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Step-by-step recipe for adjika with apples. Adjika with apples and tomatoes for the winter: the best recipes with photos. A unique adjika recipe using wine

What adjika is in its original sense, everyone seems to have forgotten. Not only am I incompatible with apples, bell peppers and carrots - even with tomatoes! Meanwhile, culinary liberties often yield interesting results, so we seemed to agree: yes, adjika is a spicy dish that contains salt, hot pepper and garlic. Yes, everything else is recipes based on the famous Caucasian sauce. But let’s call them adjika for convenience too? Said and decided.

Today we will try fruit adjika. Apples, tilting the sour taste (tomatoes and vinegar) towards the sweet spectrum (bell peppers, carrots) create a new balance and an excellent accompaniment to meat and meatless dishes. The variety of apples can be any, but do not be afraid to take sweet fruits - this will not spoil the adjika.

Other ingredients in the recipe are tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots, hot peppers and garlic. You can add horseradish root and celery stalks, as well as herbs. Apple adjika goes well with red basil, celery leaves, and parsley. Salt and sugar enhance the taste, don’t neglect them!

On a note

  1. To make adjika with apples and tomatoes thick for the winter, choose a variety of tomatoes that is not juicy, but fleshy. If there are none, you can first boil the tomato for 20-30 minutes, and then, when it thickens, add all the other ingredients.
  2. Hot peppers can be added to adjika in two ways. Or throw its halves without seeds directly into the pan (as I did) and cook along with other vegetables until tender, then throw away the pod that has given up its juices. Or, grind the pepper in a meat grinder along with all the products.

Cooking time: 1 hour / Yield: 3 cans of 0.5 l


  • tomatoes - 1.2 kg
  • bell pepper – 500 g
  • carrots - 300 g
  • hot pepper - 1-3 pcs. (taste)
  • apples – 500 g
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt about - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 1 head


I suggest you prepare delicious adjika with apples and tomatoes for the winter. This adjika turns out to be moderately spicy and is suitable for meat dishes and side dishes. I prepared a small portion of adjika, since I had already stocked up on various preparations, but next season I will definitely make more, since I really liked the taste. From the specified amount of products I got 600 g of adjika.

We will prepare all the products according to the list.

It is better to peel tomatoes; apples should also be peeled. Remove seeds and membranes from peppers, leave hot peppers with seeds. Peel the garlic.

Place all the vegetables in a food processor and process using the metal knife attachment.

Pour sunflower oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in the vegetable mixture.

Add sugar and salt, mix.

Cook adjika for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spoon.

Pour the finished adjika into dry sterile jars and roll up. Turn over and wrap the jars with a warm blanket.

Adjika with apples and tomatoes is ready for the winter. Jars of adjika are perfectly stored in a city apartment.

Enjoy your preparations!

We buy tomatoes of any variety, the main thing is that they are ripe, maybe even overripe, they are more aromatic, just right for adjika.

Using a sharp knife, we make a small cut with a cross on each tomato, not where the tail is, but on the other side.

Place a pot of water, not half full, on the stove and wait for it to boil.
Meanwhile, wash the bell pepper, peel and cut into wide strips, place in a bowl. Wash the apples too, peel and core them, cut into 4 pieces and add to the pepper.

Place the cut tomatoes in boiling water for 3 minutes and remove. Now it’s great to peel them so that there are no skins in the adjika.

Grind everything into peppers, apples and tomatoes using a meat grinder or blender. Add vegetable oil and cook on the stove, stirring for 1 hour, low heat.

Then add sugar, salt, chopped garlic, ground red pepper and vinegar, cook for another 10 minutes and turn off.
Pour the finished adjika into steamed, clean jars.

Roll up the lids and you're done! Adjika with apples and tomatoes in front of you.
Of course, you need to put it upside down on the floor to cool, and then straight into the pantry for storage for the whole winter.

