
Marina Kinakh: “My husband and I have the same size of clothes and shoes. Therefore, I buy a lot for him, measuring it for myself. Marina kinakh scores points What do you think about religion?

Honored Journalist of Ukraine, press attache of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, curator of the exhibition of floriculture and landscape design and the children's festival "Health. Style. Fashion”, “Woman of the Third Millennium”, wife of a famous politician, caring mother of three daughters and grandmother of two granddaughters Marina Kinakh. It is a pleasure to communicate with Marina Vladimirovna. A strong, active, beautiful woman strikes with purposefulness, openness, sincerity and inexhaustible energy.

- Marina Vladimirovna, one of the areas of your public activity is the organization of an exhibition of floriculture, floristry and landscape design. What is the essence of the project?
- I think that the flower business is the most pleasant and beautiful. After all, those who deal with flowers have every reason for a good mood and smiles. When in 1998 I met amazing women - the owner of the company "Camellia" Tatyana Kostyukova and the president of the Union of Ukrainian Florists Irina Slobodyanyuk, we had a crazy idea - to regularly hold a specialized exhibition of flower and floristic business in Kiev. All my life, flowers were brought from abroad, so initially we wanted to draw attention to the domestic manufacturer. We held the first exhibition, presented by just a few companies, in the Lavra. Business, as they say, has gone, we have seen a great need for such events. Every season more and more domestic and foreign companies came to us. And today (we are talking at the opening of the exhibition of flower business, gardening, landscape design and floristry Flowers & HorTech Ukraine 2011) for the sixth - this is only in the status of an international exhibition - partners from France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Latin America came - Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru. Every year, flower enterprises, companies try to surprise visitors with something, bring exclusive, new varieties of plants. At this exhibition, amazing roses were presented - dry, but at the same time alive; orchids grown in Ukraine for the first time. This is one of the projects that I have been working on for many years.

- Where did the idea of ​​creating the All-Ukrainian children's festival “Health. Style. Fashion”, curated by you for more than ten years?
- This is my favorite festival. Many years ago I met a wonderful person, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Galina Uvarkina. She once told me that adult fashion shows are held all the time, and we have so many children, and they also want to be beautiful. It has been 10 years since we successfully implemented the children's fashion festival project. We hold it twice a year - on Children's Day and on St. Nicholas Day. Every time we come up with a new theme. We invite children from low-income families, sick kids. We involve young designers who have recently been children to the show. They represent surprisingly beautiful children's clothes. Kids are completely immersed in the atmosphere of the holiday, fairy tales, they are happy to defile along the catwalk, like real professional models.
Being engaged in this project, I saw how many talented children and youth are in our country, but the majority, unfortunately, do not have the opportunity to promote, show their talent to a wide audience. Children are extremely serious about the opportunity to express themselves creatively - they have been preparing for the performance for a whole year, they are trying very hard. We also strive to keep up - we invent interesting programs, invite a professional jury, guests from Russia and Germany. One of our successes is the School Uniform Festival, which will continue this year.
I would like to say a few words about the festival under the auspices of the UNESCO Children's Fund "The Power that You Feel Your Children" on the basis of the Kyiv Lyceum No. 100. Every year, high school students prepare essays on sociology, political science, and combating domestic violence. We select the best works from the regions, gather boys and girls, hold master classes, seminars with politicians, businessmen, show business stars. The guys ask them very interesting questions. Sometimes you hear more useful information, interesting ideas from children than from adults.

- I know that you are very sensitive to art. Which artists do you personally admire?
- Maybe not everyone will support me, but I am a fan of realistic art, although I am happy to get acquainted with representatives of other directions. I got great pleasure from the exhibition dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the Russian artist Nikolai Ge in the Russian Museum. This is a world famous artist, painter, master of portraits, historical and religious paintings, whose works are kept in the Louvre and other contemporary museums. I was surprised that his paintings are in Ukraine, perfectly preserved.
I was literally shocked by the exhibition of works by the director of the Kyiv Institute of Gerontology, Professor Vladislav Bezrukov. As they say, if a person is talented, he is talented in everything. This is just about Vladislav Viktorovich. In addition to the fact that he prolongs the life of people, he also draws delightfully beautiful landscapes, still lifes, writes waltzes. Such exhibitions must be visited, because you leave there as a completely different person.
I love Ukrainian artists very much. We have paintings by Nikolai Glushchenko, Fedor Konovalyuk, Viktor Babintsev, Sergei Svitoslavsky and others at home. I think that Ukrainian artists deserve the highest praise. I love my contemporaries - Evgenia Gapchinskaya, Masha Shubina, Ilya Chichkan. I like visiting sculpture exhibitions. Sculptures by Sergei Poyarkov and Oleg Pinchuk are dear to my heart.

- What is your family union based on? What is the foundation of your marriage?
Our marriage is based on mutual respect. It is very important in family life to respect the interests of each other. Everyone should have their own living space. I know that my husband likes to be alone with himself, all alone, go fishing, watch a sci-fi movie, read a book - this is his hobby, and I will not interfere with him, but only support him. He, in turn, knows that I love to travel with my friends, and every summer he lets me go abroad with them for two weeks. I always develop a new route on my own, choose a new country. This is mutual respect for personal space, which is very important in family life. This is what relationships are built on.

- How did a well-known politician win over a young woman in his time?
- It happened like this: we met, fell in love and got married. The husband said that he did not have time for courtship, and made a marriage proposal. I immediately took over all the worries, and, I confess, this won me over.

- In the name of love, people often do impulsive things. What is the craziest thing you have done for your spouse?
- Absolutely insane act, ever committed by me for the sake of love, is the birth of the youngest daughter Sophia at forty years old. At that time, I already had two daughters - the eldest Natalya, the middle Zoya. It's nice that this act is adequately appreciated by my husband.

- Who is the head of your family? Who makes the decisions?
- It is difficult to say who is in charge in our house. Of course, the husband is in charge of financial matters. Together we organize a joint vacation, make big purchases. It is my responsibility to ensure that everyone is fed and looks beautiful. Yes, I pick up a wardrobe for the whole family. I teach my youngest daughter Sophia how to dress properly, telling her which colors go well and which do not. I got this from my mother, she was a famous architect. The external image of the spouse is also formed by me. Anatoly and I were lucky - we are the same height, weight, size and even wear glasses of the same diopter. I know his taste. I know what he wears and what he doesn't. Therefore, when I go on a trip, before making a purchase, I try everything on myself.

- What personal qualities of your husband do you admire?
- To be honest, my husband is an ideal person, I think that in my life I was extremely lucky with him. There are very few men like Anatoly Kirillovich. The husband has been in politics for over twenty years. He went through all stages of the political career ladder in Ukraine: five times he was a people's deputy, deputy prime minister, prime minister, and even ran for president. And this did not change him at all - he is just as kind to women, children, and the elderly. She always asks her daughter what she does, what she wants. Our dad never missed a parent-teacher meeting at school! In his busy schedule, he always finds time for children, grandchildren and for me. In our family, women do not know what heavy bags are, what is the solution to major problems. The husband always does it himself, tries to protect from all this, thereby giving love, understanding. And no matter how tired the spouse is, no matter how late he is released, he always brings home a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
In addition, Anatoly has a very good relationship with his father-in-law. He respects his family, he tries to help everyone. He has many good qualities that many men lack. And when they ask me if he has any shortcomings, I answer that there is only one - due to his busyness, he does not have time to take care of himself.

- What else would you like from life?
- (thoughtfully) My dad is eighty-seven years old. He went through the whole war, has many awards and orders. Therefore, every year on May 9, I want only one thing: to have a big family always gather next to me in the country, outside the city: husband, daughters, their families, sister, dad, all relatives ... God, how happy I am that they all alive and well! For me, this is the main thing, this is what I live for.
Prepared by: Carolina Dovgal
Chercher la femme No. 3(39)’11
Special project "First Persons"

Journalists noticed that the wives of prime ministers usually come in two types: either they are eager to lead the country together with their husbands, or they remain in the shadows... Having met with the wife of the current prime minister Marina Kinakh, Vladimir Katsman, editor-in-chief of the CN-Capital News weekly, came to the conclusion: Marina Vladimirovna is a sociable person, an excellent interlocutor, of our "journalistic leaven", for whom her husband's work is outside the family, and the main values ​​​​are the family hearth, children, favorite work and beloved Podil, Kiev, Ukraine ...

- After your husband became the prime minister of the largest European country, has anything changed in your life? Let's say in the everyday sense. For example, have you changed the fashion designer, clothing style, hairdresser, hairstyle, lipstick, shop where you buy something?

