
Kirkorov kisses a guy. Latvian gay - Philip Kirkorov's unconventional "love"? “No one oppresses my friends!”

The media have already reported on the offensive publication in the Latvian tabloid "Privata dzive" ("Private Life"), where an anonymous prostitute described his love affair with Alla Pugacheva's ex-husband. The other day, our journalists, in a conversation with Julius Stotsky, Philip's second cousin, heard another shocking story about a secret romance between the king of the Russian stage and his Baltic boyfriend, 30-year-old Gediminas Artovikus.

With Julius Stotsky, better known in artistic circles by the nickname Sych, we met in his artistically cluttered apartment in one of the quiet districts of Moscow. We discussed the problems of children's literature in Russia, secular gossip and did not notice how the conversation gradually turned to more frank topics. Julius turned out to be not only an expert, but also a witness to many scandalous situations in the life of Russian stars. According to Stotsky, Philip loves this Gediminas much more than he loved Alla Borisovna.

Phil has been looking for a boy who looks like Ricky Martin for a long time. But Philip was lucky only recently. Then in the capital's club "Manhattan Express" at a solo concert of Larisa Chernikova, the elite of the blue party gathered. Naturally, Phil was there too.

My wife and a few friends and I brought our guest Gediminas Artovikus to the club. He is a Latvian, a professional gay prostitute who lives permanently in Riga. Gedik just arrived in Moscow, so I took him to the club so that he would show himself and look at people. We clapped loudly for Chernikova, shouted "bravo", for which Larisa rolled out a sea of ​​vodka for us. Strongly succumbing, we dispersed in full. It was then that Philip noticed Gediminas, who looks so much like Ricky Martin that he could pass for his double. Kirkorov immediately fell in love with my Baltic friend and did not leave him all evening. Together they left the club for the Istra estate of Pugacheva and had sex there.

Kirkorov, according to my friend, really enjoyed sleeping with Gediminas. Lovers also have the same views on sex. Philip often demands sex in the style of sadomaso, and Gediminas is a born sex sadist. Artovicus is also happy to realize various perverted fantasies of Kirkorov, for example, once the king of the stage demanded to urinate on his face.

True, due to Phil's constant touring, they meet infrequently - about once every three months. Kirkorov specifically summons Gediminas to Moscow and pays him 1,000 bucks for every night. For various perversions pays extra.

But what about the love between Alla and Filippov, about which so much has been written?

As far as I know, at first they tried to have sex. It happened, even in public. In 1994, immediately after the wedding, they experimented in the pool right in front of the poetess Irina Strizhanova. She was a direct witness to this scene and she herself told me about it. But then the relationship fizzled out, and when the Pugacheva-Kirkorov PR project ended, they divorced, although they still maintain good friendly relations.

Pugacheva from the very beginning knew about Kirkorov's addictions, but in show business this is not surprising. We can say that this is in the order of things. Aizenshpis does not know how Bilan was fucked, probably only lazy. They even lived together. But such things are surprising only for the townsfolk, in the same environment of glamor and bisexuality, no one even pays attention to this.

Be honest, Julius. Are you not tired of living in the atmosphere of all these vile perversions?

I believe that any relationship between people is natural. Who today will be surprised if a woman sleeps with a woman, a man with a man, or, say, Swedish families ... And if Kirkorov dries for the same Gediminas, then Gedik himself loves and farts young Jean Dzhinov completely free of charge. This is the party pseudonym of the gay Mukhamedzhan Mukhamedzhinov from Aktobe. That would make a great family!

Nowadays, the concept of the family is becoming more and more blurred, and celebrities play an important role in this, sometimes building a cell of society in the strangest way. And if a single mother has long been perceived as a normal phenomenon, in the end, there really is nothing unnatural in this, then the increase in the number of strange dads is somewhat alarming.

