
At what age do people enter the Suvorov Military School? At what age do people enter the Suvorov Military School?

In light of recent historical events, Suvorov schools are attracting more and more young people. Parents also understand the prospects for studying in schools. By studying in such an institution, children receive not only the knowledge provided by the high school course, but also a good upbringing, and possibly preparation for a future profession. In this regard, parents of potential Suvorov students are looking online for all possible information about the features of admission to Suvorov schools in Russia. This article combines the most important questions about admission to Suvorov military schools and provides detailed answers to them.

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Suvorov Military School - how to apply?

In the most general case, the process of admission to the Suvorov Military School is as follows. The applicant’s parents prepare a package of documents about the health status, academic success and other advantages of their child. This package of documents is submitted to the admissions committee of the Suvorov Military School. Based on the results of the preliminary examination, a decision is made on the applicant’s admission to take the entrance examination and a personal file is created.

After preliminary selection, applicants are called to take entrance tests. The tests include testing knowledge in general education subjects, testing physical fitness and analyzing psychological readiness to study at the Suvorov Military School.

A competition is held between applicants who have passed all the tests for admission to the school for further education. The competition may take into account not only success during the tests, but also additional factors.

It is better to look at the official websites of educational institutions for more complete information about admission to Suvorov schools. In this case, it is better to study the question on the website of the particular school you plan to enroll in. You can find links to sites here.

At what age are students admitted to the Suvorov School?

At what age can one enter the Suvorov Military School? This question worries many people. The fact is that previously, almost all schools accepted admissions after the 9th grade. Now the situation has changed. The selection of applicants to Suvorov schools takes place among graduates of the 4th grade of secondary schools. Training starts from 5th grade. Thus, Suvorov schools accept children aged 9 to 11 years. Most students in the 5th grade of the school are 10 years old.

Is it possible to get into the Suvorov School after the 9th grade of a comprehensive school?

Previously, schools recruited students starting from the 9th grade. Currently, most educational institutions enroll students from the 5th grade of general education (after completing 4 grades).

However, it is possible to enter the Suvorov School after 9th grade. First of all, schools periodically recruit courses for 10th and 11th grades. In addition, after 9th grade you can enter the school by transfer. True, the latter option is fraught with significant difficulties and must be agreed upon with the administration of the educational institution, and possibly with other governing bodies.

Option: Nakhimov School.

Boys who want to achieve success in the military field should think about how to enter the Suvorov Military School. This educational institution can provide assistance to parents whose children are difficult to educate. The priority areas of development at the school are physical training and discipline.

How to enter the Suvorov Military School

The Suvorov School is under the control of the Ministry of Defense, which sets it apart from other educational institutions. The educational program corresponds to the standard one. The difference is military sports training, which occupies a central place in the training of Suvorovites. Academic achievement in such institutions is higher. This is due to the clear organization of the learning process and strict discipline.

How to enter the Suvorov Military School will be explained at the military registration and enlistment office

There are 22 schools in Russia. It is difficult to get into such an establishment. The list of students is strictly limited. It is approved by the Ministry of Defense. Recruitment of Suvorovites is carried out on the basis of 4th class. In the future, you should find out about the availability of additional places.

At what age do people enroll in school?

Successful completion of primary school will allow the child to cope with the load and adapt quickly. He has already become more independent and responsible. The boy completed basic physical training and learned the basics of the curriculum.

To be enrolled in school, a child must successfully complete primary school. He will have to undergo a medical examination, at which a conclusion will be made about his state of health. Studying in such an institution is possible only with the consent of the parents. The interview must take place in their presence.

You can enroll in college until you are 15 years old. The most suitable age is 10 years.

To complete the documents, it is better to visit the military registration and enlistment office. There you can get advice on unclear issues. Our staff will help you fill out your personal file correctly, fill out an application, and deliver the documentation to the right address. When selecting applicants, they evaluate their personal file, characteristics from the school, level of academic performance and list of achievements. They will have to do well in exams and physical fitness standards.

- personal statement from parents;
- a copy of the birth certificate, certified by a notary;
- autobiography filled out by hand;
- the student’s report card, certified by the school’s seal, indicating the foreign language being studied;
- a reference from the school signed by the class teacher and director;
- medical certificate of health and suitability for admission to Suvorovskoe, issued by the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office;
- four 3x4 photographs with space for a stamp in the lower right corner;
- a certified copy of the medical insurance policy;
- a certificate from the place of residence indicating the composition of the family;
- certificate from the parents’ place of work confirming their work activity;
- if the child is an orphan, then it is necessary to provide documents confirming the right to preferential enrollment in a military school.