I am a native from Kiev. And for many, many years I know very many ministers, journalists, in general, famous people. Recently, at one of the presentations, I met Valery Ivanovich Tsybukh - he studied with my sister. So he remarked, I quote verbatim, "that when Anatoly Kirillovich Kinakh became prime minister, this did not affect Marina in any way." I think that everyone who knows me at least a little could say so ...

My family lives in the apartment in which I was born, my parents lived there, this is a very old house in Podil on Pochaininskaya street. It was built in the 23rd year, and we still live in it with three children.

This street is unique because there are four churches of different denominations on it, there is nothing like it anywhere in the world. And the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, and the Russian Church of St. Elijah the Prophet, now a very fashionable church. Opposite our front door is the only Old Believer church in Ukraine, and at the end of the quarter - a synagogue. In the apartment we have an arena, a stroller, Anatoly Kirillovich's desk.

So the change in status was reflected in the material well-being only in the fact that in August we received a state dacha. Personally, it somehow doesn’t matter to me at all, I love my apartment, and for a small child who is only one and a half years old, fresh air and a large playroom are, of course, a very big plus ... I don’t have a permanent hairdresser. Now I do hair at the fashionable hairdresser Kote. I don't have any jewelry, but I always choose my clothes carefully.

- Is there a store that you go to more often?

I dress in the Fashion Park store, and it's not a secret. I also use the Ruslan store, because I have real Ukrainian dimensions, especially after I gave birth to my third child at the age of 40 ...

- Tell me, please, do you like to cook?

Not, no so much. Let's say I prefer to buy prepared food.

- And how does Anatoly Kirillovich feel about this?

What Anatoly Kirillovich likes, I can cook - he eats "Doctor's" sausage with pleasure, bread with bacon, fried potatoes and all that. But, of course, I cook, if there are any holidays, birthdays ... My mother cooked stuffed fish in such a way that people still remember about it. She unfortunately died three years ago. But somehow this talent was not transferred to me.

- And what talent did you pass on to your girls?

The girls all graduated from the 1st music school, and I graduated from it. Not only that, we all play the piano, we all sing romances...

- And what are your favorite romances, songs?

We sing "White acacia", "Burn, burn, my star", "Only once in a life there is a meeting", "I marvel at the sky...", Ukrainian folk songs and Podolsk songs. I know a lot of them. When the company gathers, everyone says - let Marina play and sing. I'll tell you more, this year, in July, an exhibition was opened in Finland in Helsinki, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence. And Ambassador Podolev Igor Valentinovich (he also plays the piano) gathered the entire diplomatic beau monde in Finland - we played the piano with four hands and sang "Kiev is impossible without Podol ..." So the whole family plays, sings.

Did you work before maternity leave?

I work all the time. And I was on maternity leave for very little, and even if I still haven’t officially gone to work, I still find myself in the thick of things all the time. I have been working as a press secretary of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (USPP) for 10 years.

- So you stay?

But how. I remember that all my bosses - both Vasily Evtukhov and Anatoly Minchenko went to work in the Cabinet of Ministers, but I stayed. They always said: "Presidents of the USPP come and go, but Marina remains." Therefore, this is my favorite place. I am going to return there a little earlier from maternity leave, although Anatoly Kirillovich believes that we need to devote more time to the child, and I would like to go to work sooner ...

- They say that the USPP is slowly transforming into a political structure?

Don't believe me, it's all a lie. This is a public organization. There are such organizations in every civilized country.

- If you judge in a journalistic way, in a professional way, you can see how the situation in the media is changing, and the elections are coming. You manage to follow.

I succeed, of course! Moreover, I have experience in elections. In March 1994 and 1998 she took an active part. Of course, I root for my Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, this is natural.

- And I heard that you are a "motor transporter" by profession?

I graduated with honors from the Kiev Automobile and Road Institute, Faculty of Bridges and Tunnels. We practically did not study girls. I was very fond of my specialty - and worked for eight years in "UkrNIIproektsteelconstruction".

- But pulled into journalism?

Yes, that's how it happened... I had a colleague at work in Dnepropetrovsk - Mikhail Aroshenko, he wrote to newspapers, although he was a builder by profession. Once, while our department was engaged in the reconstruction of factories in Dnepropetrovsk, Misha said to me: "Come on, Marina, take up the pen! .." Since then, it has gone. I wrote for the Dnepropetrovsk and Lvov press, and then for the Kyiv one. And then she came to USPP.

- Is it hard to combine work and three children?

The eldest daughter is getting married next Saturday. So let's get ready for the wedding. She is already an adult, studying at the Faculty of Law, an excellent student, her name is Natasha. She entered the magistracy in "Financial Law", she is also studying additionally at the Institute of Market Reforms and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of "Finance and Credit", in order to know financial law, she works as an assistant lawyer in a firm. And not particularly in need of parental care. The middle daughter is a second-year student at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the Faculty of Italian Language, and is already trying to work as a translator. And the youngest daughter Sophia is only one and a half years old ...

- As far as I know, according to the protocol, the wife of the prime minister must accompany her husband in many cases ...

In general, I really like to accompany him, but they don’t always take me (laughs).

- Why?

Because Anatoly Kirillovich always says when it's a business visit or a business meeting - there is nothing for wives to do there.

- Are you offended?

No, I never take offense at anyone.

- By nature, you are not a strict person at all?

No, not strict.

- But how is it - children study for "five", and not a strict mother?

You see, they were brought up in such a family. My mother was a unique person. She taught descriptive geometry and drawing at the Road Institute for 40 years, absolutely all motorists and employees of the traffic police of Ukraine knew her. In retirement, she was fond of embroidery, her work was published in "Radyansky Zhintsy" and in "Worker". And dad worked for 53 years in the construction board of the River Fleet of Ukraine, built up the whole of Ukraine with piers, dams, residential buildings. I have a sister - very beloved, she is a civil engineer.

- In the life of every person, no matter who he is - a prime minister or a journalist - there are periods of good, unsuccessful, there is a good mood, working, businesslike, and sometimes the mood is a little with a minus sign ... How do you avoid such situations with Anatoly Kirillovich? Anything can happen, this is politics, a high state position ...

One must know Anatoly Kirillovich, then such a question would never have arisen. This is such an able-bodied person and so organized that it seems to me that even if he had a bad mood, he would never show it in his life ... Such pedantry, scrupulousness in everything.

What he has going on at work is outside the home. He arrives, Sofiyka always meets him, they even changed her regime on purpose. She sleeps twice a day to wait for her dad and play with him, and this is around 12 o'clock at night. Because this is his favorite, he is ready to play with her, I don’t even know how long. And she pays him the same - she just loves it.

- Tell me, Marina, is work not the most used word in your house?

Yes. Because Anatoly Kirillovich believes that work should be done at work, and at home he should take care of his family. I believe that this is correct. Both he and I follow this slogan. He believes that if a person does not have time to solve all production issues at work, then he is a bad worker.

- And Anatoly Kirillovich is a strict person regarding the schedule. That ended working hours - and he went home?

You know that the prime minister does not have a strictly measured working time, of course, he comes very late ... He gets up very early, leaves for work ... And what am I - I'm waiting ...

- You are a road builder by profession, but do you drive a car?

No. When I was younger, my dad always drove me. I was born, we already had the 21st Volga at that time, I even remember the number - 08-21 KIV. I have an absolutely perfect memory, I remember thousands, millions of phones, all birthdays, last names, first names and patronymics, I never write down anything ... When I grew up, I went to the subway, and since the 90th year there was always a car with a driver .. .

It seems to me that I am very emotional, and while driving you need to be collected - I will be nervous, worried, so as not to hit anyone anywhere. Although my eldest daughter drives a car perfectly, and the middle one now goes to auto courses. They are more modern, more advanced.

- You can call yourself a happy business woman, a modern Ukrainian - after all, you have all the external attributes of this?

I probably can, but with a caveat. I cannot call myself a businesswoman, because I have never been in business in my life and I think that this is not mine. In my family, it so happened that no one is engaged in business. And a modern business happy woman, probably, I can. I have a very good family, a prestigious job, beloved children - the only thing that upsets me, this is the worst loss, that my mother died. But my dad is alive and well, he will be 78 years old in March, he leads an active lifestyle. Until last year, he was still working at the same place where he came in 1945. Went through the whole war. He has many awards and orders even in peacetime. He is an honored worker of transport, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, has unique medals, for example, "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic". I have never seen such a medal.

- Is it true that you are very fond of glasses?

Yes, I love it very much, I'm a "bespectacled man" ... Fortunately, now any glasses can be bought in Kyiv ...

- Do you like cinema?

I love cinema, but, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to watch films lately, I just don’t have time, and I haven’t been to the cinema for many years, although my children go to the newly built Ukraina cinema and say: “Mom, this is an amazing sight! " But I've never been there before...

