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Virgo sign what days of the month. Characteristics of the Virgo zodiac sign: what are their character traits

Compatibility horoscope: lucky number for the Virgo sign - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Each zodiac sign has its own numbers that bring good luck. Lucky numbers for Virgo are 3, 7,16, 23, 25, 33.

Virgo lucky numbers

Numerology, recently, is gaining momentum of general interest. Increasingly, we attach importance to numbers. Did you know that all the information in the world can be represented by just two numbers - 0 and 1. And the popular saying of Pythagoras says: “Everything is a number.”

However, who calculated this and according to whose statement these numbers bring happiness and good luck is not known. But astrologers say that these numbers should be taken into account when making important decisions and in vital situations.

Among other things, there is a statement that each zodiac sign has its own lucky day of the week. For representatives of the Virgo sign, this is Wednesday. Perhaps the fact that the day of luck fell in the middle of the week is truly lucky. For example, Leo got Sunday, he is undoubtedly happy for rest, but for solving other issues, what happiness is it when all authorities are closed.

Therefore, you should not blindly believe in a “lucky number” or “lucky day”. But Virgo is an effective sign, and will not wait for the issues to be resolved on their own, and will stubbornly solve them herself.

Lucky numbers for Virgo: 6,12,18,24,30. This is the sixth sign of the astrological zodiac. Therefore, all favorable numbers for this sign are numbers divisible by six. They bring not only good luck, but also success to the Virgo sign.

Each number seems to be endowed with its own special meaning. Has a lot of positive qualities.

It should be noted right away that it is on Saturday, since it is the sixth day of the week, that Virgo is especially lucky in commercial matters. They can make great business deals even though it is a holiday. Virgos, by nature, are very hardworking. They have a lot of positive qualities for working as a boss; they are diligent and hardworking.

According to the magic table of Pythagoras, five is a sign of intuition. People with this number always know what they are doing, are always self-confident, and responsive. They not only have well-developed intuition, they can sometimes notice what they are doing. something like the gift of clairvoyance.

The number five is a clear representative of the macro- and microsystem. The fivefold division of the world is known; there are five elements of the universe, five classes of animals, five sense organs in humans and five passions. If, according to your numerology, the number five corresponds to you, as well as your curator planet Mercury, you can safely be called lucky.

Mercury takes under “its wing” people who know how to properly manage their money and time. The love of hard work is born in them from the very first days of their birth.

If your life number is five, you notice that the number five seems to haunt you, bringing good luck. The number five is the number of the Soul. People under this sign have a special analytical mind and are very inventive. They have a lot of talent. Although they are often shy, they like to attract the entire spotlight to themselves.

In company they are very friendly and kind to others. They have a wonderful, radiant smile and know a lot of interesting things. Virgos are an excellent conversationalist; there is never a dull moment with them. Even in childhood, their talent for art awakens. They love everything beautiful and beautiful.

If Virgo is in the company of strangers. then he will look with the eyes of a person who, just like him, is influenced by the all-powerful Mercury. This zodiac sign is the July astrological sign - Gemini.

Also, the zodiac sign Virgo number five is the number of awareness: a person gains experience of life through the five senses.

How to determine your lucky number

Astrologers of ancient Chaldea said that happy days are considered to be the days when the heavenly bodies push a person to do the right thing and contribute to making successful decisions. Sunday is considered such a day, because this day is patronized by the Sun. But Saturday is not at all suitable for beginnings, because it is the day of Saturn.

The great healers of antiquity Paracelsus, Hippocrates and Ibn Sina took into account the time of day and time of year in their treatment. And, for example, Japanese astrologers assured that each person’s “unlucky” numbers are repeated every year, and on almost the same dates.

Some astrologers claim that lucky numbers for each month can be calculated independently, without much effort, and that they directly depend on the date of birth. Let's look at an example of lucky numbers for Virgo. For a Virgo born on September 14, the following numbers will be lucky in February:

5 – sum of digits of date of birth (1+4);

9 – month of birth - September, the ninth month of the year;

2 – the sum of the digits of the number 11 (1+1) is equal to 2, and we calculate the lucky number for the 2nd month of the year;

14 is the date of birth, so 14 in each month is a lucky number;

9 – the total is 1+8=9, and it’s September, the ninth month of the year;

18 – according to the calculation scheme of the previous date – 18.

In this table, at least, everything is based on logic. But believe it or not, it’s up to you to decide.

Fixed sign, ruler- Mercury. Element – ​​earth.

Lucky days– Wednesday.

Bad days- Thursday Friday.

Season- autumn.

Good places


Color spectrum


Metal– copper, tin.


Symbols- Virgo, cube, vat.

Lucky numbers in the lottery

Virgo Temperament: Restrained, melancholic. Virgo character: Modest, simple, calm, sociable, but rather dry, methodical to the point of pedantry. Intellectual interests predominate. In case of defeat, excessive passivity, coldness, criticality, cynicism, possibly deceit and ruthlessness. Positive traits are diligence, fulfillment of duty, which sometimes leads to limitations. Virgo's professions: Scientist, writer, critic, educator, teacher, doctor, inventor, artisan. Discrimination, ordering, practicality, intelligence. Virgo always seeks knowledge in order to subordinate matter to the control of the mind, and constantly works. He does his work with meticulous accuracy, noticing all the details. Virgo is thorough, precise, and loves to bring order to chaos. Virgo subjects her world to microscopic analysis, often gets stuck in the unimportant, and cannot grasp the problem in its entirety. Over time, highly organized Virgos are able to distinguish the important from the unimportant. Then they become great scientists, constructive critics, excellent publishers, for whom perfection is the first commandment. You should evaluate your own and others’ achievements objectively and impartially. Virgo's abilities are suitable for service-related professions.

Science and higher education: Medicine, philology, journalism, languages, pedagogy, psychology.

Production activities: Librarianship, office work, editorial and proofreading activities, service reception points, canteens, workshops, dry cleaning, laundries, etc. Bureaucratic activities, executive apparatus, commerce, shops, teaching and secretarial activities, inspectors, registrars.

Medicine: Therapy, pharmacology, dietetics, hygiene, physiotherapy, shock therapy, parapsychology.

Sport: Intellectual sports and physical education.

Art: Literature, graphics, ceramics.

Virgo's work: For Virgo, this is God, and success is associated with logic, order, consistency and discipline. Lots of work-related travel. For Virgo, there are no small and unimportant details. A subordinate position is always more profitable for her than a free profession or an independent business. For Virgo, the real aristocracy is the aristocracy of labor. When too many demands are placed on her, unreasonable and high, she convincingly says “no.” Virgo Career: By nature, Virgo is not a leader, at least not too much, but can be a good administrator, organizer, manager or director, especially in an established enterprise. Excessive criticism and inability to hold your tongue can significantly hinder Virgo’s career. Virgo Business: Virgo can make a fortune only through hard work. Usually follows the laws of fair play. Success will come to Virgo due to its commitment to rigor and system - in medicine, education, production, and agriculture. Virgo Health: People of this sign are characterized by intestinal disorders, purulent appendicitis, peritonitis, and abdominal diseases. Virgo is characterized by constantly hidden anxiety and nervousness. She is susceptible to all kinds of infections. Virgo often has a preoccupied look: she often becomes a doctor, and in general loves to take care of the health of herself and others. Usually he takes a bunch of medications unnecessarily, diligently follows a diet, etc. (raw food diet, vegetarianism). Virgo, first of all, needs moderation in everything. Worthless fears can lead to illness, but in general she has an enviable physical resistance to illness if the mind is disciplined. Virgo's body rejects artificial nutrition and medications; if she is nervous or angry, food can become harmful to her. Virgos respond especially well to herbs and decoctions. An hour or two of alone time every day is recommended. It is better for Virgo to spend her vacation in the mountains, or in the countryside. The element shown is calcium. Herbs: mint, chamomile. Virgo Partners: Good compatibility with signs Taurus And Capricorn. Poor compatibility with signs Twins And Sagittarius. This, although correct, is too general a statement. The true compatibility of two people (and not just zodiac signs) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of the partners.

