
What happens to a person when the evil eye is removed. What happens to a person after cleaning the biofield. Protection with objects and prayers

Victims of sorcerers and black magicians are offended. They suffered, suffered all sorts of losses, and the one responsible for their misfortunes rejoiced in life. Not fair. But the reckoning comes sooner or later. Let's see how the customer feels after the damage is removed. This is also useful for those who solve their problems through black magic. And the question is not idle. After all, many people talk about the return. You've probably already read that the black ritual will be followed by retribution. And not every person can cope with it.

The relationship between the energy energies of the victim and the customer

It should be understood that it is impossible in our world to be isolated from other people. On the subtle plane, we constantly interact without feeling it. Only the fields overlap in different ways. A stranger does not cause a special reaction in the aura. And the one that affects our emotions necessarily transfers part of its own field to ours and vice versa. This principle will help you understand how the customer feels after the damage is removed.

The fact is that for the time being his evil was stored and worked in the field of the victim. When a successful rite of reprimand has passed, this blackness is forced to return to its progenitor. Some magicians say that they send negativity into the Universe or annihilate. In fact, part of it still falls on the customer’s head. We’ll look below at how to behave so as not to take the damage back. By the way, by increasing the level of one’s own energy, the former victim pushes the customer away. To do this, it is recommended to use the influence of the moon for your benefit.

It is important to understand that the customer will definitely try to return the damage to the victim after it is removed. It is necessary to protect yourself. For example, to purchase a strong amulet - red thread from the evil eye from Jerusalem This thing, if used correctly, will prevent a witch from introducing a negative program back into the field of an innocent person.

How does the customer feel after the damage is removed?

Let's move directly to the person who brought evil to the victim. He will definitely feel that it has returned. You know, real witches understand what exactly happened. And ordinary evil people feel this at the subconscious level. Anxiety descends on them. The victim may come in a dream. All sorts of bad thoughts come into my head.

The customer’s feet themselves lead to the one for whom he wished trouble. Sometimes he himself doesn’t understand why. But that's not all. His luck runs out. What used to be simple and easy now falls out of hand. The mood is spoiled. Within three days - a week, the customer receives real damage. But she's not quite ordinary. It is called self-guided. That is, This person begins to be eaten away by his own anger.

To understand how the customer feels after the damage is removed, imagine the state of a person who has cut off his own hand. And the point here is not the loss of a limb, but the realization of the fact that life will no longer be the same due to one’s own fault. This thought (unconscious in most cases) gnaws at a person like a fierce wolf. Constantly torments you, forcing you to make mistakes and blunders. The nervous system suffers the most. Then the person gets sick, at best.

The return depends on what damage the customer caused. Often his sin falls on his loved ones. What he wished for the victim he himself gets.

Removing this negativity is both difficult and simple at the same time. It is necessary to repent. And is the one who tried to kill (damage - destruction of fate) another capable of this? Infrequently.

The second way is to return the damage back. To do this, the sorcerer (customer) comes back to the victim and asks to borrow something. Doesn't matter. The main thing is to take clean energy and return the damage. Some pretend to repent and ask for forgiveness. But this is also a trick. If the victim says “I forgive,” an exchange of energy occurs. The pure one leaves the victim, and the damage returns in its place.

How to protect yourself from a sorcerer?

It's simple. Do not give anything to anyone after the cleansing ritual. The rule must be strictly observed for three days. It is recommended to even put money on the counter in a store. Do not hand over anything.

If the customer comes to repent, say: “God will forgive.” And send him on his way.

By the way, in order not to fall under the influence of damage again, it is necessary to constantly increase the level of your own energy.

Not all people know how to behave correctly. Share your recommendations with your friends. Let them be warned.

About what happens after the damage is removed, why it is difficult to get rid of black witchcraft - I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about all this in this article. People who have resorted to magical cleansing of negativity sometimes note that it got worse after the damage was removed. Why is this happening? After all, according to the logic of things, there should be relief and positive changes in life.

