
Shmonin philosophy and theology of education. Shmonin D.V. About philosophy, theology and education. Academic title, position in the Theological Academy


  • Leningrad State University (1988-1994).
  • Postgraduate and doctoral studies at St. Petersburg State University (1994-2003).

Academic degree

  • Candidate of Philosophy (1997).
  • Doctor of Philosophy (2003).

Academic title, position in the Theological Academy

  • Professor of the Department of Theology.
  • Member of the editorial board of the Christian Reading magazine.



  1. Shmonin D.V. Focus of metaphysics. The order of being and the order of knowledge in the philosophy of Francisco Suarez. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University), 2002. 201 p.
  2. Shmonin D.V. In the shadow of the Renaissance: the second scholasticism in Spain. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 2006. 277 p.
  3. Shmonin D.V. Scholastic rationalism in the history of thinking: from the Middle Ages to the New Age (responsible ed.; composed of author's coll.). St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2012. 172 p.
  4. Shmonin D.V. Religious education in Russia and Europe in the 18th century. (ed.; compiled by author. coll.). St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2013. 290 p.
  5. Shmonin D.V. About philosophy, theology and education. St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2016. 207 p.


  1. Shmonin D.V. Philosophy of the Western European Middle Ages (responsible editor; in the composition of the author's coll.). Study guide. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 2005. 299 p.
  2. Shmonin D.V. Introduction to medieval philosophy. Patristics. Study guide. 3rd ed. St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2013. 152 p.
  3. Shmonin D.V. Religious Studies. Textbook and workshop (compiled by author's coll.). M.: YURAYT Publishing House, 2016. 307 p.

Articles (over the last 5 years)

  1. Shmonin D.V. From catechumen to master: the formation of the Christian paradigm of religious education // Bulletin of Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin. 2012. Philosophy series. No. 2. T.2. pp. 96-104.
  2. Shmonin D.V., Burlaka D.K. Value-cultural approach to spiritual and moral education: the experience of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy / Abstracts of the report. Materials of the VI Tikhvin interregional educational Christmas readings. 2012.S. 29-34.
  3. Shmonin D.V. The scholastic educational paradigm in the context of historical forms of knowledge transmission: towards the formulation of the problem // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Episode 17. Philosophy. Conflictology. Culturology. Religious Studies. 2013. No. 2. P. 32-37.
  4. Shmonin D.V., Shakhnovich M.M. Theology and religious studies in modern Russia: the practice of educational activities // Bulletin of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. 2013. T. 14. No. 1. P. 253-255.
  5. Shmonin D.V. Religious education and educational paradigms // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Arts. 2013. T. 14. No. 2. P. 47-64.
  6. Shmonin D.V. “The Gold of Scholasticism” and the culture of the New Age / Spanish themes and forms: art, culture and society. Sat. abstracts of reports of the International Scientific Conference. SPb.: St. Petersburg State University; University of Navarra, GRISO. 2013. pp. 17-20.
  7. Shmonin D.V. Traditional religions in modern Russia: educational strategies or situational solutions? / Truth and dialogue. Sat. materials of the XIII Holy Trinity annual international academic readings in St. Petersburg. 2013. St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2013.P.5-8.
  8. Shmonin D.V. Scholasticism “in period”? No. Relevance of the school / Truth and dialogue. Sat. materials of the XIII Holy Trinity annual international academic readings in St. Petersburg. 2013. St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2013. P. 195-198.
  9. Shmonin D.V. Theological education in modern Russia: models, discussions, search for prospects / Confessions in the mirror of science: social service, education and culture. Sat. proceedings of the international scientific conference. 2013. pp. 256-259.
  10. Shmonin D.V. The scholastic educational paradigm in the context of historical forms of knowledge translation: towards the formulation of the problem // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Chemical Sciences. 2013. No. 2. P.32-37.
  11. Shmonin D.V. Theology of education: contextual search // Christian reading. 2014. No. 5. P. 112-134.
  12. Shmonin D.V. On the theology of education and educational policy // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Arts. 2014. T. 15. No. 4. P. 246-252.
  13. Shmonin D.V. Philosophical problems of education and theology / Materials of the annual scientific and theological conference of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy on September 30, 2015. St. Petersburg: SPbDA Publishing House, 2015. P. 19-22.
  14. Shmonin D.V. Philosophy, theology and the value-semantic sphere in education // Bulletin of the Russian Chemical Academy. 2015. T. 16. No. 4. P. 206-221.
  15. Shmonin D.V., Vdovina G.V. The main themes of the scholastic treatises of the 17th century “On the Soul” / Sat. "THE MEASURE OF THINGS Man in the history of European thought." M.: RAS, Institute of Philosophy RAS; Center for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Science, 2015, pp. 123-146.
  16. Shmonin D.V., Vdovina G.V. Catholic theology of education: the concept of Giuseppe Groppo // Christian Reading. 2016. No. 3. P.176-194.
  17. Shmonin D.V. Ancient and Jewish religious and pedagogical components in the history of the formation of the Christian educational paradigm // Shole. Philosophical antiquity and classical tradition. T.1.10. No. 1. 2016. pp. 183-195.
  18. Shmonin D.V. “Renewal of the mind” as a pedagogical task // Scientific works of the Department of Theology of St. Petersburg: SPbDA, 2016. P. 107-112.
  19. Shmonin D.V. Religion and enlightenment: the formation of a new European educational paradigm // Bulletin of the Russian Chemical Academy. 2016. T.17. No. 2. pp. 87-93.

