
Dream interpretation of a bear, why a bear dreams, a bear in a dream. Why does a woman dream of a bear: married, unmarried, pregnant - interpretation according to different dream books Dreaming of stroking a polar bear

according to Freud's dream book

Hunting a bear in a dream means you are seeking the favor of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. You often behave too aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away. Running away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments can be quite interesting, although not safe. Fighting a bear in a dream means you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners. Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream means you are experiencing painful difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which are difficult for you to overcome on your own. Try to find someone who will treat you with understanding and who can allay your fears.

Seeing a bear in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

It symbolizes the resurrection, the appearance in the spring from its winter den with a bear cub, a new life, and therefore initiation and rituals associated with the transition. In heroic myths, the bear is a solar symbol. In flood myths, he turns into a lunar one, associated with the moon goddesses Diana and Artemis. It is the emblem of the Kingdom of Persia and Russia. Alchemical meaning: nigredo from primordial matter. In the American Indian tradition it means supernatural strength, endurance, strength, tornado. Among the Celts it belongs to the lunar forces; attribute of the goddess Bern. For the Chinese, it represents strength and courage. In Christianity it means evil, the devil, cruelty, greed, carnal appetite. Bear cubs were believed to be born shapeless and were thus seen as a symbol of the transformative, regenerative power of Christianity over the pagans. It is the emblem of Saints Blandina, Gall, Florentin, and Maximus. David's fight with the bear symbolizes the conflict between Christ and the devil. Among the Greeks, the bear is dedicated to the lunar goddesses Artemis and Diana, and also serves as an attribute of Atalanta and Euphemia. The girls who took part in the rites of Artemis were called “bears” and wore yellow clothes imitating bear skin. Diana turned Callisto into a bear. For the Japanese, the bear symbolized goodwill, courage and strength. Among the Ainu, the bear is a cultural hero and divine messenger. Among the Teutons it is dedicated to Thor. The bear Atla personifies the feminine principle, and the bear Atli represents the masculine principle. For a shaman, a bear is a messenger of forest spirits.

Animals appear in dreams for a reason, especially a bear - an image that has rich mystical symbolism and many meanings. By remembering all the nuances of the dream, you will be able to understand why the bear appeared in the dream, whether you can or cannot run away from it, and whether it wants to attack. Esotericists explain interpretations of what you might dream about online completely free of charge.

Miller's dream book - why did you dream about the bear?

A person running away from a bear in a dream fears some kind of competition, in business or personal relationships. A dream about a bear brings difficulties into the life of the sleeper, but they are completely solvable. If you dream that instead of running you fought a bear, the problem will be eliminated; if the animal runs away and is afraid of you, do not expect problems in the near future, all paths are open.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why do you dream about a bear?

A bear in a dream means a wedding, groom or good luck; eating bear meat is considered an especially good sign. Therefore, if you dreamed of a bear meat dinner, expect success in all your endeavors. A running bear is not a very good dream, meaning that your happiness may go away for some reason, and an animal climbing a tree means you need to find a compromise and melt the ice in your heart.

Chinese dream book - dream bear

For the Chinese, a bear (like a dragon) is a noble animal that will bring replenishment to the family. Hiding bear - there will be problems with childbirth.

Freud's dream book - dreamed of a bear

The bear expresses feelings for the opposite sex or represents a partner. If in a dream you go bear hunting with a dog, in real life you will have to woo your chosen one or your chosen one, and fighting a big bear has the meaning of fighting hidden perverted desires. The hidden bear reflects the cowardice and self-doubt of the sleeper. Seeing a wounded animal in the forest means it will be very difficult to find a common language with the opposite sex. Dreaming that you are running away from a bear, or just a running bear promises strong passion or sex in an unexpected place that you will enjoy.

