
Prayer for the purification of a person. Prayer for cleansing through forgiveness. Prayer to Jesus Christ for cleansing the body and soul

The wonderful feeling of cleanliness is so alluring and attractive, but for some reason we are too lazy to evoke this feeling in ourselves from time to time. Your body is weightless, your soul is filled with divine light, you just want to fly...

This effect can be easily achieved with the help of prayer, because this state is nothing more than the soul after cleansing. Yes, exactly, “cleansing”. We take a shower every day, brush our teeth, wash our clothes - because they are dirty. What about the soul? Does it have automatic cleansing properties? Unfortunately, or fortunately, no. She also needs to be taken care of daily.

The best prayer for cleansing

The only one created not by man, but by God, is “Our Father.” Jesus bequeathed it to his followers. It is its text that can serve as a universal prayer of cleansing, healing, forgiveness, repentance and everything else your soul desires.

The purification of the soul with this prayer occurs due to the fact that it contains everything that is in all other prayers:

  • acknowledges God as Father and Savior;
  • glorifies him;
  • asks for justice to be restored (... Thy will be done...);
  • asks for help in earthly affairs;
  • proclaims forgiveness of offenders and entrusts the proceedings with those who hold a grudge against you into the hands of God;
  • this is a prayer for cleansing from sins, because you are asking for protection from temptations and demons;
  • strengthens your faith that the power of God is greater than the power of the devil.
How to cleanse yourself with prayer?

There are two ways - the first works as “general cleaning”, the second - like a broom will sweep away what was missed by a vacuum cleaner.

The first method of cleansing the soul and body with the Lord’s Prayer is to work on each chakra separately. You need to close your eyes, concentrate on your inner vision and say “I”. You should hear an echo of what you said in one of the chakras of the body. When this succeeds, move your energy, thoughts, feelings to the lower chakra - muladhara and begin to read the “Our Father”.

Read the prayer until you feel that the energy has “stirred up” and the process of healing and displacement of negativity has begun.

With this prayer we cleanse the body and mind, walking through the chakras until characteristic feelings arise in each of them. Having finished working with the upper chakra - Sahasrara, you need to mentally, in the words of one prayer, move the energy down the energy channel to Muladhara, and then through another prayer - up to Sahasrara.

Now sit in silence and come out of this euphoric state.

Some particularly damaged chakras may require more work - these you can return to daily and heal individually.

To do this, simply read the Lord's Prayer without visualization. This is the second way. You are “cleansing yourself further”, since prayer itself will find the point where not everything is in order and will push out all the negativity from there.

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

may your kingdom come,

Thy will be done

as in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

just as we also leave our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

I think you have often heard: we are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated. I rarely think about the deeper meaning of such hackneyed quotes, but today is one of those rare moments. After all, if this is true, then the perception of us as we feel from the inside will also be fair. Both on a physical and emotional level. A person living in the trash of unnecessary memories, resentments, envy and anger always causes some kind of fear. Personally, at some mental level I feel people’s anger, aggression and repulsive negativity. On the contrary, people who have found complete harmony in their souls, people whose troubles evoke compassion, a desire to support and awaken pure, sincere emotions in you, attract you to them with incredible magnetism.

By cleansing the soul of resentment, anger and the burden of past events, we make room for new, more pleasant and rosy things. And by cleansing the body, we discover the potential for self-healing, beauty and healthy sparkle in the eyes. Only a pure person, pure inside and out, is able to extract and attract goodness that will surround him and his loved ones. Self-knowledge begins with a clean body and a free soul. If you want to change something, fix it, or direct your energy in a different direction, start by cleansing yourself. And then your ideas and your life will by all means contribute to success, well-being and love. Be clean - and life around you will become just as clean.

I suggest starting cleansing with the body. Having learned from my own experience, I can say that it is too difficult to cleanse the soul by eating a hamburger. I am an ardent opponent of forced vegetarianism or any other type of imposed proper nutrition. It seems to me that this approach cannot yield anything good. You can feel the cleansing, healing and strength of your body only by consciously choosing a new lifestyle for yourself. Refusing some familiar foods, you should not experience mental anguish. A conscious choice, on the contrary, should bring you relief and liberation from illness, heaviness and burden that you feel inside. You will begin to approach your new eating style with joy, realizing that every product you consume brings you great benefits. Only by consciously choosing proper nutrition as a new lifestyle can you fully cleanse your body.

