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Clone Age is the best strategy. The Age of the Clones - Is It Worth Playing

Golden clone

Battle of Thrones

   Deposit and withdrawal of funds    No limits    With restrictions
   Server lifetime    No limits    12 months
   Work    The ability to work in all enterprises    Unavailable work in the newspaper, embassy, \u200b\u200bmilitary affairs order
   Clone Actions    All features available    Not available: Laborers auction, Clone auction
   Animal trade    All features available    Not available
   Buying and Selling    All features available    Some features are not available.
   All features available    There are a number of limitations.

   Battle of Thrones server rules

The tournament lasts 12 months, but can be continued for a period of time specified by the administration. Throughout the tournament, winners will be determined according to their gaming achievements. Prize funds will be formed through the sale Privilege cardswhich are used to replenish the account on this server.

The possibilities of acquiring gold coins for playing on the Battle of Thrones server are strictly limited. Only once a month you can replenish your gaming account with gold coins by purchasing a privilege card worth 10 clonero (card black  colors), when a card is activated, gold coins and resources will be credited to the game account of the Battle of Thrones server according to the following rule:

  • An activated privilege card in the 1st month of the game gives:
    1,000 gold coins, 60,000 tree, 60,000 units stone, 30,000 units cereals, 6,000 units. metal;
  • An activated privilege card in the 2nd month of the game gives:
    1500 gold coins (without resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 3rd month of the game gives:
    2000 gold coins (without resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 4th month of the game gives:
    2500 gold coins (without a resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 5th month of the game gives:
    3000 gold coins (without resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 6th month of the game gives:
    3500 gold coins (without resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 7th month of the game gives:
    4000 gold coins (without resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 8th month of the game gives:
    4500 gold coins (without resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 9th month of the game gives:
    5000 gold coins (without resource);
  • An activated privilege card in the 10th month of the game gives:
    6000 gold coins (without resource);

Thus, privilege cards can be activated only 10 times (for one game account), but not more than 1 card for each month of server operation. A player who wants to take part in the game on the server, but who has missed a certain number of months, will be able to buy and activate the cards of the previous months that he missed, and the card of the current month.

From the sale of each card, the following deductions to game funds are provided:

  • clone Earth Emperors Foundation (Golden Clone server): 5%;
  • fund of city governors (server "Golden Clone"): 5%;
  • state Bank Securities Fund (server "Golden Clone"): 10%;
  • to the partner, if any (affiliate program, server "Golden Clone"): 20%;
  • winners Fund (Battle of Thrones Server): 30%;
  • foundation of the State "Clone Age": 30%;

Contributions to the fund of winners of the Battle of Thrones server: the fund is divided equally into 10 parts - 10 achievements, 10 prizes are provided in each achievement:

  1. 10 prizes: built villages;
  2. 10 prizes: those who built villages;
  3. 10 prizes: those who built the city;
  4. 10 prizes: those who built the principalities;
  5. 10 prizes: those who built the palace;
  6. 10 prizes: became emperors;
  7. 10 prizes: emperors of the oil era;
  8. 10 prizes: those who built the great spike (either in the city or in the principality);
  9. 10 prizes: built a giant sunflower;
  10. 10 prizes: those who won the great battle with the aggressor.

The fund of each achievement is distributed as follows:

  1. 1st place: 24% of the achievement fund;
  2. 2nd place: 18% of the achievement fund;
  3. 3rd place: 14% of the achievement fund;
  4. 4th place: 12% of the achievement fund;
  5. 5th place: 10% of the achievement fund;
  6. 6th place: 8% of the achievement fund;
  7. 7th place: 5% of the achievement fund;
  8. 8th place: 4% of the achievement fund;
  9. 9th place: 3% of the achievement fund;
  10. 10th place: 2% of the achievement fund.

Ten prize pools of achievements described above are constantly accumulating. As soon as the first 10 places of this or that achievement are formed, the prize fund is paid to the winners in the form of gold coins on the Golden Clone server. The prize pool of this achievement will be reset, but continues to accumulate again and will be paid to the next 10 winners. To accrue winnings, it is necessary to fill out personal data on the Battle of Thrones server identical to the Golden Clone server. Further, gold coins can be freely exchanged for clonero on the currency exchange and withdrawn to bank accounts or electronic wallets, in the normal server operation mode.

It is not possible to withdraw gold coins from the game on the Battle of Thrones game server, exchanging them back for money. Gold coins themselves are just a tool for the game.

Create multiple accounts NOT FORBIDDEN. Game accounts can help each other in the game and development. Try different strategies. The main goal of the Battle of Thrones server is to enable players to try their own strengths, measure their knowledge, skills and their own strategies with other players, and for some, they can better understand the game at minimal cost.

It is possible to play a team of players or to play with multiple accounts by one player in order to help some main account, but this help may consist, for example, in creating a large team of artisans on one of the accounts to help in building, placing them in private enterprises, etc. .

Creating a player a lot of accounts in order to directly transfer resources and funds to the main account through trading and other operations prohibited. Obvious violations and gross attempts to “cheat” (attempts of various kinds  violations described in the general user agreement) will be recorded and punished by excluding the game account from the tournament.

Other game servers are planned, on all these game servers you can take part. Thus, it is very important to understand the game and possible strategies. Successful gaming on tournament servers can be your source of extra income.

According to the results of the game, the prizes in the total amount were paid on the previous game server: 16 015.9995 gold coins.

  Players create clones - the inhabitants of a virtual state. You control your character at your own discretion, using the many opportunities that our virtual world offers you. The main achievement in the game is considered to receive the highest title of "Emperor" and the successful management of their own empire, which consists of a huge number of players and their clones. The game has a ton of strategies and development directions - in each you can try your hand. Your successful development can allow you to have a fully worthy income.

Over the course of development, more and more game opportunities open up, with the rational use of which your character or characters will be able to extract more and more profit (gold coins). Gold coins are the game currency used in this virtual world. You can buy them, but you can earn in the game. Gold coins you bought or earned by your game characters, you can withdraw to electronic wallets in payment systems, bank cards - bank accounts.

