
Andrey Kanchelskis personal life family. Inna Kanchelskis: biography, personal life. Biography, life story of Mikhailova Inna

24.08.11 23:45

On August 12, the artist, whose income for the past year amounted to $ 20 million (!), Married Inna Kanchelskis, with whom he had been living in a civil marriage for five years.

Svetlana Ogneva

For the celebration, Mikhailov rented an old French hotel in the Eklimo Valley, renting all the rooms there - so that no prying eyes were even close. They say that the singer laid out half a million bucks for everything about everything.

Those who were lucky enough to attend this wedding say that the tables sagged under the mountains of oysters, lobsters and other local delicacies that stood on them. Oleg Gazmanov and his wife Marianna, Viktor Drobysh, Taisiya Povaliy and other VIPs came to congratulate the newlyweds. But there was not, and this was noted by many, Andrei Kanchelskis, Inna's ex-husband. He is all in business: he was appointed head coach of the Ufa football club and set to work. He didn’t know anything about the wedding of the “former” until we told him ...

- What can I say ... Happiness to her, - Andrey answered sadly.

- When was the last time you talked?

- About three years ago. Now only my lawyer is talking to her. I don't want to see her...

The football player met a modest girl in his native Kirovograd. He was already a famous athlete, she had just won the Miss Kirovograd-87 contest. By the way, Inna is still proud of this title ...

Passion between young people flared up instantly, and after a couple of months they began to live together. Soon the son Andrei was born, then the daughter Eva. Andrei plowed, providing for his family. Inna, on the other hand, was sitting at home and was in no hurry to look for work.

Now she recalls in all interviews how hard it was: she had to take care of the children and take care of the house. Andrei, as he says, laughs heartily when he reads these "revelations."

- How much can you lie! You know, at one time she was treated by a psychiatrist, but, apparently, this did not help ... Is it really not disgusting for her to carry this nonsense?! She keeps telling how she raised the children, because I was allegedly at the training camp all the time. Well, this is complete nonsense! Why doesn't she say that all our relatives helped her to sit with Andrey and Eva? Grandmothers, aunts, uncles came to protect Innochka from all household chores. She is not a mother, but a real cuckoo who throws up children, but herself ... I recently found out that when I was not around, Inna cheated on me right and left ...

- And she claims that Mikhailov became her first man after your divorce ...

- And again lies! She started wagging her tail when she was still living with me. Rumors about her adventures still circulate throughout Kirovograd. And I just started learning about it. Believe me, Mikhailov was far from the first. She just decided that this was the most profitable party, so she grabbed him with a stranglehold.

- You said that Inna does not allow you to see the children. How are things now?

- Thank God, she was smart enough not to limit our communication. We often see children. I miss them very much, because they live with her and Mikhailov in Moscow, and I live in Ufa. Andrei dreamed of becoming a football player, but then he became interested in rugby. Eva has not yet decided: at first she wanted to become a model, now she is a singer. Whatever path the children choose, I will help them in everything.

Are you still in the process of dividing your property?

– What did you think? - Sighing heavily, the athlete answered. - She sued me for an expensive car, now her apartment in Moscow and the house in England, which I earned while playing for Manchester United, do not let her sleep peacefully. But I'm not going to give up without a fight!

- If it's not a secret, have you managed to establish your personal life?

Now I am wary of women. I had several hobbies, but I did not want to develop them. I hope to meet my true soul mate soon.

Mikhailov's ex-wife Natalya Zotova:

“I'm not the type to stir up dirty laundry. Stas communicates with his daughter, Dasha sometimes rests with his parents in Sochi. I am glad that Stas is now doing well both in work and in his personal life. Congratulations on your wedding, I wish you happiness!

Andrei Kanchelskis is a football player whose biography and personal life are familiar to many football fans. Honored Master of Sports, in his personal piggy bank a lot of goals and victories. Andrei Antanasovich is one of the most titled Soviet football players. His midfield game and coaching activities are remembered for their high class. He is considered his countryman in several countries at once, and the name of Kanchelskis even got into the anthem of the successful Manchester United club.

Andrei Antanasovich Kanchelskis was born in the city of Kirovograd, Ukraine, on January 23, 1969. His father is Lithuanian, and his mother, Ukrainian, had nothing to do with sports. Like other yard boys, Andrei played football in the yard. At the same time, Kanchelskis wanted to become a hockey player as a child. Andrei began his first steps in football when he was 8 years old. He was noticed by the coach of the Kirovograd school of the Olympic reserve Vasily Kapinus. So he ended up in a sports boarding school in Kirovograd. In 1977, he began to train in the children's team. Due to his small stature, speed and agility, the boy received the nickname "Shket".

