
“Library lesson“ My small homeland - Karachay-Cherkessia! Building a subject-developing environment in groups

School hour script

My small homeland -Karachay-Cherkessia

Purpose: to tell, show how people of different nationalities sing
native land in songs, poems, dances; teach to read poetry expressively;
foster love for the Motherland, develop speech and creativity
Class hour
1. The song "Caucasus" sounds
2. The poem "My land"
I want to turn into a bird,
To fly around the whole world.
See the world, return home,
To say that the edge is better - no.
Ascend into the sky with the sun, a cloud,
To see the whole Earth of you.
I would like to become a mighty river
To wash your fields
I can't drink your water,
Breathe in the mountains, do not breathe.
Walk in the woods, do not walk up.
To admire you for a century!

It is no coincidence that the class hour began with wonderful verses about the homeland, since today we will talk about the small homeland - Karachayev - Cherkessia. But it should be fair to say that our land is unthinkable without a common homeland with you - Russia. Imagine that there is a blue sky above you, and under your feet is the land on which your grandmothers and great-grandmothers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, your mothers and fathers were born. This is our homeland.

Think, where does our Motherland begin?
- You have a heart on your desks, write down in one sentence "Motherland is ...". Underline the best word of these words.

Read the topic with delight, joyfully.

Now pronounce it lovingly.
- When we pronounce it, we have different feelings. Homeland ...

How much this word means to us! Homeland is the place where you were born and live, this is our common home.

The homeland is not only mountains and forests, rivers and lakes, flora and fauna, but also people who know and love their native land. Our Motherland is an immense, mighty Russia. Every person living in Russia has his own small homeland. We will talk about it today.

January 12, 1922 our small Motherland - Karachay - Cherkess Autonomous Region was formed, and on December 9, 1992. - a new administrative unit within Russia was formed - the Karachay - Cherkess Republic. Until the end of days, each person retains a grateful love for the place where his life begins - for his father's house.

III. Working with the map.

And now, guys, take a look at the map of our Motherland and look for the Caucasus Mountains on it, which stretch from the Caspian to the Black Seas.

Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the northwest of the mountains. This is a small corner of our vast Motherland. In the east, it borders on the famous resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters (Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Yessentuki).

In the southeast, it is adjoined by the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

In the south, the border of the republic runs along the Main Caucasian Range and borders on Georgia and Abkhazia. And in the west it borders on the Krasnodar Territory.

The length of our republic from west to east is 160 km, and from north to south - 140 km. Our republic covers an area of \u200b\u200b14277 sq. km. It is home to about 477,859 people of various nationalities.

Our republic is called the pearl of the North Caucasus. There are few places on earth that could compare in their beauty with our Dombai and Teberda.

Leading... A corner of big Russia - a native mountainous land - this is how our republic is called poetically. Indeed, Karachay - Cherkessia is generously endowed with nature. The abundance of the sun, mountain ranges with snow caps, all this is our Karachay-Cherkessia, this is our Motherland.


Reserve "Teberdinsky"

The mountains are huge and inaccessible with peaks sparkling in the sun and snow-white clouds roaming above them - this is Karachay - Cherkessia!

Mountain Elbrus

Mountain forests, the highest firs and spruces, alpine meadows with flowering herbs, delicious berries and mushrooms - the pristine kingdom of nature. And this is Karachay-Cherkessia!

Furiously running rivers, bottomless lakes, rumbling waterfalls, crystal-clear springs, powerful avalanches - this is Karachay - Cherkessia!

People are proud, beautiful, hospitable with age-old traditions of their ancestors. And how many secrets our land keeps! This is Karachay - Cherkessia!

Leading.The Caucasus, the Caucasus Mountains, the peoples living in these parts have always excited people with their exoticism, unique beauty. They loved the Caucasus, wonderful Russian poets and writers wrote about the Caucasus.

The centuries-old past of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia is a way of overcoming difficulties, difficult trials and battles. More than once the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia expelled invaders from their native lands. The bonds of friendship between the mountain peoples and Russia go back to the distant past.

3. Poem. " That was a long time ago…"

It was long ago, under Ivan the Terrible,

From the edge of gorges and foamed rivers

To Russia for a great constant friendship,

A man came for the brotherly help.

After all, there is only one stone - this is not a fortress at all

This is how the old highlanders say

Caucasians and Russians in fierce storms

Since those memorable times, like a fortress stand.

The life of the mountain people, who were illiterate, did not even have their own written language, was hard and joyless. Years passed, Karachay-Cherkessia changed. Mountain peoples found their own writing, poets, writers and teachers appeared. The old sakli disappeared forever in the auls, bright houses, schools, hospitals grew up instead of them, libraries for children, clubs, cinemas were opened.

The current Karachay-Cherkessia is one of the multinational regions of Russia. Representatives of many nationalities and nationalities live in it in peace and friendship. The ethnic composition of the republic is as follows: Karachais - 40.6% Russians - 31.4% Circassians - 11.8 Abaza - 7.7% Nogais - 3.3% And this list can be continued for a long time. Yes, verbal polyphony rings on this earth, merging into a complex orchestral symphony of common life, from which tales, legends, songs, dances are born. And our main task is to achieve prosperity and greatness of our native land, to become full-fledged citizens of our Great Motherland, able to preserve and develop achievements
fathers and grandfathers - to live in peace and harmony.

4. Poem "Sons of the Tribes"
The glare of the sun is shining
Dawn ripples like fire.
To you, my land is multilingual,
I am faithful to everyone's blood.
Under Russian steel banners
We go forward one way.
- Where are you from? - ask us by name.
- I'm from Russia! - anyone will tell you.

Sons of tribes of different languages
We have learned to live in brotherhood.
In one great language
And songs to sing and speak.

5. The poem "My Karachay-Cherkessia"
1. Under the joyful sun of Russia
By snowy peaks and sparkling rivers
Circassian, Karachai and Abazin,
Nogay and Russian became friends forever

Through meadows, valleys and fields
Beauty and happiness without melting,
You pass young
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!
Snow-white flocks everywhere
Grain fields everywhere
Slender Dombai plane trees -
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!

6. The poem "Love your Republic ..."

Love your Republic,

Fatherland you tirelessly

Where are the branches of pine trees, like nannies,

Rocked your cradle.

Love your Republic

For bread and salt, for breathing

Free chest and over the roof

You meet a quiet dawn.

Love your Republic,

Keeping grandfather's courage.

For your own good

Do not betray your neighbor on fire.

Love your Republic

Always, in days of joy and sorrow,

Save your hearth and your family

Only mountains will help you.

7. The poem "Along one path"
Along one narrow path
We walked through the dense forest
Karachai and Russian,
Abaza and Circassian.
A Nogai walked next to us
Our youngest, our fifth brother.
We walked together exhausted
In a vain search for good.

8. The poem "Without you, I ..."
Through meadows, valleys and fields, Beauty and happiness without melting,
You are a young mountain woman, my Karachay-Cherkessia.
I'm a wingless eagle without you
Without you I am a waterless ravine
Without you, I would have long ago withered
Without you I am a barren plant.
I am an extinct hearth without you
Without you, I - that the saklya is empty,
Without you, I would have long ago withered
In short, I am nothing without you.

Indeed, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is one of
the most beautiful corners of our Motherland, the pearl of the Caucasus. But our
republic, it is not only wonderful nature, it is above all
people, their life and history. The strength of the state lies in harmony, skill
live in harmony with nature and other people.

Historical page

To love your land means to know its history, geography and culture. Do you know your republic well?

