
Protection from the influence of deceased relatives. Is it possible to carry things after a deceased person, the opinion of a priest What to do so that the deceased does not take the living

Russian funeral rites still preserve ancient traditions that unite the family and serve to unite the nation as a whole. Local versions of signs and rituals vary, there are countless of them, and it is not possible to consider each one. Let's consider signs and superstitions about the dead. Among the most characteristic and widely used traditions and signs are the following.

Signs and superstitions before a funeral

If there is a dying person in the house, then it is necessary to cover not only the mirrors, but also any surfaces that reflect light (polished furniture, glass surfaces, computer, TV, etc.). Mirrors are kept closed for 40 days. This sign is associated with the belief that a deceased soul may accidentally find itself in the world of the looking glass and will not be able to find a way out of the mirror corridors. This will negatively affect the soul itself and those living in the house. Combining the images of a deceased and a living person in one mirror surface can lead to the death of the living, dragging him into the world of the dead.

  • The dying person must hold the candle in his hands.
  • A dying person is not mourned in advance!
  • Immediately after a person has died, place the body on the table - it is believed that feathers in a pillow cause torment to the soul.
  • The vents and windows in the room are immediately closed, and pets are driven out (birds, fish and flowers must be taken out of the dying person’s room so that they are not taken with them). A cat jumping on a dead person is a very bad omen.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the deceased's eyes do not open. You cannot look into the opened eyes of a dead person or into a slightly open eye - it is believed that he is looking for his traveling companion.
  • It is necessary to wash the body before it becomes ossified. It’s better to do this while the person is still breathing, to prepare him in advance. Widowed women, usually old women, wash the dead. After washing the body, you must warm your hands over the fire and walk around the deceased three times with a lit candle.
  • You need to burn a lamp all night and put spruce branches on the threshold. According to the sign, whoever steps over the spruce will leave death on the threshold and will not take it with him.
  • While the body of the deceased lies in the house, you cannot wash, wash, or take out trash from the house (otherwise they will take everyone out one by one)
  • To prevent anyone from the household from following the deceased, place a piece of bread and salt under the table where he lies. Or place a container with salt and place scissors on top of the salt.
  • If a person died with his eyes open, there will be a new dead person in the house. You should immediately close your eyes so that you don’t look for a new travel companion.
  • A glass of water is placed on the window and left for six weeks (the water is changed daily). Place a piece of bread on the glass.
  • In villages, the deceased’s bed is placed in a chicken coop for 3 days (so that the roosters can crow)
  • You cannot leave a dead person alone in the house; for this purpose, old women are specially invited to read the Holy Scriptures.
  • To make it easier for sorcerers to die, they hollow out the ceiling.

Signs about things and the coffin

Immediately after removing the body, the floors in the house need to be washed so that death leaves every corner. The nekrovnik does this. Throw away the rag and broom. The doors must be closed so that no one else follows into the world of the dead (in a private house, do not forget to close the gate).

  • The coffin lid is not clogged in the house, so as not to invite a new funeral.
  • If you bought some things for the deceased, they are not left in the house, but are placed in the coffin with the deceased. But if you are cremating a body, then remove the icons and cross from the coffin - they cannot be burned.
  • The coffin with the body is carried to the cemetery by strangers; relatives are not allowed
  • The measuring stick used to measure the deceased is placed in his coffin.
  • For the first seven days, nothing is taken out of the house of the deceased.
  • Forgetting a coffin lid is a very bad omen. If this happens, you should return for the lid and read “Our Father” 3 times.
  • The bedding of the deceased should be burned (pillows, especially feather beds).
  • Before burial, the knots and laces on the shroud of the deceased should be untied to make it easier for the soul to pass on to another world.

Rules for handling mirrors at funerals

The very first thing to do after the death of a person is to cover all the mirrors in the house. The mirror is a guide to the other world, so the portal should be closed. According to some signs and superstitions, they should be turned towards the wall or even taken out of the deceased’s room. For the same reason, it is necessary to pour out all the water that is in the house. It is impossible for the soul of the deceased to be reflected in these surfaces, so as not to invite a new death.

According to other beliefs, the spirits of the lower astral can use the mirror image for their dark deeds. In Serbia, for example, the cat is first brought to the mirror so that it can be reflected in it.

According to the rules, mirrors should be opened after commemoration on the fortieth day, but in the modern interpretation, mirrors are opened after nine days.

If a person died during treatment while in the hospital, then this sign is not observed.

Funeral rules and signs

If you are participating in a funeral procession, then do not look back, do not look at your house and its windows - this means calling the living dead into the world.

You should throw a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin so that there is no fear of the deceased. To do this, you need to look into the oven after returning from the cemetery.

  • According to legends, the funeral procession should stop at the church and at crossroads.
  • Funerals and memorials take place before lunch.
  • They bury with their feet towards the east, the cross is placed at the feet of the deceased.

Signs and superstitions about the grave

  • It is considered a bad omen when the grave turns out to be smaller or larger than the coffin. This indicates a new dead person in the house.
  • If the grave collapses, this also warns of a new death in the family.
  • It is customary to throw coins to pay for the grave. According to other options, it is believed that you are redeeming a good place “in the next world” for the deceased
  • When burying a grave, the shovel is not handed over; it must be stuck into the ground. The next person takes it himself.
  • If nettles and thistles grow on the grave, it means the deceased was an evil person. Roses or hawthorn speak of the good character of the deceased.
  • You cannot take any things “as a souvenir” from a cemetery or grave and take them home.
  • There is a sign to take some soil home from the grave so as not to be afraid of the deceased. Moreover, the whole family should wash themselves from this soil by placing it in a washstand.

Return from the cemetery

  • You cannot visit someone after a funeral, so as not to bring death to people.
  • When you return home from the funeral, immediately warm your hands by the stove or over the gas; you can hold your palms over a lit candle, and then put it out with your fingers (do not blow it out!). All these signs exist to ward off death.
  • When setting the funeral table, they always place food for the deceased - the first pancake, a glass of jelly or uzvar. The very first thing goes to the deceased.

If you met a funeral procession

  • Do not cross the road in front of the coffin or try to overtake the hearse! The sign warns that it is possible to overcome the disease that caused the death of a person. According to other superstitions, bone growths may grow on your body. In order to kill them, you need to rub against the heel of the dead man.
  • You can’t watch the funeral from the windows of your house - you have to go outside.
  • If a funeral procession passes by your house, you immediately need to wake up everyone sleeping. It is believed that the deceased can take the sleeping soul with him.
  • If you are feeding your baby, and at that time a funeral procession appears, then place a glass of water under the crib.
  • There is such a thing omen about the dead- to meet a funeral procession is fortunate!

Other signs and superstitions about the dead

  • If you are afraid of the deceased, hold on to his legs or pull a thread from his shroud.
  • It’s a bad omen if the deceased’s feet are warm or his body is not quite numb, it means he’s calling you to come with him.
  • If the coffin is larger in size than it should be, there will be a new deceased in the family.
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from taking part in funerals and generally looking at the dead.

Many of us have repeatedly heard from our relatives and friends about cases when people close to them, who have already passed into another world, come to them in a dream. Most often this happens when relatives are very “killed” for the deceased.

The same phenomena, according to esotericists, also happen when a deceased person on earth still has unfinished business that is important to him... All this, as psychics say, binds the deceased to the earth, preventing them from leaving for a higher sphere.

Perhaps this is why many popular beliefs say that one should not mourn the deceased too much or hysterically. Allegedly, a dead person who is “interfered with” may suffer from this and not be able to truly leave. And as a result, he will return and begin to “come.”

Esotericists have a completely reasonable explanation. They believe such warnings are fair. It’s as if just at that moment when a person is boundless in his own emotions, his personal astral or, in a special language, energy-informational body “throws out” energy “threads” invisible to the naked eye, entangling the soul of the deceased. This “cocoon” can only be seen by psychics.

They say that in some cases such an energetic connection may well lead to the coffin of a completely healthy relative in just a few months. Perhaps this is why traditionally Russian funerals consist of many rituals that are designed to pay the last tribute of love and respect to the deceased, and at the same time ward off hated death.

Death has long been designated as a transition to another world in which a person continued to live, although no longer visible to living people. In general, the funeral rite in the old days pursued two goals at once: firstly, to make the path to the world of the dead easier for the deceased, and secondly, to help loved ones more easily endure the bitterness of loss.

Esotericists say that in some cases, a special necrotic connection may arise and be further fueled by longing for the deceased, which does not go away over time, as well as a feeling of guilt before the deceased. This connection may well, having initially given rise to depression, then turn into a health disorder, accompanied by indifference to life and affairs, and even to the people around him.

