
Leo is a rat. Leo born in the year of the rat Characteristics of Leo rat

The Leo-Rat man has a complex character and is full of contradictions, so he often does not understand himself. He needs to find support to understand himself and those around him, but this will take years. Leo is always generous and open to the world, has unclear goals, but this only creates his charm. The Rat is petty and not ready for social life. In addition, the Rat does not always strive for transcendental distances; all his goals are simple and understandable.

These men are earth types. They will always strive for material benefits and receive them in full. At the same time, their characteristic pragmatism and analysis of any events allows them to achieve excellent results. They never dream, but clearly set goals and objectives, which they manage to achieve in full. Possessing hard work, they rarely fail in achieving their goals.

They have a bright character. These are decisive, daring and powerful men. They never agree to second roles, so personal and work relationships are always painted in the colors of struggle. They are patient and persistent, so they reach the end in everything. When setting a goal, they may not experience difficulties, but often during implementation they may doubt and worry about the correctness of their actions.

Characteristics of a Leo-Rat man in Love

It is reliable, but relatively so. He can be faithful, devoted, but only if his partner matches his ideas. It is important for him that she be exceptional not only for him, but also for those around her. In addition, he must feel material well-being in the form of an apartment and other things. In this case, he will not only be betrayed, but also in love. This combination of qualities often gives rise to misunderstanding, but that’s exactly what he is.

Love is something ordinary for him, so he does not always attach importance to it. It is important for him to shine and be a leader, then even love will become a great feeling for him. It should be noted that his generosity and generosity of soul are often replaced by pettiness and immeasurable economy, and this gives rise to bewilderment among those around him. As a result, his beloved may simply not understand this mystery guy and will prefer to leave forever.

Leo Man, born in the year of the Rat, in the Bed

He is ambivalent about his intimate life. On the one hand, he is sensual and passionate, and on the other hand, it is important for him to simply get his chosen wife. He may show desire, but he will rarely give in return. It is important for him to be loved, but often love in this case is one-sided. He does not understand that love is a mutual feeling that must be maintained so that both feel good together.

He can enjoy intimacy anywhere, since the situation is sometimes not important to him. However, there are times when he wants royal treatment and attention. This contradiction lies in his character. Therefore, in one period he wants to receive signs of attention, affection, and in others he simply withdraws into himself. That is why it is difficult for his beloved to understand what exactly he loves in an intimate relationship.

Horoscope of the Leo-Rat man in Family and Marriage

Marriage for him is a real salvation from many problems. In this case, he can solve personal, emotional and material difficulties. It is simply important for him to understand the value of family in order to feel happy and find that point of support that he has been looking for all his life. He must allow himself to be happy. And he is used to solving material difficulties with the help of a woman who will completely shift the worries about him onto herself.

He shows his best side in the family. He is attentive to his household, and may even please them. However, he wants to receive respect and attention from others, and this can only be fully received in the family. As a result, the family can become a refuge for him or, on the contrary, a heavy duty. Emotional instability can also be compensated by family relationships.

Leo himself is quite an interesting personality. And in conjunction with the Rat, it can be considered the most unusual sign. It has a variety of positive, as well as, to a limited extent, negative qualities. To get to know a person in more detail, you need to study his horoscope in detail.

Characteristics of Leo in the year of the Rat

A distinctive feature of the Leo Rat is its high activity. Ready to take on any job and does it with pleasure. Loves company and communication with people. Loves to be the center of attention, to shine brighter than the stars. He is very open, interesting and sociable. That’s why others like him and also easily finds new friends and acquaintances.

In any activity he is ambitious and hardworking. For this reason, he will never have problems with work. If he sets a goal, he always achieves it. At the same time, he is ready to refuse rest and even legal rest. His assertiveness and determination also help in this.

He is rightfully considered an excellent inventor. Can safely choose a type of activity that will be associated with solving complex problems, physical and psychological problems. But he hates being bossed around.

