
Methods of fortune telling for the future. Home fortune telling: three simple ways to find out your future. Fortune telling by name

What girl doesn’t dream of finding out who is destined to become her husband? Some of the young ladies go so far in this matter that they resort to the help of fortune tellers and psychics. But there are simpler ways to find out your destiny, including on your own right at home. The main thing is to choose the right time and day for the ritual. The best methods of fortune telling at home are presented in our article. To implement them, you can use items that are always at hand: candles, mirrors, a wedding ring, thread and needle, and others. All that remains is to tune in to the right mood - and you can begin the ritual.

The presence of certain items necessary for the ritual and the desire to quickly find out your fate is not a guarantee that the results will be correct. There are a number of rules that are important to follow when performing love fortune telling at home:

  1. Ritual time. In the old days, fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve (the night of January 6-7). All days from January 6 to January 19 (the so-called Christmastide) were also considered favorable. It was during this period that it was customary among unmarried girls to tell fortunes about their betrothed.
  2. Day of the week. It is not recommended to guess on Friday or Saturday, but only if Christmas Eve does not fall on these days.
  3. With whom to guess. In Rus', rituals were carried out in a noisy company of unmarried girls, with the exception of those rituals when the betrothed was supposed to appear in a dream.
  4. Times of Day. The optimal time for fortune telling is after sunset or after 7 pm. Many girls prefer to perform rituals at midnight.
  5. Environment. It is necessary to prepare properly for fortune telling. To do this, you need to turn off all communications, TV and computer, close the doors and curtain the windows. Well, the main thing is the right attitude and faith in what is happening.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

The presented method is one of the simplest. The ideal period for fortune telling for future love at home is Christmastide. But many girls perform it at other times throughout the year.

The essence of fortune telling is as follows. Before going to bed, an unmarried girl should put a glass of water on the bedside table and put a piece of bread or a bun on it, and light a candle next to it. It’s just important to take care in advance so that it doesn’t tip over in the middle of the night. For a girl to dream about her future husband, she must say the words before going to bed:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.”

In a dream, a young lady should see her future love.

Wax fortune telling

The following ritual is performed using a candle. This method of fortune telling is associated with calling a brownie into the apartment, who should point the unmarried girl to her betrothed. Before performing it, you need to melt the wax in a water bath. At the same time, a small saucer of milk should be placed on the threshold of the house. After this, the girl says the following words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

After this phrase, melted wax should be added to the milk. By the shape of the figure obtained as a result of the ritual, you can judge your future. If the wax resembles a flower, this means that the girl will be able to meet her soulmate this year and even get married. The figure, similar to the silhouette of a person, symbolizes great love. If the wax resembles a star, this means that the girl will have success in all endeavors, including studies.

The presented method can be considered one of the best love fortune telling, despite the fact that its results are quite difficult to interpret.

How to learn to tell fortunes with cards?

Methods of determining your destiny using playing cards are considered one of the simplest and most popular. Such independent fortune telling for love at home allows you to get answers to many questions of interest, including what happened in the past and what awaits a person in the future. To carry out the ritual, in addition to a deck consisting of 36 cards, you will need a special interpreter of their meanings. It can be purchased at a bookstore.

The essence of the simplest fortune telling is as follows. The deck of cards should be shuffled well, while not forgetting to formulate the question of interest. Next, with your left hand, the top part of the deck is removed and placed under the bottom. After this, you need to take nine cards and fan them out face down. The cards can then be turned over and the meaning interpreted according to the interpreter.

The next method of fortune telling is to determine your past, present, near and distant future, as well as to learn about those things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires. During the ritual, 5 playing cards are removed from the deck. On the table they are laid out in the following sequence: No. 1 - center, No. 2 - top, No. 3 - left, No. 4 - bottom, No. 5 - right. The results must be interpreted as follows: the first card shows the present, the second - the near future, the third - the distant future, the fourth - the past, the fifth - things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires.

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

This method of fortune telling for love at home is very simple. To find out the name of your betrothed, just follow a series of simple steps. First, using regular scissors, you need to prepare several pieces of paper of the same size. After this, on each of them you should write male names (familiar or unfamiliar guys). Next, the prepared leaves are curled. And in such a way that it would be impossible to read the name written on them.

When performing fortune telling, leaves with names are placed in a bowl of water. Closing your eyes, take one of the leaves out of the water with your left hand. The name that will be written on it is what the future chosen one should bear.