Loff's Dream Interpretation - Bear

A bear can bring joy or sorrow, depending on your attitude towards this animal. If the sleeper experiences fear and horror, it means waiting for bad news, and if not, the bear is dreamed of as an image of a wise man, an old man or a father.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - running away from a bear in a dream

A person running away from a bear in a dream is running from some kind of danger and in reality, to see that he has fallen into its clutches means that trouble cannot be avoided. Just a bear in your dream, not trying to encourage you to run away, promises you a huge cash win.

Dream Interpretation - Why do you dream about bears?

A dream in which you are running away from a bear gives rise to keen interest among many. For example, a bachelor fleeing and fleeing from an animal in a dream will soon get married, and a businessman must beware of risky deals and scams. A person running from a bear is almost always afraid of something in reality, so such a dream means a warning. A young unmarried girl who dreams that she is trying to escape from a bear in the city needs to beware of a rude admirer and try to “escape” from him in reality.

Why does a married woman dream about a bear?

A married woman who sees a bear in a dream is worried about the safety of her marriage and suspects the presence of a rival. The image of the bear is a woman who is trying to destroy a family. If you dream of a running away image, it means that you are trying to save a relationship; an attacking bear promises betrayal; a fight with a bear means you will meet a rival in reality.
Small children can see a bear in a dream, but in this case, it is most likely due to their impressions of a fairy tale or film. A dream about a bear cub on a bicycle is quite natural after a trip to the circus, which means nothing.
  • A polar bear chasing a sleeping girl is a suitor with a strong character running after her.
  • Brown (brown) is a danger and an unkind omen, especially if you dreamed that he was aggressive.
  • Black – material profit.
  • Two bears chasing each other is a confusing situation.
  • Seeing three bears is a good sign if they are calm, but if they are chasing you in a crowd, then only escape will save you.
  • Anyone who pulls out a tuft of bear fur will be successful in business.
Often a bear appears in dreams of indecisive individuals, people who are afraid to make independent decisions. If you dream of a bear waking you up - it’s time to take responsibility, if you bite your hand - a fatal mistake awaits you.

Video dream book: why did you dream about the bear?

An325 Reply

It's happening in the city. I’m going somewhere, not alone, there are people around, but I don’t remember them. We enter some kind of area that strongly resembles a bad football field, dusty ground, concrete blocks. In one of the niches formed by these blocks, I need to take some kind of bag, it seems with food, but when I go there, it turns out that there is a white bear cub sitting there. He jumps out from there and runs somewhere to the side.
Everyone runs away in different directions - including me, but there is no threat from the bear cub itself, everyone understands and says that this threat is from a she-bear, who will think that we have offended this bear cub.
She is not visible, but then, for the rest of the dream, I run away from this bear (for some reason she is brown), hiding in my neighbors’ apartment, behind an iron door.
When I am sitting in this apartment, suddenly a piece of the wall breaks through, which goes out onto the street, and I realize with horror that the bear has finally reached us, although this is some kind of high floor and it seems that this is not possible. But they tell me that this is my father, who has already calmed this bear and came to free us.

Alexander Reply

The bear cub and the bear in your dream are the same character at different points in time. The initial destruction is caused by the long-term suppression of mental life on the part of consciousness - this is how I would explain the gloomy technogenic (aka man-made) landscape. Sooner or later, this suppression (it does not last forever and ultimately leads to revolutions of the spirit) was bound to lead to the release of emotions. At first these were weak manifestations [the bear cub is white], but very quickly they gain strength, uncontrollability [the bear, for some reason brown] and you risk becoming obsessed with them. The latter is encrypted in the motive of escape [the rest of the dream, I run away from her]. Find liberation in the sphere of high self-convictions (conscience, morality) [this is some kind of high floor] and in turning to parental (educational) concepts [a piece of the wall breaks through - this is my father, who has already calmed this bear and came to free us].

Naina Reply

The bear as an animal symbolizes primitive strength, the power of the unconscious, as well as unpredictability, capriciousness, savagery and violence, all of which together often form our negative Shadow.

In children's dreams - very often parental (especially maternal) authority.