Where to begin

  Sign up for the Clone Age game.
  I myself did not last long in the game, but I understood a long time. To make it easier for you, I will lay out a crib for the laborer:
  1. We take tasks for the servant: once an hour, payment in gold; (Work-laborers-for servants-get the job). Press several times in a row until the task appears, after that answer the gatekeeper's question (answers below on this page) and in an hour you will receive gold.
  2. We visit an overnight stay: once a day +0.01 gold; (Work-shelter-ask for shelter).
  3. We build a dugout, (Character-rental real estate-build a house-dugout-by what principle I did not understand the location of the dugout, so I chose where I liked the name), we take free seeds of flowers from the state (Trade-state farm-biotechnology department ), sow flower seeds (business-agriculture-your fields), sell flowers at the fair (trade-fair-flowers-add a lot).
  4. Additional earnings: we participate in quizzes, contests, lotteries (see forum).
  5. We buy caftan in the tool shop and get a job at any state-owned enterprise (4 enterprises (quarry, sawmill, mill, mine), the farm laborer will receive +1 experience per day; after 10 days, we will exchange 10 accumulated experience for 1 knowledge of the butcher and the farm laborer will be able to take tasks by the slaughterer every 15 minutes at 0.0001; after another 10 days, 10 experience will be accumulated again and you can take tasks on building houses: 1 time per hour for gold; (tasks of the servant, slaughterer and builder can be combined),
  To become a craftsman there are 2 ways:
  1. Invest money - buy at least 5 gold - 5 days (study a clone)
  2. Patiently plant flowers, visit a rooming house and work - 3-4 months.