The deceased, they say, very often appears in the dreams of loved ones, calling for them or warning about something. And quite often the health of the victim of the emerging anomaly is completely upset, the psyche, of course, is also disturbed, and what this can entail is not worth telling.

The mystery of death, like the mystery of birth, has haunted humanity for many centuries. If scientists have already practically figured out the second problem, they have still not been able to obtain reliable ideas.

As you know, curiosity is not a vice, as you can see, because human curiosity has no boundaries. And in order to satisfy it, a person is able to step over the age-old prohibition and even overcome his own fear. Despite the warnings of experts, people, as before, are looking for opportunities to come into contact with the souls of the dead and use the power that is given to them to receive answers to their questions.

It became popular in the 19th century. With the help of mediums - a kind of intermediaries between the two worlds, those interested were given the opportunity to communicate. Whether or not to believe in such things is a personal matter, because many famous mediums and spiritualists have been accused of fraud.

Probably each of us, having dug deep into his memory, will certainly remember a similar incident that took place in him or in the life of his immediate circle.

Saved by a voice from the other world

1975 - Soviet cosmonauts Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov crashed during the takeoff of a rocket, and just before it failed, they heard some warning voices in their headphones, although no one transmitted anything to them from Earth, and could not, because the accident was still ahead. After an emergency landing, the astronauts descended into a capsule in the Altai mountains.

According to the instructions, they had to shoot the parachute from the device and get out. Once again, the voice in the headphones warned them not to do this. As it turned out later, it was the parachute that caught the rock ledge and held the capsule over the abyss. If the astronauts had shot him, they would simply have died.

Eyewitness account by Gregory

2004 - I worked as an investigator in a small town in the Urals. There is an area in that city where gypsies live, about thirty families. In May, a local gypsy baron died. He was a very wealthy and respected man among the community. Moreover, it was rumored that the deceased was a powerful gypsy magician.

Two days after the funeral, the baron’s widow came to me with a statement. As it turned out, unknown vandals opened the grave. The fact is that the deceased was buried with jewelry, he had two gold rings and a thick gold chain, all this stuff was worth 2,000 dollars. I started an investigation.

A week later, a local boy came to me with a sincere confession. It was the 19-year-old son of a local math teacher, Anton. I was slightly surprised, Anton was the last person in the city whom I could suspect. It turned out that he had debts and was threatened, and the guy had no choice but to commit a crime. He returned the rings and chain. I decided to leave him on his own recognizance, but the guy started begging me to send him to the bullpen. He claimed that he was haunted by the spirit of the dead baron and threatened to kill him for what he had done. I didn’t send him to the bullpen, but I didn’t let him go home either. The guy went to the mental hospital.

The very next day, Anton was found dead in the ward. The cause of death is suffocation. Who and how strangled the guy is unknown to this day; besides, he was put in a solitary ward and he was under the close supervision of doctors. the examination also excluded.

"Family holiday" with the deceased

Here, for example, is a story that happened in 1998 in one of the St. Petersburg communal apartments, where a lonely old woman lived next to a large family. By this time she was already 80 years old, but despite such an advanced age, she was quite sane and cheerful.

At first her neighbors, being brought up in the traditions of atheism, laughed at her strangeness, although over time they got used to it and stopped paying attention. The strange thing about the old woman was that every year for the past 20 years since she was widowed, on her husband’s birthday she would cook his pasta naval style, locking herself in her room and not coming out until midnight struck. She said that on this day the spirit of her late husband came to her, and at a set table they slowly recalled the past, and sometimes he gave her advice for the future.

Her skeptic neighbors themselves were able to appreciate the usefulness of one of these pieces of advice when, when one of the “family holidays” ended, the widow in the common kitchen said in the most everyday voice that it was better to convert big money into foreign currency. Her neighbors had recently sold a car, and they had a fairly round sum in rubles. The head of the family, despite his disbelief, for some reason decided to follow his grandmother’s advice. More than once after the default that occurred a month later, he gratefully remembered his neighbor and her deceased husband.

Nobody knows whether any supernatural abilities are really needed to communicate with the dead? Or maybe it’s about the strong ties that bind loving people to each other so much that even death is unable to completely break them?

Out of range?

There are those who managed to reach... the dead. True, none of those who made contact had any idea that the subscriber was no longer alive...

Once Nicole Friedman from Los Angeles saw in a dream her own husband Bob, who was in another city at that time. Frankly speaking, it was a terrible dream - he was lying with a bullet through his head in a pool of blood. Waking up, Nicole immediately dialed Bob’s number, her husband answered as if nothing had happened, only sadly complained that they were so far (?!) from each other. It later turned out that at the time of the conversation, Bob’s body had already been in the city morgue for several hours - he was shot during a robbery...

A similar incident occurred with the American Smith: out of the blue, the woman saw in a dream a friend with whom she had not communicated for 7 years. And again it was a nightmare - my friend was lying on the floor covered in blood. Impressed by what she saw, Smith called a “friend who was visiting,” and she cheerfully replied that, in fact, she had been ill, but was now in good health, which she wished for others. Then the restless Smith began asking to visit, but her friend suddenly became nervous and said that she would call back later. As you might guess, there was no call. But if the meticulous American Mrs. Smith hadn’t alerted her friend’s relatives, where would her friend have gone? And I was surprised to learn that the interlocutor had already died six months ago...

After death

This happened in Ukraine. A few weeks after the death of her son, Valentina M. was awakened late at night. The mobile phone of her deceased Sasha was ringing, but he had never had such a melody. “Song about Mom” was played. But by the time the woman got out of bed and reached the phone, the ringing stopped. There were not a single missed call on the phone itself. The surprised woman started looking for this melody on her phone and couldn’t find it. Valentina cried until the morning, and the next night the phone rang again. Since that time, there have been calls from Valentina’s son several more times, not only at night, but also during the day in front of witnesses.

Musical works from the other world

Isn’t it surprising that the world-famous case of Rosemary Brown from Britain, who wrote several brilliant musical works under the dictation of the great composers who visited her, seems surprising? Moreover, experts claim that each of her works is perfect, and each one is written in the same vein in which the deceased composer wrote and dictated it to Rosemary.

After the death of a person, his loved ones grieve, many of them are burdened by the things of the deceased. Often good things are left behind by the deceased - shoes, clothes and other wardrobe items.

The question arises: What to do with a person’s belongings after his death? Is it possible to wear things after a deceased person?

Death and the energy of death, is it possible to carry things after a deceased person? As for the energy of death, bioenergy throughout the world indicates that the energy of a living person is different from the energy of a dead person.

Many psychics, looking at the things of the dead, touching them, can say with certainty that the former owner of the thing is dead. The energy of death is addictive, it is cold and more viscous than the energy of life - this is what psychics indicate.

It is quite difficult to get rid of it. By washing an item, it is impossible to erase information about the life and death of its owner. Therefore, bioenergetics specialists and psychics do not advise buying used clothes. It can carry information about its deceased owner.

The Christian Church considers all of the above to be superstition. Superstition among Christians is a sin. The church does not give a clear answer to the question posed. Very often you can see how relatives bring things of the deceased to the Temple so that those parishioners who need them can use them. The Holy Father definitely sanctifies these things. But...whether he will finally remove all ties from this clothing or thing is a question.

When asked about the clothes of a deceased person, psychologists answer unanimously: It's not worth wearing. These things, especially if you saw them on the deceased, will always be associated with death and negative emotions. This is not the way to honor the memory of a person who has passed on to another world. His clothes, reminiscent of death, will sow anxiety, sadness and panic in you.

There is another side to the coin. For example, the deceased left behind expensive, high-quality clothes: a fur coat or a leather jacket. It’s a pity to throw away such things; it’s also unwise to give them as gifts, since they cost a lot of money.

Psychics' opinion

People with extraordinary abilities do not recommend wearing the clothes of a deceased person. The fact is that in every thing there remains a piece of the energy of the person to whom it belonged. If a person has passed into another world, then this energy is “dead”, negative. And when wearing clothes, it passes to a living person. A person who puts on the clothes of a deceased person unconsciously makes a necro-binding to himself, which is not so easy to cleanse himself from. Then the person begins to notice that he is often sick, feels weak, has no vital energy, wakes up in the morning broken, and feels unwell.

If you still want to use these things and try on the wardrobe of a deceased relative for yourself, then do this after forty days from the moment of his death. It is best to conduct an energy cleansing ritual before this to remove negative energy from the deceased’s belongings.

It goes without saying that underwear cannot be reused. You should definitely get rid of it. Also, do not wear clothes that the person died in. It is better to burn it or dispose of it in another way so that negative energy does not manifest itself. If you were on bad terms with a relative or he didn’t like you, don’t even think about appropriating his clothes. Such a step will definitely not bring you good luck.

