
Dance group in kindergarten senior group. Program for continuing education at the topotushki dance club dow

Explanatory note

Intonation, melody, fret, rhythm, harmony

reflect the reality around us-nature, the world of human feelings, history, the future of mankind.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool age is one of the most critical periods in the life of every person. It was during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical development of the child were laid, the person’s personality was formed.

In the period from three to seven years, the child intensively grows and develops, movements become his need, therefore physical education is especially important in this age period.

Recently, pre-school institutions have increasingly begun to use non-traditional means of physical education of children: exercises of rhythmic gymnastics, playing stretching, dancing and others. The most popular is rhythmic gymnastics, the origins of which originate in ancient times.

Currently, there are many rhythm-plastic directions, and one of the most affordable, effective and emotional is dance-rhythmic gymnastics.

Accessibility of this species is based on simple general developmental exercises.

Efficiency - in its versatile effect on the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

Emotionality is achieved not only by musical accompaniment and dance elements that are part of the dance rhythmic gymnastics exercises, but also by figurative exercises, story compositions that meet the age characteristics of preschoolers, prone to imitate, copying the actions of humans and animals.

In this regard, the urgent problem of developing a program using a variety of non-traditional forms, means of methods of physical, aesthetic and musical education of children.

1. Dance rhythmic gymnastics, which includes:




Disco workout

2. Unconventional types of exercises:


Finger gymnastics

Gaming self-massage

Musically outdoor games

3. Creative gymnastics:

Musical and creative games

Special tasks.

The game method gives the educational process an attractive form, facilitates the process of memorizing and mastering exercises, increases the emotional background of classes, and promotes the development of thinking, imagination and creative abilities of the child.

The purpose of the program: to promote the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler by means of dance and game gymnastics. Creating a motor regime, a positive psychological attitude, a good level of training. All this helps to strengthen the health of the child, his physical and mental development.

1. Health promotion:

Contribute to the optimization of the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;

To form a correct posture;

Promote prevention of flat feet;

To promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.

2. Improving the psychomotor abilities of preschoolers:

To develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, speed-strength and coordination abilities;

To promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music;

To form skills of expressiveness, grace and grace of dance movements and dances.

3. The development of creative and creative abilities:

To develop thinking, imagination, resourcefulness and cognitive activity, expand horizons;

To form skills of independent expression of movements to music;

To educate the ability of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in movements;

To develop leadership, initiative, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and industriousness.

Program structure

The scientific-methodical manual is used in the form of a circle work.

The program is designed for two years of education for children from 5 to 7 years. Children attend the club at will. In addition, the individual abilities of each child are taken into account. The age composition of the circle is thus mixed.

The study takes 12 hours; preparation and conduct of the reporting concert 6 hours. As a result, the year of study is 54 hours.

Number of lessons: 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

Lesson duration: 25-30 minutes.

Number of children: 10 people.

The program consists of two sections corresponding to the content of the 1st and 2nd year of study, taking into account the dynamics of the development of dance opportunities of children in a given age period. In the 2nd year of schooling, modern popular dances are available for children.

Program logistics:

1. Bright and spacious room.

2. Technical means.

Expected results:

1. Development of an effective integrated system for shaping the health of preschool children.

2. Improving physical development.

3. Increased resistance to fatigue, increased efficiency.


for an additional educational program of the Zdraviki modern dance club, designed for preschool children from 5 to 7 years old at the municipal center for the development of the child - kindergarten "Sun" of the municipality of Kovylkino, the Republic of Mordovia.

The institution implementing the program: Municipal preschool educational institution "Center for the development of the child-kindergarten" Sun "of the municipality of Kovylkino, Republic of Mordovia.

General characteristics of the program:

Orientation, within the framework of which the program of the Zdraviki modern dance club is developing and developing.

Type of children's association, within the framework of which this program is implemented: children of preparatory and senior groups who do not have special training.

Age of children: 5-7 years.

Program implementation period: 2 years.

The relevance of the program and its novelty are determined by its focus on creating the conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children.

The implementation of this program will improve the physical development of children, increase resistance to fatigue and increase efficiency.

The leading conceptual idea of \u200b\u200bthe program, which is subordinated to the main goal - increasing the children's health index through the use of modern health-saving technologies, comprehensive development of the preschooler’s personality by means of dance and game gymnastics, is to create conditions for physical development and reduce the incidence of pupils, the formation of vital motor skills of the child in accordance with individual development features.

Integration of basic and additional education as equal components of a single process of socialization of children form a health-developing space for the development and socialization of the child’s personality.

The program corresponds to the specifics of additional education of children and contributes to:

Stimulating children to physical activity;

The development of physical qualities;

The solution of physical fitness tasks together with teachers and a medical professional;

The development of creative abilities of the person;

Maintaining the desire for independent activity;

Creative use of children's experiences;

Self-determination of the child in the framework of leading activities.

To achieve this goal, the following tools and methods were used:

Use of heart rate (in the classroom there is a nurse who measures the fluctuations in the heart rate of the child during various physical exercises, also in the classroom there is a senior educator who fixes the correctness of the schedule and loads in the classroom),

Cycling method

The method of teaching children self-monitoring of health, integration of classes,

Game, dance and rhythmic gymnastics, non-traditional types of exercises, creative gymnastics, musical accompaniment.

The program is holistic, the structural parts are highlighted, the main components are presented inside the parts, goals, objectives and ways to achieve them are agreed.

The explanatory note is composed pedagogically competently. The language and style of presentation is clear, concise, demonstrative, logical. The thematic plan takes into account the basic requirements for the organization of the healing process in MDOU "TsRR-kindergarten" Sun ".

The methodological support of the program quite fully represents the health-developing conditions necessary for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children.

Requirements for the level of preparedness of preschool children



Physical health

Psychomotor abilities






Flat top

Musculoskeletal system

Sense of rhythm

Matching movements with music

Ear for music

First year of study

September October

1. Disco workout.

Ordinary walking in a circle - to monitor posture, learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music. To achieve a clear, rhythmic and vigorous step. Put your feet parallel to each other.

Walking, turning his back in the direction of travel, in a circle - to learn how to navigate in space, to run easily, at ease, without bumping into each other.

Running, raising your knees high - to feel the nature of the music and transmit it in motion. Learning to run is easy, rhythmic.

Walking on the spot, clenching and unclenching the fists, smoothly raising and lowering hands - to achieve clarity when performing movements.

Squats in the spring - to consolidate the skill of springing movement, to avoid tension in the feet, knees, hips, to control the coordination of movements of various parts of the body.

2. Igroplastika. Special exercises for developing muscle strength.

Marine figures: "Starfish" - lying on his stomach, bending, arms to the sides, legs apart. "Seahorse" - sitting on his heels, hands behind his head. "Crab" - movement in an emphasis standing, bent over, legs bent apart. "Dolphin" - lying on his stomach, bending, arms up in the "castle".

3. Training in dance movements.

4. Musically - mobile game "Mirror".

5. Game self-massage:

Stroking the hands and feet in a review-game form ("Palms-washcloth", wash off the hands and feet with some water).