Shajid Reply

Hello Doctor I dreamed that a very large and angry bear was jumping onto my balcony from the roof of a neighboring one
at home and I'm trying to run away from him At this moment I woke up
but it was still a very unpleasant feeling. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Alexander Reply

There are two universal symbols in your dream: an angry animal and stalking. The second indicates that there are certain thoughts that you do not want to take into account in your waking state (deny). And the first indicates the nature of these thoughts. From time immemorial, the bear in fairy tales personified laziness and greed (a good example is the legend of the tops of the roots). Belonging to animals means that these thoughts are as straightforward, simple-minded and difficult to control as ordinary animals.
The psyche considers it important - albeit in symbolic form - to bring to consciousness what is happening in your soul.

Alexander Reply

bears attacked, some young man picked me up. For some reason he was so tall that I could climb a tree with his help, but as soon as I tried to jump onto some tree. a bear immediately tried to get in there. The bear tried to tear one boy (little) to pieces, but for some reason I needed him to be freed. I was scared, the only thing I remember is scary. the evil eyes of these bears. I’m 23 years old, I have a child... maybe it’s something to do with work

Fregat_091 Reply

Hello Oracle!
Today I had a fantastic dream:
I saw a surface completely covered with water and vegetation. Then I find myself in a building without a roof, instead of which (as I understood) there is some other world (perhaps parallel) - very colorful, beautiful, and it seems to be in a cloud. Then I look out the window of this building and see that soldiers are entering through it, but I don’t feel strange. I go out and walk along the corridor, where there are many rooms. I meet my work colleague, and she and I go to visit her parents, who live in one of these rooms.
After some time, I leave the building onto the street: a lot of greenery, warmth and sun. I’m walking down the street and come to an intersection: I see a huge bear walking towards me on its hind legs on the rough road. And I feel that there is someone else behind me. And this bear, coming closer, pounces on that other person. I'm scared, but I feel like I shouldn't show fear and run. I froze in place and didn’t even turn around. The bear came up to me, examined me, I no longer had such fear. Then another bear appeared, and they left together.

Tatoo114 Reply

I dream that a bear is dying in my arms. It’s happening in my apartment, and it’s as if this bear and I are connected by some kind of warm feelings for each other. Like those you feel for your beloved cat, who has been living at home for several years. Mom lies on the bed and with some anger tells me that that’s it, the bear is dying. And the bear himself lies on me all this time, as if hugging me for the last time before death, his strength is running out and such a sad, suffering look. I’m still afraid that he’s going to die now, and what to do with the corpse, and, to be honest, I’m a little uncomfortable that he might die in my arms, even though I love him. I had a dream in the morning, the bear never died. About myself: I'm 23, single, working and studying. What do I associate this dream with? Maybe because of fatigue (I always want to sleep), because I watched a pitiful film about death the day before, and, for some reason, sucking my little sister - I’m often afraid that something will happen to her.

Lena9 Reply

I'm walking along a familiar street and suddenly I see a big brown bear swaying on the asphalt. I panic and run. In one of the yards I see a dog (mongrel) and three puppies (Caucasians). I want to save them and I take them with me. Then I run into the yard of my aunt (my dear) and try to close the door behind me, but all the doors are without locks (this is true), I am very scared and I tell everything that happened to my aunt’s family. In the room I see my own grandmother alive and well, although she died 20 days ago. I'm playing with the puppies and the anxiety is going away a little. I go outside and feel like I’m being chased by a bear (although I don’t see him), I run back and don’t immediately find the entrance to the yard, finally I run into the house and close the door. At that moment, the window breaks and a bear climbs in, but not brown, but red and small and wearing a skirt (like circus bears). At that moment I woke up.

Als-1 Reply

I had a dream in the morning and I remembered it well. I'm in a room with a big brown bear. At the same time, I don’t feel a sense of fear, but I’m a little cautious with it. I play with it little by little. I want to feed him honey from a spoon, but I don’t show him the honey, because... I'm afraid the bear will take the can.

