
If the child did not come to the OGE. What to do if your child does not pass the OGE

In 2018, more than 1 million schoolchildren took the OGE, among them there are those who did not cope with the tasks and “failed” the state exam for grade 9. Don't think that these are just a few. Unfortunately, you will not find official statistics on the number of schoolchildren who have not passed the OGE certification in open sources. But believe me, these are not dozens or even hundreds of graduates - there are tens of thousands of such children every year. What to do in this difficult situation? The Internet is full of requests:

What to do if you failed 3 or 4 OGE?

How many times can you retake the OGE?

When is the OGE retake in 2018?

Is it possible to get a certificate if you have not passed the OGE in three or more subjects?

Will I receive a certificate if I retake the OGE in September?

Lancman School Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam courses answer all questions and help you move from a state of panic and disappointment to the stage of constructive action to correct the situation. Just a couple of years ago, the requirements for ninth-graders were more lenient, but even with today’s more strict situation in the procedure for conducting the OGE, there are options for correcting the situation in the event of some failures in the exam. A “D” (or even several) on the OGE is definitely not the end of the world!

If you received a “D” on the OGE, then there are many ways to correct the situation. The very first thing you need to understand is whether you have a chance to increase your scores on the OGE score appeal. Let us immediately warn you that points on appeal are increased reluctantly and extremely rarely. However, it is always worth fighting to improve your result in the event of a technical reading error or an unreasonable reduction in points when checking detailed answers. The Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam courses at Lancman School are ready to provide you with assistance in the procedure for appealing Unified State Exam scores, that is, our teachers are ready, with a notarized power of attorney, to attend the appeal in the conflict commission to help you competently and reasonably win back the “stolen” points.

How to retake the OGE in 2018

In 2018, all 9th ​​grade graduates took 4 exams. Two of them are mandatory OGE in Russian language and mathematics. The other two are optional; they could be any two school subjects. In 2018, the results of all four exams directly affected the grades in the certificate. If a graduate received a bad mark on at least one of the four exams, then the issue of issuing a school certificate for the 9th grade was shelved, as they say. Let's look at all possible options for “failure” at the OGE in order to understand how to act.

You only failed 1 or 2 OGE

If you get a “D” in one or two exams (and it doesn’t matter at all whether they are compulsory or elective), then you have as many as two attempts to retake these OGEs on reserve days and an additional OGE period. First, let's explain what reserve days are.

Retake on reserve days of the OGE

There are reserve days for all state exams (both the OGE and the Unified State Exam). They are needed to ensure that the exam is fair for all graduates, regardless of life circumstances. Imagine that on the eve of the exam or right on the day of the exam you get sick. Should it be possible to correct the situation and rewrite it on other days? Or, for example, you received very low scores. This also happens, and every person (and especially a child) has the right to make a mistake. In order to give you a chance to fix everything, reserve days for the OGE were invented. The good news in 2018 was the news that you can try to retake all the OGE exams in the summer and fall, that is, they give two attempts. Let us remember that previously it was possible to retake only one exam for the OGE.

Calendar of reserve days OGE 2018

OGE dateItemTime frame for testing the OGE
June 20 (Wednesday) Russian language No later than June 30 (Saturday)
May 21 (Thursday) Mathematics No later than July 1 (Sunday)
June 22 (Friday) Biology, Computer Science and ICT, Social Studies, Literature No later than July 2 (Monday)
June 23 (Saturday) Foreign languages No later than July 3 (Tuesday)
June 25 (Monday) History, Chemistry, Physics, Geography No later than July 5 (Thursday)
June 28 (Thursday) In all subjects No later than July 8 (Sunday)
June 29 (Friday) In all subjects No later than July 9 (Monday)

If you get at least a “C” for the OGE taken on reserve days, then consider that you have corrected the situation. Now they can issue you a certificate without any problems. You can try to enroll in the specialized 10th grade or take your documents to college. By the way, after a successful retake, when the arithmetic average is calculated to display the grade for the subject in the certificate, the first “two” for the OGE will not be counted. Only the annual grade and the grade for the rewritten OGE will be used; the previous low result will be canceled.

Retake the OGE in September

If you were unable to retake 1 or 2 (no more) “D” grades the second time on reserve days, then you are given the opportunity to retake the OGE in the next academic year. But don’t be afraid of this wording, “next year” does not mean at all that you have to wait until next summer. No, for starters, you can retake the OGE in September (after all, the new academic year traditionally begins on September 1).