Philip Kirkorov

The most recent example of a single star dad is Philip Kirkorov, who announced the birth of his daughter to the audience during the filming of The Golden Gramophone. Of course, this is a great happiness for any man, but the circumstances of the birth of a child are still very strange. As you know, after a divorce from Alla Pugacheva, the singer proclaimed himself a lonely knight and did not even try to find another life partner. It is not surprising that, coupled with Kirkorov's other oddities, his bachelor lifestyle gave rise to many rumors about the artist's "wrong" sexual orientation. Philip himself did not comment on his personal life and said only that he was married only to his work and simply could not afford to have a full-fledged family. However, this year, words about children were increasingly heard from the lips of the artist. From newspaper gossip, you can also learn about Philip's desire to have a baby from Ani Lorak, or even about the intentions of a certain singer Kamaliya to donate her own egg to Kirkorov for a good cause. Note that it was only about some strange methods of conception (well, how could married Lorak or the same Kamaliya give birth to Philip naturally?), And Philip spoke only about the dream of becoming a dad, completely forgetting about the role of an exemplary husband and family man.

And now, last week, sensational news broke out: Philip Kirkorov became a dad! At first they said that the daughter of the artist was born by his good friend, who has been living in the USA for many years. The singer himself also assured that he was quite capable of conceiving a child naturally, but in the end he gave up and admitted: the surrogate mother carried the child.

“I don’t hide it today,” the artist said on the air of the “Let them talk” program. “And using my example, I want to show everyone that single people who want to have children can solve their problem. Of course, I understand that among my There were a lot of fans who wanted to give birth to a child to me. But where is the guarantee that tomorrow this girl will not take it into her head to take the child from me?

The artist literally counts the days until the moment when he finally takes his girl home from the USA. According to Kirkorov, the baby turned out to be his exact copy - with big dark eyes and black hair. Philip thoroughly prepared for his new role: "I want to go all this way of becoming her body, her colic ... I read a bunch of literature about it!" - Kirkorov boasted, ready to devote not only his songs to the child, but his whole life. Of course, it’s good to have such a loving dad, but what will a child be like growing up without a mom?

As you know, the name of the daughter of the star dad picked up the original - Alla Victoria - it's easy to guess that the girl will bear the name of Philip's mother and his only wife Alla Pugacheva.

Nikolay Baskov

On our stage, and in addition to Philip Kirkorov, there are stars whose family life is not going very well, but their desire to have children does not disappear. Take, for example, Nikolai Baskov, who, at every opportunity, rants about his paternal instincts. However, let's face it: Baskov has long been in the camp of "strange" star dads, only he did the opposite, and he himself acted as a "surrogate" dad for his son Bronislav. As everyone remembers, in a marriage with Svetlana Spiegel, the "golden voice of Russia" had a son, but soon after that the couple decided to divorce and since then, Nikolai does not want to know anything about the child. Svetlana, meanwhile, recently remarried businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev, and 5-year-old Bronislav dedicated a touching poem to the couple, calling them "dad and mom." But Baskov does not touch this at all. “We have been living our own lives for a long time. I just chose to serve the audience in my life. The stage is the most important thing in my life. It so happened that I don’t see my son. But I pray for him. He is in my heart. I will be happy if he has a good father," the artist said.

At the same time, his words, spoken a few years ago, look all the more strange: “I also want to become a father again. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Life is unpredictable! The most important thing is that I now have a great desire to become a dad. And it doesn’t even matter , a boy will be born to me or a girl. In any case, I will be happy with their appearance in my life. "

By the way, to the question about surrogate motherhood, Basque gave a very interesting answer: "Children are generally wonderful. The main thing is that they appear. That's all."