Darkin72 Reply

I’ve been dreaming for 4 years. I’m walking through the forest, alone, or with one of my closest relatives. I feel very confident. Suddenly, I turn my head and see a bear, I get scared, I turn my head and, no matter where I turn, I see bears. I start to run away, I’m terribly scared, I’m in a panic, but I always manage to get out to a safe place - this is where I always wake up.

An_nete Reply

I was walking along a country road and suddenly I saw in front of me the back of a bear walking on its hind legs, our common one from Central Russia. I got a little scared and, to be on the safe side, I went into someone else’s yard, opened the latch and went behind the gate, at that moment the bear turned and directed its search in my direction, there was a worry in its path, it stood up and began to look, trying, thinking how to overcome it, in A dog barked in the yard, and she continued to bark throughout her sleep. Suddenly I saw another bear, he also appeared near the fence at a short distance from the first one, only the second one was WHITE, he also wanted to overcome his worries and he had a clearly expressed sexual desire, he was literally rapping from these emotions and desires. Meanwhile, a brown, ordinary bear overcame the fence and entered the yard, then my grandmother appeared and moved the dog’s chain so that it could protect me. And the grandmother herself began to rake up dirt or leaves with the back of a rake, a brown bear joined her, this surprised me and I woke up. And before that, I saw a piece of a dream in which wolves are running and I shoot at one of them, and I see how he runs away into the bushes and along country roads...



Lanamoscow Reply

winter. My parents and I are running away from a dark bear, first in some country house, and then in a car. He is furious and I’m terribly scared, he rushes towards us at all the windows and doors, in the end my dad takes us away. I’m 26 years old. unmarried I live separately. I have my own apartment.

AnaLitik Reply

The image of “snow” - depending on the life context - indicates: stagnation, rigidity, frigidity or impotence. And bears sleeping under the snow symbolize positive, but unknown desires. We don’t want to wake them up, because they themselves awaken doubts and fears in us.

Orchid Reply


Rfycr-rambler-ru Reply

AnaLitik Reply

The New Year tree symbolizes duplicity and emotional and sensual attractiveness of the subject, communication with which leads to loss of energy. The bear is a positive attraction, which - due to its unknown nature - causes strong fear. As for the deceased friend, the witch, these are examples of night incubations. Behind this lies black vaginismus (a form of vampirism that occurs only among women) and the “old woman complex” implanted as a result of this communication. Details in the last two lessons of the oracle (about the matrix and about sex). See also Meneghetti’s book “Image and the Unconscious,” chapter 12, “Oneiric Incubations and Images of the Dead.”

Alexander Reply

A huge bear. He was eager to get into the room, but I was afraid of him because of his enormous size. Eventually he was put to sleep and became much smaller than he was. He was lying next to a dog that had already died 3 years ago. Female. 22

Alexander Reply

a brown bear was chasing people, there were even victims, but I didn’t see them, I remember that there was some strange sensation. It’s interesting that when people died there was no blood and I didn’t see the victims themselves. I’m 25 years old, I’m a woman, and I associate this dream with fear, but it’s not clear what kind.

Anita_ber-mail-ru Reply

I am 23 years old. In my dream, a bear tried to attack me. (I can’t say it was very scary). Hiding behind the door, I started feeding him pieces of raw meat. He calmed down. (I began to have positive emotions towards the animal) But suddenly, from around the corner, a white bull terrier attacks my little dog, who was with me (and exists in reality), and bites into her throat. (I can’t tell you how scared I was for her ) I just managed to free the dog. And I wake up. I would really like to know what my dream meant.

D-bars-narod-ru Reply

Sleep time is night. People are running down the street in panic, shouting: “Save yourself, bear”!!! I ran into the house and hid under the table with my mother. My house is on the edge of the village. I was very afraid that the bear would come. But curiosity overpowered me and I began to look out the window. The window is frozen in winter, you can’t see anything. I blew on it and it began to melt on that side too. There was a bear standing there and looking into my eyes. Huge, pink, glowing or shiny. He looked at me very carefully and breathed. But I could neither move nor scream. He could have broken the window and eaten me. But he looked sadly straight into my eyes, then turned around and left. I recently met a man with such eyes, a best friend who understands me in everything. Do you think I saw him in a dream or is it something else?