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lucky number for virgo sign

Lucky days– Wednesday.

Bad days- Thursday Friday.

Season- autumn.

Good places- markets, exchanges, schools, meadows, fields, copses.

Numbers– 3, 5 (all divisible by 5), 6, 12 (all multiples of 12), 20, 27.

Color spectrum– white, light blue, purple, green.

Stones– yellow sapphire (cat's eye), agate, jasper, malachite, topaz.

Metal– copper, tin.

Flowers– coltsfoot, red poppies, asters.

Symbols- Virgo, cube, vat.

Lucky numbers in the lottery– 2, 7, 12 and their combinations 2712, 712.

Lucky stones: aventurine, agate, amethyst, bull's eye, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, moonstone, malachite, jade, carnelian, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, jasper.

Important years: 21, 31, 50, 51.

Lucky stones: Hairy stone, heliotrope, jadeite, pearl, cat's eye, onyx, sardonyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine.

Important years: 16, 21, 24, 31, 32, 40, 50. 70.

Lucky stones: diamond, garnet, emerald, sapphire, topaz, peridot.

Important years: 16, 21, 24, 30, 31, 33, 41, 50.

Characteristics of Virgo

“. Sometimes she scolded herself so much that she even had tears in her eyes.”

Virgo man

Virgo woman



Ingrid Bergman, Leonard Bernstein, Greta Garbo, I.-W. Goethe, Lyndon Johnson, Theodore Dreiser, Henry Ford II, Maurice Chevalier, Lafayette, Sophia Loren, Cardinal Richelieu, Robert Taft, I. Levitan, Leo Tolstoy, J. Rainis.


Virgo-Man lives exclusively in the material practical world, he has no time for unearthly passions, your dreams of fairy-tale love with this man will never come true. Born with an instinctive love for work, discipline and duty, by the word "love" he means deep devotion to family.

If you try to build a passionate, sweetly stormy relationship with him, he may even run away from you. Whereas a moderately passionate romance will help you melt his dormant feelings.

Virgo men look for quality, not quantity, in love, which is why they have very few love stories. Moreover, most of them end tragically. Every time after another fiasco, they become even more immersed in work, avoid people and behave even more cautiously when making new acquaintances. Chastity is the symbol of Virgo, so many of them can live a long life of abstinence without experiencing any inconvenience.

The combination of rationalism and wit attracts many women to the Virgo man, but he himself, being a sophisticated seducer, rarely gets carried away seriously. His chosen one must be absolutely unique so that the Virgo man, fired up with passion, wants something more than a platonic relationship.

A Virgo man can search for his one and only for a long time. There's no point in lying to him, he sees right through you. In search of an honest and equal union, he sometimes loses all hope, but he will never compromise. It is quite difficult to emotionally captivate a Virgo man. But when he realizes that you are the one he has been looking for for so long, you will immediately feel the soft, even warmth of his love, protecting you from all life’s troubles. He is able to sacrifice a lot in the name of his love.

He will not flirt with a stranger, causing his wife to feel jealous, and will do everything to ensure that you never experience any material or emotional problems. You will receive maximum attention; no one will console you better in grief or illness. But he absolutely needs to feel you next to him every minute.

Possessing a clear memory and attention to detail, the Virgo man never forgets events and dates that are important to you. He will not make scenes of jealousy for you, but you should not forget about his possessive nature, unless, of course, you want to lose him. Virgo men are fierce opponents of breaking up a marriage, but despite their innate loyalty, if you cross the line, he will file for divorce without hesitation. He is convinced that a broken cup cannot be mended.

If you want to charm a Virgo man, be careful with your words. Stupidity and ignorance will repel a Virgo man just as much as vulgarity and dirt. You should dress modestly but elegantly, have an attractive haircut, and be intelligent. Your culinary skills must be at a decent level. A lazy and selfish woman, even one with luxurious forms, will never become the chosen one of a Virgo man. He needs a wife-friend, not a sexual partner.

Virgo men do not often strive to become fathers, so they usually have small families. But the Virgo father, as a responsible parent, pays a lot of attention to the born child, placing special emphasis on the development of intelligence: he reads books, helps with homework, teaches various skills, and goes for walks. Even after getting divorced, the Virgo father continues to raise his offspring. Virgos can be cold with their children, and sometimes overly critical, but their children know very well what discipline is.

The Virgo husband really likes it if you care about his health. Sometimes he can be grouchy. Do not prevent him from experiencing this state alone, after which he will surprise you with his tenderness. Allow him to take care of you, it makes him happy.

The Virgo man is intelligent and smart, although somewhat cold. If you don't notice his mistakes and weaknesses, he will be pleasant and reliable. Respect his habits. Don't be a bore, don't judge him, but don't take his criticisms seriously either. The Virgo husband is not perfect, but he is undoubtedly better than many other men. He is outwardly pleasant, smart and neat, works a lot, always has money, does not have mistresses, rarely attends bachelor parties, remembers all the dates that are significant to you.

VIRGO woman

The Virgo woman should not be perceived as a symbol of defenselessness, tenderness and humility. She can leave her husband and go to the ends of the earth for new love; would rather give birth to a child out of wedlock, but from a loved one, than marry an unloved one; meets the blows of fate with his head held high.

Virgos are very shy from birth. They don't shout at meetings, don't act hooliganly while driving, and don't participate in questionable parties. But, like a real woman, Virgo will fight for her happiness to the end, independently eliminating insurmountable obstacles.

Virgos are unable to break social laws, and if they commit an immoral act, it is only in the name of true love. Virgo is ready to make huge sacrifices for the sake of her beloved. Hypocrisy in love and family is a great tragedy for her, so she will calmly and without hesitation destroy her marriage if she considers it imperfect. The greatest treasure for her is true love. Virgo is both a romantic and a devilishly calculating creature.

The physical component of love is not dominant for Virgo. She has a passionate soul, which is important for those men who value spirituality in a woman.

Although not an ideal, Virgo, however, gravitates towards everything ideal. Some negative aspects of her nature are sometimes very annoying. Virgo women are convinced that they do the best work and the highest quality, and so it is. When Virgo is unhappy or upset, she may torment you with sarcastic remarks. If Virgo has turned into a real vixen, angry with you, ask her for forgiveness and give her a gift. Don't argue with her, it's useless. Don't try to deceive her. Intuition and a clear mind help her expose the most skillful lies; you will not be forgiven. Virgo is not naive, although she is truthful and pure.

I do not advise you to criticize Virgo. Firstly, they rarely make mistakes. Secondly, Virgo will never publicly admit that she is wrong. If your male pride allows you, you can consult with her on financial issues (no doubt, you will receive a competent answer), and also entrust the management of the family budget (everything will be fine).

Virgo will not tolerate a gentleman next to her who does not watch his speech and manners. When caring for her, forget about slang words, not to mention swearing and drunkenness. Chew with your mouth closed, do not slurp. In order not to alienate Virgo, you should shave daily, take a shower in the morning and evening, wear status cologne, have a neat hairstyle, wear a fresh shirt and clean shoes.

Do not take Virgo to the casino, placing high bets in front of her eyes. When breaking up with her, do not attack her with kisses and hugs, even if you have been dating for a long time. Be attentive and unobtrusive, kind and not pestering. Keep everything in moderation. Take her to the theatre, carnival or spectacular show. Subtle artistic taste and highly developed intellect will allow her to appreciate a high-quality spectacle. Virgo loves books, music, drama, but criticizes them with taste. Being an excellent critic, she subjects your appearance, actions and words to strict analysis. She is critical of everything - the principle of her existence, as natural as breathing.

Your Virgo lover will be happy to take control of a lot of things without you having to worry about them.

Virgo is devoted and faithful like no other. It is extremely rare that, carried away by self-affirmation, she can have a short affair. Virgo perfectly controls her emotions, hiding them from strangers, and is capable of playing adultery so skillfully that you will never know about it. But this is an exception to the rule. You can rest assured of Virgo’s loyalty if her passionate and tender heart is given to you.