Calendar of the Additional stage of the OGE 2018

12-th of September

September 14

You failed 3 or all 4 OGEs in 2018

If you did not pass more than two OGEs in 2018, then you can retake the exams in September, that is, you do not have to wait until next summer. The dates are still the same:

12-th of September(Wednesday) – social studies, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), literature;

September 14(Friday) – foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish).

Reserve deadlines (for those who were unable to attend the retake for a valid reason):

September 21(Friday) – foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish)

By the way, Lancman School's Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam courses can provide you with the opportunity to prepare for a successful retake of the Unified State Exam at intensive courses. Our tutors will conduct diagnostic testing in the subject and develop an individual plan for preparing for the retake in the short term (up to the retake of the OGE in September). We have a very large network of branches throughout the country, you can always find the one that is closest to you.

Will I receive a certificate if I retake the OGE?

Anyone who is faced with retaking the OGE has a logical question: will I receive a certificate for 9th grade if I successfully retake the OGE in July or September? You can rest assured that you will receive a certificate and can even try to enroll in 10th grade (subject to availability) or college in September, because many vocational education institutions announce additional enrollment for budget places after August 15 (you need to bring documents before October 1). Information about the additional set can always be found on the Internet.

What will happen if I didn’t retake the OGE either in the summer or in September

If you fail to retake the exams either on reserve days or during the additional period of the OGE, then you will be left without a certificate for grade 9. What are the options for further developments?

1. If you no longer want to study at school, the educational institution expels you and issues you a certificate of the established form. In this case, you can continue your studies on your own (studying at home) and try to retake the OGE next year.

2. You can stay for repeated studies in the 9th grade (you will not be expelled from the educational institution), in this case you will also take the final certification in a year - together with the graduates of the 9th grade in 2019. Since you won’t have a certificate in your hands in 2018, you won’t be able to go to college. Colleges accept graduates of grades 9 and 11 without exams, but when submitting documents you will be asked for the original school certificate. Well, you will have to wait a year, but there is nothing catastrophic in this, because, as you know, those who do nothing are not mistaken. If you have such low results according to the results of an independent test, you should pull yourself together during this year and, by all means, improve your knowledge to a good level.

The OGE is a prerequisite for a student to move to the next stage of education. What will happen if the OGE result is not accepted, what should a ninth-grader do in this case, experts explained.

Graduate schoolchildren in Russia undergo final testing: eleventh graders take the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren who have completed the ninth grade take the Unified State Exam. Graduates of the 9th grade in 2018 will have to prove the level of their knowledge in five disciplines, two of which are compulsory (Russian language and mathematics), and the rest the student chooses independently. This year, the most popular elective subjects were social studies (chosen by 63% of ninth-graders), geography (33%) and computer science (28%).

The results of the OGE are taken into account when a student enters the next grade of an educational school, as well as when transferring to a specialized educational institution. Based on the results of the work, as you know, points are calculated: each subject has its own specifics for assigning points. Then the points are converted into grades using a five-point system: there is also a scale for converting points into “twos”, “threes”, “fours” and “fives”. So, in order not to get a “2” in the Russian language, you need to score at least 15 points; for mathematics this figure is 8 points.

What to do if the OGE for 9th grade is not passed?

Schoolchildren who received an unsatisfactory mark in one of the subjects at the OGE can retake it. Time is allotted for this in the summer, and there is also a chance to correct the situation in September. Let us note that previously a student who failed at least one subject in the OGE had to retake all exams. In 2018, it became easier for schoolchildren: they are retested only in the discipline for which they received an insufficient number of points.

A student who fails to correct his OGE grade during the summer or in September either remains in the ninth grade for the second year or leaves the educational institution with a certificate instead of a certificate. In the latter case, the student can receive this document on successful completion of 9 years of education in another educational institution, which he can enroll in with a certificate (for example, in a vocational school).

A student who successfully retakes the exam receives a certificate for 9 grades. With this document, the student will not have problems when entering vocational educational institutions, but he may not be accepted into the 10th grade, especially if the school in which he studied was an in-depth study of any subject. Now the rules for enrollment in the 10th grade are set by the schools themselves: if the charter says that only those who have received at least 4 points on the Unified State Exam can become a tenth grader, then documents from less successful students will not be accepted.

In 2018, approximately 1.3 million 9th grade students take the OGE in Russia. The main wave of the OGE began on May 25 and will end on June 29, 2018.

What to do if a child does not pass the OGE?

If in the ninth grade your child suffered a complete fiasco, did not pass the GIA or was not allowed to take the exam, this does not mean that all doors are closed in front of him. Instead of a certificate, they give a certificate. Let's figure out together what to do with it and where to go to study next.

