
Why do you dream of sitting high? Interpretation of the dream height in dream books. Why do you dream about fear of heights according to Freud's dream book?

Nbalynina5 Reply

I dreamed that the opera “Madama Butterfly” was being performed in a huge skyscraper, in an equally tall hall. I listen to it, but not inside, but outside: there is an endless staircase leaning against the building, I am sitting at the very top. And it’s very scary that I’ll fall if the ladder leans to the side, so I try my best to lean against the building. But at the same time I am amazed at how wonderful the music is - better than in life, simply angelic
I don’t associate the dream with anything
25 years old, gender - female

Alexander Reply

You can try to connect with reality. Let's try. A building, a skyscraper is a symbolic expression of our meaning in life or a set of life-defining meanings. You would like to find yourself in a building where great music is playing. But they are forced to hang out somewhere outside it. The ladder is our life path, that is, the destiny along which we walk. In our collection there is a dream where a girl walks up the stairs and looks for her apartment, and she is met by women in curlers and with trash cans. In my opinion, there are a lot of women with trash cans. Look it up. Very similar dreams.

Alexander Reply

I dreamed that I was sitting on a skyscraper. My husband was sitting next to me on the corner of the skyscraper. The roof was covered with soft fabric, and I felt that there was an abyss between me and my husband under the fabric on the roof, so I asked him to give me his hand so that he could help me get down. But he didn’t want to serve it, and this made me scared, I was scared and didn’t know what to do. But what two men extended their hand to me and helped me by offering me a ladder. I experienced fear in a dream.

Alexander Reply

I think the most important thing you need to pay attention to in your dream is fear. And ask yourself the question: what strong fear am I experiencing in my life right now? What is it connected with? What am I afraid of? Your association will be the main key to understanding the dream.

In my opinion, in

Sir_luke Reply

Very interesting from a psychoanalytic point of view. I used to periodically have dreams in which I was at high altitude (but not flying), and this was associated with either neutral or pleasant sensations. I know how Freud interprets dreams related to heights. In real life I have some fear of heights, sometimes it gets worse, but if I try I can overcome it. Now is just such a period, I feel some discomfort even being on the balcony of the 7th floor. In a short time, I had dreams related to heights several times, and each time I felt fear (this was the first time in a dream!) I myself cannot associate this dream with anything. This is apparently something subconscious, but why does fear suddenly arise? The only thing that, it seems to me, all this can be connected with is that at the moment I am quite passionate about one person, but I have firmly decided not to allow any closeness with him, so I have to resort to constant self-hypnosis... But still, there is a clear connection I do not see. I would like to hear your explanations for such strange metamorphoses of my dreams. Thanks in advance.

Lady Reply

Hello, Oracle!
Yesterday I had a dream: I was sitting on the windowsill on the outside of the window, with my legs dangling down and calmly talking to my mother, who was in the kitchen behind the CLOSED window. I hear her perfectly, I answer something, there is no fear that I might fall. But then the thought comes to my mind that I am sitting high and that there is nothing to do to fall down, there is not even a seat under me as such, there is not even anything to hold on to. Well, it’s as if I did everything in a hypnotic state, but woke up and the consciousness (awareness) of reality horrified me. I begin to frantically think about how to open the window, I try to remember how I got here, I look down - high. I experience very real feelings, as if this really happened. Here I remember that in one of my dreams I was rescued at the last moment in the same situation, only there I had already slipped and was caught on the fly and it happened playfully. That's the whole dream. Yaroslav, how can I understand that at first I was not afraid and sat calmly, and then I “woke up” and everything changed so much? After all, this is a dream, I am alone, in one place - on the windowsill, and such feelings are extreme. There's something I don't understand.

Alexander Reply

This is what we're talking about. The ego-image is an extremely strange structure; it stands apart from the rest of the psyche, although without it not a single thought arises in it (sometimes it even reaches the point of inflation, when the ego denies the psyche, considering itself the center of the universe). There is (you, Lena) some kind of problem, the acceptance of which from the point of view of the unconscious is urgent, but the ego-image is afraid of it. Then the psyche “immerses” him in a kind of trance state and shows that the problem is not terrible, there is nothing to be afraid of, etc. [: I am sitting on the windowsill on the outside of the window, with my legs hanging down, no fear, I am sitting high]. Then the trance is lifted and the ego-image finds itself face to face with its own fear [then a thought occurs to me, the realization of reality has horrified me]. This kind of training occurs in your dreams more than once: remember, then you walk over a cliff, and then you are afraid, then your child climbs a shaky ladder?

Mahru Reply

Good afternoon I want to talk about the dreams that I have been seeing since I was 16 years old (I am now 18 years old). They are not always similar to each other, but the meaning of the dream is the same.
The dream begins with different things, but in all cases I find myself on the top floor of some building (previously it was the high-rise building in which I live, and now it’s a country house). This is not even a floor, but a frame of a floor. And I walk, balancing on the slats that hold the building together. Tell us what the essence of these dreams is. Thank you in advance.