Apple in adjika gives a delicious sourness and aroma; you will definitely like this version of adjika for the winter. If you like spicier adjika, you can also add hot hot pepper, it’s all your choice, you can eat it!

Delicious adjika with apples and tomatoes for the winter will be an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes, side dishes and snacks. If you wish, you can make it slightly spicy or hot. Apples for adjika should be sour or sweet and sour, tomatoes should be ripe and fleshy. When chopping hot peppers, be careful - wash your hands, knives and boards thoroughly after contact with them, and never rub your face. To grind the ingredients, you can use a meat grinder - this will allow you to achieve a certain “graininess” of adjika, but if you use a food processor, then do not overdo it and turn the vegetables into puree, turn on low speed and turn it off after a couple of minutes.


For 6 liters:

  • 3 kg tomatoes
  • 2 kg sweet pepper
  • 1 kg apples
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 150 g sugar
  • 150 ml table vinegar 9%
  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • 2-3 hot peppers
  • 1 stack garlic


1. Wash all the vegetables thoroughly, remove the core from the apples, cut the tomatoes into several parts, cut out the stalk of the pepper and remove the seeds. Remove the peel from the garlic.

2. Grind vegetables and apples using a food processor or meat grinder in this order. First, apples, tomatoes and bell peppers, pour into a saucepan.

3. Place the pan on the fire and wait until it boils, then cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring.

4. In a blender, grind the peeled garlic and pieces of hot pepper, along with the seeds, but without the stalks.

5. After 15 minutes of cooking adjika, add vegetable oil, preferably one that is odorless.

6. Now pour in 9% table vinegar, add sugar and salt, stir.

7. After 5 minutes, add the garlic and pepper mixture to the adjika, mix gently and cook for another 3 minutes.

8. Pour hot adjika into sterilized jars.

9. Tightly screw the jars with the blanks with sterile lids, turn them upside down and wrap them until they cool completely. Adjika stores well in a cool, dark place.

Note to the hostess

1. Apples passed through a meat grinder will immediately begin to darken. There is no need to take emergency measures by spraying them with any food acid: they will still change color after mixing with the rest of the ingredients and due to heat treatment. To preserve their vitamins, doing this is also pointless.

2. You can cook adjika in an enamel pan if you are confident in the complete integrity of its coating. Kitchen utensils that have been used for at least six months are sure to have microcracks in the enamel. When interacting with the components of this workpiece, a reaction will occur that is undesirable for both the cookware itself and the products. Modern metal ceramics are absolutely safe in this regard; moreover, during simmering of ground vegetables, the thickening mass cannot burn to the bottom and walls of such pots and stewpans. Many people stew complex vegetable mixtures in cast iron roasting pans, which is quite acceptable.

3. If the garlic-pepper slurry splashed from under the screw of the immersion blender gets on your skin, a noticeable burn can easily be avoided by immediately rinsing the affected area under a cold stream. It is much worse when a burning drop ends up on the mucous membrane of the eye, and this happens. The first measure is again rinsing, the second is placing Oftagel under the eyelid or instilling Systane.

There are many dishes in cooking that, having become extremely popular, have changed significantly. One of these dishes is adjika. The original composition of the spicy Abkhaz seasoning was quite ascetic. This can be judged by its name: in its homeland, adjika was called adzhiktsatsa, which translated means “salt ground with something.” And they ground salt with red pepper, herbs and garlic.
The authors of the popular dish, as in the case of Hungarian goulash, were shepherds. To help the sheep eat better and gain weight, they took salt with them, which they mixed into the animals’ food to stimulate their appetite. Shepherds soon noticed that salt mixed with seasonings, pepper and garlic was quite tasty, and they began to use the dish in addition to meat, soups, etc.
Having spread throughout the world, the famous culinary product was enriched with ingredients that were not previously included in its composition - bell peppers, apples, tomatoes, etc. New adjika recipes are also appearing. To generalize, adjika can now be called any spicy dish that contains garlic and pepper. Thus, there are known recipes for adjika made from zucchini, pumpkin, beets, plums, etc. This recipe for adjika with apples for the winter includes bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, apples, and of course, garlic and hot peppers.


