
Why do you dream about White? Why see white in a dream?

White color generally signifies positive changes in life.

White grapes are a symbol of innocence, purity, and white wine suggests entertainment and wild life.

White bread - prosperity and profit.

A white shirt means good news; wearing it means experiencing pleasant sensations.

To have white teeth - good health, hair - good luck.

Seeing a white kitten means avoiding trouble; a cat means uncertainty, confusion, ruin. White rabbit - fidelity in love.

White swan - wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

White horse or knight - alternation of failures and successes with a predominance of the latter.

White donkey - a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

Whitening something means participating in a celebration.

To whiten yourself means to receive an unexpected gift.

Seeing whitewash or holding it in your hands is a sign of joy.

Negative consequences can be caused by visions that are truly fantastic, for example: a white bat as a sign of death or white ink on black paper, promising nothing but melancholy and illness.

However, in any case, timely caution, presence of mind and support from friends can help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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What does the dream White mean?

White color in a dream means purity of thoughts and righteous deeds. This is a very favorable omen. It is very favorable to see other people dressed in white in a dream, as this means that their feelings for you are sincere. See interpretation: color.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does White mean in a dream?

Represents purity, innocence, and also reflects bright feelings and awareness.

The world affects us with color, without taking into account our personal preferences.

And in response we show some emotions or simply feel mood changes.

On a conscious level, we can verbalize our admiration or indignation at color combinations.

Most of our dreams are not colored.

We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, at best, the dream setting.

But sometimes we have colorful dreams.

Color appears in our dreams to illuminate those aspects of our lives that we are particularly stubborn about turning away from.

We read color information unconsciously.

Even in reality, preferring or rejecting any color, we are not aware of why we made our choice.

Therefore the color test is objective psychological characteristics person.

On an unconscious level or in a dream, we become involved in a situation from the opposite position.

First we experience a feeling, then we react by the appearance of a color spot in a dream

Interpretation of dreams from

A woman in her dream is dressed in white stockings - this is a warning that illness or sad disappointments will soon await her.

If in a dream you are walking with a person in white clothes, then it is possible that he will get sick. If this is a child or a young woman, throughout your life you will be surrounded only by pleasant people.

In a dream, you see yourself and everyone around you in white clothes - to sadness.

Why do you dream of white - according to Vanga’s dream book

White clothes dream of tears, sad events, death. White unstitched fabric (tablecloths, curtains) - to blows of fate and losses. White objects - to worries and negative consequences, based on what kind of things you dreamed about. White animals in a dream reflect your spiritual life.

Why do you dream of white - according to Freud's dream book

Your endeavors will be resolved successfully if you see a snow-white bed in your dream.

In a dream, you are riding a beautiful white horse - a good sign that predicts good news related to loved ones. The horse is dirty and thin - you should be wary of betrayal from a person who envies you.

If you see someone approaching you white dog, then expect a tempting offer of a love or business nature. For a girl, such a dream predicts an early marriage.

Why do you dream of white - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

White in a dream means kindness, goodness, holiness, purity, divine presence, superiority, joy, play, laughter and mitigation of bad things. In addition - exhaustion, death, illness, fall, cold, old age, failure, empty chores and hunger.

Putting on white clothes means freeing yourself from lies; seeing a woman in white clothes in a dream means illness. Wearing something white on yourself means freeing yourself from false accusations.

When you dream of white flowers, it always portends sadness. Cut white chrysanthemums - in real life expect disappointments and losses. White roses dream of a serious illness, but if you look at them on a sunny morning and the dew drops have not yet dried on the flowers, then there is nothing to fear.

Why do you dream of white - according to Loff’s dream book

When you dream of a woman in a white outfit, or see that you are wearing such an outfit, this means that you will soon be accused of gossip and slander, but you will be able to justify yourself.

You dream of something white, you pay attention to it - a dream that is favorable in all respects; you will be elevated or you will rise, but this will be a moral or aesthetic, spiritual elevation, and not advancement on the career ladder.

Why do you dream of white - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A white cat in a dream foreshadows troubles that you initially did not pay attention to, but which will become much more serious over time.

Why do you dream of white - according to Hasse’s dream book

A dream about a polar bear serves as a warning about possible deception. If you take it as wishful thinking, you risk being greatly deceived. You see a skin in a dream polar bear- defeat all enemies.

A girl sees a beautiful white kitten in a dream - she should be careful, as her enemies want to deceive her into a cunning trap; she needs to rely on common sense and intuition.

Why do you dream of white - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

If you dream of beautiful white hair, it means that fate is favoring you. In a dream, you admire your white, even teeth - you are completely satisfied with what you have achieved.

Why do you dream of white - according to Longo’s dream book

To dream of a white bull means that you will soon reach greater heights than those who blindly follow fashion. This dream always portends profit.