Alexander Reply

A large brown bear with large black claws - he is affectionate and gentle, like a kitten caressing, that you can stroke his nose and even give him a hand so that he bites lightly, somewhere nearby there is a wolf, more like a German shepherd - absolutely neutral, like bodyguard is nearby everywhere. Then we all end up in a large pit with low sides and the bear becomes aggressive - he tries to bite me, the wolf protects me from the bear, I dig out the pit, and the wolf growls and bites the bear

Malazverka Reply

I’m in a room that looks like a housing complex on the first floor of a five-story building, the windows are covered with bars, the interior is shabby. You can hear shouts on the street: “Bear! Bear!" I run out of the entrance and it’s true: amid the general commotion in the yard, a huge brown bear is crashing through the bushes and benches, huddling closer to the house. They somehow catch him unnoticed, inject him with sleeping pills, and now he is already lying in one of the rooms (or rather, in the recreation room) on a large examination table. (I saw this at the veterinary clinic when my cat was operated on half a month ago) The bear is lying on his back and his stomach is either torn open and hastily sewn up, or cut in several places, his entrails and blood are visible - the veterinarians are bending over him doctors. They are trying to help an animal that someone has mutilated. Somehow they pull out from under the skin at his withers... a wooden drawer, the kind that old kitchen tables are usually equipped with. And the box is full of dust - my heart sank with horror... I decide to leave and go around the table to return to the room where I was before the beast appeared. And at this moment the bear recovers from the anesthesia and sharply throws its paw in my direction. He touches the edge of my left palm with his long claws, long deep cuts remain, but there is no blood at all, even the skin does not turn red... the doctors worriedly ask if I need help. No, no, I wave my hand (it really doesn’t hurt me at all) I understand everything, take care of the poor bear, I tell them and go into a small room with tables, papers and a barred window. The sun is shining brightly. As soon as I close the door behind me, noise and screams are heard from the corridor. The bear begins to break into the door with terrible force. I lean on it with all my weight, trying to close it, and he sticks his paws into the crack, scratching his claws on the doorframe. The door (it is creamy in color) sags treacherously, it looks like it is made of plywood, or maybe plastic - there are obvious dents from paws on it. One thought is spinning in my head: I need to scream, call for help. It’s awkward for me, it’s unusual to scream out loud, but, on the other hand, I understand that this is the only thing I can (and should) do now. I start screaming “help!” At first not at full strength, and then louder and louder. My voice sounds clear and my soul suddenly feels light - the screaming takes over me and I scream louder and louder, then I scream at the top of my lungs! The next scene is the appearance of the “trainer”. The bear somehow dissolves by itself, the trainer quietly settles everything and now asks me with sincere concern how I feel. This is a young man unfamiliar to me in real life, short, slender with a shaved head. A bright moment - he helps me put on my shoes (I probably dropped them while fighting a bear) I don’t have shoes like these in my life - they are in the spirit of the 20s, with webbed... The trainer bends down and with soft, confident movements first puts them on me, and then fastens the buttons on the membranes. He and I go out into the street through the window (the bars have disappeared). Immediately outside the window is a forest path, flooded with sun, we slowly walk along it, as my (really) recently operated on cat is trailing behind us. End:)

emv Reply

I dreamed of a bear (brown with a gray-green tint) attacking me. I defended myself, hitting him hard on the nose, trying to level his nose with his face. Then I see not a bear, but a child (I think it’s a girl) and I continue to hit her on the nose. And in the dream I had an unpleasant feeling (I think I actually felt it), how can I beat a child so cruelly. I seemed to stop and it turns out that I seemed to be sculpting this nose. That is, apparently because of such an unpleasant sensation, I began to stroke this nose or try to sculpt it. The result was the correct shape, a beautiful nose. In general, everything that I managed to remember. In the morning the unpleasant feeling continued.