1 student : In the 1st millennium B.C. on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia lived Scythian-Sarmatians (north) and Kolkhs (south). In the 4-8 centuries. Abaza and Abkhaz settled in the valleys, and Alans settled in the mountain gorges of the Kuban.
2 student:In the 9-10th centuries. the territory of the KCh was part of an early feudal state that had political and economic ties with Byzantium, Khazars, Georgians.
The population was mainly engaged in cattle breeding.
3 student:From the 14th century. The territory of KCh was constantly subjected to devastating raids by the Crimean Tatars and Turks. In 1552, 1555 and 1557. to Moscow were
sent 3 embassies, which established a political alliance with Russia.
4 student:The Russian-Caucasian war was one of the bloodiest and
long wars in the history of Russia. According to some researchers, the war has been fought since 1763, while according to other sources it began in 1817.

At the beginning of 1919, the entire KC was included in Russia, and this inclusion in the general channel of development of Russia broke the closed nature of the natural economy, led to the decomposition of the community. In 1858-61. on the territory of the KCh, the Batalpashinsky district was founded, later - the department of the Kuban region. In 1868. Serfdom was abolished. During this period, mines and mines, small food industry enterprises were opened.
Since 1918. Soviet power was established here on January 12, 1922, when the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region, shortly KCHAO, with its center in the village of Batalpashinskaya, was formed, then renamed the city of Sulimov, Yezhovo-Cherkessk and finally received its modern name Cherkessk. The Cossack village of Batalpashinskaya was founded in 1825. It got its name, oddly enough, by the name of the defeated enemy: in 1790, in the vicinity of modern Cherkessk, a Russian army of 4,000 people defeated the 25,000-strong Turkish army. The Russians were commanded by Major General Ivan German, and the Turkish commander was called Batal Pasha. The name of the new settlement is a sign of respect for a serious enemy.

5 student:
The battle for the Caucasus (1942-1943) became a tragic page in the history of the people - this is one of the largest battles of the Second World War. The region became the arena of bloody battles between Soviet troops and Nazi invaders.

Who is the President of Karachay-Cherkessia?

(Rashid Borispievich Temrezov)

Name the capital of the republic.

(Cherkessk city)

What are the state symbols of Karachay-Cherkessia? What do you know about them?

State flag of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The flag of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a straight quadrangle with an aspect ratio: length to height of 2: 1. The flag of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is formed of three colors, located in three horizontal stripes equal in width: light blue - on top, green - in the middle, red - below. In the center of the green strip, in its entire width, there is a light circle (ring), in which the sun rising from behind the mountains with five wide doubled and six tonics and short rays.

Light blue - the personification of peace, light and good intentions and tranquility.

Green color - the main color of nature, a symbol of fertility, wealth and creativity, the color of youth and at the same time wisdom and restraint.

Red - a solemn color, a symbol of warmth and closeness between nations.

State emblem of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The coat of arms of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic has a round heraldic shape. The background is yellow, symbolizing the sunny Karachevo-Cherkessia.

In the center of the composition is the stylized silhouette of Elbrus, which means eternity, strength and greatness. It is superimposed on a blue circle, symbolizing the eternal sky and blue waters. The diameter of the circle in relation to the total circle is 1: 2.

On both sides of the branch and flowers rhododendron - one of the most specific alpine plants of Karachevo-Cherkessia. These flowers are a symbol of peace, health, purity.

The shape at the bottom resembles a bowl that symbolizes hospitality. The bowl and the small circle slightly go beyond the boundaries of the large circle, which makes the coat of arms more attractive.

State Anthem of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

I am proud of the ancient homeland!
The snow light of Elbrus is eternal
And holy Kuban is a pure stream!
These steppes, these mountains
I have both roots and support,
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!

I am grateful to the Motherland
For all the years of my life
Among the fraternal languages, birthmarks,
You are given by Nature itself,
Cradle of my peoples
My cities, auls and villages!

You are the pearl of Russia!
Let under a peaceful blue sky
Your fate will always be good!
And live for centuries, dear,
Not knowing evil and bitterness,
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!

Man is born for happiness and is worthy of happiness. Happiness to live on this earth, happiness to think and love, to rejoice and delight others. Happiness is unthinkable without such values \u200b\u200bas work, thought, love and friendship. Friendship between people, friendship between nations. We are proud of the friendship in the multinational family of peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia.

In the Caucasian mountains there were horsemen,
To strengthen men's friendship stronger,
Gave a friend - friend blades and daggers,
Both the best cloaks and the best horses.
And I am as evidence of sincere friendship,
Friends send you my songs.
They and my dear weapons
And my horse, and my best cloak.

The majestic mountains of the Caucasus are strong,
And our mighty land is beautiful without embellishment,
But higher than Kazbek and harder than diamond
Great friendship that brought us together.

At our close table
Ringing songs are pouring.
These songs are wonderful
Let the language be more than one.

Friendship songs compose
Both Circassian and Nogay,
Proud son of Karachai,
Russian and Abaza.

Our part-time tour of our native land is coming to an end. Let's summarize.

What do you think, what you, the disciples, can do for our land to prosper: rivers and lakes were clean, and there were a lot of fish, there were many mushrooms and berries in the forests, which are needed not only by humans, but by animals and birds.

What can you do to keep our village and cities clean and beautiful?

So that the school and our class are cozy, and every day we come here with desire?

Yes, our republic is beautiful, and we are proud of our Motherland!

9. The poem "I love my Motherland so madly"
... I'm madly homeland
i love so much.
Ask why, -
i probably won't answer.
I can't simple
ordinary speech
To tell something
that I will sing with my heart ...

Invisible or important - on earth, any of us
Dies only once and is born only once!
So let's be kind people, at least for these times
So we will take care of each other so that they envy us!
I love the open spaces of the steppes and snow-capped mountains,
And dense mountain forests.
And the stories of aksakals, and brooding rocks,
And the growing factories of the corps.
I loved your cities and rivers forever,
And, standing guard, poplars.
The land is rich and beautiful.
A corner of my native Russia - my Karachay-Cherkessia!
Highlanders know the value of honor. Build the future together.
Good brothers, a business-like family.
You are sung by poets, warmed by the gentle sun,
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten" Stream "

Settlement: Karachay - Cherkessia, Art. Watchdog


1.1 Explanatory note.

The program "My Motherland - Karachay - Cherkessia" was developed on the basis of the federal state standard of preschool education, the partial program "Involvement of children in the origins of Russian folk culture" / O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva /, teaching aids "How to teach children to love their Motherland "/ Yu. Antonov, L.V. Levina /, "Raising a Little Citizen" / G.A. Kovalev /, study program "Know the World", a guide to local history and natural history "Traveling along the necklace of the North Caucasus" / V. Gaazov. /

goal : the formation of the basis of culture in preschool children of 3-7 years on the basis of familiarization with the life and life of the native people, its character, inherent moral values, traditions, and cultural features.

Humanistic upbringing of a child based on universal human values, on love for parents, family, the place where he grew up, for the Motherland.


  • To develop in preschoolers an interest in their native land, its attractions, events of the past and present.
  • To enrich the knowledge of preschoolers about our multinational homeland - Karachay-Cherkessia.
  • To acquaint children with the customs and traditions, folk art of the peoples of the KChR, to foster a sense of respect for the traditions and customs of other peoples.
  • To foster in children an interest, a careful and creative attitude to the nature of their native land, to develop the ability to feel the beauty of nature and emotionally respond to it.
  • To contribute to the increase in the activity of parents in raising the child's love for the native land, the village, to promote the formation of the desire to take part in social actions.
  • Improvement of the developing subject-spatial environment.

