
Divnogorsk Medical College lists of applicants. College is not only classes, tests and exams

Telephone admissions committee+7 908 223 9334

Opening hours of the admissions office: Monday - Friday from 8:30 to 17:00; Closed Saturday - Sunday

Required documents upon admission:

application in a single form;

educational document (original and copy);

medical certificate in form 086-u;

medical policy (copy);

4 photos 3/4;

copy of SNILS;

vaccination certificate (copy);

When submitting documents, you must present your passport and military ID (for those liable for military service).

Dormitory accommodation is provided to all non-resident students.

The nurse represents the most widespread medical profession. She has four main responsibilities:
· maintain health;
· prevent diseases;
· restore health;
· alleviate suffering.
Admission: on the basis of basic general education (9 classes)

The paramedic has practical skills that give him the opportunity to work independently:
· at the paramedic-midwife station;
· at an ambulance station;
· at a health center of an industrial enterprise;
· in children's schools and preschool institutions;
· in functional diagnostic rooms.
The paramedic independently receives patients and provides them with emergency care, takes part in medical examination and rehabilitation of patients and actively promotes a healthy lifestyle.
Admission: on the basis of complete general education (11 grades)
Duration of study: 3 years 10 months (full-time)
Admission is based on an education document (certificate)

2017 is an anniversary year for one of the oldest and respected educational institutions of secondary vocational education in our city - Divnogorsk Medical College (DMT). 50 years ago, in 1967, the technical school (then still a school) opened its doors and recruited the first group of students - future workers in healthcare institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Since then, certified nurses and paramedics graduate every year from the technical school, replenishing the staff of dozens of medical organizations in our region and neighboring regions. On the eve of the holiday, we met and talked with the director of the technical school, Valery Appolonovich Tarasov.

– Valery Appolonovich, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the technical school there is a reason to remember how it all began...

– Yes, this academic year marks the 50th anniversary of our educational institution. And it all started back in 1967. The order to create a medical school in the city of Divnogorsk was issued on July 1, 1967, training sessions began on October 1. The school was given buildings at the address: st. Shkolnaya, No. 21, 23, and 30, where the Divnogorsk City Hospital was previously located. Within a month, the first director, Viktor Georgievich Teterin, needed not only to equip the classrooms with appropriate equipment, but also, most importantly, to create a teaching team - a team of like-minded people and enthusiasts of their work. Professional doctors had to become real teachers, as this was the key to the viability and authority of the educational institution. The first teachers were doctors from the Divnogorsk City Hospital, including the chief physician - surgeon Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivanova, phthisiatrician L.I. Shoshin, surgeon V.P. Shustov, laboratory doctor L.I. Chernonog, general practitioner T.Ya. Volkov. The first subject teachers were R.M. Fokina, V.P. Putivskaya, E.G. Averchenko and others. In total, at that time there were 7 full-time teachers. The first set - 90 nurses and 90 paramedics - a total of 180 people. To date, the number of graduates has amounted to 5,746 people.

– There have been several moves in the history of the educational institution. This was during the period when the school (and then the technical school) was headed by you. What has changed since these housewarmings?

– Yes, we changed location twice. In 1995, the building was transferred to us
on the street Parkovaya, 10, where school No. 1 was previously located. This made it possible to significantly improve our material and technical base. In 2016, we moved to the building of the former vocational lyceum No. 30 on the street. Chkalova, 59. Earlier, in 2015, the technical school was also given a dormitory on the street. Chkalova, 49. Now we have a single educational complex, which has improved the living conditions of students and the organization of the educational process.

– You train personnel for medical institutions of our city, region, as well as neighboring regions. Who helps the technical school in training specialists?

– Today, the technical school trains nurses based on 9 classes and paramedics based on 11 classes. For several years, the technical school trained obstetricians for the Divnogorsk maternity hospital and regional institutions. Today, a significant part of the medical staff of the Divnogorsk Interdistrict Hospital are our graduates, and 16 graduates of the technical school work as doctors. They graduated from our educational institution and then entered a university and became doctors. The training of specialists is carried out by 35 full-time teachers, and classes are also taught by doctors from the city hospital. We have a good understanding with the management and staff of the hospital. I would especially like to note the help and support of the hospital’s chief physician, Viktor Mikhailovich Keush. They provide us with support and assistance in training qualified specialists.