Things of deceased people store energy

It is believed that things that the deceased often used during his lifetime store his energy. There are known cases when wristwatches stop at the moment of a person’s death, after a funeral, household appliances break down, and personal items acquire a specific smell that is simply impossible to get rid of. This is due to the fact that necropolis, i.e., the energy of death, which reflects his current state - the death of the physical body, begins to accumulate in the objects of the deceased.

All the things of the deceased, endowed with deadly energy, cannot cause much harm to people who begin to use them, but they also do not have a positive effect. Simply put, the belongings of a deceased relative do not bring good luck.

You should be especially careful with things made from natural materials - they are best able to absorb the energy of a deceased person.

There is a way that will help neutralize the negative energy of a deceased person remaining on his clothes. Psychics advise soaking the deceased’s clothes in salt water for several hours, and then rinsing them well, drying them and, of course, ironing them thoroughly.

However, this method is not effective in all cases. Sometimes the energy of a deceased relative is so strong that no rituals can remove it.

It is especially terrible to carry the things of a deceased person. And sometimes such things cannot even be cleared of negative energy by any rituals. Especially if the deceased person was attached to things and loved them.

I warn you: it is impossible to clean such things, no matter how hard you try. This is especially true for things that the deceased was in direct contact with at the time of death, that is, a bed, blanket, pillows, bedding, etc.

Information about death is very difficult, and it eats into things very deeply. A thing that has witnessed the death of its owner literally absorbs the very spirit of death, a kind of deadly program. And passes it on to the one who inherits this thing. So this program begins to work in relation to its new owner... Therefore, under no circumstances should you sleep on a bed or sofa on which a person died. And in general, keeping such a thing in an apartment is simply dangerous...

What to do with the belongings of a deceased child?

The death of a child is a terrible thing that you would not wish on any parent. What to do with the baby’s clothes if he left this world untimely? Psychologists say that you should not keep these clothes at home. Every time she will remind of the loss and torment the already wounded hearts of her father and mother.

Extrasensory perception also gives a clear answer to this question: things need to be destroyed. You should not re-gift or give them to other children. After all, kids are even more sensitive to negative energy than adults. Even the slightest negative can affect their health and well-being.

So is it worth the risk and trying on the clothes of a deceased child on your baby?

Often the things of deceased children are left for those who are younger, for the next offspring - this cannot be done! It is better to bury a child’s favorite doll or toy with him, but never give it to another child. Children's energy is much weaker than that of adults; there are often cases when misfortunes happen to children after such gifts. Even if the older child has died, the younger one should not be dressed in the deceased’s clothes.

Is it possible to name a child after a deceased relative?

It is believed that a person’s name has extremely strong energy. It can greatly influence the character and fate of a person. By naming a child in honor of a deceased person, parents doom him to a life and destiny similar to that relative. The baby’s karma will be heavily imprinted by his predecessor, because the trace of his stay in this world remains too obvious while his loved ones remember and mourn him.

However, it is also believed that if a deceased relative lived a happy, interesting life, then by naming the baby after him, the parents deliberately wish him the same fate

So is it possible to wear things after a deceased person?

Today, bioenergetics experts offer hundreds of ways to cleanse things of negative energy, including the energy of death. But you shouldn't trust them all. It is better to free the house from them and at the same time - the memory.

Is it possible to wear the gold of a deceased person?

Often, close relatives, on the eve of their imminent death, give expensive items as gifts, because the same gold jewelry can be worn by daughters and granddaughters, remembering their beloved grandmother or mother.
But the question arises: is it possible to use the personal belongings of the deceased, and how safe is wearing the same chain or beautiful pendant for health and the energy field?

Psychologists' opinion

Gold jewelry is supposed to instill joy, given its aesthetic appearance and boosting a person's self-esteem, but wearing jewelry from a deceased relative can have the opposite effect.
After all, as a rule, only loving relatives leave gold as an inheritance; accordingly, even a brief contact with the thing of a deceased mother or grandmother for a daughter or granddaughter will turn into memories and a surge of pain due to the loss.

That is why psychologists advise not to wear gold jewelry left over from loved ones until painful memories lose their sharpness and the same earrings or chain evoke only pleasant memories of the lives of departed people, and not the bitterness of loss due to their death .

Church opinion

The clergy agree with psychologists and also do not recommend wearing the things of the deceased, since one type of personal belongings of the deceased can lead to despondency, and, as you know, despondency is considered one of the sins. Also, you cannot wear the body cross of a deceased person, regardless of what metal it is made of, because the cross protects only its owner, therefore, after his departure to another world, it is better to bury this particular thing with the deceased or put it in a secluded place.

It is also not recommended to wear gold wedding rings, especially if the couple has been married, again due to the fact that sacred protection was intended only for the married couple, and not for their relatives. Churchmen do not recommend wearing gold jewelry in the form of amulets and amulets, again due to the fact that idolatry and deviation from Orthodoxy are naturally unacceptable for the church.

In other cases, clergy do not impose a ban on wearing gold jewelry, although they admit the possibility of energetic influence. After all, the same relics of saints can heal, and accordingly, the gold of the dead can influence the new owner, especially if the deceased was not distinguished by righteousness.

Psychics' opinion

Psychics also agree with the opinion of clergy. Moreover, they believe that it is undesirable to wear gold jewelry of a deceased relative. After all, any personal item stores the energy of its owner, and gold stores information doubly, given that this material is of natural origin. In addition, gold in many cases is synonymous with greed, which means it can lead to negative consequences.

Gold jewelry is of particular importance if it was worn by its owner at the time of death. Indeed, at the moment the soul leaves the body, a powerful release of energy occurs, which charges everything around with it, and therefore gold. That is, it is no longer possible to wear gold jewelry from a relative, given the close energetic connection between relatives. Although, if the jewelry was donated before death or was not related to the person’s passing, gold can be worn, but only after purification using a certain ritual. Along with the decoration, the one who keeps this thing for himself - the person takes away the karmic debts of the former owner and then he will have to work off the karma.

Naturally, no one will give, much less throw away, expensive jewelry that was left after the death of a relative. However, it should be remembered that gold and silver can store information and human energy for a long time. By the way, this mainly applies to jewelry that the deceased was wearing at the time of his death. If during your lifetime your grandmother gave you a ring that is inherited in your family, then it will not harm you. You can safely wear it without fear of negative consequences.

Is it possible to sleep on the bed or sofa of a deceased relative?

There is an expression: “It is better to sleep on the grave of a dead person than on his bed!” Perhaps there is some truth in this. If a person was sick for a long time, experienced crazy torment on the bed, and eventually died on it, then it is of course better to part with such an inheritance

People related to extrasensory perception argue that it is better to replace the bed of a deceased person. If it is not possible to buy a new bed, but you need to sleep on something, then it is better to perform a ritual of cleansing the deathbed of a loved one. To do this, you can walk around the bed on all sides with a lit candle. But...this is unlikely to help remove all ties from the deceased. These bindings will drain a living person’s energy and vitality.

The psychological side of this issue is also very important. A person who has lost a loved one may not immediately be able to get rid of grief and melancholy. An object associated with this person can often remind you of him and excite sad thoughts in your head

In other words, the choice is yours. If you are able to subjugate your feelings of fear and give up superstitions, then put the bed of your loved one in order and sleep on it to your health!

What to do with photographs of deceased relatives?

This is perhaps the most controversial issue. We have long been accustomed to the fact that in the houses of our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and parents, numerous portraits and general photographs of their ancestors and loved ones hung on the walls. In the old days, this was not considered something dangerous or reprehensible. But today there are a lot of ideas floating around that photographs of the dead carry negative energy and can affect the health and fate of living people.

First of all, let's talk about a portrait of a person who has just died for a funeral procession. It should be a photo that both you and he liked. The portrait can be framed in a mourning photo frame or have a black ribbon placed on it in the lower right corner.
What to do with the portrait later is up to his loved ones to decide.

If after this time the wound of loss is still too fresh, then it is better to remove the photograph until calmer times. If the relatives have already managed to survive their loss and have coped with their nerves, then the portrait can be placed in the living room or another room other than the bedroom.

Photos of deceased relatives in the house - the opinion of the church

The Orthodox Church does not see anything wrong with photographs of deceased relatives being in the home of their relatives. We are all equal before God - both the dead and the living
Therefore, photographs of loved ones, especially loved ones and loving ones, can only bring a bunch of pleasant memories and fill the heart with purity and love.

If the loss is too severe, then at first it is better to remove the photo out of sight. But there is absolutely no need to get rid of it forever. The time will come when the appearance of the deceased begins to blur and gradually disappear from a person’s memory - that’s when his photo will come to the rescue.

It is also better to temporarily hide a photograph of a deceased person with whom there is resentment or misunderstanding. After a certain period, all negative emotions will fade into the background, and then you will be able to see your loved one with a pure heart

What to do with old photographs of deceased relatives?

