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Wash the porch in a dream. Why dream about the porch of a house in a dream Dream interpretation of washing the porch

A porch in a dream is a symbolic representation of the transition from one life stage to another. Dream books believe that what a porch means in a dream predetermines interesting undertakings or announces doubts and uncertainties in life.

As Miller explains?

Miller identifies the dream of a new porch with participation in an interesting business, a starting project. Building it in a dream speaks of the sleeping person’s intentions to take on additional responsibilities.

What's on the love front?

The Dream Book of Lovers, interpreting why a girl dreams of sitting on the porch with her loved one, foreshadows doubts about the sincerity of her chosen one.

For young ladies who dreamed of washing the porch of their house, the female dream interpreter predicts a quick marriage and the arrival of matchmakers. Washing the porch of a married woman portends material well-being and spiritual strengthening of the family.

About character qualities...

Denise Lynn compares the dreamed extension with a symbolic continuation of the person himself. So, seeing a new porch means that you have reached the level to move on and develop.

But seeing an extension with high steps indicates the ambition and determination of the sleeping person. Hasse's Dream Interpretation does not rule out that the dreamer intends to take on the implementation of a promising project with all his might.

Details: type of extension

In the dream book from A to Z you can find a description of what a porch is meant for in dreams, based on the dreamed material of the building and its general appearance in the dream:

  • stone - broadcasts about the opportunity in the future to do what you love;
  • wooden - promises lasting well-being to the sleeping person;
  • old, dilapidated - warns of participation in an unprofitable business;
  • new - to the receipt of an entertaining business proposal;
  • tall, rich - speaks of intentions to go over their heads to their goal.

Fate favors you!

Despite the strange image in which I happened to see a frog on the threshold of my own house in a dream, the dream book considers this the most favorable sign. Having a dream means that you are under the protection of good heavenly forces.

People who are experiencing big problems in reality will be pleased to know why they dream of a frog entering the house through the front door. An episode like this displays appropriate help.

Try to think it through!

The newest dream interpreter, explaining why you dream of standing on the porch, announces that an important decision has been made. Painting it speaks of the dreamer’s intentions and capabilities to radically change his life. Wash the porch - predetermines the need to immediately take on the implementation of a long-planned project.

Improve family relationships!

The interpretation of a dream in which you have to sweep the porch of your father’s house indicates the presence of negativity and resentment in the family. Perhaps this is due to your plans, which your parents cannot approve of. The esoteric dream book contains a recommendation to establish a dialogue with relatives.

Standing on the steps of a beautiful, rich wooden porch in a dream indicates the prospect of making an acquaintance with a rich and influential person. Be careful, warns the dream book for a bitch, because a new acquaintance is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

There are great prospects ahead!

The Wanderer's Dream Book identifies a porch in a dream with preparation, a prelude to some undertaking. If in a dream the porch is strong and beautiful, it means that your plans are thorough and thoughtful. Seeing that the front door is locked means that the time has not yet come to carry out your plans.

what does it mean if a porch is in a dream

The porch is a fickle sign. You are facing an extremely important event, but it is not possible to predict its outcome. The chances of triumph and defeat are equal. For a girl who went out onto the porch with her chosen one, the dream speaks of doubts about the decency of her lover’s thoughts. For a person building a porch, the dream foreshadows new troubles in the work arena.

porch according to the dream book

A rich porch is a symbol of the fact that you are moving towards fame in a scandalous, dishonest way. Your parents suffer from your actions, and your actions bring a lot of trouble to your friends. This path will harm you and end sadly. If you see a broken or falling apart porch, abandon your idea. Your intentions are in danger of failure. A porch made of stone warns of important changes; finally the time has come to devote your time and feelings to your favorite business. A wooden porch symbolizes well-being, which will only strengthen with age. A person who climbs onto the porch in a dream will be given high honors in reality. But the one descending is threatened with financial losses and discord in friendship. If you had to sit on the porch in a dream, it means that you will spend a lot of time waiting for your turn.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Porch in a dream according to 16 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Porch” symbol from 16 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Building a porch means new responsibilities.

Children's dream book

Porch - symbolizes the transition between different periods of life or human states.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream of a Porch?

Standing on the porch- make an important decision; build (repair) a porch- to the illness of a loved one; wash the porch- to strengthen the family.

Family dream book

Porch - dreams of participating in some new business, and in general of changes.

If a girl dreamed that she was standing on the porch with her lover- doubts his intentions.

You built a porch in a dream- apparently, you will have to take on new responsibilities.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Porch?

If you dreamed of a porch- This is a sign of new beginnings and uncertainty in the future.