Those wishing to enter the Suvorov Military School are increasing every year. Therefore, before admission, it is so important to have all the necessary information in advance.

The Cadet Corps is a primary military educational institution that prepares children for a military career. Both boys and girls can enroll in the cadet corps. The corps' students are called "cadets", which means "junior" in French.

You will need

  • - application from parents or legal representatives for minor citizens (for citizens over 14 years of age - written consent of parents or legal representatives)
  • - birth certificate (photocopy)
  • - compulsory health insurance policy (photocopy)
  • - statement of grades (quarter or trimester grades for the current academic year)
  • - certificate of basic general education (for citizens over 14 years old)
  • - certificate from secondary school
  • - if the child is studying at a music school, then a certificate from it is required
  • - an extract from the student’s medical card indicating chronic diseases
  • - student’s vaccination card (photocopy)
  • - parents’ passports (to be presented when submitting documents)
  • - characteristics from school
  • - certificates about the child’s health from psychoneurological, drug addiction, dermatovenerological, and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries


To enter the cadet corps, a child must have excellent health - 1 or 2 in health and a basic physical education group. The country needs healthy cadets, and subsequently healthy lieutenants, officers, generals! They must be ready at any moment to protect both their own lives and those of others.

There is a lot of competition for admission. Preferential rights in case of successful passing of the entrance exams to the corps are enjoyed by:

Children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, concussions) or illnesses they received while performing their military service duties;

Children of military personnel serving in military conflict zones;

Children of military personnel raised without a mother or father;

Orphans or left without parental care;
In each cadet corps, student admission is individual. Therefore, you need to check with the cadet institution itself about the documents required for admission, enrollment deadlines and other nuances.


The workload on students is very heavy, so the child and parents should carefully consider the step of entering the cadet corps. The child must take his studies seriously, be disciplined and psychologically prepared. After all, during these years his future specialty is laid out.

Helpful advice

In addition to the main subjects, students of the cadet corps are engaged in equestrian sports, drill, fire (working with weapons), parachute training, music, various types of dances, and sports. They study military-technical disciplines. Participate in expeditions and children's camps.

Despite the fact that military service is not particularly popular now, the Suvorov military schools, operating in different cities of Russia and training the future officer elite, are still popular. And getting into them is quite difficult: the competition is at least 3-4 people per place, the selection of applicants is very strict, and the admission procedure itself is not the easiest. What do you need to do to enter Suvorovskoye?


The first requirement is age. Since 2008, all Suvorov schools in the country began a gradual seven-year period of study, and the age limits for applicants changed every year, which greatly confused applicants. Since 2011, schools have accepted children who have completed the 4th general education.

The first stage of admission is, essentially, documents. In order to get into the Suvorov School, a substantial set of papers is required - the list includes a copy of the personal file from the school, and a conclusion, and a copy of the outpatient card. The full list can be found on the school’s website. To ensure that all the necessary documents are correct, you can contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. Papers must be submitted by June 1st.

All documents are reviewed by the admissions committee, and those candidates who are recognized as “suitable” in all respects (health status, level of education, age, etc.) are invited to take the entrance exams.

Tests take place in the first half of July. Potential Suvorov students must demonstrate their physical fitness (ultimately a decision is made whether the applicant is “fit” or “unfit”) and psychological readiness for training (psychological and psychophysiological examination). In addition, a Suvorov student needs to know mathematics and the Russian language - tests in general education subjects are also included in the program.

Based on the results of the entrance exams, each candidate is given a single score (points). By the way, when assigning points, the child’s sports, creative or social achievements are also taken into account, so diplomas of participation in competitions and competitions will increase the chances of.

The final lists of candidates look like this: first, children who qualify for preferential admission are enrolled (these are orphans, as well as children of certain categories of military personnel, including former ones), after which applicants with the highest number of points are admitted.

Upon enrollment in the school, a written agreement is signed with the parents (or guardians) of Suvorov students, which describes in detail all the conditions of training, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.


  • Procedure for admission to Suvorov military schools

Every boy in childhood wanted to become an astronaut, pilot or military man. So you firmly decided to become a Suvorov soldier. After all, being a Suvorov soldier and wearing a Suvorov uniform is a great honor for most boys. But, unfortunately, not everyone who wishes can enroll in Suvorovskoye school . Only minor citizens of Russia at the age of 15 and who have graduated from eight secondary schools have this right, and they must also meet all the requirements for both physical training and psychological selection.