Disciplines taught

  • History of theological education - 1st year master's degree.
  • Patristics and scholasticism – second year master's degree.
  • History and philosophy of science – postgraduate studies.
  • Methodology of research work - postgraduate study.

Shmonin D.V.
. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2016. - 207 p.
ISBN 978-5-88812-788-9
The collection includes works from 2011–2015 that examine education and pedagogy from a theological and philosophical perspective. Given the variety of typologies and classifications used in the theory of education, from a theological point of view, the demarcation between religious and secular types of education is important: if the ideological core of the educational model is of a religious (confessional) nature, then we are dealing with religious education, if not, then we are talking about one of the forms of secular education - regardless of the specific tasks that the participants in the educational process set for themselves, and even on the types and angles in which religion (“sacred”, “religious”, “spiritual”) falls into the disciplinary focus. The description, undertaken in theoretical and historical - through the prism of the main educational paradigms - contexts, allows us to outline the contours of the Church's own theory of education, based on the patristic tradition, religious pedagogical experience, modern pedagogical ideas and technologies. It is shown that Orthodox theology (theology) of education can become one of the effective elements in solving strategic problems in the development of Russian education.

UDC 27+37
BBK 74.03:86.37

Reviewers: acad. RAO A. A. Korolkov(Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen), prof. prot. Vladimir Mustafin(St. Petersburg Theological Academy)

© D.V. Shmonin, 2016
© Publishing House RKhGA, 2016

Shmonin Dmitry Viktorovich

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Vice-Rector of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Scientific Work, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Theory of Education of the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after. St. equal to Cyril and Methodius in St. Petersburg


I. Philosophy and theology of education ....13

Theology in Education….15

Religious education and educational paradigms ....25

Theology of Education: Contextual Search ....49

Philosophy, theology and value-semantic sphere in education ....71

II. Educational paradigms: historical and theological context....93

Ancient and Jewish religious and pedagogical components in the formation of the Christian educational paradigm ....95

Scholasticism as a philosophy of education ....109

Religion and enlightenment: the formation of a new European educational paradigm ....129

Enlightenment in Russia: “issues of philosophy” ....137

Theological education in Russia: from “book teachings” to the modern paradigm ....159

III. Theology and Education (current interviews) ....171

About “genitive theologies” and theological education….173

“You can’t give up ground” (On the theology of education and educational policy) ....181

About theology and pedagogy ....191


Bibliography of the main works of D. V. Shmonin ....200

I. Philosophy and Theology of Education ....13

Theology in Education….15

Religious Education and Educational Paradigms ....25

Theology of Education: Context Search ....49

Philosophy, Theology and Axiological Sphere in Education ....71

II. Educational Paradigms: the Historical and Theological Context ....93

Antique and Jewish Religious-educational Components in the Formation of the Christian Educational Paradigm ....95

Scholasticism as a Philosophy of Education ....109

Religion and Education: Forming the New European Educational Paradigm ....103

Russian Enlightement: “Problems of Philosophy” ....129

Th eological Education in Russia: from the Hortatives to the Modern Paradigm ....159