– Where do graduates of the Divnogorsk Medical College work?

– Our specialists work in all medical organizations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. For 15 years, boys and girls from Tyva and Khakassia have been coming to us to study, and there are students from the Irkutsk region and Yakutia. Two of our former graduates currently live and work in Germany and Norway. We keep in touch with graduates and are waiting for them at the anniversary celebrations on October 27.

– In your opinion, how in demand is the DMT diploma in medical institutions of the region?

– Our specialists are in demand everywhere, and technical school graduates are always gladly hired. We conduct surveys in medical organizations where our graduates work, and they receive good reviews.

– Nursing staff is the backbone of any medical institution. They care for the sick, perform medical procedures, and sometimes even see patients themselves. Have their functions changed over time?

– Previously, nurses and paramedics were primarily physician assistants. Currently, the status has changed - they are independent workers within their competence. Paramedics working in rural areas, at first aid stations, and in ambulances are in great demand. Unfortunately, some medical institutions in rural areas are closing...

– ...But not in the municipality of Divnogorsk. Currently there is a first-aid post in Ust-Man and a medical center in Ovsyanka. Recently a private medical center opened in Divnogorsk. Your graduates have a place to use their knowledge and skills.

- Yes it is. But at the same time, the local hospital lacks nurses and paramedics. This is explained by the fact that some graduates find work in hospitals and private medical centers in Krasnoyarsk, where salaries are higher. I hope that in our country more attention will be paid to medicine and the salaries of nursing staff and doctors will begin to increase. Previously, we had targeted training for specialists. They came from the regions and then had to return back and work for several years. Now this is not the case; we have free distribution after graduation.

– Valery Appolonovich, please remind me how long have you been running the technical school?

– In October 1980, by order of the Russian Ministry of Health, I was fired from the sanitary and epidemiological station
Divnogorsk and was appointed director of the then Divnogorsk Medical School. And I have been working in this position for 37 years.

– What has changed at the technical school during this time?

– Firstly, we have “grown” in square meters. In old buildings on the street. We occupied 1,800 sq. m. of the school building. m, on the street Parkovaya – 4.5 thousand sq. m, and here, on Chkalov, it’s already 8 thousand square meters. meters. The teaching staff has changed. Today, most of our teachers are of the highest and first categories. The competition for admission to technical school has also increased. Last year it amounted to 3.0 people per place in both specialties. Unfortunately, there are still problems with the provision of equipment, visual aids, and computer technology. These issues have to be resolved through extrabudgetary funds.

– Of course, the technical school staff does a lot of work with technical school students. Many teachers have been working for decades...

- Yes it is! I will name the names of our honored teachers and specialists. This is Galina Aleksandrovna Gatilova, who has been teaching at the technical school since 1980. Svetlana Ivanovna Greshilova – deputy director for scientific and methodological work – has been at the technical school since 1991. Deputy for educational work Maria Viktorovna Plint, teachers Elena Vladimirovna Kazak, Marina Nikolaevna Kameneva, Tatyana Viktorovna Shidey have been working for a long time... Yes, many names can be named! I am grateful to everyone for their work, for the quality training of specialists, for their help and support.

– On behalf of the editors of our newspaper, I congratulate you and the entire workforce of the Divnogorsk Medical College on your anniversary! We wish you further prosperity and success in training specialists for our medicine.