Valery Leontiev

The child from a surrogate mother was also attributed to Valery Leontiev. Two years ago, the singer allegedly became the father of a girl whom he decided to name Catherine in honor of his mother. True, Leontiev himself never once confirmed the rumors about his paternity, and he simply explained the photographs with a small child in his arms: why can’t you babysit a friend’s child now? Those who picked up the news about the joyful event in the life of the singer can be understood. He has been married for many years to Lyudmila Isakovich, whose orientation they want to talk about, and Leontiev himself in this regard has also earned himself a bad name for a long time. In addition, the marriage of Isakovich and Leontiev can be safely called "guest", the spouses live separately, and Lyudmila, even in her youth, was not eager to give her husband an heir. Therefore, if it turns out that Valery Yakovlevich also decided to resort to the latest technologies, there will be nothing to be surprised at. Moreover, the wife of the star is not at all against such a turn. “I always said: if he wants to have children, let him have them, I will treat the child like a nephew,” she says calmly. “Or like a godson.”

Sergey Zverev

As life shows, Sergei Zverev, who became famous for his outrageous antics, is not alien to ordinary human desires. So, for many years he alone raises his son Serezha. There were various rumors about the birth of a boy. According to one version, a former girlfriend of the stylist gave birth to a child, and then she decided to abandon raising her son and handed him over to Sergey. Another, more plausible version was voiced by the actor and blogger Stas Sadalsky. According to him, Zverev took the boy from the orphanage. “It was not an ordinary adoption,” he wrote. “The stylist had to save a literally dying child. The situation in the orphanages at that time was catastrophic.”

In addition to Sergei Zverev, his mother is also raising a guy, but now, when Zverev Jr. is in the last grades of school, star dad is increasingly taking him with him to parties and tours. “I wouldn’t want to be a sort of Arina Rodionovna for my son at all,” he shared in an interview. “Because a person must go through any life stage on his own. At the moment, Serega is a star, cooler than me. My son also signs autographs "He has his own army of fans. I really like what happens to him, that he is talented and can answer for himself and for his actions."

Ricky Martin

Abroad, strange single dads have long been accustomed to, but still, every time a single male celebrity suddenly acquires children outside the family, the news is perceived as a sensation. Ricky Martin became the father of the wonderful twins Valentino and Matteo back in August 2008, when the whole world was not aware of his non-traditional sexual orientation. Indeed, before the singer persistently concealed his inclinations and even had affairs with girls. "I'm a modern man, I live life to the fullest and I don't feel guilty about myself. If I'm gay, why don't I talk about it openly? No, I'm a normal man who loves women and sex. Yes, I'm a hot Puerto Rican prankster, but men they don’t attract me, ”Ricky described his addictions ten years ago.

However, the appearance of children in the life of the artist, but not his wife, again gave rise to rumors about his homosexuality. And Martin soon stopped hiding and in 2009 declared that his heart could equally belong to both a man and a woman. And only in March 2010, Ricky finally openly admitted: he is really gay and happy with his common-law spouse. Apparently, they are raising children together and are seriously thinking about marriage.

Elton John

There can be no gossip and rumors about Elton John's orientation: everything is already known, and his wedding with longtime boyfriend David Furnish was widely covered in the press. So, knowing about such an unusual family of the singer, no one expected the appearance of heirs from him, and Elton himself assured that with his busy schedule and passion for music, he simply could not become a good dad. Everything changed when, in 2009, during a charity trip to Ukraine, the artist really liked an HIV-infected baby named Leo. Elton was not allowed to adopt a child then, but the idea of ​​fatherhood was firmly planted in his head. After consulting with his husband, the singer decided to resort to the services of a surrogate mother - so on December 25, 2010, the gay couple had a long-awaited baby, who was named Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Oddly enough, our list of strange dads also included a guy with a completely normal orientation - this is football player Cristiano Ronaldo. His desire to have a child was so strong that he decided not to wait for his betrothed, but to turn to a surrogate mother. At least that's how the story looks from the outside. Ronaldo himself does not comment on this, so there are many versions of the birth of the baby. According to one of them, Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. allegedly was born from a fleeting relationship with an American waitress. According to another, Ronaldo simply turned to a specialized clinic, where he was picked up by a suitable surrogate mother.