A method of fortune telling on a mirror

The effectiveness of this method has been proven many years ago. In Rus', a mirror and a candle were used as one of the main means for performing strong fortune telling for love at home. The step-by-step ritual is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two absolutely identical mirrors. One of them should be placed on the table.
  2. Next you need to light two candles. Place them in front of a mirror on the table so that the fire is reflected in it.
  3. The girl picks up the second mirror and stands with her back to the first. It is advisable to prepare both large items in advance. It is important that in the second mirror she can see the first and the burning candles.
  4. After this, the girl pronounces words with which she invites her betrothed to appear before her. At the same time, in the mirror behind her, she should see the reflection of her future husband.

Fortune telling by book

This way of determining fate is considered one of the most romantic. For fortune telling for love at home using a book, popular women's novels are most suitable.

In order to find the answer to a previously posed question, it is enough to name the page and line number (top or bottom). Then you just need to read the phrase out loud and try to find the answer to the question posed.

Fortune telling by ring on a thread

This method allows you to get an answer to the question posed and learn about what will happen in the future. For fortune telling, you will need a wedding ring, which you can borrow for a while from your mother, sister or grandmother, as well as a strong thread. To cleanse an object from the energy of its owner, it is immersed in ice water for 5-10 seconds.

The ritual is performed over a photograph if the girl knows a young man, or over a glass of water if fortune telling is being performed on a betrothed who is a stranger. The ring is threaded through a thread and lowered over a glass or photo. Next you need to watch how the object moves. If the ring rotates in a circle, this means that the fortune telling answer will be positive. The girl will soon meet her soulmate or get married. If the ring rotates like a pendulum, this means that the answer will be negative.

Modern fortune telling

The above methods of predicting your fate were more popular in Rus'. Today, when telling fortunes about their betrothed, girls are increasingly resorting to modern technologies, namely a mobile phone.

To carry out the ritual, you just need to think about your loved one and immediately dial the phone number that first came to mind. Fortune telling is interpreted depending on what will happen at the other end of the line:

  • no one answers - the loved one does not think about the girl at all;
  • the number is unavailable - you will have to make a difficult decision;
  • the answer “Hello” indicates that a serious relationship will develop between you;
  • if the answer on the phone sounds like “Yes,” it means that the girl’s life will radically change for the better;
  • the answer “Speak” promises a declaration of love soon;
  • if they answered “Where are you calling”, this means that a serious scandal awaits you very soon.

Other simple methods of fortune telling at home

There are also a number of rituals with the help of which every unmarried girl can predict her fate. Below we present the following simple love fortune telling at home:

  1. Place a short candle in one of the halves of the walnut shell and lower it into a bowl of water. After that you need to wait until it burns out. If this happens quickly, then you can prepare for the wedding, and vice versa.
  2. A lot of pine branches should be scattered in a chaotic manner on the floor in the room. Then, closing your eyes, you should choose one of them and look closely at it. If the bark on the branch is rough, the young man will be financially secure, and vice versa.
  3. The next fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve or Christmastide. At midnight the girl ran out into the street and shouted “Oy.” From the direction from which the echo came, she should have expected the groom to appear.

– layouts on Osho Zen tarot cards. The interpretation of the cards is taken from the philosophy of Zen Buddhism.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck includes 79 cards, which are also divided into the Major and Minor Arcana, but unlike the Classic Tarot cards, the Minor Arcana are divided into four elemental suits: Fire, Water, Clouds, Rainbow.

Fortune telling with Bruegel's tarot online - layouts on Bruegel's tarot cards.

Should not be treated Bruegel deck, as in humorous pictures. This is a full-fledged deck with illustrations full of meaning and symbolism of the tarot. The interpretations of the cards are short and concise, but they are quite suitable for all tarot layouts, deeply and fully reflecting the meanings of the cards.

Rune divination online - based on the ancient technique of rune divination, described by the ancient Roman historian Tacitus. In his “History” he writes that the Scandinavian tribes of his time used fortune-telling in the following way: they took a hazel branch, cut it into rectangular slivers and marked them with special fortune-telling signs. Then the priest or head of the family threw these slivers onto a white cloth. After an appeal to Odin - the Universal Father, patron of fortune-tellers and poets - he took three pieces of wood at random, one after the other, and “read” their meanings.