Conditions for the implementation of the tasks:

Familiarization of preschoolers with their native land should naturally "enter" into a holistic educational process, built on the basis of determining the dominant goals of the basic program, solved against the background of local history material.

Principles of program implementation:

  • The principle of historicism: it is realized by preserving the chronological order of the described phenomena and is reduced to two historical concepts: the past / a long time ago / and the present / today /.
  • The principle of humanization: aimed at educating the civic qualities of preschoolers, assuming an orientation towards the highest universal values \u200b\u200b- love for the family, city, region, Fatherland.
  • The principle of accessibility: the content of the program corresponds to the age characteristics of preschoolers.
  • The principle of complexity: each topic is realized through a complex of various types of child's activities / cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative, physical development /.
  • Integration principle: assumes family friendship, continuity with public organizations.

Brief description of the program.

The regional program is developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for the structure of the OOP DOE. The Program reflects the content of education of children from 3 to 7 years old, formed by the participants of the educational process, taking into account the climatic, national - cultural, demographic, socio - economic and socio - cultural conditions of the Karachay - Cherkess Republic.

Program "My Motherland - Karachay - Cherkessia"offers new guidelines in the moral and patriotic education of children, aimed at introducing children to folk culture. The main goal of the program is to contribute to the formation of a personal culture in children, to introduce them to the rich cultural heritage of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia, to lay the foundation for the development of national culture by children, for which children must know the life and life of the people of the KChR, its character, moral values, traditions inherent in it. , features of the material and cultural environment.

The theoretical basis of the program is the well-known thesis that children, in the process of acquainting themselves with their native culture, become familiar with enduring universal human values. Spiritual, creative patriotism must be instilled from early childhood. The native culture, like father and mother, must become an integral part of the child's soul. Patriotism is closely connected with the spirituality of the individual, with its depth, therefore, the teacher, not being a patriot himself, will not be able to awaken a feeling of love for the Motherland. It is precisely to “awaken”, and not to memorize and not to impose, since the basis of patriotism is the spiritual principle, which is acquired and experienced individually. Only a patriotic teacher is able to convey the spirit of national culture, open and show children its beauty and originality.

Based on this theoretical background, the following is recommended:

  • the surrounding objects, fostering in him a sense of beauty, curiosity, should have national specificity. This will help children from a very early age to understand that these things are part of his great people;
  • it is necessary to widely use all types of folklore / fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, etc. / In oral folk art, special features of the national character, its moral values, ideas of goodness, beauty, truth, courage, etc. have been preserved. Introducing children to sayings, riddles, fairy tales, the teacher introduces them to universal and national values. In folklore, a special place is held by respect for work, admiration for the skill of human hands. Thanks to this, national folklore is the richest source for the cognitive and moral development of children;
  • holidays and traditions should play an important role in introducing children to folk culture. They focus accumulated over the centuries observations of the behavior of birds, plants, weather phenomena, etc., it is very important to acquaint children with folk applied art and decorative painting. National arts and crafts / toys, paintings, costumes, etc. / has a bright national flavor and unconditional artistic value.

1.3 Targets.

Child's achievements.

  • The child shows interest in his small homeland.
  • He is well oriented not only in the microdistrict closest to the kindergarten and home, but also in the central streets of his native village. Knows and strives to comply with the rules of conduct in public places.
  • The child shows curiosity in relation to his native village, the republic - its history, nature, unusual monuments, buildings, sights.
  • With pleasure he is involved in project activities, children's collecting, the creation of mini-museums related to the knowledge of the small homeland.
  • The child takes initiative in socially significant matters: participates in socially significant events, experiences emotions associated with the events of the war years and the exploits of villagers, residents of the republic; seeks to express a positive attitude towards older people.
  • Reflects his impressions of his small homeland in his preferred activity: tells, depicts, embodies images in games, unfolds the plot, etc.

Causes concern and requires joint efforts of parent educators

  • The child is characterized by a slight manifestation of interest and a pronounced positive emotional attitude towards his small homeland. Doesn't ask questions.
  • Reflects impressions of the native land in activities without pleasure.
  • He does not seek to show initiative in socially significant matters related to the life of his native land.
  • The idea of \u200b\u200ba small homeland is superficial and often distorted.

2.1. Organization of activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of the Regional program of preschool education.

The variable part of the main general educational program of preschool education is no more than 40% of the time required for its implementation, and is determined by the preschool educational institution independently.

The activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of the Program are organized on a daily basis in two main models:

Joint activities of an adult and children;

Independent activities of children.

Cooperative activity -the solution of educational tasks is carried out in the form of directly - educational activities and during the regime moments.

GCD is implemented:

- through the organization of various types of children's activities (play, motor, cognitive - research, communicative, productive, musical - artistic, labor, reading fiction)

- through integration with the use of various forms (problem-play situation, reading fiction (cognitive) literature, observation, outdoor play, play exercise, experimentation, project activities, etc.), the choice of which is made by teachers independently.

To ensure the integrity of the child's ideas about his native land, it is used in a complex a thematic approach that reflects a certain fragment of reality and sets a general contextual meaning corresponding to the interests and age capabilities of children.

Forms of organization of the regional component:

The main form of work is joint activity;

Individual and group conversations;

Didactic, mobile, plot - role-playing games;

Integrated activity;

Excursions, video tutorials;

Creative meetings;

Visiting exhibitions.

2.2. Blocks of the team's work on the implementation of the program "My Motherland - Karachay - Cherkessia" ..

1. BLOCK - National life.

The surrounding objects have a great influence on the formation of the spiritual qualities of a child - they develop curiosity, bring up a sense of beauty.

2. BLOCK - Acquaintance with folklore / fairy tales, songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings, etc. /

In folk song folklore, word and musical rhythm are miraculously combined. In oral creativity, as nowhere else, reflected the features of the Russian character, its inherent moral values \u200b\u200b- the idea of \u200b\u200bgoodness, beauty, truth, loyalty. A special place in such works is held by respect for work, admiration for the skill of human hands. Thanks to this, folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

3... BLOCK - Acquaintance with traditions and ritual holidays.

Ritual holidays are closely related to labor and various aspects of human social life. . They contain the subtlest observations of people for the characteristic features of the season, weather changes, the behavior of birds, insects, plants. I believe that this folk wisdom, preserved over the centuries, should be passed on to children.

4. BLOCK - Familiarity with folk art.

The people showed their creative aspirations and abilities only in the consciousness of the objects necessary in work and everyday life. However, this world of utilitarian things reflected the spiritual life of the people, their understanding of the surrounding world - beauty, nature, people. Folk craftsmen did not literally copy nature. Reality, colored with fantasy, gave rise to distinctive images. This gave birth to fabulously beautiful paintings on spinning wheels and dishes, patterns in lace and embroidery, fancy toys.

5. BLOCK - Acquaintance with Russian folk games.

Russian folk games attracted attention not only as a genre of oral folk art. The huge potential for the physical development of the child contained in them prompted us to introduce folk games into the program of organizing the physical activity of children.