November December

1. Disco workout:

Walking: on the heels, on the outer and inner sides of the foot.

Running abruptly bringing legs forward, then back, continue to teach children to run easily, rhythmically, tearing off the floor as high as possible, not to hold hands.

Walking in place, crossing arms in front of you, raising and lowering them, continue to teach children to transfer body weight from one leg to another, without lifting their socks off the floor, while shaking their hips. Coordinate the movement of arms and legs.

Walking in place, rotating the hands, raising and lowering them.

Jumping - to teach in a jump to set alternately right or left

2. Igrhythmics “Snowflakes”, “Flashlights”.

Springs with shaking hands to the right, left.

Step forward, hands up, step back, hands down.

Swipe your arms up alternately, with a spring.

Walking in a circle, stretching legs.

3. Learning the dance.

4. Musically - outdoor game "Garden".

5. Exercises to relax muscles, breathing and to strengthen posture. Breathing exercises on imitative and figurative movements.


Hang on the shoulder

Submit to another.

Us the sun is hot

Ashes in the afternoon at times.

Blow it on my stomach

How the pipe will become a mouth,

And now to the clouds

And stop for now.

January February

1. Disco workout.

Walking, raising legs high in the knees, reinforcing the skill of a clear rhythmic step. Monitor posture and coordination. Feet should be parallel to each other.

Walking from toe to heel, pulling the toe of the foot, gently lower your leg and move around the hall.

Hops, turning face forward in a circle, exercise children in a strong energetic jump. Hands are free.

Squats on a spring, to avoid tension in the feet, knees, hips. To reinforce the skill of spring movement.

Circular movements of the hips, wiggle the hips back and forth, left and right. To strengthen the ability to transfer body weight from one leg to another.

Jumping "panicle" alternately on each leg, improve the ability to jump, vigorously pushing off the floor.

2. Igro rhythm

Claps and kicks on strong and weak beats.

3. Dance training.

4. Creative gymnastics "Creative improvisation."

5. Finger exercises for alternately flexing and extending the fingers into a fist.

This finger wants to sleep

This finger is jumping into bed!

This finger has nipped.

This finger has already fallen asleep.

Fingers got up. Hooray!

It's time to go to kindergarten.

March, April

1. Disco - a workout.

Attached step, turning his face (back) to the center of the circle, to teach, at each step clearly put the heel to the heel. Walking easily, slightly springing legs. Keep the housing straight without turning in the direction of travel.

Running in a wide flying movement, learn rhythmically, in big jumps, waving your arms strongly. Tilt the housing slightly forward.

Shake your hands and body (both hands to the side), perform movements in complete relaxation with bent knees. Correctly coordinate the movement of arms and legs. Make sure that your hands are not clamped. Perform the movement rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

Jumping: side gallop, turning his face (back) to the center of the circle; high jumps, convey in motion the swift nature of music. At the end of the movement, stop jumping on two legs. Follow the correct position of the feet, placing the heel to the heel at every gallop step. Do not rotate the housing in the direction of travel. To strengthen the ability of children to energetically push off from the floor during high jumps.

2. Igro rhythm.

Accentuated walking with the release of a strong beat (score 1 and 3 with a musical size of 4/4) with a kick or clap.

3. Learning the dance.

4. Musically mobile game "Dance of nature".

5. Exercises for muscle relaxation; respiratory and to strengthen posture.

Raising hands - on a breath. Free lowering of hands - on a breath.


Nose - inhale, and exhale - mouth,

Breathe deeper and then

The march is in place, slowly

If the weather is good!

Reporting concert "Sun Rays".

Second year of study

September October


Common walking: to learn to maintain the correct position of the body, feet should be parallel to each other, while the lumbar vertebrae should serve as a support. To teach to keep the shoulder blades close, chest raised, not to raise shoulders.

Side gallop: turning towards the center of the circle, be able to stop jumping on two legs. Do not rotate the housing in the direction of travel.

Walking in place, alternately moving your shoulders up and down, crouching and straightening, it is easy to transfer body weight from one leg to another. Coordinate the movement of crying with the movement of the body.

Half squats with a tilt of the head (left, right, forward, backward), learn to relax the muscles of the neck. Develop the flexibility of the cervical spine.

Leaning to the side, teach children to start moving immediately after entry.

Mahi with a bent leg, teach vigorously raise legs, maintaining balance.

Jumping (high), continue to teach children to jump, vigorously pushing off the floor.

2. Igroplastika.

Exercises for the development of muscle strength in figurative and game motor actions and tasks (for the abdominal muscles - lying on your back, flexion, leg extension - “bicycle”).


I'm sitting on a bike

Only upside down.

And pedal fun with my feet.

Oh, I’ll pump it! Oh, I’ll pump it!

We are going, we are going - we are not in a hurry,

And tired - we’ll rest.

3. Learning the dance.

4. Musically - mobile game "Bird in a cage."

5. Game self-massage. Stroking individual parts of the body in a specific order in a review play form. For brushes and fingers.

November December

1. Disco workout:

An ordinary walk in a circle in alternation with a springy step, to consolidate the ability of children to walk in the nature of music. Begin and end the walk with the music exactly. Distinguish dynamic shades.

Side gallop in alternation with jumps, move rhythmically, gracefully. To achieve utmost expressiveness in the performance of these movements.

Walking in place with semicircular movements of the head to the left shoulder, then to the right, to develop the flexibility of the cervical spine, smoothly moving the head from one position to another.

Half squats with turning the body to the right and left, monitor the coordination of movements of the arms, legs, hips, feet, knees. Develop muscle elasticity with wiggle.

Torso to the right and left, perform movements actively, dynamically.

Swing your legs forward with bent legs, doing swings, maintaining balance and the correct position of the body.

Jumping (2-3 types), continue to develop, the ability to easily tear yourself off the floor.

2. Igroplastika.

Special exercises for the development of muscle strength in figurative motor actions and tasks.

To walk beautifully for us

It’s necessary to strengthen the muscles,

We’ll pump up the stomach and back,

We’ll put the proud posture.

"Strengthen the tummy" - from the supine position raising bent legs.

“Strengthen the back” - lying on your stomach, arms up, bend.

"Rest" - walking in a circle with the correct posture with musical accompaniment.

3. Learning dance moves.

4. Musically - creative game "Dance of Fire".

5. Game rhythm. Walking on each count and across the bill with clapping.

January February

1. Disco workout.

Alternating walking, raising knees high with jumps, to develop the ability to freely move from an active step to an easy jump.

A lateral gallop, turning to face the center of the circle, alternating with circling at a jump around you, monitor the proper coordination of arms and legs, convey the light character of music in motion.

Walking in place transferring body weight, walking back and forth, to the right around you, to the left around you, to teach children to start moving with the sock. Bend and unbend your knees rhythmically.

Circular motion of the hands with clenching and unclenching of the fists, perform movements rhythmically. Avoid straining hands.

Circular body movements to begin movement with the music, not lagging behind and not ahead of it. Maintain balance.

Jumping on one leg, bending and unbending the free leg, learn to add arbitrary movements of hands and head.

2. Igro rhythm.

Performing exercises to the music with the influx to a strong beat.