  • red tomatoes – 2.5 kg,
  • bell pepper – 1.2 kg,
  • carrots – 0.8 kg,
  • green sour apples – 1 kg,
  • garlic – 180 g,
  • hot pepper – 80 g,
  • sugar – 1 glass,
  • salt – 0.25 cups,
  • vinegar - 1 glass,
  • vegetable oil – 1 cup.

How to cook adjika with apples for the winter

All components of the dish must be thoroughly washed and cleaned (as necessary). Peel the apples and cut them into pieces, and do the same with the tomatoes.

Let's peel the garlic too.

Remove the center from the bell pepper.
The whole hot pepper can be used, except for the tail.
Let's peel the carrots too.

Next, pass all the ingredients (except garlic) through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

Place in a large saucepan or bowl, add sugar and salt.

Cook the mixture for one hour from the start of boiling.

Then add garlic, squeezed through a garlic press, vegetable oil, vinegar.

Cook for another 25 minutes.

Then pour hot adjika with apples into sterile jars and roll up the boiled lids.

Canned adjika can be served with kebabs, meat dishes, some people add it to pasta, shawarma, and they also use it to make kharcho soup, pilaf and borscht. Nuggets, French fries and other dishes are also eaten with adjika.

Recipe No. 2. Spicy adjika with apples, tomatoes and horseradish

Adjika is a snack that is often prepared from hot peppers, tomatoes and herbs. It is usually used in addition to meat dishes. In addition, it goes well with soup, borscht or vegetable salad. And lovers of spicy seasonings simply spread adjika on fresh crispy bread on top of butter.

The authorship of the recipe is disputed by Abkhazia and Georgia. According to legend, when shepherds took their sheep to the mountains to pasture in the spring, the owners of the flocks gave the shepherds salt for the grazing animals. The sheep, suffering from thirst, began to eat grass and drink water more actively. Thanks to this feature, they gained weight faster. But shepherds did not always use salt for its intended purpose. They began to add garlic, dill and other herbs to it. This is how this famous spicy snack - adjika - appeared in Abkhazia.

There are many recipes for making adjika. Today it is difficult to single out a single classic option.

I offer one way to prepare spicy adjika for the winter from apples, tomatoes, horseradish, bell and hot peppers, with the addition of spices and herbs.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
  • green apples - 350 grams;
  • hot red pepper - 150 grams;
  • horseradish root - 250 grams;
  • carrots - 500 grams;
  • garlic - 15 cloves;
  • parsley - 30 gr.;
  • purple basil - 30 gr.;
  • salt (coarse, preferably sea salt) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • coriander (seeds) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar - 1 glass.

Step-by-step recipe for making adjika from peppers, apples and tomatoes:

Hot peppers must be placed in water for 5 hours. After this time, the seeds are removed from the pods. Perform this task very carefully. It is advisable to use gloves.
Parsley and basil should be washed, separated from the stems and left to dry on a towel.
Peel the sweet pepper and cut it in half.

Cut the tomatoes into slices.

Peel the garlic and divide into cloves.

Wash the apples and cut them into slices, removing the peel and seeds.

Grind the hot pepper pods and herbs through a meat grinder or in a blender.

Grind the coriander seeds in a mortar and then add to the rest of the mixture. Salt is added there and everything is thoroughly mixed.

After this, mince sweet peppers, apples, horseradish, carrots and tomatoes. Mix everything and combine with other chopped ingredients.

Now begin the process of cooking the spicy apple-tomato mass. It is advisable to use an aluminum pan for this. This will prevent burning.
After boiling, simmer for another hour. Then add salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil for another 15-20 minutes.