III. Theology and Education (current interviews) ....171

On “the Th eologies in Genitive” and Th eological Education ....173

Don`t Hand Over Positions (on the Theology of Education and Educational Policy) ....181

On Theology and Pedagogics….191


Selected bibliography….200

Scientific publication

Dmitry Viktorovich

About philosophy, theology and education

Director of the publishing house R. V. Svetlov
Executive editor A. A. Galat
Editor and proofreader M. E. Khramova
Layout V. A. Smolyaninov
Artist O. D. Kurta

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Specialist in the history of philosophy and culture of the Middle Ages, Reformation and Counter-Reformation, author of over 60 scientific and educational works. Director . He performs pedagogical work as a professor at the Department of Philosophy. He teaches general and special courses: “Medieval Philosophy”, “Christian Theology”, “History of Education and Science in Russia”. Deputy Chairman of the Academic and Editorial-Publishing Councils of the Russian Academy of Chemical Sciences. Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Chemical Sciences", chairman of the editorial board of the periodical "Acta eruditorum", member of the editorial boards of the almanac "Verbum", book series "Professor's Library", "Viri spirituales" and other publications. Member of the dissertation council D.212.232.05 at St. Petersburg State University.

Latest publications (2010) Born on January 20, 1968 in the village. Elizovo, Kamchatka region, in the family of a military man. He graduated from high school in Leningrad in 1985.
In 1988, after completing his service in the Soviet Army, he entered the preparatory department, then the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad (from 1992 - St. Petersburg) State University, which he graduated in 1994 with honors.
Married. Has a daughter.

Academic degrees

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (1997). Dissertation "Metaphysics of Francisco Suarez: The principle of individuation: from medieval scholasticism to modern philosophy"- the first dissertation research in Russia devoted to the philosophy of Suarez and its influence on the formation of the new European intellectual tradition (supervisor Prof. Yu.V. Perov).
Doctor of Philosophy (2003); dissertation: “Second scholasticism (XVI-early XVII century: cultural context, metaphysical foundations, place in the history of thought,” which develops the concept of second scholasticism (XVI-early XVII century) as an integral phenomenon in the intellectual and spiritual life of Europe, who played an important role in the development of philosophy, theology, general and professional education, ethics, and legal theory, which became the theoretical basis of the Counter-Reformation and largely determined the face of modern Western civilization.

Sphere of scientific interests

Philosophy and culture of the Western European Middle Ages and early modern times, history of religion and the Church of the Counter-Reformation era, history and philosophy of education.
D.V. Shmonin considers the second scholasticism both as the last major form of the medieval type of thinking, which sums up a certain philosophy based on the thousand-year dominance of the theological worldview, and as a significant factor in the formation of a new European intellectual and spiritual culture. In particular, in the sphere of interests of D.V. Shmonin, the influence of the Catholic educational paradigm (primarily the Jesuit model of education) on the development of religious and secular education in Europe and Russia.

Professional experience. Scientific, pedagogical and administrative activities

In 1993-1996 – teacher at gymnasium No. 498, St. Petersburg

In 1996-2005 - assistant, associate professor, since 2004 - professor of the philosophy department of the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) (SPGGI), at the same time in 2003-2005 - acting. Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental and Humanitarian Disciplines of SPGGI.
In 1999-2008 – assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor (2005-2008) of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University (part-time); He taught historical and philosophical courses at the Faculty of Philosophy, the Special Oriental Faculty, the Faculty of Psychology, and Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Since the 2009-10 academic year - professor (part-time) of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University and professor of the St. Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy.
In 2005-2008 also worked as Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg State University Publishing House in 2007-2008. was a member of the main editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of St. Petersburg University”.
Since 2001 he has been working at the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy (2001-2005 part-time): 2001-2004 - head of the scientific department, 2004-2005 - acting. Vice-rector for scientific work.
Since 2005 - Vice-Rector of the Academy for Scientific Work, since 2007 at the same time Director of the Institute of the History of Christian Thought of the Russian Academy of Art. He performs pedagogical work as a professor at the Department of Philosophy.
The academic title of professor was awarded in 2008.
In June 2010, he was elected to the position of head of the Department of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Chemical Sciences.
Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal "Vestnik RKHGA" (since 2005), chairman of the editorial board of the periodical publication "Acta eruditorum", member of the editorial boards and editorial boards of: the almanac "Verbum", the book series "Professor's Library", "Viri spirituales", the annual collection "St. -Petersburg and Northern European countries”, etc.
Member of the dissertation council D.212.232.05 at St. Petersburg State University (since 2005).