Contact the local military registration and enlistment office, where they will tell you and your parents how to write the application correctly, and will accept the necessary documents from you. Submit, within the prescribed time frame, an application from the parents about their child’s desire to participate in this, which will also stipulate that the young man will continue to study at the university after completion. Attach the following documents to the application: a copy of the birth certificate, certified by a notary; an application from a young man wishing to enroll addressed to the head of the university; the student's report card, certified by the seal of the school in which he belongs; autobiography; general pedagogical characteristics signed by the head and director of the school; also a certificate of health certified by the school’s seal, verified by a special medical commission, as well as suitability for admission to Suvorovskoye school ; a copy of the medical insurance policy, certified by a notary; certificate from place of residence about family composition; characteristics from the parents' place of work.

Submit documents confirming your right to preferential enrollment in this school Make sure that you obtain permission from the military registration and enlistment office for a free military travel document to your destination and back, provided that you live in another city.

Prepare for the exams by knowing the dates beforehand.
Check your psychological and physical readiness for training.
Check the passing grade for admission to school.Withstand all the tests with dignity, and your efforts will be rewarded - you will be enrolled by order of the head of the MSVU Suvorovskoye school All the worries and trials are already behind you and you have finally become a Suvorov student. Wear it with dignity and don't let your parents' expectations down.

Video on the topic

You will need

  • an extract from the child’s personal file;
  • health certificate;
  • certificate of academic performance;
  • certificate of the child’s social status (for those children who need it)


The revival of cadet schools began when children began to spend too much time on the street, left to their own devices. First of all, these were aimed at children from socially unprotected and disadvantaged families. And today, cadet training has reached the level of pre-revolutionary Russia and is now considered very elite. This is why many parents, even those who are quite wealthy and prosperous, want to send their child to study at.

To become a student at a cadet school, you need to provide a number of documents. It includes a certificate of the child’s health, an extract from the personal file, a certificate (needed for those entering the university) and a document confirming the child’s status. This paragraph applies to those children who are orphans, are being raised in a large and low-income family, children from families where one of the parents died while on duty, and other categories of socially vulnerable children.

After you submit these necessary documents to the admissions office, the child will take entrance tests. As a rule, they include various interviews and psychological testing. Based on the results of such conversations, students are selected for school.

Submit documents to the school. Wait for the results of the competitive selection. If you are admitted to entrance examinations, find out the date of the exams and their location. Pass: testing, and foreign languages. Pass a physical fitness test and psychological testing.


The duration of training at VU is 3 years.


  • Official website of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School

The desire of young people to connect their future with the army is gaining increasing popularity. As a rule, such a desire arises at an early age and is the reason for enrolling in special educational institutions that help make dreams come true. Today, in cadet schools Not only males, but also girls can apply.


First, you need to decide on the question, is there really a need for? Perhaps this is a tribute to fashion or just an imitation of your desk neighbor? If the child has clearly defined his aspirations, he must begin preparing for school in advance. It’s good if there is a family, or where there is a teenager, there are special cadet classes that prepare for further admission.

Next, study the list of documents required for admission at the institution of your choice. This can be done on open day, which is usually held in the first months of spring, at the military registration and enlistment office or on official websites on the Internet. The lists indicate a specific list, which usually includes a certificate of health, an extract from the student’s personal file, a certificate of social status (orphan, raised in a large family, etc.).

Secondly, you must provide an autobiography, a personal statement addressed to your boss schools from the cadet candidate, a notarized copy of the birth certificate (at the time of admission the child must be less than 15 years old), an original report card with grades for the last three quarters of the school year, a pedagogical reference certified by the official seal of the school and signed by the class teacher and director, four photo cards, size 3*4, without headdress.

You should provide a copy of the medical insurance policy, which also needs to be notarized, and a certificate from the parents’ place of work, which should indicate the nature of their work activity.

Find out if your child can take advantage of admission benefits. Typically, such information is provided by a special commission that conducts testing and interviews with future cadets.

It must be remembered that in cadet schools They accept boys and girls who have graduated from primary school, accommodation in the institution is 24 hours a day, fully supported by the state. Usually, parents are allowed to pick up their children on weekends, but each institution has its own rules.

Graduates of cadet schools can enter the FSB Academy, the Military Academy, and the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation on a general basis. They do not have any benefits upon admission, however, the knowledge they acquire allows them to get into their chosen educational institution without much difficulty.


In Moscow, the cadet movement began to develop in 1992. With the support of public organizations, military, cadet and naval circles began to be created, which over time began to be called “classes”. The main functions of managing cadet educational institutions and educating students are performed by reserve officers, some of whom are graduates of the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.

