
A simple diet consisting of kefir, apples and porridge. Kefir-apple diet - our results. Apple recipes

These days there are countless mono-diets. But not everyone who loses weight can determine which method is right for them. Among the most popular and frequently used diets, kefir-apple diet stands out. However, despite its popularity, it also has its own characteristics. To avoid unpleasant consequences from using the kefir-apple diet, it is important to have a good understanding of its nuances.

The essence of the kefir-apple diet

The kefir-apple diet is a nutrition plan based on the consumption of two foods. Such mono-diets are the most effective way to lose excess weight.

In addition, on such a diet you can improve your health, because the kefir-apple diet helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to cleanse the skin of the face, as well as get rid of toxins and toxins in the body.

The benefits of kefir and apples for the human body

The calorie content of apples does not exceed 47 calories per 100 grams. These fruits contain large amounts of fiber and water, so their presence in the diet significantly reduces appetite. Potassium, sodium, iron, iodine, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus - apples contain all these substances in large quantities. In addition, sweet fruits are a storehouse of vitamins A, B and C.

Apples are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It’s not for nothing that they say: one apple a day prolongs life by several years.

Video: 20 interesting facts about apples

Kefir is the basis of many diets because it has a beneficial effect on the human body. The fermented milk product contains only 56 calories per 100 grams. The unique ability of kefir is that it restores the intestinal microflora. Fermented milk products contain beneficial bacteria, thanks to which the body quickly and actively recovers after taking antibiotics.

Consuming kefir also helps normalize sleep, strengthen immunity to various diseases, remove toxins and excess water from the body, and even improve the functioning of the human central nervous system.

Video: benefits of kefir for the body

How to choose apples and kefir for your diet

Of course, if you eat the sweetest varieties of apples and drink high-fat kefir, the weight loss process will slow down significantly. For the kefir-apple diet, a low-fat fermented milk drink is best. But do not take low-fat kefir, it will not benefit your body. As for apples, their sweet varieties contain a lot of natural sugar - fructose. If you abuse this substance, it will affect your figure akin to ordinary sugar. Sour green apples are ideal for the kefir-apple diet.

Duration of diet and estimated weight loss

The time for using the kefir-apple diet varies from three to nine days. In the first three days, the diet involves losing three kilograms of excess weight. Then the process will slow down a little, but weight loss will continue. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, on a kefir-apple diet you can lose up to ten kilograms of excess weight in nine days. If you strictly monitor your diet and follow the basic rules of the diet, the result will not be long in coming. But sticking to such a menu for more than nine days is strictly not recommended. One and a half weeks is enough to cleanse the body of accumulated impurities and get rid of excess body weight.

Basic principles of the kefir-apple diet

Let's consider the principles of the kefir-apple diet, the observance of which will help to obtain the expected results:

  1. Every day you need to drink up to one and a half liters of kefir. This does not mean that you need to consume this entire amount. It is better to choose the ideal portion for yourself, thanks to which you will not feel constant hunger.
  2. You need to eat four to six medium-sized apples per day.
  3. Only a three-day version of the kefir-apple diet is considered a mono-diet. As for the seven and nine days of the diet, in these options it is allowed to eat light fish, fruits, vegetables and chicken fillet.
  4. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Water has a significant effect on the process of weight loss. By staying hydrated, nutrients are delivered faster to the cells of our body.
  5. During the diet, you need to eat small portions every two to three hours. Fractional nutrition is one of the simplest ways to speed up your metabolism.
  6. If you often suffer from bloating and other digestive problems, then you do not want to combine apples and kefir. It is better that at least 30 minutes pass between these meals.
  7. If you feel that you cannot cope with hunger, then drink a cup of green tea with a drop of honey.
  8. Black tea and coffee should be consumed only in the morning if you find it difficult to start your day without these drinks.
  9. Apples irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke appetite, so it is better to choose kefir in the evening. This approach will help to avoid intestinal discomfort, as well as failure to diet.
  10. The kefir-apple diet involves a complete abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages. The reason for the ban on alcohol is not only its harm to the body, but also its high calorie content, which many are not even aware of.
  11. While following the kefir-apple diet, you must get enough sleep. This is a fundamental rule for weight loss. The body must rest fully, especially during periods of severe dietary restriction.
  12. When you're aiming to lose weight, you need to move a lot. Walk, walk the dog, bike ride. Thanks to an active lifestyle, your body will become not only thin, but also toned.
  13. You need to prepare for any diet, especially such a strict one. This is necessary so that the body does not experience stress due to a sharp decrease in caloric intake.

