
What does a lion bite in a dream mean? Why does a lion appear in a dream? Leo interpretation from the dream book

In real life, lions evoke dual feelings - admiration and fear. Dreams in which this graceful animal is present are also ambiguous. Why do you dream about a lion? To correctly decipher a dream, you should take into account the smallest details.

In real life, lions evoke dual feelings - admiration and fear.

The interpretation of dreams about lions is present in almost every known dream book. Experts recommend paying close attention to such dreams - they predict significant changes in life.

What does the appearance of lions in dreams portend:

  1. Miller's Dream Book. The main meaning is that in the dreamer’s life there is a force that constantly disrupts his plans. If you managed to tame a predator, you should prepare for big victories and a significant promotion. If in the dream the king of beasts turned out to be stronger, then in reality there will be a meeting with a stronger, cunning opponent, the chances of victory are minimal.
  2. The dream book of Nostradamus examines the appearance of a predator in dreams globally. If an animal is kept in a cage, the country may decline. Such night visions mean collapse, a deterioration in the quality of life.
  3. Dream book of Tsvetkov. The king of beasts is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Making friends with a predator in a dream means you should expect profit, a salary increase, winning the lottery, or an inheritance. Fighting a lion in a dream means income will be unstable, you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve success.
  4. Hosse's Dream Interpretation. A growling predator is a harbinger of danger in love. A kind and affectionate lion who allows himself to be stroked means tender affection.
  5. The English dream book - the king of beasts in a dream foreshadows a promotion, an improvement in one’s position in society.

According to the esoteric dream book, the presence of lions in dreams means hidden desires. People who secretly dream of ruling people often dream of menacing, snarling predators. A calm animal means the dreamer lacks the ability to implement his plans. Dead lion - you should get rid of baseless ambitions and look at the world more realistically.

If a lion goes to a watering hole surrounded by a flock, then such a dream is not a very good sign: the dreamer may suffer from self-deception and illusions; one should approach issues rationally and intelligently.

Lion in the dream book (video)

Why does a woman, girl, or man dream about a lion?

Depending on who dreamed of a lion, the dream can be interpreted in different ways.

  1. For a girl, a dream with a lion means the appearance of a gentleman in life who will protect and pamper. The mood after waking up also matters. If the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, then you should be more attentive to new novels; the admirer may turn out to be a despot and tyrant. If the night vision left a bright and joyful impression, then you can safely accept courtship. If a lion attacks a woman in a dream, it means that the admirer is influential, wealthy, and it will not be possible to reject his advances.
  2. Some experts believe that the appearance of the king of beasts in dreams foreshadows a woman’s unequal but happy marriage. A humble animal symbolizes the stable position of the spouse and a quick journey. But an aggressive lioness means the appearance of a rival in love.
  3. For men, a growling predator in dreams foreshadows success with women, the favor of fortune, all problems will be solved easily and quickly. If a man managed to put a lion in a cage, then in life he can not only earn money, but also spend money wisely and provide his loved ones with a decent standard of living.
  4. For a young man, the presence of the king of beasts in dreams can mean that his chosen one can become a zealous housewife, a reasonable adviser, and a wonderful mother. But you need to be more persistent, otherwise the girl may be taken away by her rival.

For a girl, a dream with a lion means the appearance of a gentleman in life who will protect and pamper

A dream in which the skin of a lion is present means a long and serene life, a stable financial situation.

Seeing a lion attacking in a dream - what does a nightmare warn against?

An attacking lion in a dream inspires fear, but in this way the subconscious mind tries to warn the dreamer against wrong actions and decisions in real life.

An attacking lion in a dream inspires fear, but in this way the subconscious tries to warn the dreamer against wrong actions and decisions in real life

Why do you dream of an attacking lion:

  1. The predator will attack, and the dreamer defends himself from him with a sharp object, trying to take him away from home - you must fulfill your obligations, otherwise the enemies will take full advantage of the mistake.
  2. What does it mean to dream in which a lion attacks and runs after me? Such a dream is a harbinger of loss of property, fire or theft is possible.
  3. A nightmare with an angry predator foreshadows a collision in life with an evil force that cannot be resisted. You need to moderate your activity a little so as not to become a victim.
  4. An attacking lioness in a dream, who protects her cubs, warns that one should be wary of aggressiveness and meanness on the part of women.
  5. Fighting off a predator in a dream - in reality you should expect attacks from ridicule, criticism, and sarcastic remarks.

An attacking lion can mean that in real life you will have to make a lot of effort to defend your interests and point of view - you need to gather all your strength and find compelling arguments. To see a roaring lion in a dream that wants to eat the dreamer - a person is accustomed to achieving his goal by any means, it is time to reconsider the principles of life.