What will a person feel after the damage is removed?

A cursed person is, first of all, a weakened person. If there is an enemy who sends damage, causes stealing, transfers, and hassles, then it is clear that in this situation he is energetically stronger. It is difficult for a weakened person to fight a strong enemy, you will agree. And after the damage is removed, not immediately, but it happens that positive changes in life do not always occur. This is especially true for novice magicians who do not yet have any taps or magical shields, who have not yet developed strong combat defenses.

To come quickly improvements after removing damage, you need to at least remove it. Those. completely remove all energetic negativity, and not pick apart the upper layers, leaving the root of the problem untouched. Magical cleansing needs to be learned and practiced. This is quite labor-intensive and... If you know that your ill-wisher has more experience and more strength, which plays a decisive role, then it is advisable to seek magical help from an outside specialist.

This is especially true when the negativity is very strong, old or generic. There are many features of recovery after cleansing and getting rid of negative consequences after removing damage. If all types of damage are normally removed from the patient (and they, by the way, especially old, long-term ones, lie as if in layers), then the person is reborn, blissful and satisfied.

  • if there is no energy at all,
  • weakness,
  • unsatisfactory state of physical and psychological health,
  • and in general it became worse after the damage was removed,

- then it’s worth thinking about whether the ritual worked at all.

Is a specific cleansing ritual suitable for you?

Do you have the strength to start a process that will remove all the black negativity? Diagnostics clarifies such questions. Runic diagnostics for the presence of negativity or fortune telling on Tarot cards for the same questions always gives a comprehensive and clear answer. If you yourself are not God knows what kind of diagnostician, contact practicing magicians. One thing is clear, if you do not want to live someone else’s damned life, you must find ways and opportunities to solve your problem. Find strength in yourself, or find a good sorcerer, and remove the negativity, get yours back after the theft, improve your personal life, and so on. And then your sensations after removing the damage will be the sensations of a person who has broken free.

The human condition after the damage is removed

It may also be that the victim, when trying to remove the damage on his own, only peels off the upper layers of the negative, exposing, but not solving the problem. Has it helped anyone to remove the damage not completely, but only partly of the negative energy? Hardly. It is clear that this is of benefit. What can you advise in such a situation? If you intend to cleanse yourself in order to improve your energy, and with it your physical condition, set yourself rune energy levels. This will help you recover faster after the ritual.

It is advisable to treat yourself from damage in a comprehensive manner, not limiting yourself to any one ritual. And before using the method at home, diagnose and check whether the magical ritual is suitable for you, whether there will be a conflict of egregors, whether you can withstand this or that cleansing energetically. Many practicing magicians note that during cleansing of negativity, they (if they cleanse themselves) or clients get sick. Is this normal? And is it possible to avoid illness or exacerbation of chronic diseases after removal of damage? And what can generally be considered the norm: fatigue or should there immediately be uplifting and good spirits?

As always, everything is individual. Weakness can be due to breakdowns in the energy as a result of damage caused to a person, or incorrect actions of the magician during the destruction of its manifestations. Someone sets rune staves for themselves and notes relief. Someone patches energy holes and achieves improvement in their condition and circumstances. Necessary and good protection after removal of damage. In general, shields should be installed immediately after it was removed.

Protection after removing damage - when is the best time to place amulets?

If you work with runic magic, then this can be done on any day, since Runes do not depend on the state of the moon. In practical magic everything is somewhat different. There are special days in the lunar month that are most favorable for setting up protection, such as:

  • Last day of the new moon
  • 7, 11 (this lunar day is not for beginners),
  • 12 lunar day,
  • Full moon period.
  • 24 lunar days are good for finding a helping spirit.
  • Also on the 30th lunar day, protection is good.