Answers to the gatekeeper's questions

  Also on this page I give answers to questions posed by the gatekeeper to farm laborers before giving work or shelter in a rooming house. All questions are arranged in alphabetical order, so it’s easy for you to quickly navigate and give the right answer. Success in the game “Age of the Clones”.
Question Answer
An administrative unit that joins yours will bring you: Income in gold
The peasant (the only clone on the account) can visit the overnight stay: Once a day
Does the game take a commission for input / output of clonero? Not
Fight during a raid (or in a tournament) does not bring military knowledge if a clone hits: Fist
Will the builder of a long-term facility receive a salary if there is a wage fund, but there is no resource for construction? Will be
Will the builder receive a salary if there is a wage fund, but there is no resource for construction? Will be
In what distant, fabulous lands do they get the overseas grass? Fragrant Meadows Island
In what distant fabulous lands do the Root of Youth get? Rock Wolverine's Lair
In what distant, fabulous lands is the Olive branch mined? Outland Gardens Gorge
In what distant fairy-tale lands is the Philosopher's Stone mined? Rocky Coast Island
In what distant fabulous lands do they mineFlower of Life? Singing Rainbow Waterfalls
What is the condition of the plot, if the clone is removed from the field before the completion of harvesting in this plot? In a state of black steam
In which tab of the main menu is the link to the accounting department? Power
In which of the funds does the state transfer part of the profit from the clone auction? Active Players Social Fund
In which Combat Tournament can only bandits participate? A piece of the common fund
Which department of the State Farm sells seeds of various crops? In the biotechnology department
In which department of the Fair (Trade - Fair) can a clone buy protective leather clothes? Raincoats / Jackets / Vests
In which section of the menu can the laborer find tasks? Work
In which section of the menu can I find job vacancies at private enterprises in settlements? Work
In which section of the embassy can you find your Embassy link and get a report on the descendants? Your track record
In which case you can create a new laborer on the page« Character - Create a clone» ? If you already have a clone of a higher status on your account
In which case is it necessary to rent a house? For work in a private enterprise
In what status can a clone get a job as a Trainer? Tradesman and above
In what status can a clone get a trainer at a pig farm? Tradesman and above
In what status can a clone participate in tournaments? From artisan and above
In what status does a clone get a trainer license for a breeder? Tradesman and above
In which tournament can only teams participate? Tournament "Clash of the Titans"
In which tournament can clones without criminal authority participate? Tournament "Piece of common fund"
In the section "Work - Protection" you can get a princely squad. Who are the warriors fighting with? With a common enemy
For how long after the end of the race formation, you can bet on the participant in the race of the pig farm (menu section “Tournaments”)? Within three minutes
In the refectory of the clone, the auto-feed function is installed. Food is in storage. What will happen? Auto-delivery of food to the refectory from the storage is not available
Your clone spends 24 hours to travel to fabulous distant lands and misses one day of work. What happens as a result? Nothing is spent, salary and experience are not accrued
Does the Trade Advisor charge a fee for her work at a Securities auction? Yes, 0.01 for creating an application and 0.001 for capturing a lot
Does the boar's nutritional quality affect his athletic performance during the race?
Does the boar's nutritional quality affect its characteristics during the race at the pig farm? Yes, the lower the satiety of the animal as a percentage, the lower all its characteristics
During combat battles with a common enemy, the prince's squad instead of the enemy may stumble: On the dummies
Choose the wrong ending statement: One clone hunter may .. Wear as many guns at the same time
Having gone hunting, a clone makes a series of shots 1 time In 15 minutes
Going hunting, clone: It shoots calming charges and receives a ransom from the beast
Where is pearl extracted? In tournaments
Where is Black Pearl extracted? Victory in Battle Tournaments
Where can I buy magic artifacts? At the fair
Where can I buy seed? In the biotechnology department of the State Farm
Where can I find available jobs and employment conditions for state-owned enterprises? In the "Work" menu
Where can I build a palace? In the principality
Where can I build a chicken farm? Near your clone’s house
Where can I buy securities of enterprises? At a securities auction
Where can a recycled resource be produced? In administrative units and principalities
Where can I see the statistics on dividends of securities? On the Securities - Financial Report page
Where can I find statistical information about the total number of principalities, settlements and real estate? In the relevant department of the Land Registry Office of the Clones
Where can I find statistics on the total amount of real estate in the game? In the section Real Estate - Construction Dynamics
Where can I find information on the statistics of all Clone Earth securities? In the financial statement of securities
Where is food purchased? Guild Commodity Exchange
Where is the Prince's Land Certificate acquired? At a securities auction, as new land is found for construction
Where is the quiz taking place? In chat
For departure to voyage, it is necessary to load provisions on the vessel. Will she return to the owner of the ship upon returning to port? Not
To produce a resource at a settlement enterprise, it is necessary that: Clones worked on it
To develop a gold mine for a clone, you need to get a Geologist education by: University tuition
In order to start the hunt, the hunter must have the following set: Hunting ticket, gun and charges for this type of gun
In order to increase the maximum number of jobs in the settlement, it is necessary: Improve the enterprise
To train intentions in the Refectory, you must: Home stay
What is the sport regime for pigs for?
What is the “sport mode” for pigs used in animal husbandry? To participate in sports races at the pig farm
To what level of health indicator do doctors treat a clone after each fight during the tournament? up to 20 units
Is the prince able to process cereals into flour and animal feed? Yes
Is the production of flour and compound feed available to the prince? Yes
If during the day you do not buy products manufactured at the enterprises of the settlement, then: Part will go to salary, the remainder will disappear
If your product at the fair (not from the “accessories” section) did not sell within 24 hours, then it: Returns to the bag
If your product is not sold at the fair, where does it go? Returns to the bag
If the guard caught the robber, then where will he be? In the basement
If the guard is completely without weapons, and the robber attacks with weapons, what will happen? If possible, the guard will fight back
If you go hunting in the oak forest, then there you can meet a fox that will pay off from you: Chanterelles
If you go hunting in the spruce-deciduous forest, then there you can meet the marten, which will pay off from you: A handful of nuts
If you go hunting in the fir tree, then there you can meet a bear who will pay off from you: Honey
If you go hunting in a wooded area, then there you can meet a wild boar, which will pay off from you: Truffles
If you go hunting in the forest-steppe, then there you can meet a wolf who will pay for you: Hops
If you go hunting in a mixed bright forest, then there you can meet a deer that will pay off from you: Mushroom basket
If you go hunting in a pine forest, then there you can meet an elk that will pay off from you: Basket of berries
If you bet on a fighter in a tournament, how much can you win over it? Winnings cannot be higher than your bet
Is there a “Blitz” function at a securities auction? Not
Why can I buy a security at an auction? The cost depends on the type of security.
Salaries to employees at settlement enterprises are issued Automatically without intervention by the host of the settlement
Why do I need a land letter? To build a settlement or principality
Why do I need to work in enterprises? Get paid and / or experience
Why do you need storage? Store and transfer game values \u200b\u200bbetween clones
Why do we need securities? Receive daily income - dividends
Why combine multiple jobs? All of the above
Why create multiple clones? All of the above
Gold mines can be purchased at the auction of mines by placing a bid: To any of the listed
What can be used to build a system for additional protection of real estate from attacks? Black pearls
Does a clone's characteristics change when it is sold at a clone auction? No, the characteristics are fixed before the sale
Sometimes the vault needs to be repaired. What are the repair costs? 2 stones and 2 wood
What are the consequences of deviating from an optimal diet?
What are the consequences of a deviation from the optimal cattle diet? Animal weight gain decreases
The treasury of the settlement is paid to the owner of the settlement: Daily
What is the name of the “Game Account” section in the game? Kalita
What is the name of the overseas general with whom the princely squads are fighting? Webman
