
The symbol is a ladybug. Amazing symbol - ladybug Ladybug pendant meaning

Amazing symbol - LADYBUG

Don't swim with the flow, don't swim against the flow - swim where you need to go.

(c) Eastern wisdom

In all traditions, the Ladybug acts as symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness, forgiveness.
Finding a ladybug was considered a good omen.

This is probably why children all over the world, when they put a ladybug on their finger, say something like this:
fly to the sky
there are your kids
eating candy
one for everyone,
and not one for you.

The ladybug was associated with the Great Goddess, and later was an attribute of the Mother of God. Hence its names in European languages: “bird of the Mother of God,” “God’s Maryushka,” “Mary’s beetle.”

Many peoples associate the Ladybug with various myths. The main motive is the theme of the children of the Sun God: there are seven of them, like the days in the week and how many spots there are on the back of a ladybug. For example, in Baltic mythology seven children of the dominant God are mentioned, of which only the youngest, the seventh, was able to withstand the test of fire and water and becomes the legitimate son. The idea of ​​constant return, resurrection, wealth is associated with it; it corresponds to the seventh day of the week, called the day of the Sun.

For the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a person is considered a good omen. The Czechs believe that a found ladybug brings good luck, and the French believe that a talisman with its image will protect children from misfortune and warn of danger.

Our ancestors believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven in order to convey God’s will to man. There was also an opinion that the Gods feed on the milk of the Ladybug, so in no case should this insect be killed. It is believed that the ladybug was previously called “ladyblood”, since the back of this insect resembles a drop of blood.
In Anglo-Saxon countries, from ancient times to the present day, the ladybug is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word "Lady" implies the Virgin Mary, Catholics associate and link the Ladybug.
In Bulgaria this insect is called “God’s beauty”; in Germany and Switzerland - “God's candle”, Mary's beetle, God's bird or horse, golden cockerel, solar bird, solar cockerel, solar calf, in France - God's hen, God's animal, St. Michael's chicken; in Lithuania - “God’s Maryushka”; in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine - the sun; in Argentina - St. Anthony's cow, and in Tajikistan - the red-bearded grandfather.

In modern times Ladybug symbolizes love and sexuality. As some psychological works say, it is a symbol of the desire to lose virginity.

A talisman with the image of ladybugs brings good luck.

And the more black spots on the back, the stronger the talisman.

One spot - a ladybug will help in any new endeavor;

two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony;

And more than once they sang: “Ladybug fly to the sky...”!)

And not in vain, as it turns out, because she is a strong talisman!)

It is believed that the more spots there are Ladybug, the stronger the talisman. The number of these spots determines what purposes it serves. If on the back of an insect one The speck - a talisman is an assistant in any new venture (in business, changing profession, changes in personal life). This talisman should be placed in the office, on the desktop.

Talisman with two spots - a real psychotherapist.

It helps people suffering from self-doubt, insomnia, and unreasonable fears to find inner peace and harmony with the world around them. Such a talisman also helps misanthropes well. It makes them more lenient towards the weaknesses of other people, more tolerant of current events, and puts them in a positive mood. This talisman should be kept in the bedroom, at the head of the bed or on the bedside table.

Three spots on the back of the Ladybug talisman will help its owner in making the right decisions, and will keep him from hasty conclusions and indigestible actions. Such a talisman should be placed in the office, but not on the desktop, but on the windowsill.

If you are afraid of thieves and robbers, you should buy a talisman with four speckles. The ladybug with four spots on its back is an excellent guardian of any home. This talisman must be placed in the hallway in such a way that no one except the owner knows about its presence.

Five spots on the back of the talisman - help in achieving creative success.

Six spots will not only make the most careless student an exemplary student, but will also help in mastering foreign languages. These talismans should be kept in a visible place in the living room or office.

Ladybug with family spots on the back help its owner achieve success in all matters, especially in love. Such a talisman can be placed in the place of the house that is most favorite for the owner (even if it is the bathroom or kitchen).

The Ladybug talisman is made in the form of a figurine made of ceramics or wood. wax. Talismans with the image of the Ladybug - drawings, photographs, postcards - have no less power. Metal and gems are not suitable for its manufacture, since their own protective features can either weaken the effect of the talisman or change its purpose.

The legend says

Many peoples believe that the Ladybug lives in heaven and the gods feed on her milk. The appearance of this insect on earth means that she flew in to convey a blessing (sometimes a warning) from higher powers or to help a person (if she sat on him). That’s why we release them back into the sky and never kill them!)