Teachers say:

T.V. Shiday, English teacher since 2004:

– In addition to teaching English, I involve students in youth activities in the city. This is a volunteer movement, student government, KVN. We are working on projects in Territory 2020. Recently, the “Bridge of Good” project of third-year student Elizaveta Dorovskikh won a grant, and Elizaveta herself took 2nd place in the “Volunteer of the Krasnoyarsk Territory 2017” competition. Since 2011, our technical school began to participate in KVN. The “DMT Team” team constantly participates in city and regional events as part of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. This year we reached the finals of the Krasrab regional league on the right bank of Krasnoyarsk and are preparing to participate in the KVN on the Yenisei league. Since 2015, I have been the head of the flagship KVN program from the city Youth Center “Divny”. Our volunteers cooperate with the Youth Center; we participate in all events that are held in the city. The most active students of the technical school head the flagship programs in the city - Sofya Takhtobina and Maria Admaeva. Our guys also enjoy working with children and conduct lessons on traffic rules with younger schoolchildren. Our student life is in full swing!

Elena Sergeevna Saraeva, teacher of the disciplines “Basics of Prevention” and “Nursing in Therapy”, head of the volunteer team “Knowledge is Power”:

– Our squad was created within the framework of the international project “Peers Teaching Peers.” On the basis of an agreement between DLT and DGET, our students are engaged in educational activities with students of educational institutions of the city on the issues of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The squad has existed since 2015, and the feedback after the classes is very positive. Questionnaires are always conducted before and after classes. And we see that the level of knowledge among young people is gradually increasing. There are about 20 people in our squad, all 3rd year students. By participating in this work, they learn to carry out preventive measures for the population.

Tatyana Viktorovna Chervyakova, chairman of the DMT trade union committee:

– In October it was 5 years since I worked at the technical school. Our task is to protect the socio-economic rights of technical school employees and students, and resolve conflict situations between students and teachers. The trade union now consists of more than half of the full-time workforce.

Membership in our union also means spa treatment, payment for expensive medical examinations (for example, MRI, interest-free loans). The trade union holds various events and “Healthy Lifestyle” campaigns in the technical school, city and region. Twice we went to sports competitions among colleges and took prizes. At the Second Krasnoyarsk Festival of Arts for Medical Students and Medical Workers - in March 2017 - our teacher Marina Nikolaevna Kameneva won the creative competition and took part in the gala concert. The technical school staff is my family, and I love everyone very much.

Tatyana Sergeevna Osipova, teacher of social disciplines, has been working at the technical school for more than 30 years, one of the best curators of DMT:

– After graduating from Tomsk State University, she worked at a school, then at the Abakan Museum of Local Lore. And after moving to Divnogorsk in 1985, she came to the technical school. History and social studies are subjects that instill patriotism in students, love for their country, and help them understand what happened and is happening in the world and in the country. My students and I discuss important events in history. For example, the October Revolution of 1917, the 100th anniversary of which we will soon celebrate. Everyone actively participates in discussions and expresses their point of view. For many years I have been leading the “Chronicle” circle, where my students and I study the history of our technical school, the city of Divnogorsk and the region.

I do the work of a curator, which is also very important. Students in my groups not only study well, but are also active participants in extracurricular activities in the technical school and city. Most of the alumni keep in touch with me over the years, and on the occasion of the 50th anniversary, many are planning to come. Our team is my second family. Everyone here is my friends and well-wishers.

Elena Aleksandrovna Bolsunovskaya, deputy director for academic affairs, has been working at the technical school for 18 years:

– Our technical school’s diploma is in demand, enrollment is constantly growing. For two years in a row, the competition is limited to 3 people per place. Our education is one of the most difficult, and a medical worker is a profession that you study throughout your life. Today we have 532 students studying, 130 in general medicine (future paramedics) and more than 400 in nursing. During this time, students have changed very much, they have become more relaxed, they communicate on equal terms with teachers. And approaches to teaching are also changing, interactive forms of classes are being introduced: debates, quests, solving practical problems. In general, education at the technical school is practice-oriented. Of course, some students drop out, this is about 7% annually. But many then recover, since medical education is always very popular. As a rule, we receive targeted students who want to study here. After graduation, 80% of graduates are employed in medical institutions, and some of them enter medical universities. Our specialists work throughout the Krasnoyarsk Territory and beyond.