Although Virgos are overly attentive to detail and love to find fault, this does not prevent them from being selfless, kind and very caring. Take their shortcomings as advantages. Virgo's critical observation helps us improve this world and ourselves in it. Enjoy Virgos' calm, gentle manner of communication, their sophisticated humor, the light streaming from their eyes and their iridescent laughter.

Truth for a Virgo woman is synonymous with beauty. The perceptive nature of Virgo is sensitive to even the smallest amount of lies; you should not try to deceive her. Only by having trust in a person will she be able to open up to him. Be attentive to the habits and requests that are so important to her, admire her pet and don’t be surprised when she wipes the dust here and there every two hours. The Virgo woman is wise and has great vitality. Despite her innate modesty and even timidity, she is the center and stronghold of the whole family, a powerful support and support for loved ones in difficult times.

Virgo women are usually excellent cooks, they are wonderful housewives, their home is clean and cozy. Virgo children are always neatly dressed and carefully combed; they are not allowed to make a mess on your desk or office. The Virgo mother strictly raises her child, usually the only one, devoting all her time to him, monitoring his moral, intellectual and physical development. She can be a little cold with her beloved child if she is not confident in her husband. If her husband surrounds her with love and attention, then Virgo exudes spiritual warmth around her. Children love Virgo mothers for their gentleness and good sense of humor. Virgos soften their firmness in parenting with love and tenderness.

The Virgo woman needs spiritual food and daily bread equally. It’s nice to come to her comfortably furnished home when tired after work. It will help you get rid of difficult thoughts and help you cope with seemingly insoluble problems. She will surround you with care in case of illness, and will never flirt with your acquaintance. She is always elegant in her clothes and can support discussions on any topic. You will be shrouded in respect and devotion, you are guaranteed to avoid ugly scenes of jealousy, and your funds will be spent wisely. Virgo will carefully keep your secrets, help you build a career, and will preserve the freshness of your skin and spring in your gait until your old age.

All these wonderful qualities more than offset the small shortcomings. Appreciate your luck and take care of your Virgo, having met her once.

VIRGO child

Little Virgos demonstrate acting talent from birth, accurately imitating sounds and copying those around them. They are silent and quiet, and at the same time smart and fast. Such contrasting qualities determine their entire future life.

You can't feed your Virgo baby plum puree if he wants apple puree. Smiling charmingly, he will dodge the offered spoon with unwanted food. He develops strange taste preferences early on, for example, he prefers broccoli to candy. Such selectivity, and not only in food, will accompany him throughout his life.

Raising a Virgo baby is very pleasant, unless, of course, you take into account some pickiness in food and possible digestive disorders. Virgo children are very neat, they always put their toys in their place, and they rarely throw tantrums. Virgos behave inconspicuously among their peers, showing their individuality primarily in the family circle. They begin to speak early and do it very smartly and clearly. The Virgo child is obedient, rarely upsets loved ones, and both boys and girls are happy to help their mother with household chores.

At school, the Virgo child learns easily and with pleasure, grasping knowledge on the fly, does homework carefully, and is easy to negotiate with, which is why they are often teachers’ favorites. By criticizing Virgo, especially in front of strangers, you will cause him serious moral trauma. Make comments, explaining the mistake, in a calm voice, tactfully, and you will definitely be heard.

Virgos are serious and responsible, love to work, are pleasant to talk to, and unobtrusive. They can withdraw into themselves if they experience attacks from classmates. The tactful and calm Virgo will be a good class leader. However, she will not miss a mistake made by someone and will definitely make a remark. During their student years, Virgos work a lot in the reading rooms of libraries, they are painstaking and meticulous, they trust time-tested knowledge from books more than lecture speakers.

Virgos should be actively developed from childhood: read, play intellectual games, take them to museums and theaters, so that in adulthood they do not experience complexes about not knowing anything.

You should not focus on the interest of growing Virgos in the opposite sex, otherwise the child may decide that he is doing something unclean and withdraw into himself. After all, you don’t want to stay in your old age with a bachelor son or an old maid?

Constantly reaffirm your love for your Virgo child with words, kisses and tender hugs. Otherwise, future relationships with people may not be simply due to a lack of parental love. Even smart and beautiful little Virgos can sometimes be too modest. Praise and admiration will not spoil them, but will only strengthen their self-confidence.

Since childhood, Virgo acquires certain preferences. She doesn’t like it when they take her personal belongings without asking, try to get into her affairs, and break the daily routine that has established once and for all. It is useless to get an answer from her if she does not want to answer the question. She is amazingly observant and accurately copies the characteristics of her family. Virgo will demand a separate room before her peers.

Virgos are very picky when it comes to food; not every dish will suit their taste. You can safely rely on a Virgo child, because he has an innate sense of responsibility. He is friendly to family members and understands their problems.

Possessing a lot of qualities inherent in an exemplary child, Virgo will easily infuriate you with her tediousness: either she will not agree to wear a skirt because one fold is not ironed properly, or she will refuse to eat porridge for breakfast because it is too salty and will talk about it until lunch itself.

Virgos love to take care of the helpless and the little ones. Do not give him a diver or a Great Dane; if he asks for a pet, it is better to buy a hamster, kitten or bird.

Listen to the words of your Virgo child, he is wise beyond his years. You shouldn’t reprimand or scold Virgo for some mistake; they rarely act inappropriately.

Virgos do not really like to listen to fairy tales, because they are realists from birth.

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Compatibility horoscope: Virgo zodiac sign when it begins and ends - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The sixth sign of the zodiac in the horoscope is the earth sign - Virgo. This sign includes everyone born from August 24 to September 22. These people have such qualities as: modesty; intelligence; practicality; politeness. Virgos also have a hard work ethic and despise lazy people. People of this sign can also be considered petty and scrupulous. There are no ideal people, and our virgins have their drawbacks. Some people tend to be excessively talkative.

What can you say about children whose zodiac sign is Virgo? No problem! That's the whole answer. These children grow up quietly and peacefully. They are obedient and not capricious. Performers in everything. At school, there are no problems with such children at all. Most children born under the sign of Virgo have a gift for drawing. It is not recommended to reprimand such a child in the presence of someone else; virgins take this very seriously. Surround your virgin babies with your love and care. Even at a young age, such children already become realists.

Zodiac sign Virgo: August 24 – September 22

Dates on which people of the Virgo zodiac sign are born: August 24 – September 22. This is an earth trine sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury. The talisman color is pink; the amulet can be any of the natural stones corresponding to the Virgo zodiac sign. Aroma – orange, tea tree. According to their stellar temperament, those born on the days of the Virgo zodiac sign are melancholic. They are extremely restrained in expressing emotions, their reactions to what is happening are significantly different from how other zodiac signs react to certain events.

Zodiac signs dates, by dates (by numbers) by months. Boundaries of zodiac signs in astrology.

In this short article, I will describe the dates of the zodiac signs, i.e. how are they distributed zodiac signs by dates and months in astrology from what date does a certain zodiac sign begin? The dates of the boundaries of the zodiac signs may vary slightly, this depends on the fact that every 4th year is a leap year and the boundaries of the signs shift. This is also affected by your location on the globe, i.e. Timezone. If the year is a leap year, then the start date of the zodiac sign will be later, if the year is not a leap year, the start date of the sign will be earlier. Those. in a leap year zodiac sign border Aries will begin on March 21, and in a normal year from March 20, but you still need to take into account both the time zone and the exact time of birth.

Leap years: 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 6, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012

Nasa reports the change of zodiac signs, that there will now be 13 zodiac signs. The 13th zodiac sign will be Ophiuchus. And he gives new dates for the zodiac signs of 2016:

If we accept these changes in astrology, then in this case it will be necessary to change the entire system of astrology radically. Previous traditional interpretations will no longer correspond to the new 13 zodiac signs. Because Having changed the foundation, one might say, having broken it, the building cannot stand unscathed. And the foundation of astrology is the 12 signs of the zodiac, on which all astrology is built. And it still works great!