The Ladybug talisman not only faithfully serves its owner, but is also a “conductor” between a person and higher powers.

Through it you can make wishes and send requests for help!

Feng Shui master's story

This wonderful talisman has helped many people. However, in practice, there were cases when the Ladybug not only stopped helping, but also began to harm the owner. As a rule, this happened when, through negligence or on purpose, the owner of the talisman killed a live ladybug. It should be noted that in the presence of this talisman you should not use insecticides, such as fumigators, mothballs or dichlorvos. if there is such a need, the talisman should be removed from the room being treated and brought back only after thorough ventilation.

The ladybug is a well-known symbol of good luck. Finding it is considered a good omen. This insect is mentioned in the myths and legends of many peoples.

Ladybug - what is its meaning in different countries?

The Dutch consider a ladybug landing on a hand or clothing to be an auspicious sign. The French say that an amulet with her image can protect children from various misfortunes and dangers. And in our country, the ladybug was recognized as a resident of heaven, descending to a person in order to convey to him God’s will. Hence the name. In many beliefs, killing a ladybug is condemned, since it is believed that the gods themselves feed on its milk.

In English-speaking countries this insect is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word Ledy in all these names indicates the Virgin Mary and is considered to be the insect of the Mother of God, the bird of Our Lady, the beetle of Mary. In Catholic countries, killing a ladybug is considered an act that promises trouble.

Bulgarians call her “God’s beauty”; Germans and porters - Mary's beetle, ladybird or horse, solar cockerel or solar calf; the French - chicken or animal of God; Argentines - the cow of St. Anthony.

Ladybug - beliefs and signs

Not only the ladybug itself brings good luck, but also talismans with images of it. Moreover, it is believed that the number of spots on the back of such an insect directly affects the strength of the talisman. One spot speaks of help in love affairs. Two symbolize harmony. Three - help you make the right decisions. Four – protect from criminals. Five – provide assistance at work. Six - help with studies. Seven spots are considered a divine sign and bring good luck and happiness to its owner.

The ladybug is an unusual insect. It attracts the eye with its bright red and black coloring. Numerous beliefs and folk signs are associated with it:

  • If a girl who caught a ladybug blew it away and it quickly flew away, it meant that she would soon get married;
  • The number of spots on the back of this insect that has landed on a person’s clothing indicates the number of successful months awaiting it in a year;
  • Ladybugs help babies to be born;
  • Help in searching for lost herds;
  • A cluster of ladybugs indicates that a rich rye harvest is expected;
  • If you find a ladybug, whisper your wish to it and release it, then it will “deliver” this request directly to God.

Ladybug - why do you dream about it?

What does it mean if you dream about a ladybug? Here's what the dream books say about this: you dream of a ladybug if prosperity, long life, and good health await you in the future. If in a dream this insect lands on your hand, this is a sign that you should engage in charity work and help others.

We have seen this bug many times and heard about it and often wondered: why is it called a ladybug, and why does it have 7 spots? This little bug is very important in folklore, not only in Slavic, but also in English, German, Danish, and ancient times. It is also significant that the information is almost identical in different cultures. English-language sources say that the bug has had such strong and widespread symbolism since ancient times that it is impossible to find the moment and exact place where this symbol appeared. However, researchers believe that ladybugs are an ancient symbol of happiness, good luck and good news, a symbol of respect, grace, kindness, forgiveness and a symbol of divination.

In Slavic mythology, the Ladybug personified the bride of the Sun (St. Virgin Mary's beetle (Germany, Switzerland), lady beetle (England, Australia), St. Anthony's cow (Argentina), the sun (Czech Republic, Slovakia), red-bearded grandfather (Tajikistan)). On the day of Ivan Kupala, the girl was dressed in a red wedding veil, like the wings of a Ladybug. The girl was forbidden to be placed on the ground so that her solar essence would not burn the Earth. Why did they choose a girl? The female image was associated with a cow - the keeper of the hearth and the nurse. It was believed that the girl could predict. She was asked about weddings, harvests, livestock, life and death. Ladybugs were seen as intermediaries between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Apparently, this reflects the idea of ​​the ladybug as an ancestor. The ladybug was associated with the Great Goddess, and later was an attribute of the Mother of God. Hence its names in European languages: “bird of the Mother of God,” “God’s Maryushka,” “Mary’s beetle.”