A little later, Andrei Antanasovich went to study at a sports boarding school in Kharkov. After completing his studies, the young football player returned to his hometown and began playing for the Zvezda team.

The beginning of an adult career can be called a transfer to Dynamo Kiev in 1988. After playing the 88/89 season, Andrey moved to Shakhtar Donetsk, where he also spent 1 season. In this club, Kanchelskis almost immediately became a star. He entered the field as a right midfielder. It was in the Shakhtar team that the football player won his first title, winning the USSR championship. And already in 1990 he was included in the main team of the USSR.

Game in Europe

During the away games of the USSR national team, fate brought Andrey with, at that time little known, Alex Ferguson. This manager was then just beginning to pave the way for Manchester United. Scot Ferguson appreciated Kanchelskis' playing technique and invited him to his team. After some thought, Andrew agreed. His contribution to making the club famous all over the world cannot be underestimated. No wonder the Manchester United anthem contains the words “Come on you, Reds” (“Forward, Reds”).

Footballer played for Manchester United

At that time, the playing technique of the English club and Dynamo Kyiv was similar, so Andrey quickly joined the team. For Manchester, he played 4 years from 1991 to 1995.

During this time, he was one of the key players in the club. His passes often became assists, and Andrei himself was a good scorer. During the game, the club won many awards:

  • English League Cup in 1992;
  • championship of England - 1993;
  • English League Cup and English Championship in 1994.

On account of the Soviet football player 162 matches played for Manchester and 36 goals scored. In the 94/95 season, due to disagreements with the coach, Andrei began to take the field less often, although he continued to show good results. During the off-season, the player was transferred to Everton.

In the new club, Kanchelskis again showed a decent game. In his first season, he scored 16 goals, playing several roles on the field at once. But soon Everton began to have financial difficulties, and the Italian club Fiorentina offered a lucrative deal. The English club sold the player without his consent. Andrei decided not to argue with the decision and started playing in Florence in 1997.

From club to club

During his career, Kanchelskis changed a large number of clubs. His football career lasted for 30 years. In each club, Andrey showed excellent technique and played in various positions:

  • 1998-2002 Rangers. Played 76 matches, scored 13 goals;
  • year 2001. Manchester city. Played 10 matches. Didn't score a single goal;
  • 2002-2003. Southampton. Played 1 match. Didn't score a single goal;
  • 2003 Al Hilal. Played 3 matches without goals;
  • 2004-2005. Saturn. Played 32 matches, scored 3 goals;
  • 2006 Wings of Soviets. Played 22 matches, scored 1 goal.

At the same time he played for the USSR, the CIS and Russia. During the matches for the national teams, he scored 7 goals. Kanchelskis was valued for his experience and technique, but age and old injuries forced him to end his career in 2006. Since 2009, Andrei Antanasovich has been engaged in coaching.

Personal life

Andrei met his wife Inna in the 90s. After the wedding, Kanchelskis' wife became pregnant, but a tragedy occurred in the family - the birth of a dead child. After overcoming the misfortune, the husband and wife decided to try again.

Soon the couple had a son first, and then a daughter. In 2006, Inna filed for divorce when Kanchelskis decided to move from Moscow to Samara. To date, Andrei Antanasovich is single.

Name: Andrey Kanchelskis

Date of Birth: 23.01.1969

Age: 51 years old

Place of Birth: city ​​of Kirovograd, Russia

Height: 1.78 m

Activity: Soviet and Russian football player, midfielder; trainer

Family status: divorced

It is possible to describe the sporting achievements of a famous talented and purposeful person ad infinitum. But there is very little information about the personal life of the former football player, and now the coach of the Russian student team Andrei Kanchelskis. You can read more about him off the field, his wife and children in this article.

early years

Kanchelskis Andrei Antanasovich was born on January 23, 1969 in Kirovograd. He studied at the local children's and youth sports school "Zvezda", and later moved to the Kharkov sports boarding school. He played in the team of his native school in the second league of the USSR.

Andrei Kanchelskis in his youth

At the age of 19 he joined the army. After serving, he received an offer to play for Dynamo Kiev. His mentor was none other than Valery Lobanovsky. In the life of a young promising football player, a new page has opened under the name "Sports Career". After a short time, the first real game took place for Andrey. There was a match between Shakhtar Donetsk and Dynamo.