The appearance of unusual animals - what does a white or black lion mean in a dream?

You need to be careful about dreams in which a lion has an unusual appearance.

You need to be careful about dreams in which a lion has an unusual appearance

Presence of unusual predators in dreams:

  • a white lion means the beginning of a bright streak in life, an improvement in your financial situation, the appearance of useful and influential acquaintances;
  • black lion - in real life the dreamer or someone from his environment overly enjoys power and an influential position, you should adjust your behavior;
  • golden lion - family happiness, honor, respect, wealth;
  • the winged king of beasts symbolizes sudden luck and wealth.

If in a dream the king of animals is tame and affectionate, the dreamer underestimates his own strength and suffers from his own shyness.

Killing a lion in a dream – power or bankruptcy

Killing a predator in a dream is an ambiguous sign. Some experts interpret such a dream as a harbinger of imminent collapse and complete bankruptcy through the fault of the dreamer. Perhaps the dreamer is ruining his talents and has chosen the wrong path in life.

Killing a predator in a dream is an ambiguous sign

According to other dream books, killing a lion in a dream means the ability to influence public opinion, authority and respect of others.

If the king of beasts is in a cage in a dream, or follows the commands of a trainer, then this means success in an important matter, recognition of the dreamer’s talents.

If in a dream a lion is chasing someone: who is the prey?

A running predator in night visions can leave a double impression after waking up. It also matters who the king of beasts is chasing.

A lion runs in a dream - what is this for:

  • a predator is chasing prey - in reality, the dreamer controls his own life, makes the right decisions, success awaits him;
  • if in a dream you have to run away from a lion, then in the future you should expect a negative attitude, criticism from an influential person;
  • an animal running, growling and overtaking the dreamer is a harbinger of mental or physical trauma.

If you managed to conquer and ride a predator in a dream, then in real life you should show determination and courage in overcoming obstacles.

A lion cub in a dream is a harbinger of imminent happiness. But if they are played, then the dreamer will have to witness boorish, tactless behavior - it is better to ignore the situation so that stupid trouble does not turn out.

Why do you dream about a lion (video)

The presence of the king of beasts in dreams is a reason to reconsider your attitude towards life and loved ones. Such dreams often foreshadow a change in family, financial, and social status.

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A lion is a predator and must inspire fear. But if you dreamed of a kind, mighty lion who is not going to cause you any trouble, there is no reason to be afraid. Dream books will tell you why and what this character means in a dream.

Why do you dream of a lion according to Miller's dream book?

Leo is strength, independence in making decisions and actions, if you subjugate this huge noble cat (did you dream that you were a trainer?), then no matter what happens to you outside the sleepy kingdom, you will emerge victorious from the most difficult situation , higher powers will help you.

If you cannot cope with the king of beasts, expect troubles from ill-wishers, but do not be alarmed, as we know, “forewarned is forearmed”, you can overcome them if you are wise and do not surrender to the power of emotions, which, as you know, are bad advisors in any matter.

You dreamed of a lion in a cage - everything is also not so bad, which means you will be able to neutralize the actions of those people who wish you harm. Ill-wishers are inevitable, try to neutralize them with your positivity and self-confidence.

Lion according to Nostradamus' dream book

Since Nostradamus is a predictor of world events, his predictions are large-scale. According to Nostradamus, a lion in a cage dreams of a geopolitical turn: a certain powerful state will suddenly lose its former greatness through the fault of military leaders who, at the decisive moment, will not have the strength and courage to make a decision that would preserve the power of the empire they serve.

Perhaps the prediction also means something personal specifically for you: if you see a lion playing with a small dog, you will have a true friendship with the mighty of this world, who will not betray and will always be with you in the most difficult moments of your life, and will help you with a word, and business. Who doesn’t dream of such a friend and patron?

Why do you dream: a lion bites, attacks?

The lion is roaring, did you see the head of a lion above you, baring its teeth, and woke up in a cold sweat? Something is wrong in your life, you are facing defeat, an obstacle to your desire to command and dominate. Think about it, do you need this, is it worth going over your head, striving for success, what will you do there, at the top, alone? Walking over heads is a fascinating activity, but it has never brought anyone any good.

Why do you dream about many lions?

If you dream of a lion with cubs - you can deceive yourself, life is a game, but you shouldn’t play it.

Lioness with cubs - family happiness, security, well-being.

Why does a man, boy, girl or woman dream about a lion?

Lions are more often dreamed of by those who have high self-esteem. If a young woman saw a young lion in a dream, then (what doubts can there be?) she will have a charming lover, a predator in every sense of the word.

Maybe you are the mother of a family and protected your children from a predator’s attack? Then your enemies may succeed; you will not be able to resist them if you succumb to their tricks and tricks, and forget about your duty and obligations.