True, the 30th day does not happen every lunar month. But if it happens, then you should not miss this time, since this day is very favorable for rituals to protect the home from witchcraft and magic, for installing personal protections, and creating strong amulets. In addition, on this day you can make vows in honor of the patronizing Forces. Protections, especially those with a healing effect, help recover after removing damage. If it is not possible to wait the longest, then in rituals of magic protection they place it on the waxing moon. But, if the case is urgent, they do it when necessary. The only question is whether there is enough strength to install and deploy protection against magical attacks. If your own strength is not enough, they usually call on Helpers. They are also paid for their help.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

How they feel after the damage is removed - other causes of discomfort

I, magician Sergei Artgrom, know magicians who believe that feeling unwell during cleansing is not just normal, but necessary, because this is how abscesses are opened and cleaned. Although, again, I do not rule out that if the case is very advanced and complex, then dynamic cleaning can cause some discomfort on a mental or physical level.

But, be that as it may, with normal methods to remove signs of damage, exacerbation of the disease, or certain inconveniences should quickly pass and not develop into a chronic disease. The exacerbation should be a short-term phenomenon, and occur after cleansing, and to be more precise, during the ritual. After which relief and positive changes should come in a person's life after the damage is removed. While in the process of cleansing, be attentive to signs, events, and your own feelings.

If there are absolutely no changes, check with diagnostics whether the magical program for eliminating damage has started, and how it works - at full strength, or at half strength. In addition, we must not forget that different rituals have different effects on people. That's why physical condition after removal of damage Depending on the victim, it may vary. For example, regarding wax castings. In the process of casting a negative onto wax, energy is always lost. Especially with independent castings. But, even with a loss of energy, your well-being should improve after the damage is removed.

If relief does not come, and even old, dormant diseases begin to manifest themselves and cause minor or great inconvenience, this can be regarded as a lack of result, when the power of damage remains where it was. Or by cleaning, as I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already said before, they just picked up the abscess, disturbed the top layer of damage, without reaching the deep layers of negative energy.

How to achieve improvements after removing damage

It happens that diagnostics show that the method of the chosen ritual of removal is suitable, but on the physical plane nothing is felt or happens, and it is difficult to say in general how a person feels after the removal of damage, if, for example, he did not have enough strength to start the cleansing. If you decide to cleanse yourself with Runes, and your experience with this system is small, follow the recommendations of the authors of the staves. Some cleanings, if left too long, may well result in real damage.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will remind you, and also regarding the purges. There are rules of behavior that you should adhere to for your own safety. It should be remembered that after the damage is removed, you cannot give anything from home for several days and take nothing from anyone. So as not to intercept the transfer from the enemy and not get the damage you just removed back. Well, as for recovery, healing runes can help. Communication with nature, the elements and animals also helps very well.

Of course, dragging your feet while cleansing yourself of energetic negativity is certainly not good. However, the characteristics of the chosen rituals should also be taken into account. Thus, cleansing and healing runic formulas very often give an aggravation, which can persist for a certain time. These are the bad ones consequences of removing damage, which, by the way, can manifest themselves both as Olympic calm and through deep, long sleep. So, the victim is not always sick. Everything is individual, and it is necessary to consider not general, but specific cases.

But after what time the damage is removed is definitely very difficult to say.

Black damage can be removed in a few days, but sometimes a real magician works for months to remove old negativity with deep roots. In other words, a lot depends on the initial situation. A lot in magic also depends on the correct conspiracy. It is imperative to stipulate that the cleaning works without harm to the person from whom the negativity is being cleared. However, this does not always work. You can feel bad for two reasons: if the negative has begun to disappear or if this method of removing damage simply does not suit you.

What happens when damage is removed - features of magical rituals

It is necessary to find out the reasons through diagnostics. If you take black cleanings, then the transfers can begin to unwind immediately, literally from the first day. However, they may not give noticeable results in reality, despite the fact that the diagnosis of runes, cards or dreams indicates positive dynamics. In this case, what happens to a person after the damage is removed? There may be, for example, insignificant results. However, all the negativity must be removed, otherwise there is no point in starting. Therefore, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend working comprehensively.