Our ancestors believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven in order to convey God’s will to man. There was also an opinion that the Gods feed on the milk of the Ladybug, so in no case should this insect be killed. It is believed that the ladybug was previously called “ladyblood”, since the back of this insect resembles a drop of blood. In Rus', people traditionally addressed a cow with the question: “Lady cow, will there be bad weather tomorrow?” If she flew away, it means the weather will be good; if not, it means rain. The Slavs “fortified” with the help of a cow, asking: “Lady cow, should I live, should I die, or should I fly to heaven?” The English call it the "lady bird". This epithet was used in honor of the Virgin Mary, aka “Lady of all Christians”, “Mistress”. The red color of the ladybug is associated with the color of the Virgin Mary's cloak. In addition, according to medieval iconographic tradition, the Mother of God was depicted in red robes.
The Bulgarians have a fortune telling: if under the stone under which the removed martenitsa was placed - a small amulet made of threads or wool, which is tied on the first day of March in order to be healthy and happy throughout the year - there are Ladybugs, this means that they will breed well cows.

In Slavic mythology there is a plot of the struggle of the Thunderer with his opponent, the mythical serpent, victory over which leads to the ordering of the world. Among the stories about Perun’s pursuit of the enemy, the one dedicated to the kidnapping of the wife of a formidable deity is of particular interest. Sometimes her name is indicated - Perynya. In these stories, more attention is paid to the wife, who for treason was turned into a ladybug, scorched by punitive fire - lightning. Her children are also punished by fire. There are seven of them, just like there are days in the week; there are the same number of spots on the back of a ladybug (in many languages ​​there are such names for ladybug as “seven-spotted”, “seven-spotted”).
Oh, dear Perynya -
all the tempter is a serpent.
I forgot "half"
both your duty and your children.
There are seven on the benches
and the thunderer man,
and here is the steppe grass
and so beloved.
Tormented by care -
to be one of the herd,
and until the seventh sweat
carry everything on yourself.
To freedom without looking back
where - at least for an hour, yes my!
but stepped on his heels
with fire Perun is gray.
The clothes are charred,
pierced by an arrow -
you won't be who you were before -
young beauty.
You are a ladybug
from now on it should become
a deft mediator
and your role is difficult.
Between heaven and earth
Perun's herds -
influenced by weather
always be connected.
Another legend is known, according to which the ladybug belongs to the heavenly flock of Perun. She mediates the connection between heaven and earth, between a powerful god and people, and is a symbol of this connection. Therefore, she was credited with magical powers and the ability to influence the weather. People tried not to kill ladybugs so as not to incur God's wrath.
We are separated by a whole abyss (700x466, 100Kb)
In the Baltic tradition, for example, there is an idea of ​​seven children of the Thunderer, of whom only the youngest, the seventh, withstands the test of fire and water and turns out to be the legitimate son. The idea of ​​eternal return, resurrection, wealth is associated with it; it corresponds to the seventh day of the week, marked as the day of the Sun.

It was believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven to convey the will of God to man. Many peoples believed that the gods themselves fed on its milk, so the ladybug could not be killed under any pretext.
According to another version, it allegedly came from little people. Killing a cow is a great sin. In Galicia it was believed that whoever crushes it with his foot will die.

For the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a person is considered a good omen. Czechs believe that finding a ladybug brings good luck.
Asians believe that if you release a cow that has been caught, it will fly to the love of your life and whisper your name in her/his ear, after which he/she will immediately rush out to find you.
For the Irish, the ladybug is a symbol of protection.
The French believe that a talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune and warn of danger.
A talisman with the image of ladybugs brings good luck. And the more black spots on the back, the stronger the talisman.

One spot - a ladybug will help in any new endeavor;
two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony;
three - a person will learn to be reasonable and will be able to make the right decisions;
four – protection from robbers and bandits (a talisman with such a ladybug is good to take on long trips);
five – will increase the ability for creative work;
six – will help in learning;
seven is a divine sign; a ladybug with seven spots will bring its owner good luck in all matters and happiness.

A tattoo with the image of a ladybug does not have a negative interpretation. It is a symbol of love and good luck.
Various spells, conspiracies and lamentations have still been preserved, where the ladybug acts as a creature capable of flying to God and conveying people’s requests to him.
Children's nursery rhymes, chants:

Fly to heaven
Bring milk:
The kids are sitting at home
They want milk!