Helpful advice

By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2013, Moscow “On amending the Standard Regulations on the Presidential Cadet, Suvorov Military, Nakhimov Naval, Military Music Schools and Cadet (Naval Cadet) Corps under the jurisdiction of Recruitment of candidates to the Tyumen Presidential Cadet School in 2013 will be organized in accordance with this order.


  • list of cadet schools

Many boys, and no less a number of girls, who study at school, dream of becoming cadets. To do this, they must endure a rigorous competition, the passage of which will ensure their admission to one of the various boarding schools, including a recently created institution designed to educate exclusively female persons. To get into a cadet school, you need to start preparing in advance, before the entrance exams.


Keep track of websites or other information sources used by selected cadets. Starting somewhere in the middle, there will be lists of documents that will need to be provided to confirm your desire by the chime or cadet.

Before this deadline, help your child undergo a full examination. It requires a lot of time and requires mandatory visits to a number of doctors. Most likely, you will be required to provide a certificate of condition, so such an inspection will not be superfluous. Also included in the list will be an extract from the personal file and documents related to the social status of him and his family.

Prepare in advance for the interview. Avoid putting undue pressure on the child, but make sure that his decision is informed and motivated, so that he can competently conduct a conversation with a psychologist. Do not control his answers and do not try to think through the course of the interview for the student: remember that this is an absolutely independent person who has made an adult decision and is ready to be responsible for it. The interview also takes place in late spring.

Familiarize yourself with the admission procedure and prepare your child to take the entrance exams. Please note that he will be required to have in-depth knowledge of general education subjects, possibly going beyond what he receives at school. Cadet competition housing usually quite large, and yours should be able to withstand high competition.

IN cadets Today many boys and even girls dream of going. But desire alone is not enough: in order to become a cadet, you need to go through a very serious competitive selection. Therefore, you need to prepare for admission to a cadet school long before finishing school.

You will need

  • -Internet;
  • -medical certificate.


First, decide which educational institution the current student will attend. In your child's last school year, constantly monitor all sources of information from which you can find out exactly what documents need to be collected for school. Browse Internet sites and specialized periodicals that provide similar information.

Before reaching the last months, send the future one for examination by doctors. To enter an educational institution, you need to visit a lot of doctors. And it wouldn’t hurt to prepare a medical certificate in advance. You can also take care in advance of documents indicating the social status of the applicant and his family.

Help your child prepare thoroughly for a difficult interview. First, try to communicate with him and make sure that his choice is truly conscious and is a motivated dream. At the same time, do not try to impose answers to potential questions on the future, but simply prepare him to communicate with a psychologist. After all, young people at this age are able to think quite maturely and give logical answers to all questions. Please note that, as a rule, the interview takes place in the last month of spring.

Re-read the algorithm for enrolling your child in advance. Prepare him hard for the entrance exams. Explain to the student that it is necessary to study the subjects required for entry very carefully and deeply. Therefore, while there is time, encourage your child to engage in additional activities. Try to convince him, there is always quite a lot of competition in such a school, so very solid knowledge will come in handy. Increased physical activity will also come in handy, because physical fitness is also tested upon entry.

Video on the topic

Introductory ones are held from August 1 to August 15. The group of candidates is accompanied by a special escort from the military registration and enlistment office directly to the school, although if desired, parents can go with the applicant. The school provides free accommodation and meals on its territory.

If you pass the exams successfully, you must enter without competition if you:
children of military personnel who are raised without a father,
children of military personnel who serve in a zone of military conflicts,
children of military personnel who died in the line of duty, or died as a result of injury or illness received in the line of duty,
children of military personnel who are transferred to the reserve due to health reasons, after they have achieved the duties of military service, or whose total duration of military service is more than twenty years,
children of military personnel who have a total duration of military service of more than twenty years, or are serving under a contract.

Attention to the patriotic education of children, their level of physical fitness and health status has revived the classical traditions of education and training in cadet schools. Of course, graduates of such schools are equal to graduates of other secondary educational institutions, and do not have any benefits when entering universities, but recently more and more children - both boys and girls - want to wear the proud title of “cadet”. How to enter such a school?


Find out if there are specialized cadet schools in your area. The educational regime in such schools can be organized on the boarding principle, but there are also schools with regular daytime education. In addition, they can also be cadets if their parents sent them to school mixed type.

Please note that in the cadet school or transfer in almost the same way as a regular one, with the only difference being that applicants for enrollment must have a higher level of physical fitness.

Find out information about a specific one by going to its website, or contacting the admissions office directly. In addition, cadet boarding schools usually encourage physically strong orphans from orphanages to enroll and transfer to

Military professions are becoming increasingly popular among young people. Girls who deliberately choose specialties related to military activities are no exception. This is due to the increased prestige of military schools, social guarantees of the state, provision of living space and decent earnings. In addition, for those who graduated from the Suvorov School, there is a benefit when entering higher educational institutions - they do not need to take entrance exams.