Marika13f Reply

And another dream that I recently had: me and two of my friends are sitting on the window ledge with our legs hanging down. And I'm terribly afraid, just wildly. And they are not afraid. I understand that I am sitting relatively safely, that is, I need to do something to fall, but the fear still does not go away. A couple of times I already start to “slide” off the ledge, each time clinging to something and returning to the same position. Then I climb inside the room, again overcoming the horror that I’m about to fall. And I find out that we were not sitting on the cornice of an ordinary window, but on the cornice of a balcony window, that is, there was a balcony below us (it’s strange that I didn’t see it) and that then, in principle, I couldn’t crash….
What interested me in the dream was that this is not the first time I have dreamed of mortal danger and fear, but in the end it turns out that the situation was not dangerous from the beginning. (For example, from dreams sent by OraKulu - dream No. 903)

Maxus2002d Reply

As I fell asleep, I thought about the person I love very much. And then I dreamed that I was somewhere on top of a plateau overlooking the sea or ocean... beautiful weather - sun, clouds and wind... I am filled with a huge feeling of satisfaction, calmness, happiness... I don’t need anything else......
p.s. This is exactly how I imagine heaven now...

Alexander Reply

It seems to me that your dream reflected your thoughts before sleep through images. In fact, you dreamed what you were thinking about. A high plateau symbolizes the degree of elevation of your feelings, from the height of which you can see something endless, beautiful and deep - the sea, the ocean.

Katty Reply


Extravert5 Reply

On New Year's Eve, I had a dream, an element of which periodically appears in my dreams and makes me experience an incredible feeling of fear and tension. Last dream (similar to New Year's): I climb to incredible heights
(there is always a ladder in such dreams) along a ladder, sometimes rope, sometimes stable and strong) in order to move into some room or just climb somewhere, and while I continue to move up the stairs I do not experience any unusual feelings or fear, but having almost reached the floor I need or just a stable surface, I always find myself on the last step (between it and the place where I need to get there is quite a visible space that I need to step over and catch on to the edge of the floor floor), but here I start very quickly in my mind calculating how to step there, from the stairs, in order to also maintain balance and not fall, and then, not expecting any catch, completely by accident, I glance down and am overcome by a terrifying feeling of panic from the huge distance between me on the unstable step and the ground , which is completely invisible due to the incredible height...
In general, my heart begins to pound with horror, and with one hand I hold on to my wooden step, which constantly sways in time with the swaying stairs, and with the other I try to grab onto the solid material where I was originally heading.
The feelings are very difficult to convey in words: this is a very strong sudden fear, and a feeling of helplessness; I constantly lose my balance, swaying like a blade of grass. Everything ends well (I never fall), I still pull myself together, overcome my fear and grab the edge of the floor of the floor, pull myself up with my hands and climb up. And as luck would have it, there is a very narrow door and I have to make even more efforts to squeeze through inward while maintaining balance. Then I don’t remember how the dream developed after this vivid episode...

And the last similar (this New Year’s) dream (I also remember only part of it) is a little different, I am not in such an immense space:
I walk around the store to buy gifts and decide to go up to the second floor of the store, again along the stairs, as always I climb the last step, look down and freeze in shock at the height I managed to climb. It is difficult to get to the second floor because of the space between the last step and the floor itself; to get there, you simply need to remain with one foot on the step, and push off with the other, maintaining balance and good spirits, and jump over. But I can't do anything at all, because... I’m squatting, I’m wearing some kind of yellow summer cotton dress, although I never wear dresses and I went to the store to buy gifts for the New Year, and I’m holding the edge of the steps with my hands, experiencing a very strong fear of heights. then I begin to remember how I jumped with a parachute (not in a dream), that is, in a dream I dream of a memory, and I relive the moment when I got off the plane in a panicked fear of heights and the unknown, having relived everything in myself, I look again down and I begin to understand that I’m just screwing myself up, because the distance from me to the floor is no more than 1.5 meters. I am very surprised at my causeless fear, I calmly jump off my step and for some reason go to the underwear counter.

Such dreams about heights, imbalance and fear of falling recur periodically (I can’t say how often, of course, I remember them all, I even dreamed about them as a child.

In general, sometimes I have very plot-driven and interesting dreams.

I'll definitely write again.