It’s all about the severity of the curse sent, and the area it affected also matters. As for runic cleansing, it is my opinion, that of the magician Sergei Artgrom, that you need to keep the runic spell for as long as necessary until you feel normal physical well-being, a comfortable psychological state, and have normal dreams, without setting a specific period of validity of the runes. The more lively its manifestations can be during cleaning. And you need to be prepared for this. As for the reviews after the damage has been removed, they come down precisely to the effectiveness of a particular method. Try to choose those cleanings that give good results and with which you feel comfortable.

Some magical rituals, such as wax castings with a strong spell to remove damage, weaken the protection put in place. Other cleansing rituals may not have any effect on the shields. If the protections hold weakly and fall off after cleaning, you need to try different types of protections. For example, non-aggressive defenses, which are easier to set up and will hold up on an unstable field.

Let me return to wax castings for a moment. In the process, there is often an aggravation, but after witchcraft comes lightness, heat in the body, a feeling of liberation from the burden of magical negativity. This is a good sign, and you can definitely find out whether the damage has been removed by looking at the Tarot cards. However, if the negativity is removed, it will be visible in life events.

A person with healthy energy does not get sick, is financially successful, is not lonely and is happy. After cleansing and protection, it is necessary to recover and remove the consequences of damage that have taken root in your destiny. And it is advisable to do this immediately after setting up the defense. In general, the issue of eliminating curses must be taken very seriously. It is not enough to simply remove the magic program; it is necessary to develop a whole set of actions in order to understand what to do after removing the damage.

In my experience, people don't often ask questions like this out of idle curiosity. As a rule, interest in what happens after the damage is removed arises in the following cases:

  • A person suspects, or is even quite sure, that he is damaged, and wants to order the removal of the damage from a magician.
  • The person managed to turn to a magician, or independently performed some folk rituals to remove damage, but is not sure of a positive result.
  • It also happens: some people experience an irrational fear of everything related to magic, the occult and witchcraft. And even if they are sure that they have become victims of the evil eye, damage, or curse, they are afraid to turn to a magician for help, for fear of consequences, sin, etc. The word “irrational” in this context may cause confusion among some, but it is more than correct, since magic is rational. It has theory, practice, methodology, and no “miracles” - everything fits perfectly into the existing laws of nature.
  • For all the above points, the relatives and friends of the person who had (if it was removed) the damage, evil eye or curse are interested. This is a very common situation, since the people surrounding the “corrupted” also suffer, and sometimes even more than the victim of the negative magical influence, but more on this below.

So, the circle of interested readers has been determined. These people really need help, at least in the form of sensible and reliable information, so we will do without long digressions and abundant introductory information. For those who are simply interested in learning about damage, I suggest reading the relevant article, which is on the website.

What is the fundamental difference between damage, the evil eye and a curse?

It's worth telling briefly because it directly relates to what to expect from a cleansing ritual.

Damage is not a structural integral part of a person’s astral body, but an external entity or formation. In this sense, damage is closer to a curse than to the evil eye. Damage and curses are sent purposefully. You can also jinx a person by accident.

The evil eye is, rather, a blockage, a confusion of normal, natural channels of communication between the human astral body and positive energy entities, for example, with a guardian angel. The setup of such channels is determined individually for each of us. The evil eye disrupts this setting.

The evil eye can be neutralized with less energy expenditure. Simple folk conspiracies and rituals can also help, for example, with casting wax or rolling out an egg. Many people use these techniques independently. However, the evil eye can be cast accidentally, even during fleeting contact with a complete stranger: you met someone’s gaze, for example, and immediately forgot. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult to determine the source of negativity, and this can be necessary for effective work. In addition, without the help of an experienced magician, it is impossible to determine for sure whether a person has been jinxed, damaged, or cursed.