Military colleges for girls are becoming more and more attractive, and this is especially true of the famous Suvorov Military School. It has recently become possible for girls to enroll in military schools. If earlier the orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on admission clearly indicated the sex of the child, now there is no such restriction.

Suvorov schools for girls are not so common in Russia, some indicate that only boys are accepted. Although, the general order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, regulating the procedure for organizing educational activities in military educational institutions, provides for the admission of minor Russian citizens to such institutions, without indicating the gender of the child.

Information on admission to the Moscow Suvorov Military School does not contain such restrictions.

Who can enter the school

In many colleges, first of all, preference is given to preferential categories of citizens. But at the same time, if there are any health restrictions or exams have not been passed, regardless of benefits, such a child will not be able to enroll in school. The requirements are strict.

When entering the Moscow Suvorov Military School, a whole list of categories of minor citizens is given who have an advantage when entering the institution.

These include orphans, military personnel who served under contract in the Russian armed forces, children of Heroes of Russia and the USSR, children of deceased employees of the prosecutor's office and internal affairs bodies while on duty, and other categories. This applies to both girls and boys.

If there is no enrollment in the course among the preferential categories of minors, the remaining places are filled by children passing exams in the usual manner.

The Suvorov School for girls after the 4th grade also establishes general rules for admission. Children study from grades 5 to 9 and grades 10 to 11.

What will they teach at school?

Despite the fact that girls are called the weaker sex, there are no concessions for girls when studying at a military school. During the training period, female cadets, like boys:

  • are trained in fire training;
  • study tactics;
  • train during drill training;
  • teach the charter.

At the Suvorov School in Moscow, special attention is paid to the study of foreign languages. As part of educational programs, balls are organized, in which children learn ballroom etiquette to participate. In addition, they are taught the rules of behavior at protocol ceremonies.

What will the school cadets become?

Military professions are very diverse. Different schools offer training in various professions, but the most common among girls are professions related to radio broadcasting and television. And specialties in the areas of switching systems and multi-channel telecommunications are also popular.

In any case, upon admission, you must look at the list of professions at a particular military school.

What is needed for admission

The list of documents for all Suvorov schools is the same. It does not change depending on the gender of the child. Every year the school announces enrollment of children in certain classes. So, in 2018, at the Moscow Suvorov School for girls and boys there was admission only to the 5th grade.

Considering that minors are entering the school, an application is required from both parents, the future Suvorov student himself. The following must be provided: a copy of the child’s birth certificate, copies of parents’ passports, applicant data, 3 by 4 photographs, an extract confirming the candidate’s registration for admission.

The Suvorov School establishes preferential categories of citizens who have an advantage in admission. In this regard, it is necessary to provide the educational institution with documents confirming the availability of benefits. For example:

  • for children without parental care - certificates from the personal file of the deceased parent, certificate of the parent’s military service, length of service, etc.;
  • if the parent died, then a death certificate (certified), a court decision to appoint a guardian, etc.

Additional merits of the applicant are also taken into account. To do this, submit documents confirming achievements: certificates, diplomas. They are handed over to personal files in the form of certified copies.

During admission, special attention is paid to the physical condition and sports training of the child, therefore, upon admission to military schools for girls and boys, requirements are established for the presentation of certain medical documents.

List of medical documents

The admission school indicates that if candidates are unfit for health reasons, they are not allowed to take the entrance exams.

Upon admission to military schools, girls and boys are required to undergo a medical examination. Moreover, this must be done no earlier than January of the current year. The medical commission must be passed in the city in which the child wants to enter the Suvorov Military School (in Moscow or another city).

The following are required:

  • medical policy (copy);
  • medical card (certified copy);
  • a separate medical record with the results of the preliminary examination;
  • medical opinion on membership in the medical group for physical education;
  • certificates from three dispensaries: psychoneurological, drug addiction and tuberculosis (future Suvorov students do not have to be registered with them);
  • extract according to form 112/у;
  • vaccination certificate (copy).

Providing these documents is not enough for admission. Upon admission to the school, examinations are carried out by doctors. In addition, tests are taken.

Physical training

When entering military schools, special attention is paid to the physical preparation of candidates. In order to become a Suvorov student, you must pass standards that are assessed on a five-point system.

The main tasks are pull-ups, as a rule, this part of the exam is carried out in the school gym, running, according to various sources, 60 and 100 meters. There is also a long distance race.