Cristiano himself spoke about the birth of his son in July last year, writing the following message on his Facebook: “With great joy I must inform everyone that my son was born. The mother of the child, who wished to remain anonymous, provides me with custody of him. In the future, I am not going to cover this matter in any way out of my own interests - or at least the interests of my son. The mother of the football player Dolores is mainly engaged in the upbringing of the child, Cristiano also trusts some maternal functions to her friend, the Russian model Irina Shayk, who is happy to get used to the role of a stepmother.

If you type in the Google search engine the query "Kirkorov is gay", then it will return more than 220 thousand results. The Guys Plus portal will not remember and list those beautiful men with whom Philip Bedrosovich was credited with a romantic relationship and generally talk about the possible homosexuality of the singer - dozens of publications have already done this for us. We just want to remember what and when the ex-husband of Alla Pugacheva spoke about gays and how he used the theme of same-sex love in his work.

Philip Kirkorov never hesitated to cooperate with representatives of the LGBT community. In the late 90s, he glorified the hit of the transgender singer from Israel Dana International "Diva" in the post-Soviet space, with which she won the Eurovision Song Contest. Never hid his friendship with Ricky Martin, who came out in 2010.


"I love you forever!"

The theme of same-sex love appeared in Kirkorov's work six years after his divorce from Alla Pugacheva. In the video for the song "Snow", Philip stands in front of a young man and confesses his love to him. The young man reciprocates: “I love you forever!” Then the singer's partner was the young Brazilian fashion model Marlon Texeira, the face of the Armani brand.

However, photos and teasers with a "romantic twist" appeared long before the video was aired - this was done, apparently, to attract attention. Immediately after the premiere of the video, Philip Bedrosovich hastened to explain that there was no hint of homosexual relations in the video. You see, he refers to himself from the past, and in general, journalists, as always, invented something superfluous.

year 2012

“No one oppresses my friends!”

A year later, in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, Kirkorov tried to explain why he never spoke out in defense of LGBT rights.

“I have nothing against gays. All my life I have been surrounded by gay people. And believe me, these are real friends. I know people who are both in art and antiques. They enter the most elite houses of high society, I do not see that someone is oppressing them. They oppress, so to speak, people who indecently express their positions, and do it vulgarly. I myself will be against this - against the gays from the street, who think that everything is allowed to them, everything is allowed, they put it on display. It's indecent, it's immodest."

year 2013

Milonov vs.

A year later, at a concert in St. Petersburg, Philip decided to rehabilitate himself and for the first time openly spoke in defense of gays.

“Everyone is fighting against the blues, they can’t win in any way,” said the “king of the pop scene”. “Why fight something that isn’t ugly. Why humiliate yourself with such actions? If you are a free person, if you are loved, no matter what color your skin or blood is. The main thing is that you love and love, ”Kirkorov said, which caused applause from the audience.

The infamous deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Vitaly Milonov, who was the author of the city law "on the promotion of homosexuality", immediately reacted to the singer's statement.

“He is a creative person. And it would be strange if he did not promote or defend the gay lifestyle. He has a right to it. But only if we are talking about an adult audience. But those who organized his concert and put the rating "6+" will answer according to the law. I know that they will write a statement to the police. We have a lot of activists who want to do this,” Milonov said.


"It's not him, not her, but it!"

For five years, the singer's name rarely appeared in publications that, to one degree or another, dealt with the topic of LGBT. Until in April, Kirkorov appeared before the residents of St. Petersburg meeting him. The inscription on his jacket clearly stated "the presence of people of non-standard sexual orientation here." The English slang expression written on Kirkorov's jacket is translated that way. Recall that the phrase Still here. Still queer became one of the slogans of the first wave of LGBT activism in the United States and is still used today.