Combining training and kefir-apple diet

On the kefir-apple diet, do not exhaust yourself with physical training. Forget about weightlifting and strength aerobics for a while if you are involved in such sports.

Passive load, on the contrary, is welcome. Walking, light jogging, hatha yoga, swimming, stretching and cycling will help you shed extra pounds faster. If you decide to use a diet in winter, then skiing is ideal for you as an additional load.

Hatha yoga is a type of yoga aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body. Walking brings great benefits to the human body, because during this activity all muscles work and a large amount of energy is consumed. Cycling is a great way to relax after a hard day at work, and fresh air will help Skiing is one of the most enjoyable sports in winter, it is almost injury-free and brings a lot of positive emotions

Preparing for the kefir-apple diet

A week before starting the diet, eliminate unhealthy foods from your menu, start getting enough sleep and drinking more water. Try to bring your diet as close as possible to the basic principles of the kefir-apple diet. This is necessary so that the body does not experience extreme stress when you sharply limit your daily caloric intake.

Varieties of kefir-apple diet

The kefir-apple diet exists in three main versions - you can choose the most effective and acceptable diet for yourself.

Three-day kefir-apple diet

Apples and kefir are the basis of the classic three-day and most effective kefir-apple diet

An express diet based on apples and kefir has a limited diet and a short duration. This is the only type of kefir-apple diet that really deserves to be called a mono-diet.

The diet menu is limited to six green apples and a liter of fermented milk drink. Nevertheless, the apple can be baked, combined with kefir and grated with the addition of lemon juice and a drop of honey. Bran can sometimes be added to kefir. Thanks to these small indulgences, the diet is easier to tolerate, and the menu becomes interesting and tasty.

Table: example of a kefir-apple diet menu for three days

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Day 1
  • green tea with lemon.
  • two green apples;
  • glass of water.
  • black coffee without sugar.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • a cocktail of one green apple and 200 ml of kefir;
  • glass of water.
Day 2
  • grated green apple,
    filled with 200 ml of kefir;
  • glass of water.
  • a glass of kefir with 1 tsp. bran;
  • glass of water.
  • one green apple baked with a drop of honey and lemon juice;
  • warm green tea.
  • one green apple;
  • 300 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
Day 3
  • two green apples;
  • black coffee without sugar.
  • cocktail made from one apple and kefir;
  • glass of water.
  • grated green apple with lemon juice and a drop of honey;
  • a glass of cool water.
  • one green apple;
  • glass of water.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.

Seven-day kefir-apple diet

The seven-day diet is practically no different from the kefir-apple diet, designed for three days. But due to the increased duration, her diet is more gentle. During these seven days, you are allowed to eat an additional serving of vegetables for breakfast. In addition, throughout the day you can replace kefir with fermented baked milk or yogurt, and apples can replace any other fruit except bananas, grapes and avocados.

Table: example of a kefir-apple diet menu for seven days

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Day 1
  • 100 g of Chinese cabbage and pea salad;
  • 200 ml kefir.
  • one grapefruit;
  • green tea with lemon.
  • one green apple baked with a drop of honey;
  • 200 ml kefir.
  • 200 ml yogurt;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 2 grated green apples with lemon juice and a drop of honey;
  • 150 ml kefir.
Day 2
  • 100 g vegetable stew;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk.
  • half a pomelo;
  • chicory without sugar.
  • two green apples;
  • 200 ml kefir.
  • cocktail of 150 ml kefir and half a green apple;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • two green apples;
  • 100 ml kefir.
Day 3
  • 150 g grated carrots with garlic;
  • green tea with a drop of honey.
  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • fruit salad of grapefruit, green apple and tangerine, seasoned with 100 ml of fermented baked milk;
  • green tea without sugar.
  • two green apples;
  • glass of water.
  • 250 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
Day 4
  • 150 g beets with garlic and ground black pepper;
  • black coffee without sugar.
  • one grapefruit;
  • glass of water.
  • one apple baked with lemon juice;
  • 200 ml kefir.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • one green apple.
Day 5
  • 150 g of classic tomato and cucumber salad;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • fruit salad of half a pomelo, one grapefruit and a green apple, dressed with a spoonful of curdled milk;
  • green tea with lemon juice.
  • two green apples;
  • glass of water.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
Day 6
  • 100 g vegetable stew;
  • 150 ml kefir with 1 tsp. bran.
  • one green apple;
  • glass of water.
  • 400 g pomelo pulp;
  • 200 ml kefir.
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • cocktail of 150 ml kefir and one green apple;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
Day 7
  • 150 g beets with garlic and a spoonful of curdled milk;
  • 150 ml kefir.
  • 200 ml yogurt;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • one grapefruit.
  • 2 green apples;
  • glass of water.
  • cocktail of 200 ml kefir and one green apple;
  • 1 tsp. bran.