You dream that you have received a letter written in white ink on a black sheet of paper - only the support of friends will save you from bitter disappointments.

Often dreamed White color symbolizes justice, goodness, perfection, truth, completeness of affairs. Seeing him in a dream means you need to analyze something in reality. Perhaps circumstances related to business or the state of your inner world.

You can correctly interpret what this symbol means in dreams by remembering exactly how you saw it. Was it the color of certain objects, clothes or animals, or maybe the woman decided to dye her hair by lightening it? The dream book states: it is also important how saturated the color was in night vision.

General meaning of white color in dreams

In most cases, the dream book interprets the symbol in a dream as a positive sign. Why do you dream about the color white? Usually he predicts some kind of achievement: unexpected pleasant surprises, a big win, a promotion.

If before awakening you associated him with someone you know well, it means that this person will be able to help you if difficulties arise. In general, when you notice something white in a dream, the dream is auspicious. In addition, the vision may portend some kind of exaltation, but not career, but spiritual.

To see how you seemed to be enveloped by it - the dream book advises working on yourself to improve your life. When the color white irritated you in a dream, it means that your life is joyless, there are more disappointments than bright moments. It needs to be changed. Why do you dream of a dull, faded tone? This means that there is a test ahead, before which the dreamer will be weak.

paint something

Not only objects and animals can appear white in dreams. Some actions associated with this color also have their own interpretation. For example, painting the ceiling or dyeing your hair, according to the dream book, portends both positive and negative events. Regarding the ceiling, there are several interpretations of this image: whitewashing or painting the ceiling means a quick restoration of broken friendships. But it is also a sign of approaching financial difficulties.

For a woman to dye her hair a light shade in a dream - the onset of favorable innovations that will bring joy and happiness. The dream book promises many interesting meetings ahead, a lot of positive impressions. In addition, dyeing your hair blonde indicates: the dreamer is sincere, his intentions are pure. However, a dream about gray hair signals illness and sadness.

Why does a woman dream that she had to dye her hair herself, lighten it? You should expect life changes. The symbol can also warn of an important conversation with someone very close, after which the attitude towards this person may change.

For a man, dying his hair - white, black or some other color - according to the dream book, means losing his reputation and position. In general, for a representative of the stronger sex to dye his hair himself in a dream, it is fraught with a whole bunch of troubles. Disgrace, failure of plans, deterioration of relationships with loved ones, and a decrease in income await him.

What does a dream portend?

Dreaming of white animals, objects, flowers symbolize joy, sublimity, and positive phenomena. For whites to see something that has never been like this means pleasant surprises lie ahead. However, the dream book indicates: sometimes flowers or clothes of this color are a harbinger of mourning.

Great modern dream book

White color - why does the dreamer dream?

White color - When you dream of something white, on which you focus your attention, it is always a favorable dream, evidence of purity and innocence. If you dream of the color white - you will rise or you will be raised, but this will be spiritual or moral, aesthetic elevation, and not advancement up the career ladder.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does White mean in a dream?

New and most complete dream book 1918

Why do you dream about the color White?

White color - Okay, elevation.

Esoteric dream book

White color in night dreams

White color in clothes - to sad events, death, tears. In unstitched fabric (curtains, tablecloths) - to losses, blows of fate. In objects - to worries, negative consequences of what these objects promise. White animals - the dream is related to spiritual life.

Maly Velesov dream book

What does white color in a dream mean?

White color - Purity, holiness, divine presence, affection, goodness, softening of bad things, joy, laughter, play, top. Moreover - death, exhaustion, fall, illness, old age, cold, hunger, empty troubles, failure.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the color white from your dream

White color - Loyalty, joy, luck, spiritual purity, sometimes illness and death.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about the color White?

Eating White Bread means profit.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: White color

In the West, white often symbolizes innocence and purity, and women wear a white dress on their wedding day. In dreams, white often means that you are starting over, with a clean slate, and is an optimistic image. However, in the East, white is the color of death and mourning.

Does white bring a feeling of freshness and newness? Or did he embody tabula rasa - Blank sheet, on which nothing has been written yet? Do you feel like you need a fresh start or that you yourself are a blank page waiting for words?

White is also associated with whitening, where unsightly stains or damage are hidden by painting over. If this is the meaning that appears in your dream, it is wise to consider whether it is worth continuing, given the possible risks.

Mythological dream book

White color - how to understand symbolism

White Dreams. IN Western tradition white color is associated with innocence and purity. In the East, on the contrary, white is associated with death and mourning. Given these facts, it is very important to note cultural context a dream in which white color predominated. From point of view Western culture white dreams may indicate that the sleeper’s feelings are pure and untainted. The appearance of white in a dream may also indicate that the dreamer's future is clear and serene. The following people and places often appear in white-colored dreams:

Ruler. A royal wearing white can be a symbol of hope. Think about it: maybe one of your bosses recently encouraged or praised you.

