
Philotheus Monastery Elder Savva of Athos. Holy Mount Athos, Philotheus Monastery. Filofey's book collection

Located 12.5 km from Kareya in the northeastern part of the Holy Mountain.
Founded in the 10th century.
Patronal feast - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The rector is Archimandrite Ephraim.
It occupies twelfth place in the Svyatogorsk hierarchy.
The brotherhood consists of 60 people.

Philotheus Monastery is located on a flat green hill in the northeastern part of the Holy Mountain at an altitude of 533 meters above sea level. By all accounts, the surrounding area of ​​the monastery, surrounded by dense forest, is one of the most picturesque places on the Holy Mountain. There are a large number of sources of excellent drinking water in the area. The monastery's holdings on the Holy Mountain and in other places are not extensive.

History of the foundation of the monastery

Philotheus is one of the oldest monasteries on Mount Athos. It was founded in the 10th century by a contemporary of Athanasius of Athos, Venerable. Philotheus. The monastery was built in the 11th century thanks to the donations of the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros III Botaniates (1078–1081). At the end of the 13th and 14th centuries, the attention of Philotheus was paid to the emperors from the Palaiologan dynasty Andronikos II (1282–1328), Andronikos III (1328–1341) and John V (1341–1376, 1379–1391). Thanks to the charter of the Serbian king Stefan Urosh IV Dusan (1346–1355) from 1346, the brethren of the monastery were replenished with a large number of Serbian and Bulgarian monks.

Obviously, the consequence of this was the signing in 1483 by the abbot of the Philotheev Monastery of the Act of Protos in Slavic, and not in Greek. At the beginning of the 16th century, under the abbot Dionysius, the monastery was transformed from an idiorhythmic one into a communal one.

In 1641, the first Russian Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich (1613–1645), allowed the monks of the Philotheus Monastery to travel around Russia once every seven to eight years, collecting voluntary donations.
The financial situation of the monastery improved significantly only in the 18th century thanks to the help of such Phanariots (Greek rulers of the Danube principalities) as the Wallachian governor Gregory Gikas and the Moldavian ruler Constantine Mavrocordato. This assistance, although it lasted only a few years, was sufficient for the monastery to be able to rebuild a number of its buildings.

In the era of the struggle against Turkish enslavement and attempts to Islamize Greece, the monk Cosmas of Aetolia (1714–1779) stands out among the brethren of the monastery, who played a huge role in the history of the Orthodox Church, the Greek enlightenment and the entire Greek people in the 18th century.

During the fire of 1871, the monastery was almost completely burned down, with the exception of the cathedral, refectory and library. However, God's Help, expressed in the devotion and hard work of the inhabitants of Philotheus, made it possible to revive the life of the monastery. The support of various kinds of donations is also indisputable, with which the monastery was gradually restored and acquired its current appearance.

Structure of the monastery

The monastery was built in the form of a regular quadrangle, with monastic cells in the upper part of the walls, built on two and three floors. The buildings of the monastery belong mainly to three periods - the beginning of the 16th, the middle of the 18th and the end of the 19th century. At the same time, at present, in the Philotheus monastery, as in all other Athos monasteries, construction and restoration work is continuously carried out, in particular, its northern side is being reconstructed.

Opposite the main entrance to the cathedral there is a refectory. It is built into the western wing of the monastery and was expanded in the 16th century. It preserves valuable frescoes of the 16th century, presumably from the Cretan school.

Monastery temple

In the middle of the courtyard is the Cathedral Church, dedicated to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the period from 1746 to 1765, on the site of the old temple, the current temple with a bell tower, covered with lead sheets, was erected from the very foundation. Fresco paintings in the Cathedral Church were completed in 1752, and in the lithium vestibule and outer narthex - in 1765. On both sides of the porch there are two small chapels with altars. In addition, the marble cladding was completed in 1848, and the installation of the iconostasis was completed in 1853. The construction of the belfry tower was completed in 1764. At the entrance to the Cathedral Church and the refectory there is a white marble phial of the blessing of water.