Personal life

Andrey met his wife Inna Gorb when he was a student at the Kirovograd school. She was already a well-known person then, thanks to the title "Miss Kirovograd" won at the local beauty contest.

With ex-wife Inna Gorb (right)

The spark flew from the first second of communication. They started dating almost immediately. A year later, they officially signed. Since that moment, the couple's life has changed for the better - Kanchelskis was called to the British Manchester United, to which he agreed. He and his wife moved to England.

Luxurious life

Irina quickly adapted to new conditions. Beloved husband earned decent sums, which allowed him and Inna not to deny themselves anything. Therefore, in his absence, she had fun in the company of other similar wives of football players and enjoyed shopping.

Kanchelskis played for Manchester United

Everything seemed to be going great and any problems are now on the shoulder. But after a year of family life, the young spouses were overtaken by trouble. Inna had a miscarriage. This was a big blow for both. By joint decision, funerals were held.

Andrey and Inna steadfastly survived the grief, and ventured to try again. As it turned out, not in vain, the wife of a football player gave birth to a son. The boy was named after his father - Andrei. After 5 years, the girl Eva was born. Both children are now devoting their lives to sports, the son is involved in football, and the daughter is in ballet.

Football player Andrey Kanchelskis

Everything changed the contract, which was offered in Moscow, and he agreed. Andrey was sure that a career in the Russian capital would go uphill faster. His wife and children were not happy with such changes, but went with him.

Beginning of the End

But things didn't turn out the way Andrew thought. The man was forced to play for less rich and titled teams. There was less and less money in the family. Once Kanchelskis went to a game in Samara alone. The wife then for the first time refused to accompany her husband. She was angry at him for the crossed out rich life.

The ex-wife of a football player for a long time did not allow to see the children

After some time, the couple divorced. Inna married the famous singer Stas Mikhailov. For a long time did not give a quiet life to her ex-husband. They sued, trying to share the jointly acquired property and children. The ex-wife is against Andrei often seeing his son and daughter. Therefore, he also sought his right through the courts.

Andrey Kanchelskis today

The football player admitted in an interview that after the divorce he didn’t even want to think about a new relationship. But now everything has changed. He meets a woman who works in an advertising agency near Moscow. He wished to keep the name of his beloved a secret, so as not to scare off happiness. Perhaps soon the couple will legitimize the relationship, but this is still only an assumption.

Inna Kanchelskis is the famous muse of the famous performer Stas Mikhailov. Today she is 45 years old. Inna's height is 170 cm. Weight - 63 kg. Her zodiac sign is Taurus. Place of birth of the girl: the center of Ukraine - the city of Kirovograd (today Kropyvnytskyi).

Biography of Inna Kanchelskis

Inna was born on the day when Victory Day is celebrated in her homeland - May 9, 1973 - in Kropyvnytskyi (Ukraine). From early childhood, she was a beautiful girl who was admired by many. Her parents took her to various competitions, where a bright appearance could come in handy.

So, in her school years, Inna Kanchelskis represented her hometown at a beauty contest. At that time, such competitions were just beginning to come into fashion. The girl won the Miss Kirovograd-1990 contest, which was organized in honor of the 285th birthday of the city.

The creators of the contest gave Inna a Mediterranean cruise as a prize and invited the beauty to the larger project Miss Ukraine. The girl was delighted with this opportunity, but her mother dissuaded her from taking part in this event.

Inna's first marriage

The first husband of our heroine was the famous football player Andrei Kanchelskis, whom they had known since school. They dated for a short time and decided to get married. In the future, both substantiated early marriage with teenage impulsiveness.

In the summer of 1991, Inna Kanchelskis got married for the first time. After that, her husband's career rapidly went up, and he signed a lucrative contract with an English football club. Based on this, the young family needed to move to England, where Andrei spent all his time in training, and the young wife Inna Kanchelskis was at home.

The girl devoted all her time to herself and shopping with other wives of football players.

Tragedy in a young family

In 1992, grief happened in the family of Inna and Andrey. Inna has lost a child. He died in the womb. The parents buried the unborn child and only the surname was written on the stove, since the name had not yet been invented.

They suffered this tragedy hard, both were in a protracted depression, but gathered the strength to live on. Some time later, a child was born in the Kanchelskis family, whom they named after their father - Andrei. After 5 years, Inna gave her husband and daughter - Eva.

