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“I thank fate that I managed to start my story from scratch,” - Lena Kolyadenko. Lena Kolyadenko: "I only hire sexy people!" Why Dmitry Kadnay refused Eurovision

Lena Kolyadenko is a person who does not require an introduction, her works will tell louder than any words about her. She created performances for all the top Ukrainian and CIS pop artists, including Tina Karol, Jamala, Natalya Mogilevskaya, Loboda, Laima Vaikule and others, directed the most popular TV shows and even was a judge in Dancing with the Stars. However, her greatest pride remains the 15-year-old Freedom Ballet. Then Lena divorced Dmitry Kolyadenko, and the entire composition of their common brainchild of the Art Classic ballet remained with Dima. This turn of events was only an impetus for Lena to start all over again and create her own ballet, which eventually became the best in Ukraine, in demand and known outside the country.

Freedom Ballet will celebrate its 15th anniversary with a grand concert on November 14 in the capital's Palace of Ukraine with the participation of TOP artists and a guest star - the incomparable Laima Vaikule.

15 years ago, I ended up with a broken trough. It was, of course, a shame that all the dancers stayed with Dima Kolyadenko. But, by that time, I was already mentally prepared for the sudden departure of people from a creative family. Before that, there were situations when three people left the ballet at the same time. And at that time we had only seven of them! The first such stories were perceived very painfully, with valerian and motherwort. But with experience, over the years, I have formed a different attitude to such episodes of our creative life.

I am sure that there should be people around who need what we do, like air!

Only then is it possible to truly get the buzz from work. Each person has the right to choose his own path. Now I thank fate that everything turned out this way and I managed to start my story from scratch.

With this “trough” of mine, I just came to the director of the then Hollywood club and said that I was ready for any job. At that time, the club was headed by Lesya Savenko. She offered me to organize my own ballet on the basis of the concert hall, which after the reconstruction was called Freedom. I agreed, and we immediately announced the casting.

They assembled a team of 12 people and suffered a temporary setback. Since the club was under reconstruction, at one point, the money for its construction ran out, everything froze, and we lived for almost a year in anticipation of a miracle, work and a brighter future. But at the same time they did not leave the rehearsal class. I don’t know how we managed to save everything: after all, the dancers had to eat, pay for the rent of apartments, and the club gave us ridiculous salaries, just so that we would not run away. But I think it was an important fact in the development of ballet. Then, probably, the seed was born that it would be for a long time.

For the first time we took the stage with the concert program of Mariyka Burmaka on November 2, 2002. An invitation to cooperate came from my old contacts. They just called me, and I said: “I have a new ballet!” And they trusted me.

I will never forget the day we first took the stage.

Then, the Freedom Concert Hall finally opened and we started working, however, only for one year. It turned out not to be profitable for them to maintain the ballet, and they dismissed us. This is the second important point. A circumstance that brought us even closer together. The only thing I asked the management is to leave us the name - Freedom Ballet.

To touch the souls of the audience in the hall is our main mission on stage. During all 15 years of the existence of the ballet, we have been learning how to make the audience trust us, open up and become our friend. This is not an easy process. But this is what interests us. Everything we create is tested by us.

We ourselves should care about what we do. All states that we experience on stage must be real.

Each performer needs an individual approach. I can't help but remember the artist El Kravchuk. He is an example of absolute plasticine, with which you can create anything. Andrey is not afraid of any experiments. With Natasha Mogilevskaya, we have created more than one program. This is also an example of absolute trust. You need to stand on your head - she will get up, you need to hang in the air without insurance and sing - please. This year we discovered Zlata Ognevich. It's nice to see a workaholic in your rehearsal class. From morning to night, she rehearsed with us her show "My Story". And we managed to emphasize her dancing abilities.

But, there are artists like Jamala, whom it is better not to break and not try to impose a plastic language.

In preparation for one large-scale competition, we tried to learn dance synchronization with her. It was evident that it was hard for her, and the number looked inharmonious. Therefore, we came up with another formula - we only emphasized the nature of her performance and learned a couple of Jamala's signature moves.

I am an absolute amateur in choreography. A native of the amateur. I haven’t staged any productions for ten years now, and they still attribute it to me. In my team there are two wonderful, dear and talented choreographers - Nazar Didyk and Kostya Gordienko. And I, so to speak, the inspirer. Together we develop ideas, images, costumes, we are looking for musical material. But, it’s so usual that I am the artistic director of the ballet, and therefore the last word is mine.

I am inspired by many things - life itself and people. For example, I specially flew to Norway for the performance of "Swan Lake" by Alexander Ekman. This is an incredible, amazing artist-choreographer of our time. His performance inspired me for a long time and for many things.

In general, it is very important in our profession to be observant and open. And also bold!