As a rule, the most candidates are eliminated in long-distance running. This occurs due to improper distribution of forces.

Doctors monitor the applicants, and, of course, if necessary, the child will be provided with assistance. Suvorov School accepts girls. They pass physical fitness exams on the same basis as boys.

But unfortunately, not all schools accept girls. Such educational institutions are in the minority. Thus, the Yekaterinburg Suvorov School for girls was opened in 2009. But since 2014, girls have no longer been accepted. Although such information is not available on the official website of the school.

How are the entrance exam results assessed?

Exams begin at the school at eight in the morning and end at approximately 5 in the evening. You can take the exam only on the list together with your parent or legal representative.

As a rule, the first hour of the examination day at the Suvorov Military School is of an informational nature. The first thing children must do is take psychological tests, which are not scored. These tests give a general idea of ​​the candidate's psychological state. And the examiners give recommendations on the suitability of the training based on the test results.

In the main subjects, the exam result is assessed using a 10-point system. In terms of physical fitness, 5 points. Certificates are important, and if they are certificates for prizes, they are valued higher. The Suvorov School for Girls does not make any adjustments to the grading system.

Military schools are becoming more and more popular, so there is quite a lot of competition here, about 5 people per place.

After what class is it better to enroll?

The most realistic way to go to school is after the 4th grade. Often, schools recruit applicants specifically for the 5th grade. Accordingly, the Suvorov School for girls after the 9th grade is not always available and not in all cities.

This distribution is due to the fact that the transition to a 7-year education and admission to different classes is carried out gradually. In addition, the number of students in schools is strictly limited.

There is an option to transfer a child to 9th grade, but this process is quite complicated and requires approval from the administration. As a rule, you can transfer either from another Suvorov Military School or from a military school.

If a child wants to study at a military college, and the Suvorov School for Girls did not recruit a group in a certain year, then you can enroll in the Boarding House for female students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Boarding house for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Along with the Suvorov School, the Ministry of Defense has organized a boarding house for students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in which girls will be able to acquire military professions.

Upon admission to such a boarding house, a collection of documents is carried out, similar to the Suvorov Colleges. There is also a list of persons for whom admission benefits apply.

In 2018, it was possible to enroll only in the 5th grade; education lasts until the 11th grade. The girls live in a dormitory. After graduating from the boarding house, graduates can enter military universities in Russia. There is a flight school at the boarding house. Students of the institution take prizes in various Olympiads and competitions.

Benefits for Suvorovites

Children studying at the country's Suvorov schools are fully supported by the state. This applies, for example, to travel. Suvorov students are provided with preferential travel at the expense of the school. Pupils are provided with food and uniform in which they undergo training.

Children who graduated from the Suvorov School have an advantage when entering universities over children who graduated from educational schools.

Advantages of studying at school

In addition to the opportunity to receive a promising military education and enter the best military universities in the country, there are a number of other advantages. At the Suvorov schools for girls and boys, special disciplines are taught that help shape a person’s character.

Here the child will be able to learn several languages. They teach increased attentiveness and self-organization. This will help not only in the military profession, but also if the child later works in the civilian sphere.

Training in etiquette and general education subjects at a high level will help you continue your studies in higher educational institutions without any problems.

A high level of physical fitness and the study of psychology will help Suvorov students fully become military professionals in the future.

When choosing military professions in the future, a child must clearly understand what he will have to face, especially if it is a girl. And his parents should help him with this. The military profession is a calling. In Russia today there are many military educational institutions that accept girls. The prestige of the Suvorov schools is undeniable. The high level of discipline and education is precisely why the school attracts the attention of applicants, both boys and girls.

Subtleties and nuances of admission to the Yekaterinburg Suvorov Military School, which you will not find on the official website of the school - personal experience and information received when trying to enroll in 2016.

Where and how to get information about submitting documents

Do not rely on the information content of the official website of the Ekaterinburg Suvorov Military School! Looking through the site, you will not find any details or recommendations related to admission there.

Recommendation - continuously call the admissions committee, if you want, go in person. Try to double-check some of their recommendations, since the admissions committee may have different answers to the same question. Don't bother with questions... this will help you when creating a set of documents and preparing for admission.

Medical documents

The list of medical certificates and documents that must be submitted upon admission is on the Suvorov Military School website. Don’t be surprised, but documents really need to be submitted in a paper and cardboard folder without plastic files, according to the inventory. Medical documents are separately in the file.

The first impression of high health requirements is not confirmed in practice! Treated erosive gastroduodenitis, a slight form of flat feet, stuttering, wearing glasses, increased obesity, spring respiratory allergies and much more, which frightens parents, does not at all impress the school doctors.