2.3. Projects of the program "My Motherland - Karachay - Cherkessia"

The program is educational, general cultural, active in nature, designed for preschool children from 3 to 7 years old, includes four projects. and reflects the various directions of the process of familiarizing children with the national culture:

  1. Project "Karachay - Cherkessia"
  • Acquaintance with Karachay - Cherkessia (symbols of the republic, capital, president, etc.);
  • Karachay-Cherkessia cities;
  • Folk crafts of the KChR;
  • Karachay - Cherkessia - a multinational family, our heroes;
  • Sights of Karachayevo - Cherkessia;
  1. Project "The Legend of Deep Antiquity"
    • "The cat went to the torzhok" (acquaintance with folklore (fairy tales, songs, ditties, etc.);
    • A kolyada came - open the gates (acquaintance with the traditions of the Russian and Karachai peoples and ceremonial holidays);
    • Dolls from the grandmother's chest (acquaintance with the folk art of the KChR);
    • "Burn, burn clearly" (introduction to folk games)
  2. Project "My Little Homeland"
  • Acquaintance with the native village - Watchtower (history of the village, attractions, nature, etc.); Family album (acquaintance with the history of your family);
  • We are so different and the same (about the nationalities living on the territory of the village);
  • Glory and pride of the Russian land (about the heroes of the village, about the toilers of the village).
  1. The project "The nature of Karachay - Cherkessia is full of wonders"
  • The edge of mountains and alpine meadows;
  • Who lives in the forest, what grows in the forest (acquaintance with the Teberda reserve);
  • I also want to live (Red Book of Karachay-Cherkessia)

Each direction contains a number of topics that are integrated into the sections of the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution.

2.4 Curriculum work program

Junior preschool age

  • To form ideas about yourself, your family, family relationships, about the house in which we live, about the kindergarten.
  • Inform that adults are working, children go to kindergarten, schoolchildren are studying. Reveal the meaning: why people work.
  • To form an idea that children live in Russia, in Karachay-Cherkessia, in st. Watchdog; to support the bright traditions and customs of the peoples of the KChR.
  • To form ideas about the domestic, economic and labor activities of the peoples of the KChR.
  • Explain what belongs to the world of animate and inanimate nature, what is done by human hands; the practical value of nature.
  • Discuss how the life of the people of the village, republic, country is arranged.
  • To acquaint with transport on our streets, with the specifics of buildings and their arrangement.
  • Know who works in kindergarten.
  • Know about the life of the village
  • Know folklore
  • Introduce to national holidays.

Senior preschool age.

  • To form elementary ideas about the historical past of Karachay - Cherkessia.
  • To form an idea that children live in Russia, in Karachay-Cherkessia, in st. Watchdog; to acquaint with the sights of the republic; with the symbols of the country, republic; teach her to recognize; discuss what holidays are celebrated at different times of the year, how to prepare for them; to support the bright traditions and customs of the peoples of the KChR.
  • Discuss several important social events that everyone around you is talking about / celebration of a certain historical date, sporting events, holiday of the village. /
  • Continue to acquaint children with national state symbols / flag, coat of arms of Russia, KCR, anthem /, provide information about peoples of different nationalities and cultures inhabiting the republic, their traditions and customs.
  • To foster the beginning of civic consciousness, pride in the achievements of the citizens of the republic, the village, to be aware of the solemnity of national holidays, to rejoice in the successes of others.
  • Encourage children to talk about their family, kindergarten, street, village, republic.
  • Recall the main events that occur in nature and in public life in certain months of the year.
  • To consolidate the idea that human health depends on the correct satisfaction of his vital needs and sports
  • Learn to find a connection between the climate and the way of life of people, how a person adapts to his environment, to bring up responsibility for his behavior in nature and society
  • To contribute to the general development of the child on the basis of love for the culture, traditions of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia, to acquaint with the craftsmen and traditions of the peoples of the KChR.

2.4 . Integration of the regional component into the educational areas of the PLO Preschool.

Educational area

Methodical techniques

Cognitive development

Getting to know nature:

Conversations, computer mini-presentations, multimedia screenings of fragments of films about the nature, flora and fauna of Karachay-Cherkessia, with folk signs, folk calendar;

Collection of herbariums, collections;

Experimental and experimental work;

Project activities.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world (familiarization with the immediate environment):

Excursion: 1st and 2nd junior groups - on the premises and territory of the kindergarten; middle group - on acquaintance with the sights of the area; senior and preparatory - walking and bus excursions around the village; mini-trips to the forest area adjacent to the preschool educational institution, school, library;

Conversations: “My family”, “Where a person lives”, “My native street”, “The house in which we live”, “My village”, “Our republic”, “The nature of Karachay-Cherkessia”, “Heart of the mountains - Dombay "," Small homeland and big homeland "," Teberda reserve "," Our country - Russia ", etc .;

Acquaintance with the symbols: flag, coat of arms; portraits of the leaders of the republic, village, region, Russia.

Physical development

Conversations about sports, familiarization with symbols, watching films about sports and athletes;

Conversations about sportsmen - champions, pride of Karachay - Cherkessia;

Conversations about sports, watching sports cartoons;

Wide use of folk games of the KChR;

Sports events, entertainment, relay races, competitions, mini - Olympiads.

Conversations about health "Me and my body", "Aibolit lessons", "Etiquette lessons", "Moidodyr lessons";

Excursions to the medical office;

Project activity;

Experiments and experimentation;

Creation of health corners in groups.

Social and communicative development

Acquaintance with the past of the native land:

Organization of an ethnographic corner at a preschool educational institution;

Meetings with parents: get-togethers, tasting of national cuisine;

Viewing fragments of historical films, old photographs, a story about the historical past of Karachay - Cherkessia;

Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, excursions to monuments to the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War, watching fragments of films about the war, telling about the heroic past of the republic.

Spirituality and culture:

- conversations on acquaintance with traditions in Russia, in Karachay-Cherkessia; with a spiritual and moral way of life;

Carrying out children's folklore holidays;

Celebration of all national and regional holidays.

Speech development

Folklore: legends, epics, proverbs, sayings, riddles, chants, teasers, phrases;

Folk tales of Karachay - Cherkessia;

Thematic exhibitions dedicated to the work of writers, poets and artists of Karachay - Cherkessia;

Staging games;

Dramatization of folk tales;

Reading poems of the KCR;

Show of all types of theaters (shadow, flannelegraph, puppet theater of toys, table, finger);

Decoration of corners of dressing in all age groups;

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical folklore (children's, ceremonial, household, round dance);

Musical culture: acquaintance with the work of composers of the KChR;

Holding holidays, entertainment, musical and literary quizzes, folklore folk festivals and festivities;

Familiarization with folk musical instruments: button accordion, balalaika, accordion, noise folk instruments;

use of audio and video recordings of concerts, children's parties in the group; musical folk instruments;

Music corner decoration;

Conversation about the national costume of the peoples of the KChR;

Conversations about the fine arts of Karachay - Cherkessia;

Examination of reproductions of paintings, slides, postcards, booklets about the KCR;

Registration in the preschool educational institution of the art gallery of creativity of artists of Karachay-Cherkessia;

Artistic and productive activities: folk crafts.

Implementation of the educational areas of the regional component program in the process of children's activities






Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

  1. KCHR nature
  2. Folk calendar.
  3. Experimentation.
  4. Acquaintance with everyday life.
  5. Folk crafts.
  6. Observation of objects of the native land.
  7. Climatic zones, bowels of the KChR.
  1. I and my family.
  2. Homeland.
  3. Ethics.
  4. Tolerance.
  1. Conversations about health, about athletes, about sports.
  2. Folk games.

1. Reading fairy tales, legends, epics,


2. Learning poetry, proverbs, sayings, teasing,

counting rooms.