Of course, they need to be stored. Now, if we imagine that the relatives of great writers or other outstanding people would not keep their photographs, as we would imagine them to be. It is always interesting to compare a portrait of a famous person drawn in your imagination with the original. So in this situation, our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other heirs will want to know what their ancestor looked like. Photography will help them with this.

By preserving photographs of our relatives, we preserve a piece of our history, which will be important for our offspring
But the question of whether to expose these photographs to the public and ours, including daily viewing, remains open

Is it possible to hang portraits of deceased relatives on the wall?

The time comes when a person who has lost his loved ones begins to think about whether it is possible to store their lifetime photographs on the walls of his home?

It is very difficult to answer this question, because there are quite a lot of different opinions on this matter.

If we think about how our ancestors lived, then each of us will remember that our grandmothers kept photographs of their deceased parents, grandmothers, aunts, and uncles in their homes, and in the absence of available material, they placed them in ordinary wooden frames under glass and hung them on walls. It’s only worth remembering that most often such photographs could be seen in corridors, halls or in the kitchen. They tried not to place them in bedrooms and children's rooms!

No one is saying that this was right and should be done this way, this is just what our ancestors did, who were no less superstitious than we are. It turns out that they knew in advance that it was possible to do this and it would not lead to any trouble!

Today, many magicians and psychics advise removing photographs of deceased people from places where they will constantly come into view; negative energy emanates from them and this can bring trouble to the house. On the one hand, this opinion is indeed correct. Agree that if a lifetime relationship with the person depicted in the photograph has never developed, then it is not pleasant to look at him every day.

One involuntarily recalls bad episodes that evoke anger, resentment, and sometimes despair, while spoiling a person’s mood for the whole day, and, accordingly, their aura.

If the photo shows a person from whom you received only love and kindness, it is much harder to perceive his appearance every day. In this case, a person may be overcome by mental pain, melancholy, and regret. As you can see, in any case, if you see photographs of deceased relatives around you every day, this will not lead to anything good.

Therefore, it is best not to hang photographs of the dead, even the people dearest to you, on the walls of your home. In addition, there is an opinion that in this way you disturb their peace and attract them into our world, preventing their soul from finding peace.

As many people believe, the dead should be separate from the living, and this also applies to photographs. Of course, it is impossible to separate photos of the dead from photos of the living, especially if they are captured in one photograph, but all photographs should be stored in a special place, in particular in albums, which are created for this purpose.

Psychics claim that a photograph of the deceased can become a portal to the other world. By hanging a portrait of the deceased on the wall, we can open the door to the world of the dead. If this door is constantly open, that is, the portrait will always be in sight, living people living in the house can feel the energy of the dead.

Some relatives who have hung photographs of their deceased loved ones on the walls claim that they are constantly tormented by headaches, impotence, and various kinds of diseases. All this may be just a far-fetched theory, but it may also have some truth.

Photographs taken on the day of the funeral have especially strong energy. It’s not clear why people take these kinds of pictures at all. After all, they only bear human sorrow and grief. Such photos are unlikely to bring goodness and positivity into the home. It would be better to get rid of them.

How to store photos of deceased relatives?

It is advisable to separate photographs of the dead from photographs of living people
For photographs of people who have already died, it is better to select a special photo album or photo box.

If there is no separate album, then it is better to place such photos in a black opaque bag or envelope. If the photograph is general and there are also living people in it, then it is better to cut out the deceased from it and store it separately. In order for the photograph to be stored longer, it is better to laminate it

Photos of the deceased can be scanned and stored on a separate medium - disk, flash drive, website

Is it possible to keep the belongings of the deceased at home for relatives?

In the old days, clothes were in short supply, so they tried not to throw them away, but to pass them on from one family member to another; the deceased’s belongings were taken out of the house. Due to the shortage of clothing, especially outer clothing, in the Middle Ages the deceased’s belongings were happily taken by relatives. It seems superstitious, but still. It’s worth thinking carefully about whether you need to repeat the fate of the deceased?

Things of the deceased that cannot be worn by the household themselves and cannot be distributed, can simply be burned. The bed with bedding - on which the deceased lay and slept - should also be thrown away. If among his things there are things close to his heart, then they can be kept somewhere in a secret, remote place and taken out only when you want to remember your relative.

If the thing is directly related to the suffering and death of a sick person, then it is better to get rid of it by burning it. If during his lifetime a person gave instructions to his relatives regarding certain things, then it is best to deal with them in the way the deceased wanted.

When a person dies, the soul leaves his body, after which living, positive energy leaves his things. Soon, dead, negative energy takes its place. And such things will not bring anything good to their new owner.

If before death a person suffered from a serious, incurable illness, then this will leave a mark on his energy, part of which will be transferred to his things. When wearing such clothes, we are exposed to the energy of the disease, which increases the risk of developing a similar disease.

If we are talking about books and records of the deceased, they can be stored along with other things in the house. If the family still wants to get rid of them, then it is better to give them from the heart. Such a gift will not carry any negativity.

All letters, diaries and photos that are of no value to you should be set on fire and not dumped in a trash can. Everything else can be safely thrown into the trash.

If the deceased bequeathed something to you during his lifetime (a ring, a watch), he should have removed it and donated it during his lifetime. The same applies to clothes. If he died wearing them, it means he didn’t want to give them.

However, during all the hard times of war, both looters and soldiers of regular units did not think much about whether or not it was possible to remove clothes, shoes or jewelry from corpses. Are your boots or overcoat worn out, but the killed enemy has just the right size? Why not change, he won’t need it anyway. And they took it, and carried it, and returned to their families alive, without being tormented by pangs of conscience. So everything is relative.

Of course, it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person, but is it necessary?

It is believed that after a person departs for another world, his house, apartment, room needs to be put in complete order. The best option, of course, would be a new renovation. However, if this is not possible, then it is necessary to remove all the rubbish from the premises, throw away old, outdated things, distribute suitable things to those in need, and do a general cleaning with disinfection

If the thing is as dear as a memory, then it can be hidden away from human eyes. It is best to wrap such a thing in a rag or an opaque bag and put it in the “far corner” for a while. If the deceased had a favorite mirror that he admired, it’s worth burying it, maybe even at the grave. You can't use it. Mirrors that are in the apartment need to be removed and wiped thoroughly.

Is it possible to keep the cross of a deceased relative?

A pectoral cross is a powerful source of spiritual strength and human karma. According to Christian customs, it is customary to bury a person together with his cross.

If for some reason the pectoral cross did not end up in the coffin with its owner, then it can be stored in the house in a separate box or bag. If the owner of the cross was a bad person, died of suicide or violent death, then it is better to say goodbye to such a cross - give it to the church, the needy, or melt it down for something else.

The article on the topic: “the dream book is taken by the deceased” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about a Dead person from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about a dead person: interpretation of the dream

Why do you dream about a long-dead person?

Dreaming of deceased relatives alive can only mean that you have set your goals in life incorrectly. You have poorly organized your life, you are making serious mistakes and you will need to call on all your willpower to correct them.

You dream of dead relatives alive - if you hear dead relatives talking to you in a dream, perhaps you should listen to their advice, because it is the subconscious or dear people from the past who are giving you advice on what to do next with your life. You need to be very careful about dreams where you see your deceased relatives alive.

Why do you dream about dead relatives? It is possible that you thought a lot about long-dead relatives in reality, which is why you dreamed about them.

deceased relatives - to joy, good events, dead friends - to important news.

Why do you still dream of dead people? This is an unfavorable sign, sad news about those who are far from you or problems in business. Dreaming of the dead means that in real life they can cause you a lot of trouble.

Also, a deceased person may dream of a change in the weather.

A long-dead person dreams of important events in the family in reality. If a long-dead person tells you something, listen: scientists have proven that it can awaken dormant parts of the brain that contain knowledge that you never knew existed.

deceased friend - you do not know how to compromise, negotiate peacefully with your loved ones, which is why you will face serious trials in life. You need to learn to prevent quarrels, otherwise they cannot be avoided, especially if you saw a deceased friend in a dream unhappy or sad.

Dreaming of a deceased friend alive means good luck in life, good events, joyful changes in the usual course of life.

If you suddenly dream of a deceased friend - if she tells you about someone’s death or tells you some sad news - brace yourself, it will happen in reality. If a friend simply complains about something or is sad, sad events in life await you, which you should already prepare to experience.

A deceased friend follows you in a dream, asking for something - perhaps she did not have time to do something during her lifetime and her soul now cannot find peace. Order a prayer service, say out loud that you have forgiven her for everything and she has no need to suffer. If you know something that she could ask you for during her lifetime, try to do it.

a dying friend means a quarrel with her.