World online fortune-telling is a fortune-telling experiment where the entire Russian-speaking World (who can write and use the Internet) participates; here you can not only get the prediction of the World, but also leave yours for others. You get a prediction left by someone before you, and your prediction gets given to someone who comes to the page after you.

Fortune telling from the Book of Fates online has been known for a very long time and is a list of questions from which you choose the one that most concerns you at the moment, and the Book of Fates gives you the answer to it. Today's version of the book is quite modified, but not so much that the book has completely lost its original appearance.

You are given the 50 most important questions, which cover all areas of life.

A hybrid of the book of fates and global online fortune telling, these are predictions of the World, divided into five main topics: work, love, finances, general advice and health. Having chosen the topic you need, as in the Book of Fates, you receive a prediction left by visitors on the World Fortune Telling page.

Star oracle - fortune telling online - our virtual predictor Star oracle - one of a kind! He not only knows how to predict fate, but also answers specific questions that concern you. You can talk to him as an online interlocutor.

Associative-metaphorical cards online - these cards are not fortune-telling, they do not have fixed meanings (as in Tarot cards). Maps only provide an opportunity to safely explore the contents of our inner world.

Fortune telling using the Fairytale Tarot online – The Fairytale Tarot is distinguished by its laconicism and simplicity of formulation; the interpretations of the cards are explained using the example of world fairy tales. The deck consists of 78 cards.

Fortune telling on ordinary playing cards is the most popular and popular way to find out your own future. Such fortune-telling does not require complex and expensive details. Playing cards that can be used in the modern world have their own origins from Tarot cards. It is easier to guess with ordinary cards, because the methods of fortune telling with Tarot cards are not so simple.

Navigator by methods

1. Fortune telling "Men's thoughts."

To try an easy way of telling fortunes with cards, you should shuffle a deck of 36 regular cards, thinking about who you want to tell fortunes about. After this, with your left hand to your heart you need to remove the deck and pull out 6 cards out of order. At the same time, it is quite important to believe that this fortune-telling is true. 1 card will symbolize what the partner is thinking about, 2 - what he feels, 3 - the future, 4 - the secret desires of the beloved, 5 - his fears, and 6 will tell about what is happening in the life of the chosen one at the moment.

In this game you will be able to try out hundreds of models of tanks and aircraft, and once inside the detailed cockpit, you will be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of battles as much as possible.Try it now ->

2. Fortune telling “Loves or dislikes.”

For the solitaire game to be true, it is worth shuffling the deck, drawing a partner in your own imagination, as well as remembering the smallest details of the relationship with him. After this, you will have to remove the cards to the heart and start playing solitaire. To do this, lay out a row of 6 cards face up in front of you, and below it is another row of the same number of cards, and behind the second row is a third. This continues until the deck is completely gone. At the same time, it is worth looking carefully at what is shown on the cards. If cards of the same value lie diagonally from each other, then they need to be removed, and the remaining cards must be moved in their place, and if they again turn out to be the same, then they are removed. The remaining cards are shuffled and laid out this time into 5 columns, then 4, 3 and finally 2. Next, you should count how many pairs of cards are left, because the interpretation of fortune telling will depend on this number.

  • 1 – your partner intends to ask you to marry.
  • 2 – a partner is attracted to you by true love.
  • 3 – like it.
  • 4 – he missed you.
  • 5 – he thinks about you.
  • 6 – the partner has another woman on his mind.
  • 7 or more - guess another time.

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3. Fortune telling “Will we be together?”

The cards must be shuffled by moving them towards you with your left hand. Then you can start planning. To do this, cards are laid out 9 in a row. If identical suits appear nearby, then they need to be removed without touching the intended queen and king. If identical suits end up under each other, then they should also be removed. The remaining cards are shifted from right to left into the resulting empty spaces. After the playing cards can be laid out, you can see whether the hidden king and queen are nearby. If they are together, then the guy and girl will be friends. If they are in the upper corner, then an imminent wedding is just around the corner. In other cases, you can read from the cards that fall between the queen and the king or in front of their pair, which will become an obstacle on the path of the lovers.