Cinema, fashion, theater, even the street - all this helps a lot to create something of your own. You immediately think: “Oh, it would be nice to try!” or "Oh, that's an interesting topic!"

Now I dream of staging a performance to classical music. A very long time ago, at school age, one film impressed me. I've seen it at the cinema ten times. And this childhood impression will soon result in a musical performance.

One of the brightest recent impressions is a trip to Sri Lanka. For several years I dreamed of seeing whales. Finally, circumstances came together, and I ended up near the ocean. The dream came true! I will never forget this. I watched the ritual - from the fountain in the distance to the whale's tail close before entering the depth. But most of all I was struck by the moment when we got very close to the whale and heard it breathing. My hair stood on end. It was unforgettable!

Most often I combine vacation with tours. Just recently we performed in Jurmala, however, it was not very possible to relax. They brought three of their premieres to the Rendezvous with Laima Vaikule festival. It was exciting.

Now we are preparing a concert for the 15th anniversary of Freedom Ballet. On November 14, at the Palace of Ukraine, we will show a dance and musical performance, in which all ballet dancers, as well as artist friends will take part: Laima Vaikule, Vera Brezhneva, Natalia Mogilevskaya, Irina Bilyk, Max Barskikh, Alekseev, Zlata Ognevich, Kadnay, Freedom Jazz , Olya Polyakova. This will be the first time on such a large scale, on a grand scale.

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Famous Ukrainian choreographer and producer Elena Kolyadenko watches the dance show "MAIDAN" S" and even criticizes some moments.

I am a spectator, I am a viewer. I really really like everything. I look, I criticize some places, - the choreographer said during her visit to Nikolaev. - It captures me, and even if I were on the jury, it would be difficult for me to determine the winners. When I see so many people dancing, I just fill up with emotions myself. I don't know how they are valued.

"I am a viewer, I am a viewer"

It was probably not in vain that information slipped in the media that the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, acting on the jury at the most expensive show in the country "MAIDAN" S, could rightly be replaced by a choreographer Elena Kolyadenko.

Unfortunately, the head of one of the world's most famous show ballets "Freedom", whose dancers recently visited the city of shipbuilders together with Dima Kadnai, did not watch the dance duel between Nikolaev and Donetsk.

However, after the Nikolaev participants were “sued” during their performance with Donetsk, some viewers and choreographers still hold the opinion that Volochkov needs to be changed.

Kolyadenko would be a worthy replacement for Volochkova

Show-ballet Freedom under her leadership made a sensation out of dancing in less than a year

From their plasticity and facial expressions, viewers and participants of various dance projects were thrilled

Lena embodies her most daring ideas in ballet dances

As the news portal "SMI-Dnepropetrovsk" writes, in 2004 the performance "Improvisations to the music of Sting" was presented to the audience, which had a great resonance and success.

Probably, Lena had to be jealous of Dmitry Kadnaya to the Nikolaev girls

However, if there is such a connection, then the couple will not be able to keep it a secret for a long time ...

Elena Kolyadenko- Ukrainian choreographer, artistic director of the ballet Freedom, producer and director of dance shows for concerts of musical stars of the first magnitude.


Elena was born into a choreographic family on May 4, 1973 in Belarus. Almost immediately, the parents moved to Ukraine, to the Sumy region. Elena spent the first twenty years of her life in the city of Sumy. All her childhood was filled with impressions of the stage behind the scenes, she loved to dance at home, just for herself and in amateur performances at school. It is not known for what reasons, but very decisively, my mother redirected Elena to the musical environment. Lena Kolyadenko successfully studied at a music school and a regional college.

To consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, Elena went to work at the Shchukin Musical Drama and Comedy Theater. On the stage of this theater, in her free time about work, the first composition of the Art-Classic dance ballet was formed, where she met her first husband, Dmitry Kolyadenko.

First successes

In 2000, Lena submitted her production to the competition. It was the Festival of the modern movement, held at the international level - "Dance of the 21st century". She won in the "Discovery of the Year" nomination.

In 2001, she received the title of "Best Show of the Year" at the Tavria Games music festival.

In 2002, there was a break with her husband Dmitry. Two creative people disagreed not easy, but with dignity. True, now Elena was left without a team. The entire main team went to Dmitry.

Ballet Freedom

In order not to plunge into the abyss of black depression, Lena began looking for a job where she could apply both her experience and her creative vision. The search led to the Hollywood Club, which was in the process of becoming Freedom. This responded so much to her personal inner response that she asked to be an art director there and began to work, work, work ... The Freedom ballet troupe was small at first and worked for a small fee, perfecting the technique and coherence of the group. After working at the club for two years, they went into free swimming. At the request of Elena, the name of the ballet remained the same.

In 2004, together with her ballet group, she presented a production of Improvisation to the Music of Sting. The event attracted the interest of viewers and caused some resonance among critics. In the first Ukrainian version of the show, "Factory" worked with the participants as a choreographer and stage director.