Mei Reply

I made new, special friends. I feel good and calm with them, they have unlimited possibilities and do everything for my well-being. I am behaving rather passively, they have prepared some kind of surprise for me and are leading me somewhere. We find ourselves in a mysterious country on New Year's Day. This day is considered very important and unique in this country and I also feel a sense of exclusivity. Friends lead me to the sea and we suddenly find ourselves on a high rock sticking straight out of the water not far from the shore. We are on a cliff, on a small rocky platform, high above the sea. The sun is warming up, gentle waves are splashing below. We either lie down sunbathing, or dive straight from this height into the sea and swim with great pleasure in the warm and clear water, or climb up the rock. The feeling of complete bliss, like playing on the rocks and in the sea, lasts almost the whole day. And the day seems long and long. I am indescribably happy and I tell my friends that I am eternally grateful to them and amazed at their sensitivity, because this is exactly how I dreamed of spending New Year’s Day. Only now, it’s a pity that my children weren’t with me, I should have brought them here too so that they could enjoy it too. And in general, I say, now it’s probably time to go somewhere to wash, clean up after the beach, get ready for the New Year, and find the children at the same time. My friends silently nod, but their faces become somehow serious and a little sad, as if I had upset them with something. It’s interesting that they are silent the entire dream; only I speak to them. They understand me, but don't say anything. At the same time, they seem to be the directors of everything that happens to me. Then, in accordance with my wishes, I find myself in some kind of room like a swimming pool dressing room. There are some public showers combined with toilets, but not like in regular swimming pools. There are separate cabin rooms, each with a shower and toilet. I try to occupy one of them, but I always fail. Either it’s already busy, or you have to let someone go ahead of you. I really want to wash myself and go to the toilet, but time passes and I just can’t do it. I feel sick. By this time, the friends had already disappeared somewhere. Suddenly some honey appears. workers who take me to the doctor. I either lose consciousness or fall asleep. Then I wake up and see a female doctor who shows me a computer screen on which my insides are depicted in a longitudinal section in the form of multi-colored outlines. The doctor explains how, using some procedure, she cleansed my insides of impurities and disinfected them with some kind of aerosol, and now I will feel better.

Alexander Reply

It seems, May, that you have given up something negative [I want to wash myself and go to the toilet, but time passes, and I just can’t do it, I feel unwell] and this causes a subjective feeling of freedom [a feeling of complete bliss, so playing on the rocks and in the sea, almost the whole day passes, and the day seems long, very long]. However, this is not just a rational act - as we see, it was not without the activity of the internal healing potential [the doctor explains how, using some procedure, she cleansed my insides of impurities and disinfected them with some kind of aerosol, and now I will feel better].
It was not by chance that I swapped the events in my transcript - when the phases of the state “good” - “bad” - “good” meet, the first “good” is often given on credit, the Unconscious seems to show (see the fairy tale about the frog princess: they feel good, it burns the skin and they feel bad, then he looks for it and feels good again), that the second “good” is possible over a longer period if you take active actions (other sides of the personality show this activity for you - some honey appears. workers who take me to the doctor).
I wouldn’t be surprised if the newfound friends turn out to be personally grown homeless people from past dreams - at least the release of negativity and cleansing is obvious.

Mei Reply

Thank you Yaroslav! I myself had several decoding options, but none of them were completely suitable, so I didn’t write anything. The fact of giving up something negative, even if only in thoughts, really took place. At one time I was captivated by a dubious idea, and just before my previous dream with homeless people, I mentally “tried it on” very intensely. And before the last dream, I realized the uselessness and harmfulness of this idea for me. So, you are probably right. And where does such insight come from, is it really all from observations and research?

Khromovat3 Reply

I very often have a dream in which I find myself at some height (often the roof of a house) I don’t understand how I get there, but I’m very afraid to get down, or I just don’t see a way. I feel such fear that my limbs cramp. I always find myself on some narrow surface, i.e. I can’t help but look down... what could that mean? about myself: 19 years old, student, modest, often insecure, impressionable, actually afraid of heights.

Riry Reply

It started with me sitting on a high beak-shaped ledge and reading a book. Then my mother called me, and it was very scary to get off - I was sitting on horseback, there was nothing to support my legs with. I ask her to help, she refuses and leaves. Fear freezes me, but what can I do? I calm down and finally get off.

I'm on the balcony, the glass is fogged up. I breathe on it, a clearing appears, I press my face to the glass, see the sea rocky shore and am transported there. None other than the Scandinavian god Odin approaches me, sitting on a stone by the sea. I see him in detail, one-eyed, everything is as it should be. I just don't see it for long, as we begin to passionately make love. The stones are hard, however, having completed the process, we talk a little and he disappears. He left forever, I understand, naturally, God, what else can you expect from them. And I find myself outside the window on the balcony, however, looking out there, I see Odin walking away along the rocky shore, and more pictures. It turns out that the treacherous god, having abandoned me, nevertheless left in return the gift of clairvoyance, though only in relation to his own person - I can only predict the events of his life.

Oksygena Reply

I keep dreaming that I am at some height and am in danger of falling. For example, I am standing on a dilapidated, rotten bridge that is swinging over a large and deep body of water, or on an old balcony that is crumbling and is about to fall. At the same time, I experience a HUGE fear, although in reality I am not at all afraid of heights. Being in this position, out of fear, I practically cannot move, I just cling to everything I can with a death grip, trying not to fall. There is a feeling of hopelessness, since I cannot leave this dangerous place. Sometimes I fall without catching myself, but I never reach the surface. At the moment of the fall, when I realize that I couldn’t resist, it hits me like a bucket of cold water, my heart skips a beat, but I don’t wake up, and after flying a few meters, the dream simply ends, flowing into another. This dream has been bothering me for 3 years, repeating itself periodically. I would really like to understand it, but nothing comes to mind. I am 19 years old, gender - female.