For this reason, most often the Leo Rat strives for leadership positions. At the same time, he feels great in this role and is even liked by his subordinates. After all, he is friendly, democratic, loyal and delicate. He feels no less great in the sphere of friendship and love. Shows love, gentleness, generosity and understanding towards close people.


Leo the Rat has a lot of strengths. He is incredibly talented, because he can find himself in any field of activity and strives to realize himself in life. This list also includes the good nature of this zodiac sign, which helps them find many friends and acquaintances.

This sign has never been greedy. Able to achieve financial well-being and has no problem sharing money and other luxuries with loved ones. However, he strives for independence in everything, is a strong personality and achieves everything on his own.

Weak sides

Do not forget about the shortcomings of Leo Rat. They have a strong sense of pride. Even a harmless joke can cause people to be offended or react quite sharply.

That’s why they don’t take criticism very positively. At the same time, they calm down very quickly and forget all grievances. But the person to whom they were rude may never forget this unpleasant situation.

The problem also lies in the fact that Leo the Rat cannot deny himself his desires. This often has a negative impact on them and those around them. It doesn't have to be any kind of entertainment. Often they just find a new hobby and can’t stop.

What qualities are worth developing?

First of all, this sign needs to get rid of their main drawback - pride. In this case, you just need to learn to perceive yourself properly. Also, don’t let your inner self take over your mind, because it doesn’t always end well.

Otherwise they have no problems. There are many strengths in his character that exclusively help him in life.

Features of a Masculine Character

The Leo Rat man is an ambitious, intelligent and hardworking sign. He can set himself a wide variety of goals, even those that are unattainable at first glance. But his persistence will help him find a solution in any situation. It will also allow you to find a way out of trouble.

At the same time, he has a daring, decisive and domineering character. He will never allow others to control him. And he will not agree to fade into the background. Thanks to these qualities, he usually occupies leadership and leadership positions. He always achieves the desired results and goals set for himself, because he is characterized by pragmatism and the ability to analyze actions.

Patience and perseverance help him do one thing, even a routine one, for a long time and without problems. He always completes his work, even if others could not. Prefers to choose mental labor rather than physical. But they won’t refuse this either if the offer is profitable.

There are other Leo Rat types, most often such traits appear in childhood and adolescence. These may be the following character traits: intolerance, willfulness, harshness. During these years, it is difficult for him to find contact with managers, teachers and sometimes parents. At some point he pulls himself together and changes completely. Learns to find a common language with people and common ground.

In the future he may become a wonderful husband and father. After all, he will be able to teach extremely useful things to his children and even his beloved. If we talk about style, then this is a rather important moment for him. After all, Leo Rat prefers to look beautiful. That's why he dresses brightly.

Features of the Female Character

A woman born under the signs of Leo and Rat is distinguished by increased self-love. She prefers to always be the center of attention. Her appearance is bright and extraordinary. She dresses and looks beautiful and attractive. In life he prefers to live no less brightly, literally to the fullest. At the same time, he shows a clear interest in everything that happens in the world.

A girl of this sign can boast of high intelligence, a sharp mind and various talents. It's incredibly easy for her to achieve her goals. She can get any job she wants, but she doesn’t want to do ordinary activities. It should be something interesting and bright.

Monetary well-being is no less important for her. She can spend all this on clothes, trinkets and home decoration. After all, it is important for her to show ostentatious well-being, even if everything in life is bad. It is equally important for her to visit various entertainment venues and travel at least occasionally.

At a more mature age, he prefers to devote himself entirely to family and love. It won’t be difficult for her to do the cleaning, cook dinner, or wash things. But she will not sit within four walls all the time, because it is important for her to realize herself in life. She is capable of becoming a wonderful wife and loving mother.

Characteristics for Girls and Boys

At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish the Leo Rat from other children. They are smart, cheerful and sociable. They love to be the center of attention, so they use all their charm and attractiveness to please others. But it’s very disappointing when things don’t go according to plan.