2. Listening to folk music.

3. Acquaintance with folk instruments.

4. Playing folk instruments.

5. Fine arts of Karachay - Cherkessia.

6. Acquaintance with the folk costume of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia.

2.5. Components of moral and patriotic education on the example of familiarization with a small homeland.


(child's ideas about the world around)

Emotionally stimulating

(emotionally positive feelings of the child to the world around him)


(reflection of attitude to the world in activities)

Culture of the people, its traditions, folk art

The nature of the native land and country, human activities in nature

The history of the country reflected in the names of streets, institutions, monuments

Symbols of the republic and country (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

Love and affection for family and home

Interest in the life of the native land and country

Pride in your country's achievements

Respect for the culture and traditions of the peoples inhabiting Russia, Karachay - Cherkessia; to the historical past

Admiration for folk art, outstanding and famous people of culture and art, sports

Love for native nature, for native language

Respect for a person-worker and a desire to take an active part in work



Artistically productive

Artistic and musical


Search and experimental





Promotion of pedagogical knowledge on this issue among parents:

Visual agitation: stands, thematic exhibitions and expositions;

Conversations, consultations;

Creation of joint projects with environmental workshops, experiments;

Involving parents in organizing the developing environment of groups and sites, collecting equipment for experiments, literature: arranging an experimenting corner, designing new objects of an ecological path.

Building a subject-developing environment in groups:

Library of educational literature;

A corner of experimentation according to the age of the children;

Card index of cognitive games.

State symbols of the Russian Federation, Karachay - Cherkessia; photographs depicting the sights of his native village, KChR, the capital of Karachay - Cherkessia; toys - heroes of Russian folk tales; children's fiction, etc.


  1. Partial programs "Inviting children to the origins of Russian folk culture" / O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva /. "Acquaintance of children with Russian folk art" / T.A. Budarin, O. A. Markeeva /
  2. Technologies: How to teach children to love their Motherland "/ Yu.E. Antonov, L.V. Levina /, "Raising a little citizen ..." / GA. Kovaleva /
  3. Study guides on local history "Karachay - Cherkessia - our native land" / С.А. Khapaev /, "Traveling along the necklace of the North Caucasus" / V. Gaazov /
  4. "Upper Kuban Cossacks: everyday life, culture, traditions" / M.F. Kurakeeva /
  5. Brochure "Cossacks of the Upper Kuban and Zelenchuk" / M.F. Kurakeeva /
  6. Photo album "At the origins of Big Zelenchuk" / S. Chotchaeva, Sh - I Bayramkulov /
  7. "Literature of the peoples of Karachay - Cherkessia" / G.M. Gogoberidze, M. M. Kunizheva /
  8. "Folk tales of Balkars and Karachais" / A.Aliyeva /
  9. "Tales of Four Brothers" / N. Kapieva /
  10. "Legends of old Arkhyz" / V. Romanenko /
  11. "Tales of the peoples of Karachay - Cherkessia" / S - B. Laipanova /
  12. Brochure "Cuisine of the peoples of the North Caucasus" / G. Molchanov, O. Morchanov /.

Karachay-Cherkessia is my small homeland
Class hour "My Little Homeland"

"My small homeland"
Purpose: to tell, show how people of different nationalities glorify their native land in songs, poems, dances; teach to read poetry expressively; to foster love for the Motherland, to develop speech and creativity of students. Class hours: 1. The song "Caucasus" is played 2. The poem "My land" I want to turn into a bird, To fly around the whole white world. To see the world, to return home, To say that there is no better edge. To rise into the sky as the sun, a cloud, To see the whole Earth of you. I would like to become a mighty river, To wash your fields, I cannot drink your water, Breathe in the mountains, do not breathe, walk in the woods, do not walk up, I should admire you for a century! The hymn of the KCR is played 4. The poem "Along one path" Along one narrow path We walked through a dense forest, a Karachai and a Russian, an Abazin and a Circassian. Next to us was a Nogaets Our youngest, our fifth brother. We walked together exhausted In a vain search for good. Host: Lives on earth man. It is small, the land is huge. Man occupies very little space on earth. But man is not alone, many people live on earth. They occupy the whole earth. Those people who live together, speak the same language, do a common cause, are called in one word - people. There are many peoples on earth, they all live in different parts of it. The place where people live is called the Motherland. Our Motherland is Russia. And we live in one of the unique regions of Russia - the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. This is our small homeland. 5. The poem "Without you, I ..." Through meadows, valleys and fields, Beauty and happiness without melting, You pass as a young mountain woman, my Karachay-Cherkessia. Without you I am a wingless eagle, Without you I am a waterless ravine, Without you I would long ago withered away, Without you I am a barren plant. Without you, I am an extinct hearth, Without you, I am like an empty saklya, Without you I would have died long ago, In short, I am nothing without you. Host: Indeed, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is one of the most beautiful corners of our Motherland, the pearl of the Caucasus. But our republic is not only wonderful nature, it is first of all people, their life and history. The strength of the state lies in harmony, the ability to live in harmony with nature and other people. 6. The poem "My Karachay-Cherkessia" 1. Under the joyful sun of Russia At the snowy peaks and sparkling rivers, the Cherkes, the Karachai and the Abazin, the Nogayets and the Russian became friends forever. 2. Through meadows, valleys and fields of Beauty and happiness without melting, You are walking young, my Karachay-Cherkessia! 3. Everywhere there are snow-white flocks, Everywhere there are grain fields, Slender Dombai plane trees - Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!
Host: Abaza, Circassians, Karachais, Russians, Nogais live on the territory of our republic, and our main task is to achieve prosperity and greatness of our native land, to become full-fledged citizens of our Great Motherland, able to preserve and develop the achievements of fathers and grandfathers - to live in peace and harmony. Host: It is quite obvious that it is impossible to create a happy future without relying on the gigantic experience accumulated by our ancestors for thousands of years and enshrined in the complex of traditions and customs of different peoples. There is no future without the past. Our republic and our country have come a long historical path. Let's take a short historical excursion. 1 student: In the 1st millennium AD. in the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia lived Scythian-Sarmatians (north) and Kolkhs (south). In the 4-8 centuries. Abaza and Abkhaz settled in the valleys, and Alans settled in the mountain gorges of the Kuban. 2 student: In the 9-10th centuries. the territory of the KCh was part of an early feudal state that had political and economic ties with Byzantium, Khazars, Georgians. The population was mainly engaged in cattle breeding. 3 pupils: From the 14th century. The territory of the KCh was constantly subjected to devastating raids by the Crimean Tatars and Turks. In 1552, 1555 and 1557. 3 embassies were sent to Moscow, which established a political alliance with Russia. 4 disciples: The Russian-Caucasian War was one of the bloodiest and longest wars in the history of Russia. According to some researchers, the war has been fought since 1763, while according to other sources it began in 1817. Host: You can feel this terrible tragedy of our people by listening to the following song. A huge request - listen to the words of the song. 5 student: At the beginning of 19, the entire KC was included in Russia, and this inclusion in the general channel of development of Russia broke the isolation of the natural economy, led to the decomposition of the community. In 1858-61. on the territory of the KCh, the Batalpashinsky district was founded, later - the department of the Kuban region. In 1868. Serfdom was abolished. During this period, mines and mines, small food industry enterprises were opened. 6 student: Since 1918 Here the Soviet power is established. The battle for the Caucasus (1942-1943) became a page in the history of the people - this is one of the largest battles of the Second World War. The region became the arena of bloody battles between the Soviet troops and the Nazi invaders. I, 11. Song "Elbrus is a handsome man" - students invite those invited to dance Host: Our republic is multilingual. And at school, learning the native language is compulsory. 12. The poem "Sons of the Tribes" The sun glitters, the dawn sways with fire. You, my multilingual land, I am faithful to everyone's blood. - ask us by name. - I'm from Russia! Anyone will tell you 15. Sons of Tribes of Different Tongues We have learned to live in brotherhood, in one great language, and sing and speak songs. Host: Invisible or important - on earth any of us dies only once and will be born only once! So let's be kind people, even for these times. So we will take care of each other so that they envy us! 13. Song "Let there always be sunshine" I love the open spaces of the steppes And snow-capped mountains, And dense mountain forests. And the stories of aksakals, and brooding rocks, And the growing factories of the corps. I have always loved your cities and rivers, And, standing guard, poplars. The land is rich and beautiful. The corner of native Russia - Karachay-Cherkessia mine! Highlanders know the value of honor. They build the future together. A businesslike family of good brothers. You are glorified by poets, warmed by the tender sun, Karachay-Cherkessia is mine! Host: I hope that everyone present in this hall is convinced that the land is better than the native land, and in our case this is not find. 14. The poem "I love my homeland so madly" ... I love my homeland so madly. Ask what, perhaps, I won't answer. I can't say in simple ordinary speech what I chant with my heart ...
Festival of Friendship of the Peoples of the KChR
PURPOSE: to contribute to fostering a sense of respect for people of other nationalities; to bring up in children a sense of pride and love for their people; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.
Equipment: children's drawings, national flags.
Along one narrow path
We walked through the dense forest
Karachai and Russian,
Abazin and Circassian,
A Nogai walked next to us,
Our youngest, our fifth brother.
Together we walked exhausted
In the eternal search for good.
Kun ashkhy bolsun! (Karach.)
Fi mahue flyue! (Cherk.)
Mouse bzi! (abaz.)
Hello! (Russian)
How much light and warmth
Fitted in this short word.
In it the generosity of the mountain table
Mountain peaks in the hands of dawn.
This word is wisdom and hello,
Fathers and children repeat it.
It has absorbed the light
Gone thousands of years.
We are a guest from the far side
Let's give them as a brother.
Only a dawn in the mountains
Will stretch out the first ray of dawn
I tell you, salam!
(song "Salam aleikum!")
Ved. Salam! We speak to all our fellow countrymen living in this fabulous ancient land. We speak different languages. But we all equally love our small but beautiful Karachay-Cherkessia. The centuries-old past of the peoples of the KChR is a way of overcoming difficulties, difficult trials and battles. More than once the peoples of the KChR expelled the invaders from their native lands. The bonds of friendship between the mountain peoples and Russia go back to the distant past. In 1957, under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the present KCR was annexed to Russia.
After all, there is only one stone - this is not a fortress at all,
That's what old people say here.
Caucasians and Russians in fierce storms
Since those memorable times,
Like a fortress standing.
Ved. Although our republic is small, it is one of the multinational regions of Russia. But the main ethnic groups are Russians, Karachais, Circassians, Abaza and Nogais. And they live in peace and harmony.
At our generous table
Ringing songs are pouring
These songs are wonderful
Let there be more than one language.
Friendship songs compose
Both Circassian and Nogay,
The proud son of Karachai,
Russian and Abaza.
Ved. Where do you think it all started? How did the word “friend” come about? Let's listen to a poem called “The word“ friend ””.
Before no one knew a word
Neither hello, nor the sun, nor the cow,
The ancient man is accustomed to neighbors
Show fist or tongue
And make faces, which is the same thing.
But, the word became a guttural sharp sound,
More meaningful face, hand skill.
And the man came up with the word "friend".
I began to wait for my friend and yearn in separation.
Thanks to him for my friends.
How would I live, what would I do without them?
Friends - people I love
I will never offend anything.
Not for that did our ancestor walk through the darkness,
So that, having met a friend, I shouted:
"Fool!" Showed tongue or fist
And he made faces, which is the same thing.
Ved.: Friendship is the most sublime, noble feeling of a person. Man is born for happiness and is worthy of happiness. Happiness to live on this earth. Happiness to think and love, to rejoice and please others. Happiness is not mentally without such values \u200b\u200bas work, thought, love, friendship. Friendship between people, friendship between nations. And if a friend is in trouble, you need to help him out.
Do not stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You can rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if someone helps
Your kindness and your friendship
Are you happy that day
Was not lived in vain!
You don't live in vain!
Be cheerful to make it more joyful
The one with whom you make friends
So that everyone in life has enough
Wonderful human kindness.
Will you hear someone's song
And it will become lighter around:
The most magical miracle
We don't call friendship for nothing!
Scene "Turnip".