AnaLitik Reply

The fall symbolizes a departure from the authentic (corresponding to the original plan) path of development. If you start to fall while in the middle of a swaying bridge, this indicates indecision. Crossing the bridge to the other side would mean achieving the goal. Old, destroyed bridges represent stagnation, which can lead to psychosomatic illnesses.


a tall tree, I’m sitting on it, I’m very scared, in principle, sitting there is not scary, but I’m afraid to move so as not to fall! I'm afraid to get off! below brother friends! I understand that if I fall, I won’t kill myself! the disturbing sensations the dream was very real!

Set-81-yandex-ru Reply

Hello! I used to often (now less often) have dreams about climbing some peak: each time these peaks are different, rarely repeated - they were rocks, mountains, bridges, giant mushrooms. During such dreams, I experience great fear that I am about to fall, I will fall, but I climb higher and higher and something saves me, I have never fallen yet, I have been at the top all the time. I am 21 years old, gender female. I associate this dream with my fears about illness and death, and dreams in this way try to tell me that these fears are groundless and everything is in order. I don’t know how it really is. Tell me.

Zannettou-rambler-ru Reply

I dreamed that I went to Moscow with my parents and to see the city we climbed onto the roof of a very tall building. And suddenly I began to feel dizzy and very scared (I have never noticed in my life that I had a fear of heights). Mine my parents felt great and only I began to understand that I was going to fall. I slipped and hung over the abyss for several minutes, but then somehow miraculously the upper part of my body outweighed and I again found myself on the edge of the roof. The problem was that To return to the building, I had to walk along the edge of the roof in one place and I couldn’t do it. My parents returned inside the building and laughed at me. I was very offended and even decided to fall in spite of them. In the end, my dad came back to help me. The dream ended with me, together with him, trying to walk along the edge of the roof. I very rarely have dreams, but this one was so vivid. What does it mean?

309 Reply

Me and my friend. We climbed onto what the hell floor. We are standing on the ledge, I look down, People seem like small dots, the floor is about 12. We are standing and chatting about the headmistress (what a bastard she is). Then I look down again, not so high, the height is about the 5th floor. We stand and people don’t pay attention to us. On the ledge, in plain sight! And they don't even blink in our direction. A friend suggests breaking the glass, then everyone will look at us. We hit the glass with all our might. Terrible noise. Everyone, naturally, is looking at us. We notice the headmistress in the crowd. She has the most terrible displeased face. We are going down the ledge. She scolds us and charges us a fine of 2,000 rubles for breaking glass.

496 Reply

I love writing fantasy stories, drawing graphic novels, and have spent half the night with my characters. When I finally got up from the table, I thought that the characters from the story were stuck in my head... But I didn’t know how firmly. At night I had the following dream. —— I was sitting behind some hospital. He was tall, and the side where I was sitting was shady. It is quite possible that I ran away from there. Green grass grew there and there was a wooden bench. It was very important that the people in white patches, constantly leaning out of the small windows, still thought that they were not being watched. So I sat on this bench and pretended to be asleep. It had an effect on them, and they did not pay any attention to me. Suddenly I was wearing a black crepe dress with lace and ribbons (I noticed the change myself). Further, I’m already wearing a white shirt with pink stripes, black trousers and black leather boots - that is, I’m dressed like one of the killers from my own story, the so-called “Assassins”. I pushed off the ground and flew up to the roof. (Assassins can do this.) I did this partly through willpower, and partly through the help of my boots, which acted like springs if I pushed off the ground enough. Now we had to go down. This was more difficult because it is easier to stimulate flight upward than to stop falling down. (I knew that nothing would happen to me, but it was unpleasant to fall..) Then I felt ashamed, an Assassin after all... But as soon as I put my foot on the ledge, I was stopped by a group behind me. These were two girls and one young man. They stood, like me, on a flat, concrete roof, bathed in the sunset sun, and, apparently, had just emerged from a booth with a ladder leading to the attic. They smiled, and I immediately realized that they were, that is, Artisans. Despite this, I realized that I had to fight against them. A guy with blond hair and a striped shirt let the girls pass him by (one with black hair in a ponytail and a shirt like mine, and the other with blond hair). They simply simply put their feet on the cornice, and took turns flying away on business. I prepared to fight him, but apparently he didn't have time either, as he soon abandoned his fighting position and tried to sneak past me. When I tried to attack, he simply held me with one hand and ran his finger over my skin with the other - this made me indescribably pleasant, and I think I fell in love with him, despite the fact that I can’t stand blondes. He slid off the roof after his colleagues, but I grabbed onto his shirt and flew with him, holding on to him and literally lying on his back. This didn't make him angry at all. At that moment, I suddenly changed gender, and turned into a sophisticated young man (I still seemed to see myself from the outside) with black hair and bright blue eyes. He smiled slightly when he felt how I was crawling, or rather crawling over him, trying to lie with my pelvis on his. ... Then, Black-haired somehow caught me and dragged me somewhere by the hand. She wanted to know something from me, but I didn’t want to tell her. As a result, she decided to torture me. We approached the entrance to some garden, there were skewers with holes for throwing coins. She took out a coin and said: You still have a chance to tell me this, then I won’t torture you. The thought flashed through my mind, to beg her not to torture me, but I immediately felt ashamed. Then she shrugged, threw a coin, and dragged me into the garden. The garden was laid out in the Japanese style, that is, it was bright and blooming, with a predominance of pink, yellow and white flowers, and somewhere there was even a golden statue of Buddha. Further on there was a statue of the Empress, which my opponents worshiped. Next to the statue lay a notebook with a table in which such things as the Empress’s last 5 thoughts, the Empress’s well-being, etc. were written down with a blue paste pen. “So, how is the Empress doing?” I asked caustically, because my new friend couldn’t tear herself away from her notebook. My remark, in my opinion, angered her, because she muttered something like: “Now I’ll take care of you...” She dragged me into some room with mats on the floor (the doors were bamboo and covered with tissue paper, and the wall behind me was oak) . There she threw me on the mat, and she sat down next to me and began to tell me something about her relatives. It was long and tedious, finally I said something that reminded her that she wanted to torture me. But she just started caressing me! At first, I liked it, but then I kind of stopped feeling what she was doing to me and fell asleep. Falling asleep, I grabbed her waist, because I was thinking about that blond. She looked at me and said, “Still, she’s touching.” This is where the dream ended...