Forest. A forest or grove with white trees - a desire to enter a new, positive phase of life.

Cook/Chef. A cook or chef in white may suggest the need for "clean" eating and the love and affection of those around you.

Room. A white room indicates a serene state in the present moment. The following symbols are traditionally associated with the color white in dreams.

Scene. A white stage or podium can be related to success in public affairs.

Hand. A white hand can symbolize new acquaintances or improvement in existing close relationships.

Cloth. White clothing suggests that you will be successful in your current affairs. Sky. The white sky can express the right direction of thoughts in some area of ​​your real life.

Bird. A white bird, especially if it is a dove, symbolizes peace. The bird can also represent the desire to end personal or social conflicts. Building. A white building suggests that you are expecting a reward for your initiative.

Flowers. White flowers can symbolize simplicity and purity in a certain aspect of your life.

Book. A white paper can be an indicator that you are laying the foundation for a successful venture.

Water. White water in a dream may relate to purity and the need for purification in the emotional or personal sphere.

  • The primary elements are metal.
  • Elements - dryness. Organs - lungs, colon. Emotions - sadness. Planets - Venus. Explanation and interpretation
  • In nature, there are only three independent full-fledged colors: red, blue and yellow. All other diversity perceived by human eyes is a mixture of the three main ones in different proportions. Black is not a color or a mixture, but the absence of all colors. The color white is a combination of all the colors of the spectrum into one original one, which was before the creation of the world. White is a symbol of completeness, perfection, inclusiveness and understanding. Understanding always comes with sadness, because awareness of any process in its entirety is recognition of its reverse side. Understanding is the rejection of harsh assessments and the perception of the given as it is. The result is not a break in the movement, but a creative 2*7 state of smooth movement forward, since the rejection of harsh assessments allows you to take into account all sides - facets of the phenomenon and liberates your own mind, soul and body. The phenomenon completely becomes part of consciousness, enriching it. The contemplator and the phenomenon become one whole, a newly created new world in pristine white color: one can re-paint this world with renewed colors, cleared of dirty impurities. To see white color in a dream (things, items of clothing, animals) / to contemplate white color as light - white is pure yang energy, to look at white is to make up for its deficiencies in the body. White color (things, objects to contemplate in a dream with satisfaction) - in the fall, yang energy decreases, the kingdom of yin begins. To make up for the deficiencies of yang and maintain the accumulations of yang energy made over the summer in an unspent state, the subconscious mind focuses on the white color through the image of white, and the dreamer seems to be pierced by waves of yang energy. Such a dream is favorable and means that the rhythms of the body correspond to the autumn season. Only the dreamer’s complete trust in nature, people and himself could lead him to seeing not individual parts, but a single whole - white. For trust, those around you will repay the dreamer with trust and a favorable atmosphere; smooth emotions promise peace and lasting success in any field. Seeing white color as a source of bright but attractive light - a dream means a call to begin some action with the favor and support of Heaven-Cosmos. The contemplated light is the energy already bestowed on the work. The dream is spiritually favorable, but the matter may be difficult and may not promise everyday benefits and benefits. Giving up a task, trying to hide from the light/close your eyes is the beginning of spiritual decline, failures, and losses. Seeing the color white and experiencing discomfort in a dream, unwillingness to look at it, means not admitting your mistakes and unwillingness to part with your fear and anger. Anger is a reaction of rejection of the world generated by weakness and fear due to weakness, depression, associated with sluggish lungs affected by intemperance of emotions. There is emptiness of vital energy qi in the lungs; the body tries to create an image of white color for self-medication (to replenish yang energy), but emotional self-blocking - the dreamer’s closeness to the world prevents this from being done, and disgust and fear of white arises. The dream is unfavorable: it foreshadows lung disease or a disease that begins in the lungs in the fall, but can manifest itself in the kidneys in winter. You should adjust your external relationships and behavior with the tasks of the autumn season, then calmly engage in a detailed revision of your worldview. Otherwise, troubles in business will follow: whoever is not able to contemplate and understand the Whole, how can he understand the correctness of an individual act? Seeing dirty white color in a dream, with dark spots and smudges/wearing such things is unfavorable: it is a strong depletion of the vital energy stored in the lungs. Due to inadequate emotional behavior in the summer, energy in the body did not accumulate by autumn, but was depleted. The lungs are the organ that is the very first in the chain of homeostasis to ensure human life between Heaven and Earth: the lungs inhale the substance air that connects Heaven and Earth, and without this human life is unthinkable. Depletion of the vital energy of the lungs (with a dirty white color with melancholy in a dream) in reality may be accompanied by: cough, suffocation, asthma, agitation, hemoptysis and dark spots, with physical activity blurring vision.
  • It is recommended that, along with treating the lungs, you think about the laws of movement of life in the world and evaluate the adequacy of your behavior in accordance with these laws.