A hardworking Karachai man planted a turnip. The turnip has grown large, very large. He began to drag the turnip out of the ground: he pulls, pulls, he cannot pull it out.
He called for the help of his friend - a strong Abaza. Abazin for a Karachai, a Karachai for a turnip - they can't pull, pull. Abaza called his friend - a sympathetic Circassian. A Circassian for an Abaza, an Abazin for a Karachai, a Karachai for a turnip - they cannot pull, pull.
The Circassian called his friend - a brave Russian. A Russian for a Circassian, a Circassian for an Abazin, an Abazin for a Karachai, a Karachai for a turnip - they can't pull it out.
Then they called a friendly Nogai. A Nogay for a Russian, a Russian for a Circassian, a Circassian for an Abaza, an Abazin for a Karachai, a Karachai for a turnip - pulling and pulling pulled a turnip.
Ved .: You see that if we are friends, we will cope with any business.
(girl dance)
Friendship is a fresh breeze
This is joy, hello.
Nothing in the whole world
There is no better friendship.
If there are friends in the world
Everything is fine, everything is blooming
Even the strongest wind
Even a storm won't bend.
We are in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold.
Let's walk merrily
We are friends in any weather
This friendship cannot be broken!
And any of us will answer
All who are young and brave will say
You and I live in the world
For good, glorious deeds.
Sometimes voices are heard
That there are no miracles
There are miracles on our Earth
But they must be found, of course!
Friendship is always the main miracle.
And any trouble is not a problem,
If your friends are real.
Game "Who is friends with whom?"

Ved .: Who do you think is friends with whom?
1. Funny chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale.)
2. Good Snow White and ... (seven dwarfs.)
3. A lovely little mermaid and…. (Nai Sebasian.)
4. Funny Winnie the Pooh and ... (Piglet.)
5. Kind Kid and ... (Carlson.)
6. Trusting Pinocchio and ... (Malvina, Pero.)
7. Green crocodile Gena and ... (Cheburashka.)
Song "True friend"
A strong friendship will not break
Will not come apart from rains and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave
He won’t ask too much -
That's what real means
True friend.
We will quarrel and make up
"Do not spill with water!" - everyone around jokes.
At noon or midnight
A friend will come to the rescue -
That's what real means
True friend.
A friend can always help me out
If something happens suddenly.
Needed to be someone
In difficult times -
That's what real means
True friend.
Ved. Homeland is the place where we were born, where we live, these are houses, forests, fields that surround us. This place is called a small homeland. Each person has his own small homeland. For many, this is our city. And our republic is a common homeland for everyone who lives on this land.
My native land is a republic of the free
Great nations, different languages.
And they value the customs of the peoples here
Advice from wise old men.
Having circled all over the world,
I will say today without hiding
What is sweeter nowhere than the edge,
Than my dear side.
You are the holy land, you are the hope
The glory of grandfathers is good for us.
Let morals and clothes change
But a kind soul will remain.
(KChR anthem)