Tatyana Aleksandrovana Snytko, head of practical training, 32 years at the technical school:

– We organize practical work for technical school students. After classes at the technical school, practice takes place - educational and industrial. We work closely with part-time teachers and doctors at the Divnogorsk Interdistrict Hospital. Students' practical training takes place on the basis of medical institutions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia, and Tyva, with which we have concluded agreements. In total we have 72 contracts. Of course, the basic medical institution is the Divnogorsk Interdistrict Hospital. The technical school has a simulation room where all the necessary models are collected, and students practice practical skills there until they become automatic. For many years, Divnogorsk Medical College has been one of the top three leaders in the region in terms of professional skills, and this year the regional professional skills competition will be held on the basis of the technical school. Previously, our students became prize-winners in such competitions. For example, Dmitry Goryachkin became the winner, Natalia Kaurova took second place, and Alena Dardzhieva took third place. Last year, for the first time, we participated in the regional championship “Young Professionals” “WorldSkils Russia”, and our student Vladimir Sagalakov took a worthy second place, losing only one point to the winner.

from the history of Divnogorsk Medical College

On June 1, 1967, an order was signed in the regional health department
Krasnoyarsk on the opening of the Divnogorsk Medical School.
Viktor Georgievich Teterin, a doctor, was appointed the first director.
a neurologist by training and an enthusiast of his field. The school is located on the street. The school building is in the former buildings of the city hospital, which moved into the newly built new building.
In 1970, the first graduation of paramedical workers took place. They dispersed to all regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and beyond. Half of the graduates of this class graduated with honors.
In 1971, the obstetric department opened. In the same year, we began training nurses.
Since 1980, the school was headed by Valery Appolonovich Tarasov. The number of students increased to 300 people.
In 1987, the school already had 30 full-time teachers, of which 2 were excellent students in healthcare, 3 excellent students in secondary specialized education, 2 Honorary Citizens of the city, 5 had government awards. The total output was 2,500 specialists.
In 1992, the medical school again organized training for paramedics (on the basis of 11 classes) and nurses (on the basis of 9 classes).
In 1995, the school moved to a new building on the lower building of the city (former school No. 1), and the total area expanded to 4,482 thousand square meters. m. As a result, 22 specialized classrooms began to function.
In 2001, the medical school passed certification and accreditation and received the right to train paramedical workers with the qualifications “Nurse” and “Paramedic”.
In 2005, the number of graduates was 4,529 specialists. At the Divnogorsk City Hospital, DMU graduates make up 60% of the nursing staff. Of the technical school graduates, 16 people became doctors of various specialties.
In 2009, the school received the status of a technical school and became known as the regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education “Divnogorsk Medical College”.
In 2014, the technical school switched to training students according to the requirements of the new federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 31.02.01 “General Medicine” and in the specialty 34.02.01 “Nursing”.
In 2016, the technical school significantly improved its material and technical base, having received a new registration at the address - st. Chkalova, 59 and a student dormitory for 300 people.
DMT turns 50 in 2017! The teaching staff consists of 35 people with higher professional education. Of these, 62% have the first and highest qualification category. At the technical school
532 students are studying from many regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republics of Tyva and Khakassia. Over 50 years, 5,746 graduates received diplomas of nurses, midwives and paramedics, 707 of them with honors.

The technical school met all expectations

DMT students say:

Yulia Chebodaeva, group 411:

– I want to say a huge thank you to the teachers - for being patient, understanding, teaching...

Nikita Rumyantsev, group 411:

– Congratulations to the technical school on its anniversary! To all teachers - nerves of steel, great prospects, talented students. Let our technical school prosper and provide new competent specialists.

Alina Kapluk, group 111:

– Very good technical school! The teachers are all good! Very interesting events!

Anastasia Belts, group 112:

– Divnogorsk Medical College is the most wonderful place with kind teachers and sociable students, a place where they will always help.

Natalia Dolgova, Anastasia Cherevichina, group 101:

– Divnogorsk Medical College met all expectations. We have the most understanding teachers, good technical equipment. We love studying here, the classes are always interesting. And we can say for sure: we have the best curator. Only success awaits us ahead! We wish prosperity to our technical school!