Standing, hands on the belt. Lean forward, straighten, flood.

3. Dance training.

4. Musically mobile game "Trickle".

5. Exercises for relaxing muscles, breathing and strengthening posture.

Breathing exercises on imitative and figurative movements.

Gently pick up the air. Take a breath

We inflate the red ball. Exhale.

Let him fly to the clouds. Take a breath

I will help him myself! Exhale.

March, April

1. Disco workout:

A springy step in alternating with jumps, perfect a strong energetic jump. To be able to clearly transition from an active movement to a calmer, smoother.

Circular movements of the hands (alternately right, left) - learn to note strong beats in measures. To ensure that children feel moments of relaxation in the muscles of the hands.

Wiggle your arms and torso (arms to the sides), continue to teach children how to supplement movements with the relaxation of bent knees.

Torso forward, learn to bend and straighten your back.

Circular movements of the hips, to improve the ability to transfer body weight from one leg to another, shaking the hips.

Jumping, reinforcing the ability of children to bounce rhythmically, while maintaining the correct position of the body.

2. Acrobatic exercise - keep the body straight, maintain balance. Vertical balance on one leg with different hand movements.


Stand on one leg

As if you’re a stubborn soldier.

Keep your right foot

Yes look do not fall.

Now stand on the left

If you're a brave soldier ?!

3. Dance training.

4. Musically - mobile game “Unravel the rope”.

5. Exercise to relax muscles, respiratory and to strengthen posture.

One two three four five!

We know how to relax too -

Put your hands behind your back

Raise your head higher

And easy - easy to breathe.

Reporting concert "Spring meeting".


1. "Folklore - music - theater", edited by S. I. Merzlyakov, Vlados Publishing House 1999

2. “Sa - Fi - Dance” by J. E. Firileva, E. G. Saykina, St. Petersburg “Childhood - Press”, 2000

3. “Teach children to dance” T. V. Purtova, A. N. Belikova, O. V. Kvetnaya, ed. Vlados 2003


Dance games

Parent meeting "Comprehensive development of the child by means of music and rhythmic movements"

“From beautiful images we will move on to

beautiful thoughts, from beautiful

thoughts to a beautiful life and from

beautiful life to absolute beauty ”

In our socially oriented time, when a person’s life began to be assessed as a measure of success, recognition and achievement of specific goals, the comprehensive development of a child by means of music and rhythmic movements plays an important role in the development of a child’s creative and harmoniously successful personality.

In the life of every family, a moment comes when parents think about which creative direction to “send” the child to and how to develop it. A lot of people choose dancing classes for their child, for kids, as a rule, it all starts with rhythms and rhythmic movements. In such classes, the child will not only learn to dance beautifully, move, hold posture, but will also develop spiritually. After all, dance is creativity, dance is precisely that type of art that will help the child open up, show others how he sees this world. What can we say about how important the concept of “first dance” is for girls and boys, because they want to feel like real princesses and princes at balls, like in fairy tales.

Children's dances are the study of the main means of expressiveness (movement and posture, plastic and facial expressions, rhythm), which are associated with the emotional impressions of a small person from the outside world. Children's dance begins with rhythm, where the study of dance begins with simple movements, often, classes are more like a game, but in this game the child will learn those things that are very useful to him in life. The main goal of rhythmic classes with preschoolers is the comprehensive development of the child, the development of musicality and rhythm in the classroom, the formation of creative abilities and the development of individual qualities of the child, by means of music and rhythmic movements.

For the full perception of musical works in the classroom of rhythm and its creative reflection in dance, it is necessary to help children understand the special language of music, its character, genre and features of rhythmic pattern. For the development of creative performing activities in dance, children need to study and understand the features of a particular musical work in more depth - this undoubtedly contributes to a completely different understanding of the choreographic and musical arts. This gives children the opportunity to raise their creative potential to another higher level and open up new interesting opportunities in the creative process.

In rhythmic classes, an opportunity is given to fully develop the individual characteristics of each child, to form a good aesthetic taste, thereby helping to harmonize the inner world of the child.

Harmony (from Greek) - “consent, harmony, beauty”. A sense of harmony is the most correct organization of content, the ordering of the structure of the subject, phenomenon, giving them harmony and completeness. The ability to discover harmony in life, art and bring it into practice, into our diverse life, is a great human skill that brings the joy of being to all who are endowed with this feeling. An important role in the creative activity and development of the spiritual world of the child is played by the formation of aesthetic taste. How can aesthetic taste be developed?

Aesthetic taste is brought up, firstly, due to the development of the ability to feel the expressiveness of art, to understand the language of art; secondly, theoretical training, thirdly, the creative and performing activities of children in children's morning performances, concerts and creative evenings.

The approach to each child is to help reveal his creative talents, teach him how to communicate, express himself, feel confident in life, increase his ability to adapt to various life changes.

Each child comes up with a dance for the chosen emotion. The great pleasure in children is precisely the composition of their dances, where they could express their feelings in a safe manner. An interesting observation is that at this age children are reluctant to play negative characters, preferring to portray princesses and princes, but they enthusiastically compose a dance of anger, becoming angry, performing its dance.

The significance of expressing emotions through movement is that it is in this way that they become acquainted with their own emotions, accept them, and develop the psychological ability to experience their own feelings and accept them from others. The ability to listen, analyze and understand a musical work, which contributes to the manifestation of a more vivid and creative image in dance, has a great influence on the success of solving the task. Musical perception skills help to trace the formation of a musical image, its character and sensitively reproduce a rhythmic pattern.

Starting to dance in childhood, you can prevent the occurrence of negative attitudes, change your mindset, improve your attitude towards others. Thus, dance is more than just moving to music. This is a way of working on oneself, helping to achieve success in any field of activity. He educates those abilities that control the interaction of the mind and body and help to manifest what is inside of us outside. Dancing classes give the child the joy of movement, communication, enrich his inner world and help him to know himself.

Consultation for teachers “Psychotherapeutic possibilities of movement and dance when working with preschool children”

Various systems of body-oriented psychotherapy, including motor and dance, are now based on the possibilities of influencing the psyche with the help of the body, which are now becoming increasingly popular. This is largely due to the fact that the modern state of human society is characterized by an exaggeration of the rational beginning, excessive attention to intelligence, social achievements and the suppression of the instinctive, “wild”.

Recently, a situation has arisen where preschool children can be especially affected. Many parents are very early concerned about the education of their own children. There is anxiety whether the child will be able to enter a prestigious school, university; and many parents begin to worry about this in advance and prepare the child for the very admission to school, and for subsequent studies in it. Too early training in mathematics, writing and reading, and insufficient attention is paid to the aesthetic development of the child (music, singing, dance, drawing, etc.). All this leads to the fact that the child’s left hemisphere begins to develop intensively to the detriment of the right one, and a very important area of \u200b\u200bthe psyche (emotions, intuition) remains underdeveloped, falls out. This can most directly negatively affect the further development of the child.

The existing works on dance movement therapy are largely general theoretical, abstract in nature. It is almost impossible to find specific recommendations, techniques, etc. in them. And literature on the psychological aspects of movement in children, at least in Russian, is practically absent altogether.