Lakshmi Reply

I remember very poorly the beginning of the dream. But what did not leave me indifferent when I woke up was: Me, my mother and my little brother, as usual, were traveling. It was in Poland. We walked along the streets among wooden residential houses (in our opinion , looks like a dacha village). We went to visit people, talked, learned how they live, their way of life, traditions. People were hospitable. The last place we went was a house with an area filled with beds and trees. The house was apparently , old, because he made an impression of, let’s say, hostility, disgust. The owner gave us water to drink, talked to us a little, told us what trees he grew and put us to bed. And then, a small, cute, affectionate brown bear cub jumped into my bed. Curled up in there was a lump on my tummy and so we fell asleep. I was overjoyed, I wanted to jump for joy, give him my love, take care of him. But then he left me. When I went outside and started looking for him, I discovered that he is nowhere to be found, but outside the territory there is a menacing big brown bear running around, ready to tear and throw everything in its path. I was very scared, but for some reason I needed to buy a razor with blades and shave. And I bravely went to the store. It’s strange, but the bear disappeared and my road was calm. And then the dream changed. But why did this bear cub affect me so much? Because a few days ago I also dreamed about him. I was in the field and I was surrounded by animals (all my dream friends) , and a little brown bear hugged me. And then I woke up happy from this hug. Alena, 22 years old. I would like to know from you what this dream could be connected with. Otherwise, if I knew, I would hardly have written here. Thank you.

Bear in a dream - Polar bear- this is a warning sign, maybe they are trying to deceive you.
A polar bear seen in a dream foretells happiness, success in life, help and protection of influential people.
A bear's den means big troubles associated with the cruelty of loved ones.
Fight a bear in a dream- to uncertainty about everything. Such a dream warns that you should not rely on someone else’s help to make an important decision.
Seeing a polar bear in a dream- to happiness and prosperity.
Seeing a friendly bear in a dream that is not trying to attack means that you will have a quick meeting with an important person, marriage or a big celebration.
Seeing a bear in a circus arena in a dream- to empty troubles.
You run a high risk of being deceived if you take everything you wish for reality.
Stroking a bear in a dream- to good luck.
A formidable bear in your dream foretells that in real life you will have to fight, compete, and defend your interests. This litigation will not be easy.
For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a bear promises trouble.
If you dreamed about a lot of bears, it means that an exciting journey or an unforgettable adventure awaits you.
If you dreamed that you met a bear, but he was not going to attack you, then everything is not so bad in your affairs.
If you dreamed that you were hunting a bear, it means that you are in danger.
If you dreamed of a bear with its offspring, this is a sign of profit.
If you managed to defeat him, then in the real world you will be able to successfully confront your enemies.
If in a dream you happen to see a killed or wounded bear, it means that you are experiencing some difficulties in communicating with members of the opposite sex. So try to find a person who will understand you and completely dispel all your far-fetched fears.
If in a dream you manage to kill a bear, then in reality you will be able to find a solution to a situation that at first seemed hopeless to you.
If in a dream you are hunting a bear, then in reality you are trying to win the favor of a person who, alas, does not pay the slightest attention to you. In a word, try to moderate your ardor, otherwise you risk completely scaring off this person.
If in a dream you are friends with a bear, it means that you will soon have to repent of something. Although sometimes such a dream foreshadows meeting a good person.
If in a dream you pretended to be dead so as not to become a victim of a bear, in reality this may mean a difficult life situation that you can easily cope with. Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face injustice.
If in a dream you are running away from a bear, this means that you will soon meet a not very pleasant person.
If in a dream you saw the image of a bear, then often such a dream personifies in our subconscious well-known folk expressions, such as “a disservice” or “sharing the skin of an unkilled bear” and they are the answer to such a dream.
If in a dream a bear attacked you, it means that in reality you will face losses.
If a young woman saw a bear in a dream, this promises her the appearance of a strong rival. Jealousy and the possibility of losing her beloved man will darken her life.
If a young woman dreams of a bear, it means she has a rival.
There is a bear in a dream- to the feast.
Bear with cubs- a strong family, happiness and health of your household.
The bear is the personification of strength, cruelty, evil, and rudeness.
A bear attacking you indicates the presence of a strong enemy in your life, which will bring a lot of troubles and problems.
A bear that wins a fight with you symbolizes the victory of the enemies’ machinations and the fact that you will not be able to stop them any time soon.
A wounded animal indicates that your honor will suffer due to the gossip of envious people. Surely you will not be surprised to learn that the bear is a clear symbol of struggle.
Kill a bear in a dream- to victory in the fight against enemies.
Kill a bear in a dream- a difficult life situation that arises in reality will be easily resolved by you. You can find the best way out of a sticky situation.
The skin of a polar bear symbolizes that in reality you will still be able to defeat your enemies.