AnaLitik Reply

It is touching that all the characters in the dream have a positive attitude towards the hero in whom the author embodied. Therefore they do not harm him. This is the plasticity that characterizes talented people. Of course, the “embodied author” pushes his sensual-romantic line everywhere, and the dream itself reflects the operational plan of the story you are composing. The story turns out to be erotic, but it illustrates how Being gives birth to existence and how it loves it.


Thank you very much for decoding... You know, lately, despite the fact that I am going through a psychologically difficult period, in my dreams everyone treats me well. I often dream of fights, adventures, and even more often that I fly, but more often than not, the relationship between my enemies and me takes on a friendly (much less often: erotic) character.

And this was the first time that I found myself in MY story. That is, I often imagine that I find myself in my favorite films and books, but finding myself in my own story is almost the second time in my life (besides this case, I remember only one, I was 9-10 years old then).

Alexander Reply

Oh, by the way, I forgot to say: in my dream there were characters who are not in my story... That is, they belonged to the group of people in question, but there are no such characters, except for the young man I turned into.

662 Reply

I’ve actually never been afraid of heights, but in a dream this is my only fear, the last time I dreamed that I had to save my friend (whom I had never seen before) she wanted to jump off the bridge, but I couldn’t even get up because that I was scared (it was very high up there) and yet she jumped off and hit the ground before my eyes. at the moment I am 19 years old, female, and I don’t know what this dream can be associated with

AnaLitik Reply

Jumping off a bridge means giving up the search for a solution that potentially exists. The bridge indicates the opportunity to connect opposites into one, but the bridge must be crossed. Stopping at the very beginning of the bridge is a fear of novelty. The image of a friend in a dream may indicate a real friend and her problems. But it happens that some dream characters represent ourselves. To check this you need to stand in the place of this person and listen to your intuition. If at the same time special emotions appear that captivate us entirely, then we are talking about our own situation.

Visockiy2010 Reply

a serial dream about being on power transmission towers, high trees under 100 m (such as in the USA), rocky cliffs of canyons, all this while being chased by someone, in a hurry overcoming fear when descending from these objects, regularity of sleep 2-4 times a month for over the course of a year (husband 31 years old, married, drug addict - desire to get rid of it, love for his family and children, problems)

In dreams, everything is literally permeated with riddles, hints, secrets.

Sometimes dreams have everyday, everyday plots, and sometimes the symbols and signs are so bright and concrete that immediately after waking up you want to interpret and find out the secret - what does the dream promise?

One such striking symbol is height. A sign that can promise a lot - both good and desirable, and alarming. Heights are different, and some people experience fear and apprehension, sometimes even panic, while others, on the contrary, experience a craving for heights and euphoria from being above the ground.

Height in dreams can be a symbol of achieving heights in reality, it can indicate the dreamer’s ambitions or his fear of serious decisions and actions, or it can hint at mistakes and warn about something. It depends on the details of the “high-altitude” dream, and these details can be like this:

  • You fall from a great height in your dreams.
  • Stand high above the ground, afraid of falling.
  • You fell to the ground from a height.
  • You are standing on the roof of a building.
  • You are going to jump down in a dream.
  • Fly on an airplane.
  • You are standing on a high tower, on an observation deck.
  • In a dream you are on a high mountain.
  • You jump with a parachute in your dreams.
  • Watching someone fall from a height.
  • Look down from above calmly, without fear, with pleasure.

All these “high-altitude” dreams can bring different emotions to the dreamer, but the main thing is that they carry different meanings, and sometimes very important ones. Remember not only the details of your dream, but also the emotions that you experienced - this will also help you understand the dream in the right way and make the right decision in reality.

Fall or fly...