Shrines of Philotheus

In the Cathedral Church there are the following shrines: part of the Life-Giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord and one of the nails with which Christ was nailed to the cross (a gift from Emperor Nicephorus III Botaniates), parts of St. relics of St. John Chrysostom, St. VMC. Marina, St. Vmch. Panteleimon, Rev. Luke of Greece, St. mchch. Isidora and Charalampia, martyr. Demetrius and St. mts. Paraskeva.

In addition, in the cathedral, at the column of the left choir, stands Philotheus’s greatest jewel, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, known as the “Sweet Kiss” (in Greek - “Glycophilus”).

The icon, measuring 125x87 cm, depicts the Mother of God, who with immeasurable tenderness and love embraces the Infant Christ. Tradition speaks of the miraculous appearance of this icon on Mount Athos. Its owner, the noble lady Victoria, wife of the patrician Simeon, threw the icon into the sea near Constantinople during the time of iconoclasm. By sea the icon reached Athos and subsequently the Philotheus monastery. Today it is covered with an elegant frame made of precious metals.

Another treasure of the monastery is the icon of the Mother of God Eldress (“Gerontissa”), which is said to have arrived miraculously from the Greek province of Macedonia - Nigriti.

In this monastery, in addition to the founder himself, St. Philotheus were famous for the holiness of the life of St. Theodosius, Metropolitan of Trebizond (brother of Dionysius, founder of the Dionysian monastery in the 14th century, abbot of the Philotheus monastery; revered as one of the founders), St. prmch. Damian (preached the Word of God on Olympus, was slandered before the Turkish government and was burned after torture and demands to convert to Islam), St. Dometius (silent man and friend of Damian).

Chapels of the monastery

Inside the monastery walls there are 6 more chapels in the monastery: Archangel (1752) with fresco paintings on both sides of the lithium vestibule, John the Baptist (1776) with a carved wooden iconostasis (1786), St. Marina in the belfry tower, saints Five Martyrs on the east side, St. John Chrysostom and St. Nicholas on the west. Outside the monastery are three more of its chapels - All Saints in the cemetery, Three Hierarchs or St. Tryphon in the garden and Panaguda or the Nativity of the Virgin.

Outside the monastery there are 17 churches belonging to the monastery and 12 cells, half of which are uninhabited, and one cell, St. Cosmas of Aetolia, is located in Karea and is a representative of the monastery.

Filofey's book collection

The library owns 250 valuable parchment manuscripts, two liturgical parchment scrolls and many printed books. Of the illustrated manuscripts, mention should be made of the Fourth Gospel, one of the oldest on Mount Athos, with the image of the Evangelist Mark.

Philotheus Monastery

Philotheus Monastery occupies twelfth place in the Svyatogorsk hierarchy. Located on the northeastern side of the Athos Peninsula. The monastery of Philotheus stands among chestnut trees on a plateau on the north-eastern side of the peninsula, near the ruins of the ancient temple of Asclepius.

Philotheus Monastery is one of the oldest on the Holy Mountain. His chronicle tells that in 973 “on the site where the cathedral church now stands, there used to be an idol temple.” Not far away, on the border of the Filotheevsky, Lavra and Iveron possessions, was the ancient Greek city of Kleone. In addition, there was an episcopal residence here, built in 323–327 by Saint Constantine.

The monastery was founded by a contemporary and closest associate of St. Athanasius of Athos - St. Philotheus, who lived here together with two other monks, Arsenios and Dionysius.

The name of this monastery was first mentioned in a memorandum of Archpriest Nikephoros dated 1015. In addition, another written evidence of the existence of Philotheus in the 11th century has reached us - a letter from Abbot Philotheus George, written in 1016 in support of the desire of St. Paul of Xiropotamia to preserve the Holy Mountain as a refuge for hermits - ascetics and desert dwellers.