Fly to the sky
Your kids are there
Eating candy
They give it to all the kids,
But they don’t give it to Vanyushka.

Fly to the sky
Your kids are there
Eating candy
They drink tea
They are waiting for you.
Before us is the magic of fertility and the symbolism of the coming spring. The motif of heavenly children allows researchers - supporters of the "main myth" about the Thunderer, outlined above, to associate the cow with the scorched lightning (hence the color) wife of the Thunder God.
Fly to the sky
I'll give you bread.

Fly to the sky
There your children are crying,
They are jumping around on the benches.

Fly to the sky
Your kids are there
Eating cutlets
But they don’t give it to dogs,
They just get it themselves.
fly to the sky
bring us bread,
sushi and buns,
sweet cheesecakes.

Fly upward deftly.
Bring us from heaven:
Bread replacement
Change for mushrooms
The berries are growing,
Radish has a long tail.

black head,
Fly overseas!
It's warm there
It's cold here.

Ladybug, fly to the cloud.
- If it’s dry, I’ll fly,
If it's damp, I'll sit.

In Denmark, children use a ladybug to convey a request to God for good weather.
Norwegians ask her for help in finding their soulmate:
“Golden cow, fly east, fly west, fly north, fly south, find my love.”
In the Lviv region, they put a bug on their hand and ask them to show the way: “Che to heaven, chi to hell?”, or they sing: “Verunko, fly to heaven, bring me a golden crown.”
The Estonian kids put her in their arms, but she doesn’t fly away. The guys tell her: “Alder bird, alder bird, show me where the sea is and where the war is coming from.” The bug will show you that it is flying in that direction.

In England, the poem about the Ladybug served in 1559-1662 as a relatively safe way of warning Catholics about the approach of Protestants.
Farmers in England know that the ladybug is beneficial and therefore, when they set fire to their fields to clear them in favor of the future harvest, they chanted -

Lady bug, lady bug, fly away home.
Your house is on fire, and your children alone,
They will burn, they will burn

Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,
Your house in on fire and your children are gone.

A very interesting fact is that in Russian folklore there is also a similar verse:
Ladybug, fly to the sky,
There's a fire in my house, my kids are alone!

More names by which the ladybug is affectionately called:
Bulgarians call her “God’s beauty”;
Germans - “God’s candle”, Mary’s beetle, God’s bird/horse, golden cockerel, heavenly little animal, solar bird, solar cockerel, solar calf;
French - chicken of God, animal of God, chicken of St. Michael, little dove, St. Nicholas; Lithuanians - “God's Maryushka”.

Feng Shui talismans

Objects, figurines, artistic or stylized images of gods, animals, and elements can serve a wide variety of purposes. All Feng Shui talismans work only according to clear rules, the main one of which is this: everything has its place. In addition, it is very important to choose the right figure, activate and monitor it. If the talisman is broken or broken, you should replace it and carry out the activation procedure again. Let's figure out together which talismans should be placed and where.

Feng Shui sectors or zones

Our home, according to the science of Feng Shui, can be divided into nine zones by drawing a real or imaginary one. It will be a great help in how to correctly distribute certain talismans. Each such sector is located in a strictly defined location according to the cardinal direction and meets only its own goals. To activate these zones, you should use Feng Shui talismans.

One of the important rules: if there is a toilet in the selected sector, then it is better to hang Sha in it to dispel negative energy, but not other talismans!

Sector of Knowledge or Wisdom

snake mascot

Located in the northeastern part of the house. Traditionally associated with gaining knowledge and wisdom. Can be perfectly activated by crystals. If you place such a talisman in the sunlight so that all the edges sparkle, this is the best option. It’s especially good if reflected “fireflies” are scattered around the house. This can be achieved by playing with the crystal on a sunny day, choosing the desired angle. It would also be correct to place a figurine of a snake or its image - a well-known Eastern symbol of wisdom, which will help you more easily acquire the necessary knowledge.

Sector Career

Sailboat mascot

It is located in the northern part of the house. Being near the Knowledge zone, it receives nourishment from it, but at the same time represents a self-sufficient sector. The zone is activated using water and metal. It is recommended to place a figurine or image of a sailboat in this corner. It symbolizes increasing luck since the times when Chinese traders brought money and goods from overseas. A turtle can be placed in this same sector as a symbol of protection, wisdom and prosperity. A glass goldfish denotes success in financial matters. A fountain that attracts good luck in business is also suitable.