A married woman's dream of an aggressive lioness can be interpreted as a rival in love.

A man dreamed of a lion, did he come into the house? Expect a visit from an important guest (a boss, a person older than you in age or social status) or a relative who is an absolute authority for you.

If a man, an unmarried guy, dreams of a lioness with cubs, it means his future family will be led by a wife. Get ready for the role of a henpecked man, let's hope that your heel will be very cute and adorable.

Why do you dream of a white, black, big lion?

The big white lion is a very rare symbol. Albino lions are very rare in nature; they have practically no chance of surviving in the wild.

In a dream, it means a patron, the fulfillment of desires, success, and promises favorable life changes. However, they are unlikely to come if you do not take certain steps, water does not flow under a lying stone, and the dream is unlikely to come true if you passively wait for unexpected luck to fall on you.

The black lion is a negative character in your dream, someone is using power (maybe you yourself?) in the name of destruction rather than creation, this is a warning dream that will help you adjust your behavior.

Why do you dream about feeding, petting, killing a lion?

If you saw in a dream the skin of a lion you killed, this means wealth and happiness, and how could it be otherwise? It is not for nothing that in some African tribes a boy becomes a man if he can defeat the king of beasts in a fair fight.

Stroke and caress a lion like a cat? This means that there will be affection in your life, which will give you many pleasant moments.

Leo is tormenting you, tearing you apart - you may lose your property.

Eating lion meat in a dream (it happens!) - be careful, you can voluntarily or unwittingly harm yourself due to excessive ambitions.

If you dreamed of a lion, the dream book promises success in business and personal life, gaining authority, achieving high status, and material well-being. Why else does the king of beasts dream? Sometimes in a dream he warns of failure, the loss of a mentor or patron, or a humiliating situation.

Meaning according to the dream books of Enigma and Miller

Often looking at a lion in a night dream is an excellent omen. The Enigma dream book explains: the sleeper will gain authority among others, receive a high position, and increase income.

Have you seen a young lion in a dream? According to Miller, a new endeavor will be successful if you put in the proper effort.

Have you heard the roar of an animal? Miller's dream interpreter states: unexpected successes are coming in the business field and on the personal front.

In a night dream, a man survived a lion attack? This means, according to Freud, he will suffer from his love of love and Don Juan actions.

Interpretation according to Vanga and other dream books

Why do you dream about a lion in your home? According to Vanga, the king of beasts symbolizes the head of the family or the eldest and the attitude towards household members.

Did you turn out to be a lion in your dream? Vanga gives this interpretation: you have very great vitality, so you will be able to do even the impossible.

A lion appearing in a night dream, according to a Muslim dream interpreter, indicates: a person will be able to overcome all the difficulties that will arise in life.

The Islamic dream book also states: running away from an evil lion promises the dreamer fulfillment of desires and positive emotions.

What kind of lion did you dream about?

  • wild - meeting with an important person;
  • black - something is preventing you from achieving recognition from others;
  • angry - the bosses will be very angry;
  • big - you will achieve wealth on your own;
  • huge - vanity, thirst for power;
  • kind - great, devoted, pure love;
  • manual - serious passions are seething inside you;
  • thick - a certain force that you must overcome yourself;
  • old - loss of interest in what you used to like.

Did you dream about a big white lion? This is a symbol of significant and unexpected success, as well as a powerful and strong patron.

The benevolent king of beasts in a dream indicates: you have nothing to fear. There will be career advancement, successful endeavors, and prosperity.

Have you seen the wounded man?

Why does the wounded king of beasts dream? The dream book explains: if he was wounded in a fight with another lion, you may lose to a competitor in an important matter.

Have you seen how you yourself shot a predator with a gun, and he fell? If you deal a serious blow to an opponent or ill-wisher, you will be able to defend yourself from attacks.

Do not be afraid to speak out against a strong opponent when you are sure that you are right. If you can convincingly prove to others that you are right or that your way of solving a problem is better, you will definitely achieve success.


Have you seen a dead lion? You will soon lose a wise mentor who has repeatedly helped with advice in difficult moments. But also a killed predator represents victory over the enemy.

Killing an animal yourself - according to the dream book, solve all the difficulties at once. Beat strong business competitors and achieve acceptance of your terms.

There is another interpretation of this plot: to kill the king of beasts in a dream is to commit a rash act, because of which you will lose protection and good luck.

What does a little lion cub mean?

Why do you dream about a little lion cub? The dream book states: you will achieve success in entrepreneurship.

To tame a lion cub - your loved ones sincerely love you, and harmony in relationships reigns in the family. Walking him on a leash and seeing how others are jealous means you know how to stand up for yourself.