By the 12th century, Philotheus grew and became one of the most famous Athos monasteries. Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos, after meeting the abbot of the monastery Macarius, appoints him confessor of the palace. He provides great assistance to the monastery and donates a number of lands outside the Holy Mountain. In the 14th century, many Serbian and Bulgarian monks labored in Filothea. During this period, the monastery received support from Byzantine, Serbian and Georgian rulers.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Abbot Dionysius expanded the monastery, turning it from a special monastery into a communal one, and introduced Greek as the liturgical language. This went against the wishes of the inhabitants - Bulgarians by nationality and convinced Slavophiles, and they forced him to leave the Holy Mountain. He first settled in Veri, and then moved to Mount Olympus, where he founded a monastery that is still called by his name. Subsequently, he was canonized and is now known to us as St. Dionysius of Olympia.

In the middle of the 17th century, the Russian sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich gave permission to the monks of the Philotheus monastery to collect alms on Russian territory every seven years.

The Moldovan ruler Gregory Ghika was also one of the most famous benefactors of the monastery.

The devastating fire of 1871 left the new cathedral, built in 1746 on the foundations of the old church, undamaged, but caused such great economic problems that in 1900 the Holy Kinot took the monastery under its guardianship.

In 1973, the Philotheus monastery switched to a cenobitic charter.

The cathedral church of the Philotheus monastery is dedicated to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was built in 1746 on the site of a previously existing temple from the 10th century. In 1752 it was painted by masters Konstantin and Afanasy. The frescoes of the lithium vestibule date back to a later period (1765).

The iconostasis from the original church has been preserved in the cathedral; its distinctive feature is the unusually large icons of the twelve feasts of the 16th century.

There are many paraklis in Philotheus: the five martyrs (Auxentius, Eustratius, Mardarius, Eugenius and Orestes), the Archangels, John the Baptist, Saint Marina, Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Nicholas, All Saints.

In addition, the Philotheus monastery owns nine small churches and chapels and thirteen cells, one of which, in Karea, is dedicated to Saint Cosmas of Aetolia.

One of the main shrines of the Philotheus monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Glykofilusa” (Sweet Kiss), which depicts the Mother of God kissing the Divine Child. Tradition attributes the painting of this icon to the Apostle Luke. The icon is painted on both sides. The front side depicts the Virgin Mary and the back side depicts the Crucifixion.

During the time of iconoclasm, a pious resident of Constantinople, Victoria, at the risk of her life, honored and kept it in her room. Her husband demanded that she burn the icon, but Victoria preferred to let her into the sea - and she did. So the image arrived at the Holy Mountain. At the place where the icon was found, holy water flowed out. In memory of this miracle, every year on Monday of Holy Week a religious procession and a prayer service are held.

In 1801, a money-loving pilgrim stole the gold coins hanging from the image. Having committed sacrilege, he boarded a ship departing from the Iverskaya pier. But the ship, having sailed a little from the shore, stood still, despite the tailwind. Meanwhile, when they learned about the loss in Filothea, they sent people in all directions to catch up with the thief. One of them sailed on a boat to the ship, which was stationed not far from the Iverskaya pier. Meanwhile, the criminal, enlightened by the miraculous stop of the ship, himself repented of the sacrilege and hastened to voluntarily return the gold coins, after which the ship freely continued sailing.

Through prayers, many miracles happened at the icon of the Mother of God. One of them occurred during the years of German occupation.

The monastery's wheat supplies were running low, and the monks decided to stop receiving visitors. One pious old man, father

Savva, having learned about this, was saddened and began to beg the council of the elders of the monastery not to do this, because by doing this they would sadden Christ, and the monastery would lose its blessing. He gave many examples from the Holy Scriptures, including the story of the widow of Zarephath of Sidon and the prophet Elijah, and they obeyed him. However, after some time, they began to pester the elder with reproaches, saying:

- The torment is over. What will happen now?

The elder answered them:

“My fathers, we will finish the little that is left together with the people, and the Mother of God will not leave us.”

There were only twenty-five okadas of wheat left in the monastery’s storerooms and nothing else, and the monks began to rather sarcastically reprimand Father Savva:

– Father Savva, the wheat is over, what will happen now?