They love themselves, so they constantly take care of themselves and their appearance. They don't need to be reminded to go to the bathroom and brush their teeth. Already in their early years they are able to independently choose their own style of clothing and appearance.

They are not at all afraid of responsibility. They take on any job at school or outside of it. All this is aimed at gaining respect from others. But sometimes they behave very selfishly, although they try not to show it to others.

How does a Leo born in the year of the Rat manifest itself?

Can take on any task. After all, thanks to his qualities and talents, he is able to achieve success in everything. At the same time, he will strive to be the best in everything and always.


Studying is very easy for Leo Rat. At the same time, parents do not have to make sure that he goes to school and does all his homework. It is important that they praise the baby. Since the sign wants to be the best in everything, he will participate not only in school, but also in extracurricular activities.

More often chooses unusual objects. He studies them down to the smallest detail. At the same time, the teacher usually idolizes such children and sets them up as an example to everyone. Contradictions may also arise, although Leo Rat are generally not conflict-ridden people. This can only happen in cases of injustice.

There is a problem of perception. After all, they often do not listen to the end. He makes hasty conclusions and does not want to listen to another point of view.

In progress

At work they behave the same way as in school and everyday life. They want to be in charge always and in everything. At the same time, her self-esteem is quite high, but not without reason. Leo Rat is truly a talented person. He can handle any job and can get out of any situation.

In his activities he prefers freedom of choice. This allows him to develop and move up the career ladder. At the same time, in the end he will always be able to reach a leadership position. Such people are very fond of power and money.

Don't think that they are bad leaders. In fact, this sign is perfectly involved in the lives of employees. Always ready to chat and help my clients.

In bed

His sex life is filled with romance and passion. He is a very active and open partner. I am ready to do anything for the sake of my other half. At the same time, he can easily find the one and will support it to the end. The development of relationships largely depends on the other half. After all, he will not tolerate cunning, insincerity and attempts to control him.

If the other half is able to follow these rules, then as a result, ordinary relationships will move from bed to family ones. Otherwise, he will simply replace his partner.

In love and marriage

In love, this sign will show its best qualities. He will never try to be rude or hurt his other half. The whole point is that love is necessary and dear to him. At the same time, he rightfully demands reciprocity. He easily finds his other half, but in love not everything is always easy and good.

Family relationships are important and sacred to him. He will not allow family members to suffer. He will do everything to make their life filled with happiness and prosperity. Leo of Beauty is not shy about discussing problems and is always ready to give advice.

Compatibility with Zodiac Signs

It is believed that the partner's zodiac sign is of great importance in compatibility. Therefore, you should study the compatibility of the two signs:

  1. Aries - this relationship can become truly enchanting. This couple is bright and fiery, so they can light up everything around them.
  2. Taurus - this sign will not be ready for the temperament of Leo, therefore such relationships will not always be successful, but there is a chance.
  3. Gemini – often these signs can get along and find a common language. But Geminis are a little flighty, but Leos are fickle in such relationships.
  4. Cancer - these signs are opposites, but opposites attract.
  5. Leo - they are very similar, so they will understand each other one hundred percent. Such a couple can last a long time.
  6. Virgo - these signs are not afraid to criticize other people, so Leos will be very surprised that someone dared to hurt their pride.
  7. Libra - both signs love everyone's attention, which means that there will be strong competition between them.
  8. Scorpio - absolutely incompatible, you shouldn't even try.
  9. Sagittarius - in this case, promises them ideal compatibility. Sagittarius will praise Leo, and he will fulfill all desires.
  10. Capricorn - at first they can become great friends, but the similarity of characters will help them eventually become a couple.
  11. Aquarius is no worse compatibility in this case, because in such a relationship mutual understanding and love will reign.
  12. Pisces - this couple has no chance of existence; only understanding and sympathy are possible, but not love.

In general, Leo can build relationships with any sign, but these relationships will not always be happy.

Compatibility according to the Eastern Horoscope

Compatibility according to the Eastern Horoscope is no less important.