Shall we try again?

According to the law, children who have completed the 9th grade with a certificate of the established form can try to pass the GIA again in a year as an external student. In this case, subjects for which unsatisfactory scores were obtained must be taken.

If desired, your daughter or son can stay for re-education and pass the GIA along with new classmates next year. As a rule, this applies to those who were not admitted to certification.

Where to go with help?

Until 2015, in order to undergo training in various vocational training programs, mainly blue-collar workers, a school certificate was a prerequisite. Now you can enroll in a secondary specialized educational institution with a certificate.

What will your daughter or son become?

The list of working specialties and employee positions is not limited to the janitor, plumber and turner, with which they love to scare teenagers. In fact, there are many more professions:

  • educator;
  • private security guard;
  • cook;
  • driver;
  • seamstress;
  • driver;
  • flight attendant;
  • dog handler;
  • hairdresser;
  • electrician, etc.

If your son or daughter succeeds in their profession, they can earn very good money. Here, as elsewhere, the main thing is effort and desire.

You can find out which colleges accept students with an 8th grade education in your area from your local department of public education. In most cases, training is provided on a paid basis.

Why should you go to college?

Admit it, after thinking: “What a horror! You didn’t pass/didn’t pass the State Examination Test!” the next one was: “He’ll lose a whole year, what should I do?!” Idleness has a destructive effect even on an adult, let alone a teenager who is already not averse to neglecting his studies. In this situation, primary and secondary vocational education is a good option.

  • First of all, the child will be busy with work, and will not sit for days at the computer or hang out in an unknown place.
  • College education for children with a certificate lasts up to 6-8 months. They study specialized disciplines and gain practical skills in production. Classes usually start in October. It will be a year before the retake. During this time, your child will receive a profession and an appropriate rank.
  • If your son or daughter successfully passes the State Examination, they will be able to continue studying for free in any specialty. An honors college diploma provides certain advantages when entering a specialized university. In addition, many colleges and universities participate in the college-university program; their graduates can immediately enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of a specialized university.

As you can see, college offers good prospects. If your son or daughter gets ready to study right away, they will be successful in the future.

How to prepare for retaking the State Examination Test?

Without passing the final state certification, your son or daughter can get a profession, increase their rank, but their level of education will remain the same. Employers always pay attention to this column in the work book. Therefore, you will still have to take the State Examination Test. We have already written about the rules and deadlines for retaking the State Examination Test.

  • A professional tutor will prepare your son or daughter, but the lessons are very expensive and may be disrupted due to his illness or other urgent circumstances. After all, he is also a human being.
  • Many colleges offer preparatory courses. They are slightly cheaper than courses in educational centers, but are not always effective, since there are always large groups there. Classes are taught by the same college teachers.
  • In educational centers, classes are never canceled. Groups consist of 5-6 people. Teachers are often certified State Examination and Unified State Examination experts and are focused on high results.

There are no hopeless situations. If your child received a certificate instead of a certificate, do not rush to blame only him for everything. You are involved in this too, admit it. In some places they were not forced to sit down for lessons on time, in others they were allowed to miss a day. Instead of looking for someone to blame, make the best of the situation. Focus on getting into college and preparing to retake the GIA.

The OGE is a prerequisite for a student to move to the next stage of education. What will happen if the OGE result is not accepted, what should a ninth-grader do in this case, experts explained.

Graduate schoolchildren in Russia undergo final testing: eleventh graders take the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren who have completed the ninth grade take the Unified State Exam. Graduates of the 9th grade in 2018 will have to prove the level of their knowledge in five disciplines, two of which are compulsory (Russian language and mathematics), and the rest the student chooses independently. This year, the most popular elective subjects were social studies (chosen by 63% of ninth-graders), geography (33%) and computer science (28%).

The results of the OGE are taken into account when a student enters the next grade of an educational school, as well as when transferring to a specialized educational institution. Based on the results of the work, as you know, points are calculated: each subject has its own specifics for assigning points. Then the points are converted into grades using a five-point system: there is also a scale for converting points into “twos”, “threes”, “fours” and “fives”. So, in order not to get a “2” in the Russian language, you need to score at least 15 points; for mathematics this figure is 8 points.

What to do if the OGE for 9th grade is not passed?

Schoolchildren who received an unsatisfactory mark in one of the subjects at the OGE can retake it. Time is allotted for this in the summer, and there is also a chance to correct the situation in September. Let us note that previously a student who failed at least one subject in the OGE had to retake all exams. In 2018, it became easier for schoolchildren: they are retested only in the discipline for which they received an insufficient number of points.