4. Fortune telling by wish.

The deck needs to be shuffled well, then make a wish and draw 1 card from the deck. If she turns out to be humanized, then other people will help in fulfilling desires if they have the suit of hearts, diamonds, crosses, but will become a hindrance in this if they have the suit of spades. If a 10 is rolled, then the desire will be satisfied, but with possible difficulties and difficult work. Card 9 speaks of the fulfillment of desires, but not in the form in which we would like. Card 8 indicates that the desire is unnecessary for a person at the moment, and card 7, on the contrary, indicates that it is worth hurrying. Card 6 means a quick resolution of the situation, allowing the desire to come true. Aces are a sign that a wish will come true.

5. Fortune telling about your partner’s attitude towards you.

It's quite easy to guess on cards. There is an easy way to do this. The cards are laid out into as many piles as there are letters in the lover’s full name. After this, you need to take the last pile and move the cards onto the previous ones, starting with the first “letter”. This continues until there are only 2 piles left. Next, you should take cards from each pile at the same time and turn them over. Couples will talk about their partner's attitude. Two sixes fall out - the road is waiting, sevens - the partner has a desire to talk, eights - he wants to meet. Nines indicate his love for you, and tens indicate suffering. A dropped jack will be a sign of trouble; the ladies will tell you that he has another one. Two kings mean that he thinks about you, and aces indicate that he has a desire to be with you.

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6. Fortune telling “what to do.”

This is the easiest way to tell fortunes with cards. To do this, it is important to formulate the question to yourself in such a form that you can answer it “yes” or “no.” Next, the deck is shuffled and, without hesitation, you need to pull out the first card that comes across. If the card is red, then the answer to the question is yes. If it's black, it's negative.

7. Fortune telling for a successful marriage.

All 6s are removed from the playing deck of cards. Next, the deck is shuffled and all the cards are sequentially laid out into 5 separate piles. Each of them should contain 6 cards. The remaining 2 are placed on the last and first pile. Next, all cards up to the first king or queen are removed from each pile. After this, all cards are again scattered into 5 piles without shuffling the deck. It is worth performing such manipulations several times. Ideally, only pictures of kings and queens should remain. They are laid out in a row face up. If a suited pair of king and queen stands nearby, the marriage will be long and successful. In another situation, the opposite will happen.

8. Fortune telling “will your wish come true”

The deck of cards should be thoroughly mixed and 15 cards laid out in a row. After the deal, you need to select the aces and put them aside. This is done 2 more times. As a result, if in the process of fortune telling aces of all stripes come out, then the wish will certainly come true.

9. Fortune telling “Ace + 10”.

You will only need 8 cards from the deck - these are all 10s and aces. For each ace, it is worth making a wish for a specific friend whose feelings you would like to know. Next, the aces are shuffled and laid face down on the table. After this, you should shuffle the 10s, placing them on top. At the last stage, it is necessary to check the suits match. If any Ace and 10 match in suit, then the intended man has tender feelings towards you.

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10. Fortune telling is simple.

To begin with, you should choose “your” card. For those who are not married - the queen of diamonds and the king, for those who are married - the queen of hearts and the king, and for older people - the queen and king of clubs. After the deck has been shuffled, you need to remove cards from it, starting to lay them out three at a time with the pictures facing up. This continues until “your” card is found. Those cards that will be next to her will have to be solved.

  • 6 of any suit - to loss or disappearance;
  • 7 – to troubles, tears;
  • 8 - love disappointments and disappointed hopes;
  • 9 black suit - to obstacles;
  • 9 red suit - to pleasures and joys;
  • 10 - to cash receipts or gifts;
  • jack of black suit - empty chores and unpleasant news;
  • red jack - good news and good luck in business;
  • lady of black suit - the presence of a rival;
  • lady of red color - faithful friend or spouse;
  • red ace - a love message and a gift;
  • ace of black suit - rumors, intrigue, especially in the work team.

11. Fortune telling for the Queen of Spades and the King.

You need to shuffle the deck well and remove the card with your left hand towards you. Having found and placed the queen and king of spades in front of you, the cards are shuffled again. You should lay out every 7th card in front of you. There should be 10 cards in total. After this, you can see which suit prevails. The first 2 cards will not be counted, because they play the role of “oracles”.

  • Worms - loyalty and love, happiness in the family, reliable friends.
  • Clubs - a period of troubles, scandals, losses, probably illness and betrayal.
  • Diamonds - profit and success in business, carefree and fun pastime.
  • Peaks - fulfillment of desires, passion in love and success.