Damage is a negative energy-informational body that may have consciousness, but not necessarily. The first option is more difficult. Corruption takes away a person’s energy through a gap in his protective astral shell. In return, damage can “pump” negative and even “dead” energy into the victim’s astral body. A curse does the same thing, only slower and, so to speak, more sophisticated, since a curse is the influence of an energy-informational entity that has a developed consciousness. In addition, a curse can affect an entire family.

If you suspect that you have had a negative magical effect, then first of all contact an experienced magician for advice. It is important!

First, to choose a method to neutralize the negative intrusion into your aura.

Secondly, to know what results to expect from the work done.

What happens after the damage, evil eye or curse is removed?

As a rule, damage is aimed at a certain area of ​​life: health, business, personal life, money, and can even be aimed at death. However, since everything in life is interconnected, one thing leads to another. If you have depression, constant fatigue, or health problems, then this will lead to problems both in business and in the family without any magic.

Remember: a rolling stone gathers no moss! After neutralizing the negative, nothing will happen on its own. Well, perhaps you will feel better, more cheerful, and the sun will shine brighter. And after that you need to start living the way you lived before the negative impact manifested itself. Or start living the way you wanted to live, but couldn’t if you had a generational curse, or a very old and deep damage. Take action! And the results will appear.

Therefore, take action! Just realize that there are no more obstacles in your path. You will understand for yourself that they are not there if you are careful. For example, in this way: if earlier everything fell out of hand, and failures literally haunted you, violating all the laws of probability (after all, everyone can have a bad day, but not every day!), then after eliminating the negativity, everything will be fine with the statistics - you will have successes and achievements, but, of course, not like a cornucopia. For total luck and success, you need to either be born with a shirt, or carry out special magical rituals separately in order to form this “shirt” in the energy field.

By the way, avoid contact with those who have damaged you, and with those whom you suspect of bad intentions and a negative attitude towards you!

After the evil eye is removed, the effect, as a rule, manifests itself more clearly, since the damage to the person’s energy-informational structure was not so deep. But on the other hand, many live with the evil eye, without even knowing about it and attributing everything to failure. Many people also get along with damage, getting used to considering themselves “unlucky.” In such cases, it often happens that it is obvious to family and friends that a person is damaged, but he himself does not understand this.

Getting used to failures, illnesses, problems, a person is sometimes unable to realize the depth of his problems. In such cases, the relatives of the “damaged” person suffer more significantly from the damage. In a situation where the damage has been removed from a person close to you, try to support him. Under no circumstances demand immediate victories and accomplishments from him. Guide him carefully towards a normal healthy life.

Remember: even an accidental harsh word thrown in the hearts, or a careless envious expectation can jinx it! Especially in conditions when a person’s own energy-informational protection has not yet fully recovered after magical intervention and neutralization of negativity. Removing damage in this sense is similar to a surgical operation, only a magician, unlike a surgeon, works not with the physical body, but with the energetic one.

Negative consequences after removing damage?

Do you feel how stupid this sounds: negative consequences after eliminating the negative influence?

Sin - from the point of view of the church - is akin to illness. Sin is something unnatural, corrupted. Corruption is sin. That is, it is a sin to remain in a deplorable state and do nothing to improve the situation when there is such an opportunity.

Negative consequences are excluded if an experienced magician works. In this work, it is important to correctly diagnose the situation and understand the essence of the problem. Professional magicians do not promise anything in advance. Each magician has his own diagnostic methods. I take on work only after a thorough diagnosis through Tarot and clairvoyance, and only then do I guarantee a successful result.

Contact us for a consultation!