The image of a bear in various cultures is seen as a symbol of brute strength and power. It is often used in heraldry and symbolism. At the same time, in folklore, a bear is often a wise companion of the main positive character. But what does it mean to dream about a bear? Let's talk about this in the article.

The meaning of the image of a bear in a dream

The first interpretations of the image of a bear in a dream are attributed to the ancient Slavs. Our ancestors interpreted this symbol exclusively from the point of view of pagan beliefs and esotericism. It should be clarified that the esoteric rationale for dreams about a bear persisted until the middle of the 21st century and the development of psychiatry and psychology. At this time, the opinions of dream researchers were divided into esoteric and psychoanalytic positions.

However, both psychoanalysts and esotericists are of the opinion that a bear cannot just be a dream. Scientists consider this image as a reflection of recent emotions and fears experienced by a person, mystics - as a warning about future things. To know for sure what the bear was about in your dream, you should take into account the features of the dream plot, namely:

  • Type and other characteristics of the dreamed animal;
  • Actions of a bear or cub in a dream;
  • Human actions in a dream.

Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the image of a bear in a dream for each of these points.

By appearance and other characteristics

The sight of a bear in a dream is of great importance for deciphering the dream. Thus:

  • If you dream polar bear(polar), Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets this as love towards the dreamer of a person close to him. However, according to Vanga’s dream book, such a dream means that you should expect deception from some people. The dream book also promises disappointment, the reason for which will be the unwillingness of the sleeper to accept reality as it is;
  • Brown bear or grizzly bear in a dream often means the appearance of an enemy in life, especially if the animal behaves aggressively. If A woman dreams of a brown bear, then its meaning in the dream book may have a dual meaning. This is a fairly common occurrence in a dream, which can mean not only an enemy, but also a courageous lover. If you dream of brown bear cubs relieving themselves in the dreamer's house, this means that you should be wary of betrayal from people who seem harmless;
  • If you dreamed black bear, the dream foretells bad news. Perhaps a conspiracy is being prepared against the person who dreams about this, as a result of which he will lose his job and other privileges.

The condition, physical and behavioral characteristics of the animal are also of great importance:

  • Strong a beast in a dream has several meanings. It can personify your willpower or be a prototype of a powerful enemy. A full interpretation depends on the actions of the animal and the person in the dream;
  • Sick a bear or a bear cub means loss of strength, depression and the development of an emotional personality disorder (according to the Psychiatric Dream Book);
  • Wounded a beast in a dream speaks of your personal complexes and problems that you are afraid to tell a loved one about;
  • Killed in a dream, a bear, according to Freud’s dream book, means a significant difficulty in communicating with the opposite sex;
  • Wicked the bear symbolizes an enemy or a significant obstacle in your life path;
  • Affectionate or trained a bear cub in a dream means that you have literally tamed your enemies, and they are no longer afraid of you.

When interpreting a dream about bears, it is also important to take into account the size of the animal. Little bears often mean minor events or people who are weak and need protection. In the same time A big bear is a symbol of a large-scale event or a powerful personality.