As you know, a healthy mind in a healthy body! While cleansing your body, you can simultaneously begin to cleanse your soul by resorting to yoga and meditation. After a pleasant gluten-free and lactose-free soft fruit breakfast, it's time to start meditating in a ventilated room. In order to get a charge of vigor and good mood for the whole day, I suggest you devote every morning after breakfast to morning meditation. There are a huge number of them, so choosing the right one for you will not be difficult. Meditation, in my perception, is something intimate and too spiritual, so the meditation recommended by someone may not always be suitable for you personally.

Purification brings not only liberation from physical or emotional negativity, but also opens up pure potential in you, which will help you to know yourself, gain freedom and strength for self-development and self-knowledge. You will become purer, kinder and more open to the world around you, which will not be able to resist your radiant purity and will begin to give you life-changing gifts.

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Every person in his daily life encounters negativity, and gradually negative energy destroys the natural aura, causing serious harm to physical and spiritual health. In order to recover and get rid of negativity, you should use cleansing prayers. Thanks to them, a special channel for communication with Higher Powers opens. It is through him that a person can get rid of all negative manifestations.

It should be understood that cleansing prayers are special means, so they cannot be used every day. You need to think about their necessity after you feel that your life is filled with troubles. It is in order to return to normal life that you should read cleansing prayers.

This can be done not only in the temple, but also at home. But it should be understood that in the temple they will be more effective due to the fact that a special environment has been created there that promotes sincere communication with God.

It is important to choose the right cleansing prayer. This must be done based on your own intuition. You should take several texts and read them. That prayer appeal that will cause trembling in the soul is yours and it is precisely this that must be used for cleansing.

Orthodox prayers that cleanse the home and soul

Orthodox prayers aimed at cleansing the soul and body are very powerful. An important condition for their effectiveness is a sincere desire to rid your soul and your home of negativity.

A powerful prayer that allows you to remove all negative energy is as follows:

“Get out, enemy, from my bodily wounds, get out, evil demon, from my blood. You oppose God himself and are an angel of vengeance. Take away your infirmities and leave my soul, which does not accept you, but sometimes feeds you with its sins. From now on you will not be my assistant and adviser in my affairs. My soul will no longer be your refuge. From now on, the Lord is my helper, with his help I will throw off the nets from my soul. I ask him this and I know that he will hear me. Your poison, Satan, will never affect me again, you will no longer be able to control me. With this humble prayer I turn to the Lord God. I ask him for help and he gives it to me. I have opened my mind to the will of God - Satan’s intoxication will no longer deceive me. I will no longer walk your path. I don't want to see or hear you. Lord, take away the demonic insanity from me. Free me from the power of the enemy and the wrath of the villain. Open my eyes to contemplate the Divine light, revive and spiritualize my soul, cleanse my body and help me live according to your commandments. Deliver me from curses, may they not bring me suffering and illness. I promise that I will not serve the devil, I will get rid of envy, lies and anger, I will forgive all my enemies. I ask you, Lord, to cleanse my soul and my home. Help me to appear before you in the hour of the Last Judgment in purity and integrity. Only God is my only protection, now and forever. Amen".

Prayers for cleansing the soul of a home can not only be read independently, but also listened to. This process is called proofreading. It is very effective and after the cleansing prayer is listened to, relief comes to the soul.

Proofreading - a cleansing prayer

You need to listen to proofreading from negativity in a concentrated state. You cannot start audio recording in the background. Also, you cannot engage in any third-party activities. It is recommended to listen to cleansing prayers in absolute solitude; if possible, it is better to do this with headphones.

Scientists have proven that cleansing prayer has a powerful healing effect on the human body. It is believed that negativity disrupts consciousness and this contributes to the emergence of a variety of diseases. There are facts that a hundred cleansing prayers neutralized radiation. So, in Chernobyl after a man-made disaster, when all the devices failed under the influence of harmful radiation. In the temple of Aristratigus Michael, which is located 4 km from the station, normal background radiation was recorded. This was explained by the fact that it was here that all those who offered prayers aimed at cleansing were located.

Protective cleansing prayers

There are cleansing prayers that are aimed at protecting against harmful external influences. They allow you to remove the evil eye and damage. Such prayers can also be listened to. At the same time, you need to delve into every word you hear. The most effective in this case will be prayers recorded in 4-dimensional sound. They affect the person as a whole, normalizing his life rhythms. If a person is under the influence of damage or other negative influence, then during audio listening, loss of consciousness, weakness in the legs and a general deterioration in well-being are possible. Recovery after such sessions begins very quickly.