A week later, on the air of the show "Evening Urgant", Kirkorov offended thousands of transgender people with his statement about the famous dancer Leyoma Maldonado, who starred in his video "Mood Color Blue". “We saw an American superstar dancing there ... - said Kirkorov, - She was discharged from abroad. But she turns out not to be her, but this is it ... He ... This is a man remade into a woman ... ”.

On this, Philip Kirkorov decided not to calm down even after a little less than a month on the topic of LGBT.

“I am categorically against all this show, which is called gay parades, all this clowning ... But if this is a musical holiday - like Eurovision ... It's no secret that this is such a gay holiday, because music is joy - and the word "gay" in translation and means "joy". This is another matter. But when it’s for show and is an irritant for those people who don’t accept it… Why bother anyone in the first place, cause aggression?” Kirkorov said in an interview with rapper Baste.

Philip Kirkorov's words that he is against gay parades surprised and angered showman Rustam Solntsev, who has been calling LGBT people for openness for many years.

“In his recent interview, Philip Kirkorov said something that plunged me into cognitive dissonance,” Solntsev said. - Allegedly, he is against gay parades. And it always seemed to me that Philip Kirkorov is equal to a gay parade. Because it is enough to take any of his performances and see from which place he has multi-colored feathers sticking out. And it will immediately become clear that anyone - Madrid, Berlin, London, New York gay parade nervously smokes on the sidelines.

Together with Rustam Solntsev, Vitaly Bespalov was indignant

Songwriter Ilya Reznik released a novel in verse "The Adventures of Boba the Greek", which included lyrics for the increasingly popular chansonnier Boba the Greek. In the book, Ilya Reznik repeatedly commemorates many show business characters, including Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov.

For example, in the poem "Prima Donna" there are such ironic lines about famous domestic artists:

And he began to write songs
Excitedly and frantically…

… Having learned about it, the masters
Were huddled in a small shiver -
Hanok fled back to Brest,
And Apina - to Siberia.
Secretly crossed the border
With Valeria Prigogine
And Pauls and Laima left
To the Latvian monastery.

All references to Alla Pugacheva are made in an extremely respectful and respectful spirit.

Singer with a wild head
spring fire
Burned in righteous fire
And she continued to sing.

Ilya Reznik and Boba Grek: a scandalous book

And Philip Kirkorov with his boyfriend...

But Philip Kirkorov did not fare well. He is mentioned exclusively in homosexual overtones. Here Ilya Reznik writes about him in the song "Privoz":

All Odessa came to eat,
My contingent fought, that was the strength.
Kirkorov did not get a place here,
When to eat boyfriend led.

It is worth recalling that relations between Reznik and Kirkorov broke off at the time of the famous Rostov scandal, when the excited singer humiliated the journalist Irina Aroyan. Reznik then considered that it was unsuitable for an artist to behave this way with a woman - "I'm just ashamed of him." Then, on the air of one of the Ukrainian radio stations, a telephone conversation took place between Ilya Reznik and Philip Kirkorov. The singer accused Reznik of betrayal and called Judas.

The then wife of Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva, also broke off relations with Reznik. Then, however, they reconciled with Ilya Reznik. Philip Kirkorov now also admits that his behavior in Rostov was a huge mistake. But he did not put up with "Judas" Reznik.

And here is Reznik's answer - lines that unequivocally expose Philip Kirkorov as a gay. The confession is very eloquent and convincing. It was Reznik who wrote such hits by Pugacheva as “Maestro”, “Old Clock”, “Return”, “Anxious Path”, etc. Ilya Reznik has been close to Alla Pugacheva for many years and, without any doubt, knows a lot of intimate facts from the life of her closest environment.

Gays in show business

In the show party behind the eyes, no one hides the sexual orientation of the famous singer. However, Philip Kirkorov himself vehemently denies his homosexuality. In a thoroughly homophobic Russia, the public recognition of an artist as gay can lead to a loss of popularity. It is no coincidence that recently Boris Moiseev, one of the few artists who admitted to being gay, recently said that he considers the confession a mistake. And if it were possible to turn back time, he would never repeat those public words about his homosexuality. asked Ilya Reznik for what purpose he undertook to compose songs in the style of chanson.