It's not about the location of the constellations in the sky, but about the cycle of the Earth's revolution around the Sun. We, as observers from Earth, mark 4 important points in the Solar cycle. The first of them occurs at the beginning of the sign Aries - March 20-21 - the day of the vernal equinox, when day is equal to night. From this time, daylight hours increase, and at the point of the summer solstice, the length of daylight hours reaches its maximum - the beginning of the Cancer sign - June 21-22. Then the daylight hours decrease and on September 22-23, day is again equal to night - the beginning of the sign Libra is the day of the autumn equinox. Then the daylight begins to decrease and reaches its minimum on December 21-22 - the day of the winter solstice - the beginning of the sign Capricorn. This is the foundation of astrology, built on natural cycles, and then, based on these points, there is a division into 12 zodiac signs.

As a traditional astrologer, I will continue to use the 12 zodiac signs. The constellation Ophiuchus has its influence, as do many other constellations. You can read about the influence of the constellation Ophiuchus in this article: November, what is the zodiac sign. November 22 and 23 what zodiac sign is - calculate by date of birth online for free. Ophiuchus.

Aries dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Aries– from March 20-21 to April 19-20. The new astrological year begins on March 20, on the day of the spring equinox.

Dates Taurus. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Taurus– from April 19-20 to May 20-21

Gemini dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Gemini– from May 20-21 to June 21-22

Dates Cancer. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Cancer– from June 21-22 to July 22-23

Dates Lev. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Leo– from July 22-23 to August 22-23

Virgo dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Virgo– from August 22-23 to September 22-23

Dates Libra. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Libra– from September 22-23 to October 23-24

Scorpio dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Scorpio– from October 23-24 to November 21-22

Dates Sagittarius. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Sagittarius– from November 21-22 to December 21-22

Dates Capricorn. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Capricorn– from December 21-22 to January 20-21

Dates Aquarius. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Aquarius– from January 20-21 to February 18-19

Pisces dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Pisces– from February 18-19 to March 20-21

Note. Zodiac sign boundary dates may shift by months not specified here, depending on your time zone and time of birth. And if you were born on the border of the zodiac signs, then you can go through the online service for free” Determine your solar zodiac sign” and find out your zodiac sign by date and time of birth.

Olga-administrator » 07/24/2013 09:30

Olga, to find out what was the zodiac sign at the time of birth, i.e. where the Sun was, you can follow this link: http://taro-mymagic.ru/Solnce-rasschitat-v-kakom-znake/solnce_v_znakah_zodiaka.php

and determine your zodiac sign online, to do this, enter the birth details of your granddaughter in the form fields. This service is free.

And in order to determine Venus, Mars and the Moon in the zodiac signs at the time of birth and get additional personality characteristics, you can go to this section of the site, free online services are also presented here

Olga Bezugolnikova » 07/23/2013 14:28

It is not difficult to determine the zodiac sign of a person born in the first half of the month, as well as at the very end. Difficulties arise for those people who were born at the junction of two representatives of the horoscope. As a rule, this applies to those born on the 19th-24th of the month. In this article we will look at the duration of such a zodiac sign as Virgo. From what date it is valid, we will find out below. We will also analyze methods by which you can accurately find out your zodiac sign.

Virgo: from what date to what date?

Zodiac sign is nothing more than the position of the Sun at the moment of birth. In professional astrology it is considered incorrect to use such a name. It is customary to call this position a solar sign. During the year the star passes through twelve constellations. The time he is in one of the 12 representatives of the horoscope is the duration of the “reign” of a certain zodiac sign. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time when Virgo dominates in astrology. From what date to what date does this sign last? On average, it begins on August 22-24 and lasts until September 21-24. But the exact boundaries of this sign, like any other, should be calculated every year, because they are constantly changing.

Virgo: what number does it start with?

If you were born at the junction of this sign and its predecessor Leo, then in order to accurately determine your solar patron you need to build your natal chart. It will show the position in your personal horoscope of not only the Sun, but also other planets. To correctly construct a chart, you need to know the exact time of birth, because in astrology, sometimes seconds matter. To find out about the Virgo sign and what date it begins in a particular year, you will also need this specific tool. But there is one peculiarity here. The following question about the sign Virgo is not entirely correct: “From when to what date does it dominate?” After all, numbers are not the issue here. It may happen (and, as a rule, this is actually the case) that some part of the day still belongs to Leo, and only a certain period of the day passes into the power of Virgo. The average characteristics of the beginning and end of this sign were given in the article earlier.

Virgo: Brief Description

The temperament of people born under this sign is characterized by melancholy and restraint. These are modest hard workers, simple and calm, quite sociable. At the same time, Virgos are dry and pedantic, sometimes even boring. The positive qualities of this zodiac sign include diligence, perseverance, assertiveness and incredible performance, calmness, diligence and a sense of duty, conscientiousness. Negative characteristics include excessive criticality, coldness, cynicism, and in rare cases, insidiousness, unprincipledness and ruthlessness. Externally, Virgos can be recognized by their rather tall stature and delicate facial features. They move silently and softly. They know how to behave well in society. They often occupy high ruling positions. Their life is calm and long.

Virgo zodiac sign on what dates of the month?

Dates on which people of the Virgo zodiac sign are born: August 24 – September 23. This is an earth trine sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury.

According to their stellar temperament, those born on the days of the Virgo zodiac sign are melancholic. They are extremely restrained in expressing emotions, their reactions to what is happening are significantly different from how other zodiac signs react to certain events.

Zodiac sign Virgo - horoscope of the first autumn month

  • Astrological colors corresponding to the birthday in the Virgo zodiac sign and bringing good luck to its representatives - white, blue, purple, green.
  • The following stones are energetically suitable for the Virgo horoscope: jade, carnelian, yellow sapphire, agate, jasper, topaz, chrysoprase. Any of them can become a talisman stone for a person of this constellation.
  • Metal – tin, copper.
  • Happy day for the Virgo zodiac sign is Wednesday. However, on Thursday and Friday, luck may turn away from representatives of the sign. During these two days they need to be extremely careful.

Numbers and dates that suit the Virgo zodiac sign

Favorable numbers for the zodiac sign Virgo– 3, 5, 6, 12 (and all multiples of 12), 20, 27.

  • People born under the Virgo zodiac sign on the dates from August 24 to September 2 are under the influence of the Sun. They have a sense of harmony, calmness, do not like sports, mobility, and prefer a sedentary lifestyle. The years play a special role in their lives: 21, 31, 50, 51.
  • Virgos born on the days from September 3 to 11 are under the strong influence of Venus. They are secretive, shy, need a family and are often monogamous. Important years in the life of Virgos in the second decade: 32, 40, 50, 70
  • The zodiac sign Virgo from September 12th to September 23rd is under the influence of Mercury. People born on these days of the month are distinguished by modesty and a desire to remain in the shadows; Despite the famous hard work of Virgos, they can be lazy. Late marriages are typical for people in their last decade. Important years for Virgo Mercury: 16, 21, 24, 30, 31, 33, 41, 50.

Character of people born in the month under the zodiac sign Virgo

The character of those born under the Virgo zodiac sign is usually calm and balanced; a sense of balance and stability is important to them. They are unsurpassed masters of self-control, show emotions sparingly, and consider this a blessing.

These people are overly pedantic; all their lives they strive for some unattainable ideal, and are too demanding of themselves and others.

Born Virgo zodiac sign dates, very hardworking, highly efficient, responsible and diligent workers. But in excessive doses this becomes a disadvantage of Virgos, so they should observe moderation in their performing zeal.

Zodiac sign “Virgo” until what date?

The sixth sign of the Zodiac. Its symbol is the fields of Hymen, a sheaf of ears. This symbolizes the purity of conception, human virtue, criticality, practicality, help. Earth sign, mutable, nocturnal, cold. Ruler - Mercury. Exaltation of Mercury. Imprisonment - Neptune. Fall of Venus. Number – 10. Tarot card – Wheel of Fortune. The spirit of the sign is Hamaliel. Mineral – Flint.