The Rat is fully compatible with the following signs: Rat, Dragon and Monkey.

Average Compatibility:

  • Snake;
  • Rooster;
  • Pig;
  • Rabbit;
  • Goat;
  • Dog;
  • Tiger.

Zero compatibility with Horse.

What is the best name for a child?

Names suitable for boys and girls:

Famous Leos born in the year of the Rat

Beautiful celebrities born under the signs of Leo and Rat: Ben Affleck, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, Emily Robinson.

Some of them still delight the public, coping with their task perfectly.

Liana Raimanova

What characterizes Leos born in the year of the Rat best is proud and strong character. The tendency to dominate, which representatives of this sign are endowed with from birth, could repel others, but thanks to the attractiveness and charisma of Leo-Rats are highly respected in society and know how to win people over.

Such people really have enough reasons to be proud. They are often endowed with wit, strong will, leadership abilities and courage. And these qualities are combined in Leos in the most harmonious proportions.

Self-confidence cannot but affect personal preferences: the heroes of our article strive to create an environment suitable for their splendor, not devoid of luxury and comfort. After all, Leos, in their opinion, deserve only the best.

Leos born in the year of the Rat are best characterized by a proud and strong character

A typical representative of this sign looks at life from a positive angle. Optimism, cheerfulness, complacency, sociability, curiosity - these concepts well reflect his attitude to everyday realities. They manifest themselves especially vividly in situations when the Rat-Leo is the center of attention.

Such people very reliable, you can almost always rely on them - both in financial matters and in moral and ethical matters.

The combination of the signs of Leo and Rat is really extremely successful, so its owners have a lot of opportunities in life. These are generalists who fit seamlessly into everything and are capable of achieving heights in almost any career direction.

The pettiness characteristic of representatives of the Rat sign is successfully neutralized by the influence of the constellation Leo

Characteristics of Leo men born in the year of the Rat

Strong character and a desire for leadership are inherent in both men and women born under the sign of Leo. But in the stronger sex these qualities are more pronounced. Its representatives quickly achieve their goals and can build an excellent career. If a Leo guy was born in the year of the Rat, then the rat’s resourcefulness is added to his leadership qualities.

The same can be said about success on the career front, especially if Leo works in a leadership position. In this field, one of the most powerful talents of the representatives of the sign is manifested - the ability not to break away from the team, occupying the post of boss. Lion-Rats are able to see a situation from both sides- both from your own and from your subordinates. They respect their employees and receive respect in return.

If we add to this the phenomenal ability to work, which representatives of the sign are endowed with, we get a surprisingly successful combination, which provides Leos with rapid advancement up the career ladder.

If they failed to implement this or that idea, then the first attempt will be followed by a second, and if necessary, then a third. .

Leos have a lot of perseverance: they will work in a given direction until they achieve all their goals

Disadvantages of the sign

Excessive self-confidence can become a stumbling block even in the most successful relationships. If the Leo man can suppress his arrogance and learn to show respect for his chosen one, the success of this union will be almost a foregone conclusion.

Leo's disadvantages include excessive rigidity and intolerance of sentimentality. Because of these qualities, Leos sometimes inadvertently offend sensitive people, not showing due attention to their emotional experiences. Leos perceive weakness and any manifestations of it with some contempt, and this can also cause damage to the feelings of others.

Leo's disadvantages include excessive rigidity and intolerance to sentimentality.

Characteristics of Leo women born in the year of the Rat

Women born under the sign of Leo do not like and do not know how to obey - give them freedom in its full manifestation. In conflict situations, her tough and selfish character makes itself felt, which does not allow her to put other people's interests above her own.

But at the same time, the Leo girl, born in the year of the Rat, has an amazing generosity and kindness. These qualities almost completely smooth out the above-mentioned shortcomings. Female Leos love to help others and often do it selflessly, from a material point of view. But emotionally, they still receive a reward - a solid boost for their pride.

Lionesses can be a little arrogant, but a healthy sense of humor and the ability to introspect do not allow them to become too starstruck.