I want to talk about specific games that solve certain psychological problems and allow you to work with certain psychological problems of preschoolers using the capabilities of movement, dance, games, etc.

Exercise aimed at fulfilling the needs of children to be seen:

"Creative improvisation."

The head sets the children various music: waltz, march, polka. To the music of the waltz, children come up with light, smooth movements. Soldiers, gymnasts, etc. are depicted on the march music. Children jump to the Polish music, run, depicting bunnies, squirrels.

The leader notes and shows everyone the best creative improvisation.

"Dance of Fire."

Fantasy of greatness:

Anxiety, fears; ability to defend:

“Unravel the rope”, “Bird in a cage”.

The game is aimed at developing speed and agility. Relaxation exercises. For better relaxation, it is useful to combine movements with breathing, as well as various images. Children's imagination with great pleasure plunges into an exciting story. Therefore, it is important to come up with stories with an interesting plot that would simultaneously contribute to relaxation.

One of the highest forms of movement is dance, often a free expression of creative imagination.

Especially great are the possibilities of movement and dance when working with preschool children. For many children at this age, movement and dance are important means of communication. In addition, the movement itself, its features, character allow us to say a lot about the child, being very informative.

It is not necessary to work exclusively in the framework of dance movement therapy. The most effective opportunities for movement and dance when working with preschool children are manifested in interaction with other types of creativity (drawing, metaphors, stories).

Dance Description

"Dance with umbrellas"

Song "Riddle Autumn" sp. T. Bulanova.

Girls go out one after another with umbrellas on their shoulders.

Attached step to the right is a spring, also to the left is a spring;

Through one go forward and backward;

Repetition of a step;

They go around each other, shaking umbrellas to the right - to the left;

Spin, lifting the umbrella up.

They go around, twisting an umbrella on the side;

They put an umbrella on the floor and go around it.


They scatter around the hall, umbrellas are raised up;

Line up in one line.

Repeat chorus movements.

“Dance more fun”

Song “Dance more fun” sp. column Kar-man

The boys go out in bounces.

Two steps to the side, hands in front of you;

"Window" hands with sudden movements;

Hands are put "rook", slam first one at a time

palms, then on the other;

4 swing legs forward, moving forward;

7 steps back, legs wide apart.

Leg forward and hand fist forward (rap),

alternately left and right;

Hands "rook" step forward, hand forward,

also with the other hand and foot;


Slowly move your hand to the right - to the left;

Leg back, crossing (rap);

Finish: fall to your knees

widely spread, hand in a fist up.

“Winter is good!”

Song "New Year's" isp. column Stagecoach.

Girls run out and are staggered.

Going out on heels, spreading arms apart, returning,

cotton on the legs;

Hands folded “Shelf”

Two steps to the left, two to the right with an influx.


Hands up, fingers wider, moving left and right.

At the expense of 1,2,3 –steps forward,

On 4 - an influx, hands are bent at the elbows;

Also returning back.

Standing still, turn the body to the right, left,

performing fist movements.


Movement in a circle with arms raised up.


Bow, hands back.


Muses Strauss "Polka" Trick-truck ".

Children line up in one line, holding flashlights in their right hand;

A spring with a swing of the flashlight left and right;

Walking in a circle with an added step with a spring, a flashlight in front of you;

Step in a circle, flashlight up;

Step back, flashlight down;

Running in a circle, a flashlight up - to the side;

Return and building in one line;

Put the flashlight on the floor, walking around the flashlight with an extra step;

Take a flashlight with your left hand, hold hands, walk in a circle;

To line up in a row, take turns sit down on the floor.


Muses Strauss Polka Pizzicato

Children jump out with rattles in their hands and line up in a line;

They make noise rattles to the right and to the left, jumps around them;

Running in bounces in a circle and line up;

They hit the rattle on the right knee, then on the left, swirling with jumps around them;

Running in bounces in a circle, rattles at the top;

Lines up and sit on the floor with legs wide apart, rattles up, bow.


Spanish DJ Elephant Finnish Polka.

Children run in bounces in pairs, holding hands.

Heel-nose, 3 tributaries, alternately with the right or the left foot;

Spin under the elbow, clap your hands;

Steps towards each other, connect the opposite

palms and go around each other.

The boy turns to the girl and performs a squat

girl - a spring with twists;

Spin under your elbow, clap your hands and

whirling in the other direction.

Repeat movements of 1 verse.


Girls dance the lambada, boys clap;

Boys take girls under the elbow and jump in circles.

Girls are spinning around, boys are squatting

throw legs forward;

Boys take girls under the elbow and walking

step away;

Quickly run out, bow and run away.

"In the animal world"


From the squat, the children stand in turn;

Hands in the castle, hit the knees and shoulders in turn;

Jumping up, legs wide apart;

Repeat fist movements;

The girls jump with a turn to the side and twist with “tails” (on four sides), the boys leg back - cross (rap);

Step to the side and turn around you, twist with “tails”;

They turn to each other and play with “paws”;

"Fly" scattered across the hall, line up;

Girls twist to the boys, connect the “foot” free, unwind;

Leap up, legs to the sides, arms wide up;

Bow and run away.

Spanish A. Gubin “Winter is cold.”


Children go out with pops over their heads and

get up in a checkerboard pattern;

Legs shoulder width apart, arms to the side up;

Move hands right to left, shaking hips;

Squatting slightly, move the body to the right, then to the left;

The first and second lines with a tributary are swapped in steps;

Side step to the right, clap his hands to the right, the same to the left;

Step circle around you;

Claps overhead, swaying hips.

The girls spin alternately to the right,

And they are untwisted to the left, returning;

Side steps with circles around you.

Chorus: the same.

Children run away, then come back

Right hand forward, up, down, sit on your knee sideways, bow.

"Russian grandmother"

Spanish wap.wapos.ru

The boys lead the girls, holding them by the belt. Girls have folded arms. Children stand in one line.

Girls come forward and do whirling

pushing the other around him on one leg;

The boys, standing still, drown with one foot;

The girls are returning to their place;

The boys come forward and sit down,

return to the place;

Two steps to the right, arms folded “shelf”, whirling

bouncing around him, sweeping his legs back;

Two steps to the left, hands “shelf”, throwing hands

2 times up with a spring;

Going forward on the heels, then throwing your arms up.

Girls spin to the boys;

The boys come forward and spin on his arm.

Chorus: the same.


The boys come forward and jump from

throwing legs on the heels, arms forward;

Girls approach boys, they take girls by the waist

and bypass each other in a strait, looking into each other’s eyes.

Chorus: the same.

"Everything will be fine"

Spanish MF “Everything will be fine”

Children jump out and get up staggered.

The legs are shoulder-width apart, first they close their eyes with their right hand,

then left, in the same order open;

Hands to the sides, moving the body to the right, left;

They run back and take off the black capes.

Hops swap, set alternately

hands forward, thumb up;

Returning to their places;

Three steps in place;

Step to the right, with your hand show to the right;

Step left, show left with your hand;

Put your foot on the cross and turn around you;

Hands alternately forward, thumb up;


Hops, forming a circle, arms up;

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 15" of the city of Leninogorsk "of the municipality" Leninogorsk municipal district "of the Republic of Tatarstan

Certified: Methodologist "Approved"

Kulagina I.A. Head of MDOU №15

Gorbunova I.I.