To explain what heights mean in dreams, the dream book should ask the right question, taking into account everything that happens in dreams. Where exactly the dreamer had to be, what he experienced - all this is extremely important for the interpretation of the “high-altitude” dream.

1. Falling in a dream from a great height, flying down, experiencing fear - this can be a serious shock and frighten, but it does not promise any catastrophe. This indicates that the dreamer sets himself in reality too serious, sometimes impossible tasks.

You are probably putting too much on your own shoulders, demanding the simply impossible from yourself - you shouldn’t do this, slow down. Set realistic tasks and goals, complete them calmly and confidently, and then set the next ones.

2. T Such a dream in which heights seriously frighten you, you experience terrible fear and panic - a hint that you are not only too demanding of yourself, but also too critical. Again, the interpreter recommends being more realistic, soberly assessing your own strengths, and setting tasks according to your capabilities.

3. Falling to the ground from any height in a dream is a good sign; it portends you overcoming obstacles. If any goal now seems unattainable to you, be sure that you will overcome everything and reach great heights.

4. As the dream book says, the height below, below you, if you are standing on the roof of a building, indicates your ambitions. You plan a lot, and perhaps even talk about your plans, but you do little. It's time to use your strength and start taking active action.

5. If in your dreams you not only stood at the top, high above the ground, but also intended to jump down - such a dream may indicate your desire or readiness to leave your usual life.

Change, for example, a noisy city for calmness, do something more measured. A re-evaluation of life awaits you, and perhaps you will radically change a lot by understanding what your heart wants.

6. Flying high in the clouds in a dream on an airplane or other flying vehicle is a hint of your habit of building illusory dreams and hopes, sand castles. Be more realistic, evaluate life more soberly to avoid disappointments.

7. Have you stood on a high tower in your dreams? A high position or an attractive new position awaits you. In any case, feel free to expect recognition and honor, you will soon earn it.

8. Standing on a high mountain in a dream is a wonderful sign. You will achieve something very serious, you will simply make a breakthrough, and you will reap the benefits of your achievements for a long time. So now work with the firm confidence that it is not in vain.

9. If you jumped with a parachute in your dreams, you are clearly missing some sharp or simply fresh sensations. You have probably been stuck in everyday life for too long, you are accustomed to routine, but your soul is asking for vivid experiences, a shake-up.

10. To watch someone fall from a height in a dream means to experience a reassessment of values. Someone’s experience or example will make you think extremely seriously about your own life, goals and dreams, and you will want to change a lot in your usual reality.

11. If you looked from above in a dream calmly, without fear or even with pleasure, know that you will soon achieve incredible heights and accept high position and honors with dignity. This is wonderful!

“High-altitude” dreams are a reason to think carefully about your life, look at your daily actions and actions, and listen to your own heart. What does it want, and is this how you live, are you moving there?

You build your own reality, remember this, and do not let circumstances control your life - and amazing heights will await you. Author: Vasilina Serova

dream interpretation height

If you had a dream in which a tall building appeared in front of you, then be prepared for a positive rise in your career. A promotion awaits you, which will bring financial stability. Climbing a high ladder means moving to a new spiritual level, improving your inner world.

If in your dream you are truly afraid of heights, then you and your loved ones are in danger. Every effort must be made to protect relatives from trouble.

height in a dream what is it for

A dream in which you are at high altitude foreshadows illness, and possibly a serious illness. A fall from a height also indicates serious illness. If you look up and see the sky, then such a dream does not foretell anything bad, only positive and joyful experiences and events await you.

what does it mean if height is in a dream

You have set yourself a high and difficult to achieve bar in life if you dream of heights. Also, such a dream may indicate that you are demanding too much from yourself and others, be more lenient. Perhaps the dream warns that you have committed to doing something that you cannot do.

dreamed of heights

Height in dreams symbolizes spirituality. Also, the meaning of height in dreams can be interpreted as a desired goal, difficult to achieve, career and spiritual growth, financial well-being. Rising above someone in a dream means a change in social status.

height according to the dream book

Being at a high altitude, above the ground in a dream and being afraid of heights means events or actions that will go against the letter of the law. If you do not feel fear, then you should expect a climb up the career ladder and a significant promotion.

dream interpretation height

Seeing yourself at your best in dreams means achieving what you have long dreamed of. If, according to the plot of the dream, you are afraid of the height at which you are, then you should be vigilant and careful, otherwise problems with the law cannot be avoided. A dream in which you are not afraid of heights warns of a significant increase. Watching someone from above means achieving goals through hard work and determination. The health of someone who in a dream sees himself falling from a great height will seriously deteriorate.

One of the most terrible dreams that, perhaps, everyone has had is a dream in which a person falls from a height. What does height mean in a dream and how various dream books interpret it, we will learn from this article.

French dream book

According to the tradition of this dream book, falling down means various kinds of difficulties and problems. What is important is what happens after the person falls. If he rose, then the dream promises victory and a favorable outcome of events in reality. But if a fall from a height ended tragically, and the person was unable to rise, then in reality one has to wait for misfortunes and bad news.