They feel those around them well and are often able to calculate their thoughts. This is supported by insight and observation.

Rat women born under the sign of Leo are sociable and quickly join new teams. Success accompanies them in their work affairs, but pressure from above is difficult for them. Excessive rigidity on the part of management can lead to a decrease in labor efficiency - the self-confident nature of the Lioness does not allow her to play by someone else's rules.

Disadvantages of the sign

Leo women not particularly delicate, soft criticism is not their strong point. This can become a serious obstacle in a relationship if the chosen one is weak or lacks self-confidence. Straightforward remarks are perceived very difficult by such people. And the bosses are unlikely to be delighted when they receive a portion of harsh criticism, even constructive ones. And there is practically no doubt that sooner or later they will receive it - the lionesses are ready to reveal the “terrible truth” to any person from their environment. Of course, this is not the only disadvantage, but other disadvantages are not so pronounced and rarely create serious problems for lionesses.

Love compatibility for Leo in the year of the Rat

Communication with the opposite sex is easy for Leos thanks to their sociability and generosity. Women value reliability in such guys and their willingness to provide backup at the right time.

A man born in the year of the Rat is always ready to stand up for his beloved woman and provide her with decent protection

But Leo guys can be too tough and self-confident: not every partner can come to terms with these qualities. It is easiest to build a strong relationship with a person who will suit the character and harmoniously complement the personality of the Leo-Rat.

Almost all Leo women have a bright and impressive appearance. Charisma and an attractive smile provide them with crushing success with the opposite sex. The partner of a girl born under the sign of Leo can be safely called lucky - his chosen one is able to put her soul into the relationship, completely devoting herself to it. But if you put even a little pressure on her, limiting her freedom, the toughest sides of her character will come to the surface.

The table will help you determine which partner will be most suitable for representatives of the Leo-Rat sign, as well as with which signs the relationship will develop most successfully: it shows compatibility in love according to the signs of the Western zodiac and according to the Eastern horoscope.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Bull, Dragon, MonkeyGoat, Pig, Dog, Snake, Rat, TigerRooster, Horse, Cat (Rabbit)
According to the Western calendar Leo, Pisces, GeminiVirgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, ScorpioLibra, Aquarius, Aries

Full characteristics of a Leo child born in the year of the Rat

A Lion Cub born in the year of the Rat is characterized by cheerfulness and a thirst for attention. Unlike other children, he works for the public with great pleasure: he reads rhymes, sings songs and demonstrates other talents. At the same time, the baby does not feel embarrassed, and if he is a little timid, he tries with all his might not to show it.

The leadership qualities of Leo-Rats manifest themselves at an early age. Therefore, even babies born under this sign enjoy great authority among peers.

A Leo child, be it a boy or a girl, is happy to help his parents

A Leo child, be it a boy or a girl, is happy to help his parents. But here you should apply a special psychology and act exclusively using the carrot method, i.e. kindness and persuasion. It is very difficult to force a child to do anything against his will - the more pressure is put on him, the more actively he resists.

Expectant mothers expecting a new addition to their family between July 23 and August 23 are incredibly lucky. If a Leo boy is born in the year of the Rat, she will receive a responsible and caring son, who will certainly provide his parents with a happy old age. However, the same can be said about the girl.

October 21, 2017, 11:15 pm

Those born in this year are always generous and open to the world, have incomprehensible and often unrealistic goals, but this only gives them a special charm. The rat is small and not ready for social life. In addition, the Rat does not always strive for transcendental states; all its goals are simple and understandable. The Leo sign balances the ratty nature of these people. - somewhat similar types of people. They are united by stubbornness, ambition and determination.

Horoscope of a Leo man in the year of the Rat

Such a man falls in love incredibly strongly and passionately. Just think of a tame Lion purring on your lap! Love will only strengthen his ego and he will actually enjoy the pursuit of his “prey”. Since he belongs to the fixed zodiac signs, he may have trouble leaving an outdated relationship. After all, he is holding on to shreds of emotions, and is not looking for a new partner. This can take away much of the Leo-Rat man's energy. He should always be free, feel that warm and pleasant thing that makes his heart beat stronger. After all, he is a king, and a true king has the biggest heart.