Nine-day kefir-apple diet

The kefir-apple diet, designed for nine days, differs markedly from the standard diet. But this is only true if you take the three-day kefir-apple mono-diet as the original.

The nine-day diet is the most gentle and comfortable version of the kefir-apple diet. The diet will no longer be limited to apples and kefir. In addition to fermented milk drinks, vegetables, unsweetened fruits and bran, the nutrition plan also includes chicken fillet, low-fat fish and cottage cheese. You can combine products to your liking and enjoy your favorite dishes. At the same time, you will continue to lose weight if you follow all the basic principles of the kefir-apple diet.

Table: example of a kefir-apple diet menu for nine days

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Day 1
  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • one green apple;
  • black coffee without sugar.
  • one grapefruit;
  • 100 ml kefir.
  • 200 g chicken breast baked with vegetables;
  • green tea with a drop of honey and lemon juice.
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk with tsp. bran;
  • one green apple.
  • 200 g steamed tilapia with vegetables;
  • iced green tea.
Day 2
  • one green apple baked with cottage cheese and cinnamon;
  • chicory without sugar.
  • half a pomelo;
  • 150 ml kefir.
  • 200 g chicken breast, stewed in yogurt with herbs;
  • 100 ml kefir.
  • two green apples;
  • 200 ml kefir.
  • vegetable salad of cabbage, carrots and canned peas;
  • green tea without sugar.
Day 3
  • 250 g of homemade fruit puree from green apple, grapefruit, a drop of honey and a spoon of curdled milk;
  • green tea without sugar.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 250 g vegetable stew with chicken breast;
  • warm green tea with lemon.
  • one grapefruit;
  • green tea without sugar.
  • cod steak with steamed vegetables;
  • iced green tea with lime.
Day 4
  • 200 g cottage cheese with half a grapefruit;
  • black coffee without sugar.
  • two green apples;
  • 100 ml kefir.
  • 200 g stewed cabbage;
  • 150 ml kefir.
  • Fitness cocktail;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • salad of one tomato, cucumber and a bunch of arugula;
  • 100 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 100 ml kefir.
Day 5
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • one grapefruit;
  • black tea without sugar.
  • 200 g grated carrots with garlic and a spoonful of curdled milk;
  • warm green tea.
  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 200 g vegetable salad with tuna;
  • 100 ml kefir.
Day 6
  • fruit salad from one grapefruit, green apple and two teaspoons of fermented baked milk;
  • green tea with a drop of honey and lemon juice.
  • 200 ml yogurt;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 200 g stew of chicken breast and vegetables;
  • 150 ml kefir.
  • two green apples;
  • glass of water.
  • steamed cod steak;
  • 200 ml kefir.
Day 7
  • 200 g of cottage cheese with one green apple and two teaspoons of yogurt;
  • black coffee without sugar.
  • half a pomelo;
  • 100 ml kefir.
  • 180 g stewed cabbage;
  • 200 ml kefir with 1 tsp. bran.
  • cocktail of one grapefruit and 150 ml of kefir;
  • 1 tsp bran.
  • 100 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk.
Day 8
  • one green apple baked with cottage cheese and a drop of honey;
  • green tea with lemon.
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • half a green apple.
  • 200 g boiled beets;
  • 150 ml kefir.
  • Fitness cocktail;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 150 g steamed tilapia;
  • 150 ml kefir.
Day 9
  • 200 g of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of fermented baked milk;
  • black coffee without sugar.
  • Fitness cocktail;
  • 1 tsp. bran.
  • 200 g chicken breast stewed in kefir;
  • one grapefruit.
  • two green apples;
  • glass of water.
  • cocktail of 200 ml fermented baked milk and one green apple;
  • 1 tsp. bran.

Recipes for a gentle kefir-apple diet

During the nine-day kefir-apple diet, you can prepare many healthy and tasty dishes. This way you will diversify your diet, and the diet will be much easier.