Both son and daughter are active and restless children. Andrei plays football, like his father, and Eva goes to ballroom dancing. The family lived in prosperity and did not deny themselves anything. The good earnings of the head - Andrey - allowed them to live in different countries. They lived longest in England, then in Italy. Then the footballer signed a contract with Dynamo, and they moved to Moscow.

gradual break

After some time, Andrei realized that a career in the Russian capital had no prospects, and decided to go to Samara. This time the wife refuses to go with him. She, together with her children, remains to live in Moscow.

After the departure of the spouse, the family began to gradually collapse. They lived together for about 15 years. For all the friends of this family, the gap was just a shock. However, constant moving and instability ate their relationship.

Both spouses, as adults, decided to take it all for granted and remain friends for the sake of the children. Photos of Inna Kanchelskis without a husband from that moment began to appear in publications with the headings "Single after 15 years of marriage" and "How to survive with two children after a divorce."

Meeting with Mikhailov

After the divorce of Inna and Andrei, there were rumors that the husband in marriage loved to drink and raised his hand to his wife. In addition, they talked about the financial problems that have been in the family in recent years. The career of Stas Mikhailov at that time was growing rapidly.

Despite gossip and rumors, neither Andrei nor Inna spoke badly about each other. The meeting of the divorced woman with the singer took place when she no longer lived with Andrei. Stas was married. Mikhailov was inflamed with such strong feelings for Inna that he filed for divorce.

A few years after the divorce, Andrei said in an interview that he regularly pays alimony and left his ex-wife a car, an apartment and good savings. It is important for him that the children live in abundance, be well dressed and not hungry. After the breakup, Eva stayed with her mother and Stas, and her son Andrey stayed with his father.

In 2006, Inna was at Mikhailov's concert in Moscow. The paparazzi wrote that the singer himself approached Inna in a restaurant after the performance was over. Allegedly, from that moment they had an affair. At one of the concerts during the tour, Stas invited Inna to the stage to introduce the fans to his beloved woman, and said that she was the one he had been waiting for all his life and for which all his songs were written.

Gossip and rumors

They also say that after a divorce from a football player, Inna received such a huge amount of money from her ex-husband that she decided to become a producer of Stas Mikhailov and invested a lot of money in him. Allegedly, this was the reason for the sharp rise in the career success of the artist. Stas himself refutes this information and says: “I knew that Inna was a wealthy girl, and I understood that I had to match her. Therefore, I decided to work hard to earn more. After all, we have a big family, and I, as its head, must provide for everyone.

For the holidays, Inna's son Andrey comes to visit. In 2009, Inna gave Stas a daughter, whom they decided to call Ivanna.

To date, photos of Inna Kanchelskis in her youth can rarely be found on social networks or well-known publications, as well as pictures with her current spouse Mikhailov. She has long disliked posing for cameras and giving interviews. Now she prefers to remain a shadow and be the guardian of her family hearth. The personal life of Inna Kanchelskis and Stas also remains behind the scenes.

As a schoolgirl, Inna was instructed to perform at a beauty contest for her native Kirovograd. Then such competitions only came into vogue. "Miss Kirovograd - 1990" was timed to coincide with the 285th anniversary of the founding of the city. The average girl, Komsomol member and pianist won and became famous overnight. As a reward for her beauty, Inna was presented with a Mediterranean cruise and an invitation to the next beauty contest - Miss Ukraine. However, mother Gorb dissuaded her daughter from going on stage.

Andrey Kanchelskis

Inna met her future husband, a football player of the USSR national team, Andrei Kanchelskis at school. A year later, the couple got married. The wedding was played on June 22, 1991.

Almost immediately, the career of a young athlete Andrey began to gain momentum. The man left their national team of the Soviet Union and signed a contract with Manchester United. Andrei Kanchelskis has become a fairly sought-after star of world football. The couple moved to England. Andrei spent all his time on the football field, and Inna at home.

The Ukrainian girl began to spend holidays in resorts. In the first, however, I visited Yalta. And on weekdays, while Andrei was playing away, Inna ran the household and went shopping with other wives of United players. Bereavement

At the beginning of 1992, Inna Kanchelskis lost her child. The baby died right in the womb. Parents put a slab in the cemetery with only the last name. They haven't been able to come up with a name for the baby yet. On December 23, 1993, the young family still had their first child. Andrew was born in Manchester. Five years later, Kanchelskis had a daughter, Eva. She was born on March 23, 1999 in Glasgow. Now Andrei is trying his hand at the football field, and Eva at the ballet barre.