What types of Leos are there?

Leo is one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac, but he enjoys the creative and inspiring act of love. Yes, Leo-Rat men are especially temperamental in bed. They don't need a permanent partner to share their feelings with every day. They want someone who will allow them to experiment and be confident enough to show their sexuality as openly as he does. Even though he holds some traditional values, he loves his partner deeply and sincerely and also very passionately. He will never choose a woman with low self-esteem who thinks of sex as a chore or an obligation.

Influence of the Rat

Men born under the sign of the Rat take risks very often. They thrive under pressure. They also prefer a high level of employment, but only when this employment expands opportunities for personal gain. Rat men enjoy sophisticated interior items and show off their acquired treasures to friends, relatives and guests. Rat-Leo men are also very inclined to collect.

Women interested in the Rat will be showered with his gifts. There is no end to his generosity for those whom he holds close to him and accepts with all his heart. Although Rat men control their financial affairs very tightly, they can spend immensely on their loved ones. For this reason, it is important for the Rat man to be on his guard when surrounded by less honest comrades.

Business communication skills

A man or boy with this sign, as a rule, has very few close friends. Most of their communication usually revolves around business relationships. It is known that such men often mix business and friendship, meeting with colleagues in clubs and at parties.

The representative of these signs is an excellent listener, but sometimes cannot find the words to express feelings. This combination of traits allows him to be an excellent conversationalist and helps the Rat easily cope with awkward situations. His radiance, charm and sharp mind allow him to feel comfortable in any situation.

Characteristics of the Rat-Leo man

To the casual observer, the true personality of the Leo Rat is by no means easy to understand. Typically, a character displays a combination of subtleties and glaring contradictions. This is how it combines two rather contradictory planetary signs. A fanatical initiator and clubber, he is always welcome at social gatherings, where he is usually the life of the party. Gentle, polite, tactful, keenly interested in what people have to say, but at the same time, he knows very well how to make people feel at ease. He can persuade others to trust him with all their deepest secrets. His reputation as an excellent conversationalist cannot be spoiled.

Strength, power and struggle

Representatives of these signs are distinguished by their bright character. Leo-Rat men are definite in their desires, they are slightly arrogant and truly powerful people. They never agree to minor roles, so personal and work relationships are always colored by them in the colors of struggle. Leo-Rats are patient and persistent, so they achieve their goals in everything. They may not have any difficulties when setting goals, but often in the process of implementation they may doubt and worry about the correctness of their actions.

Love for a Rat-Leo man is something that goes without saying, so he does not always attach importance to it. It is important for him to shine and be a leader, and then even the routine of a relationship will be a great pastime for him. It should be noted that generosity and largeness of heart are often replaced by pettiness and huge savings, which causes bewilderment to many people. As a result, his beloved may simply stop understanding such a contradictory person and prefer to leave forever.

Intimate life

He has an ambivalent attitude towards intimate life. On the one hand, he is sensual and passionate, and on the other hand, it is very important for him to finally settle on a specific partner. He may show desire, but rarely receives a response to his strong feelings. It is important for him to love, but often love in this case is one-sided. He does not understand that love is a mutual feeling that must be maintained so that both partners are satisfied.

Personal life and thirst for attention

He can enjoy intimacy anywhere because the situation is sometimes not that important to him. However, there are times when he wants interested glances and attention. This contradiction lies in his character. Therefore, in one period he wants to receive attention and affection, and in another he simply stays inside himself.

Marriage for him is a real salvation from many problems. He can solve personal, emotional and financial difficulties in this case. It is simply important for him to understand the value of family in order to feel happy and feel the fulcrum that he has been looking for all his life. Leo must allow himself to be happy. And the material difficulties that he is used to solving with the help of a woman will ultimately be solved by himself.