How can I transfer a clone to another player? All of the above is true.
How can I get an offer from a fairy-tale character? Buy it at the Tales auction
How can I dispose of produced at the enterpriseyah  product settlements? All of the above
How can I change the gender of a clone? In the hospital for money
What is the name of the collective construction for ripples? Poultry yard
What is the name of the collective building for the maintenance of grouse? Poultry yard
What is the name of the competition to identify the best pastoralists? Farm Frenzy
What is the name of the place where the clone stores his personal belongings, resources? Suma
What is the current status of your clone called? Farmhouse
What is the name of the elixir, which prevents the death of chickens from the disease? Chicken health
What is the name of the elixir, which when engaged in farming reduces the duration of the period of black steam of a plot of land by 24 hours? Living land
What are the names of individual buildings for the maintenance of grouse? Perches
How to get gold mined by a gold mine? Gold will be automatically credited to the game account.
How are products manufactured at settlement enterprises? Automatically, the number depends on the number of employees in the enterprise
How to increase payments from the prince, higher units and the state per settlement? Raise the technological level of settlement development
How often do gold mines produce gems, according to the information in the “Mines - Cost - Profitability" section?
How often do gold mines produce gems, according to the information in the section “Mines - Cost / Profitability"? Incidentally, the average amount for the entire period is indicated in the characteristics of the mine
How often is the Fight Club tournament? As soon as at least 16 players are recruited in the league
How often does auto-collection of resources occur in the repository? Every 5 minutes
What commission is taken at the time of sale of the immortal pockmark at the Rowabar Fair? 49,5%
What commission is charged from the seller at the time of selling the animal on the State Farm? 4.5% of the sale value
What commission is paid by the seller when exhibiting a mortal grouse for sale at a grouse fair? 0,5%
Which building makes it more convenient to control the availability of the right feed in the diet of cattle? Cowshed
What characteristic is added to the animal after the race at the pig farm? Participation in the race adds 0.016% of muscle mass to the boar
What characteristic is added to the animal after the race at the pig farm (menu sectionTournaments)? 0.016% muscle mass
What posts can a farm laborer combine? Ancillary worker + tasks
What precious eggs can ripples carry? Gold and silver
What classes can be combined? Work at the enterprise and trade
What classes can not be combined?
What cartridges are needed for firearms in robberies and tournaments? Salt
What cartridges are needed for firearms in guards, robberies and tournaments? Salt
What resources can be produced at the main enterprises of the settlement? Stone, wood, iron, cereals
How can I increase the number of chickens on the farm more than 20 pieces? Only grow by getting chickens from eggs
How can I increase the number of chickens on the farm to 40 pieces? Only grow
How can a laborer increase experience? Working at the enterprise as auxiliary workers (section Work - State-owned enterprises)
How can I increase the accuracy of shooting while hunting? Using a shotgun (with less remaining strength) and wearing hunting ammunition
What status should a clone have to build a chicken farm? Peasant
What elixir can increase the basic level of a house in the "Real Estate" section? Elixir Hospitable shelter
What are some ways to improve health? By adding food to the refectory or applying health rings
What are the means of replenishing a game account? By activating prepaid cards (certificates)
What kind of animals can be purchased at the Cattle Fair? Bulls and cows
What is the clonero gold course for minting? 1 clonero \u003d\u003e 1 gold, 1 gold \u003d\u003e 0.95 clonero
What is the clonero gold course? 1 to 1
What is the tax levied on the commodity exchange at the time of sale of the goods? 2,5%
What is the life span of a clone in farm laborer status? Unlimited if you confirm email and visit the game at least once every 90 days
What is the state fee for obtaining artisan status? 5 gold
What is the state duty for changing the name of the clone? 5% of the current social status
What is the exchange rate value of the Clonero collateral indicated on the page« Game account» ? 1 clonero \u003d (EUR + USD) / 2
What is the exchange rate for securing a clonero? 1 clonero \u003d (EUR + USD) / 2
What is the initial price of a clone artisan at a clone auction? 5 gold
What is the norm of working capacity consumption per day at a state enterprise in the status of artisan? 0,5
What is the norm of working capacity consumption per day at a state enterprise in the status of a peasant? 1
How much does a farm laborer pay per day for work in an enterprise (auxiliary worker) in gold? 0
What is the cost of obtaining a Geologist education at the University of Clone Earth? 3 gold
What is the cost of obtaining a Geologist education at the University? 3 gold
What is the purpose of the guard? Save Treasury
What will be the reward according to the rules of the Embassy if the referral of a clone acquires the status of a peasant? 2 clonero
What will be the reward if the referral of the clone acquires the status of "peasant"? 2 clonero
What is the key difference between farm chickens and grouse?
What is the maximum time for which a clone can be auctioned? 5 days
What is the maximum number of runners at the Svinodrome (menu section "Tournaments")? 6 boars
What are 2 sufficient conditions for participating in the “Lucky Clone” draw? Have a status of artisan or higher and a success rate of 10 units or higher
What are the total costs of studying at a public school to become a craftsman? 5 gold
What other name of your game account can be found on the page “Game account” Kalita
Which animal can participate in tournaments at the pig farm? Boar
What is the key difference between ordinary chickens and pockmarked chickens? Ripples carry precious eggs
What is the key difference between farm chickens and grouse? Ryabachki carry precious eggs
How many gold laborers can get in a rooming house daily? 0,01
How many Emperors on the Clone Earth are recorded in the demographic statistics of the social strata of the population in the "Social Status" menu section? More than 20
How many Emperors on the Clone Earth are recorded in the statistics of the social layers in the menu section The character- Social status? More than 20
How much experience do mowers (private mill workers in the settlements) get per day? 6 units
What is the maximum number of accessories a robber can wear to increase combat performance? 4, 1 of each type
What punishment in the basement increases damage received by the clone in a subsequent battle by 10%? (Types of punishments: Investor - Real estate - General information. Consequences of punishments: Character - Combat skills) Chick
What punishment in the basement reduces clone health by 1 unit in a subsequent battle for each turn? (Types of punishments: Investor - Real estate - General information. Consequences of punishments: Character - Combat skills) Spanking wounds
What punishment in the basement reduces attack accuracy by 10% in a subsequent battle? (Types of punishments: Investor - Real estate - General information. Consequences of punishments: Character - Combat skills) Dung spirit
What circumstance does not affect the number of chickens in chicken farms? Alien Theft
What weapons for infantry are not sold in the Armory Shop (Trade - Weapons Exchange - Armory - For infantry)? Flamethrower
What event does not affect the number of chickens in chicken farms? Alien Theft
Which prince can go into the "Oil Era" of the Clone Age? Ruler who developed all princely enterprises to level 5
What is the maximum base level for real estate (houses)? 50
What is the minimum social status a clone must have in order to create its own settlement? Peasant
What is the minimum rental period for a home owner? 3 days
What is the minimum rental period a property owner can set? 3 days
What nomination is not in the cattle contest« Farm Frenzy« ? Maximum size of horns and hooves
Which food product has an energy value of 21 units? Milk
What breed of magical hazel-hens does not exist in the Age of Clones? Major
What hunting prize is paid depending on the number of gifts received? Accurate shooter
What mode must be activated in an animal so that it can participate in sports races at the Svinodrom? Sport mode
What mode must be activated at the boar so that he can participate in sports races at the Svinodrom? Sport mode
What mode should be included to increase the number of hens on the farm? Hatching mode
What is the next status in the social ladder after the status of a laborer? Artisan
Kakois the storage period good until the next repair? 30 days
What status follows the status of “artisan” in the social ladder of the Age of the Clones? Peasant
What goods are sold at the grouse fair? Fairy-tailed chickens
What is the level of enterprise development in the newly-built principality? First
Which elixir restores health to 100% after damage received in battles? Elixir of Health
Which elixir restores health to 100%? Elixir of Health
What status is available for the development of gold mines? Artisan
Which of the following characteristics can a clone directly earn from work and service? Experience