But the elder, full of faith, answered this:

– Don’t lose hope for Glykofilusa. Knead the remaining twenty-five okadas, bake bread from them and distribute it to the brethren and laity, and God, as the Good Father, will take care of us all.

When they ran out of last bread, they didn’t even have time to get hungry when a ship coming from Kavala moored at the monastery pier, and the captain offered to exchange the wheat he was carrying for firewood. The monks, seeing the Providence of the Mother of God, glorified God.

The icon of the Mother of God “Sweet Kiss” is located in the left case of the cathedral church.

Another miraculous icon is “Gerondissa” (Old Woman). She miraculously arrived in Philotheus from the Greek province of Macedonia.

Also in the Philotheus Monastery are kept a part of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, one of the nails with which He was nailed to the cross, particles of the relics of: St. John Chrysostom, Great Martyr Panteleimon, Hieromartyr Charalampios, Great Martyr Marina, St. Isidore of Chios, St. Mardarius, Martyr Paraskeva, St. Luke of Greece , Venerable Cosmas of Aetolia, Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki and myrrh from his tomb.

The library contains 250 manuscripts, two liturgical scrolls and about 2,500 books (500 of which are in Russian and Romanian).

Many ascetics labored in the monastery. The abbots of the Philotheus monastery are glorified as saints: Theodosius (1410), Simeon and Dionysius of Olympia (XVI), the Hieromartyr Damian (1568) and his companion, the Monk Dometius. In Philotheus, the great saint of modern times, Equal-to-the-Apostles Cosmas of Aetolia, took monastic vows. The names of famous modern ascetics are associated with Philotheus: Joseph the Hesychast and his disciple, Elder Ephraim. The latter founded more than ten Orthodox monasteries in the USA and Canada.

Currently the monastery has approximately 60 monks. The monastery is one of the most comfortable and well-kept monasteries on the Holy Mountain. In it you can meet monks of different nationalities, literally from all over the world.

The Fathers of Philotheus provide spiritual care to three convents: Archangels on the island of Thasos, Hodegetria in Pelion and John the Baptist in the city of Serres.

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Basic in 990, patronal feast day March 25/April 7, the day of the Annunciation, and August 24/September 6, the day of St. Cosmas of Aetolian. Hegumen: Archimandrite. Ephraim. Tel. (30-377) 23256. Fax (30-377) 23674.

A half-hour walk from the Karakal Monastery is the Philotheev Monastery. It stands on a lush plateau where, according to tradition, the Asklepieion existed in ancient times. You can walk to Karya in two and a half hours. The monastery's holiday is the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary (March 25).

The monastery first appears in official documents in 1015 in a memorandum by Archpriest Nikephoros, where, among other things, the name “George, monk and abbot of Philotheus” appears. Another document, almost contemporary with the previous one (1021), has also been preserved, where the Philotheus Monastery is called “Ptera Monastery”. Moreover, we are talking about an attempt to establish boundaries between three neighboring monasteries - Cravatu (Laurels), Magul and Ptera, i.e. Filofeeva. Somewhat later, in the Second Charter of the Holy Mountain, in the twelfth place there is the signature of Luke “the abbot of the monastery of the Mother of God or Philotheus.”

From these and other data it is clear that the monastery was founded in the last quarter of the 10th century, and this dating is consistent with another tradition, according to which its founder was a contemporary of Athanasius of Athos, Venerable Philotheus. In addition, this view is supported by the message - the so-called. The enclitic, which was written for Paul of Xiropotamus by the aforementioned abbot of the Philotheus Monastery, George (1016).

For some time, the Philotheev Monastery remained in obscurity, despite all the donations made by Emperor Nikephoros Botaniatus (1078-1081), thanks to which the monastery was built, only then receiving the appearance of a real monastery. At the end of the 13th and 14th centuries, emperors from the Palaiologan dynasty and especially Andronikos II, Andronikos III and John V showed great care for the monastery. The appearance in the same era of Chrisovul Stefan Dusan (1346), who tried to repopulate the monastery, had the consequence that many Serbian and then Bulgarian monks arrived here. An example characterizing the current situation is the act of the Protos of 1483, which the abbot of the Philotheev Monastery signed not in Greek, but in Slavic.