As for films, I like comedies or melodramas - the rest is enough for me in life, so I don’t like action movies or science fiction - this is not for me. Anatoly Kirillovich, on the contrary, loves science fiction, he reads science fiction, especially science fiction. And he loves action movies, strong films.

- What are you reading?

Only memoirs. I love "Literary heritage", "Woman-myth", "History of the present". I know about all the artists, poets, politicians and artists, I can tell their life stories.

- Are you building a library?

Yes, my mother left a good library.

- Do children read books?

Do you miss theater premieres?

I go to the theater, to concerts, I have many friends who are actors. I love the theater of Russian drama, and the theater of Franco too ... Sometimes I manage to see guest performers. Delighted with the recent Kyiv concert of Laima Vaikule - this is a super class! But Petrosyan left the recent concert - I probably already grew out of this humor ...

- And tell me frankly - it’s not boring: home - children - work? ..

First, I'm never bored. And secondly, I am engaged in social activities - I am the honorary president of the public organization "Culture and Vsesvit-2000". We have already spent several evenings, one of them is a flower exhibition of our Ukrainian producers. Now we are preparing the evening "Don Juan of the 20th century" in the capital's Opera and Ballet Theater - we are trying to contribute to the revival of national culture, traditions, roots. The last time, for example, Dargomyzhsky's opera was staged in Kyiv was in 1897 (it was performed in concert in Moscow in the 1950s)... Do you get bored here?

Nicholas period

Help THEME. Anatoly Kirillovich Kinakh was born on August 4, 1954 in the village of Bratushany in Moldova, but insists on his Ukrainian origin. He tried to enter the Kharkov Higher Flight School, but eventually became a student of the Leningrad vocational school, after which he graduated from the shipbuilding institute. After that he worked as a dockmaster at the Seventh Military Factory in Tallinn.

Anatoly Kinakh appeared in Ukraine in 1981: he was sent as a master to Nikolaev. The path of our hero into politics began from Nikolaev: when he was the head of the department of the Ocean plant, he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR for the Ship constituency.

Massive clumsy attempts to present Anatoly Kirillovich through the media as a kind of thoughtful pragmatist-reformer make us remember the main stages of his career path. The Nikolaevites, who knew Kinakh personally, said that in the early 90s, while still in the ranks of the CPSU, he was already known as a democratically minded comrade. To reinforce the progressiveness of his image, he periodically met with the activists of the environmental association, various public organizations, and with their help he conducted his election campaign in the Ship District.

Having become a deputy, he continued to successfully balance between left and right: on some issues he voted as a member of the People's Rada, on others as a regular member of the communist group 239. Arriving in his native Nikolaev, Kinakh first sat at the bureau of the Ship District Committee of the CPSU, and the next day at the Rukh meeting . There is an interesting video recording of a fragment of Kirillich's speech at the spring conference of the Nikolaev Regional RUH of the 1991 model. Then, for the first time, he made a clear promise to learn the state language in the foreseeable future. The fulfillment of the promise dragged on for almost 10 years.

Before the State Emergency Committee, Pan Anatoly was in the CPSU. According to him, he tried to reform the Communist Party from within. This explanation turned out to be sufficient for regional demoorganizations. After the election of Leonid Kravchuk as president, local romantic democrats, on occasion, approached him with a request to appoint Kinakh as the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region. By today's standards, the governor. And a miracle happened - a person not from the regional committee nomenclature was put in charge of the region.

However, the Democrats' petition is just a fig leaf for official biographies. In fact, Anatoly Kirillovich owes his career growth to Kravchuk's chief adviser - a certain Melnik, who turned out to be a friend of the Nikolaev functionary Gennady Lelikov. And Kinakh was appointed under the condition that Lelikov (in the regional committee he rose only to assistant to the first secretary Pozhidaev) would be his deputy.

Lelikov quickly taught Kinakh that for officials of their circle (and the nomenklatura at that time was still Soviet, only slightly repainted from red to a yellowish-blaky hue), the main thing is to report beautifully in Kiev, appear more often on local television screens and say with metal in your voice: We are monitoring the situation, we will strictly control the all-round expansion with further deepening and prevention in the future .... It looks like it, right? Until now, Kinakh's ability to make up obvious failures as successes has delighted the most notorious nomenklatura.

At a time when the region led by Kinakh was one of the five most criminogenic, the capital studied the experience of Nikolayevshchina in coordinating the fight against crime. Kyiv demanded reform in the countryside, and a report flew to the capital that half of Ukrainian farmers were farming in the Nikolaev region. Then it turned out that a significant part of these farms were fake.

The Democrats are demanding the resignation of Khamchich, Kinakh's deputy, and similar pseudo-farmers from the Bashtan, fraternal, and Bereznegovat leadership nests. In response, Kirillovich defends the violators of the law to the last, while at the same time offering to resign from the state administration to employees who uncovered violations. Originally, from the point of view of morality, the work of the Pervomaisky city police department of Nikolaev was also organized after the dismissal of several policemen who were trying to really fight crime. Subsequently, the policemen sued Alexander Nastenko, the head of the city department, for four years. Although, according to available information, he drove out the objectionable not of his own free will, but on orders from above.

Anatoly Kirillovich put Semyon Aksendler in charge of the regional department of foreign economic relations, presenting him as the most decent person. A year later, they did not share something, and Kinakh began to talk about his protégé as a morally unscrupulous subject. But that was the end of it: Kinakh allowed him to leave of his own accord.

Another scandal of the Nikolaev period of Kinakh's life is connected with Vladimir Ivaniv. The latter was an economic adviser to the head of the regional state administration and actively ran a business under the roof of Kinakh. In 1992-94 he was behind the DESPRO foreign economic structure created under the administration. This topic remains closed until now, although some information has leaked out. For example, SBU officers uncovered a deal in which Ivaniv helped the regional leadership, through DESPRO, to sell the products of the Nikolaev alumina plant to Europe in the amount of $1 million. The regional budget, according to some reports, received much less. In general, after an additional check by the special services, Ivaniv is dismissed of his own free will. The matter was hushed up. Yes, and Ivaniv was not up to it then: the 1994 elections were approaching.

People in Nikolaev remember well that before the second round Kinakh gave preference to Leonid Kuchma, and immediately before the election day he suddenly began (on regional TV) to agitate for Leonid Kravchuk. Most likely, analysts reported that the chances of winning one of the contenders are 50/50. So, you need to be safe. Happened.

Capture of Kyiv

Kuchma did not forget his supporter: in 1995, Anatoly Kinakh left the city of shipbuilders and became Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Policy in the government of Yevgeny Marchuk, then (missing the government of Pavel Lazarenko) - First Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Valery Pustovoitenko. In 1997, Kinakh headed the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and became an adviser to the president.

The peak of Anatoly Kinakh's career rise was one and a half years of premiership. Kinakh headed the government in May 2001 and held this post until November 2002. He sat in the premier's chair next to Viktor Yushchenko, which caused stormy emotions in Sergei Leonidovich Tigipko, another Moldavian who then claimed the post of prime minister. At that time, a popular anecdote was circulating among the politically preoccupied people: Do you know what the Bouquet of Moldova is? This is when the main nominees for Ukrainian prime ministers are the natives of the sunny republic, Sergei Tigipko and Anatoly Kinakh.

Political scientists assessed the appointment of Anatoly Kirillovich in different ways, calling him Kuchma's instrument and hostage to Yushchenko's successes. As of May 2001, Kinakh himself, according to sociologists, was not known to many people. But, on the other hand, his figure at that time looked like a compromise and not dangerous for other contenders for the post of prime minister as a starting step towards the presidency. In the 2002 parliamentary elections, Kinakh occupies the second position in the list of the "For a United Ukraine!" After the election, Edun No. 2 relinquished his parliamentary mandate in favor of the premiership. However, on November 16, 2002, Kuchma nevertheless dismissed the Kinakh government "due to the need to implement the proclaimed course of reforming the political system in the state, ensuring constructive interaction and cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for this purpose in creating a responsible and effective government of Ukraine." And he submitted the candidacy of Viktor Yanukovych. Thus, in the political life of Kinakh, a period of yet another political oblivion began.