What characteristics can be trained in the Refectory? Intention
A clone of what minimum status can a walking bot get? Tradesman
What status clone can NOT bid on a clone auction? Farmhouse
What status clone cannot work as a security guard in a house or in a settlement? Farmhouse
What status clone cannot contain 100 chickens on its chicken farm? Peasant
What status clone can't get a job as a security guard? Farmhouse
The clone receives the right to develop a mine for a certain period. At the end of this period: The mine is considered exhausted and automatically disappears
The clone combatant can sign up for a training session in the Arena (on the Character page - Combat skills - Training arena). Who sets the cost of training? Prince
The princes are fighting with General Webman with the help of squads. How are they fighting the general in Priton? Enter the Bandit Army
When can a securities issue be scheduled? When their profitability exceeds 40% per annum (relative to face value)
When is the government issuing securities? When the yield on securities exceeds 40%
Who can't be sold at a clone auction? Batraka
The auction fee for a clone is: 0.1 gold
Who has the right to open a glass smelter? Prince or Owner of the administrative unit of the minimum level of development "Village"
Who is auctioning securities? State
Who is in charge of the brothel? Old Rat
Which princes can build a palace? Any prince
Who can build the Great Buildings? Prince or owner of an administrative unit at any level
Who can put the clones up for sale at the clone auction? Only state
Who can do livestock?
Who can open their own leather production? A prince who has improved all enterprises in the principality to level 3 or the owner of an administrative unit of the level “City”
Who can build a palace? Any prince
Who can build their Principality? Clone in the status of Tradesman and above, having acquired a land letter
Who can build the Wonder of the World Giant Sunflower? Any prince
Who can buy goods at a cattle fair? Clone in the status of a peasant and above
Who can buy goods at the grouse fair? Clone in the status of artisan and higher
Who can work on the construction of the Principality?
Who can work on the construction of Wonders of the World and Castle in the Principality? Clones of various status except laborers
Who can become« caribbean landowner» ? Any player (in the status of a craftsman or higher), having purchased securities of the same name and exchanging them for a ranch
Who can become« caribbean planter» ? Any player (in the status of a craftsman or higher), having acquired securities of the same name and receiving income from growing cocoa in the real Clone Land
Who can participate in the construction of the Principality? Clones of various status except laborers
Who is in the barn? Cattle
Who are bankers and why are they needed? These are players who can help put funds into the game or withdraw funds from the game.
Who sets up the wage fund for builders in the Principality? The prince himself is the owner of the principality
Where does the bill go after successful approval in the State Duma? To the state cabinet
What level of chicken farm can peasants build? First and second level
Can users from different countries play the Age of Clones? Everyone can
Can sows take part in sports races at the pig farm? No, only boars can participate
Can a prince raise his military rank in an order of military affairs? Can not
Can a prince combine his activities with work in enterprises? But maybe, of course, who will forbid him?
Can a house guard participate in the Battle Arena tournament? Maybe, but at the time of the tournament, you need to quit the guard
Can a builder combine work at several construction sites? Can not
Can you create a new clone of the “farm laborer” status in the same account? You can, if you upgrade the status of an existing clone laborer
Is it possible in the tournament, fighting with brass knuckles, to get black pearls for the battle won? It is possible, with a probability of 1 to 30
Can I own multiple securities at once? It is possible for any enterprises
Is it possible to change weapons between fights during the tournament? Can
Is it possible to cancel a bet made at the Swinodrom (menu section "Tournaments")? It is impossible
Can I drink kvass before every fight in the tournament? Yes, you can, by the usual rules
Is it possible to immediately acquire the status of a peasant, bypassing the status of artisan? Not
Is it possible to sell a clone with his house? It is possible if work is not being carried out in the fields of a house
Is it possible to sell securities and where? On the stock exchange
Is it possible to become an Emperor without a principality? No. The emperor is a prince
Can I participate in tournaments without weapons? Can
It is not possible to purchase a lot at the Securities Auction in the amount of: 1000 papers
What types of income can I count on when I go hunting? All of the above
What are the two groups of cricket hens? Mortals and Immortals
What are the two groups of the Kura Ryaba are divided into? On mortals and immortals
How long is a gold mine for rent? 120 days
How long is the right to develop a gold mine granted? 120 days
For how many days does a clone, having got a job as a Trainer, rent a sports arena? For 30 days
How long does a trainer rent a sports arena at a pig farm? For 30 days
On the "Case - Weapons - Gunpowder / Salt Ammunition" page, coal can be produced. How many units of wood are required to produce 1 kg of coal? 15 units
On the territory of the farm can be built: Homes and businesses
What can I exchange chickens and chicken farm for? On State Farm Coupons
What can I exchange for working capacity in the Refectory? On Health Coupons
What is the most important territorial unit of the Clone Earth, on the lands of which all other objects are built? The Principality
What is the most important territorial unit of the Clone Earth on whose lands other objects are being built? The Principality
What are the deadlines for withdrawing Clonero from the game? 5 banking days from the date of application for withdrawal
Starting from what social status does the opportunity to trade in the Trade Guild appear? Peasant
Starting from what social status does the opportunity to trade at the fair appear (except for the Flowers section of the Fair)? Artisan
Starting from what status can a clone enter the service of the Princely squad (in the section “Work - Protection”)? Artisan
Starting from the Village level, your administrative unit may include farms in the amount of: Unlimited
Starting with the status of a peasant, you can engage in urban planning. What is the top administrative unit in the chain called? Town
Starting with the status of a peasant, you can engage in urban planning. What is the name of the initial administrative unit available for construction? Farm
Is criminal authority accrued for winning a tournament? not charged
Do I need to repair the settlement? Not
Do the princes need workers to produce the resource? Not
Are securities limited in duration? Not limited
The same clone cannot be hired: For two positions of the same enterprise
What determines the number of Land Plots transferred for farming by the state to the landlord? From the level of development of your home
What determines the maximum volume of production at enterprises in the principality? From the level of enterprise development
What determines the position of the ship in the list of ships available for sailing (on the Case - Pleasure Ships - Travel and Leisure page)? In decreasing order of rating
What determines the number of training hours per day for a clone working as a Trainer?
What determines the number of hours that a trainer can spend on training pigs at a pig farm per day? From the number of own pigs weighing at least 100 kg
Hunting is available for clones, starting with the status: Artisan
A hunting ticket gives the right to hunt for a period of: 240 days
For which funds is the information provided in the “Power - State Budget” section? For all government funds
At the end of the working day, the owner of the settlement can redeem from the enterprises the produced goods in any amount that is available: At any price not lower than the face value of a unit of production
Raising his social status, a clone: All of the above
Which deposits are not searched by geological expeditions? Cheese deposits
After a series of shots, the hunter can find the results of the hunt, which are: Forest gifts in sum and, possibly, a piece (s) of card in the corresponding section of Hunting statistics
At what indicator of the level of health does the character consider to be a loser and drop out of the battle? less than 10
When buying a clone at auction: All the clone’s property with it becomes yours
When selling a clone at an auction, a fee of: 20% of the sale value of the clone
When selling a clone at an auction, the proceeds are transferred to the budget: States
With the improvement of the farm, he receives the level: Villages
Clones can purchase real estate above the dugout, starting with social status: Artisan
Kvass production is available: To Prince or Owner of an administrative unit
Traveling on a pleasure boat to distant lands lasts: 1 day
Developing a gold mine, a clone spends every day: 6 units operability
Is the prince allowed to develop enterprises and buy back the resources produced there? Permitted
Is the prince allowed to develop enterprises and buy back the resources produced there? Permitted
How often do gold mines produce gold? everyday
How can I strengthen my home’s defense against attacks? Black pearls
