
How to make pea scones. Pea flour cakes. Lenten version of flatbreads

The basis for preparing this dish was a recipe for lentil flatbreads. I had some peas at home and decided to do a little experiment by making pea scones. I was very pleased with the results, so I hasten to share them with you. The taste of peas is almost not noticeable, and the flatbreads themselves will be a good addition to almost any first course.

So we need the following ingredients, see photo.

We need to soak the peas in water overnight or for several hours, then boil and grind in a blender.

This is the kind of puree we should get. Let's let it cool.

Now take the yeast, mix with a teaspoon of sugar, 1 tbsp. l. flour and 3 tbsp. l. warm water. Let's leave this whole mixture in a warm place. The mass should rise.

Add the suitable dough to the peas, and also add a tablespoon of olive oil. Let's get up. Fry the onion. When the dough with peas increases, add salt, onion and flour.

Knead the dough, add flour gradually. It should not stick to your hands.

Divide the dough into several parts.

Roll out lightly or simply press down pieces of dough with your hands and form into flat cakes.

Immediately place the tortillas on a sheet of baking paper, make small indentations in a circle with your fingers, grease the tortillas with olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. I also sprinkled with dry herbs. Let it stand for 20 minutes, then put it in the oven for 20 minutes and bake at 200 degrees.

When the pea cakes are ready, let them cool a little and you are ready to enjoy!

Bon appetit!

And another close-up photo of the flatbreads.

Almost Indian flatbreads besan roti... Spicy, pungent, in general - unusual... They will be of interest to those who are fasting, since they do not contain eggs, and to those who just want to try something like that... Many thanks to Marina (Begum) for the science :-)

Ingredients for Pea Flour Flatbread:

Recipe for Pea Flour Cakes:

Why almost besan roti? Because real besan roti is made from chickpea flour. Yes, there is such a thing in Russia now, but somewhere not here. Fussing with grinding and sifting chickpeas is not my thing, so I replaced the chickpea flour with its brother, pea flour. To prepare these flatbreads, it is quite possible to use premium wheat flour - this will be a festive option (and the flatbreads will turn out more tender, to be honest), but I prepared, so to speak, everyday (or traditional) - from coarse wheat flour (also whole grain, it’s also wallpaper) - both healthier and more authentic, or something... Also, for preparing besan roti, the so-called ghee (ghee) - ghee, the recipe for which you can see here: show/23413/ (recipe from the cook Aron-Space), but “in the absence” of it, I cooked with ordinary refined sunflower oil.

Mix the flour, sift it (or vice versa, it doesn’t matter), add salt, cumin, cilantro and pepper. It’s better, of course, to finely chop fresh peppers and cilantro, but you can also use dried ones, like I did. Rub 2 tablespoons of oil thoroughly into the spice-flour mixture and, gradually pouring water in small portions, knead the dough. The dough must be kneaded until it stops crumbling and is pliable, like plasticine. Cover the finished dough with a damp cloth and leave to rest for half an hour to an hour.

Divide the rested dough into six pieces. From each piece we roll a ball and roll it out with a rolling pin into a thin pancake, lightly grease this pancake on one side and fold it in half, grease it again with butter and roll it again, getting a triangle. We roll out this triangle with a rolling pin into a thin cake - this is our “besan roti”. To make it more convenient to grease the pancakes, I did it with a brush, pouring a tablespoon of oil into a saucer.

You can fry the flatbreads in different ways, it all depends on what you like best: in oil or without. I prefer the second option, brushing the flatbread itself a little at a time before frying, and the pan remains dry - the flatbreads turn out drier, but there is also less fat on them. Fry each flatbread over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side so that it is well baked; ideally fry in a thick-bottomed cast-iron frying pan. When frying on one side, the other side should puff up slightly as shown in the photo. This means everything is going well for you. Place the finished flatbreads on a plate and be sure to cover them with a damp towel (if you will not be preparing them directly “for the table”).