Lecture courses

“Medieval philosophy”, “History and philosophy of education”, “Counter-Reformation and scholasticism”, “Christian theology”, “Religious philosophy”.

Research projects. Personal achievements

Since 1998, he has been leading projects of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (RGNF): “In the shadow of the Renaissance: from revived scholasticism to rationalism of the 17th century,” 1998-2000; “European scholasticism in Orthodox thought”, 2000; “The influence of Spanish scholasticism on Russian philosophy of the 1st half of the 18th century,” 2002; “Metaphysics of F. Suarez: texts and studies, 2004; “A.F. Ern: pro et contra”, 2004”; "Beyond the Medieval", 2008; “Philosophy and theology in university scholasticism of the 16th and early 17th centuries: the Catholic educational paradigm in the context of early modern times,” 2008 - the project is currently being implemented).
He worked as part of an interuniversity research team within the framework of the federal program “Universities of Russia”, 2000-2001) and scientific teams of the Russian Academy of Chemical Sciences on a number of scientific projects of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation (“Salamanca School of Law of the 16th century and the formation of moral and legal concepts of the New Age”, 2003-2004; “The Jesuit education system and the formation of pedagogical culture of the New Age”, 2003-2004; “The relevance of medieval culture”, 2007, etc.), within the framework of the programs of the Government of St. Petersburg (from 2007 to the present).
Winner of scientific project competitions: the Competitive Center for Fundamental Natural Sciences of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of St. Petersburg (1997), “Renewal of Education at the Turn of the Century” of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Education (1st prize, 1998), within the framework of the national program USA “National Endowment for the Humanities (2002, research internship in the USA).
Winner of the grant competition of the President of the Russian Federation (support for research by young Russian scientists - doctors of science, 2005-2006).
Laureate of the St. Petersburg Philosophical Society “Second Navigation” award (in the nomination “For the development of classical problems of philosophy”, 2006).
in 2003 he was awarded the medal “In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.”
In 2010, he was awarded the badge “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.”

Main scientific publications

  • Focus of metaphysics. The order of being and the experience of knowledge in the philosophy of Francisco Suarez. St. Petersburg, 2002. - Monograph
  • Philosophy of the Western European Middle Ages. St. Petersburg, 2005 (responsible editor; composed of the author's team). - Tutorial
  • In the shadow of the Renaissance: the second scholasticism in Spain. St. Petersburg, 2006. -Monograph
  • Introduction to medieval philosophy. Patristics. St. Petersburg, 2008. - Textbook with the stamp of UMO; 2nd edition: St. Petersburg, 2010.
He is also the author of more than 70 articles, report materials, scientific and methodological publications in Russian and foreign publications, including:

09.11.1925 - 02.06.1971
Hero of the Soviet Union

Sh Monin Dmitry Andreevich - rifleman of the 215th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 77th Guards Chernigov Rifle Division of the 61st Army of the Central Front, Red Army Guard.

Born on November 9, 1925 in the village of Erestnaya, now Ordynsky district, Novosibirsk region, into a peasant family. Russian. Graduated from 7th grade. He worked as a worker in Novosibirsk.

He was drafted into the Red Army by the Kirov District Military Commissariat of Novosibirsk in December 1942. At the front during the Great Patriotic War since 1943.

Shooter of the 215th Guards Rifle Regiment (77th Guards Rifle Division, 61st Army, Central Front) Red Army Guard D.A. Shmonin particularly distinguished himself in the battle for the city of Chernigov (Ukrainian SSR) on September 21, 1943, when he was the first to break into enemy trenches, dragging his comrades along with him, and destroyed the machine gun crew with a grenade. Then he acted decisively and calmly in hand-to-hand combat, killing two Nazis.