Did he fawn on you in your sleep? Your family will be strong and united. You can achieve a lot together.

For a girl, hugging a lion cub means that in the future she will become very proud of the achievements of her children.

Why do you dream of receiving a lion cub as a gift? The plot promises great love and a change in marital status.

What did you look at best?

In the dream, the king of beasts considered best:

  • head - you have leadership abilities;
  • mane - high position in society;
  • paw - you will achieve prosperity, wealth;
  • eyes - you are being watched by a person who can become an enemy;
  • teeth - beware of attacks from ill-wishers;
  • tail - you may miss a lucky chance.

Have you seen lion claws in a dream and trimmed them? The dream book is encouraging: you have or will soon have real friends - faithful, devoted. They will not let you down in difficult times, they will always support you.

Marine, winged, unusual

The mythical winged lion - griffin in a night dream is not a very good sign. He warns: today you are at the pinnacle of success, but it will be short-lived - you can lose it tomorrow.

Why do you dream about the sea? This image foreshadows the attention of a much older person and manifestations of sympathy.

A talking lion, according to the dream book, promises very powerful protection, a kind of happy occasion. This will most likely be one time that can radically change the life of the sleeper.

Strange color

Was the lion golden in the dream? In reality you will face a very serious, worthy opponent. There is no point in starting a war against him.

For some reason he was blue in the dream? Very soon mysterious events will happen to you. For a woman, the plot foreshadows a mysterious admirer who will hide his status from her.

Not real

Putting on a lion mask in a night dream means a desire to appear more respectable. Be careful, you might embarrass yourself.

Have you looked at the picture of this animal? You are striving to improve your financial situation. You'll have to work hard.

Why do you dream about a ceramic figurine? According to the dream book, you will have to show persistence in achieving your goal. Was it made of stone in the dream? You are under reliable protection.

The constellation Leo, which you were considering, promises great conflict. The plot also warns: you cannot suppress your pride.

What did you do with the lion?

Remember what you did with it:

  • played - there is serious competition ahead;
  • fought - resistance to someone’s machinations;
  • ran away - you will overcome difficult circumstances;
  • hugged - changes in personal life;
  • caressed - tender feelings for a familiar person.

Caught a young lion in the forest? You can defeat your opponent only if you study all his weaknesses and take advantage of them.

Did you manage to drive away this predator when it was preparing to jump by scaring it with something? The dream book says: in reality you will avoid some danger.

Have you eaten lion meat? The dream foretells great honors and wealth, which you will achieve on your own.

Why do you dream of a predator attack?

Did a lion attack you? Your relationship with your partner is on the verge of breaking down. Moreover, the more aggressive the predator behaved, the more painful the separation will be.

Did he bite your hand in a dream? In reality, your friend will reach a very high position in society and will forget about your friendship. Try not to be offended - people do not always meet our expectations.

Does the predator bite you lightly? This is a warning: don't go against an influencer - you won't get anywhere yet. A strong bite means persecution by people in authority.

Were you afraid of an attack by a cannibal beast? Meet a powerful person who does not value anyone and “goes over their heads.” Stay away from him and especially avoid open confrontation.

What does it mean to have a lion in freedom and in captivity?

Why do you dream about a lion and a lioness running free during mating games? The dream book warns: you should not take on several things at once. Cases should be resolved in stages.

Walking next to an elephant in a dream? A symbol of interaction between two strong people, a joint business. But you need to be careful, as cooperation may break down.

Sleeping in the sun? You will achieve a high position in society, material wealth, family happiness, and authority among many people. But we must not forget that circumstances can change.

Did a lion fight a leopard? You will have to fight for the division of spheres of influence in business or among a certain circle of people.

Did the lion fight the panther? This means that you will fight to implement your plan and achieve material well-being.

Chasing someone

Is a pride of lions chasing prey in their sleep? The dream book tells you: you have a clear goal, you are the master of your destiny, who skillfully manages it. Thanks to this you can achieve a lot.

Why dream of seeing how lions caught up with a goat, quickly killed it and ate it? In reality you will witness how an influential person will deal with someone objectionable.

Were they chasing you? You will compete in an important matter with a stronger opponent. Perhaps argue with your superiors.

It makes sense to speak out against your bosses or influential people if you cannot tolerate injustice or are completely confident in your rightness and the support of others. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time, and sometimes it’s a loss of your job or your preferences.

haunts you

Did you dream that you were running away from several lions that were chasing you? Some ill-wisher in reality will turn many people against you and they will persecute you.

Also, running away from them in a dream indicates fear of management or powerful people who are aggressive and arrogant, says the dream book. Try not to show them your fear and fight it.