She judged the performances of the contestants on the show "Dancing with the Stars".

Elena was the choreographer for Svetlana Loboda's Eurovision act.


Elena Kolyadenko never rests on her laurels, there are many plans in her head. In the near future - producing young performers, creating a television program in the dance direction.

Personal life

  • The first husband is Ukrainian choreographer Dmitry Kolyadenko.
  • Son - Philip Kolyadenko.

fifteen years in Ukrainian show business. Producer, founder and artistic director of Freedom-ballet. Her team successfully works with leading artists from Ukraine, Russia, the USA and Europe. The creator of several dance performances and the dance musical "Pa", which became a successful start for artists: Vlad Yama, Alena Shoptenko, Jamala. Choreographer for Zarkana at Cirque du Soleil. Director of the leading TV shows of Ukraine: "Factory Zirok 2-3-4" "Factory Superfinal", "Voice of the Country-1"

Akulina Kurochkina , 16 September 2010 at 20:24 1

Why did Dmitry Kadnay refuse Eurovision?

Having refused to participate in the qualifying casting of the Eurovision-2011 contest, a jury member of which was one of its producers - the director of the NTCU musical programs technical department - Vlad Baginsky, the "star of the third magnitude" of the New Channel project "Factory. Superfinal" Dmitry Kadnay made a choice in favor of famous choreographer Elena Kolyadenko (her second producer).

Choreographer Elena Kolyadenko in an interview with "Gordon Boulevard" for the first time spoke about her real relationship with Dima Kolyadenko, parting with Nazar Didyk, why she had complexes when she watched a video from Tina Karol's personal archive, how she broke up with Jamala, and also about her son's relationship with a girl.

Elena Kolyadenko is the artistic director of the Freedom Ballet, the Freedom Jazz collective. In addition, she is a producer and director of a huge number of shows and concerts of Ukrainian and Russian stars, such as Tina Karol, Svetlana Loboda, Natalia Mogilevskaya, Lolita, Laima Vaikule. Elena fundamentally does not talk about politics. But she was open about her personal life. She told the Gordon Boulevard publication about how relationships develop after breaking up with ex-husbands, why she had goosebumps while working with Tina Karol, what her son was selling to his own father Dima Kolyadenko and when she would become a grandmother.

I have always been a supporter of the fact that if you have problems, work is annoying, your head hurts, you should not come to rehearsal

Elena Kolyadenko. Photo: Lena Kolyadenko / Facebook

- Elena, you are almost constantlywork in other countries. Have you thought about moving?

No. I definitely don't want to move to another country. I have not had such thoughts since my youth. I love Ukraine, Kyiv very much. I brought my mom and dad here. And in general, I gather all the relatives around me. We are good here.

As for contracts, I will say that we work more often in Ukraine. On average, only two months a year my bands tour abroad. I'm looking for decent jobs for them. And a very important condition is that we are not crushed and that we work as a full team.

- And if there is an opportunity to work only for two or three dancers, do you refuse?

Certainly. There is a team. And I explain to everyone that this team is thirteen years old, we are one. If two or three people work, what will the rest of them do at that time? Yes, it is difficult to find worthy contracts. But they are.

- Radu Poklitaru in an interview"Gordon Boulevard"said that he had a problem: ballet dancers remained to live and work abroad. Did you have to face a similar problem?

In the history of our ballet, one dancer fell in love during a tour and went to live in another country. There are various reasons for the departure of artists from the team. This is fatigue, the desire to fulfill oneself, personal motives. Someone stops dancing completely, because he saw other vocations in himself - for example, the birth of children. But for me this is no longer a problem, I have learned to let go. Thanks to this natural process, no less talented and amazing people appear in our lives. It is important that there is a professional, positive, creative atmosphere in the work. I have always been a supporter of the fact that if you have problems, annoying work, a headache, do not come to rehearsal. You will come when you are ready.

It was inconvenient for me to watch a video about the life of Tina Karol and Evgeny Ogir. And now the goosebumps are coming!

Photo: press service of Elena Kolyadenko

- Are you a movie director?"The Power of Love and Voice" about the tragic love story of Tina Karol and her husband Eugene Ogira, who passed away in April 2013. Did working on such a candid film bring you closer to Tina? Have you become friends?

We became close as colleagues, but did not become friends. For me, friendship is rare. Few people I can call my friend.

- With Tina Karol you talked a lot about the personal. Were there times when you had to take her out even more because that was what the movie needed?

I didn't have such a task. It was important to create a trusting atmosphere so that Tina would reveal herself and want to tell something.