Guardian Angel Tariel Vasadze

The premiership of Anatoly Kinakh was not marked by loud scandals. He was not tried, like Yanukovych, did not work with foreign exchange reserves, like Yushchenko, and did not try to become a master, like Lazarenko. At the same time, Kirillovich quietly and effectively lobbied for the interests of individual commercial structures. One of Kinakh's oldest attachments is AvtoZAZ. In the mid-90s, the then head of the auto giant, Stepan Kravchun, began to persistently promote the idea of ​​attracting a world-famous auto brand to the enterprise as a powerful investor. In 1995, Kravchun tries to draw attention to his enterprise from General Motors. The first vice-president of GM even came to Kyiv. However, he was unkindly accepted into the Ministry of Industrial Policy, where the fate of the automobile plant was to be decided. He left not salty slurping. And all because the Korean Dewoo laid eyes on AvtoZAZ. The latter, logically, had nothing to cherish any hopes, since the competitor was the giant GM. But the Koreans knew how to resolve issues in the Ukrainian territories. For a positive outcome of the case, the Koreans paid an amount of 16 million dollars. It was fairly divided by Anatoly Kinakh and the then head of the Ministry of Industrial Policy, Malev. 8 million per brother.

The obviously failed project with the Koreans soon died. After Daewoo was ruined not without the participation of GM, the monumental figure of Vasadze appears in the fate of AvtoZAZ. Simply, to feel the taste of the Korean millions, Kinakh decided to continue feeding from the auto giant.

In fact, the government of Anatoly Kinakh lent Tariel Vasadze, a member of the faction of industrialists and entrepreneurs, and his private corporation UkrAVTO a state loan for the purchase, again, of the state-owned stake in AvtoZAZ. The country's richest automobile corporation managed to pay off the state for the purchase of AvtoZAZ only thanks to a loan from the state-owned Ukreximbank. Initially, it was clear that no one was going to return the miserable 200 million to the bank. Perhaps only the chairman of Ukreximbank did not understand this. After the deadline for paying the bills, he began to insistently demand the return of the loan. As a result, Sorokin was removed.

So far, no one dares to talk about the reprivatization of the auto giant. Perhaps because Kinakh is also involved in the black list of newly sold enterprises? And after all all bases for reprivatization on the person. It is well known that Vasadze did not fulfill a single investment obligation related to AvtoZAZ. In the pre-privatization period, from 1998 to 2002, the Ukravto corporation managed the state-owned stake in AvtoZAZ. Moreover, in the period from 2000 to 2002 (as you can easily see, right at the time of Kinakh's premiership), Ukravto's activities caused losses to the state by 68 million hryvnias. To this day, not the poorest Ukrainian citizen Vasadze manages to avoid paying back the debt. For more than six years, Ukravto has not ensured the declared increase in the degree of localization of production at AvtoZAZ. That is, the share of car production on its own is by no means growing, although AvtoZAZ, that is, Vasadze received considerable benefits from the Cabinet of Ministers precisely under the obligation to ensure by 2002 the degree of localization of 45%. The year is 2005, localization is unlikely to have reached 20%, and no one, primarily the relevant Deputy Prime Minister Kinakh, wants to take away benefits. In fact, after years of dominating the Ukrainian market, Vasadze’s business remains the same: abroad, cars are disassembled into components: body-engine-wheels, after which they are imported into the country piece by piece, where they are assembled using a screwdriver method immediately after crossing the Ukrainian border in the port and at the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant .

As analysts and all-seeing services note, all this became possible thanks to protectionism on the part of the Ministry of Industrial Policy, namely the responsible officials Leshchev and Nechai, as well as the vigilant patronage of Anatoly Kinakh, under whose wing the ministry is located. The latter, regardless of the political alignments, always finds himself afloat and, in difficult moments for Vasadze, extends a helping hand to him. All this is done to the detriment of true Ukrainian producers. Recently, 60 enterprises producing spare parts came out against the policy of strangling domestic manufacturers. They shouted: it is impossible to provide benefits for AvtoZAZ, because in this way the government will finance foreign manufacturers of spare parts (after all, Vasadze imports most of them from abroad, instead of ordering from Ukrainian subcontractors). Neither the parliament nor the government heeded the calls of domestic producers by adopting the Law on New Import Rates. Vasadze won again, not this time under the new government. Informed sources say that this next commercial success was largely due to Anatoly Kinakh. Yes, and how else it is precisely this direction that Anatoly Kirillovich supervises day and night in the government of Tymoshenko. It is significant that the first working trip of Kinakh in the status of Deputy Prime Minister Tymoshenko was precisely to AvtoZAZ.

According to THEME, Yulia Vladimirovna knows about Kinakh's fatal love for Ukravto, but apparently, the desire of the lady of the prime minister to urgently draw Ukraine into the WTO this time delayed the inevitable scandal with the unrighteous benefits of Vasadze and those who protect him, regardless of the change of power.

Oil and gas hobbies

But Kinakh's interests are not limited solely to the problems of the automotive industry. A different circle of interests of the multifaceted Anatoly Kinakh was outlined by the criminal Ukraine of 2003. The article by Premier Kinakh and the 30 million case dealt with criminal case No. 47-365, initiated by the prosecutor's office of the Kyiv region on the fact of the theft of gas and funds by officials of CJSC Neftegazgeologiya. Already 10 days after the initiation, the Prosecutor General's Office requested the materials for familiarization. Actually, there was nothing to get acquainted with: it is simply not possible to raise such a criminal layer in 10 days. And it's hard to believe that the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office did not understand this. Suffice it to say that when Deputy Prosecutor General for Investigation Sergei Vinokurov decided to suspend the proceedings, they did not even have time to interrogate the chairman of the board of Neftegazgeologia, Natalya Ivaniv. As well as Mr. Vinokurov did not want to wait for the results of the searches and seizures of documents appointed by the investigator Maria Sambur.

Later, the investigation of the case was resumed, re-qualified, then suspended again, and so on many times. Finally, after the final closure of the case, CJSC National Gas Company, directly or indirectly connected with other defendants, declared itself bankrupt. Let's note: a company operating in the energy market, that is, engaged in a super-profitable business, went bankrupt with its own hands.

In addition to Deputy Prosecutor General Vinokurov, who made the decision to close the case, the name Kinakh appears in this story. He first turned his attention to this matter when he was a people's deputy and president of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Kinakh sent his letter to the prosecutor's office after he was approached by the head of the CJSC Neftegazgeologia, Natalia Ivaniv, with a complaint about the excesses of the authorities.

Attention, reader: we do not know, but we assume that Mrs. Ivaniv from the gas company and the adviser to the governor of Kinakh in the Nikolaev region, Vladimir Ivaniv, are not just namesakes. Otherwise - why did the people's choice suddenly react so vividly to a call for help from an ordinary citizen.

Kinakh's appeal to the prosecutor's office became a formal reason for dismissing the case. On June 14, 2001, the Board of the Prosecutor's Office of the Kiev Region was held, at which the then regional prosecutor Babenko (now the deputy head of the Personnel Department of the Prosecutor General's Office) told the investigator Sambur, who was in charge of this case, the following: We had to wait for Kinakh himself to write to us that there was no corpus delicti on Article 86-1 of the Criminal Code (Theft of state or collective property on an especially large scale, ed.)

After the case was reclassified and the preliminary investigation went in line with Article 172 of the Criminal Code (Official forgery), Anatoly Kinakh, who had become prime minister by that time, again sent a letter regarding the conduct of the investigation. Soon investigator Maria Sambur was fired from her job.

According to her, the criminal history of Neftegazgeologia began back in July 2000, when the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kyiv region opened a criminal case No. 27-608 against the leaders of Konstanta LLC. And here's why: using forged documents, the gentlemen of the merchants villainously seized the assets of the Enakievo Metallurgical Plant in the amount of about 2.5 million dollars. The case materials were sent by territoriality to Donetsk, where, as usual in such cases, the proceedings were suspended.

Working hard in this direction, the investigation came to curious discoveries: the leadership of the oil and gas complex represented by Mr. Ruban and Neftekhimgeologiya (NGG) represented by Mrs. Ivaniv mastered a very profitable scheme. Its essence was that instead of transferring money along the chain: consumer-NGG-NGK-Itera (Russia), bills were put into circulation. Namely: Ivaniv (NGG) received bills of exchange from JSCB Nadra, transferred them under the act of NGK (Ruban). The latter, instead of handing them over for payment, provided them to converting companies, which in turn received real money from them in the Nadra Joint-Stock Bank. This money, by the way, belonged to Neftegazgeologiya, one of the founders of which was Yaroslav Shpilenko, the same as in NGK. However, that's another story.

Kinakh's passion for the energy business didn't stop there. Under his patronage at the USPP there is an enterprise Ukrpromenergo, which at one time signed an agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance with the USPP. How they helped each other is none of our business. But what is surprising. Within the framework of the agreement, partnership was declared in the areas of fuel and energy complex, finance, production, construction in the markets of Ukraine, Russia and other countries. In particular, joint participation in the intergovernmental Ukrainian-Russian program to provide Ukrainian consumers with energy carriers, in exploration and production of oil and gas (!), participation in the construction of new energy transport corridors. A strange agreement, given that Ukrpromenergo is engaged in reactive power compensation, manufacturing and commissioning of capacitor units with automatic control, but not in oil production.