We live in a wonderful world of magic, full of miracles and mysteries. There are a great many methods of fortune telling; here are all the methods of fortune telling for a person on our website. By and large, the method itself does not play any special significance on a person - it is only a predictor’s tool to awaken one’s own intuition, subconscious, clairvoyance, to come into contact with other worlds and intangible entities and tell fortunes for the future.

Methods of fortune telling for a person with decoding of symbols

We all want to know our destiny and look into the future, but we don’t always attach importance to our usual actions while brewing a cup of coffee in the morning. And this is already part of the method of fortune telling on coffee grounds. The love for coffee in Rus' arose during the time of Peter I, as soon as coffee beans were imported, and the oldest method of fortune telling on coffee grounds is more than seven centuries old. And do not be confused by the unusual use of conventional means and the originality of the interpretations of the resulting figures, the truthfulness and reliability of this method has been proven by more than one generation of fortune tellers. This is one of the best fortune telling, proven by more than one generation.

In the mornings we encounter another method of ancient fortune telling. As soon as tea was brought to Europe, people noticed that the tea leaves in a cup formed figures that resembled figures from another method of fortune telling - coffee. Symbols made from tea leaves began to be interpreted in a similar way and another way of fortune telling for the future and the best fortune telling for a person appeared, which has not lost its popularity to this day.

Here the expression “a look through the looking glass” must be understood in the literal sense. Since childhood, we have heard about the ancient method of fortune telling - with a mirror. This ancient fortune-telling has always been considered very creepy, and only the bravest dared to try it. This method of telling fortunes about a person was used when they wanted to tell fortunes about their betrothed and their future. In the mirror they saw not only the future groom, but also fragments of the fate that awaited the fortuneteller. There were legends about the truthfulness of fortune-telling; there were many who wanted to tell fortunes at midnight and find out their fate in all centuries. And it’s not in vain that popular home fortune-telling for a person has always come true.

In this famous ancient fortune-telling, molten wax or tin is poured into water on a person. In modern home fortune-telling, they mainly use more affordable candles. Take a wax candle or a simple paraffin candle, break it into small pieces and heat it in a metal spoon on the candle until the pieces turn into liquid. In this method of fortune telling about a person, bizarre wax figures are formed in water, which need to be interpreted and the prediction understood.

In this method of fortune telling, the white of an egg is poured into water and left in the cold for a short time. In this method of fortune telling, various figures also appear that require attention and thoughtful interpretation. But the result is worth it, this method of fortune telling is also incredibly truthful and has been tested by many generations of sorcerers.

Fortune telling by paper shadows

This is the same well-known and simple ancient method of fortune telling. Against the background of a candle flame, a shadow from a sheet of paper looks on the wall. A sheet of paper or newspaper must be crumpled with your hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, leaving some vague outline, avoiding turning it into a ball. You can set fire to paper on a metal tray and watch its shadow after the paper burns. The veracity of this home fortune telling for a person has been repeatedly tested by many generations of fortune tellers. The meaning of the symbols of shadows in fortune telling by paper shadows is the same as in fortune telling for a person using coffee.

The meaning of the symbols and the decoding of the figures in fortune telling by tea and coffee, by shadows, mirror, egg, wax and tin are very similar. Ancient fortune-telling about a person over a long time of their use has led to the fact that for many figures certain meanings have already developed for the interpretation of home fortune-telling and predicting the future. All descriptions of symbols for these methods of fortune telling are on the page. This, of course, is not an exhaustive list, but you can use your imagination, apply the images of the figures you saw to your specific life situation and associative interpretation, and, believe me, the intuitive prediction will be even more accurate.

Other methods of fortune telling for a person

All methods of fortune telling for a person became especially popular during Christmas time. At this time in Rus', both old and young were guessing for the future, and not only in Rus'. Christmas fortune-telling for the future and fate was eagerly awaited and prepared for. Fortune telling about a person at Christmas became a field for various intrigues. And, most importantly, they always came true!

Yuletide fortune-telling using sub-bread songs is an old New Year's fortune-telling using ritual songs on Vasilyev's evening. This home fortune-telling brought together the entire population of the village. Fortune telling on a person and singing songs together turned into a fun holiday. The largest number of subbly songs were dedicated to well-being in everything, although sometimes completely different songs were sung, predicting fate.