All ingredients in the recipes are indicated for one serving.

Cocktail "Fitness"

The Fitness cocktail is easy to prepare and is one of the most effective for weight loss.

Cocktail ingredients:

  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • greens to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cucumber into cubes.
  2. Mix the ingredients manually using a spoon or in a blender, adding your favorite herbs if desired.
  3. Serve in a transparent glass, after garnishing the cocktail with a parsley leaf.

Vegetable salad with tuna

Vegetable salad with tuna can be an excellent healthy dinner option.

Salad ingredients:

  • 100 g canned tuna;
  • 1 ripe tomato;
  • 3 lettuce leaves;
  • 1/5 red onion;
  • 50 g canned red beans;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomato into cubes.
  2. Cut the onion into rings.
  3. Place lettuce leaves on a plate.
  4. Gently mix all ingredients in a deep plate.
  5. Place the salad on a plate.
  6. Drizzle with olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Serve with a glass of lemon water.

Apple baked with cottage cheese and cinnamon

Try preparing a delicious and healthy dessert in the oven - an apple baked with cottage cheese and cinnamon.


  • 30 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 5 g ground cinnamon;
  • 1 large green apple;
  • 1 tsp. honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut out the core of the apple so that there is no hole at the bottom.
  2. Stuff the apple with cottage cheese and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  4. Place the apple stuffed with cottage cheese on a baking sheet.
  5. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
  6. Remove the baking sheet and pour a little honey on top of the apple.
  7. Serve with warm green tea.

Photo gallery: recipe ingredients for the kefir-apple diet

Fresh cucumbers Healthy greens Nutritious tuna Fresh tomatoes Canned red beans Spicy red onions Low-fat cottage cheese Spicy cinnamon Fragrant honey

The right way out of the kefir-apple diet

Many people who have achieved good results on the kefir-apple diet lose them upon returning to their normal diet. Why is this happening? The main reason is the wrong way out of the diet or its absence at all.

What to do when the result is achieved, and how to maintain it? First of all, you should not immediately return to your old way of eating after completing the diet. This means that for some time you should not order a standard set of dishes for lunch. Often the body is weakened after a diet, and you need to give the right energy to restore it. Gradually, you can introduce lean red meat, vegetable and chicken soups into your diet. It is better not to include carbonated drinks, sweets and baked goods on the menu at all for a while. Carefully replenishing your diet will help your body adapt to your normal diet. By following these simple rules, you will protect yourself from regaining lost pounds and avoid digestive problems.

The regular kefir diet is an excellent way to lose weight. But it is quite tough and requires a lot of endurance. This is due to the fact that at this time the body eats only liquid food, which is quickly absorbed and low in calories. It is not surprising that the feeling of hunger is a faithful companion of the kefir diet. That is why many do not endure it to the end.

In this case, the kefir-apple diet can be an excellent alternative. It is much easier to tolerate due to the presence of large amounts of fiber in apples. In addition, apple pectins can neutralize and remove toxins and even heavy metal salts from the body. The kefir-apple diet not only promotes rapid weight loss, but also heals the body.

To make losing weight on apples and kefir as comfortable as possible and bring benefit to the body rather than harm, you should listen to the following recommendations:

That's all the basic rules. It is clear that no other products are included in the diet. Therefore, it is designed for a maximum of 9 days, during which you can lose 7-10 kg of excess weight.

Kefir plus apples. Is there a downside?

The kefir-apple diet is exactly the case when you want to start with the minuses. Or rather, with the only drawback - the ultra-low calorie content of the diet. It is this that entails all the other negative aspects:

  • possible slight dizziness;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • increased fatigue from 5-7 days.

But these are only minor side effects. By the way, if the body is heavily polluted, then when you switch to intensive cleaning mode and there is a lack of water, you may experience nausea and problems with stool. This is why maintaining water balance is so important.

Now for the good stuff. In fact, the little things listed above lose their importance against the backdrop of the positive changes that occur in the body during the kefir-apple diet:

  • rapid neutralization of toxins;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • intensive colon cleansing;
  • rapid and sustainable weight loss;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • lowering cholesterol levels.

But do not forget that you need to exit such a diet very gradually. If on the second day after its completion you throw a steak with blood and a side dish of french fries into your stomach, then all your efforts will not only be in vain, but will also cause quite serious harm to the body. Such strict diets must be treated extremely wisely, with an understanding of all the processes taking place.