I was invited to work on the film, because they decided that I know Tina well, because I have been collaborating with her for a long time and I saw her differently. But her stories about meeting Zhenya, about her becoming an artist, about the significance of Zhenya in her life and about the fight against the disease were a great revelation and shock for me. The theme of the film is very subtle and delicate. I was literally walking a tightrope, keeping my balance. I didn't want to hurt her with unnecessary questions. It was even uncomfortable for me to watch Tina's family materials, which her mother passed on. But I had to do it. It was morally difficult, because I passed the story through myself. And, of course, she cried. At the same time, I felt a complex because I was spying on someone's life. Even now, when I talk, goosebumps go. Therefore, there was no need to once again talk with Tina about the personal. She just knew that I feel her, recognize her emotions, mood. And it brought us closer.

I told Dima Kolyadenko: "You don't need to sing!" Now he thinks that we broke up because I wanted to put him in a golden cage!

Photo: lichnosti.net

- Jamala started her way on the big stage in tandem with you. You were her producer. Judging by the information on the Internet and the responses about the breakup, you still have a grudge against her. Do you communicate now? And what is the reason for the tension between you?

Regarding the discrepancy with the singer Jamala, I did not give a single comment in which I would speak out about some kind of offense. Everyone stayed with their own. Everything I invested, I got back. And Jamala got freedom.

- You are currently producing the KADNAY group, in which your son Philipp also plays with Dima Kolyadenko. Did you return the investments directed to this project?

It's too early to draw conclusions. I get tremendous pleasure watching the development of the KADNAY group. Yes, I'm glad that my son plays there. Philip received a guitar as a New Year's gift five years ago. Now he has a whole collection of them. There are also unique vintage exhibits. It was his passion for the guitar that brought him to the stage.

Dima Kolyadenko. Photo: obozrevatel.com

- Does it supportson's father, your ex-husband Dmitry Kolyadenko?

The ex-husband buys songs from Philip. Dima and I participated in a TV program yesterday, and then we went to dinner together. I told him: "Do you remember, I always forbade you to sing?" The fact is that once Zhenya Rybchinsky had an obsession with making a duet out of Dima and me. I immediately said: "No! I don't want to go on stage, I can't sing!" And Dima became interested and began to accumulate demos. I then listened to them and said: "Dima, you don't need to sing! Dance, do choreography, but don't sing!" And here we are sitting in a restaurant, and I reminded Dima of this story. He says: "So that's why we parted ways! You wanted to put me in a golden cage!" Now Dima sings with pleasure, but I try not to listen to his songs.

With Dima we lived in perfect harmony!

Photo:novaya.com.ua 00004605_01

- TOHow does your husband react to such gatherings with the former?

Who told you that I have a husband? I am a free woman.

- And what about your ballet dancer and stylist Nazar Didyk? You've been together for so many years! Are you out of a relationship?

This is impossible. Our relationship will never end, because he is my great and close friend.

- Why did it happen that you broke up?

Why is it like this? So we started an interview with you and will finish it soon.

- Well andlove till death?

I never believed in it, even in my youth. Do you believe in it?

- Love develops into other feelings on which relationships are built. And they can last a long time.

Yes ... Unfortunately, not everyone knows this formula. My family grandparents have lived with each other all their lives. And when I thought about such relationships in my youth, I said: "How? It's so boring after all!"

But as a rule, after breaking up, I maintain a relationship. I am happy that my ex-men love me. Yes, these are not the feelings we are talking about here. Although, maybe this is just love that has moved to another level.

- Do you accept short meetings for one evening just to have fun?

It doesn't happen to me. I can not do that. Even if you set me the task of finding a man for one night, I could not. I need to fall in love.

- Did Dima Kolyadenko offer you to renew the relationship?

We somehow laughed that we would get along in old age, because both are a little crazy!

- And when you lived together, he was just as impulsive as, for example, when he was in a relationship with Irina Bilyk: he threw sofas out of balconies, arranged scandals in fits of jealousy ...

No. We lived in perfect harmony with him, doing a common thing. It united us a lot. I remember that Dima and I were on a concert tour and always sat next to each other on the bus, constantly chatting. Sema Gorov watched us and then said: "Lord, where do you find common themes? Aren't you tired of each other?" And we continued to talk non-stop.

I am not afraid of the status of a grandmother!

- Your son Philip has a long relationship withmember of the Freedom jazz ballet Vera. Dima Kolyadenko has already said that he can’t wait to become a grandfather ...

Yeah, let him wait. Philip is still early. He has a lot of work, creative ambitions. He's in great fighting spirit now. I want many grandchildren, I love children. But let them appear a little later. Actually, Philip himself knows that it is too early to have children. And Vera, not only is a fan of his work, but also supports my son's group in every possible way: she painted emblems on T-shirts, films rehearsals, concert performances for a future documentary video.

- Are you afraid of being a grandmother?

No, absolutely! Everything will happen on time!

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