At Christmas, people used to tell fortunes about the fulfillment of wishes in different ways. We have prepared the most popular ancient Christmas fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a person’s wishes for you. Don’t look at the fact that they are very simple; they have been time-tested by many generations of Christmastide fortune-tellers. Fortune telling about a person's desire is not difficult, but truthful.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed will reveal to you many secrets related to marriage. This will be the name of the future husband, and his character, and on which “side” the betrothed will be. Here you will learn how to simply tell your fortune about the gender of your unborn child and how many children you will have. Here is the popular fortune-telling for the betrothed using walnut shells and candles. And many more interesting and different fortune-telling for a person and for a future husband.

In every Christmas fortune-telling about the betrothed in a dream, you had to cast a spell and put some object at your head at night. The dream about the betrothed was considered the best fortune telling about the betrothed in dreams: if the betrothed was dreamed of, then the girl will get married this year; if the desired person did not appear in a dream, then she will not get married this year.

In the old days, the walnut was called the “royal” nut. Only royalty could afford overseas nuts, and they were grown only in monasteries. Therefore, all sorts of amazing stories, magical rituals and ancient fortune telling were associated with the strange nut. The girls took care of the walnut shell and in winter, during Christmas fortune-telling, used it to tell fortunes about the future, to tell fortunes about their betrothed, to tell fortunes about a person, and about a quick marriage.

Ancient methods of fortune telling, which even fortune tellers - gypsies - were afraid to use. It was believed that needles were used to cast spells on a person; such a strong energy field was created by a metal needle, and through the thread a connection was established with the other world. We know several methods of fortune telling with needles, the most popular are fortune telling for a person to determine the gender of the unborn child and

Ancient methods of fortune telling to determine the prospects for soon receiving cash receipts and fabulous wealth. With these methods of fortune telling, coins of different denominations and various banknotes of paper money are used for a person. We have a very simple, but very truthful ancient method of fortune telling for money, which uses only a glass of water. Very

There are many ways to tell fortunes about the fidelity and betrayal of a husband, wife and loved one. When jealousy burns your soul and body, when doubts haunt you and do not allow you to eat or sleep, then the time has come to find out the truth, no matter how bitter it may be for you. It's time to tell your fortune about the loyalty of your loved one and find out whether betrayal is taking place or just seems to you. Fortune telling about a person’s betrayal is very truthful and time-tested, so think in advance what you will do with this truth, and will your soul be calmer if the fortune telling catches an unfaithful person cheating?

Chinese fortune-telling according to the Book of Changes, or, as it is also called, I-Ching fortune-telling, is widely known not only in the East, but also in the West. The wise book of Chinese philosophers has earned a place on a par with such great books of wisdom as the Bible and the Koran. For many centuries, not only mere mortals, but also the powers that be have turned to her for advice. For ancient fortune telling for a person, you will need three coins and a sheet of paper with a pencil.

Many of us have been familiar with simple fortune telling on paper since school, for which only a pen was needed. These home fortune telling for a person were passed down from grandmothers to mothers, from them to their young daughters - schoolgirls, along with the magic words LURNIST, LURNISTKHvKhdEd, LURNISTEKHB and RONGLIS. What do these words mean? Go to the page, and many secrets of school fortune-telling for the love of a guy or a girl will be revealed to you, as well as Christmas fortune-telling on pieces of paper, for which a pen and a piece of paper are enough.

Fortune telling with pearls has been known since ancient times, and now a modern version of fortune telling with buttons is also known. You can replace the pearls with buttons, place them in a cup, mix and receive a prophecy for your future destiny, and we will help you interpret the prediction of fortune-telling for a person using buttons.

Fortune telling in the name of the future husband using a table of letters of the Russian alphabet will reveal the main character traits of its owner. You will be able to compare the same sounds in your name and the name of the person who will be your husband to find out how great the chances of a happy family life with one or another applicant are.

The name of this fortune telling is very similar to the previous one, but differs from it in that it uses the date of birth of the future husband. Fortune telling uses the Pythagorean square and numerology. You will learn how to determine the main qualities of your future husband and predict the compatibility of this person in your future couple by constructing and deciphering the psychomatrix of your loved one.

An eerie and mystical fortune telling on a saucer with a summoning of the spirit, scary, interesting and insanely true. Everyone goes through this fortune telling at least once in their life. Some people tell fortunes both in winter and in summer, and others only on the most terrible evenings of Christmastide. Few people passed by this mystical fortune-telling for a person.