If you want to maintain and consolidate the results achieved, you will have to give up many eating habits. But when the first step has already been taken, and the body has become accustomed to strictly limiting itself, switching to a full-fledged healthy diet will no longer be difficult.

We eat correctly

There are several ways to properly formulate a kefir-apple diet. You can choose the one that best suits your well-being and body condition. There is only one limitation here. The chosen scheme must be followed from the beginning to the end of the diet. Even if you stopped liking her along the way. And next time you can try a different option.

"Zebra" by the hour

The menu is simple - apples and kefir are alternated during one day. You also drink up to 1 liter of kefir and eat up to 1.5 kg of apples. Intervals between meals may not be observed. There are also no strict restrictions on quantity. Whether you eat one or two apples at a time is not so important. But you need to distribute the food so that there is enough for the whole day. And you cannot exceed the maximum allowable amount.

You need to start and end your day with kefir. It is better to drink the last glass of kefir at least an hour before bedtime, and the first - 30-40 minutes after waking up. To make the diet easier to tolerate, on the first day it is better to eat and drink a little, but more often. And on the second or third day, the intervals can be increased, as well as the amount eaten at a time. During breaks, it is useful to drink clean water at room temperature and unsweetened green tea.

At first, it is better to go on such a diet for only 3 days to see how the body tolerates it. During this time, you can even lose up to 5 kg of weight - it all depends on the degree of slagging in the body. But the weight loss is most intense in the first days. If everything went well, next time you can live in this mode for 6-7 days.

"Zebra" by day

If you are ready to strictly limit yourself for a whole week in order to achieve your desired goal, you can try a similar option, but more convenient for distribution over 7 days. This is alternating apples and kefir every day. As in the first case, the diet begins with kefir and ends with it. We eat kefir (1.5 l) and apples (1.5 kg) every other day.

The peculiarity is that when entering the body in its pure form in large quantities, these products will be able to perform their function as efficiently as possible. Apples will cleanse and supply vitamins all day long. And kefir helps restore and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. A pleasant bonus will be the loss of 5-7 kilograms of weight.

Three plus three

The most stringent version of the kefir-apple diet. In fact, it is a combination of kefir and apple mono-diets. Its downside is the long and absolute monotony. And the main advantage is a very sharp weight loss. The diet is designed for 9 days, and during this time you lose about 10 kilograms.

The idea is that kefir and apples still alternate, but every three days. The norm is the same - 1.5 liters and 1.5 kilograms. Let's start again with kefir. After three days we switch to apples only. In conclusion - again three kefir days. This diet is not recommended for beginners. It is extremely difficult to withstand nine days in this mode.

Is it worth starting

Many, after reading the article, will wonder whether it’s worth trying. No one will give a definite answer to this question except you. And you won't know if you don't try it.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


When you are no longer happy with the reflection in the mirror, and your favorite dresses become difficult to fasten, it’s time to take care of yourself. Women are starting to look for new ways to lose weight in order to quickly cope with the problem. How to find a technique that is effective and affordable by product? There is a solution - the kefir-apple diet. Just a few days and you will lose those extra pounds and get your body in order. It is very popular because it contains affordable food products.

How to follow a diet on kefir and apples

If you decide to start losing weight using this method, it is very important that you like the products. Please note that the diet is contraindicated for stomach diseases and milk allergies. Both products in this method are rich in useful substances - vitamins and microelements. They are low-calorie, remove excess fluid and waste from the body, and stimulate metabolism. When carrying out the following rules must be followed:

  • fat content of kefir 1%;
  • green apples;
  • drink water – 1.5 liters;
  • smooth exit.

For 7 days

How to lose weight on kefir? There are different diet options depending on the number of days: simple - three days, more effective - for a week. It allows you to lose about 5 kg. There are 2 options for carrying it out. In the first, kefir and apple days alternate. The drink should be drunk 1.5 liters 6 times. Fruits are consumed raw or baked - 1.5 kilograms. In the second option, you need to drink 3 glasses of drink every day and eat 3 fruits. After finishing, make a smooth exit. For several days they add porridge and vegetables to the menu. Fatty foods are not allowed.