Working programm

dance club


Music director

Hakimova Dania Gakilyevna

2014-2015 academic year

Explanatory note

Musical and rhythmic movements are a synthetic type of activity, therefore, any program based on movements to music will develop both musical ear and motor abilities, as well as the mental processes that underlie them. However, engaging in one and the same type of activity, one can pursue various goals, for example, to focus on the development of a sense of rhythm in children, or motor skills, artistry, etc., depending on in which institution, in what conditions and why is this work being done. In our opinion, it is important that the teacher is aware of the priority goals and objectives in his activities, understands what the main development effect is expressed in.

In pedagogy, it has long been known what enormous opportunities for educating the soul and body lie in the synthesis of music and plastic, the integration of various types of artistic activity. This was known even in Ancient Greece, where the idea was formed that the basis of the beautiful is Harmony. According to Plato, "it is difficult to imagine a better method of education than that which is open and tested by the experience of centuries; it can be expressed in two positions: gymnastics for the body and music for the soul ... In view of this, education in music should be considered the most important: thanks to him, Rhythm and Harmony penetrate deeply into the soul, take possession of it, fill it with beauty and make a person perfectly thinking ... He will revel in and admire the beautiful, will gladly perceive it, be saturated with it and coordinate his life with him. "

In ancient Greece, music for upbringing and education had a deeper meaning than now, and combined not only the harmony of sounds, but also poetry, dance, philosophy, and creativity. It is these ideas that are important for upbringing in a very difficult and cruel world today, and probably, naturally, the desire of teachers to raise children according to the "laws of beauty", to translate into reality the beautiful formula of Plato: "From beautiful images we will move to beautiful thoughts, from beautiful thoughts to a beautiful life and from a beautiful life to absolute beauty. "

Since ancient times, the effect of the combination of rhythmic movement and music on the state of human health is known. The sooner the child begins to hear pleasant music and accompany it with rhythmic dance movements, the more actively the development of all sensory channels necessary in life will begin.

Every child of preschool age strives for beauty and harmony, tries to express himself through movement, and specially organized can help him in this. rhythmic dance  classes within the circle,

Cit. by: Roerich S.N. Strive for the beautiful. - M., 1993. Ibid.

which are designed to more deeply develop expressiveness, plasticity, and a general culture of movements in the child.

Mastering the elements of choreography, folk and modern dances in directly educational musical activity increases self-confidence, communicative activity, goodwill, attention to others. Dance play compositions enrich children with vivid figurative movements, create conditions for emotional discharge, and improve attention functions.

The formation of preschool music and movement, including dance, is one of the program tasks of music education in kindergarten. The practice of musical perception of preschoolers has been orienting children for a long time to reflect in their movements not only the rhythm of music, but also its intonation, character, and figurative content.
  The dance movement is one of the most productive types of musical activity from the point of view of the formation of musical creativity and creative personality traits among preschoolers.

This program was developed on the basis of the program "Rhythmic Mosaic" by A. I. Burenina on rhythmic plastic for children of preschool and primary school age. - St. Petersburg, 1997

PURPOSE of the program:introducing children to the dance art, educating children in the ability to a deeper perception of music, the development of musical and rhythmic abilities, the formation of aesthetic taste and interests.
Main challenge  dance for preschoolers is introducing children to the dance art, educating children in the ability to a deeper perception of music, developing musical abilities, the formation of aesthetic taste and interests.



    Enhancing children's knowledge of the surrounding reality.

    Introduction to dance art, expansion of knowledge about dancing.

    The impulse to improvise to music, compose your own compositions from familiar movements, invent your own movements in improvisation.

    Formation of the skills of the main dance movements: straight and lateral gallop, step step, step with the tide, step on the inside and outside of the foot, step with a roll, spring with turn, throwing the legs in the jump, picker through the jump, squatting, fractional step in different ways .


    The formation of the general culture of the child’s personality, ability to navigate in modern society.

    The formation of moral and aesthetic relations between children and adults.

    Creating an atmosphere of joy of children's creativity in cooperation.


    The development of imagination, fantasy, the ability to independently find their original movements, that is, to encourage children to work.

    The development of creative independence in creating an artistic image of dance.

    Teaching children the techniques of independent and collective work, self-control and mutual control

    Develop a sense of rhythm, pace, coordination and freedom of movement.

    The development of children's activity and independence, communication skills.

The program involves two classes per week.

Lesson duration for children 5-6 years old - 20-25 minutes

Lesson duration for children 6-7 years old - 25-30 minutes

Total number of training sessions per year: 54 lessons.

The selection of children is carried out in accordance with the desire and individual characteristics of the children.

The program is based on the principle of integration  interdisciplinary communications by areas:

    “Music”, where all movements are fixed and dances are used, which are studied and set in a circle lesson.

    "Physical culture" - the use of rhythmic elements in physical education classes, held outdoor games, entertainment, leisure, exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

    “Cognition” - classes, observations, conversations, games.

    "Socialization" - didactic, subject - role games are used; learn different dances.

    “Reading fiction” - cognitive works are used (poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, ditties, lyrics).

A pedagogical analysis (diagnosis) is carried out 2 times a year (introductory - in September, final - in May).

Diagnosis goal: to identify the level of musical and psychomotor development of children (entry-level and developmental dynamics), the effectiveness of pedagogical impact

Diagnostic method: observation of children in the process of moving to the music in the context of the performance of ordinary and specially selected tasks (based on the repertoire from the "Rhythmic Mosaic").

The technique for identifying the level of musical rhythmic development (developed based on the methods of A.N. Zimina and A.I. Burenina).

Purpose:   identification of the level of development of a sense of rhythm.

Conduct:   observation of children in progress specifically

selected tasks.

Senior preschool age.

Criteria for the level of development of a sense of rhythm:

1. The movement.

- transmission in motion of the character of a familiar musical work

(3 private form):

tall   - the child independently, clearly makes a change of movements,

middle   - makes a change of movements with delay (as shown by others

children), movements correspond to the nature of the music;

low   - changes the movements with delay, no movements

match the nature of the music.

-transmission in movement of the character of an unfamiliar piece of music

(fragment) after preliminary listening:

tall   - movements correspond to the nature of the music, emotional

performance of movements;

middle   - movements correspond to the nature of the music, but insufficient

emotionality when performing movements;

low   - movements do not correspond to music, lack of emotions when


- correspondence of the rhythm of movements to the rhythm of music:

tall   - precise execution of movements;

middle   - execution of movements with errors;

low   - the movement is not rhythmic.

- coordination of movements and attention (“rhythmic echo with sounding

gestures "):

tall   - the child performs all movements without errors;

middle   - allows 1-2 errors;

low   - does not cope with the task.