Damage is the evil that ruins the lives of so many people who don’t even suspect it. A person may live and not understand why everything is so bad, why he is constantly plagued by failures in his personal life, problems with material well-being, health, and so on. Most likely, this person was damaged, which ruins life. A prosperous, successful and independent person can always find “well-wishers” in the form of envious people, enemies, unscrupulous competitors who seek to harm such a person. The ideal tool for causing harm, which these people willingly use, is damage to a bad life or damage to personal life. Some ill-wishers are not satisfied even with this. They strive to cause maximum harm to their victim and direct damage to them to take away life. If a person does not promptly recognize the implemented program and does not take measures to neutralize the damage, the consequences for him can be very sad and even irreparable. Damage that spoils life (depending on its strength and complexity) can, in a short period of time, turn a thriving successful person into a gloomy, irritable neurasthenic, an alcoholic and even a drug addict. Damage to personal life can destroy family well-being and even completely destroy a close-knit family. If the victim does not have a family, but has a loved one, such damage can break even the most ideal relationship. And damage to take life can end the life of the person into whom it was implanted.

Damage to a bad life

When your life for no apparent reason has changed for the worse, it is likely that you have been spoiled for a bad life. Such damage most often occurs due to envy or revenge. Damage to a bad life can be either very strong or weak. This malware is designed to suppress the aspirations of any initiatives or endeavors. It can also negatively affect personal life, material well-being, doing business and career growth. Damage to a bad life is caused by your ill-wishers in order to destroy the world in which you live, to deprive you of your usual comfort and well-being. If the damage is strong, the person will fall into an “energy hole” from which it is very difficult to get out. The introduced negative program blocks a person’s bioenergetic field from replenishing it with positive energy and introduces a mass of dark negative energy into his energy field, which attracts troubles and failures to him.

A simple example: a person has his own small but thriving business, for example, a cafe, which brings him a good income. But suddenly, for inexplicable reasons, visitors stopped coming. A month passes, then two, the cafe owner's business suffers losses, and in the end he is ruined. The wife took the child and went to live with someone else; for unknown reasons, friends and good acquaintances began to avoid him. With great confidence we can say that a person has been damaged by a bad life. And until this negative program is destroyed, troubles and failures will constantly haunt him.

It is very difficult to independently remove a strong spell on a bad life. A non-professional cannot create such damage, and no less a strong professional must work against a professional. At the same time, if a person with little knowledge of magic put a curse on a bad life, then it is quite possible to remove it on your own.

With hope and Faith in the Best,
Your Elena Svetlaya

In the article:

Condition after removal of damage

If the victim feels well during and after, then either she was not there or the ritual did not work. Wait a few days and repeat the action or look for a specialist. You will have to perform the ritual several times until the symptoms of the destruction of negativity disappear completely.

The most common feeling after removing the hex is fatigue, accompanied by headache and dizziness.

Yawning is observed, sometimes for a long time. There is no harm, yawning is one of the signs of cleansing the throat chakra; it manifests itself not only when removing damage, but also during visiting holy places.

There is a desire to cry, which should not be ignored: this is how negative energy leaves the body. When a person has cried enough, he will immediately feel relief.

The victim who is targeted by magical aggression “recovers” the fastest. If you do, it turns out that the diseases are easy to get rid of, the treatment will begin to work. Your physical condition will return to normal, your strength will increase, and your vision will improve.

Relationships are affected - they are counting on the appearance of a soul mate.

Life after removing damage - precautions

A respectable master is then obliged to tell you how to protect yourself in the first days of the release of negative energy.

If you cleaned yourself, follow the rules below, which will speed up and facilitate adaptation.

Days of treatment are spent alone, so that there are no distractions. They don’t talk in the first couple of hours after the negative is removed. Devote time to prayers: it will not harm, but will benefit. Read the texts or pronounce them in your own words, from the heart. Washing with blessed water is beneficial.

Don't drink alcohol. Look for other ways to distract yourself from shock - mint tea or a good night's sleep. Do not smoke. Keep the fast, but without fanaticism, because the body needs strength.

It’s bad if you have to contact the enemy who made the slander. Strong sorcerers feel that it has been removed and are trying