A good family man?

A man of these signs shows his best side in the family. However, he wants respect and attention from others, and this can only be fully received in the family. As a result, marriage can become a salvation or a difficult matter for him. Emotional instability can also be compensated by family relationships.

Interaction of planets

Leo is a zodiac sign that embodies the power of the Sun. Unfortunately, there is no planetary interaction in the Chinese horoscope, but we can confidently say that the solar power of Leo, multiplied by the rat energy drawn from the earth, creates a wonderful combination. The rat is a very down-to-earth animal that appreciates the riches and pleasures of the animal world. Solar Leo strives for perfection in everything, be it intellectual heights, everyday life or making money. As a result, we get a man who directs all his solar energy to achieve success in earthly affairs. And he manages this with ease.


The Leo-Rat man's horoscope speaks of a strong, domineering, businesslike and charismatic person. These men are suited to independent women who fully accept and share their ideas. Leos charm those around them. Despite their tactlessness, which smoothes out with age, they achieve success in everything they undertake. The compatibility of the Rat-Leo man with other signs is quite high. This is because they are characterized by assertiveness and charm. The best pair for him are Leo-Rabbits, as well as any signs of the zodiac of the fire element, born in the year of the Boar, Rabbit, Snake and Dragon. He will have easy and successful relationships with girls who have a similar situation.

A strange rat, at odds with himself. Must be careful.

Eastern horoscope- Rat

Zodiac horoscope- A lion

Proud, optimistic and good-natured, the Leo Rat needs to be the center of attention. This influence can be balanced by the Rat's love of dark and secluded places. Such Rats are excellent creative leaders, especially in the humanitarian sectors.

This combination produces people with a proud and strong character. When the sign of Leo combines with the Rat, an excellent fusion is obtained. These are people with a good balance of strength and intelligence. It seems that such people carry with them an air of grace mixed with curiosity, creativity and resourceful sense. Rat-Leo are usually charming and sociable people, but in some cases they can be impatient, especially if things do not go according to their plan.

This combination gives birth to very ambitious and hardworking individuals; they will work hard to achieve their desired goals in life. These people never give up easily. They have a certain optimistic outlook that is an effective motivator. They can be creative and often choose jobs that require solutions to a variety of physical or psychological problems.

Such people have a love for luxury and enjoy everything new. This love of luxury is not always materialistic, it can be like partners, family and friends as one of life's finest pleasures.

These people have a balance between a strong personality and a compassionate personality, and they have a strong inclination towards justice. They are ideal for communicating and negotiating with others and can be brilliant peacemakers. They value privacy, and prefer to communicate with friends outside the home than at home. These people are extremely loyal to loved ones and protect their interests.

It is best for such people to communicate with partners who are flexible and will not object. Sometimes such people may seem selfish, but this is not a true reflection of their personality. Outwardly they may seem tough, but in essence they are extremely sensitive to the feelings of other people.

Leo-Rat is not without negative traits. They can be overly bossy, especially if they feel they are losing control of a situation. They hate to be ignored or rejected, in such a situation their calm nature can become stubborn and overbearing.

The Leo Rat is a contradictory personality and is constantly at war with itself. It combines the rationalism of the rat and the royal manners of the lion. At different periods of her life, she either begins to actively accumulate wealth, or shows nobility and distributes what she has accumulated. Despite mood swings, the Leo Rat is reliable as a business partner, since it has good instincts and the ability to make the right impression on a person from any level of society.

This rat is hard not to notice, it is always in sight, and in any company it most often appears as a lion - self-confident, proud and generous. She cannot tolerate dependence in any form, so she strives to occupy a leadership position. Intuition helps her always choose the right line of behavior, and therefore such a boss is always loved by his subordinates - he is loyal, democratic and delicate.

In personal relationships, both Leo rat men and women show themselves as generous people, which attracts others to them. Sometimes they are prone to excessive emotionality, but they are still quite reliable and you can always rely on them.