  • cupcake - boy;
  • smoking bamboo - doing nothing;
  • labat - play a musical instrument;
  • lave—money;
  • fox is a fan of the group "Alice";
  • lohovoz - public transport;
  • loser - loser;
  • burdock - fool;
  • major - boy with money;
  • makhalovka - fight;
  • frost - talking nonsense;
  • Mulka is a cool thing;
  • stir up - meet;
  • mersibo - thank you;
  • run into trouble - ask for trouble;
  • nane - no (gypsy);
  • nishtyak - very good;
  • head off - the highest degree of admiration;
  • to spectacle - to be afraid;
  • fall - sit down;
  • drove - nickname;
  • pepper is a tough guy;
  • steam - worry;
  • turnip - rehearsal;
  • to steer - to be the very best;
  • ramsit - have fun;
  • session - concert, meeting;
  • banter - joke, mock;
  • to leave the market - to change the topic of conversation;
  • one hundred pounds - exactly;
  • studen - student ID;
  • like - like;
  • torch - pleasure;
  • trouble - trouble;
  • junkie - drug addict;
  • tip-top - everything is fine;
  • fumes - funny;
  • fak - swear word;
  • flood - chatter;
  • bullshit - nonsense;
  • hata - housing;
  • I don't know - who knows;
  • hi-fi - hello;
  • civil - good conditions;
  • chika - dear girl;
  • chick - girl;
  • spur - cheat sheet;
  • user - computer user;
  • Yahoo - hooray.

This is just a small part of teenage slang; the dictionary of expressions is far from complete. Expressions that are obscene and describe sexual acts or the exercise of natural needs are excluded. Yes, children talk about this too. But this is enough to understand the danger of accepting a teenage subculture for life.

What else is fraught with the use of slang?

If you do not get rid of this speech, problems will not keep you waiting. It will be difficult to get a decent job, it will be difficult to stay in it due to the use of certain words. Suddenly, the teenager will feel that he cannot explain what is happening to the doctor. He will discover that the postman, social worker, and salesperson do not understand him.

Living in the world of people and speaking in a language that they do not understand is loneliness in the crowd. For a child who finds himself in a difficult situation, this can end disastrously. Depression is a frequent guest in this case.

Parents can help by explaining that slang is a game. You can't play all your life. They will try to find contact with their child and go through this period of growing up together. Trust can go a long way during this time.

How to solve a problem

Parents are very annoyed by teenagers' slang. Especially when they don't understand what their own child said. At the same time, parents often forget themselves at a young age. They also used buzzwords, and their parents were perplexed.

First of all, to solve a problem, you should start with yourself. How often do informal words come from the lips of the older generation? Sometimes they are not noticed. Surely you have heard (or even used) such expressions:

  • Fuck it.
  • Get hurt.
  • To die is not to rise.
  • Waste.
  • Covered himself with a copper basin.
  • Flew like plywood over Paris.

These are once fashionable words of the late twentieth century that have already been published. If parents use such jargon, it is not surprising that their child will look for his own vocabulary that matches the time. The teenager will not even understand that he is doing something wrong. He just wants to become modern. Shouldn’t he communicate in “old slang”?

The trouble is that often the child uses words whose meaning is not fully clear to him. In his communication group, there is often no explanation to be found either. That's just what everyone says. This is where sensitive parents can help. They will try to convey to the teenager the meaning of some jargon. Talk about their affiliation with the criminal world, for example.

Some words can be used, the main thing is to know: when, where and with whom. The girl, having called the annoying young man a goat, may not know anything about this word, which is derogatory for criminals. But the thief’s code of honor is to immediately hit the person who calls him a goat. Whether it's a girl or an old man, it doesn't matter.

Language of the street

Unfortunately, in society the boundaries between literary and obscene expressions are blurred. Swear words attack from all sides: in public transport, in a store, on the street and even from the TV screen. If everyone says this, then this is the norm - this is what a teenager thinks.

In this case, it's time to sound the alarm. Bring to the child's attention that a free society is not freedom of vice, but a conscious choice of actions. There are elementary ethics that cannot be pronounced in the presence of women, children and the elderly, in public places. Only marginalized people do this.

Like the cannibal Ellochka, there are people who use several swear words in their lives. They turn them into different parts of speech, decline and combine. This is enough to communicate at the level of a monkey trained in sign language with its own kind.

Parents should not be afraid that their expression of contempt for profanity will offend or make the child withdrawn. And, of course, it is not permissible to use “salty words” yourself.

Set out to explore what words come out of the mouths of literary characters during times of extreme passion. Share this with your children. In general, good literature is a vaccine against obscenity.

Tell your child about the danger that awaits those who use the words of drug addicts, homeless people, and punks. What impression is created about a person who uses such words on social networks? Give examples of how photos and captions posted on the Internet ruined the reputation of a boy or girl.

Tell us that expressions of national, racial, social and religious intolerance are criminal offenses. If a child promotes extreme views, it is necessary to find out who their ideologist is. Maybe the teenager is imitating someone? In any case, measures should be taken to prevent the child from immersing himself in this subculture.