Why dream that a friend has already died - if she cried in her sleep - to success in her career and business connections. A deceased friend usually dreams of positive changes in a business plan.

A friend died in a dream - according to the Mayan dream book, such a dream means an illness that will be chronic in nature.

A deceased friend calls you to follow her - a deception on the part of loved ones, which you did not suspect, will be revealed.

Deceased brother - to see a dream about him means that they will soon turn to you for help, most likely they will ask for a loan. You need to treat such people the same way you would treat your brother - be sure to help them.

Seeing a dead brother alive in a dream means wealth and prosperity.

dead brother - fighting with him in a dream means material wealth. Seeing a dream about a deceased brother or sister may mean that not everything is determined with your future.

deceased in a coffin - to receive important news or a change in weather. If you have been expecting someone for a long time to visit, long-awaited guests will come to you.

A deceased person in a coffin dreams of making a profit. If you made a coffin with your own hands, you will receive a promotion at work and an increase in salary.

Still dead in a coffin may mean some kind of purchase - household appliances or a wardrobe update.

A dead friend speaks to you in a dream - bad news.

dead people are a warning about the dangers that surround you.

A dead brother dreams of longevity.

Dream about a dead person, what does the dream reflect?

Deceased - If you dreamed of a deceased loved one, you will have to face the betrayal of your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

A dead person in a dream, if you dream?

Deceased person - Deceased ancestors examine you or ask you for food. - Fortunately.

Why do you dream of a deceased person according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

  • Deceased person (dead person, deceased) - If someone sees a dream that he embraced a dead person in his arms, or threw his hands around his neck, this means longevity.
  • If someone sees a dream about piles of the dead, it means that he saw erring people or heretics.
  • If someone sees a dream that a dead person is calling him, but the face of the dead man is not presented to his gaze, but hears only his voice and goes in the direction of that voice, his death is near.
  • If one sees a dead person sleeping or naked, this means the repose of the deceased in the next world.

What does a dead person dream about, according to popular beliefs?

In a dream, seeing a dead person who is calling you, seeing in a dream means a change in the weather.

Why does a child dream about a dead person, interpretation of the dream:

If a deceased person gives you something in a dream, it means happiness, wealth and health.

Why do you dream of a dead person in a dream:

Dead person (deceased) - Touching or hugging a dead person - deceive fears, get rid of them in reality; if the deceased calls you, don’t go, if you go with him, it means you will become seriously ill or lose yourself, plunge into depression. A living dead man in a dream speaks of his anxiety - he has no peace in the next world; to see him naked means the complete repose of his soul. Hearing the voice of the deceased is a sign of illness or warning.

Dreams about the dead, according to Loff, do not carry much meaning. Perhaps their images are associated with memories, psycho-emotional factors. Most likely, this is how sadness and longing for a departed person are expressed. Many corpses are a sign of fear, excessive suspiciousness, imbalance, increased excitability and stress.

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

What does a dead person mean in a dream:

A dream in which dead people are present promises a change in the weather. And if in a dream you place coins on the eyes of a deceased person, in real life you may suffer from the vile actions of your enemies. If you place a coin on only one eye, you will have difficulty, but you will be able to partially defend your position. Such a dream can also mean the death of your friend or relative. A dream about a deceased person who is alive in real life - you should expect unpleasant actions or news from him.”

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

Why do you dream of a Dead person, how to understand the dream:

A dream in which you see deceased relatives or friends - it represents a kind of warning - you will encounter some kind of test or loss on your way. But if in a dream you hear the voice of a deceased person, then this dream speaks of bad news. Seeing the eyes of the Deceased means that you should be more vigilant and careful in financial matters. Don't let things take their course. Talking with a deceased person in a dream means paying more attention to your health. You need support and help.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a deceased person in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream of a dead person according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream of a deceased person from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a deceased person according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about a dead person from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about a deceased person in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a dead person in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Mon January 01, 2018, 21:26:39

Sun November 26, 2017, 08:37:11


Mon October 30, 2017, 21:00:30

Sun October 22, 2017, 21:23:37

Sun October 15, 2017, 18:10:27

A dead person in a dream book. Tell me your dream:

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The deceased takes with him a dream book

It is believed that if a dead person you know is taken with you, then you are in real mortal danger. However, do not rush to get upset. Depending on the emotional state, details of the dream and the intentions of the deceased in the dream, the plot may be interpreted differently. The dream book will tell you why such a terrible phenomenon occurs in dreams.

Miller's confirmation

Miller's interpreter supports the generally accepted opinion and confirms that if you dreamed of going to the call of a dead man, then rest assured that in the dream death itself came for you.

Why do you dream if the dead person takes you with you? The interpretation of the dream is indeed the darkest.

You are destined for a serious illness, an accident and other events that will certainly lead to death. In addition, in a dream this is a sign of the imminent death of loved ones or acquaintances and other, no less significant losses.

Did you dream that a now deceased person called, and you followed his call? The dream book advises to immediately be examined for hidden diseases and to behave extremely carefully even in the most familiar conditions.


By the way, other plots involving the dead also indicate a close ending. Therefore, never agree to sit at the same table with a dead person or take some food from him in a dream.

To avoid unpleasant events, the dream book recommends giving your own consciousness a special setting. If you refused to eat or go with the deceased, then in reality you will be able to miraculously avoid great danger.

Think about it!

The dream book reminds us: in some cases, the dreaming dead person reflects a dying part of the dreamer’s personality.

And if in a dream you saw how a dead person was taken with you, then this means that in real life you too often think in a negative way or commit bad deeds.

Did you dream that a long-dead character is trying to make a serious promise from you? You are on the verge of the most difficult period of life, so gather the courage for a difficult struggle.

Who did you meet?

Why do you dream of walking with the deceased? The dream book warns: it is quite possible that in a dream you actually met someone who took on the image of the deceased.

Moreover, it can be either a bright and kind creature or an evil entity. To accurately determine, it is enough to remember your own feelings. The scarier and worse you were, the more evil the guide was.

Don't forget: in such meetings you can see a world that lies far beyond reality.

This is a warning!

Did you dream about what the dead man takes with him? You shouldn’t panic and prepare for the worst; perhaps you were simply warned about possible circumstances and given time to correct the situation. Therefore, the dream book offers the following decodings.

  • Caring for your mother - pay close attention to your health.
  • With your father - sort things out, refuse to take risks.
  • With a distant relative - expect losses and trials.
  • With a brother, sister - provide help.
  • With a friend - you will receive extremely unpleasant news.

Better run!

Did you dream that the deceased grandmother or grandfather took the child? Try to strengthen his security, but at the same time remember that ancestors can share knowledge and experience with their descendants in a dream.

Have you ever seen long-dead relatives? According to the dream book, the vision means that some important family event will happen soon.

Why do you dream if you didn’t want to go, ran away or drove away the dead person? You are guaranteed a long, although not entirely comfortable, life.

Dream Interpretation

The deceased takes

Dream Interpretation The Deceased Takes dreamed of why in a dream the deceased takes away? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Dead Taken in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Deceased person according to the dream book

A deceased person in a dream is a herald of cardinal changes in the dreamer’s life; this dream can also be a warning, which must be interpreted based on events occurring in real life. Therefore, in order to understand why a dead person dreams in a dream, you should remember the plot of the dream, all the details and accompanying emotions. And only after a thorough analysis of what he saw, he will turn to the dream book for help.

Loff's dream book, the interpretation of a dream - a deceased person, connects with various business issues in real life. Seeing or observing a dead person in a dream predicts the presence of conflict situations and condemnation by others of the actions or words of the sleeping person.

According to Miller's dream book, a deceased person in a dream foreshadows the future occurrence of situations subconsciously associated with the dreamed person. Seeing a cheerful deceased person who is in an overly elated mood means that the dreamer is not organizing his life correctly, which will soon affect his well-being and work results. It is worth reconsidering your own priorities, since in most cases they are what prevent you from moving forward and reaching new heights.

According to the English dream book, seeing a dead person alive means new achievements and well-being if he was in a good mood. Seeing deceased relatives and friends sad and dejected foreshadows the presence of problems and troubles that the dreamer will soon have to face.

Dead man alive in a dream

The dreamer’s emotions themselves are important in the interpretation of dreams, therefore, you can find out what the dead man is dreaming about by remembering the feelings that the dead man evoked in the dream. A calm or slightly elevated mood in a dream (or after it) indicates that soon all the anxieties that tormented the person in real life will be left behind, the long-awaited idyll and peace will come, difficult situations and conflicts will be resolved.

The anxiety, fear or irritation that a person experiences after a dream is deciphered by the dream book as an unfavorable period in the future, which will be filled with unpleasant moments and quarrels. Only self-control and patience will help the dreamer cope with problems.