Predator in the circus, zoo

Why do you dream about a lion performing in the circus? You can make significant progress in your career, but only if you follow the rules and follow the corporate spirit, and enlist the support of your colleagues.

Lives in a zoo - you will find yourself in a humiliating situation. Locked in a cage - success depends on whether you can cope with ill-wishers and how quickly you can neutralize them.

Our dreams can be different - vivid and well-remembered, and sometimes even so that after waking up only small pieces remain in the memory, which after a while are completely forgotten, and it becomes very, very difficult to restore the integrity of the dream.

Most of all, people remember dreams when they consider them some kind of great omen that can turn their life upside down, and when the king of the jungle comes into dreams - a symbol of a brave heart and complete fearlessness, then all this is considered for a reason.

Why do you dream about a lion?

The first thing that usually happens after this is searching for information in dream books and the Internet to find out why a lion is dreaming and what to expect in the near future, and then thinking about what you dreamed about. Often there is a discussion of the dream with close friends or girlfriends in order to, with the help of brainstorming, at least somehow decipher what is written in the dream book and try to predict the moment when the dream occurs.

In general terms, if in a dream you were able to see a stately, young and handsome predator from the outside, then in real life this leads to conquering new heights thanks to your own efforts. It is not for nothing that the Chinese dream book explains this dream as the presence of a certain force around that can be used for your own benefit, but it is better to approach this with the utmost seriousness - you need to show the best qualities for everything to be successful.

What does a lion in a young girl’s dream portend? If a girl is single and unmarried, this means that a companion will appear in her life. He will control everything around him, it is even possible that her life will begin to depend on this man.

If a woman is single, then a good marriage awaits her - a person with whom she will share her future years of life is noble and friendly.

Why do you dream about a lioness?

There are times when a woman may dream of an aggressive lioness who bites in a dream. There is no need to panic that your health is in great danger or that it is time to immediately change your lifestyle. This dream will only tell you about the presence of a formidable rival, and how to defeat her is up to the woman herself to decide.

Let's say that in the dream there was a lioness with little lion cubs and they were not aggressive. From the general forecast, for both women and men, we can say that such a dream shows that it is necessary to focus on the main goal in order to achieve success in life. For a young mother, such a dream will mean that she is ready to do anything to protect her children from the negativity of the world around her.

Why do you dream of a white lion?

One of the most interesting dreams is one in which the main object is a large white lion. It promises complete happiness, real success. Moreover, a white lion is always the key to something very successful or global changes in life for the better.

Aggressive lion

A lion in a dream will not attack or bite if a person has the opportunity to please some influential person - perhaps a business partner or future boss. It’s especially good when you dream about a lion on the eve of an important event.

A dream where a lion attacks in a dream is a symbol of fears and concerns. Usually, in a dream, he attacks those who are afraid of difficulties, who cannot remain calm in emergency situations, who cannot act and react quickly.

Also important in its positive aspect is a dream where a lion is chasing the dreamer. It is chasing, does not strive to bite or cause any injuries. This dream foreshadows the avoidance of problems or the speed of solving them, changing life for the better.

But the negative meaning is carried by the dream where everything is the other way around - the dreamer is trying to kill a lion by chasing him. Then the person who has this dream changes his life for the worse - he refuses good and business offers that contributed to the development of his abilities and leadership qualities.

Video on the topic of the article

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a lion in a dream- means that you are controlled by enormous forces.

If you subdue the lion- you will be a winner in any business.

If the lion overpowers you- this means that you will remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers.

See a lion in a cage- means that your success depends on your ability to neutralize people opposing you.

To dream of a trainer controlling the behavior of a lion in and out of a cage- means success in business: your knowledge and high business qualities will help you gain the favorable attention of women and men.

See a young lion- a sign that a new business is looking for you, which will be successful if you pay due attention to it.

See yourself riding a lion- means that you will show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

See you protecting your children from a lion with a sharp knife- means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade debt and business obligations even for a moment.

Collection of dream books

Lion (king of the jungle)- greatness; force; bravery; primacy. Test of courage. In some African tribes, part of the ritual of initiation into a man was to compare the strength of a man with the strength of a lion.

a lion- symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, bestial lifestyle.

Ride a lion, white horse, elephant, bull, bear- complete success in life.

If you see a lion in a dream, in reality you will have an important meeting ahead of you.

Fighting a lion in a dream- to active resistance to someone’s machinations.

Dreaming lioness- promises trouble.

Lion games- portend you a meeting with someone's stupidity and ignorance.

Lion cub- a sign of happiness for your home.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

a lion- unexpected wealth, security; vanity, inflated self-esteem.

If you were afraid of a lion, he hurt you- you will not be able to resist the circumstances.

Ukrainian dream book

a lion- you will achieve wealth on your own.