Women in business Kinakh

The oil side of the Kinakh family business is connected with the eldest daughter from his second wife Marina. 25-year-old Natalia Chausova is married to Oleksandr Kovalko, the former deputy chairman of Naftogaz, one of the top managers of Ukrnafta, the son of an ex-deputy with an oil and gas background, Mikhail Kovalko. He has a good fuel business. And Marina Vladimirovna herself is not just a wife, mistress and loving mother. She is a co-founder of CJSC Energomet, located at 31 Nikolsko-Botanicheskaya Street. Not far from Energoatom's central office.

Among several of her companions, Bohdan Domaschuk is of curiosity. If I'm not mistaken, Bogdan Borisovich is the director of the well-known Uman OJSC Vitaminy, which is engaged in the production of medicines: from drugs for animal husbandry to antispasmodics and antiseptics.

In the second company Plant-P, where Marina Vladimirovna owns as much as 80% of the authorized capital, the co-founder is a certain Vitaly Trunov. President of AOOT Radikal. It seems that their joint business began 10 years ago, when Mr. Trunov hung around Valery Babich, and Marina Vladimirovna honed her talent as a press secretary, further refined at Kinakh.

But oil and gas millions are somehow boring. When the wives of high-ranking officials gather in a narrow circle of girls, washing the bones of their comrades-in-arms, they attribute to Marina and her daughters from their first marriage not only fashion stores, but also real estate abroad. And these unbearable gossips talk about how Marina has a joint business with the daughter of Grigory Surkis Svetlana, the general director of the Kodokan distribution cosmetics company.

On the personal modesty of Anatoly Kinakh before the tax authorities

As they say, God help you. Doing business is not a sin. It is a sin to be modest in front of the tax authorities. What's funny: in the possession of Kinakh there is no movable and immovable property. He officially lives in the receptions of his wife. The family owns a land plot of 600 square meters, an apartment of 267 square meters, a country house of 35 square meters, a garage of 50.9 square meters, a Toyota car (although all family members have their own cars). The amount of cash deposits in the account of the first vice-premier is UAH 20,581.42. His wife has UAH 62,617.29. In addition, the family has securities in the amount of UAH 176.05. and contributions to the authorized capital of enterprises and organizations in the amount of UAH 44,085.

However, only the fashionable shoes of the first vice-premier are worth the amount, which is enough for a family of four for a modest life for a month. Let's not talk about hours. And the fur coats of Marina Vladimirovna and her daughters are clearly not made of cat fur. The Oligarch website expressed the opinion that Marina is the basis of the family's material well-being. A lot of issues have been decided on it: from the distribution of positions of directors of government departments (the favorite place for negotiations on this topic is the Richelieu restaurant) to the coordination of the family business. It is not surprising that it is Kinakh's wife who appears in the criminal case on charges of Boris Panchenko, an assistant to people's deputy Grigory Omelchenko, and his friend Vadim Galchenko, chairman of the Mira fund, of extorting a bribe from a provincial businessman for appointing him to the position of director of the Zarya factory. On March 29 at 4:30 p.m., in the McDonald's parking lot near the Lukyanovskaya metro station, SBU officers detained Boris Panchenko and allegedly found $50,000 from him, half of what the position cost. During the interrogation, the detainees told in detail how much money they spent on gifts for Marina Kinakh and her daughters. However, the scandal was quickly hushed up. There hasn't been a trial yet. And, most likely, to sit Boris Fedorovich in a pre-trial detention center as long as Kinakh is afloat. He doesn't like noise. He will try to settle everything with the new government in a quiet way. And judging by the above biography of our hero, he will succeed

- After your husband became the prime minister of the largest European country, has anything changed in your life? Let's say in the everyday sense. For example, have you changed the fashion designer, clothing style, hairdresser, hairstyle, lipstick, shop where you buy something?

I am a native from Kiev. And for many, many years I know very many ministers, journalists, in general, famous people. Recently, at one of the presentations, I met Valery Ivanovich Tsybukh - he studied with my sister. So he remarked, I quote verbatim, "that when Anatoly Kirillovich Kinakh became prime minister, this did not affect Marina in any way." I think that everyone who knows me at least a little could say so ...

My family lives in the apartment in which I was born, my parents lived there, this is a very old house in Podil on Pochaininskaya street. It was built in the 23rd year, and we still live in it with three children.

This street is unique because there are four churches of different denominations on it, there is nothing like it anywhere in the world. And the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, and the Russian Church of St. Elijah the Prophet, now a very fashionable church. Opposite our front door is the only Old Believer church in Ukraine, and at the end of the quarter - a synagogue. In the apartment we have an arena, a stroller, Anatoly Kirillovich's desk.

So the change in status was reflected in the material well-being only in the fact that in August we received a state dacha. Personally, it somehow doesn’t matter to me at all, I love my apartment, and for a small child who is only one and a half years old, fresh air and a large playroom are, of course, a very big plus ... I don’t have a permanent hairdresser. Now I do hair at the fashionable hairdresser Kote. I don't have any jewelry, but I always choose my clothes carefully.

- Is there a store that you go to more often?

I dress in the Fashion Park store, and it's not a secret. I also use the Ruslan store, because I have real Ukrainian dimensions, especially after I gave birth to my third child at the age of 40 ...

- Tell me, please, do you like to cook?

Best of the day

Not, no so much. Let's say I prefer to buy prepared food.

- And how does Anatoly Kirillovich feel about this?

What Anatoly Kirillovich likes, I can cook - he eats "Doctor's" sausage with pleasure, bread with bacon, fried potatoes and all that. But, of course, I cook, if there are any holidays, birthdays ... My mother cooked stuffed fish in such a way that people still remember about it. She unfortunately died three years ago. But somehow this talent was not transferred to me.

- And what talent did you pass on to your girls?

The girls all graduated from the 1st music school, and I graduated from it. Not only that, we all play the piano, we all sing romances...

- And what are your favorite romances, songs?

We sing "White acacia", "Burn, burn, my star", "Only once in a life there is a meeting", "I marvel at the sky...", Ukrainian folk songs and Podolsk songs. I know a lot of them. When the company gathers, everyone says - let Marina play and sing. I'll tell you more, this year, in July, an exhibition was opened in Finland in Helsinki, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence. And Ambassador Podolev Igor Valentinovich (he also plays the piano) gathered the entire diplomatic beau monde in Finland - we played the piano with four hands and sang "Kiev is impossible without Podol ..." So the whole family plays, sings.

Did you work before maternity leave?

I work all the time. And I was on maternity leave for very little, and even if I still haven’t officially gone to work, I still find myself in the thick of things all the time. I have been working as a press secretary of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (USPP) for 10 years.

- So you stay?

But how. I remember that all my bosses - both Vasily Evtukhov and Anatoly Minchenko went to work in the Cabinet of Ministers, but I stayed. They always said: "Presidents of the USPP come and go, but Marina remains." Therefore, this is my favorite place. I am going to return there a little earlier from maternity leave, although Anatoly Kirillovich believes that we need to devote more time to the child, and I would like to go to work sooner ...

- They say that the USPP is slowly transforming into a political structure?

Don't believe me, it's all a lie. This is a public organization. There are such organizations in every civilized country.

- If you judge in a journalistic way, in a professional way, you can see how the situation in the media is changing, and the elections are coming. You manage to follow.

I succeed, of course! Moreover, I have experience in elections. In March 1994 and 1998 she took an active part. Of course, I root for my Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, this is natural.

- And I heard that you are a "motor transporter" by profession?

I graduated with honors from the Kiev Automobile and Road Institute, Faculty of Bridges and Tunnels. We practically did not study girls. I was very fond of my specialty - and worked for eight years in "UkrNIIproektsteelconstruction".

- But pulled into journalism?

Yes, that's how it happened... I had a colleague at work in Dnepropetrovsk - Mikhail Aroshenko, he wrote to newspapers, although he was a builder by profession. Once, while our department was engaged in the reconstruction of factories in Dnepropetrovsk, Misha said to me: "Come on, Marina, take up the pen! .." Since then, it has gone. I wrote for the Dnepropetrovsk and Lvov press, and then for the Kyiv one. And then she came to USPP.

- Is it hard to combine work and three children?