Methods of fortune telling with cards

Fortune telling with playing cards

This method of fortune telling has been practiced for a very long time; the cards were different. In Rus', ancient methods of fortune telling using ordinary playing cards have become very popular. They guessed about a person, about fate, about desire, about a king and about the future. You will learn how to tell fortunes with playing cards on a separate page; there are also very diverse methods of fortune telling.

Fortune telling with Lenormand cards

The fortune telling of the legendary French fortune teller Marie Lenormand, who predicted victories and defeats for the great Napoleon himself, who predicted the great love of his life and the bitterness of loss, is unusually truthful and, truly, time-tested. Fortune telling with Lenormand cards is now gaining more and more popularity and more and more new fans. True fortune telling about a person and about relationships has many methods of prediction. Lenormand cards and layouts can also be different, look and tell your fortune.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Tarot cards have been used since ancient times for fortune telling and predicting the future. It is believed that they laid the foundation for both playing cards and Lenormand cards. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is an art. It occupies a special niche in cultural history, since many artists, writers and art historians contributed to its creation. Fortune telling about a person and fortune telling about a person's attitude using Tarot cards has truthfully predicted many of the destinies of emperors and generals. Come into contact with the beautiful and mysterious world of home fortune-telling using Tarot cards, and it will reveal to you many secrets of the future.

Fortune telling methods online

This, of course, is modern online fortune telling. But, it should be noted that the vast majority of these fortune-telling are based on ancient methods of fortune-telling and only simplify their use. In our fast-paced age, there is no way to remember the numerous meanings of cards and symbols; this is where online fortune telling for a person comes to the rescue. Today you can tell fortunes about the future online for free without much difficulty, but this does not make this method of fortune telling any less truthful.

On the pages of our website you will learn many ways to get online for free for the future.

It turns out that you can tell fortunes on your loved one and learn about the attitude of your loved one by his behavior in everyday life, you just need to pay attention to his gait, the way he dresses, smiles, smokes, sleeps, etc. You don’t need any props to tell fortunes about your loved one; you only need your powers of observation and our tips on what this or that behavior of your loved one means when meeting you.

You can tell fortunes on your beloved and find out about the attitude of your beloved woman by her behavior at a meeting with you, you just need to pay attention to her gait, jewelry, the smell of perfume, choice of alcohol, etc. Just as in the case of fortune telling for your beloved man, you do not need any props, you only need your powers of observation and our tips on what the little secrets mean in the behavior of your beloved girl at a meeting with you.

What are the methods of fortune telling and predictions?

There are countless ways of fortune telling. To get your bearings in the numerous methods of fortune-telling, we present an incomplete list of methods of fortune-telling and predictions based on the interpretation of signs, omens and omens. Some of them cause bewilderment to an inexperienced person, but on our website we will try to embrace the immensity and tell you about the various methods of fortune telling, which - see for yourself:

Ailuromancy - interpretation of omens with the help of cats;

Axinomancy - fortune telling on seeds;

Alecryomancy - fortune telling using birds;

Alphytomancy - fortune telling by food, flour or bran;

Antinopomancy - fortune telling by the entrails of women;

Arachnomancy - interpretation of omens using spiders;

Arithmomancy - fortune telling by numbers;

Astragalomancy- fortune telling with dice;

Aeromancy - divination by air;

Botanomancy - fortune telling using herbs;

Gastromancy - fortune telling by rumbling in a person’s stomach;

Geomancy - earth divination, interpretation of imprints on the ground, sand, dust or soil;

Hydromancy - divination by water;

Hippomancy - interpretation of omens with the help of horses;

Gyromancy - fortune telling by rotation of geometric figures;

Dactylomancy - fortune telling by fingers and toes;

Demonomancy - fortune telling by the inner voice emanating from demons;

Idolomancy - fortune telling using various figures - idols;

Ichthyomancy - fortune telling by the movement of fish in water;

Capnomancy - fortune telling by the smoke of a fire or chimney;

Carromancy - fortune telling by wax flowing from a candle;

Catoxtromancy- fortune telling on mirrors;

Catoptromancy - fortune telling by reflection in a mirror;

Cattabomancy - fortune telling on copper objects;

Cleidomancy - fortune telling with a hanging key;

Cleromancy - fortune telling, reminiscent of casting lots;

Koscinomancy - fortune telling with a sieve;

Crystalmancy- fortune telling on glasses and crystals;

Cryfomancy - fortune telling by grain (not to be confused with seeds);

Kromniomancy - fortune telling on an onion;