A lion is chasing someone- Unfortunately.

Hiding from him- you have strong enemies, go to lion fights- having flattering friends is an unreliable occupation.

Esoteric dream book

a lion- aggressive, you have a thirst for power.

Calm- a thirst for self-expression, aggravated by a lack of talent. Be careful, you could be seriously injured if you don't change.

Dead- your ambitions have no basis. You risk getting sick if you continue like this.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Leo to see- certain phenomena associated with the human heart, and above all “noble, faithful friendship” / awakening of the active light principle in a human being.

Peacefully caressing lion- satisfaction in love.

Pounces, bites- stalking an important person.

Feed- all the best.

Caress the lioness- there is a fight with an opponent ahead.

A call for vigilance and caution / the machinations of enemies against you and your friends.

sleep on it- become a strong and significant person.

Lion cubs suck a lioness- well-being.

Lots of lions- you will have to deal with the powers that be.

They are furious- an unhappy outcome.

They are peaceful- patronage.

Fear the lion- underestimate the danger.

Kill the lion- to irrevocably destroy your own happiness.

Dream book of a gypsy

a lion- you have a highly developed sense of self-esteem, and others admire you.

Caught lion- a symbol of strong friendship.

If in a dream you are suddenly attacked by a lion- Beware of betrayal from a friend.

Hearing a lion's roar in a dream- to the emergence of favorable circumstances.

Modern universal dream book

When we talk about lions, the words majestic and commanding immediately come to mind. Leos are also associated with the desire to be first and to be at the top of society- when you are at the top, you know that no one will attack you and you are the master of the situation.

If in real life you are a woman- dream interpretations may be different. Leo can symbolize your partner, whom you must look after and feed, as well as raise your children. Do you associate a feeling of servility or submission with a lion? How do you feel in a dream, being next to a lion? Is the lion a symbol of dominance? Or the desire to dominate?

I often dream about lions- those people who are going to start a new business or move to another job. Perhaps the dream indicates that you have a strong intention to realize your ideas and ideas in a new situation or environment?

If you dream of a lioness- the dream speaks of a desire for interaction. Lionesses hunt only in groups. Do you prefer to work in a team? Snobbery is also associated with pride. Are you a snob? Or do you feel excluded from a certain social group? Do you have to compromise to be accepted? Or are you a member of a conservative group that does not tolerate new ideas or proposals?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

a lion- large, potential, vital forces; hatred and jealousy; vanity, lust for power, wealth, pretensions; success, fame; boss, influential man or woman; powerful instinctive urges.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Lion seen in a dream- means a meeting with the sovereign or an important person; see a chained lion- means imprisonment or exile from the fatherland; eat lion meat- foreshadows wealth, honor, strength and royal favors; ride a lion- means to receive royal favor or enter into friendship with an important nobleman; fight a lion- means to get into a quarrel with a strong enemy; kill the lion- foreshadows a perfect triumph over the enemy; find a lion's kill or part of his own body for his poor man- portends an improvement in fortune, and for the rich an unexpected increase in his treasure; seeing a lioness with cubs- means family happiness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

a lion- “fierce” desire, erotic appetite, brutality.

Fighting a lion- an indicator of successful maturation, its species is not defeated or the lion is not killed.

Lion lying next to a lamb- alliance or compatibility of oppositions; instinct and spirit. Pride or courage.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

a lion- dealing with an important person; feed him- profit.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

a lion- such a dream predicts glory, growth and greatness. You will become a very important person, influential and happy.

Chinese dream book

Lion's Roar- portends wide fame.

Lunar dream book

a lion- have anxiety; many lions- a date with an important person.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Lion is the king of the animals)- a symbol of courage, bravery and greatness, but also self-confidence.

Islamic dream book

If someone sees in a dream that he has defeated a lion- defeat the enemy.

Run from the lion

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If someone sees in a dream that he has defeated a lion- in reality he is destined to defeat the enemy.

Run from the lion- to victory and fulfillment of desires.

Italian dream book

Lion image- indicates the presence of a force that must be bypassed at the moment.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See a running lion- to expectations or to illness.

See a lion chasing you- to hardships and discord.

English dream book

a lion- this dream means your greatness, future exaltation. You will occupy an honorable social position. A young woman has this dream- portends that she will marry a noble, highly intelligent, friendly man. To a young man- that his future wife happily combines frugality and intelligence, high spiritual qualities and thriftiness. She will truly become his assistant and friend for many happy years.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a lion in a dream, calmly resting and not threatening you- means that you will enjoy the company of an influential friend, that you will be happy in love.

Feed the lion- to all the best.

If a lion attacked you in a dream- this means it is possible to part with your loved one, if he bit you and you are in pain- this means that you will be persecuted by hated fans, rivals or envious people.