How many bottles of kvass can be drunk before each fight in a tournament? No more than three
How long does the laborer complete the task of building a house? 1 hour
How many total social statuses are available to move up the social ladder? 7
How long does it take to build one level of a house (section “Real Estate”)? 96 hours
How long does it take to build one level of a house? 96 hours
How many days does the sowing process in the fields without the help of a maid take? 2 days
How many days does the fertilizer process last in the fields without the help of a maid? 5 days
How many experience points will a Batrak gain when upgrading to a Craftsman if he indicates the name of his mentor when studying at a public school (Character - Education - General Education - Help)? 500 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 kg of eggplant? 14 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 kg of beef? 64 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 kg of cabbage? 13 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 kg of potato? 12 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 kg of onion? 10 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 kg of tomatoes? 15 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 kg of pork? 67 units
How many health units is the nutritional value of 1 liter of milk? 21 units
How many units of health is the nutritional value of 1 egg? 3 units
How many health units does the Prince spend daily? 1 consumption rate according to clone status
How much gold is the nominal state value of 1 Caribbean Planter security? 1 gold
How many chickens can you buy initially in an empty farm? Exactly 20 chickens
How many chicken farms can one clone own? Only one
How many leagues are in the Clash of the Titans tournament? 6 leagues
How many leagues are in the “Piece of the common fund” tournament? 10 leagues
How many accessories can you put on to maximize performance in battle? 4, 1 of each type
How much can you win by betting on a fighter in a tournament? winnings cannot be higher than your bet
How much material is needed to start the construction of the Principality? 30% of the total
How much does criminal authority need to accumulate to assemble a gang? 3000
How much criminal authority does it take to assemble a gang in Priton? 3000
How many winners can be in the race at the Svinodrome (menu section "Tournaments")? Winners are announced to all participants except the last who came to the finish line.
How many descendants (referrals) can a clone have? Unlimited
How many prizes are there in each league in a tournament? 4 places
How many times a day can I participate in the Fight Club tournament? 3 times
How many times a day can one animal take part in races at a pig farm? No more than 3 times
How many times a day can a boar participate in races at the Svinodrome (menu section “Tournaments”)? No more than three times
How many times a day can a boar participate in races at a pig farm? No more than three times
How many referrals can a clone have? Unlimited
How many referrals can one clone have? Not limited
How many social statuses in the demographic statistics of the social layers of the population in the menu section "Social Status"? 8
How many social statuses are shown in the statistics of social strata of the population in the menu section "Character - Social Status"? 8
How much does a caftan cost in a Tool Store? 0,2
How much is a small-bore rifle in a hunting lodge? 0.5 gold
How much do the basic tools for the work necessary for the craftsman (such as a saw, pickaxe, mittens ...) cost in the Tool Shop? 1 gold
How many days does the State Duma vote on the approval of the bill? 3 days
How many Caribbean Landowner securities do you need to collect in order to exchange them for a real ranch in the Dominican Republic? 24050 pieces
Does the boar muscle mass decrease when the sport mode is turned off? Yes, reduced by 15%
Is there an opportunity to remove a clone working in a higher position at state-owned enterprises and take his place? Yes, if employment conditions allow for a particular company
Are there situations in which a farm laborer needs to eat? Optionally needed to speed up studies at a public school
The technological level of the settlement, which affects the amount of payments from the prince, higher units and the state, can be increased by: Improvements and construction of enterprises of the settlement
The owner of the settlement has 2 possibilities:
The owner of the settlement has two possibilities: Buy products independently or automatically
The use of what gives an increase in characteristics before a fight in a tournament or when a robber raid? Kvass
Using what gives an increase in performance before the fight? Kvass
Is the total number of civilian ships on Portovaya Square taken into account in the “Case - Pleasure Ships” section? Yes
Is the total number of civilian ships on Portovaya Square taken into account in the Pleasure Boats section? Yes
The storage belongs to: Account
The storage is convenient in that: All of the above
What does the accounting department do? Clone Earth Statistical Information
What do the grouse chickens eat? Bread
What do chickens eat? Bread
What do mortal chickens eat during grazing in the fields? Feeding: bugs, worms
What can I study at the University of the Clone Earth? Judiciousness
What can you study at the university? Judiciousness
What is the exchange rate of gold for clonero and vice versa? The course is determined by players on the Currency Exchange
What is the permanent salary of a lumberjack at state-owned enterprise Lesopilka? 0,0116
What is the constant salary in the position of a lumberjack at the state-owned enterprise Sawmill, indicated in the section Work - State-owned enterprises? 0,0116 gold
What is the number of fields available for farming in the house? House level
What will the Clone assigned to work on the agricultural field spend? 1 unit of health per day
What does a Trading Advisor do at a securities auction? He buys securities for you, automatically placing bets on the specified parameters
What do animals do when they are put up for sale on the State Farm? Continue to consume feed and produce products
What should a clone have when buying a pockmark? Free perch or bird yard
Which of the following cannot be sold? Hunting ticket
What besides a prize money, clones bring from a trip to distant lands? Ingredient for Elixir
What can a tradesman do with a small farm to increase the capacity of his chicken farm? To improve
What can be done with stones mined in a gold mine? All of the above
What can be done with forest gifts received on the hunt? All of the above is true.
What can I get at the gold mines? Gold and Gems
What can I get for winning a tournament? gold and black pearls
What can be obtained at the meat processing plant from the handed over cattle, whose weight is 350 kg or more? Skin
What can I do with a caftan after upgrading? Nothing, the caftan will disappear when rising
What can be combined? Work at the embassy and trade
What needs to be processed in the Department of Biotechnology of the State Farm to obtain Chicken Breeze fertilizer? Chicken droppings
What can not be combined? Be in several statuses simultaneously
What needs to be done to get gold from clonero and vice versa? To do this, you must make an exchange on the Clone Land Currency Exchange
What should be done with the barn once every 30 days? Repair required
What you need in order to create your race at the Svinodroma (menu sectionTournaments)?
What is needed in order to create your own race at the pig farm? Have an Athlete Boar Available
What do you need to give Baba Yaga to make friends with her? Experience
What should I give to the Tambling Head to make friends with her? A rock
What do you need to give Ghoul to make friends with him? Cereal
What do you need to give the creaky snag to make friends with her? Tree
What needs to be confirmed in the account settings for chatting? E-mail address
What do I need to confirm to chat? E-mail address
What does “Blitz Price” mean at a clone auction? The price at which you can instantly buy a clone
What allows cows to increase milk yield? Superfood
What relies on the player who built the city? Precious Commemorative Prize
What does a clone in a status above the laborer rely on for achieving first place in the State line for descendants? 3 farm laborers
What does a clone rely on, as a laborer and above, for each acquisition of status by his referral? 20% of the status cost + 1 unit charisma
What does the reporter get for his article published in the newspaper? Fee (premium)
What does the reporter get? Fee
What do cows produce from 61 days of life and weighing at least 320 kg? Milk
What will happen to the working caftan immediately after upgrading from a farm laborer to a craftsman? Fade away
What will happen to the ripened crop in the field if you do not pay the agricultural tax? Harvest does not deteriorate
What is gold and where is it used? In-game currency for calculations in the game itself
What is clonero? Game currency for depositing and withdrawing funds from the game
What stores the treasury of the settlement? The amount of payments of state benefits to owners of administrative units
What, besides winning the lottery, can clones bring from traveling to distant lands? Ingredient for Elixir
In order for the clone to get a job at the settlement enterprise, it is necessary: The presence of enterprises of any level and housing for rent, tools for work, the status of a clone above the farm laborer
  1. Greeting