Lampadomancy - fortune telling by the intensity of burning of candles or lamps (lamps);

Lecanomancy - fortune telling using holy water poured into a wide dish;

Lebanonmancy - fortune telling by burning incense;

Lithomancy - fortune telling on stones;

Lychnomancy - interpretation of the signs formed by the flame of three candles;

Logarithmomancy- fortune telling using various logarithms;

Maharomancy - fortune telling by the swing of knives, swords or sabers;

Molybdomancy - interpretation of figures obtained by casting melted lead into cold water;

Oinomancy - fortune telling by drinking wine;

Omphilomancy - fortune telling by the human navel;

Oniromancy (oneiromancy) - fortune telling by dream interpretation;

Onychomancy - fortune telling by driving nails;

Onomatomancy - fortune telling by names;

Ornithomancy - fortune telling by the flight or cry of birds;

Pyromancy - fortune telling by the flames of fire, fire;

Podomancy - fortune telling by the soles of human feet;

Psychomancy - fortune telling based on human desires;

Roadomancy - fortune telling by the brilliance of stars;

Sycomantia - fortune telling by berries;

Spathalamancy - divination by the skin or skin of freshly killed wild animals;

Old-mancy - fortune telling by changes in natural phenomena;

Sternomancy - fortune telling by reading a person's stomach or chest;

Sciomancy - fortune telling by shadow;

Theomancy - fortune telling from sacred books;

Theriomancy is divination based on the behavior of animals;

Tyromancy - fortune telling by cheese;

Tuframancy - divination by ashes or soot;

Chartomancy - fortune telling by handwriting;

Palmistry - fortune telling by hand;

Ceromancy - interpretation of symbols and figures formed by pouring melted wax into cold water;

Cyphalomancy - fortune telling by a donkey's head fried in a fire, etc.

The best fortune telling in the world

Collection of free fortune telling

Fortune telling is not just casting lots, it is a ritual that helps you tune in to the right wave and achieve resonance with the hidden mechanisms of Fate. Since ancient times, our ancestors have used various spiritual practices to help us look into our tomorrow, and fortune telling is one of these methods. Our website presents the best free online fortune telling services with original interpretations of all possible layouts.

Ask this Book any question - about love, about fidelity, about happiness, about marriage, about money - and get the answer of the ancient oracle. The Book of Fates contains invaluable experience accumulated over centuries...

What awaits your love? Find the answer in a deck of Tarot cards! Free online fortune telling *7 stars* with a full interpretation of the alignment will tell you everything about your relationship with your loved one and give valuable advice. Fortune telling uses 7 cards, each of which reveals the situation from its own perspective.

The best way to test your luck. Mentally formulate your wish and start fortune-telling: the cards drawn will show your chances of success and WILL tell you what needs to be changed so that luck turns a smiling face towards you...

What will your day be like? Free online fortune telling *Card of the Day* is the fastest way to get answers to your questions. The *Map of the Day* layout will tell you in detail what awaits you today, giving you the necessary tips and advice.

The most famous fortune telling on Tarot cards with a full interpretation of the layout from Nadezhda Zima. The layout uses 10 cards, each of which answers a specific question, describing your situation in detail and allowing you to look into the future.

“What happened, what will happen, how will my heart calm down?” Who hasn't heard this gypsy proverb? Gypsy card fortune telling is famous all over the world for its accuracy. The gypsies brought the amazing art of card fortune telling from distant India.

Confucius used this book to tell fortunes; it was used by great philosophers, scientists, rulers and generals. They were convinced that the Book of Changes (I Ching) knew all the secrets of the past and future

A quick online fortune telling that allows you to answer the innermost question of whether your cherished wish will come true. Mentally make a wish and click on one of the fruits on the tree. The answer will appear on the scroll under the tree, whether it will come true...

This fortune telling was the favorite fortune telling of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. It uses special cards with symbol pictures. The meanings of three pictures drawn during fortune telling are linked into a single prediction...

Can you use wax to guess what the year will be like? And a ring for the groom? What about a cat if you wish? Do you want to use needles to find out if your love is mutual? Try it, because Christmas fortune telling always comes true

What could be stronger, sweeter and more tormenting than love? And how you want to know for sure how your chosen one treats you: he loves you, he doesn’t love you, he will spit, he will kiss you, he will press you to his heart... Since ancient times, it has been fortune telling for love... >>