Lion in a cage- to losses and dissatisfaction and for the fact that you yourself scared away your companions.

Find yourself in the same cage with a lion- a call for caution: the machinations of enemies are directed against you or your friends.

Sleeping on a lion- means becoming a significant and strong person, kill the lion- to irrevocably destroy your own happiness.

Seeing a lion or lioness in a menagerie- to humiliation, see him sitting on a chain-to obtain reliable patronage, chase a lion in a dream- to a happy life, good luck.

Fighting lions in a dream- means to be indifferent to someone else’s misfortune; caress the cubs suckling the lioness- patronage and good attitude of elders and influential persons.

Caress the lioness, for a woman- means fighting a dangerous rival.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

a lion- symbolizes greatness, strength, courage and leadership. Leo is the “king of the jungle.” It's truly time to take control of your life. Jung felt that the lion in the wild symbolizes our latent passions. Isn't it time to explore and release these passions? Isn't it time to live fully and recklessly? It can also be a sign of a test of courage. In some African tribes, part of the warrior initiation ritual involved fighting a lion in a pit. There may be a test ahead of you. Gather your strength and you will win.

General dream book

If you dreamed of a lion- you have some dangerous business ahead of you.

You dreamed of a lion in a cage- Beware of treacherous friends.

Seeing a lioness in a dream- to a dangerous love adventure.

If you dreamed that you were petting a lion- get ready to save one of your friends or loved ones.

In a dream you fed a lion- you have to hush up the misconduct of one of your friends or relatives.

Hunt a lion- to the appearance of a cunning enemy.

If you dreamed that you shot a lion- soon you will be lucky: you will defeat your ill-wisher.

Women's dream book

Seeing a lion in a dream- means that extraordinary powers lie within you.

Subdue the lion to yourself- means becoming a winner in any business.

If the lion overpowers you- you will find yourself defenseless under the blows of your ill-wishers.

Lion in a cage- means that you will achieve success by neutralizing people opposing you.

Young lion in a dream- portends a new enterprise that will become successful if you pay due attention to it. A young woman has such a dream- promises the appearance of a charming lover.

Lion's roar in a dream- portends a man unexpected achievements in business and success with women.

See yourself riding a lion- means that you will show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Protecting your children from a lion in a dream- means that your opponents will defeat you only if you succumb to their cunning and evade your debt and business obligations at least for a moment.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you see lions in a zoo- means humiliating reproaches, all the more unacceptable because they have no basis.

See lions performing in a circus act- in reality you will receive patronage, thanks to which you will advance in your official affairs.

Imagine yourself as the tamer of these predators- this means you will emerge victorious in a dispute with strong opponents.

Caress a tamed lion- you will become attached to a person, which attachment will replace love for both of you.

Fight the lion- show cowardice in a dangerous situation and leave your friends in trouble.

Defeat the lion and bend him to your will- means that you will lie so much that you will deceive yourself.

Get bitten by a lion- in reality you will be persecuted by a despotic and vindictive boss.

The lion tearing you apart- portends the loss of property during its division.

Hunt lions in the African savannah- means that a happy life awaits you without failures and worries.

Hear the roar of a lion invisible in the night- you are in danger, but it is not yet known from which side.

Kill the lion- You will gain significance among professionals in your field.

Seeing lion cubs frolicking in a dream- in reality you will find a strong patron.

Lioness suckling cubs- mean the appearance of a new fan who will win your heart.

stuffed lion- a harbinger of unexpected successes in business.

Lion skin- a sign of gaining wealth and the happiness that accompanies it.

Ride a lion- this means that in real circumstances, show maximum resourcefulness in the most complex and confusing situation.

Trap the lion- portends that your enemies will achieve temporary but short-lived success if you succumb to their provocation.

Throw a net on the lion- you will find yourself a victim of malicious intrigue.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

caress the lion- you will have attachment; hear a roar- you are in danger; to be tormented- you will lose property; kill him- power and meaning; with lion cubs- You'll deceive yourself.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

a lion- deal with a strong and highly decent person.

Seeing a dead lion in a dream- to the loss of support and respect of a worthy person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a loudly roaring lion in a cage- to danger.

Lion walking free- to freedom from all prejudices.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Lion dead- to the collapse of your hopes.

To dream of a lion in a circus arena jumping through a burning hoop- dealing with a strong enemy.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If you dream that you have conquered a lion- you will emerge victorious from any situation.

If the lion defeats you- in real life you will not be protected from attacks from enemies.

Seeing lions in a cage in a dream- means that your success will depend on your ability to cope with enemies.

If you dreamed of a man who trains a lion- such a dream means success in commercial affairs and great capabilities of your intellect. In addition, women will be favorable to you.