According to the actions of a bear in a dream

The actions of a bear in a dream are one of the keys to deciphering a dream. If the animal:

  • Chasing an unmarried girl in her dream, she should wait for a temperamental suitor to appear, and if she hides from him, the suitor will be rude and poorly mannered;
  • Chases or attacks a man this is a symbol of fear before marriage;
  • Dancing and entertaining the audience, the dream means that the dreamer will soon meet a romantic person. The second interpretation of such a plot (according to Tsvetkov’s dream book) is receiving a large loan;
  • Sucking paw- according to the Psychiatric Dream Book, you will be denied the help you need;
  • Becomes at full height the dream means that you are striving for a goal that scares and fascinates you at the same time;
  • Beckons the dreamer you will soon be offered another job;
  • Bites the dreamer according to Velesov’s dream book, a big win awaits a person in reality;
  • Empties Hidden enemies have appeared in your surroundings.

If you dreamed mother bear protecting her cubs a dream means the appearance of a serious and influential rival or even an enemy desperately defending his interests. If the bear is calm and her cubs are walking next to the dreamer, this is a good sign for a person who dreams of a child. Soon his wish will come true.

According to a person's actions in a dream

The second key to deciphering a dream about a bear or cub is the actions of a person in relation to the animal. Thus:

  • Tease the animal in a dream means making an enemy in real life through one’s own fault. Be careful, you are playing with fire;
  • Kill the bear in a dream means that in real life you will be able to find a decent way out of an unfavorable situation;
  • Fear the bear or a bear cub in a dream for a woman it means that a rival has appeared in her life, and the dreamer is worried that she will seduce her loved one;
  • Hide from the beast in a dream it means in reality to get bogged down in an unpleasant and toxic relationship (according to the Romantic Dream Book);
  • Play dead seeing a mother bear with cubs is a sign that you are very resourceful, smart and able to cope with any situation;
  • Fight the bear in a dream means in reality facing blatant injustice. However, you will be able to defend your rights. If you defeat the beast, you can defeat your enemy in reality;
  • Hunt an animal according to Freud’s dream book, it means that you are trying to achieve the affection of a person indifferent to your feelings;
  • Eat bear meat according to the Dream Book of the 21st century, it means to appropriate the personal belongings of the enemy. Drinking the milk of a bear means a humiliating handout from an enemy;
  • Watch a bear fight means in reality to face a powerful enemy face to face;
  • Processing bear skin in a dream means to get involved in a futile dispute in reality, which will turn into a big conflict with friends.

The meaning of a dream in which the dreamer running away from the bear depends on the type of animal. If you're running away from polar bear, the dream book promises a positive period in the life of the sleeper. Although this dream is also interpreted differently, representing a warning of impending trouble. Therefore, you should be serious when solving life's issues.

Trying to escape from grizzly- to failures on the love front. Run away from black bear, is tantamount to trying to close your eyes to life's problems. You shouldn’t shy away from their solution, you need to pull yourself together and try to fix everything before the situation gets worse.

Interpretation of the image according to different dream books

The interpretation of the image of a bear according to different dream books differs depending on which method of interpretation is preferred by its authors. Therefore, for the most effective interpretation of a dream, it is recommended to study both esoteric and psychoanalytic dictionaries of dream interpretation.

  • Miller's Dream Book. The famous psychoanalyst considers the image of an animal in a dream as a subconscious manifestation of intuition;
  • Freud's Dream Book. Sigmund Freud considers this symbol from the point of view of sexology and romantic relationships;
  • Loff's Dream Book. According to this author, a bear in a dream is a reflection of real emotions and sensations, sometimes being a signal of an incipient disease.
  • Dream book of the 21st century. The latest interpretive dictionary, providing the most complete interpretation of the image of a bear in a dream;
  • Vanga's dream book. The Bulgarian soothsayer provides a personal interpretation of the animal seen in a dream;
  • Slavic dream book. The oldest existing dictionary of interpretation. Recommended for those who are close to Slavicism and paganism.

To determine the optimal interpretation for your sleep, also pay attention to your own feelings and physical condition. It is especially important to take into account how you felt and what you were thinking about the day before the dream.