Intelligent dream book

In accordance with the interpretation proposed by this dream book, falling down should be understood as an insult that will be inflicted on you soon. Your reputation will likely be tarnished.

Women's dream book

According to the women's dream book, falling from a height is an omen that you will soon have to solve some problems. However, such a plot promises you that you will cope. However, if you hit yourself hard when you fall, then in reality be prepared for serious material losses or even separation from people close to you.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A very multifaceted interpretation is offered by the psychoanalytic dream book. According to him, heights and falling from heights are interpreted as a precarious position in reality, the presence of problems and failures. In addition, falling is considered in it as a symbol of falling under unfavorable influence or simply under the power of your enemies. As a symbolic burial, such a dream can also mean imminent death - this is what this dream book suggests to understand. Falling from a height for women, in addition to the above, can mean sexual intercourse. This interpretation comes from a number of physiological associations, as well as from the definition of "fallen woman".

If in your dreams you see another person falling from a height, then this is understood as an unexpressed desire for death. However, for a man this can also have another meaning, namely, a latent desire to take possession of a fallen woman, as this dream book states. Jumping from a height, having first climbed to a hill, is a sign of instinctive fear of one’s own inflated ambitions, fear of defeat and failure. Also, a fall can mean a transition from active action to a passive state of expectation, a change in mentality. If you fall into a bottomless abyss, then the dream book suggests understanding it as the abyss of your loneliness or despair. An alternative interpretation of the abyss is the subconscious. That is, falling into an abyss in a dream implies that in reality you have to feel the need to find contact with your unconscious, to feel the need to deepen your standard of living.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

This dream book suggests understanding the fall as a warning about future misfortunes. Falling from a height in a dream means loss of material wealth, reputation or status in reality. This dream may also mean that your secret will be revealed and you will be exposed. If you have to fall into a hole, this may mean, in addition to what is described above, an imminent illness. Being afraid of heights in a dream and even waking up when falling is a good sign that indicates that everything is starting to get better.

Miller's Dream Book

If you are injured while falling in a dream, then this is an omen of some kind of loss in reality. It is even possible that there may be betrayal from friends. Being afraid of heights in a dream is considered a good sign, especially if you are falling. Such fear promises you victory in the fight against your problems and future success.

Psychological dream book

As such, falling in a dream is considered a sign of increased anxiety, according to what this dream book says. Height signifies your fear and willingness to give in to difficulties. You are inclined to give in, and if you have not yet done so, then the dream shows your hesitation. Also, such a dream can mean a loss of self-control, a feeling of helplessness, and despair.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

This dream book has a positive interpretation. Height, or rather a fall from it, is interpreted as a promotion, career growth, expansion of the sphere of influence, and so on.

American dream book

According to this dream book, falling from a height is a symbol of falling when trying to learn to walk. Such dreams reflect your attempts to cope with reality, find your place in life and solve your problems. In addition, according to this dream book, height is a sign of your lack of confidence in yourself and your own strengths.

English dream book

This dream book has four options for interpreting a dream in which you have to fall from a height. According to the first meaning, the dream speaks of losses and loss of your current status. The second option is more specific and is suitable only for those who are experiencing a state of love. In this case, the dream is interpreted as vain attempts to start a relationship - they will still end in nothing. The third meaning is related to the conduct of trade and business. In general, financial losses and a difficult period are what this dream book portends for businessmen. A height and a fall from it, according to the fourth interpretation, mean shipwreck and a bad journey. This is especially true for those who plan to travel by water. The dream that has the greatest negative significance is when you have to jump into the water from a height.

Eastern dream book

This is understood as a good sign in which when you fall down you experience fear. This means that your problems will be solved successfully. Things are worse, however, if you fall into the abyss. In this case, you will have to wait for losses and deterioration in relationships with loved ones. The same thing means a dream in which you damaged something when you fell.

Idiomatic dream book

In this case, the interpreter suggests going through associations with expressions such as “fall low” and “sink to the very bottom.” This means that the dream should be understood as a sign of internal There is, however, another side, starting from the expression “to descend to earth.” From it comes the second interpretation of the dream, which speaks of the acquisition of a sense of reality, the awakening of realism in a person.

Imperial dream book

In general, the imperial dream book suggests understanding a fall from a height as an illustration of one’s own inadequacy in the current situation. This dream suggests that all actions taken in reality are meaningless, and chaos reigns in your head. The dream also illustrates your spiritual decline, loss and stupidity. At the physiological level, it can also foreshadow diseases of the kidneys, liver and spleen.

Icelandic dream book

The interpretation of this dream book is unambiguous. Thus, he proposes to understand falling down as a loss of honor in reality.

Italian dream book

According to the Italian dream book, falling down may indicate your underlying fear of losing your current status and career achievements. He also says that because of this you are under the influence of others and do not fully control yourself. Another possible meaning is associated with death in this dream book. Either in the sense that you are experiencing a severe or serious illness, or as an indicator of the death of some of your relationships, plans or desires. Also, a dream in which a person sees himself falling can tell him about his inability to stand firmly on his feet - in the figurative meaning of the word. The dream can also be regarded as an allegory of the collapse of erotic hopes and desires associated with someone.