Ready-made cakes dry quickly, so it’s better to cook them a little, and preferably eat them on the same day, but if there are any left, be sure to wrap them in a damp towel. These flatbreads, in my opinion, are very tasty to eat with fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt), or with other dishes - instead of bread.

This dish, of course, is not for everyone. I am careful with pepper, because my little daughter will definitely steal a piece (I was always surprised by the taste of little ones), but for adults I would recommend peppering with a generous hand; in this dish the spiciness is very appropriate, and there is no pronounced pea taste (so, just a little bit something legume). As you can see, the structure of the dough is quite dense, but very layered and fragile, I repeat - with kefir - delicious. For a change, I think it’s worth making these flatbreads; in the end, you won’t lose anything, and maybe you’ll even get a good recipe for your piggy bank.

Yesterday I was preparing a LJ post about farinata in Liguria, for which I also photographed chickpea flour, which I bought back in the winter, but never used.

Traditions of Liguria. Farinata.

Immediately, without delay, it was decided to bake farinata at home.
I show you the process. The farinata recipe is written on the flour packet.

1.500 ml water, 170 g pea flour / this is approximately 1.5 cups /.
It is necessary to mix carefully so that lumps do not form. At the end, add salt to taste.
When stirring, you can smell dry peas. Very similar to the smell of our ordinary Russian yellow peas for soups.

2. Time 11:50. The mixture is more liquid than pancake batter.

3. 15:10. The mixture has become thicker and stickier. Notice the rosemary sprig. I'll need it later.

4. It was difficult for me to find a suitable frying pan. This one is for pizza, very old. And I bake the pizza, covering the bottom with parchment paper.
Paper will not work for farinata.
As in the previous post about traditional farinata, where I talked about observing its preparation... I pour olive oil on the bottom...

5.Then I pour in the prepared dough and start mixing until it is more or less homogeneous.

6.The oven must be preheated to 220 degrees. The farinata should bake for about 30 minutes. I got 40 minutes.
First, after about 15 minutes, the farinata began to swell with bubbles like this...

7.15:28. Now she is like this)

8.15:38. I sprinkle the farinata with finely chopped fresh rosemary.

9.15:44. Let's try it piping hot. It's just time for afternoon tea...
We had a haphazard lunch yesterday and were hungry by midday, so the farinata seemed very tasty to us.

10. I won’t hide it from you - the farinata stuck to the bottom of the pan. But I noticed that it sticks even with professional manufacturers. So I think the experiment was quite successful)))

Cooled farinata /top photo/ tastes mealy, i.e. fully lives up to its name. "Farinata" can be translated as "mealy".
This is a poor dish of the Ligurian peasants, which has become rare and expensive.

The day before yesterday I baked our classic Russian pancakes for breakfast. They are much tastier than any farinata, to be honest))))

Eggplant pancakes
Cooking method:
2 large eggplants (1 kg), cut crosswise into 1.5 cm thick pieces
1/2 cup (50 g) sifted pea flour (preferably chickpea flour),
3 tbsp. l. premium wheat flour mixed with a generous pinch of baking powder (or soda),
2 tbsp. corn flour,
1 pinch ground red pepper,
1/4 tsp. turmeric,
3 tbsp. finely chopped fresh cilantro, basil or parsley,
3 tbsp. water,
170 g cheese, preferably mozzarella, cut into thin slices,
1.25 cups (125 g) fresh or dry bread crumbs or 2/3 cup (115 g) fine semolina,
ghee or vegetable oil for frying.
Place the eggplant pieces on a tray and sprinkle generously with salt. Leave for half an hour to remove excess moisture. Mix flour, baking soda, cornmeal, red pepper, turmeric, fresh herbs and 1/3 tsp in a bowl. salt with water and beat until a homogeneous dough is obtained. The consistency should be like a thick cream. (Add more water if necessary.) Rinse the salt off the eggplant pieces and pat dry with paper towels. To ensure even pieces of eggplant, cut them with a 5cm round cookie cutter.
Arrange equal-sized circles in pairs and save the scraps for another dish. Trim the cheese pieces so that they are slightly smaller than the eggplant pieces. Place two thin slices of cheese between a couple of eggplant slices. Dip the sandwich into the pea batter, lightly shake off excess batter, then roll in bread crumbs or semolina and set aside on prepared wax paper. This way, prepare all the eggplant sandwiches.
Pour enough ghee or vegetable oil into a large cast-iron skillet to create a 1/2-inch layer and heat over moderate heat. Without letting the oil start to smoke, place the sandwiches in the pan and fry for 10-15 minutes on each side until the eggplants are soft and nicely browned.
Control the heat carefully: If the temperature is too high, the cheese may break through the fried dough crust; if the temperature is too low, the pancakes will absorb too much oil. Serve hot, straight from the pan.
Salting time: 30 min Cooking time: 30 min Number of servings: 4 – 6.