Travel Sector or Helpers

Dragon turtle mascot

Located in the northwest. It is also believed to be responsible for useful connections with friends, colleagues and work partners. Reflects the male half of humanity. Metal and earth are used for activation. It is ideal to place the figurine of Ganesha in this sector as the great patron of business people and the remover of obstacles. In addition, he is an excellent protector from life's adversities. You can also use a figurine of a dragon turtle - the protector of business and home, or a figurine of Guan Gong - the god of war, who over time began to perform protective functions, or Guan Yin - a female deity who will protect the fair half of the house.

Creativity Sector

Elephant mascot

It is located in the west. The same applies to children. Responsible for development, well-being and creativity in a person. If you consider yourself a creative person, then it will be easiest to work in this zone. An elephant is ideal as a mascot, reflecting stimulation of the imagination and perseverance in achievement. You need to place it on the windowsill with its trunk facing the window, and if it is inside the house, it means that good luck is already in it. You can also place an angel figurine in this sector. Even though it is a Christian symbol, it is also used in Feng Shui. It’s good if there is a living pomegranate plant in the creativity sector. You can replace it with a similar drawing/photo.

Sector of Love and Marriage

Dolphin couple mascot

Located in the southwest and responsible for love relationships, marriage, family ties. Earth and fire are used for activation. The zone has enormous potential for improving love, sexual and social relationships. According to tradition, paired talismans are placed in it. Among them, the figurine of birds comes first. You can use a candlestick for two candles, a couple of dolphins, two vases.

Glory Sector

Phoenix Talisman

It is located strictly in the South in the Fire zone, and affects your fame, success in the personal and social sphere. Helps people achieve success in their goals and recognition in society. Fire and wood are used for activation. It's best to put a large coin here, like . This is just the perfect mascot for this place. But a fan is also great as a symbol of protection, saturating the room with positive energy. It is enough to hang it in the right direction and the energy will flow to a certain room. According to tradition, you can place a figurine or image of a Phoenix in this sector as a bird ideal for the element of Fire. It can bring good luck to the home and provides it with protection.

Wealth Sector

Talisman of Daikoku and Ebisu

Its place is in the southeast. Responsible for prosperity and material well-being. Activated with wood and water. Many great feng shui talismans are suitable for this area. Among them, in first place is Hotei, the god of fun and prosperity. If he holds a bag, a bar of gold or coins in his hands, this is best. Daikoku, which refers to one of the seven great deities and personifies happiness, wealth and prosperity. This deity is often depicted in tandem with another god, Ebisu, balancing material wealth with spiritual wealth.

Family Sector

Mascot 3 turtles

It is located in the east and is associated with family well-being. Wood or water is used for activation. Family in this sector also includes loved ones and relatives. For this sector, as a symbol of kindness, power and strength, there is no better talisman than the Dragon. He protects the house and drives out evil spirits. But you need to choose it so that the figure looks friendly. And it’s even better if the Dragon holds a pearl in his teeth. Another talisman is a symbol of family unity - three turtles standing on top of each other. The largest represents the head of the family.

The heron is also suitable for this sector - it concentrates stamina and support, it can help strengthen and withstand even the most hopeless situation.


Peaches for the Health Zone

It connects the other sectors together, representing the Health zone. The best talisman here will be a large dining table. You can place... peaches on it (even fresh ones) as in the Chinese sense. If the living room is in the center, you can put the peaches on the coffee table. It is also useful to place various funny things in the center of the house that can cause laughter, because it has healing powers.

Each sector has its own value. Linked together by the center, they represent the great power of creation and creative powers, giving household members peace, protection, wisdom, prosperity and true happiness in life.

Talismans according to the horoscope for the 2012th year of the Black Dragon

Amulets according to zodiac signs

In addition to the fact that our home may have talismans for certain zones, each of us has our own symbols according to the zodiac signs that should be paid attention to this year.


Libra - objective assessment of qualities;

An open shell is an impetus for personal development, broadening one’s horizons;

Diamond - strengthening positive qualities.


Apple - symbolizes receiving the fruits of labor;

Turtle - support from the authorities.


Peridot - evokes sympathy in business relationships;

Dolphin - promotes social life;

Aquamarine - helps to find new friends.


Fish - strengthens career, partnerships and gives strength to create new ones;