In the Second Charter of the Holy Mountain (1046) the monastery ranks nineteenth, and in the Third Charter (1394) it ranks thirteenth among Athonite monasteries.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Abbot Dionysius performed many acts for the benefit of the monastery, transforming it from an idiorhythmic one into a communal one. However, due to the hostile attitude of the Slavophile-minded monks of the Philotheev Monastery, who left here much later, he was forced to leave Athos and went to Olympus, where he founded his monastery, which has survived to this day and is known as the “monastery of St. Dionysius on Olympus.”

Almost in the middle of the next, 17th century (1641), Tsar Michael allowed the monks of the Philotheus Monastery to wander around Russia once every seven or eight years. collecting voluntary donations. However, this was not enough to significantly improve the situation, which changed only in the 18th century thanks to the interest shown by the Greek rulers of the Danube principalities. Thus, the Wallachian governor Gregory Gikas in 1734 determined in a special chrisovul an annual monetary assistance of 6600 aspr, on the condition that once a year the right hand of Chrysostom would be sent to his principality for consecration. A similar decision was made later by Constantine Mavrokordatos. This assistance, although it lasted only a few years, was sufficient for the monastery to rise to the occasion by rebuilding a number of its buildings.

During this era, among the monks of the monastery, such an outstanding personality stood out, who played a significant role in the history of the church and the entire Greek people, as Cosmas of Aetolia, known for his struggle against the Islamization of Greece during the harsh years of Turkish enslavement.

In 1871, the monastery burned down almost completely, with the exception of the cathedral, refectory and library. However, the piety of the monks made it possible to preserve life in the monastery, which was facilitated by various kinds of donations, with which it was gradually restored and acquired its current appearance. During these years, a large number of Russian monks had the opportunity to arrive here, who wanted to capture the monastery, which, however, did not happen, thanks to the firm position of the Greek monks.

The buildings of the monastery are located inside a rectangular fence and, as in other Athonite monasteries, belong mainly to three periods - the beginning of the 16th, the middle of the 18th and the end of the 19th century. At the same time, one or another work is currently being continuously carried out in the Philotheus Monastery, in particular, its northern side is being reconstructed.

Monastery Cathedral

Monastic Cathedral, according to the inscription in the wall near the window of the right choir for choirs, was built in 1746 on top of the remains of another monastery, which by that time had been destroyed. The fresco painting was created continuously over many years and was completed in 1752 in the main temple, and in 1765 in the lithium vestibule and outer narthex. In addition, the marble cladding was completed in 1848, and the painting and polishing of the iconostasis was completed in 1853. The belfry tower was built in 1764.

Built into the western wing of the monastery, strictly opposite the main entrance to the cathedral refectory was expanded in the 16th century. It preserved, although in a damaged state, valuable frescoes of the 16th century, possibly from the Cretan school. Between the cathedral and the refectory there is a vial of the blessing of water, built entirely of beautiful white marble.

In addition to the central temple, the Filofeev Monastery has 6 more chapels on the territory inside the fortress walls. These are two chapels painted with frescoes on both sides of the lithium vestibule - Archangel (1752) and St. John the Baptist (1776), where there is a wonderful carved wooden iconostasis (1786), the chapel of St. Marina in the belfry tower, the chapel of the Holy Five Martyrs on the east side and St. John Chrysostom and St. Nicholas on the west. Outside the monastery there are three more of its chapels - All Saints in the cemetery, Three Hierarchs or St. Tryphon in the garden and Panaguda or the Nativity of the Virgin. In addition, around the monastery there are 12 cells, half of which are uninhabited, and one cell, St. Cosmas of Aetolia, is located in Karea and is a representative office of the monastery.