On September 28, 1943, under heavy enemy fire, Red Army soldier D.A. Shmonin was among the first with a group of soldiers to cross the Dnieper River near the village of Galki, Braginsky District, Gomel Region (Belarusian SSR), was the first to break through to German positions, knocked the Nazis out of the trench, and gained a foothold in it. For some time he fought alone until the rest of the fighters arrived, then he bravely acted on the bridgehead and held it until reinforcements arrived. With his participation, several enemy counterattacks were repulsed with heavy losses.

U of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism of the Red Army Guard shown at the same time Shmonin Dmitry Andreevich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 5810).

He no longer had to fight: while still on the Dnieper bridgehead, he was seriously wounded by an explosive bullet in the side and spent many months in hospitals. In 1944 he was demobilized due to injury. The "Gold Star" was awarded to him only in 1946.

Lived in Novosibirsk. He worked as an electrician for the construction department and as a controller at one of the city's factories. In 1953, he completed courses for surveying technicians, worked as part of geodetic parties in the Far East and the Far North, and then as a senior topographer of the Novosibirsk Engineering and Construction Survey Trust. Died on June 2, 1971. He was buried at the Kleshchikha cemetery in Novosibirsk.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (01/15/1944) and medals.

Biography provided by Nikolai Vasilievich Ufarkin (1955-2011)

“What do a philosopher and a Christian have in common? Between a student of Greece and a student of Heaven? Between the seeker of truth and the seeker of eternal life? Tertullian asked these questions at the end of the 2nd century. Should we seek enlightenment, rational knowledge of the world in order to gain eternal life?

The average modern person, who considers himself a member of European culture, longs not for salvation, but for personal happiness and a comfortable life in a prosperous society. However, this goal - much more mundane than salvation - gives rise to its own dilemma: education or duping, and if education, then which one?

The continuous series of reforms and modernizations of education that are taking place in our country is a special case of a global disaster. We did not notice how education from the process of human formation, his internal transformation through the discovery of the image of God in himself, turned into a global network phenomenon in which subjects and objects exist and interact, providing, consuming educational services or ensuring these consumption processes. In this space of services there are “educational standards”, “innovative concepts and models”, “modules”, “main educational programs”, “competency-based approaches”, “pedagogical technologies”, “criteria performance indicators”. Education has been transformed into continuous professional development, lifelong learning, and the general degradation of secondary and higher schools is designed to hide the many faces of “innovation”.

St. Petersburg: Publishing house RKhGA, 2016. 207 p.

ISBN 978-5-88812-788-9

Shmonin Dmitry - About philosophy, theology and education - Contents


I. Philosophy and theology of education

  • Theology in Education
  • Religious education and educational paradigms
  • Theology of Education: Contextual Search
  • Philosophy, theology and value-semantic sphere in education

II. Educational paradigms: historical and theological context

  • Ancient and Jewish religious and pedagogical components in the formation of the Christian educational paradigm
  • Scholasticism as a philosophy of education
  • Religion and education: the formation of a new European educational paradigm
  • Enlightenment in Russia: “issues of philosophy”
  • Theological education in Russia: from “book teachings” to the modern paradigm

III. Theology and Education (topical interviews)

  • On “genitive theologies” and theological education
  • “You can’t give up ground” (On the theology of education and educational policy)
  • About theology and pedagogy

Bibliography of the main works of D. V. Shmonin

Shmonin Dmitry - About philosophy, theology and education - About theology and pedagogy

Studio guest Dmitry Viktorovich Shmonin, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy (St. Petersburg). Hosted by Svetlana Ladina.

- Our guest is the vice-rector for scientific work of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, head of the department of pedagogy and theory of education of church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies, Doctor of Philosophy Dmitry Viktorovich Shmonin.

Dmitry Viktorovich, let me welcome you to the studio of the Soyuz TV channel in Yekaterinburg. You yourself are from St. Petersburg and, in principle, you can also become a guest of our studio, only in the City on the Neva, we will be happy about it.

Dmitry Viktorovich, theology has become a scientific specialty. Actually, in fact, it probably always was, but now the state has recognized it. What are the advantages and what might be the pitfalls of this fact?