For 9 days

This diet option is the strictest, not counting the monthly method. You should prepare for it. A few days before entering, you need to eat vegetables, limit meat, and make your food lighter. During the exercise, a lot of water is removed from the body, so it needs to be replenished. For the first three days, drink 1.5 liters of kefir. From the fourth to the sixth day they eat only apples and drink water. The last days are like the first. We need a smooth exit after finishing. You can lose up to 7 kg.

So, the decision has been made, and there should be no doubt. There are photos of model-looking girls on your desktop, and the same ones appear on the walls. Or you're just scrolling through Vogue longer than usual. Or maybe all this is not there, but there is a passionate desire to force the scales to show a lower number. Let's talk about weight loss methods quickly. One of the options for solving the problem is the “kefir and apples” diet.

There are three main types of this diet:

1) For three days we eat only apples (1-1.5 kg in 24 hours), and then a liter and a half of kefir per day for the next three days;

2) Alternating apple and kefir days with the same amount as in the previous paragraph;

3) Simultaneous consumption of apples and kefir, so that the total weight of what is eaten and drunk is no more than a kilogram.

It must be said right away that the first option is the worst, because any food tends to become boring, and perhaps on the second day you will no longer be able to look at kefir (apples). The “kefir and apples” diet in its second version is not so depressing with monotony, but it is still imperfect. The third option is the most gentle and easy to implement, but you should still prohibit yourself from eating more than 600g of apples per day if you also plan to drink kefir that day. The problem with apples is that they whet the appetite, and it is difficult for a person to stop, even if the stomach is already signaling SOS.

But you also need to wear your legs. Not everyone can afford to take a long break on a diet; we often combine diet and work (or worse, study). Although in general students can use this method only during the holidays, and in no case before exams or at the end of the semester, because the head will refuse to think, believe the opinion of many who have tried this system on themselves. It is better not to risk your academic success, because recently more and more attention is being paid to the diploma. And you can change your appearance in just a couple of months of vacation.

The “kefir and apples” diet is not the only one that allows you to lose weight quickly. The “eggs and citrus” option is no less popular. And also the “kefir-apples-chicken” diet, similar to the first one. Regarding all these methods of losing weight, there is one important rule of application: the entire diet should take no more than ten days. It’s better to limit yourself to one “circle” of the diet if it is cyclical.

If you sit on it longer, your nails, hair and immunity will suffer. So it's better not to take risks. Moreover, after almost starvation, the body will turn on the “uncontrollable appetite” mechanism, and all your previously experienced torment will go to waste. Therefore, take care of the correct exit from the diet.

Calculate the average calorie intake during the diet, and add 100 kcal per day until you reach 1200-1400 kcal. At this point you need to stop for a week and observe. If the weight continues to fall, then you need to either stay there (if you either increase calories until you reach a stable weight level.

Another option is a diet based on oatmeal and kefir. It helps if you follow the advice of Western fitness models: carbohydrates - before 16.00. That is, oatmeal for breakfast and lunch, and kefir after 16.00. This is a mono-diet, so there are also time restrictions for it (10 days).

Are the diets we discuss effective? Yes, you will lose 2-3 kg in 7 days, 3-5 in 10. After 10 days, weight loss will slow down very sharply, to the point that on almost complete hunger you will lose 50-100g per day, which is, of course, inspiring , can not. In addition, after them, if you did not go out correctly, weight can be gained literally by leaps and bounds. I witnessed how a friend gained 4.5 kg in 3 days, despite the fact that, according to her own assurances, she did not overeat, but simply drank a lot of liquid. That is, most of the weight you lose will be the weight of water previously bound to glycogen. So such diets are good only to fit into something and go to an important event. Take care of yourself. And the “kefir and apples” diet is only a means for your goals.

The kefir-apple diet is gaining popularity every day today. And there is every reason for this - it allows you not only to lose weight in the shortest possible time, but also helps to cleanse the body of accumulated over the years, the excess of which worsens the condition of the skin, slows down the growth of hair and nails, and also interferes with the full metabolic process.

Benefit or harm?

The essence of the kefir-apple diet is to eat only apples and kefir for several days. Therefore, before talking about the benefits of this diet, it is necessary to consider each product separately.

Apples themselves are considered a dietary product, since they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body, while their calorie content per 100 g of product does not exceed 47 kcal. They consist of 80% water, thanks to which the feeling of hunger quickly disappears when consumed. The amount of protein and fat in 100 g of fresh apples does not exceed 0.4 g, and the carbohydrate content in them is slightly increased - 9.8 g.