Young lions or cubs- prediction of new beginnings that will be successful if you organize them in the right way.

If a young woman dreams of lion cubs- she will have many wonderful fans.

If a woman dreamed of Saint Daniel in the lion's den- in real life, thanks to her intellectual capabilities and charm, she will achieve success in life and win over many fans.

Lion skin seen in a dream- an omen of happiness and good luck.

Riding a lion in a dream- means courage and perseverance in achieving a goal.

If you dream that you are protecting your children from a lion with a knife- in real life, enemies will try to suppress you and will succeed if you do not take the most decisive measures.

New family dream book

If a lion appears in your dream- it means you are controlled by enormous forces.

Subjugated him- you will be a winner in any business.

Leo has defeated you- you will remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers.

Saw a lion in a cage- then success will depend on your ability to neutralize enemies.

Trainer with a lion- dreams of success in business.

Young lion- to new entrepreneurship.

If a young woman saw a young lion in a dream- she will have a new charming lover.

The roar of a lion heard in a dream- a harbinger of unforeseen achievements in business and success among women.

Lion skin- dreams of wealth and happiness.

Saw yourself riding a lion- show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Dream book for a bitch

a lion- enormous forces dominate you.

Lion in a cage- your success depends on your ability to cope with complex and difficult matters in the shortest possible time and with absolute accuracy.

Subdue a lion in a dream- courage and fortitude will help you emerge victorious in any situation.

Lion cub- the opportunity to start a new business that will be successful if you give it all your strength and knowledge.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of lion cubs- be sure that a whole army of fans will appear. So you will have plenty to choose from.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Lion seen in a dream- symbolizes strength and determination. Often such dreams signal that a difficult problem awaits you, to solve which you will need to show courage and bravery.

Wounded or dead lion- a sign that excessive use of force on your part may ultimately end sadly for you. Often such dreams foreshadow the collapse of some great undertaking.

Hunting a lion in a dream- portends a difficult and dangerous confrontation with a very strong opponent. Some of your plans may encounter very serious opposition.

Aesop's Dream Book

a lion- personifies such wonderful human qualities as courage, self-confidence, greatness and wisdom.

It is no coincidence that this beast is called the “king of all beasts.”- this means that you can rely on a person with such qualities.

Seeing a hunting lion in a dream- evidence that you control your own destiny, make the right decisions and manage difficult life circumstances, and therefore you will achieve a lot in your life.

If you dreamed of a lion in a cage- this is a sign that in real life you are in a very difficult situation, which you are not yet able to correct, despite your willpower and wisdom.

Seeing a lioness with a little lion cub in a dream- a sign that in real life you should not take on all things at once, because you will not do any of these things well; It’s better to do one job, but do it well. Such a dream reminds one of one simple truth: it is not quantity that is valuable, but quality.

If you dreamed of a lion that fell into a trap- such a dream indicates that before taking on the proposed business you should think carefully, otherwise you will not only fail, but also find yourself in a funny position.

To dream of a lion and a fox lying next to each other- means that in real life you will encounter something scary and unknown, which after some time will no longer seem so frightening.

Admire a lion basking in the sun in a dream- such a dream indicates that you will be able to achieve a lot in life: material wealth, a high position in society, the respect of a large number of people, family happiness. But while you rest on your laurels, don’t forget that life can take unexpected turns.

If you dreamed that a lion was attacking you- in real life you underestimate your capabilities, and therefore you are very worried about your future.

Seeing a wounded lion in a dream- a prophecy that you should fight for your views and beliefs. Listen to the advice of wise people.

If you dreamed of a dead lion- such a dream is evidence that life circumstances will develop in such a way that you will lose a wise mentor, whose advice has helped you more than once in difficult times.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which a trainer controls a lion is favorable- this means that with your intelligence and outstanding abilities you will be able to win success with representatives of the opposite sex.

If a man dreams that he hears a lion's roar- this portends him success with women.

Lion skin- portends a rich marriage for women.

Freud's Dream Book

A lion, like any wild animal- symbolizes sexual intercourse, but as a predator, and even more so from the cat family, the lion symbolizes increased sexual sensitivity and excitability.

If a woman dreams that a lion is chasing her- she dreams of a connection with a temperamental man who will humiliate her in bed and in everyday life, this is her ideal of a real man.

If a woman has sexual contact with a lion- she is dissatisfied with her sexual partner and does not experience orgasm with him. In sex, she shows sadistic tendencies. She may not be satisfied with the whole way of her life and may be overwhelmed by a craving for change.

If it's a lion cub- you want to transfer your dissatisfaction with your sex life to your child, or you want to have a child if you don’t have one.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.