According to folk traditions and canons, in cases where a person constantly dreams of a deceased person, he should be remembered. To do this, you need to go to church, light a candle for the repose of the deceased, or order a service. Also, if the deceased is a relative of the dreamer, you need to purchase cookies and sweets from the store and distribute them to neighbors and work colleagues.

If a person often dreams of dead people, then, as the dream book says, you should take a close look at your own health and pay attention to your well-being. Such a vision is a sign that in real life a sleeping person should save his moral and physical strength.

Often, such an image accompanies those people who are “stuck up” at work, have nervous disorders and a weakened psyche, which often turns into depression and loss of self-control. The dream book advises devoting some time to rest, enjoying communication with nature and loved ones, otherwise, instead of success at work, the dreamer will have to work on mistakes and be reprimanded by his superiors.

The lack of support, care that a person needs, mental anguish and remorse about one’s actions in the past, this is why a deceased person often dreams. Sometimes these feelings are directly related to the dreamed person and express the dreamer’s indignation at her death.

If a deceased person dreams of a living person who was closely associated with him in the past, then most likely the vision expresses the dreamer’s nostalgia and melancholy. In addition, such a picture may indicate that the sleeping person is “stuck” in the past and cannot fully realize himself in the present life. This state of affairs can lead to a person missing out on everything that fate has in store for him.

If you dreamed of a recently deceased person, then, according to the dream book, such an image speaks of a sincere expression of grief for the deceased. Often, this vision means that in reality the dreamer still cannot come to terms with the loss, and mentally imagines the person alive.

If you dreamed of a long-dead person, it means you should visit the grave of the deceased. Perhaps in a dream, the dead person asks for some item or goodies that will need to be brought to the grave.

It is not difficult for people who have minor health problems to guess why a dead person dreams. Such a dream speaks of a person’s speedy recovery and the normalization of his usual course of life. The deceased comes to the seriously ill in two cases: to inform about his imminent death or to inspect the future recovery of the sleeping person.

Appearance and condition of the deceased person in a dream

An important factor in the interpretation of a dream is the appearance and clothing of the deceased. Therefore, in order to understand why a dead person dreams, you should pay attention to these details.

Seeing a dead person in dirty and rumpled clothes in a dream foreshadows in the dream book deprivations and problematic situations that the dreamer will have to endure. Conflicts with relatives and work colleagues are possible. In addition, you need to listen to your own well-being and the health of loved ones.

If a deceased person comes in a dream neat and clean, then all the dreams of the dreamer will come true, and success and good luck will accompany business. For a young girl to see a dead unknown guy in a dream, who is courteous and attentive to the young lady, the dream book foretells the appearance of a suitor on the horizon. For a married woman, such a vision indicates a struggle with temptation.

A dream in which you saw a naked dead man has a negative interpretation. The dream book warns of a series of troubles and hardships that await the future. Businessmen should limit their extravagance and accumulate financial resources. Women, reduce your desire to buy new things and trinkets.

However, seeing a naked dead person lying in a beautifully furnished room symbolizes wealth and profit. Poverty, addiction and a series of failures, this is what you dream of about a naked dead man lying on the floor.

Who is the relationship of a dead person to a sleeping person?

Often, such dreams are provoked by the sleeping person himself and express melancholy and despondency. In order to fully understand why the dead man is dreaming, one should take into account who he is to the dreamer. An unfamiliar dead man, if he is neat and joyful in a dream, foreshadows joyful events in the dream book, a new period in life that will be marked by great successes and accomplishments.

An untidy and dirty unknown dead person in a dream symbolizes the presence of complex, artificially provoked situations in the future that the dreamer will have to solve. Also, such a picture notifies that the sleeping person will have to communicate with unpleasant and narcissistic people.

If you dreamed of a loved one who died, it means you should remember the details of what you saw. A deceased mother in a dream symbolizes everyday life, home and relationships with relatives. If the relative is calm, it means that in reality the sleeping person will have a complete idyll in the family and mutual understanding between household members.

A deceased father in a dream is a symbol of business and social connections. Seeing a relative in full health and peace in a dream means the dream book indicates a successful course of business, participation in new projects and good relationships with people around you.

A deceased brother in a dream, according to the dream book, expresses the sleeping person’s need for communication, protection and understanding. For a young girl, this picture promises an interesting acquaintance with a man who in the future may lay claim to the role of the dreamer’s husband. For a married lady, such an image speaks of establishing a relationship with her soulmate, the opportunity to ignite faded feelings and experience new emotions in bed.

If women dreamed of a deceased loved one, it means that in reality the dreamer will meet a man who can bring love into her life and revive her feelings. A man, instead of a painful separation from his beloved, will soon experience positive emotions associated with a person of the opposite sex.

Actions involving a deceased person in a dream

Attending the wake of a deceased person in a dream signals unpleasant news from relatives. Perhaps this will be news of a serious illness or even the death of a familiar person.

If you dreamed of the funeral of an already deceased person who was not related to the dreamer, it means, as the dream book states, the sleeping person will have a favorable period in resolving his own issues, financial well-being and moral uplift.

It is useful to know why you dream of burying a person who has already died. The dream book deciphers the dream as one of the favorable ones, notifying that a series of failures and grief has been left behind, and new achievements, acquaintances and pleasant moments await the dreamer.

For a woman, burying her deceased husband is predicted by the dream book, the beginning of a new family life, meeting a man who will help her forget about the suffering and grief of her dead loved one, and also “wake up” her as a woman.

In most cases, the death of an already deceased person, according to the dream book, indicates the closure of long-standing issues, court cases and litigation. Rarely, it predicts the settlement of a long-standing conflict between relatives that has dragged on for centuries.

If a deceased person died in a dream, who was not a relative of the dreamer in reality, then, as the dream book states, in real life the sleeping person will not be afraid of the machinations of enemies and the intrigues of enemies.

If, on the contrary, a person dreams that a deceased person has come to life, it means that in reality long-standing issues that were not resolved in the past and now require an immediate response will remind themselves. For young girls, this dream is interpreted by the dream book as the appearance of a person from the past (most often an ex-boyfriend) who will interfere with her current relationship and try to bring back her beloved.

Trying to revive a deceased person, the dream book indicates, is that the person is trying in vain to return something long forgotten or lost. This vision tells young people that they should not stir up the past and try to rekindle old feelings, because nothing good will come of it.

If businessmen dreamed of a deceased person in a coffin, then they should expect troubles in business. Careerists should be careful at work and not take on additional workload in the near future, as this will only aggravate the situation. The dream book advises you to spend some time at home or in nature, relax and recuperate, because you won’t be able to make money in the near future, you can only significantly shake your nerves and shake your self-confidence.

The risk of running into or provoking a serious conflict, which could affect the interests of high-ranking people and be the reason for dismissal, is what a dream means in which a deceased person cries in his sleep. The dream book advises to be very careful on the street and on the road, to follow all safety rules and internal labor regulations.

Conversation with a deceased person in a dream

The dream book places great importance on conversations with dead people, since often in dreams the dead give hints and advice that can be applied in real life. Only the dreamer himself can figure out what the conversation is about in a dream, based on the events that occur in reality.

Often, deceased people try to protect a person from future troubles or warn about the dangers that threaten the dreamer in real life. Also, talking with the dead is a source of additional information and truthful information that will help cope with problems and troubles that have arisen.

There are times when someone else's deceased relative comes to the dreamer with a request to convey the information received to his close people, naming dates and events that are known only to the recipient of the information.

Don’t be scared if you dream about a dead person and remain silent, especially if it’s a relative. Such an image is interpreted as a silent admiration of the dreamer’s life and approval of his life credo, plans for the future, and behavior. For a young lady to see her silent deceased father, who is in good spirits and in a good mood, is a sign that the relative approves of the young man she is going to marry.

Talking to a deceased person in a raised voice in a dream indicates the deceased’s dissatisfaction with the behavior and actions of the sleeping person. For a girl to quarrel with her deceased father in a dream is a sign that a relative does not approve of the young man whom the young lady has chosen as her betrothed.

For a married woman to quarrel with her deceased mother in a dream, according to the dream book, predicts the need to take care of household chores, improve the atmosphere and interaction between household members, otherwise the current state of affairs may lead in the future to strained and even hostile relations between relatives.

You should beware of those dreams in which dead people want to force a person to promise something. The dream book interprets this image as impending despondency, decline in business, lack of faith in one’s own strength and uncertainty about the future.

Interacting with a deceased person in a dream

Why dream of kissing a dead person in a dream? An important detail in the interpretation of such a dream is the personality of the person with whom you had to kiss in the dream. Kissing a dead father predicts success in work and business, successful completion of a project, and expansion of business connections. Kissing your mother indicates a favorable atmosphere between relatives and also promises reconciliation between spouses.