If a young woman dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover- such a dream suggests that she doubts his intentions.

Building a porch is a harbinger of new responsibilities.

Dream book for lovers

The girl who dreamed that she was with her lover on the porch- in reality he will have doubts about the sincerity of this person.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The porch is your extension. Although it is not part of the core of your personality, it is still something that you consider inherent in you.

Dream book for a bitch

Porch - a new business will change your future life.

Build a new porch- new worries and activities.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A porch in a dream symbolizes the prelude of some business.

Beautiful, strong porch- a sign that your affairs are well and reliably thought out. But if the door is closed- the dream suggests that, despite the prospects of the plans, it is still too early to bring them to life.

rickety porch- a sign of thoughtlessness of any decisions or plans. It looks like you'd better reconsider some of your plans and perhaps abandon them.

If the porch roof is dangerously askew- such a dream foreshadows that certain ideas threaten to turn into big troubles for you already in the initial stages.

At the same time, if the porch in a dream has become askew from old age- this, on the contrary, means that you are taking too long to start something, and you should be more decisive.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Standing on the porch of my father's house- to say goodbye to childhood and youth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Dreaming of someone fixing a broken porch- to restore an almost destroyed family life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

See yourself sitting on the village porch of a house and husking seeds- to a carefree life.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a porch- Means. You will take part in some new business, and your future will be very changeable.

If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover- it means she doubts his intentions.

Dreaming that you are building a porch

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Porch in a dream?

If you dream of the porch of a rich house- means that by seeking fame at any cost, you will primarily harm yourself and at the same time cause a lot of grief to your relatives and trouble to your friends.

Old crumbling porch- portends participation in a business that is obviously doomed to failure.

Stone porch- to changes in your life that will give you the opportunity to finally do something that you have been passionate about for a long time.

Wooden porch- a sign of lasting well-being that you will achieve over the years.

Climb onto the porch- you will achieve honors you never dared to dream of. Going down the porch- to the loss of a large sum of money or the loss of a friend. Sit on the porch- lose a lot of time in queues.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing the porch of a house in a dream- to participate in some new project, to the variability and unpredictability of your life.

If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover- his intentions inspire her with some doubts.

Build a porch in a dream- means that you are going to take on new responsibilities.

Wash the porch - for marriage.

broken porch- to the death of a parent.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Porch according to the dream book?

The porch is an invitation; desires, needs; human mouth.

Video: Why do you dream about the Porch?

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Did you dream about a Porch, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Porch in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Arriving home, I saw that there was no fence, some of its parts were lying on the road, and then I saw that there was no porch, I could barely reach to open the lock, I cried, all this happened in the spring, the snow was melting, no one could help

    I dreamed of a porch moving away from the house, I go out and see the blackness between the porch and the house. I tell my mother how we get out of the house, I see the porch has pulled up to the house and so every once in a while it will move away or come back.

    I dreamed that my child’s son was washing the floors in the hallway, spilling water in the process, then he spilled a lot of water, then he dismantled the porch and made some kind of construction nearby, whether it was he or not. In general, I'm afraid of what in reality. Before my father died, I had a dream that he was building a house, and literally a week later he died. thank you in advance

    I celebrate my birthday at my grandmother’s apartment; it’s night when she comes to visit us. At this time, I come out of the entrance and find her. And I begin to say that everything is in order there, that there is no need to go there and disgrace me with checks. At the same time, during the conversation, I looked at the porch, and she let’s cry, just sob and say that it’s impossible to porch look.

    I'm on the porch of someone else's house. The circle is clean and well maintained. Everything is in blue and white colors. In a dream, I understand that a young man lives here who interests me in real life. I want to leave, and knowing\. that his parents should come, I go into the house and start cleaning, in order to please them.

    Mne snilos chto ya podnyalas na krilzo betonnoe kakogoto chugogo doma.Na krilze legalo razbitoe zerkalo.Kak ono razbilos ya ne videla.Ono uge legalo na krilze.Otragenia ni svoego no chugogo ya v zerkale ne videla.Ya podnyalas na krilzo I vochla v dom .Vmeste so mnoi vochel mugchina odetii v voennuyu(milizeiskuyu) formu.Kak Tolko ya voshla uslichala otchetlivii golos “Teper sidi u gdi”

    Hello! I dreamed that I was at the entrance to a beautiful small church, which was all covered with elegant blue and white tiles. I noticed road dust on the steps, took a broom and started sweeping