The monastery sacristy contains a part of the Life-Giving Tree, a gift from Emperor Nikephoros III Botaniates, the right hand of Chrysostom, the gift of Andronikos II, relics of other saints, crosses, many vestments and church utensils. However, the most famous of the regalia of the Philotheus Monastery, which constitutes the subject of its pride, is undoubtedly the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of the Sweet Kiss, which is located in the left proscinitary of the cathedral. Tradition says that this icon is very old and was brought to Athos by the waves into which Victoria, the wife of Patrician Simeon, threw it in Constantinople in order to save it from the rage of the iconoclasts. This icon is considered one of the most revered on Mount Athos and is covered with a later and very massive frame. In addition to the icon of the Sweet Kiss, the monastery has another significant icon of the Mother of God Gerontissa (Old Lady), which they say arrived miraculously from Nigrita.

Monastyrskaya library, in addition to many printed books, also contains 250 manuscripts, 54 of which are written on parchment, as well as 2 liturgical, again parchment scrolls. Of the illustrated manuscripts, mention should be made of the Fourth Gospel (No. 33), one of the oldest on Mount Athos, with the image of the Evangelist Mark.

After a long period of idiorhythmic life, on October 1, 1973, by the decision of the Holy Kinot of Patriarch Dimitry Filofeev, the monastery became a dormitory. Since 1574, it has been ranked twelfth among the 20 Athonite monasteries and has a total of more than 90 monks.

The building is located on the site of the earlier Cathedral of the Virgin Mary and was reconstructed in 1627-1628. Its narthex was built after 1630. The cathedral is located east of the very narrow monastery courtyard and has very valuable frescoes of the Cretan school, the author of which is the famous painter Theophanes of Crete and his son Simeon (1546). On these frescoes you can also see a portrait of Patriarch Jeremiah I, who is depicted as a ktitor with the likeness of a temple in his hands. The wonderful carved wooden iconostasis of the temple was created, according to the inscription contained on it, in 1743, when Gregory from Chios was the abbot of the monastery.

In addition to the cathedral, the monastery has several chapels on its territory and outside it in exartims. The monastery also owns 33 kalivas in the village of Kapsala and 4 cells in Karei.

Refectory built into the upper floor on the south side and contains remarkable frescoes (in all likelihood of the Cretan school).

Among the monastery regalia, we should mention a very interesting mosaic icon of St. Nicholas the Oyster (an oyster dug into the saint’s forehead when he was found by fishermen at sea), which is kept in the cathedral, an interesting Dodekaort on the iconostasis (1546), fragments of holy relics, ancient sacred vestments, church utensils, etc.

Library located on the lower floor of the cathedral and contains 171 manuscripts, 58 of which, as well as 3 liturgical scrolls, are written on parchment. Among the manuscripts, some illustrated ones stand out (for example, Nos. 43, 50, 56, etc.) with rich decoration. In addition, there is a significant number of printed books.

The Stavronikitsky monastery is the first monastery to change its way of life in recent years, becoming a cenobitic monastery, which was followed by other monasteries. The monastery has about 50 monks who live on its territory and beyond, and occupies fifteenth place in the hierarchy of 20 Athonite monasteries.


Icon of the Mother of God "Glycophylussa". Fragment

According to legend, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Glycophylussa” (Sweet Kiss) was in dangerrisk of being destroyed during the period of persecution of icon worshipers (726-842). The wife of the Roman patrician Simeon, pious Victoria, trying to save the holy image from desecration, entrusted it to God's providence and sent it floating on the waters. The icon sailed to the pier of the Philotheus monastery and was taken by the monks to the temple. A spring appeared at the site where the icon was found. It still exists today.

Philotheus Monastery is one of the oldest on the Holy Mountain. His chronicle tells that in 973 “on the site where the cathedral church now stands, there used to be an idol temple.” Not far away, on the border of the Filotheevsky, Lavra and Iveron possessions, there was the ancient Greek city of Kleone.

The monastery was founded by a contemporary and closest associate of St. Athanasius of Athos St. Philotheus. The monastery was named after him.