  2. Introduction

  3. Age of the Clones. The beginning (farm laborer, artisan, peasant)

  4. Promotion (elite, robbers)

  5. Power (production, investment, speculation)

  6. The emperor

  7. Conclusion and registration in the game


Hello! With you Roman Million again! Finally, I decided to write an article about the most, very, most ancient cash withdrawal game Age of the Clones. Although I personally think that it will be more correct to call this project a blockbuster in my industry. I did not dare to write about this project for a long time, because you can write about it forever, and still you won’t write anything))) Therefore, I will try to describe this economic strategy as briefly as possible. You will find more detailed information on the development of the game on the website of the Clone Age.


This game was born already in 2007, and in April 2015 it will be 8 years old. And during this period of time, it has gone from a simple financial pyramid to a real virtual state, with its inhabitants, territories, principalities, administrative units, mining, and so on. First, the name of this withdrawal games  It was Golden clone. If my memory serves me, they renamed it in 2013.

In general, the project contains almost everything that is in the material world, more precisely, what happened 200 years ago in Russia, since the game was built in the old Russian style. Today in this virtual state live more than 260 thousand inhabitants. And many players over this time have long become millionaires! In the truest sense of the word. There are no restrictions on earnings. But to make money like that in Clone AgeOf course, we need not only significant investments in the game, but also the ability to think, count, predict, analyze large amounts of information and so on. Well, actually, let's get down to describing the game itself.

  Age of the Clones. Start.


As soon as you come to this state Golden Clone, you will be given your first character, Batrak. It's free. Of course, this character has no special privileges. This status gives us the opportunity to get acquainted with the game and take the first steps. You can try yourself as a servant or field worker. The farm laborer receives a salary from the characters of other players who have real estate and agricultural land in their possessions. It is also possible to go to a rooming house for financial assistance, or simply for a roof over your head.


But to start a real working career here, you can only with the status of artisan. In another way, this status is also called Worker. A craftsman can already get a job at more prestigious enterprises. Such as a sawmill, quarry, ship port and many, many others. Moreover, he has a choice whether to go to work for the state or for a private trader. The amount of salary at state-owned enterprises depends on work experience. It is clear that the more experience, the greater the remuneration. You can get as much from a private trader as you would from a state without experience at all. But to find such generous owners, you have to sweat. Shovel all administrative units. And oh, how many of them. A lot)))) But nothing is impossible))

The competitor of the farm "Neighbors"


Gaining experience in Clone Ageyou can raise the status of your hard worker to a peasant. The peasant is certainly not the elite yet, but he clearly has more opportunities for earning. At the same state-owned enterprises, he can get a more paid position. For example, to become a team leader. There is also the opportunity to open a business. This may be agriculture, which includes not only the cultivation of crops important for the life of the inhabitants of the state, but also livestock farming. There are chickens, pigs, and cows, everything is as it should be in a full-fledged country.

Take a look at the wedding of pigs in the Age of the Clones)))

Pigs by the way, there are not only standard ones that go for meat, but also sports ones. The latter participate in the races, and the most pumped out of them bring good income to their owners. After all, run with bets! So there is the opportunity to become a specialist farmer in the selection of sports pigs, and to breed pigs with maximum sports skills. Part-time work as a trainer. And you can just sell these elite pigs on a state farm. Demand for them is high.

In general, you choose. In one article it is impossible to list all the possibilities of peasant status. He can build houses, rent them out, get guarded or go to the robbers. Can go to distant lands for unknown treasures, or sit out pants on a visit to Baba Yaga, playing dice with gold coins with her))

Career advancement

Clone Age Elite

Next come such statuses as the tradesman, merchant, nobleman, boyar and the Emperor. This is undoubtedly the elite of this withdrawal games. Starting from the status of Petty Bourgeois, in this state simulator there are unlimited opportunities for our development. You can not just build real estate in foreign administrative units, but become the head of one of them by buying it at auction. But it’s even more interesting to start construction from scratch, from a farm.

As it develops, we transfer it to the village, then to the village, and finally to the city. The capacity of the city reaches 1800 working and residential places. Can you imagine what capacities of different enterprises can be set up there? Just fantastic! Accordingly, the income of the hoo! But city management is not an easy task. In addition to tracking incoming and outgoing residents and workers, charging them wages and developing production, it will be necessary to hire or train their own security units.


In 2012-2013, the project introduced a new block of Robbers and Bandits, who now haunt the owner of administrative units. Now, in order to preserve their treasury, the heads of villages and cities are constantly engaged in providing security. In principle, a well-pumped guard will repel the attack of the robbers, even while you are sleeping and your computer is turned off. So do not be alarmed))) Gangs have control. Moreover, for the captured bandits you can demand a ransom from their master. Or just keep them as servants.

Although no one will bother you to go onto a slippery path yourself)) Many players manage to earn more than one hundred gold per day (1 gold≈45 rubles) from robbing unguarded houses and villages. Novice players build inexperienced houses for rent, but do not really care about security. They will not feed the guard, then they will put a soldier with a saber in an expensive mansion, for example. And expensive houses definitely need to be guarded with a firearm, and even for ammunition to be stocked. Here are the pros of robbery and profit from such simpletons))) In general, you decide. Peaceful development, or joining a gang. But remember, sooner or later you will have to redeem your gang, and here communication skills, sociability as they say, will come in handy. After all, with whom you will decide this issue, the same player as you)


Production, investment, speculation

You can invest in industries such as a meat factory, shipbuilding, construction, oil, ore and so on. You can simply buy up shares of some enterprises and receive dividends. And when the price rises, sell it on the stock exchange. And if you have the skills or want to learn speculation, then welcome to the trading guild and all kinds of auctions, including the clone auction. On the exchanges there is even the opportunity to place pending orders, as in forex! I told you, everything is as in life))

The emperor

Everyone heard the expression - "What a soldier does not dream of becoming a general." So in Clone Age, every laborer dreams of becoming an Emperor. This is the highest status in this economic game with conclusion of money. The emperor becomes Boyarin, who rebuilt his principality and joined by a considerable number of cities, villages and villages. This is a real manager, with its own population, army and navy. The players, whose clones have reached this highest status in the game, the administration usually invites to its office for the official award of very valuable gifts.


How well I managed to present the concept of the project in this article, judge you dear reader. I can only add that I didn’t tell you a hundredth of what awaits you in this virtual world. For example, now I remembered that you can also work as a journalist in a state newspaper, unless of course there are writer skills. And many, many, many things! And remember, to make money in economic strategies, you need not just invest money, but also think and count a lot. So if you are not afraid to set foot on the path from Batraq to the Emperor, Welcome to the world of adventures of the Age of the Clones!

»The life of a virtual state is modeled. But unlike other similar games, it is possible to exchange game currency for real money in it. After registration, the player creates a character - a clone, which receives the initial status - the farm laborer. This status allows beginners to only get acquainted with the basics of the game, but does not allow them to perform any important actions, unlike the following enhancements. It is also worth noting that if you do not visit the game within 90 days and do not confirm your email, then your character will be at the auction of laborers. If you want to make money in the game a gold clone, then you need to work to improve your status. Let's see how to do this.