A student who fails to correct his OGE grade during the summer or in September either remains in the ninth grade for the second year or leaves the educational institution with a certificate instead of a certificate. In the latter case, the student can receive this document on successful completion of 9 years of education in another educational institution, which he can enroll in with a certificate (for example, in a vocational school).

A student who successfully retakes the exam receives a certificate for 9 grades. With this document, the student will not have problems when entering vocational educational institutions, but he may not be accepted into the 10th grade, especially if the school in which he studied was an in-depth study of any subject. Now the rules for enrollment in the 10th grade are set by the schools themselves: if the charter says that only those who have received at least 4 points on the Unified State Exam can become a tenth grader, then documents from less successful students will not be accepted.

In 2018, approximately 1.3 million 9th grade students take the OGE in Russia. The main wave of the OGE began on May 25 and will end on June 29, 2018.

There are many situations in life when it seems that everything has gone to waste and become irreversible, but if a child does not pass the OGE the first time, it is not yet time to make a universal tragedy out of this fact. Millions of people, at one time, failed some exams and continued to live after that, sometimes even better than those who passed these exams. According to the rules established not in 2018, but earlier, everyone who graduated from 9th grade must pass the State Final Certification.

Every year, a number of unfortunate children find themselves in a dilemma about what to do. His parents ask this question along with him. Whether there is reason for panic and tragedy - different families decide in their own way.

What to do if you haven’t passed the OGE? OGE 2018

Parental ambitions and a traumatized psyche

Each of the excited parents wants to have a promising child, an excellent student who shows promise and has a successful career. Many of them plan in advance for their child not only admission to college, but also a university diploma. Starting from 2017, and in 2018 too, the 11th grade certificate includes a grade calculated as the arithmetic average and taking into account the General Examination in 9th grade. Lots of parents these days chastise their offspring for unexpectedly low scores.
There may be a long list of reasons for this phenomenon, but this is still better than if the child did not pass the exam at all. As you know, a C in all exams is enough to pass the Main State Exam.

What to do if 1 or 2 subjects are not passed - retake. If you are unlucky with all the disciplines and the child does not pass any of the required 4 OGE exams, according to experts, in 2018 this means complete hopelessness. The only option left is to end up in 9th grade again.

The child failed the exam

What to do in each case does not mean hopelessness, but a quick search for a way out:

  • a lack of points scored to the “A” desired by parents means intensive work in grades 10 and 11;

  • one or two failed exams - emergency retraining and retake in reserve - in June or September;

  • if the child has not passed the OGE at all - that is, 3 or 4 exams below the required three, the search for an answer to the question of what to do seems simply unrealistic.

Parents are informed that failure to pass exams in the 9th grade in 2018 means there is only one option - to send the child back to the 9th grade. And this is not true. Sober-minded citizens will think through the situation well and discover several more completely acceptable solutions.
To do this, you need to give up the ambitions that were previously assigned to the child and look for another possible way for him to obtain a certificate.

The main ways you can resort to

If a child has not passed the Unified State Exam, there is no need to force him to undergo the painful procedure again a year later, and then again, but in the form of the Unified State Exam, after another 2 years. Perhaps he simply cannot mobilize efforts in this form of passing the exam. The second year in the ninth means again four tests, and probable failure if more than two are not passed.
This is money for a tutor, wasted, a lost year of life and the nerves of the whole family. The implementation of the grandiose plans placed by the parents on the fragile shoulders of the teenager is still as far away as at the first moment, when it turned out that the number of points required to pass the OGE was not scored.

OGE points

There are several options for the upcoming retake:

  • one more year in 9th grade - and again 4 exams;

  • studying at home - and passing the OGE on a general basis;

  • admission to evening school, with mandatory employment, to obtain a certificate.

And there is only one way out that may seem appropriate in this situation - the right choice of a vocational school.

You can enroll in a vocational school

In large cities, there are schools on a fee basis that accept students after the 8th grade. Studying there involves simultaneously obtaining a certificate and a profession.
The received official document, in some cases, gives the right of prerogative admission to the relevant universities, with which the school sometimes has an agreement.

The vocational education system has not gone away, it still works, and it should not be perceived as a bogeyman. This is the only reasonable alternative to the shameful repeating of a year at school, an opportunity to change the environment and get a profession. She is a step on another ladder to career heights. If only the child had the desire, and the parents had the opportunity to help.