The first mention of the monastery is found in a manuscript dating back to 1015, and by the 12th century Philotheus grew and became one of the most famous Athonite monasteries. Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos, after meeting the abbot of the monastery Macarius, appoints him confessor of the palace. He provides great assistance to the monastery and donates a number of lands outside the Holy Mountain. In the 14th century, many Serbian and Bulgarian monks labored in Filothea. During this period, the monastery received support from Byzantine, Serbian and Georgian rulers.

The Cathedral Church of Philotheus was built in 1746 on the site of a previously existing temple from the 10th century. In 1752 it was painted by masters Konstantin and Afanasy. The frescoes of the lithium vestibule belong to a later period (1765). The iconostasis in the catholicon is from the old church and pilgrims should look at the unusually large icons of the twelfth feasts of the 16th century. The fire of 1871 destroyed all the monastery buildings, except for the cathedral, library and refectory. The following year, restoration of the monastery began. 1973 - the time of Filofeu's return to the dormitory charter.

Many ascetics labored in the monastery. The abbots of Philotheus are glorified as saints: Theodosius (+1410), Simeon and Dionysius of Olympia (XVI), smch. Damian (+1568) and his companion, the Monk Dometius. In Philotheus, the great saint of the New Age, Equal to the Apostles, took monastic vows. The names of famous modern ascetics Joseph the Hesychast and his disciple Elder Ephraim are associated with Philotheus. The latter founded more than ten Orthodox monasteries in the USA and Canada.

The monastery is one of the most comfortable and well-kept monasteries on the Holy Mountain. In it you can meet monks of different nationalities, literally from all over the world.

The Fathers of Philotheus provide spiritual care to three convents: Archangels on the island of Thasos, Hodegetria in Pelion and John the Baptist in the city of Serres.

Panigyra of Philotheus: Annunciation (March 25/April 7), St. Theodosius (January 11/24), St. Dionysius of Olympia and six other saints of the monastery (April 19/May 2) and Equal-to-the-Apostles Cosmas of Aetolia (August 24/September 6). On this day, a solemn religious procession is held with the icon of the Saint.

The memory of Saint Cosmas is honored by the inhabitants of Philotheus with a solemn panigir. Many pilgrims flock to the ancient monastery on this day. The love and care of the monks is enough for everyone. It is difficult to describe what Svyatogorsk love is. It has no boundaries. Sometimes I wonder: how can this pure, selfless and gratuitous love be explained other than by the boundless love for humanity, to which these earthly angels strive from a young age.

Ioannis Hadzifotis. "Monasteries of the Holy Mountain"

There are many paraclises in Philotheus: the five martyrs (Auxentius, Eustratius, Mardarius, Eugenius and Orestes), the Archangels, John the Baptist, Saint Marina, John Chrysostom, Saint Nicholas, All Saints.

The monastery contains a part of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, one of the nails with which He was nailed to the cross, the right hand of St. John Chrysostom, particles of the relics of the Great Martyr. Panteleimon, sschmch. Haralampia, vmts. Marina, St. Isidore of Chios, St. Mardaria, mts. Paraskeva, St. Luke of Greece, St. Cosmas of Aitolia and other saints; myrrh from the grave of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica.

In the cathedral, on the left choir, there is the famous miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Sweet Kiss” (Greek: “Glycophilus”). According to legend, it was written by the Evangelist Luke. During the time of iconoclasm, the pious resident of Constantinople Victoria, the wife of the famous patrician Simeon, saving the icon from destruction, threw it into the sea. So the image arrived on the Holy Mountain, about which Abbot Philotheus was miraculously warned. At the place where the icon was found, holy water flowed out.

In 1801, a money-loving pilgrim stole the gold coins hanging from the image. Having committed sacrilege, he boarded a ship departing from the Iverskaya pier. But the ship, having sailed a little from the shore, stood still, despite the tailwind. Meanwhile, when they learned about the loss in Filothea, they sent people in all directions to catch up with the thief. One of them sailed on a boat to the ship, which was stationed not far from the Iverskaya pier. Meanwhile, the criminal, enlightened by the miraculous stop of the ship, himself repented of the sacrilege and hastened to voluntarily return the gold coins, after which the ship freely continued sailing.