Listen to prayers for protection:

Prayers that cleanse the soul and heal the body

Separately, Orthodoxy distinguishes cleansing prayers aimed at cleansing the soul and healing the body. They are usually used by very sick people. Such prayer appeals need to be heard most often. It is recommended to do this every day for several weeks. Moreover, you need to turn on the audio recording multiple times. In addition, during this period you should regularly visit the temple, where you should offer cleansing prayers near the icon of the Savior. This combination will always be beneficial and you should feel it soon. By getting rid of negativity, you can gain additional strength to fight physical ailments.

Listen to prayer

Aura cleansing prayers

Cleansing the aura with prayers is a very effective activity that will allow you to find peace of mind. If you feel that something is going wrong in your life, then you should start listening to special prayers. This needs to be done several times a day. It is important to retire to a separate room, having previously made sure that no one and nothing can interfere. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to create a special atmosphere in the room. You need to install and light candles and fumigate the space with incense. When listening to an audio recording, you need to delve into every phrase spoken.

Listen to the prayer of transfiguration

Exorcism - prayer to cast out demons

Exorcism involves performing a ritual to drive out demons. This ritual is performed in different ways. Its rules depend entirely on how possessed a person is by the devil. In mild cases, when possession is characterized by minor discomfort, the blessing of a priest is sufficient.

For cleansing, it is also recommended to listen to special prayers. At first it will be very difficult to do this, as the soul will resist, but after a certain time a vital need for this will arise, and this will indicate recovery. It is very important to remember that any ritual aimed at driving out demons must be carried out alone. This is due to the fact that if successful, a negative entity can leave your soul and inhabit another person.

When listening to special prayers, no special paraphernalia is required. Candles or incense will be absolutely useless, but it is recommended to wear a cross. It is most effective to listen to cleansing audio recordings during the waning moon. During the growth phase of the luminary, it will not be possible to get rid of obsession.

In severe cases, you should always contact a priest to cast out demons. But you should know that for this the clergyman will have to obtain special permission from the church diocese. But if possession by the devil is confirmed, then with the help of strong special prayers you can do it yourself at home. All you need to do is regularly listen to audio recordings with cleansing prayers. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because you won’t be able to harm yourself this way. And if you feel that all attempts to recover are in vain, then after that you can contact a specialist. It should be understood that the demon sitting in a person may not allow him to cross the threshold of the temple.

Listen to the prayer honored during the rites of exorcism

Video: proofreading a cleansing prayer read by a real priest

These entities are capable of guiding a person, his consciousness and actions. This gives rise to lack of will and unwillingness to change anything. A person does not live his own life, being a toy of alien energies.

It is necessary to cleanse the energy and regularly get rid of energy debris, otherwise a person will waste years of his life aimlessly and will never think about his self-development and spiritual potential.

In healing, to get rid of this evil spirit, purification through prayers, that is, repentance, is used. Prayer should be addressed to God. It is also necessary to know the names of the “demons”, otherwise they will not come out. These are: laziness, slavery, malice, envy, pride, hatred, fornication, lust, gluttony, and so on. Add here bitter grievances that lead to oncology, failures in life, and so on.

How to prolong youth, restore happiness, health and lightness?

To cleanse yourself and regain peace of mind, you need to receive forgiveness!!! Not forgiveness, but forgiveness, from the word sling².

So, a sling is a slingshot. Forgiveness is not agreeing with the fact that you were hurt (otherwise you will be an accomplice in sin), it is “getting rid of” or “getting over” the pain that was caused to us.

This means that it is necessary to let go of the pain or sin like a boomerang back to where it came from.

Since demons are spiritual entities, they exit through the respiratory system: yawning, coughing, vomiting, whistling in the ears, flatulence... To cause cleansing of the soul and liberation, prayer is necessary - an appeal to God.

Prayer to cleanse the soul

“Dear God the Father, free me from (the name of the negative quality), from the insult caused to me by (this and that). I forgive him, I bless him (“I bless him” - that is, I catch the blessing). I repent, renounce, renounce the pain that was caused to me, or the sin that sits in me. Tear it out of me, Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. And pluck this sin from my inheritance from father and mother to Adam and Eve.”

Next, you need to reproduce all this pain in yourself, hate it and try to push it out of yourself, imagine that God is pulling it out with his holy hands. If done correctly and sincerely, the urge to yawn should appear.