Besan roti (pea flour flatbread)
Cooking method:
Bread, as you know, is the head of everything. And no matter how much we try to limit its consumption for one reason or another (mainly in the fight against excess weight), without it, as they say, we can’t go anywhere. Fortunately, there are compromise options if someone is seriously concerned about some restrictions: bread made from yeast-free dough, for example, with the inclusion of various grains or bran, from wholemeal flour, without added sugar. It is interesting that in many national cuisines bread with the “participation” of flour from protein plant products is widely practiced... Of course, this is, first of all, delicious. But this is also a compromise in terms of restrictions.
Let's try to make flatbreads with the addition of pea flour, which are baked in India and which are called besan roti. There is nothing complicated in preparing besan roti, especially since its taste is close to ordinary flatbreads, although it is not without its own pleasant nuances.
Take a glass of pea flour and add the same amount of whole grain wheat flour. Now you can add a pinch of salt, a pinch of cumin crushed in your palms, a pinch of freshly ground black pepper, a tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro to the mixture of flour of two grinds and cut about two teaspoons of butter. Stir the resulting mixture, pour half a glass of cold water into it and knead into a stiff dough.
Then the dough must be kneaded with feeling, sense and arrangement, because the “airiness” of future flat cakes depends on this. Having kneaded, let the dough “rest”, that is, rest for 15 minutes, then roll it into a bar, not forgetting to sprinkle the working surface of the table with flour.
Cut the finished block into approximately equal pieces about a finger thick: And finally, roll out each piece into a thin cake, no thicker than 1-2 mm.
The rest is simple. Place the flatbread on a very well-heated frying pan, which will immediately bubble up (this, by the way, is an indicator of the quality of the dough’s kneading), turn it over after 2 minutes, and after another two minutes remove it to a separate plate... brushing the front side of the finished flatbread with melted butter.
Then we begin preparing the second cake, treating it exactly as with the first, not forgetting to grease the finished cake with butter. It will prevent the bread from drying out, and at the same time give it the appropriate aroma.
You just need to remember that the dough, although half made of pea flour, is not yeast, and therefore, alas, this bread cannot be stored for a long time. A day at most, then it will just go stale.

Pea fudge
Cooking method:

Pea flour -2 cups
Butter - 400 gr
Milk - 1 glass
Sugar - 1.3 cups
Coconut flakes -2 tbsp. l.
Chopped cashew nuts - 1 tbsp.
Water-1 tbsp.

Melt the butter in a thick saucepan, then add the sifted flour. Stir-fry for 15 minutes until the flour turns light brown. Pour milk, water into another pan, add sugar and cook the syrup until it begins to stretch. After this, add the nuts and shavings, stir and pour the syrup into the flour and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens. Remove the pan from the stove, let it cool slightly, put it on a plate and cut into squares 2 cm thick. When the fondant hardens, decorate it with cashews and coconut flakes. You can put the mixture in various forms (for example, in a bowl), cool, carefully turn over and knock out. We also decorate with nuts and shavings, cut and taste. Delicious!

Pea cakes
Cooking method:

pea flour - 1 kg,
milk - 1 glass,
water - 0.5 cups,
lamb fat - 100 g,
egg - 2-3 pcs.,
salt - 2 teaspoons,
butter - 2 tablespoons (for greasing).