I dean (0°-9°). Ruler Mercury. The genius of the dean's office is Timus. Key words: intelligence, planning, gigantomania, shyness.

II dean (10°-19°). Ruler Saturn. The genius of the dean's office is Topitus. Key words: receptivity of mind (logicality), ambition, analyticalism, hard work and patience, the power of carnal desire.

III decan (20°-29°). Ruler Venus. The genius of the dean's office is Afut. Key words: duty, sense of duty, self-denial, “emotional logic”, difficulties in marriage.

Virgo: from what date does this zodiac sign dominate?

It is not difficult to determine the Zodiac symbol of a person born in the first half of the month, also at the very end. Difficulties arise for those people who were born at the junction of two representatives of the horoscope. Typically, this applies to those born on the 19th-24th of the month. In this article we will look at the duration of such a zodiac sign as Virgo. From what date it is valid, we will find out below. We will also look at methods by which you can accurately find out your Zodiac symbol.

Virgo: from what date to what date?

The Zodiac symbol is nothing more than the position of the Sun at the moment of birth. In professional astrology it is considered incorrect to use such a name. It is customary to call this position a solar sign. During the year the star passes through twelve constellations. The time he is in one of the 12 representatives of the horoscope is the duration of the “reign” of a certain zodiac sign. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time when Virgo rules in astrology. From what number to what number does this symbol continue? On average, it starts on August 22-24 and continues right until September 21-24. But the exact boundaries of this sign, like any other, should be calculated every year, because they are constantly changing.

Virgo: what number does it start with?

If you were born at the junction of this sign and its predecessor Leo, then in order to accurately determine your solar patron you need to build your natal chart. It will show the position in your personal horoscope of not only the Sun, but also other planets. To correctly construct a chart, you need to know the exact time of birth, because in astrology, from time to time, seconds matter. To find out about the Virgo symbol and what date it begins in a particular year, you will also need this specific tool. But there is one peculiarity here. The following question about the Virgo sign is not entirely correct: “From what date does it rule?” After all, it's not about numbers. It may happen (and, usually, this is actually the case) that some part of the day still belongs to Leo, and only a certain period of the day passes into the power of Virgo. The average characteristics of the beginning and end of this sign were given in the article earlier.

Virgo: Brief Description

The temperament of people born under this sign is characterized by melancholy and restraint. These are modest hard workers, simple and calm, quite sociable. At the same time, Virgos are dry and pedantic, sometimes even boring. The positive qualities of this zodiac sign include diligence, perseverance, assertiveness and incredible performance, calmness, diligence and a sense of duty, conscientiousness. Negative characteristics include excessive criticality, coldness, cynicism, and in rare cases, insidiousness, unprincipledness and ruthlessness. From the outside, Virgos can be recognized by their fairly tall stature and delicate facial features. They move silently and softly. They know how to behave well in society. They often occupy the highest ruling positions. Their life is calm and long.

What number does the Virgo zodiac sign begin with?

The zodiac sign - VIRGO - begins on the twenty-third of August, and ends its circle on the twenty-third of September.

Patron planet of Virgo: Proserpina. The second ruling planet is the omnipresent and fast Mercury.

These two planets endow Virgos with practicality, hard work, discipline, accuracy, a sense of responsibility and duty, incorruptibility and honesty, as well as a tendency to be petty and boring.

What number does the Virgo zodiac sign begin with?

From Mercury, their patron planet, Virgos received the gift of attentiveness, intelligence, pedantry, and accuracy. Those born under this zodiac sign are usually modest and shy. In addition, these people are most often honest and idealistic individuals.

They have their own opinions on many issues, and they can only be forced to change their point of view with the help of convincing arguments. At the same time, Virgos, despite the desire for ideals, are quite materialistic and practical. They approach all ideas, including their own, with a fair amount of criticism.

They are not conservative, but they don’t need change for the sake of change. They are able to master and implement any innovation into their lives if it has practical benefits.

The zodiac sign Virgo begins on August 21 and ends on September 20. People born during this time period can master such professions as:

  • literary critic;
  • diplomat;
  • account Manager;
  • creative director.

Virgos have their own, special understanding of the word “love”. Usually for them it does not mean passion and a storm of emotions, but loyalty and devotion to the family, caring for their loved one and children. They take marriage very seriously. For them, this is not just a stamp in a passport, but a “union for centuries” and a promise, first of all to themselves, to always help and support their spouse.

Zodiac horoscope, description of zodiac signs


"Sometimes she scolded herself so much that she even had tears in her eyes.”

As for the business qualities of people born under the sign of Virgo, they are more suitable for the role of subordinates than leaders. An increased sense of responsibility makes them worry too much about the mistakes of others. But no one like a “virgin” can understand complex, intricate projects so well and implement them with fewer losses.

As a boss, he is kind, fair, considerate and honest. If you want to get promoted while working under him, be precise, fast, accurate and work without errors. But they are excellent advisors and executors. “Virgins” feel in their place as deputies. They are well versed in the smallest details, notice mistakes and miscalculations and criticize them, regardless of personality, be it the boss himself, but they do it in a soft, polite manner. Their meticulous arguments can drive you crazy, but if your business is neglected and you don’t have time to get everything done on time, they will roll up their sleeves and, without hesitation, rush to “shovel everything up.” They will not do this out of ambition, they are simply precise, smart, reliable workers.

It should be noted that men born under the sign of Virgo are very practical people who are not prone to sentimentality. But, despite this, from childhood they are capable of love, expressed in deep affection for family, friends and those who are weaker than them. The path to the heart of such a man is not easy, since any external manifestation of emotions in the form of fiery confessions and tears, as well as coquetry and increased sexuality, can only push him away. He is too picky in choosing a lover and therefore he has few serious romances, and those that do happen most often end in failure. The usual reaction of a “virgin” to such a situation is the desire to delve even deeper into difficult work. If he fails to find a worthy girlfriend at all, then such a man will not kill himself or suffer from an inferiority complex, but will calmly live his life as a bachelor. If you fall in love with a Virgo man, keep in mind that they hate stupidity and ignorance just as much as they hate dirt and vulgarity. We advise you to dress discreetly but elegantly, comb your hair gracefully and be smart. When he becomes your husband, you will acquire an intelligent, somewhat cold spouse, and there are not so many shortcomings in him. On the other hand, “virgins” can be very tender and attentive to women who have received their love. They will not make you jealous, they always remember all sorts of family dates and are well aware of those little things that can bring joy to a woman. They are faithful husbands and go to the extent of breaking family ties only in exceptional cases, when there is a clear violation of decency. But once this has happened, no amount of prayers and tears will force the “virgin” to change his decision, since he firmly believes that “you can’t fix broken dishes.”

Since we are talking about women born under the sign of Virgo, first of all one should not think that these are romantically minded, fragile innocent creatures. And although they are naturally shy, they will stop at nothing when they need to get their way. Disregarding public opinion, a “virgin” can leave her husband for her lover and give birth to an illegitimate child from him. He endures all the blows of fate with his head held high. If Virgo thinks that she has found her true love, and there is no other for her, she will not hesitate to break her previous ties, despite the fact that it is not in her spirit to break a family. “Virgin” is the only woman in the entire Zodiac who combines high romanticism and completely grounded practicality. Her spine is truly made of steel. She is convinced that no one can conduct business as conscientiously and accurately as she can, and no one can be such a reliable support for others.

What can you say about Virgo children? They are fast and smart and at the same time quiet and silent. If we put aside their picky eating and therefore tendency to unexpected stomach upsets, then raising such children is a very pleasant experience with rare conflicts and the need to deal with whims. Even when they are very young, these children are very neat and always put their toys in their place. Usually they are shy and silent in the presence of strangers, but in the circle of family and friends you cannot say about them that they “swallowed their tongue.” A child born under the sign of Virgo usually begins to speak very early and makes pleasant company for his mother as she does household chores. He willingly helps her and will do what he is asked to do without further ado.