The eldest daughter is getting married next Saturday. So let's get ready for the wedding. She is already an adult, studying at the Faculty of Law, an excellent student, her name is Natasha. She entered the magistracy in "Financial Law", she is also studying additionally at the Institute of Market Reforms and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of "Finance and Credit", in order to know financial law, she works as an assistant lawyer in a firm. And not particularly in need of parental care. The middle daughter is a second-year student at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the Faculty of Italian Language, and is already trying to work as a translator. And the youngest daughter Sophia is only one and a half years old ...

- As far as I know, according to the protocol, the wife of the prime minister must accompany her husband in many cases ...

In general, I really like to accompany him, but they don’t always take me (laughs).

- Why?

Because Anatoly Kirillovich always says when it's a business visit or a business meeting - there is nothing for wives to do there.

- Are you offended?

No, I never take offense at anyone.

- By nature, you are not a strict person at all?

No, not strict.

- But how is it - children study for "five", and not a strict mother?

You see, they were brought up in such a family. My mother was a unique person. She taught descriptive geometry and drawing at the Road Institute for 40 years, absolutely all motorists and employees of the traffic police of Ukraine knew her. In retirement, she was fond of embroidery, her work was published in "Radyansky Zhintsy" and in "Worker". And dad worked for 53 years in the construction board of the River Fleet of Ukraine, built up the whole of Ukraine with piers, dams, residential buildings. I have a sister - very beloved, she is a civil engineer.

- In the life of every person, no matter who he is - a prime minister or a journalist - there are periods of good, unsuccessful, there is a good mood, working, businesslike, and sometimes the mood is a little with a minus sign ... How do you avoid such situations with Anatoly Kirillovich? Anything can happen, this is politics, a high state position ...

One must know Anatoly Kirillovich, then such a question would never have arisen. This is such an able-bodied person and so organized that it seems to me that even if he had a bad mood, he would never show it in his life ... Such pedantry, scrupulousness in everything.

What he has going on at work is outside the home. He arrives, Sofiyka always meets him, they even changed her regime on purpose. She sleeps twice a day to wait for her dad and play with him, and this is around 12 o'clock at night. Because this is his favorite, he is ready to play with her, I don’t even know how long. And she pays him the same - she just loves it.

- Tell me, Marina, is work not the most used word in your house?

Yes. Because Anatoly Kirillovich believes that work should be done at work, and at home he should take care of his family. I believe that this is correct. Both he and I follow this slogan. He believes that if a person does not have time to solve all production issues at work, then he is a bad worker.

- And Anatoly Kirillovich is a strict person regarding the schedule. That ended working hours - and he went home?

You know that the prime minister does not have a strictly measured working time, of course, he comes very late ... He gets up very early, leaves for work ... And what am I - I'm waiting ...

- You are a road builder by profession, but do you drive a car?

No. When I was younger, my dad always drove me. I was born, we already had the 21st Volga at that time, I even remember the number - 08-21 KIV. I have an absolutely perfect memory, I remember thousands, millions of phones, all birthdays, last names, first names and patronymics, I never write down anything ... When I grew up, I went to the subway, and since the 90th year there was always a car with a driver .. .

It seems to me that I am very emotional, and while driving you need to be collected - I will be nervous, worried, so as not to hit anyone anywhere. Although my eldest daughter drives a car perfectly, and the middle one now goes to auto courses. They are more modern, more advanced.

- You can call yourself a happy business woman, a modern Ukrainian - after all, you have all the external attributes of this?

I probably can, but with a caveat. I cannot call myself a businesswoman, because I have never been in business in my life and I think that this is not mine. In my family, it so happened that no one is engaged in business. And a modern business happy woman, probably, I can. I have a very good family, a prestigious job, beloved children - the only thing that upsets me, this is the worst loss, that my mother died. But my dad is alive and well, he will be 78 years old in March, he leads an active lifestyle. Until last year, he was still working at the same place where he came in 1945. Went through the whole war. He has many awards and orders even in peacetime. He is an honored worker of transport, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, has unique medals, for example, "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic". I have never seen such a medal.

- Is it true that you are very fond of glasses?

Yes, I love it very much, I'm a "bespectacled man" ... Fortunately, now any glasses can be bought in Kyiv ...

- Do you like cinema?

I love cinema, but, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to watch films lately, I just don’t have time, and I haven’t been to the cinema for many years, although my children go to the newly built Ukraina cinema and say: “Mom, this is an amazing sight! " But I've never been there before...

As for films, I like comedies or melodramas - the rest is enough for me in life, so I don’t like action movies or science fiction - this is not for me. Anatoly Kirillovich, on the contrary, loves science fiction, he reads science fiction, especially science fiction. And he loves action movies, strong films.

- What are you reading?

Only memoirs. I love "Literary heritage", "Woman-myth", "History of the present". I know about all the artists, poets, politicians and artists, I can tell their life stories.

- Are you building a library?

Yes, my mother left a good library.

- Do children read books?

Do you miss theater premieres?

I go to the theater, to concerts, I have many friends who are actors. I love the theater of Russian drama, and the theater of Franco too ... Sometimes I manage to see guest performers. Delighted with the recent Kyiv concert of Laima Vaikule - this is a super class! But Petrosyan left the recent concert - I probably already grew out of this humor ...

- And tell me frankly - it’s not boring: home - children - work? ..

First, I'm never bored. And secondly, I am engaged in social activities - I am the honorary president of the public organization "Culture and Vsesvit-2000". We have already spent several evenings, one of them is a flower exhibition of our Ukrainian producers. Now we are preparing the evening "Don Juan of the 20th century" in the capital's Opera and Ballet Theater - we are trying to contribute to the revival of national culture, traditions, roots. The last time, for example, Dargomyzhsky's opera was staged in Kyiv was in 1897 (it was performed in concert in Moscow in the 1950s)... Do you get bored here?

Through a minimum of emotions, constructed phrases and demonstrative pedantry, Anatoly Kinakh is considered a “man in a case”. Although Anatoly Kirillovich himself says that this image is not for him.

“I have never inwardly been a man in a coat or tie. And my life, professional and moral position is that a person should always remain, first of all, himself, ”he says.

Obviously, Anatoly Kirillovich should not be taken in a simplistic way. Because behind his gloominess lie precisely those qualities that allowed him to conquer the Olympus of power. This is reliability, devotion and consistency. Anatoly Kinakh is used to being comfortable - whether for President Kuchma, or for President Yushchenko.

Anatoly Kinakh belongs to the category of politicians who do not cause much irritation. As, however, and admiration.


Anatoly Kinakh hides his ambitions behind silence and outward calmness. Probably, these qualities are valued by presidents. On the eve of his appointment as prime minister five years ago, Kinakh said: “I feel that there are quite healthy, pragmatic, statist forces in parliament who, regardless of their political sympathies, understand that the issue of appointing a prime minister is not a matter of personal ambitions” (“Den ”, May 24, 2001). Calm Anatoly Kirillovich demonstrated even after his appointment as head of the government: “I am a civil servant, prime minister. The prime minister is a state manager who has signed a contract with the president” (“Interfax-Ukraine”, November 12, 2001).

Anatoly Kinakh is considered a good administrator and performer. As the journalist Vakhtang Kipiani writes, he determined his own style of work while still managing the Nikolaev region: “Anatoly Kirillovich showed himself as a mild authoritarian. Critics tried not to keep close” (“Kievskiye Vedomosti”, May 24, 2001). Perhaps this is the recipe for the success of the outwardly unambitious Kinakh. When asked where he sees himself in 10 years, he replied: “Probably, it will be difficult for you to believe that the official chair is not an end in itself for me” (“Zerkalo Nedeli”, August 23, 2001).

In November 2002, Anatoly Kinakh was removed from the post of prime minister. He was replaced by Viktor Yanukovych. Anatoly Kirillovich never received official "compensation", although his name was repeatedly mentioned in the clip of candidates for the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council. It is possible that partly it was the resentment towards Viktor Yanukovych that prompted Anatoly Kinakh to run for the post of head of state in 2004. The USPP leader once publicly stated that, in his opinion, a person who has two convictions does not have the right to run for president.

When asked if he would withdraw his candidacy in the interests of Viktor Yanukovych, Anatoly Kinakh said: “I will not withdraw my candidacy, my team and I will fight for the maximum result in the first round, and I will look for ways to the mind and heart of citizens on the basis of honest and direct dialogue” (“Telekritika”, July 31, 2004).

However, in the fall of 2004, Anatoly Kinakh nevertheless made a choice in favor of Viktor Yushchenko. Anatoly Kirillovich's entry into the "orange" coalition opened up new prospects for him - first he became the first deputy prime minister in the government of Yulia Tymoshenko, and after his resignation - the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

“For me, the position is of secondary importance, especially over the past 15 years, thanks to the trust and support of people, I have worked in virtually all positions in the executive branch. Therefore, I will work in such a way as to direct my experience and my will to the solution of existing problems as much as possible,” says Anatoly Kirillovich (“Channel 5”, April 20, 2006).