Fear of heights is one of the human phobias that is not easy for a weak nature to overcome. We’ll find out why we dream about heights in proven dream books.

Height in dreams indicates the grandiose plans and ambitions of the sleeper. This may reflect the complex essence of the sleeper’s nature, his thirst for adventure, new achievements, overcoming his own fears, laziness, and pessimism. Such people always try to expand the boundaries of their own existence and are in search of new opportunities and ways of development.

Finding yourself at the top of a skyscraper means achieving rapid advancement up the career ladder, gaining freedom and financial independence from your former employer, and opening a new source of large profits that does not require a lot of hard work and time.

For a young lady, such a plot indicates great attention from a status and influential man. You will be able to quickly and easily win his love and trust. His extravagance and generosity towards you will be a sign of the manifestation of deep feelings and desires. In other words, a good period for Cinderella, who is in search of her prince. Feel free to call the person who can’t get out of your head and worries your heart - it’s mutual.

Climbing a water tower and discovering a broken ladder means working long and hard for a future promotion and high salary. But at the most unexpected moment you will feel that someone is trying to interfere with you. Perhaps the envy and hypocrisy of colleagues will play a role in slowing down the rate of career growth. Personal perseverance, diligence and indifference to the opinions and actions of others will help you get rid of negative consequences.

If the stairs got dirty with rusty bars while climbing - in reality, avoid noisy parties and merry feasts with those whom you consider your competitors. They can easily damage your reputation and ruin your authority with dirty gossip and rumors.

Climbing a tall tree without seeing a single branch means facing insurmountable life difficulties that you will have to solve on your own. Do not count on the help and support of loved ones during this period. They can only be around at the moment when you are sitting on the laurels of your own success.

Watching a huge glacier collapse, which you climbed earlier, means being disappointed in your own ideals. On the one hand, this will give you a reason to go into a little oblivion and start rethinking your life values ​​and attitudes. But on the other hand, there will be a good opportunity to do something new and more promising for you. The case when old goals, tasks, problems become a thing of the past. And what you perceive calmly will no longer control you.

For a girl to feel fear when contemplating the beauty on the viewing platform is to artificially create barriers to what she wants. This reflects the constraint and shyness of the individual, her lack of confidence in her own external attractiveness, and the fear of being rejected during personal contact with the opposite sex. This isolation leads to loneliness and problems with sexual development. Love yourself, be optimistic and remove imaginary obstacles. During this period, everything is possible.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

The height of a castle or fortress personifies the feminine, impregnable principle. For a man to besiege such a structure in a dream means he will not win the favor of a sexy but proud beauty. Perhaps your courtship methods are completely inconsistent with her delicate nature and are unacceptable given her manners and puritanical upbringing. Be more patient and gentle if you want to see this person in your bed.

For a young man to examine the tower from below and be frightened by its scale - to be a very indecisive and slow suitor. It’s easy for your opponent to take away the person you like. You are too busy suppressing your own worries, doubts, and experiences. Therefore, it is difficult for you to notice that a potential passion is quite open to contact and intimate intimacy with her is quite real.

To rush to the top of a high mountain, but when approaching, to find an ordinary mountain of stones instead of a beautiful hill - in reality, experience disappointment in a close relationship with your beloved. Your expectations will not match reality. This union does not foretell many orgasmic pleasures. Dissatisfaction with your partner will occur due to her indifference to your sexual fantasies and erotic whims.

For a woman to inspect a tall building from the inside - a completely passive attitude towards sexual intercourse or adhere to complete abstinence. This area of ​​life interests you less and less. This is due to previous bad experiences or uncertainty about future harmonious relationships.

Gustov Miller

Height in a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s determination. Conquering mountains, hills or high towers indicates that you cannot sit still. You are ready to move forward without being afraid of difficulties and adversity. This is a good reason for you to strengthen your character, learn true possibilities, and gain new experience. Fate loves such people and, as a result, always gives them pleasant prospects.

Success and recognition await those who climb to the top of the cliff and admire what they see. Such visions are dreamed of by brave and self-sufficient individuals who are sure to show excellent results. Confidence in the correctness of your own decisions and actions will never let you down. Listen to others, but rely solely on your own judgment. Only this will lead to well-deserved prosperity.

Climbing a mountain serpentine and finding yourself in front of a landslide is a sign that unforeseen troubles will force you to temporarily abandon your own aspirations and take care of pressing matters. Be prepared for the fact that solving current problems will take you a lot of time and effort. But do not retreat from the implementation of promising projects. This will be a good opportunity to change the present for the benefit of a stable and comfortable future for children and grandchildren.


Beautiful and high mountain ranges in a dream are a sign of great aspirations and desires that do not bring personal material enrichment, but serve the high ideals of love, devotion to family, and raising children. A symbol of obstacles will be a dream where you are climbing the icy and slippery slopes of the Alps. You are not looking for easy ways and are able to overcome anything that befalls you. Building a sandcastle that will wash away is a rash decision that will lead to personal disappointment.