2. Reproduction of a rhythm.

-playing the rhythm of a familiar song to your singing:

tall   - the child accurately reproduces the rhythmic pattern of a familiar song;

middle   - reproduces the rhythm of a song with 1-2 errors;


-playing the rhythm of the melody played by the teacher on the instrument:

tall   - the child accurately reproduces the rhythmic pattern of the melody;

middle   - reproduces the rhythm of a song with errors;

low   - incorrectly reproduces the rhythm of the song.

-playing the rhythm of a song in steps:

tall   - faithfully reproduces the rhythm of the song in steps on the spot and in the hall;

middle   - faithfully reproduces the rhythm of the song in steps on the spot;

low   - makes many mistakes or does not cope with the task.

-playing rhythmic patterns in pops or drums

instruments ("rhythmic echo"):

tall   - the child reproduces the rhythmic pattern without errors;

middle - allows 2-3 errors;

low   - incorrectly reproduces the rhythmic pattern.

3. Creativity.

Composition of rhythmic patterns:

tall   - the child himself composes and original rhythmic drawings;

middle   - uses standard rhythmic patterns;

low - does not cope with the task.


tall - the child feels the nature of the music, the rhythm, passes it on

movement; independently uses familiar movements or

invents his own; movements are expressive;

middle   - Feels the general rhythm of music, repeats movements after others,

movements correspond to the nature of the music;

low   - does not feel the nature of music, movements do not correspond to music

In the process of developing creative manifestations of children 5-7 years old in musical rhythmic movements, it becomes possible to perform movements that are more complex in coordination than at a young age. The ability to transmit finer features and details of an image is increasing, and the ability to more subtly feel musical works, means of musical expressiveness and their transmission in motion is increasing. Psychological features allow the child to better coordinate their actions with a partner, children have the ability to compose, fantasy, a combination of various movements. Therefore, the main focus of the Topotushki club with children of 5-7 years old is the interaction of several characters, a combination of several movements and rearrangements.

Children are offered more complex compositions, bright, contrasting musical works for perception and transmission of a musical image, more complex schemes of rearrangements, combinations of dance movements are offered.

In addition to the main sections of the lesson, throughout the year work is underway on the child's improvisational, creative activities.

The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the search for the characteristic features of plastic characters, details of their behavior.

    Children are invited to find a characteristic plastic character:

  • kind sorceress

  • snowflakes


    mechanical doll

    Children are invited to master several compositional constructions:

    three columns

    from the column in two circles


  • diagonal movement

    narrowing and widening of the circle

    circle in circle

All these tasks are combined in different forms of work: in free games, in preparation for the holidays and entertainment, individual work with the child, in theatrical activities.

However, it is necessary to take into account not only the age characteristics of children, but also their individual characteristics, capabilities, and to correct tasks in the conditions of a preschool institution.

Forms of control: open lesson at the end of the year, performances at matinees, participation in entertainment.

The structure of the lesson.

The lesson consists of three parts.

Warm up - where musical rhythmic compositions are used.

The main part is directly work on dance movements, expressiveness of performance: pantomimic movements (gestures, studies), work on learning the dance.

The final part - includes music games.

The purpose of the lesson, content, activities depend on the stage at which the work on the development of dance.


1. Burenina A. I. Rhythmic mosaic. (Program on rhythmic plastic for children of preschool and primary school age). - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - SPb .: LOIRO , 2000.

2. Zatyamina T.A., Strepetova L.V. Musical rhythm (educational-methodical manual). Series "Mastery Lessons". Moscow. Ed. Globus 2009

3. M. Yu. Gogolev Logo rhythm in kindergarten the eldest and

preparatory group. G. Yaroslavl. 2006

List of children in the preparatory group:

1. Abuzyarov Marseille

2. Akimova Veronica

3. Vinnikov Vladislav

4. Volobueva Ulyana

5. Demidova Adeline

6. Mardanshin Alina

7. Moshnikova Adeline

8. Minyazev Bulat

List of children of the middle-senior group:

1. Zaripova Rania

2. Ivanova Karina

3. Repin Kira

4. Eric's Repin

5. Rizatdinova Lily of the Valley

6. Khaibrahmanova Zarina

7. Eshonova Sumayahon

8. Yankina Angelina

The program is developed on the basis of an approximate program of basic general education in rhythm using literature:

1. “Dancing with notes” Moscow “Iris-Press” 2007

Program of the Vitamin Mug»

The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

Explanatory note . The content of the course is aimed at educating creative, competent and successful citizens of Russia, capable of active self-realization in personal, social and professional activities. In the process of mastering the course, students improve their health, form general and specific educational skills, methods of cognitive and substantive activity.

The peculiarity of the program is that the program includes the study of two areas of dance art: modern and national, which, in turn, fosters respect for national traditions in students.

The program involves the development of the basics of rhythm, the ABCs of classical dance, the study of dance elements, the performance of children's ballroom and folk dances and the development of the ability to dance and music improvisation.

The originality of this program is the development of students' creative thinking. Classes in dance and rhythm give a charge of positive emotions, liberate, develop plastic, enrich the dance experience of students with a variety of rhythms.

The program allows you to take an individual creative approach. This program is focused on working with children, regardless of whether they have special physical data, on fostering a choreographic culture and instilling basic skills in the art of dance. The circle program includes exercises and movements of classical, folk dances, accessible for children 7-10 years old, ensuring the formation of students' posture, the correct setting of the body, legs, arms, head, developing physical data, coordination of movements, breathing exercises, educating emotions, developing skills orientation in space.

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In rhythmic classes, special attention is paid not only to the development of the rhythmic, but also emotionally-effective connection of music and dance. Dance solves the same problems of aesthetic development and education as music. Music contains the content and character of any dance piece. There can be no dance without music, without rhythm. Teaching the art of dance takes place in parallel with musical education: children learn to understand, listen and hear music, organically merge into a single whole movement and music.

The program is modified, it is designed for the physical, emotional and moral development and improvement of children.


The versatility of training allows the students to use their education in everyday life in the process of growing creative abilities of students.

The novelty of this work program is defined fintegral   gstate from2020 standard of primary education.

Distinctive features are:

2. The definition of the types of organization of students' activities aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results of the development of the training course.

2. The implementation of the program is based on value guidelines and educational results.

3. The value orientations of the organization of activity involve a level assessment in achieving the planned results.

4. Achievements of the planned results are monitored within the framework of the internal assessment system: teacher, administration, psychologist

5. When planning the content of classes, the types of activities of students on each topic are prescribed.

Learning goals and objectives.

Educational goal of the program: introducing children to all types of dance art: from historical and everyday to modern dance, from children's dance to a ballet performance.

The developing goal of the program: education of a single complex of physical and spiritual qualities: harmonious physique, good health and endurance, artistry and nobility.

Give all children initial choreographic training, identify their inclinations and abilities;

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Promote the aesthetic development and self-determination of the child;

Instilling interest in classes, love of dancing;

Harmonious development of dance and musical abilities, memory and attention;

To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dance image;

The development of expressiveness and meaningfulness of the performance of dance movements;

Nurturing a culture of behavior and communication;

Development of creative abilities;

The development of teamwork skills;

The development of mental cognitive processes - memory, attention, thinking, imagination;

Organization of healthy and meaningful leisure.