Born August 4, 1954 in the village. Brothers in Moldova. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a pilot, he even submitted his documents to the Kharkov Higher Flight School. But in 1972 he entered one of the Leningrad vocational schools, which he graduated with a "red" diploma. In the city on the Neva, Anatoly Kinakh studied at the shipbuilding institute as a shipbuilding engineer. After - he worked as a dockmaster at the 7th military plant in Tallinn. Since 1981 - foreman, senior foreman, head of production at the Okean shipbuilding plant (Nikolaev). In March 1990 he was elected a People's Deputy of Ukraine. Since 1992 - the representative of the President of Ukraine in the Nikolaev region, and since 1994 - the chairman of the Nikolaev regional council of people's deputies. He was Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Policy in the government of Yevgeny Marchuk and First Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Valery Pustovoitenko. At the end of 1996, he headed the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. From May 2001 to November 2002 - Prime Minister of Ukraine. He explained his resignation from this position by the need for political reform in the state.

He was a member of the council, deputy chairman of the political council of the People's Democratic Party of Ukraine. During the elections to the Verkhovna Rada in 1998, Kinakh was the fifth number on the party list of the NDP, but he received a deputy mandate in the majoritarian district. He chaired the industrial policy committee in parliament.

In the parliamentary elections in 2002, Anatoly Kirillovich took the second position in the electoral list of the bloc “For a United Ukraine!”. However, he refused the deputy mandate in favor of the premiership.

Anatoly Kinakh's candidacy in the presidential elections in 2004 was supported by the Ukrainian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Pensioners' Party, and the All-Ukrainian Party of Peace and Unity.

On February 4, 2005, Kinakh was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister in Yulia Tymoshenko's government.

On September 27, 2005, President Yushchenko appointed Anatoly Kirillovich Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

In the parliamentary elections in 2006, Kinakh ran for the Verkhovna Rada under No. 2 on the list of the Our Ukraine bloc. In addition, Anatoly Kirillovich headed the list of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Ukraine in the elections to the Luhansk Regional Council.

On May 12, 2006, Kinakh resigned from the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, motivating his step with his desire to work in the Verkhovna Rada.

In the new composition of the parliament, Anatoly Kinakh created an inter-factional association "Stability". According to Kinakh, the association will focus its work on solving social and economic issues of Ukraine's development.

In July 2006, Anatoly Kinakh headed the parliamentary committee on national security and defense.

In 2006, in the "Top 100" of the most influential people in Ukraine, which is annually determined by the magazine "Korrespondent", Anatoly Kinakh took 48th position.

In the 2007 elections, a deputy mandate on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 53).

On December 21, 2007, he was elected Minister of Industry in the opposition government of the Party of Regions.


Anatoly Kinakh for:

  • political reform;
  • Ukraine's accession to the WTO and the EU;
  • equal relations with Russia;
  • creating conditions for the emergence of a middle class;
  • temporary reverse of the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline;
  • creating conditions for attracting investment in the coal industry;
  • adoption of a new Tax Code;
  • diversification of investments;
  • conducting an inventory of all the results of the privatization of strategic enterprises;
  • adoption of laws - on the Cabinet of Ministers, on relations between central and local authorities, on the opposition, a new version of the law on the President of Ukraine;
  • expanding the program for the production of synthetic gas in Ukraine from brown coal;
  • renovation of mines;
  • development of targeted programs to enhance NPP safety;
  • improvement of gas agreements with Russia;
  • building a broad coalition in parliament;
  • implementation of energy efficient investment projects;
  • legislative registration of a set of measures for the improvement and economic growth of the coal industry and mining regions;
  • the creation of the National Investigation Service;
  • transfer of pre-trial investigation functions from the SBU to the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • leasing Ukrainian gas storage facilities;
  • inventory of private buildings near the Crimean lighthouses;
  • holding a referendum on political reform;
  • market prices for Russia when it comes to renting the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea;
  • adoption of the decree of the head of state on observance of human rights in the field of information security;
  • the creation of the National Guard instead of internal troops;
  • strengthening the legal protection of owners and investors;
  • expansion of medium and long-term lending;
  • professional army;
  • united Orthodox Church in Ukraine.

Anatoly Kinakh against:

  • unification of the extreme right and extreme left;
  • cancellation of anonymous bank accounts;
  • introduction of VAT accounts;
  • redistribution of property;
  • ultimatums in coalition negotiations;
  • federalization of Ukraine;
  • denunciation of gas agreements that were signed with Russia on January 4, 2006;
  • quota principle of division of posts;
  • a ban on the import of Russian meat into Ukraine;
  • grain export licensing;
  • using the issue of the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the political struggle;
  • denunciation of the 1954 agreement, according to which Ukraine received Crimea.

Anatoly Kinkha shares his thoughts on the development of Ukraine
with famous TV presenter Dmitry Kisilev


As Anatoly Kinakh confessed, most of his friends are classmates at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. “My real friends are and remain by my side, although they are now scattered throughout the post-Soviet space,” Kinakh said (Capital News, February 18, 2003).

Anatoly Kirillovich has his own “recipe” for choosing friends: “I have many good and loyal friends. I think that the basis of friendship is decency, morality, reliability. In general, I found my friends mainly in extreme situations” (“Capital News”, February 18, 2003).


The gloominess of Anatoly Kinakh sometimes repels the weak half of humanity from him. Although it is popular with a certain category of women.

Compromising evidence

stolen money

The Internet publication "Ukraine Criminal" insists that Anatoly Kinakh was involved in the closure of the criminal case No. 47-365. Its main defendants are officials of CJSC Naftogazgeologiya, who were accused of embezzling about $2.5 million from the Enakievo Metallurgical Plant, $5 million from the Russian company Itera, and another $30 million.

Why Anatoly Kinakh undertook to “justify” Naftogazgeologiya and whether he did it disinterestedly is not known for sure. Although, as Anatoly Kinakh says, during all his work he was not in a situation where he was offered bribes.

Major Melnichenko

Despite claims by Nikolai Melnichenko that he has records of conversations between Leonid Kuchma and Anatoly Kinakh, they have never been made public. Why is unknown. Anatoly Kirillovich himself described his attitude to the “audio legacy” of the infamous major as follows: “Regarding the content of the tapes, my point of view is this: we really need to bring this matter to its logical conclusion the law has spoken” (from a speech to the leadership of the Dnepropetrovsk region, March 2002).

Involvement in the privatization of Boryspil

On February 24, 2006, Anatoly Levin, head of the interim commission of inquiry to investigate the causes of the crisis in Ukrainian aviation, stated that an agreement between Boryspil Airport and one of the companies came into force on January 1, 2006 (according to media reports, the name is “Legal and Commercial Agency ”), which will manage the capacities of Boryspil. According to Levin, among the founders of the company was the general director of the airport, Alexander Shishkov, who avoided parliamentary checks, hiding behind the name of Kinakh. Anatoly Kirillovich rejected all accusations of involvement of him and his family members in attempts to privatize the Boryspil airport.


Anatoly Kinakh was not seen in open lobbying for the interests of certain commercial structures. Although during his tenure as prime minister, there were rumors in the political lobby that Anatoly Kirillovich was close to the SDPU (o). To the question: “Who has more influence on you - Grigory Surkis or Alexander Volkov?”, Kinakh, while still in the status of the head of the government, answered: “Neither one nor the other has, let’s say, a critical influence on me. One of the main responsibilities of the Cabinet is to create equal rules of the game for everyone” (“Zerkalo Nedeli”, August 23, 2001).

Later, Anatoly Kinakh told the following about his relationship with the leader of the SDPU (o): “No one, including Medvedchuk, has ever opened the door to my office with their feet. And my relationship is based, first of all, on such principles that allow you to have close relationships, first of all, with those people who respect those holy basic principles that are at the heart of both trust and friendship of people - honesty, decency, reliability” (“Telekritika”, July 31, 2004).

However, 16% of respondents who were interviewed by the Razumkov Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Research two years ago still considered Anatoly Kinakh to be connected with domestic oligarchs.

Financial situation

The members of the Kinakh family own a land plot of 600 sq. m, an apartment of 267 sq. m, a garden house (35 sq. m) and a garage (50.9 sq. m), a Toyota car.

In addition, in accordance with the declaration, his family members have securities worth UAH 0.176 thousand, contributions to the authorized capital of enterprises in the amount of UAH 44 thousand 85, a bank account in the amount of UAH 626 thousand 172.


Anatoly Kinakh says that his relationship with opposition leaders is based on respect. “I respect people, even if I don't agree with them,” notes Anatoly Kirillovich (Capital News, February 18, 2003).