Moving to Moscow

The family lived quite richly. The couple spent all their vacations with children in resorts. In addition, the family's income made it possible to buy a large apartment in the castle of the admiral of the British Navy near London, in East Grinstead. Until 2003, Inna and Andrei lived either in England or in Italy. But at the end of the year, Andrei signed a contract with Dynamo Moscow and went to the Russian capital.

Inna Kanchelskis on video

However, in Moscow, a career did not work out. Two years later, Andrei Kanchelskis went to Samara to defend the honor of the Wings. Inna refused to move and remained in the capital. From that moment, the gradual collapse of the family began. The couple lived together for 15 years, for all friends and acquaintances a sharp break was a complete surprise. “No one expected this. But, it happens that a person fell in love with another. What to do here? - says Andrey.

Stas Mikhailov

Andrei Kanchelskis played his last match in 2006. Inna was already with the singer Stas Mikhailov.

There were rumors that Andrei was an alcoholic and a fighter, and Inna only pushed her men to the bottle. And the departure from the football player was solely for financial reasons, since Stas's career had already begun to go uphill.

Wedding of Inna and Stas Mikhailov

However, none of the love triangle said a bad word about each other. Inna met Stas at a time when she no longer lived with Andrei, but Mikhailov was married to another woman. The chanson king fell in love with Inna so much that he filed for divorce. However, Andrei Kanchelskis claims that his ex-wife began to have an affair with Stas Mikhailov even when she was married to him.

“Their romance happened at a time when we were still married. Inna confessed to treason herself. I offered to disperse peacefully, without trials. Therefore, I left an apartment in Moscow, a car, now we are arguing about my house in London. Inna has savings and it's not enough for her. She didn’t work a day during our 15-year marriage,” says Andrei.

“Inna is only interested in money, my ex-wife even filed a lawsuit to recover alimony from me, although I regularly paid them without a court decision! It is important for me that my children are well-fed, dressed and healthy,” says Andrei.

Inna was already present at Mikhailov's first solo concert in Moscow in 2006. They say that Stas himself came up to meet Inna after the concert, in a restaurant. After that, the romance began. At one of the concerts, the artist invited his beloved to the stage and presented to the public as a woman, to whom all his compositions are dedicated. At that time, the artist was not as in demand as he is today, he lived in a one-room rented apartment, where he brought Inna.

They say that Inna actually manages all the affairs of Stas Mikhailov, is his unspoken producer, who invested money in the performer. After a divorce from Kanchelskis, she received quite a few compensations, so she had the opportunity to spend money on a novice chansonnier. From here, supposedly, the artist’s steep rise began. However, Stas Mikhailov himself denies the information that he used his wife's money. At first, he was embarrassed by the fact that Inna had a larger fortune, but later he himself became rich.

After the divorce of her parents, Eva began to live with her mother and Stas, and Andrei Kanchelskis Jr. remained to study in London, but during the holidays he came to Moscow to Inna. By the way, both his father and Stas pay for his studies, since Inna does not work.

In August 2009, Inna gave birth to Stas' daughter Ivanna. It is noteworthy that the baby was born when her parents were not even married.

The wedding was played only in 2011. The event was celebrated royally. Stas Mikhailov, who in a few years made himself a dizzying career and became the richest musician in Russia according to Forbes magazine, spent half a million euros on the celebration.

The couple celebrated their wedding in the French mansion Château d "Esclimont, which is located in the Eclimo Valley near Paris, not far from the famous Versailles. Three dozen relatives and close friends were invited to the celebration, including the Gazmanov family, Taisiya Povaliy and Viktor Drobysh. The children also arrived in France - the son of Stas and Inna Gorb Nikita, the daughter of Mikhailov and Natalia Zotova Dasha, as well as the son of Inna Andrey and daughter Eva.

Communication with the press

Inna Mikhailova practically does not communicate with journalists and rarely gives interviews. However, on occasion, she always speaks of her husband and exclusively only good things. “I prefer to be in the shadow of my spouse. In family. I feel comfortable behind the wide and strong back of Stas ... ”, - says Inna.


In 2009, former spouses Inna and Andrey began to divide through the court the property acquired in marriage: apartments in Moscow and England, as well as expensive cars. Until the end, Kanchelskis' relationship was never found out, they communicate only through lawyers. Meanwhile, the former spouses started another argument. According to Andrei, Inna does not allow him to see his children often. The father meets with his son and daughter in fits and starts, but often calls up. He even sued to officially get the right to see the children and take them with him on vacation.