If a sleeping person was kissed in a dream by a deceased person with whom she was unfamiliar, then the dream book promises the presence of good luck and prosperity in the dreamer’s affairs. Also, such an image denotes the presence of luck in gambling and the lottery.

Kissing a deceased person who died recently is deciphered by the dream book as the unhealed pain of loss, longing for this person and nostalgia for a past life. In this case, only time and loved ones will help.

A deceased person hugs in a dream, which means, according to the dream book, the dreamer will have a full and long-awaited rest. If a brother or sister hugs, then in real life there is a person who can boost morale and self-confidence.

Some dream books interpret rather ambiguously what it means to dream of washing a dead person in a dream. According to the dream book of Magic, such an image foreshadows imminent death or illness. This interpretation is connected with the tradition of washing the deceased after death. The American dream book promises deliverance from the past, forgiveness and the opportunity to start life from scratch.

Looking for a dead person in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to find ways of reconciliation with oneself or people dear to one’s heart. Not finding a dead person in a dream indicates a lack of common ground with the chosen one, an insoluble conflict situation that may end in a break in relations.

Feeding a deceased person in a dream is a positive sign, signaling wealth and well-being in the family, as well as the opportunity to have a child and become wonderful parents. A man will soon be offered a promotion or mutually beneficial cooperation not related to his main job.

In a dream, beating a dead person, according to the dream book, means the dreamer’s internal protest, unwillingness to repent and conform to the framework (rules) that prevent the implementation of any plans. Very often, such a dream is dreamed by teenagers who, in their youthful maximalism, tend to go too far.

If the deceased person himself beats the dreamer, it means that in real life the dreamer did something bad or objectionable. The dream book advises you to reconsider your life values, since the moral side of the sleeping person is in a deplorable state.

Why do you dream about sex with a dead person? For a woman, sex with a deceased husband is interpreted by the dream book as longing for a loved one, a desire to join him. Sex with a blood relative in a dream predicts nostalgia for past years, childhood, and youth. According to the intimate dream book, sex with a deceased person may mean a desire for spiritual contact with the person in the dream.

Other dreams mentioning a dead person

Why do you dream about a photograph of a deceased person? A dream can symbolize the dreamer’s nostalgic mood, longing for a deceased person and the events that are associated with her.

A dreamed photograph of a deceased person is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s attempts to change what was destined, a search for answers to pressing questions in the past, a subconscious desire to turn back time.

Seeing the spirit of a deceased person in a dream, according to the dream book, is an interpretation of communication with the other world. Perhaps the person has a magical gift.

Some dream books associate the spirit (or ghost) of a deceased person with a harbinger of misfortune that will affect the relatives of the sleeping person. If the spirit is in white robes, then a loved one or friend of the dreamer is under threat. A spirit dressed in black robes predicts betrayal from a person close to you.

Talking with the ghost of a deceased person is interpreted by the dream book as the presence of evil will or fate in the dreamer’s real life, which does not allow him to realize his plans and desires. Hearing groans or other sounds made by the spirit is a harbinger of some kind of trouble or unfavorable event that may affect the health or well-being of the sleeper.

I did not receive an answer to my question. And I am very worried about the dream I saw. It was as if my long-dead mother was waiting for me, and I came to her after closing the gate due to a malfunction. Mom saw me through the window, she was in a white nightie, she went out into the yard, and we hugged her.

You miss her and she misses you. That's all... Nothing alarming. I dream about my late husband every night. It's been almost two years now. For love (maternal, marital) there is no reason to break.

I also didn't find an answer to my question. I dreamed of my late grandfather and he was lying with my living grandmother, when I asked my grandfather for help, my grandmother stopped him and went on her own. (Grandfather was dressed all in white) ... Then I dreamed that I was clearing snow, many children came and they dug up some branches that they throw on the road during funerals. I didn’t see my grandmother in the dream after she left for help, but I continued to communicate with my grandfather. P.S Grandma is now in the hospital in not very good health and says that she is afraid to die.

Your grandmother was lying with her deceased grandfather, this foreshadowed her illness, which is what happened. Remember whether she stayed with him at the end of the dream or not. If yes, then alas, this is an unfavorable sign; if not, then her illness will pass and nothing will happen to her.

I also could not get an answer to my question. My ex-boyfriend recently committed suicide. And just yesterday he was buried. And now for the third night I have been dreaming about him. An ordinary dream at first glance. But in my dreams he follows me everywhere, close behind me, and laughs loudly. All in light and around him there is white light. I can’t sleep peacefully anymore, please tell me what this dream is for?

In a dream, I dreamed that my grandfather hit me on the back (but it didn’t hurt me) and said that I was the most useless granddaughter and that he would tell my mother something, then he told my mother something and she was angry and wanted to beat me, but I ran away .

I often dream about my childhood friend. A year and a half before his death, we had a conflict that we did not resolve. We walk together and talk. What does he need? I already went to church and lit a candle.

I dreamed of my late mother, from whom I asked for money, and she pulled me out of the closet and gave me a large bill, she herself was calm.

You won't need anything. In a dream, if the deceased gives something, this is a very good sign. And it’s bad if, on the contrary, he takes it from you. This has been tested many times.

I dreamed of my late father lying on the sofa, turned away from me and dressed in his husband’s clothes.

I dreamed that we were hugging a deceased colleague and she was calming me down.

I dreamed that a deceased friend and her husband, who was living, came to visit, and I warmed them borscht, and then I went outside, and for some reason there were tables in the courtyard, and there was one table for 4 people, where 2 people sat, I don’t think so acquaintances, the girl who died, and my husband, and I was still surprised why my husband and I didn’t sit next to them... I still can’t calm down... why is this?

I began to often dream about my dead father, in my last dream I fed him and thought about how I could get food for him, in particular eggs. What is it for.

I dreamed that my friend and I were relaxing in my apartment (the apartment has been sold for 3 years already, I usually often have dreams in this apartment), then we somehow suddenly found ourselves on the street. After some time, my friend and I go into the front door, call the elevator, as soon as she and I entered the elevator, the door closes sharply and rises to the top at high speed. Arriving at the top, we went into the apartment. I saw my late mother, my friend’s fiance was sitting next to her, they were upset. Looking at my friend, I saw a large wound on his leg, my mother was comforting him. Then, when she saw me, my mother abruptly gave me a small cup of water, there was something else in it (like tiny balls, there weren’t many of them) and told me to drink, I didn’t want to drink it. But she was persistent. I listened to her and wet my lips a little. What does it mean?

I dreamed of a good friend of mine. During her lifetime she was a pharmacist. In a dream, I entered the pharmacy where she worked and I see her, she melted in a white coat and glasses, as if alive and very calm. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her.

I also didn’t find an answer to my question. Six months ago, a childhood friend passed away. I’m used to having some relatives and acquaintances “communicate” through me. But this dream is not very clear to me. So: a car drives up to the house, a friend and a girl are sitting in it (they dated in real life, but with a break), so cheerful. Laughed all the time. After which he winks at me (he sometimes greeted me like that) and continues communicating with that person. It gets dark, after which I go home. The next morning I go outside, the car is already in the yard. At first glance, there is no one there. It turns out that he is a neighbor (another OUR childhood friend), and we begin to communicate. And then suddenly He appears in the car, as if he had spent the night there. But he looked strange: he was wearing a scarf (tied quite tightly around his neck), had something like a respirator on his head (when cars are painted), and He himself was somehow swollen with red eyes (the capillaries had burst). We ask: “What happened? Did you want to scare us? To which He does not answer and looks straight at me. You can see from His eyes that he wants to tell something, but is silent. And so for the rest of the dream He was silent, and I tried to find out.

He passed away unexpectedly for everyone. Everything happened in about 7-10 minutes. Got crazy while painting my stepfather's car. Although I spent almost my entire short life working on cars. It's true that I still can't believe what happened. And every time I pass by a window or door (he lived on the first floor, I lived on the second), I expect him to come out or wink from the window. Like good old times. I miss. But I am tormented by the question of why I saw him exactly like that. Why was he silent if he wanted to say something? Before that, I always dreamed of him being so cheerful and talking to me. Once I even saw him through the window... Maybe someone can tell me. This dream torments me.

I also didn't find the answer to my question. In a dream, I was returning home and saw that my deceased grandmother was also coming home. I wanted to come running first, but I forgot my keys and waited for her, but while I was waiting I was very sad. In a dream, I remembered the words that my mother seemed to say... as if my grandmother would not live to see September. Suddenly grandma came, wearing a gray scarf on her head. She cried, as if because she knew the same thing as me. Which will die by September. And we started crying. What does it mean.