    I dreamed of a dead grandfather, he was standing behind me, I didn’t see his face, I only heard his voice and he asked me to thoroughly sweep out the locker on the right side, that’s what he called his porch where he used to have his country tools, I dreamed of a new locker and he asked me to sweep out not all of it there is a locker and a certain section of the porch I see a red brick stove on top coated with clay and sand, but the clay has not fallen off much and you can see some red bricks, what’s most interesting is that it really used to be like this, my dad told me this and he asked me to pay the membership fee for the dacha

    Good afternoon Tatyana! I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. I dreamed of my ex-men, and not those with whom I met a little and broke up, but those with whom I had a fairly long relationship. First I dreamed about my ex-husband, I dreamed that he had a beautiful curly dark-haired boy, he smiled with the child and looked happy. Later I dream that I go to sunbathe with my daughter on the beach, spread out a blanket, and next to me is my former loved one, also with a child and his wife, and as if his wife is a Hollywood star. Then I dream that I receive an SMS from a guy (with whom I recently broke up in real life) that he is leaving to live in Yakutsk. Later I dream about sweeping the porch of a church, the floor is made of boards and dust gets stuck, I don’t like it being so dirty and I sweep it carefully. I would really like to know the meaning of my dream, I believe that dreams are our clues or harbingers

    I often dream of my house, which I don’t live near, but either I’m watching from the side or I’m in this house and suddenly I see a door and without a porch... That is, I see the wall of a house, there’s a door in it and there are no steps or even a porch

    I dreamed of an old house, the porch was completely destroyed, I barely climbed into it, I was barefoot. The house is wooden, but with apartments. The apartment where I was going, the door was propped up with a piece of wood. And my man was in it, lying on the couch with another girl. I started to pull her by the hair, and he sent me away with such anger...an unfamiliar man was sitting next to the sofa, just silent...then I woke up

    I was in the old house where I left 10 years ago. I looked out the window and saw a funeral car in wreaths - it was driving up to the neighboring house, the weather was very good, summer, sun, everything was green, I began to get ready to go out and find out who it was for (the private sector). A young girl appeared from somewhere - I don’t know her, hugged me, but I was not happy with something, then I found out where she came from, she did not explain, she said that she would live here, then a young man appeared, I know him but without a name , he said that she ran away from home and she needed to live here, I didn’t agree, I told them both to leave, they left, several cats appeared from somewhere, one grabbed my leg, but it didn’t hurt, I carefully took it off, and let it go underground, she went there herself, then went out onto the porch, the milking goats came up to me, stroked them, they then disappeared somewhere. there were two steps near the porch, someone removed them, the house was closed, then women appeared, came from the garden, looking awkward, as if they were apologizing, then they left through the gate. I went into the house again, and a lot of young people had come from somewhere, they were doing repairs, the girls were whitewashing, one got it in the eyes. I tell them to be careful, they need to cover their eyes, and be careful when whitening with a brush. Then she went out onto the porch again, steps appeared, but they weren’t in the right place, she went downstairs, and an old neighbor helped put them in place. ….. Then I woke up. Thank you

    We (me and my co-workers) are sweeping the school yard (where I finished 10th grade). Our boss signs that I need to go up to the school porch and go see him. He’s a little embarrassed and hasn’t quite decided whether to invite me or not, he makes a sign to wait, then he comes. I no longer go into the office, but into a room that is a little cluttered. We are drinking tea (I don’t remember this picture, but I remember that we were drinking tea). Then I wash our tea pairs in the sink (I saw this clearly), then I wanted to clean the room, I do it easily, I would say even inspired, while he was distracted by something (I didn’t really see this, but I felt it). Then he appeared and hurried to complete the work and even helped in my opinion, I saw a small trash at the threshold, which I still wanted to clean up, but he was in a hurry. We needed to go somewhere. And while we were talking in the room, my mother came in work overalls, as if she, too, was sweeping the yard. I introduced her to the boss, I was unpleasant that she was interfering in our relationship again, there was some tactlessness on her part, I tried to send her out, and then there was cleaning.

    I dreamed that I was washing the porch of some store. The porch is laid with new tiles. But it's covered in mud and dirty boots. And my rag is almost dry and there is nowhere to wet it. And my two grandmothers are standing on the porch and giving advice on how to wash. This is good advice. Why such a dream?

    Well, actually, I went to the neighbors, my boyfriend was there, I saw him kissing the neighbor on the cheek, and when I saw this, I turned around and ran out of the house, fell, got up and ran again, but then lightning struck the ground in the distance , but only waves reached me, like an earthquake, I fell again and was struck by ball lightning, I ran home, I wanted to close the door to the house, when I saw that the porch of my house was on fire, but somehow the fire went out quickly and nothing happened after didn't leave myself

A porch in a dream promises some kind of change in life and indicates the feeling of uncertainty that you are currently experiencing. Perhaps soon you will have to take part in some new business. If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover, ...