Dasha Reshetnikova, group 112 gr.:

– The teachers here are responsive, smart, some are even very kind, sweet and funny. Here they monitor discipline and make sure there is no absenteeism. I like studying here! And the cloakroom attendants are very nice and friendly - they will help you find if you have lost something...

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Medical professions are the most necessary and humane on earth. Some of them can be obtained not only at a university, but also at a college after completing 9 years of study in a secondary school. How to become a student at a secondary specialized educational organization, from which specialties you can choose - questions that arise for many applicants who want to enroll in medical school. college after 9th grade. They have to be sorted out.

Honey. college after 9th grade: specialties, choice of future profession

If you have already decided to go to college, then first of all you should decide on your specialty. For applicants who have completed 9 grades in a comprehensive school, secondary specialized educational organizations offer the following main areas of training:

  • "Nursing."
  • "Midwifery."


Many applicants upon admission to medical school. College after 9th grade choose the direction of training “Nursing”. During their first and second semesters, students study general education subjects that they would have studied in grades 10 and 11. In the second year, professional disciplines begin to be taught (anatomy, physiology, fundamentals of nursing). In the final years, nursing is studied in specific areas of medicine (pediatrics, surgery).

Graduates of "Nursing" receive the qualification or medical brother. After receiving a diploma, young specialists are employed in clinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, and private medical centers.


A very noble, important and most beautiful medical profession is the midwife. Thanks to her, new lives are born. Speaking figuratively, we can say that the midwife has all of humanity in her hands. This profession can be obtained by choosing any honey. college after 9th grade. All educational institutions have a training direction “Midwifery”.

In this specialty in all universities, the educational process is structured according to lectures and seminars. Students undergo practical training several times during their studies. It is carried out in antenatal clinics. Students also visit regular hospitals and oncology clinics.

Other areas of training

Specialties related to nursing and midwifery are available in every medical secondary specialized educational institution. Some applicants are offered other areas of training, but this depends on the university. Some educational organizations do not have a wide range of specialties, so this is worth taking into account. What additional specialties can be offered? Here is the answer to this question:

Entrance tests and passing scores

A few years ago it was quite difficult to get into any school. It was necessary to take biology and Russian. Now the conditions for admission to educational institutions have changed. There are no entrance tests for general education subjects (since there are no exams, the question of passing scores becomes irrelevant). The only condition that must be met before entering medical college after 9th grade is to pass a written psychological test. It allows you to find out whether applicants have the physical and psychological qualities that are simply necessary in medicine.

What traits should be present in a person who wants to devote his life to medicine? Here are the main qualities:

  • affectionateness;
  • tenderness;
  • mercy;
  • compassion;
  • politeness;
  • responsibility;
  • limitless patience.

Collection of necessary documents

When a specialty has been chosen and all questions regarding admission have been clarified, you should begin collecting documents. For admission to medical school. College after 9th grade required:

  • photo cards measuring 3 by 4 cm;
  • an application addressed to the director indicating a specific specialty;
  • original or copy of passport;
  • original or copy of the certificate;
  • certificate of completion of a mandatory medical examination.

City 663О9О, Divnogorsk
Address st. Shkolnaya, p. 21
Telephone 8(39144) 3-74-36, 3-31-1 ABOUT , 3-74-23
Fax 8(39144) 2-2О-53
Email mail [email protected] , [email protected]
Web site
Study mode Mon-Fri: O8.3O—16.3O

On June 1, 1967, an order was signed by the regional health department to open a medical school in the city of Divnogorsk, and from September 1, 120 students of the paramedic department began classes in grades 8 and 10. In the spring of 1967, the Divnogorsk Central City Hospital moved to a new modern building, where all structural units began to function. (photo 7) The school is located in three two-story buildings on Shkolnaya Street, which were previously occupied by a hospital. In 1977, the training of students in the obstetrics and nursing departments began.

The technical school trains medical workers in the following specialties:

060109 - "Nursing"; qualification - "Nurse"

The nurse represents the most widespread medical profession. She has four main responsibilities:

  • maintain health;
  • prevent diseases;
  • restore health;
  • alleviate suffering.