The main tasks of the circle program are:

Identification of creative abilities in the field of dance art;

Acquisition of choreographic movement skills;

Familiarization with the genre and stylistic features of the art of dance.

Course Objectives:

To give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe general patterns of reflection of reality in choreographic art, specifically expressed in the connection of forms and lines of movement with the life content, meaning, feeling and mood of music. Knowing the general, children themselves will be able to understand the dance material that can be found in their life practice;

Use specific means of dance art to harmonize the development of students, expand the framework of cultural and historical education of children: deepen and expand the means of historical and everyday dance of students' cognitive abilities in the field of history, geography, literature, folklore;

Use the ethical characteristics of dance to educate morality, discipline, a sense of duty, collectivism, organization; to teach dance etiquette and to form skills to transfer the culture of behavior and communication in dance to interpersonal communication in everyday life; - provide emotional unloading of students, foster a culture of emotions;

To ensure the formation and preservation of the correct posture of the child, strengthen the muscular corset by means of classical, folk and ballroom dancing, to foster a culture of movement

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To increase the period of motor activity in the educational process, to develop the need for motor activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Dance is a form of self-expression that children need so much. Beautiful, emotional music gives children joy, raises their mood, makes them want to move under it, because they experience a constant need for movement.

Through dance, children begin to get acquainted with the genre concepts of music: waltz, polka, march, Russian folk dance. When learning this or that dance, the program provides a conversation about the era in which it arose, showing illustrations of costumes and genre scenes. It is necessary to explain to the children that music is inextricably linked with movements, that it is the “soul of dance” and itself suggests the nature of dance movements. You can mischievously, cheerfully ride in polka or move slowly, “swim like a swan”, in a round dance, cheerfully drown with a heel in Russian dance.

In addition to teaching lessons (rehearsals), preliminary work on complex compositions in the dance, as well as in separate dance movements, is necessary. It is necessary to fix the plasticity of the hands of children, to practice soft, sliding movements in the waltz, easy jumps in different directions and rhythmic pops in polka.

Rhythmics - a subject that teaches children how to freely use their bodies. At the heart of rhythm is learning to control your body through the work of muscles. Gradually, through the ability to control their muscles, a skill is developed to reveal the emotional internal state of the child. This form of training, where body plastic and music are combined into a whole, helps to reveal the potential abilities of the child, creates a versatile creative person.

Goals and objectives of the program :

Dancing and rhythm classes are aimed at developing musical-plastic abilities in children, combining the internal state with external physical actions.

To achieve these goals, tasks are divided into 3 groups:



Requirements for knowledge, skills:

· Students should know the musical genres of dance, identify them by ear and perform elements of dance movements depending on the genre of music;

· Children should acquire the ability to move in a circle in different directions, to master separate sketches with round dance movements: turning the circle - “snail”, changing direction - “comb”

· Know and be able to show the initial position of the legs and arms;

· Know and be able to complete the studied types of steps;

· Be able to perform learned dance movements;

· Protect the project on a given musical theme.

General characteristics of the training course.

Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the course content

Value of truth  - this is the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of humanity, reason, understanding of the essence of being, the universe.

The value of man as a rational beingstriving for knowledge of the world and self-improvement.

The value of work and creativity  as a natural condition of human activity and life.

Value of freedom  as freedom of choice and presentation by a person of his thoughts and actions, but freedom, naturally limited by the norms and rules of behavior in society.

The value of citizenship  - A person's awareness of himself as a member of society, the people, the representative of the country and state.

The value of patriotism  - one of the manifestations of the spiritual maturity of a person, expressed in love for Russia, the people, in a conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The value of dance art- as a way of knowing beauty, harmony, the spiritual world of man, moral choice, the meaning of life, the aesthetic development of man.

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The program includes dance material of the most significant genres of choreography: elements of classical, folk, historical, everyday and modern dance.

The rhythmic program includes musical, rhythmic, dance exercises, music games.

Choreography has great potential for the full aesthetic improvement of the child, for his harmonious spiritual and physical development.

Dance classes form the correct posture, instill the basics of etiquette and a competent manner of behavior in society, give an idea of \u200b\u200bacting.

Dance is of great importance as a means of educating national identity. Obtaining information about the dances of different nations and different eras is necessary, because each nation has its own, only dances inherent in it, which reflect its soul, its history, its customs and character.

The circle program is designed to teach the basics of choreographic art from first to fourth grade in the mode of training. The program is the basis of the lesson. It provides for systematic and consistent training. However, the teacher, adhering to the content of the program, can be creative in conducting classes. It depends on the level of general and musical development of children, the skill of the teacher, and working conditions.

Among the planned results of mastering the course of the main educational program are:

- personal results- Active inclusion in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy, the manifestation of positive personality qualities and the management of your emotions, the manifestation of discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving goals. Object of evaluation personal

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- meta-subject results meta-subject results




- subject results subject

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Level One Results:

The acquisition by students of ideas about the pace, rhythm, amplitude of movements, the ability to perform certain dance movements;

The acquisition by schoolchildren of knowledge about the rules of group work, the basics of etiquette and a competent manner of behavior in society, ideas about acting,

Obtaining information about the dances of different peoples and different eras and the formation of a positive attitude of a schoolboy to the traditions of other peoples, since each nation has its own dances inherent in it, which reflect its soul, its history, its customs and character,

Level 2 Results:

The development of the value attitude of schoolchildren to culture, work, the cultivation of a sense of empathy for comrades;

The development of the need for physical activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Harmonizing the development of students, expanding the framework of cultural and historical education of children: deepening and expanding the means of historical and everyday dance of the cognitive capabilities of students in the field of history, geography, literature, folklore;

Level 3 Results:

Organization of the educational process.

The main form of educational work with children: musical training sessions, during which systematic, focused and comprehensive education and the formation of musical and dancing abilities of each child are carried out.

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Classes include the alternation of different activities: musical rhythmic exercises and games, listening to music, training exercises, dance elements and movements, creative tasks. The program provides classes in theoretical disciplines: muses. diploma, talks about choreographic art.

The organization of game situations helps the assimilation of program content, the acquisition of experience in interaction, and decision making.

Conversations conducted in the classroom correspond to the age and degree of development of children. At the initial stage, the conversations are brief. Talks are held with children of grades 3 and 4 — dialogues, discussions that help develop the ability to think logically. In these classes, children receive information about choreographic art, its history of development and traditions.

The training program provides for conducting notebooks in which children record musical and dance terms, studied dance genres, names of ballets, names of famous performers, listening music and other necessary information.

The Rhythmics program is part of the school component and does not include student assessment.

The process of teaching a choreography course is mainly based on the implementation of didactic principles.

The principles of consciousness and activity are envisaged by consciousness in relation to classes, the formation of interest in mastering dance movements and a meaningful attitude towards them, the development of the ability to self-evaluate their actions and their corresponding analysis.

The principle of visibility helps to create an idea of \u200b\u200bthe pace, rhythm, amplitude of movements; increases interest in a deeper and more solid mastery of dance movements.

The principle of accessibility requires setting tasks for students that correspond to their strengths, gradually increasing the difficulty of learning material according to the didactic rule: from known to unknown, from easy to difficult, from simple to complex.