Ingrid Bergman, Leonard Bernstein, Greta Garbo, I.-W. Goethe, Lyndon Johnson, Theodore Dreiser, Henry Ford II, Maurice Chevalier, Lafayette, Sophia Loren, Cardinal Richelieu, Robert Taft, I. Levitan, Leo Tolstoy, J. Rainis.

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f - Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Basic properties:

Virgo is capable of thinking logically, values ​​erudition, has an analytical mind, is observant, and has diverse interests. Virgo's creed: If something is worth doing, then do it well. Many people of this sign achieve high results in everything, because... the criterion of significance is excessively high, constantly striving for perfection.

Properties Description
Date of: Western astrology August 24 - September 23
Indian astrology September 17 - October 17
Constellation according to the Sun September 17 - October 31
Mascot: Grasshopper, aster.
Symbols: Virgo, cube, vat.
Colors: White, blue, purple, green.
Stones: Jade, carnelian, yellow sapphire (“cat’s eye”), agate, carnelite, jasper, malachite, topaz, chrysoprase, marble.
Metal: Tin, copper.
Essential oils: Eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, rose, sage, orange, incense, thyme, basil.
Asters, coltsfoot, red poppies.

Temperament and character:

Virgo is perhaps one of the most complex and rich signs of the zodiac. The need for culture, for improvement, understanding through logic, deduction, system. These are skeptics who do not believe in revelation and intuition. But most religious philosophers imagine their spiritual leaders as being born of a virgin. Virgos rarely exaggerate; they analyze and think; what they see is all too clear, they take everything personally, criticize, try to simplify. They are like cats torn between curiosity and fear. Virgo is the sign of cats and small animals in general. They are restless and want to think things through before doing them. Sometimes it takes too long, which deprives them of spontaneity, often because of this they lose chances, miss opportunities. They are smart, efficient, reliable and can do anything, they can be mediocre, boring, the greatest thinkers, and geniuses. There are three different types of Virgos depending on the solution to the problem of greed.

Type Essence
1 Unable to solve the problem or solves it unsatisfactorily. He is always restrained, constrained, abstinent. This tendency can range from positive to negative extremes: from the need for order to manic pedantry, from penny collecting to great collecting, from cleanliness to excessive scrupulousness, from careful planning to putting everything off until tomorrow.
2 I went to the opposite extreme, to a physical and psychological breakdown, as a form of protest and disagreement. Loves “dirt” of all kinds, thirst for strength and power, cruelty to the point of selfishness. This type is often compared to Scorpio.
3 Mixed, oscillating between first and second, held with one hand and given with the other. An intermediate personality, sloppy today and passionate about cleanliness tomorrow. A respectable citizen suddenly becomes violent.

All types are reflected in clothing: classic, impeccable style, conservative, caring for details, but without much imagination, courage or freedom. Sometimes intentionally - exquisitely, supernormally. This can turn into dullness, monotony, which has lost all connection with fashion. These people like to wear everything out and hesitate to buy new things. A “positive” Virgo wears carefully selected and fitted clothes that make a good impression.

Love and marriage:

Virgo has no natural instinct to take action. If their heart is caught, they retreat, go into hiding to think. They hate and fear all uncertainty and expectation. Some Virgos are afraid that bearing children will deprive them of their femininity and attractiveness. Others become mothers attached to their children and give up their independence. Passion seems to Virgo to be a disease of the soul that the mind must extract. They analyze their feelings, trying to minimize them with the help of reason, doubt, debate, ridicule, while being more attached than they think. Virgos are hot ice, they do not pour out their feelings and love, proving with deeds more than words. Tenderness takes the form of humiliation: swearing loyalty, the same is not expected in return. And they keep their word. They expect relationships where the main emphasis is on honesty, purity, deep chastity, affection; if they cannot have this, then they prefer loneliness. No sign has more bachelors and spinsters isolated in a tower of criticism. The biggest difficulties occur in the first stage of a relationship. Virgos are constrained or feel awkward when it comes to making it clear to another what feelings they harbor, sometimes they miss their opportunities, remain lonely, tormented by passionate desires, or retreat to the level of ordinary, generally accepted relationships that bring them indifference, but calmness, giving each of the partners a seat in loneliness leads them to deep vegetation. In the later days of life, they suddenly blow it all up for the sake of one incredible passion. Virgo has the highest percentage of stops, delays at the last minute: almost everything is stopped. Virgo lovers are divided into 3 categories: the lucky type combines business with pleasure; he is a charming man with an even character who loves to cook and do all sorts of household chores. Women in this category are affectionate, lively, devoted and “serve coffee in bed.” The abstinent type can be cold to the point of latent impotence; he is a puritan, an awkward novice, fantasizing alone, interrupted by short-term adventures. A woman of this type can be narrow-minded, making a monument of virtue out of her loneliness or turning life around her into a training camp and home. The third type allows sex to dictate its own rules, has adventures after adventures, the heart is almost not involved, sometimes with a penchant for pornography. Women of this type can start out as Lolita and end up as nymphomaniacs in monastic robes. In marriage, Virgos often occupy a subordinate position. They always have a certain degree of dependence. They create this situation themselves if there is an element of calculation in their choice. An alliance with Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer is favorable. Aries and Sagittarius should be avoided.

Choice of profession:

In their youth they are attentive to the choice of profession, realizing how serious life is, they want to study and work on themselves all their lives. Love for detail and perfection, keen analysis, sometimes turning into greedy pedantry, concern for health, all this opens up great opportunities for them. Virgos are impeccable regardless of their chosen profession. They may prefer to work alone, but this does not exclude the ability to work together. They are correct with their superiors, strict with their subordinates, sometimes a little patronizing and condescending. They feel uncomfortable asking for a raise. They are sometimes underpaid for a long time; they are paid with tokens of encouragement, medals, and patents. They are attentive, careful in financial matters and can live on little money; they know how to slowly save for a “pleasant” tomorrow, taking care of a rainy day. They rarely take risks in gambling and do not rely on luck. Virgos make good doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, emergency workers, obstetricians, massage therapists, herbalists, nutritionists, linguists, as well as watchmakers, opticians, engineers, chemists, clerks, designers, farmers, laundresses, cleaners, shop owners, secretaries, telephone operators, domestic staff, civil servants, textile and horse care specialists. Virgos are considered the "worker bees" of society. They love their work to the point of self-denial. This is the core of their life.

Attitude towards money:

In this area, Virgo’s position is determined by the role that money plays in her life. It is worth answering the question, what is it like? In general, a Virgo loves to count money and will weigh it a thousand times before making a purchase.

Comfort preferences:

Virgo's comfort consists of many little things. It is important for her to have everything at hand. And, if there is no system in placing things, then the impression of chaos is created, in which it is difficult to find anything.

Life planning:

To plan their activities, Virgo needs to build a system for their life. Answer the question, what's what? Otherwise, her plans will constantly be thwarted.


They correctly say that all people have the gift of foresight and the ability to superfeel. But it is important to develop these abilities and use them. Virgo's intuition is based on knowledge, which she can quickly navigate.


Most Virgos are overly reasonable and like everything to be according to the rules. Their balconies are usually surrounded by greenery. Material well-being is very important to them. Strong floral aromas and exotic aromas can put them in a romantic mood, unless the sense of reality prevails. Virgos like a bottle with strict geometric shapes. They may be strongly affected by blue or green packaging.

Days and numbers:

    Favorable numbers: 2, 5 (all numbers divisible by 5), 6, 12 (all multiples of 12), 20, 27.

    Lucky day: Wednesday.

    Unlucky day: Thursday, Friday.

Those born from August 24 to September 2 - under the influence of the Sun - have a sense of harmony, tranquility and a tendency towards a sedentary life. Important years: 21, 31, 50, 51.

Those born from September 3 to 11 - under the influence of Venus - are secretive, shy, and often monogamous. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 31, 32, 40, 50.