You are right: indeed, on September 25, the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science approved the passport of the scientific specialty “Theology”, and this pyramid, which has been built for 20 years (bachelor’s degree in theology, master’s degree in theology), has been built. Now the level of postgraduate and doctoral studies has been completed. However, it must be said that this is still the construction of a zero cycle; by and large, a huge amount of work now lies ahead. Thank you

The highest church authorities, the first person of the state, for the fact that they closely followed and in every possible way helped this activity and the great work of including such a scientific specialty in the list. But now we have to form dissertation councils and train specialists so that theology really becomes one of the subject areas, and not just a discipline of our science.

- Dmitry Viktorovich, can recognition of theology as science help some spiritualization of school and higher education, which, they say, is in a state of collapse?

I would say that theology in principle does not need to be recognized as something. Long before many other recognized sciences, theology existed, and it is not going anywhere. This is wisdom, a vast area of ​​intellectual and spiritual labor of many people over centuries, even millennia. If we talk about how this can help higher and secondary schools, I think it can help if we correctly assess the prospects and possibilities of theology and correctly formulate the tasks. After all, we have always (if we remember the Soviet era, which ended not so long ago and is still living in us one way or another) there has been ideological support for the educational process. The teachers had such support - it was Marxist-Leninist philosophy.

In the 90s, pluralism of opinions and assessments came, you could do whatever you thought was necessary (I myself worked at a school at that time), it was a very interesting period. But teachers need help and methodological support. When there are many sources, when they are all uncontroversial and most of them have an author’s approach, it is quite difficult for a teacher to work. Orthodox theology of education is a project that has been implemented for several years together with the All-Church graduate and doctoral studies. It is headed by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. With the blessing of Bishop Hilarion, on the basis of our Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Theory was organized, which is precisely designed to fill those theoretical voids that could help the teacher in his work.

- It seems to me that teachers today need not only methodological help, but also someone to inspire, praise, love and respect them. During the Soviet period, this was all by default. When we were studying, there was a certain sacredness to the figure of the teacher. The slogan “the first teacher is the second mother” comes from there, but, unfortunately, now it is gone and we see that a teacher is a person who provides educational services to a child. That is, there is no longer any sacredness, no awe, but there is such a relationship: goods - money. Teachers receive such instructions that they should not educate, but only educate. Moreover, to educate is no longer from the word image, and certainly not from the image of God. I don’t even know how to more delicately formulate what is happening with education now.

You know, I think that the situation in society is changing, and the view of teachers and schools is changing for the better. I would say that society is changing, fortunately, faster; and changes in educational authorities, unfortunately, are slower, since bureaucratic and economic attitudes continue to live there. As you correctly said, the following attitudes are: “products are money”, “educational services are money”. As a result, the teacher was pushed to the periphery as an individual; he ceased to interest everyone and became a seller of educational services. But let us remember that throughout the history of mankind, the teacher is the central figure. Sacred or not, it is the core of education, and schools were formed around the teacher. Let us remember Socrates, Plato and his academy. The teacher is the central figure in the educational process, and nothing can be done without it. I am not calling now to pass a law stating that the teacher is the central figure, but it seems to me that our society is already mature to understand this, and parents understand this, and children are drawn to good teachers. All that remains is for educational management, from higher education to the district level, to stop seeing the teacher only as a collector of portfolios, points for certification, recertification, upgrades and other things, but this requires effort. I think a theological approach that morally guides the teacher can play a role in this.

geek." It always seemed to me that pedagogy was morally oriented by default, but for some reason I had to focus on precisely this property?

Precisely because unspiritual pedagogy is impossible, we are now forced to constantly repeat and remind us of this, to orient our teachers towards those models that would help them return to this field. I would like to quote our wonderful Russian teacher, theologian Father Vasily Zenkovsky (the quote will not be very accurate, I don’t have the book in front of me, but I remember it now). He says that Christian pedagogy must return, and we are waiting for the time of Christian pedagogy to come, because this is the pedagogy that helps solve the main problem in education. That is, for a person to discover in himself through education not his own image, which is what “humanistic pedagogy” guides us towards, but to discover the image of God in himself - look much higher than the consumer surrounding world in which we are, in which we, as Mayakovsky said, “we do things.” Actions must be taken, focusing not only on immediate needs, but also keeping in mind the prospect of eternal life. This is the task of education, and if we help teachers and parents realize this, then, it seems to me, we have good prospects.