The systematic principle provides for the continuity of the process of formation of dancing skills, the alternation of work and rest to maintain the performance and activity of students, a certain sequence of solving dance and creative tasks.

  РџРѕР »СѓС ‡ ить РїРѕР» РЅС ‹Р№ текст

The principle of humanity in educational work expresses: - unconditional faith in a good beginning, inherent in the nature of each child, the absence of pressure on the will of the child; - deep knowledge and understanding of the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of children; - creating conditions for the maximum disclosure of the individuality of each child, his self-realization and self-affirmation; The principle of democracy is based on the recognition of the equal rights and duties of adults and children, on creating an emotionally comfortable climate in the social environment.

Circle classes include theoretical and practical part.

Theoretical part

Section Topics: TB, introduction to the educational program. Safety rules for staying and studying in the hall, rules of conduct in the classroom. Hygiene of sports activities. Safety when performing exercises with a ball, skipping rope, hoop. Safety during the training.

Practical partclasses involves drill training, training in motor actions, rhythmic gymnastics with objects, outdoor games; organization of game programs by students, preparation of sets of exercises.


Dance presentations. Performances at school events.


(during classes 2 hours a week - 67 hours)


Safety training during classes. Reiteration. Learning the dance.

Dance movement "Lever", step "Pigtail" Learning the dance.

Dance movement "Circling", jumping "Gallop". Learning the dance.

Dance movement "Comb." Learning the dance. Dance movement “Handkerchief game”, step on toes. Learning the dance "Autumn Waltz".

Dance movement "Goose step", "Side gallop", learning the dance "Autumn Waltz".

Dance movement "Top", step "pigtail". Learning the dance "Autumn Waltz".

Dance movement "Goat", Pritop in combination with the "point". Learning the dance.

Dance movement "Goat", "Comb", the position of the hands in pairs of "collar", "cross".

Repetition of the learned dance movements. Learning the dance.

Claps in pairs "Wall", dance. dvig.- "quadrille step". Learning the dance.

Claps in pairs "Big Tambourine", dance. movement "A step with a tributary in place." Learning the dance.

Claps in pairs "Crosses", dance. movement "The round dance step." Learning the dance.

Dance movement “Kovyryalochka”, “Goat”, two-legged “scissors”. Learning the dance.

Dance movement “Big accordion”, jumping on one leg “watch”. Learning the dance.

Repetition of jumping on one leg. Learning the dance.

High stride, claps “Catching mosquitoes”. Learning the dance.

Stomping step, jumping on two legs "jumps". Learning the dance.

The “Pigtail” step on the toes, the position of the hands in pairs “wattle”, “bow”. Learning the dance.

The consolidation of the learned dance movements. Learning the dance

Jumping on one and two legs. Learning the dance.

Hand movement "Singing Hands", "Motor" Learning to dance.

Pops "Ladushki", "Pancakes". "Quadrille Step." Learning the dance.

Dance movement. "Baby's undershirt", "Samovarchik." Learning the dance.

Side step step. Learning the dance.

Hand positions in pairs. Learning the dance.

Repeating hand positions in pairs. Learning the dance.

Repetition of studied hand movements.

Repetition of dance moves. Learning the dance

Repetition of dance moves. Learning the dance

Demonstration lesson

Requirements for the level of training of students.

A comprehensive solution to the basic tasks of musical rhythmic activity;

Systematic; - gradualism;

Sequence; - repetition.

The subject of the circle is aimed at achieving the following goals, ensuring the implementation of a personality-oriented, cognitive-communicative, activity-based approach to learning:

2. Orientation in space (rhythmic and gymnastic exercises).

2. The ability to play noise instruments.

3. Act with objects (flags, ribbons, balls, scarves).

4. Know the music genres.

The teaching methodology defines the learning objectives:

2. To teach students to correctly and meaningfully move in accordance with the musical accompaniment.

2. To develop sufficiently strong skills for performing exercises.

3. Improve the overall development of students.

4. To teach children to consistently and correctly express their thoughts verbally.

5. Develop moral qualities.

6. Develop creativity.

2. “Dancing with notes” Moscow “Iris-Press” 2007

2. "Ball in the forest clearing" Moscow "School Press" 2004

3., “Dancing in kindergarten” Moscow “Iris-Press” 2006

4. The journal "Education of schoolchildren" № 70 2004

5.N. Card "Dance school for children" Lenizdat 2020

Logistics support:

2. Tape recorder

3. Balls, ropes, ribbons.

Planned learning outcomes


The program of the circle is focused on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Among the planned results of mastering the course of the main educational program are:

- personal results- Active inclusion in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy, the manifestation of positive personality qualities and the management of your emotions, the manifestation of discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving goals. Object of evaluation personalthe results are: self-determination, semantic formation, moral and ethical orientation. At the same time, the personal results of graduates at the stage of primary general education are not subject to a final assessment. Among them: the graduate's value orientations, which reflect his individual and personal positions (religious, aesthetic views, political preferences); characteristic of social feelings (patriotism, tolerance, humanism); individual psychological characteristics of personality ..

- meta-subject results- detection of errors in the performance of training tasks, selection of methods for their correction; analysis and objective assessment of the results of their own work, the search for opportunities and ways to improve them; vision of the beauty of movements, the allocation and justification of aesthetic signs in the movements and movements of a person; emotions management; technically correct performance of motor actions. Assessment Object meta-subject results: the formation of regulatory, communicative, cognitive universal actions.

Regulatoryuniversal educational activities: goal-setting, planning, implementation of educational activities, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation.

Informativee universal educational actions: general educational, symbolic, informational, logical.

Communicativeuniversal educational activities: initiative cooperation, educational cooperation planning, interaction, communication management.

The main content of the assessment of meta-subject results at the stage of primary general education is built around the ability to learn. The level of formation of meta-subject results can be qualitatively evaluated and measured as a result of: assessment of the level of formation of a specific type of universal educational action; accomplishment of educational and practical tasks by means of educational subjects; performing complex tasks on an interdisciplinary basis.

- subject results- the implementation of rhythmic combinations, the development of musicality (the formation of musical perception, ideas about the expressive means of music), the development of a sense of rhythm, the ability to characterize a musical work, coordinate music and movement. Rating subjectthe results provide for the identification of the level of achievement of students' planned results in individual subjects, taking into account:

Subject knowledge: supporting knowledge of educational subjects: key theories, ideas, concepts, facts, methods; knowledge supplementing, expanding or deepening the supporting knowledge system;

Actions with substantive content: substantive actions based on cognitive UUD; specific objective actions (methods of motor activity, processing of materials, techniques of modeling, drawing, methods of musical performance, and others).

Expected results of the program:

Gaining experience in public speaking;

Knowing about the general laws of reflection of reality in choreographic art,

specifically expressed in the connection of forms and lines of movement with the life content, meaning, feeling and mood of music, children themselves will be able to understand the dance material that can be found in their life practice,

The acquisition of the ability to transfer the culture of behavior and communication in dance to interpersonal communication in everyday life.

Agreed Agreed

Minutes of the meeting Deputy Director for SD of the Methodological Association _______________