I'm interested in trying myself in different genres. I write songs for the army, I write fables, ditties, fairy tales, books. Why don't I try writing chanson songs?

If you were offered to write pornographic stories, would you also try to find yourself in this genre?

I wouldn't write pornographic stories. And in different genres of art, without sinking to vulgarity, you need to try yourself.

Video from the press conference of Ilya Reznik

Kirkorov you at all about ... l

By the way, Kirkorov is mentioned in Reznik's book not only in the homosexual aspect. But also as an offender. Seeing a photograph of Kirkorov on the wall of the apartment, the hero of the book by Bob the Greek asks:

Why didn't Kirkorov take off?
He about you in front of everyone ... l.
So did you forgive him?

Apparently, Ilya Reznik never forgave.

The persistent rumors that chansonnier Boba Grek is in fact the current co-owner of the Argumenty Nedeli newspaper, which has repeatedly printed interviews with Kirkorov, give a special piquancy to the story. The artist refused to confirm or deny this fact to

Songwriter Ilya Reznik released a scandalous novel in verse "The Adventures of Boba the Greek", in which he openly informed the public about the homosexual inclinations of the "under-king of remakes" of the pop singer Philip Kirkorov.

For example, in the poem "Prima Donna" there are such ironic lines about famous domestic artists:

And he began to write songs
Excitedly and frantically…

… Having learned about it, the masters
Were huddled in a small shiver -
Hanok fled back to Brest,
And Apina - to Siberia.
Secretly crossed the border
With Valeria Prigogine
And Pauls and Laima left
To the Latvian monastery.

All mentions Alla Pugacheva maintained in an extremely respectful and respectful spirit.

Singer with a wild head
spring fire
Burned in righteous fire
And she continued to sing.

And Philip Kirkorov with his boyfriend...

And here Philip Kirkorov did not say hello. He is mentioned exclusively in homosexual overtones. Here he writes about him Ilya Reznik in the song "Privoz":

All Odessa came to eat,
My contingent fought, that was the strength.
Kirkorov did not get a place here,
When you brought your boyfriend to eat.

It is worth remembering that the relationship between Reznik And Kirkorov broke off at the moment of the famous Rostov scandal, when an excited singer humiliated a journalist Irina Aroyan. Reznik then he considered that it was not appropriate for an artist to behave this way with a woman - “I’m just ashamed of him.” Then, live on one of the Ukrainian radio stations, a telephone conversation took place between Ilya Reznik And Philip Kirkorov. The singer accused Reznik in betrayal and called Judas.

broke off relations with Reznik then and then wife Kirkorova Alla Pugacheva. Then, however, they Ilya Reznik reconciled. Philip Kirkorov now he also admits that his behavior in Rostov was a huge mistake. But put up with "Judas" Reznik he did not.

And here is the answer Reznik– strings that uniquely expose Philip Kirkorov as gay. The confession is very eloquent and convincing. Exactly Reznik wrote such hits Pugacheva, like "Maestro", "Old Clock", "Return", "Anxious Path", etc. Ilya Reznik close to Alla Pugacheva and, without any doubt, knows a lot of intimate facts from the life of her inner circle.

Gays in show business

In the show party behind the eyes, no one hides the sexual orientation of the famous singer. However, Philip Kirkorov vehemently denies his homosexuality. In a thoroughly homophobic Russia, the public recognition of an artist as gay can lead to a loss of popularity. It is no coincidence that recently Boris Moiseev, one of the few artists to come out as gay, recently said he believes the confession was a mistake. And if it were possible to turn back time, he would never repeat those public words about his homosexuality.

Birds of a feather flock together...