Add milk to warm salted water, break eggs, pour in melted lamb lard. After mixing, add pea flour and knead into a very stiff dough. Roll pieces of dough weighing 100-150 g into a ball and place on a greased sheet or frying pan. Press the dough lightly with your fingers. The thickness of the cakes is 2-2.5 cm. Bake in the oven or oven for 20-25 minutes. When ready, brush with oil.

Quick pea soup.
Cooking method:

To prepare you will need
2 tbsp. pea flour,
1 tbsp. l. butter,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 cloves of garlic,
200 g ham or other meat products,
1 carrot,
1 onion
1.5 l. put water on fire.
Meanwhile, fry chopped onion and grated carrots in vegetable oil (Fig. 1)
Add vegetables fried until golden brown to boiling water. Cut the ham into strips and add to the pan (Fig. 2)
2 tbsp. dilute pea flour in 0.5 tbsp. boiled chilled water or broth and stir well so that there are no lumps (Fig. 3)
Carefully pour the resulting mixture into the boiling soup, stirring constantly so as not to burn (Fig. 4)
Season the soup with salt and pepper. Cook over low heat until tender, about 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add crushed garlic. Separately, fry the croutons in butter or make toast in the toaster, and add the drained butter directly to the soup.
Pour the soup into bowls, add croutons, sprinkle everything with herbs. Bon appetit!

Pea jelly with butter or sour cream.
Cooking method:
Boil three glasses of water; dissolve 1 pound of pea flour in 1 glass of cold water, pour in 1 tablespoon of sunflower or mustard oil, add salt and pour into boiling water, stirring so that there are no lumps. Pour onto a dish, cool and serve with sour cream or sunflower oil.

Dhokola (pea flour bread)
Cooking method:

For the recipe you will need:
pea flour - 1/2 cup,
green chilli - 2 pcs.,
grated ginger - 1.5 tbsp,
turmeric - 1/4 tsp,
salt - 3/4 tsp,
asafoetida - 1/4 tsp,
sugar - 1 tsp,
vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.,
yogurt - 2/3 tbsp,
baking powder - 1/2 tsp,
baking soda - 1/2 tsp,
warm water - 3 tbsp.

In a deep bowl, mix flour, finely chopped chili, ground ginger and turmeric, salt and asafoetida. Then add the butter, which is thoroughly rubbed into the flour mixture. Then pour in the yogurt and mix all the ingredients. The dough should be fluid and the consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin and leave to ferment for about 8 hours.
Prepare the steam pan: You will need 1 large pan 1/4 filled with water, 1 round shallow loaf pan that will fit in the large pan, 1 flat sieve or metal cans to hold the pan above the water. Place the steam pan over high heat.
Stir baking powder and baking soda into the pea batter. Add water and pour the batter into a greased loaf pan. Place the mold in a saucepan, place it on a sieve or jars (the mold should not touch the water). Close the mold tightly with a lid and place a weight on top. Boil for about 12-15 minutes until the dough hardens and cracks appear on the surface.
Remove the finished dhoklu bread from the pan and cut into 12 squares.

preparations 1 hour 10 minutes (+ 20 minutes for the dough to rise)

ingredient Peas

Additional properties For children


1. Boil water in a saucepan, shake the bags of peas and carefully lower them into the boiling water. Reduce heat to low and simmer peas for 35–40 minutes until tender. Remove the peas from the bags and cool to room temperature - the pea puree should thicken.

2. Make a dough. Mix 3 tbsp. l. warm water, 1 tbsp. l. flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Wait for the yeast to start working (bubbles appear on the surface) - this will take 10-15 minutes.

3. Peel the onion, finely chop and lightly fry in 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

4. Add the dough and 1 tbsp to the pea puree. l. olive oil. Mix thoroughly. Add the remaining flour and fried onions. Knead the dough.

5. Grease a baking sheet with a little oil. Form the dough into medium-sized patties and use your fingers to make small indentations in a circle.

6. Brush the tortillas with the remaining olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds or other spices (optional). Leave to rise for 20 minutes.