What can a peon in a game Age of Clones

  • build a dugout;
  • invite friends to the game, while receiving bonuses;
  • get a job at a sawmill, mine, quarry or mill as a servant, slaughterer, builder or worker;
  • receive daily reward in a rooming house;
  • engage in growing flowers and sell them at the Fair;
  • replenish the account and produce coins from clonero;
  • participate in public life on the forum and in the game chat;
  • chat with other participants in the chat.

Clonero is the currency in the Clone Age game, which is necessary to replenish gold in the game or withdraw money from the game.

Despite the small capabilities of the laborer, playing them, you can achieve a change in his status as a craftsman. To do this, the character will have to work hard and accumulate the first five gold coins. He will need them to study at the university. In total, five disciplines will need to be learned. Each of them costs one gold coin, and the duration of the training is three days. If you have a working capacity, then the training time can be reduced, but it is better not to do this, since this parameter will be useful to you in the future. Just study science subjects as coins accumulate in the game, all the more time for training will be enough.

How to develop a farm laborer

The most important thing to start with is to visit a rooming house. In it, the character receives housing and additional funds. In order to get into a rooming house, you need to go to the Work point, then Batrakam and Nochlezhka. Then select Ask for shelter and. A daily visit to the rooming house will bring your character 0.01 gold coins. Next, go to the section Work-\u003e Farmhouse -\u003e For the maid. We earn by working as a servant. We answer the question correctly and in one hour you get 0.0001-0.0008 coins.

After that, having accumulated a total of 0.2 gold coins, you need to buy a caftan and start working for a state-owned enterprise, such as a mine, quarry, mill or sawmill. There is no difference what kind of enterprise you are at this stage of the game. For each day you work at a state-owned enterprise, you can earn 1 unit of experience. That is, for the duration of the caftan, equal to 30 days, you can earn only 30 experience. This does not mean that at the same time you cannot earn gold on tasks for domestic workers.

After gaining 10 experience points and exchanging them for one point of knowledge of a butcher, your character can get a slaughterhouse at a meat factory. For this work, the character receives only 0.0001 coins, but you can do it every 15 minutes. Also with ten units of experience, you can perform tasks on building houses. They rarely appear and are immediately taken apart. Therefore, they must be constantly monitored. The duration of the work is 1 hour, and the payment is from 0.0001 coins to 0.01.

To grow flowers, you first need to build a dugout. No resources are required for this. Then we get the seeds of flowers, also without investing any funds. There are nine varieties of flowers that a farm laborer can grow. They have different prices for sale and different ripening periods. In one period, it is possible to grow 50 pieces of flowers of one variety, and you can sell them at the fair. For a couple of days you will definitely sell grown flowers, black tulips or roses are best.

Also, be sure to register on the game forum for the opportunity to participate in contests held there. The prize that the winner can receive is additional cash. In addition, there is still a way to get gold playing other games through the WASDClub service. To get 0.25 gold you need to collect 100 ricks, some games give 750 at a time.

The fastest and easiest way to become a craftsman is to replenish your game account with real money. You buy 5 gold coins and study the necessary sciences and after 3 days you begin to actively earn money. To buy gold coins in the game you need to go to the section Game account-\u003e replenish account -\u003e buy card certificates. After purchasing a certificate, you need to activate it. This is easily done in the “card activation” tab.

After your character becomes a craftsman, he will lose the opportunity to grow flowers and receive funds from visiting the shelter. And to get a job in state-owned enterprises, the character will need a tool. That is, it turns out that for a further comfortable game as a craftsman you need to accumulate a certain amount of gold coins, ideally this is about 6 gold coins. But it already completely depends on your chosen strategy. There are a lot of options for development and earning in the game The Age of Clones.

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Age of the Clones

Economic games  with the possibility of earning real money  most often have the form of a "farm". Usually they have a simple similarity to the plot, which implies great opportunities for development. The Clone Age is one of the curious exceptions.

Before us, in fact, is a full-fledged RPG, in which there are all elements of the genre: historical setting, character classes, combat system, open world, as well as signs of an economic strategy. And with all this, earned money can be cashed, thus combining business with pleasure.

The plot of the game, in a sense, is related in ancient Russia from the time of feudal fragmentation. The main status, however, is not similar to Old Russian - the Emperor. There are eight statuses in the game, and the goal of the player in this case is to achieve the main thing. A beginner begins to play the rank of Batrack. Other statuses in ascending order: Craftsman, Peasant, Tradesman, Merchant, Nobleman, Boyarin and, finally, the Emperor.

Each new title opens up advanced opportunities for the participant. So, a nobleman can be hired for public service, a merchant can trade and so on. The opportunities for development here are incredibly large: you can be a worker, or you can have your own enterprise and hire other players to work, you can study at the university and master the necessary sciences, or you can become a robber ... The last profession is suitable for those who like easy money, but it involves with their difficulties. Another interesting opportunity for a player is to become an investor; in this case, it is necessary to invest in securities, development, real estate or production. You can also join the army and achieve the rank of general. On all types of activities you can earn decent money.

Laborers mainly work in various industries. Initially, these are state-owned enterprises in which a beginner earns his first experience. Experience is exchanged for knowledge, and they allow you to get a job at more qualified places and become a builder, slaughterer, servant, etc. Instead of enterprises, you can go to Druzhina and gain military experience.

A special role is given to various tournaments and competitions. Combat tournaments - without them the Middle Ages are generally impossible to imagine. In the “Age of Clones” you can earn gold on them, and in the appendage you can improve your fighting skills. And if you are not inclined to fight or fight, then you can take part in “peaceful” contests, for example, agricultural ones. One of them is a competition for rearing the heaviest bull. For victory, they also have a reward.

By combining elements of different genres, the “Age of Clones” has become a large-scale “state simulator” in which real players enter into various economic and political relations and have quite material profit for participating in them.

Each character in the game has a number of parameters, including gender. It can be changed in the hospital, which, however, costs some money. The higher the status of the player, the more expensive the operation. You can change the sex as much as you like, although often this action turns into a "fad for clones with money."

One of the most important characteristics of a character is Intention. Here it is a certain force in the Universe, moving all the processes. Intention must be constantly developed, then it increases the importance of basic knowledge and skills. The Power of Intent turns your clone into a full-fledged person who knows what she wants to achieve and applies maximum energy to it.

One of the most profitable occupations of clones on Earth is agriculture. It is the basis of the entire economic system of the world.