First Deputy Chairman of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (since June 1997).

Chairman of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the development of proposals to stimulate the export of electricity from Ukraine (since April 1997).

Member of the Supreme Economic Council under the President of Ukraine.

Chairman of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (since January 2000).

Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Confederation of Employers of Ukraine (since November 1998).

President of the National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (since May 1998).

Academician of the Academy of Economic Cybernetics.

Laureate of the All-Ukrainian Prize "Leaders of the Regions" in 2002.

Reserve colonel.

He was awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 5th class (in 2004).

On October 28, 2005, Kinakh accepted an offer to head the Boxing Federation of Ukraine. In February of the following year, Anatoly Kirillovich resigned from this position, motivating his actions by internal misunderstandings in the Federation.

He headed the interdepartmental commission under the National Security and Defense Council for the preparation of reforming law enforcement agencies.

Surprisingly, Anatoly Kinakh does not have a single scientific title.


Anatoly Kinakh has a second marriage. Wife - Marina Vladimirovna (born 1960). She is the honorary president of the public organization “Culture and the Universe-2004”. Graduated from the Kiev Road Institute and the Kiev National University. T. Shevchenko. She worked as a press secretary for the USPP. Marina recalls her acquaintance with Anatoly Kirillovich as follows: “At the end of 1996, a new leader came to USPP - Anatoly Kinakh. On the same day they call me on the phone: “Run, Kinakh is calling. Just keep in mind, you can’t be late for him, he is an extremely punctual person. ” It was pouring rain, I was walking, and all in the water burst into his office: “Did you call?”. The new chairman of the USPP met me with the words: “Why were you in such a hurry? You are a woman, calm down, rest.” I really caught my breath, then an interesting conversation took place over a cup of tea with a discussion of future plans. This is how it all started” (“Zerkalo Nedeli”, March 5, 2005).

Anatoly Kinakh escorted to the first class
his youngest daughter Sofia

Marina says that together with Kinakh she feels like a real woman. “Without undue modesty, I consider him an ideal - a man, a politician and a father” (“Zerkalo Nedeli”, March 5, 2005).

The Kinakhs have three daughters - Kovalko (Chausova) Natalya (born 1980), Chausova Zoya (born 1984) and their common child - Sofiyka (born 2000).

Natalia is married to the Deputy Chairman of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine - Alexander Kovalko. After working for 5 years in a law firm, she is preparing to defend her dissertation. In September 2006, Natalia went to work in the apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Zoya works as an Italian translator. She is married to Kyiv businessman Maxim Kuzmenko.

The youngest - Sofia in 2006 went to the first class of the Kyiv Lyceum "Podil".

“I have three daughters. The eldest, Natasha, is a lawyer, graduated from the National University. T. Shevchenko. She is a goal-oriented and self-sufficient person who has a good name among lawyers. The middle one, Zoya, graduated from the Linguistic University and is fluent in English and Italian. She is a smart girl, she independently passed the competitive selection for a trip to Turin (for the Winter Olympics). Well, our most valuable achievement to date is Sofiyka, she is five and a half years old. She is my highest position and reward in life. I live surrounded by beautiful women, which is always good for men. I am very pleased and proud of my daughters,” says Anatoly Kinakh (“Kiev Telegraph”, November 18, 2005).

“The birth of a daughter is the greatest victory in my life,” says Kinakh (“The Day”, June 24, 2000). “I call my daughter my blood, and when she asks what it is, blood, I say: this is the most expensive, beloved girl in the world,” he says (“Facts”, December 28, 2002).

Anatoly Kirillovich treats his family very respectfully. “I value and protect this little world of mine very much,” he confessed (“Facts”, January 11, 2002).

third force

In the presidential elections in 2004, Anatoly Kinakh emerged as the leader of a third force. A team of political technologists headed by Sergei Gaidai positioned him as a representative of the so-called PROPOSITIONS. That is, a force that is neither opposition nor power.


During the joint work in the government, Anatoly Kirillovich repeatedly demonstrated his disagreement with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. “Yulia Vladimirovna and I had very serious discussions in the government last year. I categorically do not accept such methods, which concern the strengthening of administrative and fiscal pressure, the search for an enemy,” says Kinakh (“Channel 5”, April 20, 2006).

Anatoly Kirillovich with his wife Marina


He loves classical music, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, songs by Vladimir Vysotsky. Now, as Anatoly Kirillovich says, his favorite songs are from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians", which his daughter Sofiyka really likes.

Respects science fiction. “But not a salon, but one that concerns the secrets of the universe,” says Anatoly Kinakh. In addition, he is interested in astrophysics and the study of Einstein's theory of relativity.

In his youth he was engaged in boxing and karate.

“I am a supporter of ousting from the market those who are trying to take advantage of the situation, grab a piece of profit and hide somewhere.”

(“Companion” No. 33-34, 1999).

“I really would not like the rules of the game to be determined not by the parameters and functions of the state, but by the financial interests, first of all, of large commercial structures.”

“I am sure that independence is not only a flag and an anthem. First of all, it is the standard of living and the competitiveness of the economy.”

“I cannot name a single political party that could serve as a model for Ukraine.”

"I'm not trying to create an image of a messiah or a national hero."

“I know that we have a tribe of politicians who feel uncomfortable in a more or less stable environment. They are trying to remind themselves in this way. I'm not one of those."

"I can forgive a mistake made in the work of a minister or a deputy prime minister, but I will never allow one of them to become a mechanism for realizing the goals of political-financial groups or commercial structures."

“I have never been to a pioneer camp and never went to a kindergarten. During the holidays, my main task was to take care of our goat.”

“I believe that the position of prime minister should not be considered as a springboard for some kind of jumps. My life credo: the chair should be considered as a unique opportunity that a particular person has got to implement his professional, civil and political principles. And it’s a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity.”

“I have never allowed any personal guarantees to be demanded from the president.”

“I am ready to cooperate even with the communists, even with the right”

“I don’t attach much importance to horoscopes.”

“I am afraid of only one thing in life: the loss of loved ones.”

“I will always defend the position of an honest dialogue between the authorities and society.”

“I respect those people who consistently defend their principles, even if I disagree with them.”

“Me and my team have never worked on the principle of “the worse, the better”.

“I proceed from the fact that we must pursue a pro-Ukrainian policy. So, most likely, I am a pro-Ukrainian politician.”

“I know how to revive the economy” (From the election program of Anatoly Kinakh).

“I never trade people's trust. And my participation in the presidential elections in Ukraine is not just my personal political ambitions, but it is a reflection of a very powerful position of self-sufficient people who are not indifferent in whose hands and what Ukraine will be like after October 31.”

"I am confident in the irreversibility of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration."

“I never ran after briefcases. I am sure that a person who works in his position because of the desire to hold out in his chair as much as possible is a slave.”

“I believe that an attempt to privatize such facilities as Ukrtelecom or the Odessa port plant during a political campaign does not meet the national interests.”

“I respect the presumption of innocence very much.”

"I am sure that God should be in a person's heart, mind and actions."

“I can forgive mistakes in a robot (the one who does nothing is not mistaken), but I will never forgive betrayal, disrespect for people and dishonesty.”

“I am sure that at the beginning of the new president and government, we can confidently find 6-7 billion dollars or euros of investment per year. But these are just the first steps. In order for our economy to be competitive, we need up to forty billion in investments in the next 5 years.”

“I will never allow myself and my associates in political power to walk around with outstretched hands and ask to hire us in this or that electoral bloc or give so many numbers on the list. This is not our method."

“Recently, I often repeat one well-known truth: a revolution is very difficult, power is an even more difficult test.”

“I would not yet call the negotiations with the Russian side a failure. There is a tough discussion going on.”

“I think that we no longer have prospects for cooperation with Russia on the AN-70.”

“I am proud of the Ukrainian people, who clearly made their choice and did not allow such, for example, blocs as “Not so” of the United Social Democrats, Vitrenko and some others to power.”

"I am sure that the opposition is needed as such."

"I am sure that Ukraine and Russia are doomed to cooperate."

“I think Russian officials are well aware of how big the role of Ukraine is in fulfilling Russia's obligations to Europe to supply gas.”

“I am proud of the period when I served on the National Security and Defense Council.”

"I can go to the government of both Tymoshenko and Yanukovych."

“I believe that the situation in Ukraine is now so serious that we have no right to waste time on confrontation.”

“I will never forget the eyes of the people I saw when I stood on the Maidan.”

“I am categorically against permanent parliamentary and government crises, and I believe that re-elections for the sake of re-elections will not produce results. On the contrary, they can further deepen the situation of confrontation.”

Sergey Rudenko