Those born from September 12 to 23 - under the influence of Mercury - are modest and resourceful, sometimes lazy, often marry late. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 30, 31, 33, 41, 50.


Virgo's body does not feel like a part of nature. It does not have the energy of Aries, the vitality of Taurus, the elasticity of Gemini, the endurance of Cancer, or the resistance of Leo. It is temporary, gets tired easily, and often looks painful. The lungs and muscles may be underdeveloped, but the body is equipped with a first-class nervous system that knows how to cope with this deficiency. Monitors symptoms and prevents bad things from getting worse. Sometimes this can lead to exaggerated attention to one’s health, hypochondria, mania for cleanliness, and fear of germs, which excludes all normal contacts, which can result in sexual abstinence. The main danger of Virgo is constipation, which threatens to poison the entire system if it drags on too long. Tumors are relatively rare, which cannot be said about intestinal spasms caused by anxiety, worries, worries, from which you can free yourself for a while, but which are rarely completely curable. Inflammation of the small intestines, uremia. Preventive measures: light regular meals, healthy diet. Regular walks, hours of sleep and most importantly - regular bowel movements. Prescription treatment and moderate use. Virgos sometimes consider their illnesses to be a punishment for the joy of indulging in carnal pleasures. Virgo is the healthiest type of all the zodiac signs and, if she takes basic care of her health, she can outlive her stronger friends. But we must take into account that she may become disabled, especially in old age, if she falls into despair, and it will be difficult for the doctor to help her. Therefore, it is vital for Virgo to accustom herself to the idea that she is healthy, everything is fine with her and she is not a victim of illness; Cultivate warmth in relationships with others rather than inviting sympathy for ill health, imagined or real. Virgos tend to always, even when traveling, have a personal first aid kit with an amazing collection of various medicines, covering almost all areas of medicine. Virgo will always help if someone is in pain and the nearest pharmacy is closed. She will give not only medicine, but also a large dose of sincere sympathy. Based on this character trait, many astrologers believe that when choosing professions, work serving patients should come first for Virgo. But in reality, unless the placement of the planets has changed the innate qualities of the sign, this work is not suitable for her, since her excessive sympathy can harm the health of the patient. Virgo should turn her thoughts away from the disease, and not towards it. From your first aid kit you should exclude (or keep only for others) strong patented remedies for acid imbalance and strong laxatives. Virgo's intestines are hypersensitive to such medications, and their use can cause serious harm. Most of Virgo's physical ailments are the result of slowly increasing nervous tension. Then, as a rule, health is restored if you only learn to bring yourself into an indifferent state both externally and internally. Virgos are characterized by the following diseases: digestive disorders, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the peritoneum, tapeworm, typhoid fever, colitis, appendicitis and hernia. Family disharmony is the main source of illness for Virgo.


To maintain good health, Virgos must be careful about their food choices. Most Virgos know this and sometimes go so far as to be called health fanatics. Still, having a delicate digestive system, it is better to be called a fanatic and an eccentric than to be indiscriminate in food and get sick. It may turn out that a girl who is too concerned about diet problems follows a diet that does not provide her body with the necessary substances. The basic rule to follow is to avoid foods and drinks that are difficult to digest and irritate the intestinal walls. With this exception, you can enjoy a wide variety of meats, fruits and vegetables. Much attention should be paid to protein foods, which are quickly digested and increase metabolism, resulting in energy production. Breakfast should contain a lot of protein, for example, a pie with lean pureed beef and cottage cheese. It is better to drink tea in the morning than coffee. The worst option is to start the day with food rich in carbohydrates, which Virgo’s body digests with difficulty. Unfortunately, this is the most common breakfast. Virgo mineral salt is potassium sulfate, which regulates the flow and distribution of oils in the body and promotes the circulation of oxygen to skin cells. Its deficiency can lead to clogging of skin pores, resulting in inflammation of the sebaceous glands, eczema, and dandruff. This salt is found in chicory, endive lettuce, wheat bran flour, oats, rye, cheese, almonds and lean beef. Yogurt is good for Virgos as it promotes the growth of essential intestinal bacteria, which prepares the body to digest protein and B vitamins. The diet should also include spinach, zucchini, zucchini, citrus fruits, plums, apples, pears, dates, almonds and well-chewed walnuts nuts. Medicinal herbs that harmonize with Virgo, rosemary, garden savory and valerian. They can be consumed seasonally, brewed as tea, or taken in tablet form. For Virgo, the key to good health is not so much careful food choices as it is the state of mind while eating. If you don't relax at the table, digestion and absorption of food worsens.

Deep breathing for Virgo has the dual purpose of calming the nervous system and generating vitality in the abdominal area. The following pranayama, which is regularly used, serves these purposes. Time from 14 to 16 hours; place: garden, yard or well-ventilated room, duration 35 minutes. Stand or sit straight. Place your right hand, palm down, on your solar plexus, preferably on your bare body. Place your left hand with your palm on your right. Close your eyes. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 7. Repeat this cycle 16 times, gradually filling your lungs to the full capacity, but without any discomfort.

Virgo man:

The Virgo man is a man who strives to become a logician and polymath. He sincerely believes that all issues can be resolved with an encyclopedic stock of knowledge. In fact, the Virgo man will first try to comprehend most of the situations that occur. Thanks to this, he feels more reliable. But this feeling can be unsteady if there is no system under it that has been tortured with “sweat and blood.” This is exactly the approach that life requires from Virgo through situations that can be called lessons. You can leave this problem without a solution, which is called “letting it take its course.” Virgo, who often left such tasks unsolved, becomes grumpy over the years. This is how dissatisfaction with oneself and life manifests itself. There is a phrase said by one of the literary heroes: “Serving is easy, serving makes me sick.” She is directly related to the Virgo man. Virgo's ideal role in society is that of an employee. Does the success of a Virgo man who is in this role depend on how the person perceives his position? He can play this role, but consider it temporary. At heart he is a careerist and deserves more. There is nothing wrong with these ambitions. It all depends on what methods the Virgo man uses to achieve his goals. Both intimidation and servitude can be used. Virgo can play a slave, show hypocrisy and much more. Only one thing is not taken into account. A high position implies an increase in one's responsibility. If a Virgo man does not correspond to her degree, then sooner or later he flies from his won place.

Virgo Woman:

It may be common for a Virgo woman to play the role of the “Most Pure Mother”, who is not touched by “base” instincts. She may not know a man for a long time, thereby satisfying her pride. But man is so constructed that his consciousness cannot control his instincts, because their power originates in the subconscious. Where the entrance of consciousness is closed. Feeling the powerlessness of consciousness, the virgin feels her powerlessness. This fact of the limited capabilities of consciousness is experienced by Virgo as her own weakness. For a Virgo woman, this is often the basis of low self-esteem. Then, willy-nilly, she prepares herself for the role of a slave, who loses her dignity over time and slides down an inclined plane to the bottom of life. There is only one way out. If a Virgo woman escapes from the power of instincts, it is only through the work of the soul aimed at self-improvement. I see this path through the disclosure of one’s abilities or religious asceticism, self-restraint. Another side of the worldly life of a Virgo woman is building relationships with the opposite sex. The worst option is to blame men for all mortal sins. In this case, the virgin can deliberately hide behind the teachings of the Church. But this path is a dead end, because sooner or later such a Virgo woman, driven by the voice of instinct, will begin to “sin” from the point of view of the teachings of the church, entering into a compromise with the needs of the body. The way out of this situation is this. It is necessary to learn to build relationships with men as equals. Based on a reasonable attitude towards the needs of the body.