On the day of admission, each parent undergoes an interview with a doctor and reviews the medical record from the children's clinic. This conversation takes no more than 5-7 minutes. This interview itself leaves the impression that doctors are seeing for the first time medical documents that were presented to them more than a month ago. The feeling is that for the doctor this is some kind of medical improvisation “in a hurry.”

Conclusion- the medical requirements are not so severe, and the meticulousness and scrupulousness of the doctors from the admissions committee is conditional, and therefore, if the child does not have a disability, most likely he is suitable for admission. The phrase “strict medical selection” is not very true.

Dates for submitting documents and exams

Once again by dates:

* You can prepare medical documents (except for tests) as early as January.

There is a nuance regarding the point “certificates from neuropsychiatric, drug addiction and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries”:

  • anti-tuberculosis- do an x-ray, take shoe covers, a pen, a card from the clinic, a vaccination certificate (or an extract about BCG and Monto), sign up with your child at the dispensary (judging by the reviews - there are incredible queues, but we were in May and the dispensary was empty) ;
  • psychoneurological and narcological- you make an appointment with a psychiatrist (the telephone number is at the reception of your clinic), sometimes in the certificate the psychiatrist writes “is not registered with a psychiatrist and narcologist “, but this is usually in the cities of the region, and in Yekaterinburg you need to visit a narcologist on July, 76.

After June 20, the school begins calling candidates: announce the date of the exams. (They called us 6 days in advance). Exams are held from July 1 to July 12 inclusive (Monday to Saturday).

* At the exam, the presence of the child’s legal representative is mandatory: parents (even as a whole family), or another adult by proxy.

* The examination day (described below) starts at 8.00 and ends at 17-18 with the final meeting.

How is the exam day at the Suvorov Military School?

What are they silent about on the Suvorov Military School website?

First of all, about the essence of examination testing, the technology of its implementation and scoring methods, the schedule of the examination day.

The website completely lacks a description of the testing features and requirements for the level of preparation of children. Everything is in style - guess for yourself and hope for luck.

Exam day schedule

Arrival at 8.00. Entrance to the school according to the list.

From 8.00 to 8.30 - registration of arrivals.

You must have with you:

* Report card (on letterhead) from school for grade 4, signed by the school principal, class teacher and stamp.

* Medical record (thick notebook) from the children's clinic.

* Certificates, diplomas.

* Sports shoes and clothing (depending on the weather).

* Stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, ruler).

From 8.30 to 9.00 an informative address from school leaders. The order in which the exam will be administered will be explained. They will explain where the toilets, buffet, etc. are. organizational matters.

Here, right in front of the parents, they will open the envelope with exam tickets (they are separate for each exam day).

At 9.00 all children are taken away in formation for exams and testing.

Parents can have breakfast at the buffet, and after that there will be the same interview with doctors that was written about earlier.

After a conversation with a doctor, parents are free until 12.00 - 12.30. You can stay right there in the assembly hall, watching commercials about Suvorov soldiers and films about the war, or you can leave the school.

From 9.00 to (approximately) 10.00 children will undergo psychological testing.

All children will be seated in a classroom and given three tests. We have not seen these tests, but according to the child, the testing is as follows:

* The first test is psychological and logical, 60 questions. An ordinary child will have time to answer about 20-25 questions. The questions are ordinary, as in many psychological tests, interspersed with logical problems.

* Second test - The psychologist reads the questions out loud, and the children mark one of the answer options. For example: “how do you behave in a big company?”

* The third test is “Continue the sentence”, about 20 tasks, 11-15 have time to complete. For example, “In the evening I usually...”.

The psychological test does not affect the admission scores, but based on its results a general conclusion is drawn “ not recommended/recommended training in VCA”, which is communicated to parents only in the evening at the final meeting.

It is assumed that with the help of such testing, the Admissions Committee will be able to weed out children who are incapable of “living with limitations,” “obeying,” or “getting along in a team.”

What's the problem here? The problem is that no child has ever been tested like this. For everyone, without exception, this is an unprecedented and obscure event. And all children will react to it differently. Someone will consider the questions stupid and will also answer stupidly, another will begin to be magisterial, the third will become constrained and answer inappropriately...

From 10.00 to (approximately) 11.00, children are given a written test using task tickets that were in the “secret package”. (Mathematics, Russian language, Foreign language)

For each subject there are 4 tasks, one of which is of increased difficulty. The tests are quite ordinary, of which there are many on the Internet, but there may be surprises.

What was a surprise:

The tasks in the Russian language were not only tests, but also on knowledge of theory. For example, the following question: “what is the difference between a preposition and a prefix.” The child must formulate and write a complete answer himself.