Ved. A person cannot live without homeland and friendship. Folk proverbs speak very well about this:
"A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song"
"Whoever sells his homeland will sell his conscience"
"The dog wants to go to the place where it has eaten,
And the person - to the place where he was born "
“The cold wind cools
A cloudy day is warm.
The land where he was born and raised
Only a stupid person forgets "
"Everything seems cold to a person without a homeland"
"Man is proud of his mighty homeland"
"Look for a friend, but you will find take care"
"Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends"
"Friendship is not a mushroom, you will not find in the forest"
So come on, let's be friends
Let the verses be remembered more than once
If you always cherish with friendship
Any desire will come true.
Ved. So our performance has come to an end. Let's make our life good. Let's help each other in difficult times. Let's never quarrel. And let's say to each other the words of the famous hero, patient and kind Leopold: "Guys, let's live together!"
Topic: "The land of the fathers is my land" Objectives: To foster patriotism and citizenship, respect for state symbols, the history of their land and their people, a sense of pride in their small homeland; promote adolescents' perception of moral values; Equipment: multimedia presentation; phonograms of songs; photo collage. 2 slide There is a dawn, stepping on the mounds. Poplars have risen to meet the sun ... How sweet you are and how dear you are to us, Kuban, Kuban - dear land! Victor Podkopaev Host: Dear children! Our small homeland, Kuban, has an ancient and rich history. A more detailed study of historical science awaits you in high school. The aim of our lesson is to briefly acquaintance with the history of our Krasnodar region. You've probably heard the song “Where Does the Motherland Begin?” Written by the poet Mikhail Matusovsky and the composer Veniamin Basner. The song "Where does the Motherland begin?" What does the Motherland start with? Host: So where does the Motherland begin for each of us? (guys answers). From his hometown, village, village. With the cheerful noise of trees in the streets of our childhood. From the golden sea of \u200b\u200bwheat in the endless Kuban fields. With a fervent Cossack song. From the stories of my grandfather - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War ... Only a few years will pass, and you will proudly say: "I am a citizen of Russia." And then add with no less pride: “I am a native of the Kuban.” Walk along the familiar streets and paths. Stand with your head bowed at the obelisk in the centers of cities and villages. Listen to the hurried babbling of the river, to the ringing bird conversation. Look at the faces of the people around you. Slide 3 - 10 All this is yours, the closest and most precious. And even if fate throws you far from these places, you will still strive here with all your heart. Here are your roots. The homeland begins here. Kuban is famous throughout Russia not only for its rich grain harvest, the beauty of nature, but also for its songs. (Listening to the Kuban Cossack song, slide 11) presenter: The Kuban land is an ancient land. Favorable conditions and mild climate contributed to the fact that the first human settlements appeared here very early. The sites of ancient people discovered on the territory of the region make it possible to trace almost all archaeological eras. The ancient Kuban has a very turbulent history: what tribes and peoples did not set foot on this land - the ancient Greeks founded their cities - colonies, hordes of Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsians and Mongol-Tatars invaded. The settlement of the Kuban by Russian subjects began after two Russian - Turkish warriors of the century. On June 30, 1792, Catherine gave the lands of the Taman peninsula and its surroundings to the Black Sea army (former Zaporozhians), famous in the fight against the Turks, in order to protect the southern borders of Russia. Slide 12 (text of the deed of gift) Look at the modern map of Krasnodar Territory. slide 13 (Working with the map of Krasnodar region.) Our region is located in the south of our Russian Federation. It is called Krasnodar after the main city of the region, and its historical name is Kuban. It is bordered by: in the north and north-east - the Rostov region, in the east - the Stavropol Territory. In the south east - Karachay - Cherkessia, in the south - Georgia. In the west, the Kerch Strait separates the Kuban from the Crimea, which is part of Ukraine. The territory of the region is washed from the south-west by the Black Sea, from the north-west by the Azov Sea. The area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 76,000 square kilometers. Krasnodar is located at a distance of 1539 kilometers from Moscow. Krasnodar Territory is divided into 38 districts, 26 cities, 24 urban-type settlements, 1175 rural settlements. Host: What is the name of the place where you live? (Answers from the guys). See if it's on the map? Slide 13 Presenter: The nature of the Kuban is beautiful. Go out into the garden, into the steppe, into the field, take a walk in the park, just look out the window - and you will see a real miracle…. Slide 14 - 34 (photo collage Valakh A.) Presenter: And now we will talk about the state symbols of our region as the embodiment of the patriotism of our people, because as M. Montaigne wrote: “The coat of arms and flag of the country reflect the history of the people, the dream of the creator and the dignity of its citizens ". Slide 35 - 38 Moderator: Every self-respecting citizen of any country considers it his duty to sing along while the national anthem is playing (the Kuban anthem sounds) slide 39 Moderator: Dear children. After all, you are the heirs of our beautiful Kuban land: its history, its culture, all those priceless riches that were created by the hands of older generations. You will increase the wealth of your native land and its wonderful traditions, work in the fields and factories, make scientific discoveries, compose poems and songs about your native land. (Slide 40 words of the presenter) The yellowing fields rustle, rustle, The heart rejoices with beauty, my native land, the land of happy fate, the land of fathers is my land.

Thematic lesson

"My small homeland"

Types of children's activities: communicative, perception of fiction, musical and artistic.

Objectives: to give children an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the Motherland, the republic is. Introduce the map and consolidate the symbol of the Russian Federation, form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe small homeland, clarify and expand knowledge about the hometown; develop a coherent speech, activate the vocabulary on the topic, foster love for the native country, city,

Materials and equipment : illustrations of the capital of Russia, cities of the KChR, sights of the city, slides of symbols, use of ICT.

Organizing time.

Girls dressed in national costumes (one in a national costume, the other in a Russian folk costume) welcome the guests.

1 girl: There is a custom in the North Caucasus

He was given to us by our ancestors long ago

Meeting the long-awaited guest,

What does the mountain woman serve? Ayran!

2 girl: We greet you with bread and salt

We invite you to our kindergarten

Hello to all guests from us

Good afternoon, happy hour!

The guests are served a loaf, ayran. The guests take their places.

Educator: Has its own native land

By the brook and the crane

And you and I have it!

And our great family!

Educator: And the path and the forest,

Every spikelet in the field

The river, the sky above me

This is all my own!

Main part. Talk about the Motherland

Tell me, what is Motherland?

    Homeland is the country in which we were born and live.

    These are forests, fields, rivers.

    This is our city.

    This is the place where close people live: mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother.

    This is the place where our kindergarten is located.

    This is the place that people miss when in a distant land. This is the most precious thing a person has.

Yes, each of you answered my question correctly.

“What do we call the Motherland?

The house where you and I live

And birches along which

We walk next to my mother.

What do we call the Motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside the window! "

The homeland is the country in which we live. Let's remember the proverbs about the Motherland.

    To live - to serve the Motherland.

    There is no more beautiful Motherland in the world.

    A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

What is our country called? (Russia)

Tell us what you know about Russia? (children's answers)

Russia is a big country. There are many cities, rivers, forests in it. What is the name of the main city of our country? (Moscow)

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.

And who is the president of the Russian Federation?

(The President of our country is Vladimir Putin)

Each country has distinctive signs - state symbols. Tell me, what state symbols do you know? (flag, coat of arms, anthem). And what colors do we see on the Russian flag? (White blue red).

Child : White - peace, purity

Blue - faith, loyalty

Red is the strength and blood shed by soldiers for the Motherland.

Let's look at the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Who will describe to me what is depicted on it?

Child: The coat of arms of the Russian Federation depictsgolden two-headed eagle. He grips the wand with his right paw. In his left paw is a ball. Over the heads of the eagle - crowns. The eagle's wings are like the sun's rays, and the golden bird itself is like the sun. On the eagle's chest there is an image of a rider against the background of a red shield. This is Saint George the Victorious. He is on a silver horse, in his hand he has a silver spear, which helped defeat the dragon.