I did not receive an answer to my dream. I dreamed of my current boyfriend, who died in my dream and became a ghost. In the dream I was very worried. Then he began to turn on the water and move the door. And I realized that this is my favorite. And later I saw him. She fed him and hugged him. Said how much I miss him. He reciprocated. This dream really scares me! After all, my young man is alive. And he died in his sleep!

I dreamed of my dead friend...At first we had a nice conversation. And then in this dream the boy died, right before my eyes. And my deceased friend and I began to look for him in the water... My deceased friend was dressed in ordinary clothes, like everyone else, he was no different from them (he drowned in the water while swimming, this is in reality)... Tell me why such a dream...

I saw Batyrkhan Shukenov

I didn’t really find it...he served under a contract from Russia, they were sent to Ukraine. My young man died in Ukraine (he was buried there). I dreamed that he was alive. I saw him very well, as if he were alive. We went to my house, there were relatives and my younger sister’s friend there. All my relatives and I sat down at the table and ate, they asked him everything, and then we went into another room, he hugged me, we talked about the present, what was happening to me. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt, a white T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. And then he and I went out into the street, he walked ahead of me, I asked him to wait a couple of steps for me (only I don’t know this area at all where he and I were), we walked with each other hugging each other, and then he said you can’t come here yet early, kissed. And suddenly the whole picture changed, I found myself where I once lived.

During my life, my husband offended me, I always waited in fear for him to return home, he drank, almost 2 years have passed since his death and I often dream about how I am afraid and hiding, knowing that he will come now...

On May 16, 2015, my friend died. Now I dream about him and plays with my children. The first time he came in a dream, we talked, laughed, then he took his youngest son and, looking at him, said that he also wanted to have children and left. And now, it’s as if he’s coming not to me, but to the children. This really scares me.

My neighbor's husband died in his summer cottage. I dream about him lying on the floor, and my grandmother is trying to revive him, and I tell her - he is alive, alive. FOR WHAT?

I dreamed about my deceased mother. And in a dream I tried to save her from death by bringing her to the hospital, and she dies there. I revive her again and again try to save her life, but this time she dies. I’m also going to revive him for the third time so I can put him in time for surgery. What is all this for?

Tell me why I dream that we got together in a group, there was a man who died not long ago, an acquaintance of mine, and I tell him that he died, he begins to cry and say how he died and I cried too, then we had intimate connection.

In a dream I saw my dead husband alive. It’s as if I was late for the plane, and he sits and says: Well, what are you doing?

In a dream, I had sex with my husband’s nephew, who died two years ago.

I also didn’t find the answer to my dream, I saw my former deceased common-law husband, he came sad in some rags and helped around the house, he was silent.

My grandmother dreams of my grandfather coming home and crying over my photo, why is this?

I dreamed that I died, but became a ghost. I saw my dead brother, he called me along and dragged me, he spoke well there.

Today (not for the first time) I dreamed about a classmate who died last year (he died young). It was as if I was communicating with him and there was even mutual sympathy, but at the end of the dream he said that it was time for me to stop living, hinting at suicide. I'm very worried, does anyone know what this is for?

I dreamed of my late neighbor and invited me to her house, we laughed, and she fed me pies, what is this for.

I dream of my wife who died not long ago, and now I dream that she is being nice to another man, and I beat her for it. What is it for?

I dream about my late grandmother. She died in June 2015, I dreamed about it 4 times already. I saw dreams about her funeral and wake. When I dreamed about the funeral, I saw a large watermelon standing on the edge of the coffin, then I dreamed about her wake for 40 days, and she sat opposite me at the table and ate a watermelon. And in this dream I understood that she was not there, and no one except me noticed her presence. Today I dreamed of wearing a new raincoat, which we bought together in a dream, she really liked it, and she boasted about it to her daughters.

I had a dream that my ex-husband, before his death we were divorced, came to my house, brought a three-liter jar, I don’t even know what, but the color resembles a brew, he put it on the floor in the hallway and said this to you and added that my legs I wasn’t in the village, but I haven’t gone there for several years anyway.

I see in a dream: The deceased husband is standing in the doorway, holding two buckets of water. Smiles. Young, handsome. Naked to the waist. My hair is wet, as if from a shower. Died elderly. Help me understand the dream.

I often dream about my grandfather and he often calls me to him, I didn’t go, well, I’m already tired, and I went and saw a huge gate, we went there, and in real life I died, my breathing stopped, but then my grandfather turned sharply and pulled me out. on the way out, he hugged me and pushed me with tears in his eyes, and I survived.

Hello! I dreamed about my dead older brother. In the dream he was alive, handsome, walking with a girl. I told him that I loved him very much, that something bad might happen in my life and it was important for me to tell him how much I loved him.

My mother had a dream already 2 times, first she dreamed of her best friend who had recently died, her mother asked her to find me, they never found me, then she dreamed of another deceased relative, whom my mother again asked me to find, and they were looking for me on that light, my mother says that I need to be careful, otherwise I will die. PLEASE BRIGHT. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THIS REPEATED SLEEP. I'M AFRAID! .

Please help, I dreamed that my already deceased grandmother was sick and dying for the second time, she told me something, I helped her prepare for death and she herself was preparing for death. She was all in white, lying on the bed and sleeping, from time to time she woke up and we made preparations with her.

My mother dreamed that her deceased friend led her to her office and opened the door in front of her. What could this mean?

Please help me find the answer to my question. Today I dreamed of a very close person, he was like a father to me, as if we were preparing for his wake, and he came and sat at the table opposite me, helping me do something, I knew that he had died, I sat in silence, and then I asked him a question mentally. Why did you die? Why did you go away? He read my thoughts, tears flowed from my eyes and so did he, but we sat in silence.

I didn’t find the answer, I dreamed about my father, when I met him, he didn’t recognize me, after which I hugged him and cried, maybe it’s because of the terrible longing for him? I don’t know, but after that we stood and talked with him, sorry I don’t remember what...

I didn't find the answer to my dream. I dreamed of a former colleague who disappeared under strange circumstances; a year later his remains were buried (a DNA examination was done). In the dream, I had sex with this man. And then he gave me a piece of paper with the name of the song and its performer written on it. What could this mean?

And I dreamed of a woman who lay down from the closet, I didn’t know her and was very scared, because... All my life I have been dreaming about dead people, the fear was strong. Then I hit her on the cheek, lightly, out of fear, but she was not offended, it was someone’s grandmother. Somehow I understood this, she sat down on a chair and began to tell me that we will help you with pregnancy (I am diagnosed with infertility), but you will lose weight yourself (for no apparent reason I gained weight from size 42 to 50) , that’s what this dream is for, good or bad?

I dreamed of my late husband, he told me to leave his life.

I dreamed of my late ex-husband, he was in my bed with his bare bottom, he was in a hurry to go to the toilet, but didn’t have time and shit himself on the bed. I screamed in horror and indignation.

I didn’t find the answer to my dream, I dreamed of a cousin who was driving me and my son home in a car, thinking that I had an acute respiratory infection, but I said that I was healthy and he took me back home to my grandmother. And his only words in the dream were, YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO HOME. And I really wanted to kiss him, but I didn’t dare, and there were other relatives in the dream, but they were fleeting... Please tell me what this means, otherwise I’m very worried...

My Dad recently dreamed of my deceased brother (we have different fathers) as if he was laying all his weight on him, and Dad shouted “Oh God” and his brother told him “There is no God” and Dad immediately woke up!

I saw as if I was in a school, and there was one room that was opened, and from there came out a lot of people who had died a long time ago. And these people, strangers to me, start running somewhere and admiring this world. And at first I screamed in fear, then I saw that everyone was trying to talk to them, then I calmed down and looked at them. Please help me interpret this dream.

And he met me at my house. Spoke to my mom. I approached him and asked how can you be here because you’re dead!? He replied that he was tired of asking this question all the time. Then he asked me to go away and talk to him. I agreed, but then stopped him and said we’ll talk here. And then someone shouted to me RUN. I ran into the house. Some woman there set the house on fire. I rushed from there to the river, and it was like the sea. Then I got into the boat and sailed to another house, and it began to flood, I jumped out the window and found myself on the street, then I ran into another house, and it began to collapse! And all this time he was practically catching up with me and laughing. At the same time, he had 3 bruises on his neck from the server, 3 houses were destroyed by different elements and 3 packages which he showed and then hid in the inner pocket of his jacket. The clothes were what I was wearing. Everything happened at first near my house, and then in unfamiliar places.

I dreamed of my ex-husband (he died 4 months ago) that we were in a new house and making a bed on a new sofa. He says it's very comfortable to sleep on. And an unfamiliar man comes up to us and turns to his ex: what are you doing here? And the ex evaporates. And I suddenly realize that he is dead and not alive.