When a person yawns, it means that one or another negative essence comes out of him. After this you need to say: “I call on the blood of Jesus Christ on my wounds. Lord Father, I ask you, wash my wounds with the blood of Jesus, shed for us!”

After such a prayer, purity comes. But since we have a lot of sins and grievances, it is necessary to atone for each sin separately until it is completely clean.

It may take more than one year, but it's worth it. With complete cleansing comes spiritual harmony, rejuvenation, lightness, happiness, and an enhanced effect from practices for self-development is observed.


Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² A sling is a throwing bladed weapon, which is a rope or belt, one end of which is folded into a loop into which the slinger’s hand is threaded (

Any person who follows the path of searching for truth sooner or later faces the problem of internal struggle between. This problem has always existed, at all times. There was not a single person who could completely follow the dictates of his soul and heart. This especially applies to problems of sexuality and relationships with people. Many people gave up on this path, admitting their sinfulness and powerlessness, while others tormented themselves with fasting and physical suffering. Purification of soul and body became the main goal of religious practices.

One of the common reasons why a person cannot achieve inner life is that he divides the soul and body into two different entities. He tries to follow his own voice, completely denying the voice of his body. Many righteous and holy people in history did this. As a result, forcibly suppressed carnal desires make themselves felt through severe breakdowns and nervous shocks. And this is completely natural, because the soul and body are the internal and external aspects of the same person. It is impossible to exclude one without causing serious harm to the other. Since the soul and body are so closely related to each other, cleansing the soul is impossible without cleansing the human body. Not denial, but purification.

Cleansing the soul and body

Where then does the cleansing of a person’s soul and body begin? There are several aspects of cleanliness and they are all interrelated with each other. With careful observation, one can easily notice that a person living an unclean, disordered life also has unclean, dirty thoughts in his soul. On the contrary, a person with a pure soul looks neat and builds the same pure and correct relationships with people. If you start practicing one aspect, then other aspects of life will also gradually begin to improve. Let's look at a few examples of how purity manifests itself in a person's soul and body.

1. Physical, bodily cleanliness.

We all enjoy communicating with a clean and tidy person who takes care of himself. You can easily notice how a person who has some kind of mental problems begins to be careless about his appearance. This also works in the opposite direction. Once you start paying more attention to your appearance and keeping your body clean, your thoughts also become brighter and cleaner. This is how our soul gradually purifies.

2. Clear schedule and orderliness in time.

A person with a pure and clear soul does not waste time. He has a clear understanding of his duties, his place and his responsibilities. On the contrary, an unclean person constantly rushes between his desires, often sacrificing important things for the sake of some dubious pleasures. If I spend a little more time drawing up a schedule, bring clarity to my affairs, if I think about what exactly I need to do, try to be more punctual, then gradually greater order and clarity will come both in my soul and in my thoughts.

3. Purity of relationships.

A person with a pure soul builds clean, decent relationships with other people. He will not deceive, will not intrigue or hold grudges, and will not make advances or flirt with the opposite sex. He will not raise his voice and will treat any person with respect. He has a clear understanding of his place in the family and his responsibility to loved ones. Of course, maintaining such a standard is very difficult, but you can start by controlling at least the external manifestations of your character. For example, in order to thank someone for a service rendered or to apologize for your mistakes.

Sometimes one correct external action can be more eloquent than words or feelings. By controlling our actions, we will gradually begin to change our feelings. The right actions that we do will serve as food for the development of right emotions and cleansing our soul.

4. Cleanliness of the environment is also a consequence of spiritual purity.

A spiritually pure person will always feel uncomfortable in a dirty room or in a dirty society. To cleanse your soul you need to put your environment in order. There are many charitable projects aimed at improving the environment. In addition, you can start with small things - fixing the playground in the yard, helping a neighbor on the landing - there are many options.

We have presented here only some aspects of the purity of the human soul and body. We can talk about many other points - attitude towards money, physical activity, sexual purity and much more. All this is a manifestation of the purity of soul and body. It cannot be said that this path of purifying the soul is easier or more difficult than physical self-torture or spiritual practices. Someone might even object: “What could be the connection between washing dishes and cleansing the soul?” However, such a path will definitely bring more harmony and benefit not only to ourselves, but also to the society in which we live. By purifying ourselves, we will simultaneously improve the world around us. Isn't this what it is? the ultimate goal of cleansing the soul and body?