Through prayers, many miracles happened at the icon of the Mother of God. One of them occurred during the years of German occupation.

The monastery ran out of wheat and it was decided to stop receiving pilgrims. One of the monks named Savva insistently asked not to do this, since the monastery would leave God's blessing. When the last grains of wheat ran out and there was nothing left to make bread from, a captain from Kavala appeared in Filothea. He arrived on a ship whose holds were full of wheat.

Miraculously, the icon “Gerontissa” (Old Woman) arrived in Philotheus from the Greek province of Macedonia. You can venerate the miraculous image in the cathedral church of the monastery.

Canon of Cosmas the Aetolian (Panigir of the saint, 2004)
(MP3 file. Duration 8:28 min. Size 9.6 Mb)

Lord I cried (choir of the monastery of St. Anthony, founded by Elder Ephraim of Philotheus in the USA)
(MP3 file. Duration 6:08 min. Size 5.9 Mb)

On the right bank of the dry riverbed of the Melopotamu River, descending from the northwest, on the northern slopes of Mount Athos, at an altitude of 533 meters, the Philotheus monastery is located. There, close to the left bank, not so far from the sea, is Katisma “Megisti Lavra Milopotamu”. As legend has it, the monastery owes its name to a certain hermit monk Philotheus, who lived here around 870 - 972. He is considered the founder of the monastery. Previously it was called Fteris Monastery.

In 1046, the names of 3 other monks are mentioned: Arsenios, Philotheus and Dionysius, and later Nikephoros Votaniatis (1078-1081), who restored the monastery and donated many shrines to it. Among the holy gifts was a part of the Vain Tree. In 1124, refugees from the village of Magula in Sparta moved here, which is why the area where today’s Skete of Iverov is located (the skete of the Philotheus monastery until 1786) is called Magula. In 1540, King Leonty of Georgia and his son Alexander restored the monastery, building a large refectory. In 1734, the leader of Vlahia, Gikkas Grigorias, supported the monastery with a special Golden Bull. In the 16th century, Saint Dionysius served as abbot here. Sentenced, however, to death by the Bulgarian monks, he went to Pieria, where he founded the Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Olympus. In the area of ​​the monastery during the time of Constantine the Great (323-337), when idolatry still existed on Mount Athos, a Bishopric was founded. Here in 1758-1760. The great martyr and leader of the liberation movement Kozma Etholos monasticated as a student of Panayot Palamas at the Athonite school.

The cathedral church of the monastery, dedicated to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was built on the site of an ancient ancient temple. It was painted in 1752. On the left column of the Cathedral Church there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Glycophilus” (Sweet Kiss, 1.26 cm x 0.87 cm), painted, according to legend, by the Evangelist Luke. During the time of iconoclasm, the pious wife of Patrician Simeon Victoria threw her into the sea to save her from the hands of the sacrilegious iconoclasts. However, the icon miraculously reached the port of the monastery, just like the Portaitissa icon in the Iverov monastery.

The monastery library contains 25 handwritten codices, 54 of which are written on parchment, 2 parchment scrolls with the Holy Liturgies of the Great Lord and many printed publications.

Among the shrines of the monastery, in addition to the icon of “Glycophylus”, the right hand of St. John Chrysostom is kept in a shrine trimmed with silver and gold, the fingers of which are gathered for blessing. Both skin and veins are preserved. This shrine was donated to the monastery according to the Golden Bull of Andronnik II Palaiologos. Also stored here are part of the foot of St. Panteleimon, which was presented to the monastery by Constantine Palaiologos (1448 - 1453), the relics of St. Marina, St. Isidore from the island of Chios, the face of St. Luke, the myron of St. Demetrius, etc. A wall painting dating back to 1540 has been preserved in the refectory. year, the work of the icon painter George from Crete.

The Philotheus Monastery also controls 12 cells built in this green area, and 2 in Karyes.

See also:

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