And this despite the fact that they contain:

  • organic acids;
  • fiber;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins of group B, A, C and others.

In addition, according to scientists, apple seeds prevent the appearance of malignant tumors. However, their use should be limited to 4 - 6 seeds per day, since they contain the glycoside amygdalin, which releases acid in large doses, the effect of which can be compared to poison. But since you don’t have to eat bones with the kefir-apple diet, you shouldn’t worry about it.

You can learn more about the benefits of apples by watching the following video:

Kefir is a dietary product that is one of the main components of most diets. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. The calorie content of kefir is only 56 kcal per 100 g of product. Also in 100 g it contains:

  • 2.8 g protein;
  • 4.1 g carbohydrates;
  • 3.2 g fat.

This product also has the following effects on the body:

  • normalizes sleep;
  • increases immunity;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • cleanses the stomach of toxins and waste;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Kefir is very useful for children and pregnant women, as well as the elderly, as it contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for strengthening bones. In addition, other minerals contained in kefir contribute to the rapid absorption of calcium, so it does not leave the body.

As you can see, these two products are ideal - they not only promote weight loss, but also replenish minerals and vitamins. But why exactly the apple-kefir diet, and not the “kefir” or “apple” diet? The answer to this question is simple - using these products separately, you will undoubtedly lose excess weight, but a monotonous menu, which begins to become boring already on the second day, leads to nervous breakdowns and a desire to return to your previous diet.

And besides, these diets individually can cause even slight harm to the body. For example, the “apple” diet involves eating 1.5 - 2 kg of apples per day, which can affect the stomach, as they produce acids. But the “kefir” diet removes unnecessary substances from the body only for the first 2 days, then the reserves of useful substances begin to be exhausted, and there is nothing to replenish them with, since nothing else can be eaten in this diet except kefir.

As for the kefir-apple diet, it is good because kefir removes everything unnecessary from the body, and apples replenish minerals and vitamins. Since apples contain a lot of iron, they help maintain the level of hemoglobin in the blood (red cells responsible for the supply of oxygen to the organs through the vessels). But the acids they secrete have a negative effect on the stomach, while kefir envelops the walls of the organ, maintaining an acid imbalance. Therefore, the benefits of the kefir-apple diet are obvious.

Contraindications for the kefir-apple diet

The kefir + apple diet has its contraindications. Its use is not allowed for persons suffering from:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus

This diet is also prohibited for pregnant women and children under 16 years of age.

How quickly does the weight come off?

If you follow all the rules, weight will begin to go away from the first days of being on a diet. The apple-kefir diet gives colossal results - in the first 3 days you can lose up to 3 kg in weight, or even more, it all depends on the characteristics of the body.

The duration of the diet should not exceed 9 days. During this time, weight decreases significantly, up to 10 kg or more. However, such a long-term diet can cause great harm to the body, so only completely healthy people can follow it.

Kefir-apple diet menu

The kefir-apple diet is designed for 3, 7 and 9 days. The diet contains only apples and kefir, the amount of which should not exceed 1.5 kg per day. These products can be eaten either individually or mixed with each other, for example, making a kind of cocktail.

The kefir-apple diet for 3 days involves alternating the foods you eat. For example:

  • 1 day - 1.5 kg of fresh apples;
  • Day 2 - 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • Day 3 - 1.5 kg of apples.

As for the diet, which is designed for 7 days, here for the first three days the products are consumed exactly the same as in the previous diet, then they can be mixed with each other or eaten alternately, for example, apples for breakfast, kefir for lunch, for an afternoon snack - apples, for dinner - kefir.

To diversify the menu of the kefir-apple diet for 9 days, you can make a cocktail from these products. To do this, you need to grate the peeled apple on a fine grater, then pour one glass of kefir over it. To ensure that the drink is not too sour, you need to use sweet apples.

Unloading kefir-apple diet

This diet option is most suitable for, for example, after the holidays. It also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole if used once a week.

So, when you wake up in the morning, drink one glass of 1% kefir. After an hour and a half, drink another glass of kefir and eat a small green apple. For lunch you are allowed to eat 200 g of boiled fish. Dinner includes 2 large apples and one small slice of low-fat cheese. If you feel very hungry, because of which you cannot sleep, do not be afraid and drink another glass of kefir or warm boiled water.

Such fasting days will only benefit your body! And the following video will tell you how to do this and what you can eat while unloading the body:

You need to lose weight for your health, not for your harm!