The coat of arms of Russia symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.

What is a hymn?

Child: This is a solemn song of the state, all those present stand up, and the military salute or salute with weapons. The anthem is always sung and listened while standing.

And now I want to check if you really remembered our coat of arms and flag. (On the cards you need to find the flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation)

Russia is a big country with many republics. Guys, tell me, what republic do we live in?

(We live in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic)

(showing the map)

Look - this is a map of the KChR. Do you think the Karachay - Cherkess Republic is big or small in comparison with Russia? (children's answers)

Our republic is small, it has cities, fields, forests, rivers, meadows.

And who is the president of the KCR?

(President of our republic - Rashid Temrezov)

What cities of the KChR do you know, name? (Resort city - Teberda, Ust-Dzheguta, Cherkessk and Karachaevsk)

What is the name of the main city of the KChR? (Cherkessk)

Guys, different peoples live in our republic. What peoples live in our republic? (Russians, Circassians, Nogais, Karachais, Abazins)

Ball game "What is your nationality".

Child: Friendship is growing in Karachay-Cherkessia:

The peoples are a fraternal family.

Here every guest is dear to us

And friendship is dear.

We all live in peace and harmony.

Educator: About how the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia were formed, I would like to tell you one legend:

“Long ago, sledges lived on the land. They lived in places of the rarest beauty: clear water, full of trout; high mountains with snow caps, and the grass is juicy and soft smelled so that from its smell - the weak gained strength, and the patient was cured.

The sledges lived, worked, hunted, but one terrible day they were attacked by the Chints, trampled down wonderful fields and took everyone prisoner who survived after their raid. One boy secretly bent down and picked a blade of grass from his native land and hid it on his chest.

Many years passed, the boy grew up, became a man, he had a son. It was difficult in captivity, but each time he took out a blade of grass, smelled it and said to his son: "Grow up, son, find our native land by the smell of this blade of grass." A son grew up, his father died. The son of the Narts gathered worthy people and fled from captivity. It took them a long time to get to their homes, lost many, many stopped halfway and settled in these places, began to be called - Kabardians and Balkars. The rest reached and found their homeland. Found by the smell of this blade of grass.

For many years they have been living together on this land - Russians, Circassians, Karachais, Abazins, Nogais - the descendants of the ancient Narts. They live amicably to this day and therefore the customs and traditions of these peoples differ little. "

Educator: ... And I would like to finish with the wonderful words of MM Prishvin: “We are the masters of nature, and for us it is the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. A fish needs water, a bird needs air, an animal needs a forest and mountains. And a man needs -

Children: Homeland! "

Educator: And our small homeland is the wonderful Karachay-Cherkessia.

D / game "Where are you from, children?"

Where are you kids from?

- We are from Karachay-Cherkessia!

What do you eat?

- Shish kebab, khychiny!

What are you drinking?

- Ayran and Narzan!

What is your republic famous for?

- Friendship of peoples!

National dance

RGKU "State Republican Children's Home for Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care"

Methodical development

Educator com. № 1 Bogatyreva Zh. R.

October 2014

The purpose of the lesson:
contribute to the development of a sense of respect for people of other nationalities; to bring up in children a sense of pride and love for their small homeland; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for the peoples living nearby, their traditions.
Equipment: video film about KCHR, presentation, video by Adler "My Republic".

The course of the lesson.

Dialogue (between two girls older and younger)
Angelica, what is Motherland?
Angelica: A man lives on earth. It is small, the land is huge. Man occupies very little space on earth. But man is not alone, many people live on earth. They occupy the whole earth. Those people who live together, speak the same language, do a common cause, and call them the word people. There are many peoples on earth, they all live in different parts of it. The place where people live is called the Motherland. Our Motherland - Russia
And what does small homeland mean?
Angelica: And our small homeland is Karachay-Cherkessia. Large, multinational republic, in which live: Karachais, Circassians, Russians, Abazins, Nogais, Ossetians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and many other peoples. All peoples in our republic live in friendship and harmony. And how can we not be proud of our multinational native republic.
Tell me what Motherland is like.
Angelica: Let us, together with the guys, watch a presentation about our republic, and then we will continue our conversation.

Viewing a review film about the KCR.

Oh, how interesting! How do you know about this?
They talk about it at school, in an orphanage .. Who are we? Where are our roots? As you grow up, you will learn more about it.

Reader1: Poem "My Land"

I want to turn into a bird,
To fly around the whole world.
See the world, return home,
To say that the edge is better - no.
Ascend into the sky with the sun, a cloud,
I would like to become a mighty river
To wash your fields
I can't drink your water,
Breathe in the mountains, do not breathe.
Walk in the woods, do not walk up.
To admire you for a century!
My beloved republic!

Ved. 2.
Each person who truly loves his small homeland believes that this is the most beautiful, surprisingly hospitable corner of the Earth. Many of us are proud that our small homeland is the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Russia, the North Caucasus, Karachay-Cherkessia - these words are so interconnected and so inseparable.

Ved. 1 (Map slide, district names)
We all live in the village of Moskovsky. Our village is located in the Ust-Dzhegutinsky region. In addition to our region, the KCR includes nine more regions. We will now hold a small quiz to find out how well you are familiar with our republic. Assignment: name the regions of the republic answering leading questions 1. The northernmost region of the KChR. (Adyge - Khablsky) 2. The area that is located inside another area. (Nogaysky) 3. The area where the administrative center is Kavkazsky. (Prikubansky) 4. The region was formed by one of the last in the KCR. (Abaza) 5. The name of the district with the center in the city of Karachaevsk. (Karachaevsky) 6. The most remote region of the KChR. (Urupsky) 7. The area that borders on the Stavropol Territory. (Malokarachaevsky) 8. The area where the oldest temples of the Byzantine Elohi are located. (Zelenchuksky) 9. The area where the majority of residents are Circassians. (Khabezian)
Ved. 2 (Population slide) Well done, guys. You know quite well the names of the regions of the republic.
Now some statistics on the size of the population.
According to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the national composition of the All-Russian Population Census has the following form in percentage terms:
[Download the file to see the picture]

(Slide 3.)


Karachais 194324
Russian 150025
Circassians 56466

Abaza 36919
Nogay 15654
Other nationalities 20972

Reader 2. At our generous table
Ringing songs are pouring
These songs are wonderful
Let there be more than one language.
Friendship songs compose
Both Circassian and Nogay,
The proud son of Karachai,
Russian and Abaza.
Reader 3.
My native land is a republic of the free
Great nations, different languages.
And they value the customs of the peoples here
Advice from wise old men.
Reader 4.
Having circled all over the world,
I will say today without hiding
What is sweeter nowhere than the edge,
Than my dear side.
Reader 5.
You are the holy land, you are the hope
The glory of grandfathers is good for us.
Let morals and clothes change
But a kind soul will remain.
(KChR anthem)

Ved. 1
A person cannot live without a homeland. Folk proverbs speak very well about this:
"A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song"
"Whoever sells his homeland will sell his conscience"
"The dog wants to go to the place where it has eaten,
And the person - to the place where he was born "
“The cold wind cools
A cloudy day is warm.
The land where he was born and raised
Only a stupid person forgets "
"Everything seems cold to a person without a homeland"
"Man is proud of his mighty homeland"

Ved. 2:
You can talk about your homeland endlessly. It is believed that talented people express their most sincere thoughts in poetry or songs, so we want to end our event with a song by a young singer, a true patriot of our beloved republic, Adler.

The composition "My Republic" performed by Adler sounds.

MY LAND OF NATIVE! ”Times New Roman; ђHeader 215

Attached files