Porch - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Standing on the porch of your father’s house is a sign of farewell to childhood and youth. Wash the porch - for marriage. A broken porch means the death of a parent.

I have a dream about the Porch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

She dreams of participating in some new business, and in general of changes. If a girl dreamed that she was standing on the porch with her lover, she doubts his intentions. You built a porch in a dream - apparently, you will have to lay...

What does the dream mean - Porch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see someone repairing a broken porch in a dream is a sign of rebuilding an almost destroyed family life.

Dream - Porch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about him predicts your participation or invitation to take part in some new business. Building a porch in a dream is a sign of new hopes for the fulfillment of a desire. A destroyed porch in a dream means that soon you will have to part with your old life and...

The meaning of the dream about the Porch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Invitation. Desires, needs. Human mouth.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Porch?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream of a porch, it means that you will take part in some new business, and your future will be very changeable. If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover, it means that she doubts his intentions. See in a dream, …

If you see “Porch” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing the porch of a house in a dream means participation in some new project, the variability and unpredictability of your life. If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover, his intentions inspire her with some doubts. Building a porch in a dream...

Dreaming of "Porch" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

New beginnings. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that the porch leads to a big, new, beautiful house.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Porch?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A new business will change your future life. Building a new porch means new worries and activities.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Porch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To build a porch is to participate in a new enterprise whose future is unclear. Going up to the porch means meeting with government officials. Falling from the porch means defeat, loneliness, loss. If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover, in reality she doubts...

If you dream of a Porch, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream of a porch, it means that you will take part in some new business, and your future will be very changeable. If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover, it means that she doubts his intentions. See in a dream, …

Why do you see a Porch in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream of the porch of a rich house, it means that by seeking fame at any cost, you will harm yourself first and cause a lot of grief to your relatives and trouble to your friends. An old, crumbling porch foreshadows participation in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. ...

Porch (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see a porch in a dream, then you will start some new business, the success of which will be quite doubtful. For a young woman, a dream in which she is standing on the porch with her lover means that she is plagued by doubts about the seriousness of his intentions. ...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Porch?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A girl who dreamed that she was with her lover on the porch will in reality have doubts about the sincerity of this person.

Porch - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is your continuation. Although it is not part of the core of your personality, it is still something that you consider inherent in you.

Dream book online - Porch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The porch symbolizes participation in some new business, and indeed changes in general. If a girl dreams that she is standing on the porch with her lover, then she doubts his intentions. You were building a porch - apparently, you will have to rely on...

Many dreams that involve the porch of a house foreshadow something good for you. Such dreams promise you a carefree life, happiness and joyful days.

Autumn dream book

Porch in a dream - why dream

If in a dream you observed a person repairing a damaged porch, this indicates that your family life will become happy again. Don’t despair, everything will end well, you will be able to save your family.

Modern dream book

Looking at the porch in your night dreams means that you have a lot of different plans for the future, you want to do a lot, but your future life seems to you covered in darkness and uncertainty.

Women's dream book

To see a porch in a dream means you will have to take part in a new endeavor. Also, such a dream can mean the impermanence of your destiny. If a young girl in a dream stood on the porch with her boyfriend, this indicates that she does not fully trust her chosen one. She has many doubts about his character, positive and negative qualities. If in your night dreams you happen to be adding a porch to your house, be prepared for the fact that you will have new responsibilities and greater responsibility.

Newest dream book

If in a dream you had to stand on the porch for a long time, it means that you have to make a serious choice and make a responsible decision. This will play a big role in your future destiny. Repairing or building a porch - someone close to you will get sick. If in a dream you cleaned or washed the porch, your family will be happy and friendly.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Porch in a dream - you have a great need for something.

Spring dream book

If you saw a destroyed porch in a dream, this foreshadows the premature death of your father or mother. If a young girl sees in a dream that she is washing the porch, let her prepare for an imminent wedding. Standing on the porch and looking into the distance - youth and childhood are behind us, now adult life begins with its joys, troubles, hardships and experiences.

Summer dream book

If in a dream you were sitting and relaxing on the porch and at the same time gnawing sunflower seeds, it means that fate promises you an easy and calm life.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you admired the richly furnished porch of a magnificent building, be careful. Your desire for fame and recognition will seriously harm you, and your family and friends will worry a lot about you. If the porch was old or rickety, you will have to take part in a business doomed to failure.

Children's dream book

If a child saw a porch in a dream, this is a sign that radical changes will come in his life. Now is a special time when there is an opportunity to realize your potential, show your abilities, and develop your talents. The main thing is not to miss this chance.