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Virgo is a sign of reality, logic, clarity. Virgos are careful in everything. Their affairs and things are always in order. They cannot remain idle for a long time or sit in one place for a long time.
Virgos have a practical mind and deep character. They see well the shortcomings of others, but do not notice their own. Virgos are critics and realists. They do not like lazy and unnecessary people; they value truthfulness, punctuality, economy and ingenuity. Virgos simply hate dirt and vulgarity.
Virgos are not very generous in expressing love and spending money, but they will always come to the aid of their friends. They themselves do not like to accept services.
Many remain bachelors and spinsters, and some marry for the second time. Virgos are not dreamers at all. As a rule, these are not noisy people who prefer to be away from the crowd. They find it difficult to relax and constantly feel anxious. All Virgos are individualists. Beneath their seriousness lies the purity of their thoughts and goals.

Zodiac sign Virgo birth dates:

Born from August 24 to September 2.
The Sun had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They have a well-developed sense of conformity and coherence, they are balanced, and prone to spending time sedentary.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 21, 31, 50, 51.

Born from September 3 to September 11.
Venus had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are cautious, bashfully timid; there are often Virgos who are faithful to only one love all their lives.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 16, 21, 24, 31, 32, 40, 50.

Born from September 12 to 23.
Mercury had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are reserved, quick-witted, sometimes prone to idleness, and often create late family unions.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 16, 21, 24, 30, 31, 33, 41, 50.

Characteristics of a person born under the zodiac sign Virgo.

Secrets of Virgo's happiness

Your sign is by no means the sign of the world's greatest lover. Your attitude towards love and marriage is very balanced and traditional - with a preference for the comforts and security of quiet domestic happiness over the great passion that knocks everyone off their feet. There is not too much romanticism in this position, although you have excellent qualities - loyalty and perseverance. This strength of steadfastness can serve you well much later, in the long run. You will have a strong and long-lasting, although uneventful, relationship with your marriage partner. Look for similar constancy and similar aspirations in him. A neat and clean house and a tidy sum in the bank can mean a lot to you.

Your tendency to worry borders on neuroticism, although you consciously make sacrifices for your family and home. Often, family disagreements can be caused by sexual problems. Sex alone cannot serve as the cement of your relationship - you need special, spiritual bonds. Those born under this sign may have sexual dysfunctions - you should pay attention to this. Sometimes a consultation with a psychotherapist may be required.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Virgo

Symbol: maiden.

Ruling planet of Virgo: Mercury.

Sign: earthly-changeable-negative.

Sign of a critic, secretary.

The character of a typical “virgo”: very picky, precise and methodical, expressive, with a developed ability of recognition, analytical, sincere, judicious, mentally receptive.

Positive qualities of the Virgo zodiac sign: methodicality, mental sensitivity, accuracy and prudence, expressiveness, analyticalness, insight.

Negative qualities of the Virgo zodiac sign: excessive tendency to criticism, excessive accuracy and severity, scrupulousness beyond measure and looking for flaws in other people, an undeveloped sense of compassion, pickiness and grumpiness, stinginess.

Virgo Personality

You are very careful and methodical, capable of careful planning and diligent execution of your plans; With your meticulousness, you sometimes resemble a computer.

We also note the extremely meticulous attention to detail, which often prompts you to criticize so sharply that it can even hurt people. Your specialty is keen insight and remarkable ability to analyze.

Your sign - Virgo - gives you a love of purity. Cleanliness is your passion, along with a love of order, punctuality and neatness. You are attentive, careful and prudent. Your planet, Mercury, indicates both intelligence and the ability to express yourself. Your sign is an earth sign, which makes you practical and reliable, analytical and literally down to earth in many aspects of your life. You also love gardening.

As a rule, when caring about their health, Virgo people tend to go to extremes, almost to hypochondria. At times, you may be overwhelmed by unreasonable anxiety. You are truly one of the hardest workers in this world - you have the work ethic of an ant. Your sign is also a sign of great efficiency, modest selfless service and help to others. In fact, you experience real pleasure from work and are “out of sorts” when you are not doing it.

Your attitude towards sex is rather reserved - here you follow your ideal of purity. No matter how harsh it may sound, sometimes it can border on illness and become a kind of perversion. You are critical and analytical - you dissect even the people closest to you and put them under your microscope; This often makes you a less than pleasant life partner. You may also be stingy, although you usually spend your money wisely.

Virgo as a friend

Here the “virgo” is at her best, very reliable and constant, always ready to help and full of practical suggestions. “Once a friend, always a friend” is a fitting motto for your life. Your sign is a sign of service and life for the good of society. You hate breaking up with people.

Virgo as a father

You tend to be overly critical and somewhat intolerant. You measure out praise and encouragement only in the most meager doses. You may seem somewhat cold and aloof, and not particularly affectionate towards your children. However, by having plenty of activities to do even during your leisure moments, you serve as an excellent example for them in their extracurricular hours, involving them in active and fruitful activities. However, as a rule, you are able to communicate and interact with your children without difficulty.

Virgo as a mother

“Virgin” is unusually meticulous in caring for her children, keeping them immaculately clean and dressing them up beautifully. As her children grow up, she increasingly views motherhood as a burden of never-ending housework. You should have a more rational and carefree attitude towards home life and raising children, avoiding excessive criticism and not becoming such a difficult person in everyday life. Learn to give yourself that much-needed break more often.

A look at the decades

If you were born between August 24 and September 2 (first decanate), then all your activities and actions are ruled by Mercury, which greatly contributes to the completeness and precision of your work, giving you a keen intellect and dexterity of hand. You are more sociable and friendly than other Virgos, you are successful in the field of teaching, and you are good at public speaking and interacting with people.

If your birth occurred between September 3 and 13 (second decade), then you are ruled by the planet Saturn. You are very practical and persistent, although you can be stubborn and capricious, sometimes going too far in your determination. You are very diligent and conscientious in your work and are especially successful after the age of thirty. You may have weak bowels and be prone to melancholy. Money means a lot to you - you can even turn into a miserable miser.

If you were born between September 14th and 23rd (third decanate), then your ruler is Venus and you derive both pleasure and benefit from the arts. You have sophistication and a sense of beauty and are more fickle than other "virgins". Don't become a pedant and don't expect too much from your life partner.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between August 21 and 24, your birth date was during the Leo/Virgo transition.

Complex and confusing character; conservative, critical, but capable of successful cooperation. Your siblings are of great loyalty and nobility. You may not show much warmth, but you are a true friend. Your asset is your intellect, your deep feelings soften and enliven it, thereby making you a more pleasant and sweet human being. Therefore, do not hide your true face. A good actor, an excellent organizer, a wonderful researcher - that’s how I see you. Legislation, statistics, aviation, psychology, sports may also become an attractive field of activity for you. In the area of ​​health, taking care of the stomach, intestines, heart, back, and spine is important. The most important years will be 1, 4-5, 10, 13-14, 19, 22-23, 28, 31-32, 37, 40-41, 46, 49-50, 55, 58-59, 64, 67-68 , 73, 76-77, 82, 85-86, 91.

Your circle is children and animals. Yes, there is a certain contradiction, a ramification in your character, behavior, and way of thinking. You would like to please and pressure, suck up and criticize at the same time. This is not always possible and therefore you may run into problems. In this case, it is very common for good looks, charm, arrogance, harmony and rudeness to go hand in hand with each other; Less common are the abilities to judge or evaluate, to be a writer and critic, lawyer or judge, diplomat or dancer, psychologist and short story writer, artist and accountant. Your lucky colors should be blue, orange and yellow. Taking care of your health may require special attention to your back and stomach.

Weak points of the body - kidneys, urinary tract, colon, intestines, solar plexus, genitals, feet; Possible rash.

The most important years: 5-6, 14-15, 23-24, 32-33, 41-42, 50-51, 59-60, 68-69, 77-78, 86-87. Physical activity is urgently needed.

Know what's good for you:

— Virgo lucky number: 5, 14, 23, 32, 50, 41, 59 (series of fives).

— Virgo's lucky color: white, orange, yellow, gray.

— Happy Virgo day: Wednesday.

— Virgo’s lucky flowers and herbs: none — pink or red; everything is purple and blue, for example violets, larkspur.

— Virgo’s lucky stones: topaz, marble.

— Virgo talisman: key, owl, bamboo, snake.