060101-52 - "Medicine"; qualification - "Paramedic"

Duration of study: 3 years 10 months (full-time)

The paramedic has practical skills that give him the opportunity to work independently:

  • at the paramedic-midwife station;
  • at an ambulance station;
  • at a health center of an industrial enterprise;
  • in children's schools and preschool institutions;
  • in functional diagnostic rooms.

The paramedic independently receives patients and provides them with emergency care, takes part in medical examination and rehabilitation of patients and actively promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Hippocratic Oath

  • I swear by Apollo the physician, Asclepius, Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses,taking them as witnesses, fulfill honestly, according to my strength and my understanding, the following oath and written obligation: to honor the one who taught me on an equal basis with my parents, to share my wealth with him and, if necessary, to help him in his needs;

In Russia, the “Oath of the Doctor of the Soviet Union,” approved in 1971, was replaced in the mid-1990s by the “Oath of the Russian Doctor,” and in 1999, the State Duma adopted and President Boris Yeltsin signed a new text of the “Oath of the Doctor,” which newly minted doctors give in a solemn atmosphere when receiving their diploma.

The doctor's oath as revised in 1999

  • Upon receiving the high title of doctor and starting my professional activities, I solemnly swear:
  • honestly perform your medical duty, devote your knowledge and skills to the prevention and treatment of diseases, preserving and strengthening human health;
  • be always ready to provide medical care, maintain medical confidentiality, treat the patient with care and attention, act exclusively in his interests, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, affiliation to public associations, as well as other circumstances;
  • show the highest respect for human life, never resort to euthanasia;
  • remain grateful and respectful to your teachers, be demanding and fair to your students, and promote their professional growth;
  • treat colleagues kindly, turn to them for help and advice if the interests of the patient require it, and never refuse help and advice from colleagues;
  • constantly improve your professional skills, protect and develop the noble traditions of medicine
  • - I swear.

Admissions Committee Contacts Divnogorsk Medical College

Divnogorsk, st. Chkalova 59


Responsible secretary of the admissions committee: Tatyana Viktorovna

Admissions office opening hours
8:00 to 16:30 Monday to Friday from June 20 to August 10.

Documents for admission for citizens of the Russian Federation
List of documents required

for admission:

1. Original and photocopy of a document proving his identity and citizenship;

2. Original and photocopy of the document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications;

3. 4 photos;

4. A copy of the medical policy;

5. A copy of the vaccination certificate;

6. Conclusion based on the results of a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination).
7. SNILS (copy)

Requirements for medical examinations for minors (under 18 years of age):

Pediatric surgeon
Pediatric dentist
Pediatric urologist - andrologist
Pediatric endocrinologist
Teenage psychiatrist

General blood analysis
Clinical urine analysis
Blood glucose test
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, heart, thyroid gland and reproductive organs
digital fluorography (from 15 years old)
Reason: Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2012 N 1346n “On the procedure for minors to undergo medical examinations, including upon admission to educational institutions and during the period of study in them.”

Requirements for mandatory medical examination (over 18 years of age)

Applicants to college must undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination).

List of specialist doctors:

Expert in narcology
Infectious disease specialist (on the recommendation of medical specialists involved in preliminary and periodic medical examinations)
List of laboratory and functional studies:

clinical blood test (hemoglobin, color indicator, red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, leukocyte formula, ESR)
Clinical urine analysis (specific gravity, protein, sugar, sediment microscopy)
digital fluorography or radiography in 2 projections (direct and right lateral) of the lungs
biochemical screening (serum glucose, cholesterol)
examination of women by an obstetrician-gynecologist with bacteriological (for flora) and cytological (for atypical cells) studies
blood test for syphilis
smears for gonorrhea
studies for carriage of intestinal pathogens and serological examination for typhoid fever
helminthiasis tests
For stateless persons and persons with special rights upon admission, there is a different list of documents.

How to get there:
taxi, on foot

Cost at paid branch:
Department of Nursing - 32,000 rub. per year department; General medicine - 33,000 rubles. in a year.