The math tasks did not seem difficult, but they were still tasks (again, not a test version where the correct answer is chosen).

English test assignments.

After the written part, the children have a medical examination: admission to pass the minimum physical education test.

The point system for physical training is five-point, as in a regular school. The overall grade included in the physical fitness test is average. Those. if the pull-up is “5”, 60 m is “3”, and 1 km is “4”, then the average score is “4”.

* Pull-ups in the gym. The minimum standard is 5 times, the maximum is 10. Anyone who can do more will still not be allowed to do it. Ten times that's an A, and that's enough.

* 60 m run: three - 12 seconds, five - 10.5 seconds.

* Running 1 km is the most difficult physical fitness test. Some children simply don’t make it. The lack of experience in long-distance running takes its toll. The child must be able to choose the pace at which he can run. The problem is that children “drive” each other without experience, and in the middle of the race they are left exhausted. The standard for 1 km is not strict and you can run it. The standard was announced as “excellent” - 5 minutes 30 seconds. But at the same time, many ran faster - from 4.10 to 4.40.

At the finish line, everyone is met by a doctor with a first aid kit and ammonia.

At 12.30, children are given to their parents for about 1.5 hours; they can have lunch in the school cafeteria or go outside the school.

At 14.00 children are taken for 3-3.5 hours for an oral exam. This part is the most important and defining part of the entire exam day.

Each child is interviewed by a subject teacher. In fact, the conversation is based on an analysis of a written test on a given subject. In Russian they ask for rules, in mathematics - explanations of why and how you solved problems, in English: you had to answer questions about yourself.

At approximately 17.15, after the children have all passed the oral exam, they return to the club and after 7-10 minutes the Admissions Committee is ready to present the test results.

The speed of the admissions committee is alarming in terms of thoroughness and scrupulousness in discussing test results. Apparently, there is a simple “technical conveyor” where there is no room for discussion and informed decision-making.

The selection committee announces who was included in the competition list and with what scores, and then the list of those who did not make it is read out, with the name of the reason.

Being included in the competition list does not mean that the child has been accepted into the Suvorov Military School. It’s just that this is the list from which those who will enroll will then be selected.

According to our example: on one competition day, out of 45 children, 7 did not pass the physical minimum, approximately 7-10 were “not recommended” by psychologists, 21 did not pass the subjects. To get into the competition list, you had to score a minimum of 29 points, and the maximum was 50 points.

Method of evaluation and calculation of competitive points

It was also unexpected for us (due to the lack of information on the school’s website):

Each main subject (Mathematics, Russian language, English language) is assessed with a maximum of 10 points. These 10 points are subsequently interpreted in the usual five-point system, for example, 5-6 points are a three, 3-4 are a two (unsatisfactory).

It was not entirely clear how points were awarded. But in a personal conversation with the deputy head for academic affairs they explained to us: The written part is not an exam, but preparation for an oral exam (!).

In an oral exam, if a child was unable to answer the written part in detail, then his written answers are not counted.

For physical training - the average score is calculated (maximum - 5 points).

The average score from the report card for 4th grade is added to the exam scores. It could be, for example, 4.3 or 4.8 points (maximum 5 points).

- For certificates: Only “subject” and sports achievements are taken into account, but with the obligatory indication of the prize-winning place. Just for participation - they are not taken into account.

  • For school certificates - for everything, regardless of their number - 0.5 points.
  • For prizes in city/district competitions, Olympiads, etc. - 1 point for each(!) diploma.
  • For prizes in regional/Russian competitions, Olympiads, etc. - 2 points for each(!) diploma.

Who ultimately has a chance to enter the Suvorov Military School in Yekaterinburg

Approximately 400 people are participating in the competition in 2016, and 80 cadets are being recruited.

If we take into account that by the end of the exams 150-170 people are included in the competitive list, then in order to be among the lucky 80, it is likely (taking into account the beneficiaries admitted to the school) that you will need to score more than 40 points.

Based on the results of the first 3 days of exams, which we know about, 95 people passed the exams, 32 of them were included in the competitive list, with an average score of 32-38, one had 42, another had 48.

Now you can calculate: Let the average score for 4th grade be “5”, and you passed physical training excellently - “5”, in the absence of certificates of city/regional significance, you need to pass the subjects with a “10”, so that in the end there will be 40 points. As a result of three days of passing the exams, no one was able to pass with a “10”.

How can you score more than 40 points under these conditions?

Conclusion: certificates needed! And not just necessary, but vitally necessary. It is diplomas that become the key to admission to school. And the more there are, the better.